• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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384. Counter Breaching.

-Equus, Outskirts of Ponyville, Morning, Cottage, Fluttershy-

“You know Fluttershy, you could ask me for more help.” Discord offered, but I sighed audibly.

“Yes, but people would question you’re ability to commit to anything… because chaos. At least you’re a good friend at teaching valuable life lessons and that’s one of the things you can commit to as it doesn’t require you to be orderly.” I would ask Discord for help, but I didn’t want to ask him to do too many orderly things. It would give him some really nasty indigestion. He was a really sweet guy for all the chaos he causes, my life was never going to be boring with him around. “You can be a real help by preventing the actual Grogar from setting a hoof on Equus, he’s not a very nice guy from what I hear. Compared to your faking him… I heard he’s far worse from Starlight and she even researched it. Thank you for storing my supplies though, they were taking up a lot of space.”

“Well Tambelon did technically use to be a continent sized landmass and was originally part of Equus.” It was sweet of Discord to ask to help. If he couldn’t do anything outside of Equus and the Chaos Realm, then I wouldn’t want him to get hurt in Tambelon if he wouldn’t be able to manipulate things in a roundabout way to be helpful. “…. so want to cut a rug?”

“Hacksaw or knife?” I queried back innocently with a bright smile.

“Ooh, I’ll go get the Jitter Bugs, you really like those things! Also hacksaw, you really don’t like using knives outside of cooking.” Like Discord just said, I did like to play with the Jitter Bugs. “Do you want to see any other weird chaos creatures while I’m at it? At least the safer ones.”

“Just as long as you don’t bother Mr. Cthulhu again, he was rather cranky the last time you did it.” I rechecked that I had the medical supplies ready for the trip, enough for several hundred Royal Guards over. I could even start my own business selling the stockpile if I wanted to. I was also getting long lasting foods canned or otherwise, who knows what the food situation was like on Tambelon. Oh right, I was going to need water too! I don’t think anyone else was thinking about all of this stuff, just that we were going into Tambelon and that we needed to be prepared for a fight. “Say Discord, do you want to chaotically help with Tambelon?”

Discord was getting out several rugs and grinned my way.

“You had me at ‘chaotically’ my dear Fluttershy, what’s your idea?” He grinned broadly and I smiled up at him as I told him what kind of chaos I wanted with the supplies I was bringing together for what would hopefully be a peaceful trip. Most of them were medical as I was definitely expecting someone to get hurt, I’m surprised the injuries from the Storm King problem were minimal… I’m chalking that up to Fizzy’s doing. Said medical supplies were from Zecora making healing potions on top of the ones Kuril was already likely making for Jaded and the others. I was going to overly prepare and add Discord to the supply mission. It was a big order, but I was procuring most of the ingredients and that cut the costs by a lot, plus Mage Meadowbrook was assisting things. “Ooh what an interesting idea Fluttershy. you can count on me to be as random as possible, just say the word when you need me to do it. Oh and I’ll get you the amount of water you need… it’ll taste like straw-berries, but I’m sure that’ll be fine.”

I was happy that Discord didn’t mind helping out in his own unique way. Also berries that tasted like straw were a little unusual and that they could be used to drink from cups was fairly helpful too, but Discord assured me that they were safe to eat aside from the flavor being a bit dull.

-Pokémon Realm, two days later, Ironclad City, Inner City, morning of the third day since the last attack, Pom-

So for the last two days we’ve been preparing to enter a breach whenever one opened, we were all basically ready.

Ocellus was trying to get Dormarch to stop being upset with her, but he wasn’t having it even with my help at trying to get him to be nicer towards her making a decision under duress. That wasn’t going particularly well, like how I was trying to get Smolder to stop flinching whenever I was nearby. She was still going to come with us on the breach breakers team, but… I wanted us to be okay before we ended up traveling to a death world.

At least Dolly and Dormarch were getting along, Dolly liked being a big sister and or motherly

The Pokémon Companions were fully ready for the dive, as was Canard’s little group.

As for Jeanne, apparently she was to lead the echelon and asked for my help. I agreed immediately, much to her confusing sadness about it. She had garnered a Hakamo-o unit, a Skarmory unit and the Dhelmise unit Shanty had befriended as they were decently salty sea kelp anchors.

Our job was to stop the nearby PLANT that comes with the breach, if we could, while attempting leap through the breach and will try to find a way to slow other incursions… up to and dealing with this Moon Cell itself.

Basically, from the way Etemon had described the other foreign digital realm a while ago, we already had an idea as to what we could expect to see given it’ll have similarities to the Yggdrasil System Digital realms. It’s just that nothing normal would be living there and it would be floods of those Enemy Programs.

Thankfully Dormarch already had an idea of how to deal with them once we got into Moon Cell’s systems. Dormarch still kind of had a back door access with the Saint Graph spirit core thing he had, he was going to show us what he’d be doing with that once we got there. We would need to stave off several offensive waves while he did something with a PLANT.

The one thing we seriously couldn’t let Moon Cell have was a way to spread itself into other realities like the Yggdrasil System can, even if it was limited to worlds with high levels of technology. It would certainly doom an uncountable number of worlds, possibly even the ones I’ve already visited before. To that end we’d couldn’t let the local Digital Realm with the digimon be taken over, even if it was cut off from the rest of the digital realms Sami said it was feasibly for something as powerful as Moon Cell to replicate the ability by taking over the digital realm we met in.

“Excuse me, but there’s something familiar about you… I can’t quite put my mouth on why.” The Mawile that addressed me was a Fairy and Steel Type, an exceedingly rare combination of elements.

This one wore goggles on their round head above the hair like black ears hanging down on both sides of their red eyes. Below said head was a biped body two to three feet in height where both head and body were mostly a nice shade of pale yellow with a skirt floating over the legs, its arms ending in three digits were black as were its two toed legs under its biological armored skirt.

The real defining thing about Mawile was the large bean pod shaped extrusion at the back of their heads like some sort of giant ponytail. It was in fact a lethal giant secondary mouth that couldn’t taste anything, but it could chew most things up and direct the resulting energy into the Mawile’s body. The main reason for its Steel Type would be its backwards facing jaw that was biological metal that Steel Types tended to be made of.

“I’m pretty sure it’ll come to you eventually.” They too seemed familiar, but I hadn’t an idea why.

“Maybe it’s because one of the characters in my game looks like you… hm… ah well.” With that the Mawile was off and waving back at me. “Better get moving before another incursion happens around here, it’s almost like clockwork every three days.”

I wonder if… nah…

Wait… did that Mawile imply that they know exactly when the next incursion would occur?!

“Excuse me, but when will the next breach happen exactly?!” My sudden alertness drew Dormach and Dolly over to me.

“I can guarantee it’ll happen in an hour and twenty seven minutes, I’ll be long gone and out of the way in safety by then!” Stated the Mawile as they kept going. “I’m a programmer, not much of a battler, but I figured it out while ago that it involves some kind of signal wave. While I do at least exercise my moves occasionally, don’t go expecting my help in all the fighting!”

Well that was good to know and start spreading around, we already had a general idea of where the breaches would appear and the given areas they showed up in repeatedly. What we didn’t know was when it would happen, which is why we were stationed at a particular intersection with Dodo ready to go constantly for the last two days under high tension with a few breaks.

Sami had said the digital energy that permeated this area was a prime spot for a reality breach, I really didn’t understand her whole speech about overlapping realities and it was beyond me like most technology. I understood that it worked and how to use it, just not the how it worked, the technology around here was a bit above me like Dormarch’s PET that became a Digivice. At least Canard understood the theory of overlapping realities, a few hundred years in the digital realms would do that to a person I guess.

The breaches would only stay open for about ten minutes, so we needed to take care of the PLANTS that came through, go through ourselves and hope to be able to last long enough for Dormarch to do his thing to a PLANT, provided we can single one out and destroy the rest in the surrounding area upon arrival in Moon Cell.

“Beldum, spread the word!” I turned to the floating eye monsters and they all bobbed once in the air before hovering away quickly in all directions. That should notify Jeanne D’Arc to come wait with us.

-One hour twenty two minutes later, Dolly-

Okay, things were getting quite tense and even Dormarch was watching the intersection.

Jiggy Basu guy was organizing his soldiers to hopefully keep this thing contained to Metal Lad Town. What we were doing was absolutely dangerous and I was itching to see if the repair work done to my board made it so it wouldn’t snap in half under all the stress I keep putting it through, I did kind of hear it groaning and threatening to snap in that last bit of fighting I did.

“Feeling antsy?” Dormarch asked.

“All this waiting is so- boring, of course I’m feeling a little antsy. It’s not like it’ll happen faster if I say it wouldn’t!” I said with a shout and then a light appeared behind me and Dormarch was staring wide eyed.

“Okay, breach is happening, get ready to counter the incursion and jump through everyone!” Jeanne shouted as she readied her flag spear and Pom readied her umbrella spear too.

I got two paws on the skateboard, adjusted my helmet with my left paw and got ready to kick the board into motion with my rear left once I had three paws planted on the board.

“Here they come!” Shouted Salami the orange dinosaur as something starting to emerge from the spherical blob broken world in middle of the intersection.

“Let’s show them we’re ready for them!” Canned Bard said while raising his metal, sharp edged, hockey stick and it started charging up with that glowing cube stuff that spilled out of computer stuff things.

Several of those Epcot things popped out of the sphere along with several of these humming hovering metal jellyfish things that was spinning in the air and had a glowing red top.

“Someone take out those PLANTs before it starts generating EPs!” Called out Ocellus. Oh, so that’s what those things look like. “Dodo get moving for the breach!”

Right, looks like it’s time to take out some thrash!

“Gravity!” I called out and one of the PLANT things slammed into the ground roughly after my spell connected, only being able to create a few of those alien robot biped things that were swiftly taken down by Lit in several blasts of lightning.

My attack was followed by Pom leaping high into the air and coming down at an angle with the spear to jam it right into the Plants side, damaging it, knocking it over and sending it skidding across the ground. A second later Dormarch was ramming into it in a flash and clawing the sea grass thing apart.

Dormarch drew some of the cubes the thing shattered into and after a moment he smiled.

“This’ll help with what I’m going to do later by quite a bit.” As he continued to absorb some stuff from the PLANT, the others were swarmed by the flying barbells, attacked by Jeans and Hockey Dojo guys, the Scar Morays, Sami blasting one with hundreds of rounds from her weapons and there was the one that Quetal totaled obliterated with a shotgun blast of full size shadow copies of almost everyone around him. The only ones that Quetal didn’t shadow copy for his attack was the guys he didn’t know personally.

“Okay we’ve taken care of enough of them, everyone through the breach, go-go-go!” Pom shouted as Dormarch and I leapt forward with her with Dodo and the Team Harmony wagon following closely behind us.

The world warped around and then we found ourselves somewhere very familiar to me and I was quite sure I knew where this was going.

“Uh… Pom… does this seem familiar to you?” Large space, a tube lined with cubes and all of us suddenly moving through it at a pretty fast speed. Somehow Dodo was keeping the wagon upright… or was it upside down? I couldn’t tell directions in this place!

“Entering digital network space, be wary of enemy attacks from the enemy firewall during infiltration transference.” Intoned Yiggy Sis blandly.

“What is this place, it’s so vast and dark beyond the tube?!” An alarmed Ocellus asked as she looked beyond the tube we were in, it seemed like an endless void out there. We knew differently as there were many tubes like this one… it’s just that they were so far apart that you couldn’t see the other glowing tubes… for once a science less from Dawkins infiltrated my brain.

“Yeah, don’t go out there. This was how we got to the digital realm previously, just stay in the tube as much as possible and everyone should try to go as fast as they can.” Answered Pom as she hovered forward ahead of everyone. “Keep moving forward, I assume if the breach doesn’t lasts forever, then we probably won’t have much time to reach the other end of wherever this tube leads either!”

“Here we go again…” Dazzle lamented as Sizzle patted her back softly, she sent her friend an appreciative smile.

“Dolly, we’ll take point since we’ve done this before… where’s Dormarch?!” Suddenly Dormarch blurred by he seemed to be swimming excitedly.

“Woohoo, this feels so right!” Dormarch seemed really quite energized as we moved forward, in fact he was going faster than everyone else.

“We Digimon have an advantage here, so I’ll also help with taking point. Frizzle, Dazzle, you need to help the others in the back following us in adjust as they come through!” Called out… Sami… as we moved along the tube. “It seemed Dodo already has an idea of what to do.”

“Detecting incoming Enemy Program signals. As a Search Engine, Dalmamon is particularly capable of moving in digital seas and network spaces.” Said the device around Dormarch’s answered some questions as he swam by with his three tails waggling excitedly.

“Let’s go surf this internet and kick some butt!” I kicked my board forward and went skidding along the floor of the tube, whatever was beneath me counted as floor to me at least as I spiraled around it once with shouts of joy. “Bow-Whacka-Wow!

“This be like flying!” Shouted Shanty as she and Favela went zipping by above me, Pom was still out in front and she suddenly opened the umbrella spear up to block a lot of arrows.

“Current enemy contingent fifty Archer Seraphs, apparent intended target user Pom Pawdore Lambchop, no sign of PLANT Aggressors in scan range.” Announced Icky Salad Dressing.

Dormarch was suddenly on them in a flash tearing into them in streaks, I don’t think he even did his Search Hunter thing. They were very slow to react and seemed to be surprised at the sudden Dalmatian tearing them to shreds.

“Aw yeah, I think we caught them off guard!” Kicking the back of my board I shot upwards of the floored and rammed the nose of my board through the head of one of these half torso fake angel things, evaporating it instantly. I used my momentum to pivot into a spin from the impact and blasted through five more, while immediately changing direction on impact when I slammed into each one them to avoid all the shots that were a mile off.

Pom fired off several bark blasts, then clubbed a spinal tailed thing into a fountain of quickly disappearing cubes.

“I’ve got the wagon covered back here, let’s hope the others catch up to us soon.” Several more fake angels were blasted away by the orange lizard with the rifle sitting on top of the wagon, as good as her weapon was Dormarch was tearing them apart and they couldn’t even get a bead on him with their weapons.

Dodo promptly took out a cluster of them with an exploding bread bomb and he had changed to look more like an airplane as we continued forward down the tube.

Several of Grills fireballs streaked forward and decimated the remainder of our enemies.

“Enemy contingent destroyed, resuming… picking up more incoming within scanning range, enemy contingent labeled as Caster Mages and Rider Horns.” Huh, were those the ones we haven’t seen yet?

“Favela, fall back and start using Seed Bomb. Shanty move up here with me, Dormarch and Dolly. Rider Horns were said to be the fast ones right? We can’t let any of them get by us!” Pom called out as I went back to surfing the surface beneath her.

“Massive energy spike detected, energy matches signatures of magic used by users Pom, Dolly, Ocellus and others.” Really Yiggy, they were going to use magic? That was kind of dumb of them, I remember Pom stating that magic that can harm tended to not work around her correctly.

“I got it Dormarch, fall back!” Pom called out as a massive orb of raw energy could be seen surging down the tube at us up ahead and it took up the entire tube.

Pom took the lead and her wool started glowing a golden color.

Nobody who knew Pom was scared for her, as the massive tube spanning blast of energy hit a small golden speck floating in the middle of it… then the mass of magic entirely reverses course at three times the speed back down the tube.

I could almost imagine the ‘tink’ sound that massive ball of death made before it rebounded off of Pom.

“At least my natural anti-magi doesn’t cost anything in the sacrifice department, goodness knows my condition would be far worse if it did.” There was a bit of unusual good cheer in Pom’s voice as several explosions were seen in the distance within the larger magical explosion and we were quickly approaching it as it died down.

“Enemy forces devastated, seventy nine counts of destruction, one Caster Mage survivor, ten Rider Horn survivors, all heavily damaged.” That was when we got a visual on them, were those bulls rectangular? In any case they had a lot of cracks in their bodies, easy pickings for us.

The one strange floating biped guy in a robe that looked like most of the other Peps guys, they shot a fireball at Pom and was immediately taken out by it after it bounced off of her.

“Just let none of them get past us...” Stated a dumbfounded wide eyed looking Pom, she shook her head and then darted forward and upwards leading with the spear to take one form below.
I too would be confused if it happened once and you didn’t learn a lesson the second time. I tended to need multiple lessons to learn that doing something that sounded awesome after being told it was a bad idea was not a great idea, but it hasn’t killed me quite like that.

I took up a different bull to target as Dormarch was already on one of them.

I swerved up to target a bull charging at us as Sami blew two of them apart with her gun, I rammed into the side of one that tried to get me with its horn and shattered it. Yeah, didn’t want to get gored on one of those things they looked like they’d absolutely tear me in half.

Dormarch blasted another with his version of a bark blast. Shanty tore one entirely in half by cartwheeling through it in a storm of slashing cuts. Favio Novela bombed one of the beasts and the last one was torn apart by Quetal firing shadow copies, dude was getting better.

“Is that all of them?” Pom asked and nobody said anything, a blast of lightning went down the tunnel, nothing was heard.

“Squeak!” Lit confirmed with a raised leg, when had he woken up from his nap and better yet ended up on my back?

“End of transference commencing, scanning function will temporarily go offline upon entering realm, be ready for insertion into a possible combat situation.” Warned Dormarch’s device.

“Okay, I’ll go on ahead and try to clear some ground for the wagon.” Domarch then transformed into his Dobermann form and was off before Pom could say anything, after a moment she shrugged. Dormarch could take care of himself, still less than a few months old.

“Come on Dolly, he’s right we need to clear some space.” Pom called out and Shanty and Mundo silently agreed to come with us.

-Yggdrasil Digital Realm, Central Disk City, Metabee-

Central Disk was holding out well enough what with the virus Digimon defending the system from the invaders, but they were using this digital realm to piggyback attacks into reality.

Rokusho and I were definitely on point as Digi-bots we had a job to make sure the enemy didn’t cause problem for any world. I was mowing them and their generators down as fast as I could cycle more ammo into my body, that’s when a group came out of one of the portals the enemies went into.

I was about to release some Machine Missiles from my head, when I recognize a familiar white wooly form. It was Pom, she was back after so many years!

She also brought a Dalmamon, her canine companion Dolly and there was Lit too, looks like I was finally getting some good help here!

“Hey friends, we could use a little backup here!” I turned and dodged out of the way of a stabbing spear and gunned down a few of these lance wielders with my right arm blaring, they were the only ones that could even come close to me aside from those laser spewing floating sphere things.

“Metabee?!” Pom called out in a confused tone, as her companions immediately spread out and started created a space around the breach and soon a wagon burst through with a big metal bird at the front. If they were bringing out all the stops, we could really use the help. “Are we in the digital realms of the Yggdrasil System?”

“Yeah! Why, were you expecting maybe a nice resort and spa?” I turned and fired some missiles and finally blew apart a few those spheres that tried to poorly dodge the homing capabilities. “We’re getting invaded pretty badly here!”

“Can you maybe point us to one of the invasion points to here and not outbound, we’re trying to start a counter invasion to cause problems for them!” Pom called out as her friends started helping the nearby beleaguered Digimon citizenry and Digi-bots that were on the back foot.

“That one over there should be the easiest to reach!” I pointed down the street to my left where several Andromon were slowly trying to wade through the masses leading to a different portal, one that had a flood of those sword wielding guys coming out of it.

I was busy trying to help reality by closing this one off, but if people from reality already broke through to here, then I needed to help redirect them to where they needed to be before going back to my job. Busting enemy invaders!

“Bee less talking more shooting, also help!” I turned to see my companion Pepper Cat was in trouble, the red and light grey bipedal cat Digi-bot with the plug clawed hands and feet was on her back about to be blasted by several spheres.

I raised my left gun as my right one was still cycling a data reload and fired a barely aimed burst… and miraculously hit every target around my friend perfectly, she just sent me a flat glare.

“Did you just do that without actually aiming?!” It worked didn’t it Pepper Cat? “You could have hit me!”

“Hey, I hit them all didn’t I, you should start thanking me!” I yelled back. “Wasn’t Krosserdog supposed to be covering you? Take out your frustrations on the ones who actually deserve it!”

“I think he suddenly became preoccupied with helping that sheep!” A blast hit the ground and I took aim as the ammunition data reloaded in my right arm and fired a single shot, to take out the robe wearing jerk face that tried to blast us with a fireball. “Ugh, it’s just like a mutt to be distracted when we’re in the middle of a full scale invasion and a war to save our digital realm. Also I’m sorry Metabee, thank you, now cover my backside!”

Pepper Cat, having gained a moment to recover thanks to me, started to unleash tons of electricity from her claws as she started tearing through them like soggy tissue paper, her plug ended tail flicking forward to loose balls of electricity every now and then too.

I guess I was covering her now, Rokusho better hurry up with that backup. Didn’t have much time to really talk to Pom, I was kind of busy here.


This city was a mess, Digimon were fighting EPs everywhere and the portal we were fighting towards was thankfully not heavily protected, but the sheer number of Saber Knights in the way was slowing us down.

We came this far, we did not want our counter invasion to get stuck in the Yggdrasil’s digital realm, we had to get into Moon Cell’s and start causing them problems.

I steadied my nerves couldn’t get stuck here helping people, I’d help more if we made it into Moon Cell’s territory and start distracting them to the best of our abilities.

I really shouldn’t have just convinced myself of that.

Dormarch sent a surge of electricity blasting through several Saber Knights clearing up some of the street as I pressed forward and stabbed at any nearby enemies while trying to clear a path, I incidentally helped one of the digi-bot guys and they took up fighting alongside me.

The digi-bot started gunning down any of the many hovering spheres that tried to target me.

“Excuse me digi-destined what’s your mission here ma’am?” The tall digimon, Andromon I believe, asked as he glanced at Dormarch curiously, even then he was still wading into the sword wielding with an energy blade extending from his right hand.

“To clear a path for our wagons, we’re a counter invasion force trying to stop the enemy programs from taking over reality from the source… and I guess this digital realm too. Any help we could get would be appreciated.” As soon as I said that numerous Saber Knights stopped dead in their tracks and then all turned and started coming towards me. “Also I have reason to believe that I’ll be a big problem if I’m allowed to get into the enemies realm, given how badly they are targeting me!”

Opening the paralance, I blocked ten or so swords coming down on me and was pressured back. However, thanks to them suddenly starting to focus all their efforts on me, it left the Saber Knights wide open to some rather nasty reprisal attacks from the surrounding Digimon.

“Clear a path, digi-destined coming through, they need to reach that breach!” The Andromon called out to his friends. “Now broadcasting emails to all available system protection units and anyone who wants to join the digi-destined in their endeavors!”

“Thanks for the help, now pour it on and let’s break through!” Suddenly the pressure lessened as Canard showed up and tore into them with his new hockey stick that was glowing with cubes at its edge and when that edge hit, it sliced through all the variety of shields that the Saber Knights came with… if they even had shields at all. Almost felt sorry for the ones that didn’t, even the tower shields were no match for Canard’s new weapon.

Those Steel Type manufacturers did a good job with that hockey stick, but we upgraded it slightly with a light electrum varnish coating and Clefairy added some magic to it by just being nearby. Fairy Type magic worked just as well apparently.

“Slap shot!” Called out Canard and a digital ball of energy dropped off his hockey stick as he brought it back and slammed it forward to take out one of the floating spheres that was about to fire a laser upon us. “Goal! Come on Pom, now is not a time to look dazed, draw the enemies to the side and open a path up for the wagon to get through. We don’t have much time here, I’m on offense.”

“Right… right!” I firmed up and started to draw the enemies to the left side of the street and they all kept charging at me. Doing what Canard wanted me to, he stayed with me and on the offensive to start taking them down with his weapon with incredible ferocity.

“Data refined, new enemy type defined as Watcher, weaponry one laser cannon, specific function of being eyes for Moon Cell. Some are loudly transmitting priority targeting protocols to take you out.” Called out Yggdrasil System from Dormarch’s device as he slapped some enemies in half as Dobermon D-Type.

“That’s somewhat good to know and all, but Mom is starting to draw every Enemy Program in the region here if what the scanner is saying is right!” That was either a good thing or a bad thing Dormarch, I had no idea which it was anymore.

“Then we shall push them back until we can pass through, to arms. Skarmory work on clearing the path, Dhelmise protect the wagons and assist their progress forward unto the breach!” Ordered Jeanne as she and her two wagon load of supplies joined up with Team Harmony’s wagon, the Hakamo-o unit were preoccupied with moving said wagons to fight. She had really picked up on what was going on rather quickly as she showed up.

Dazzle and Frizzle surged past together and started pushing for the breach, they were working in tandem quite well now. Every once in a while Frizzle stopped to pop some bread into her mouth and chew while fighting with her claws.

“Come on, we need to get through that portal before they stop us and it closes!” Even with as many people as I was surrounded by and being a primary target. The wagons were attracting some attacks from those floating spheres, Mundo and Lit were taking care of them at least, when the Dhelmise simply couldn't.

We only had to go down one street, one would think it would take thirty to sixty seconds at most, but with the numbers we were dealing we’ve been stalled out for the last three minutes and the path to Moon Cell’s realm was basically almost twenty feet from us. Said path won’t stay open forever and we needed to get in there like yesterday.

“Did someone call for the exterminators, step back and let us at them, Big Bang Boom!” A red blunt spiky urchin like device was thrown into the crowd and blew apart all the Saber Knights in the way in a rather specific straight line of explosive energy that didn’t spread out to engulf us. “Digi-destined, stop gawking and get a move on! We all have our jobs to do and no one fights off intruders better than a Giromon, come on Mamemon help clear the rest of the area out! We’re the Metal Walker Squad courtesy of the local Yggdrasil System… anything you need while passing through, we’ll definitely kill it for you!”

A swarm of two types of digimon suddenly started clearing the area around the breach in an exceedingly short amount of time. They were all metal spheres with faces, the ones with the devilish grins and chainsaws were what I’m assuming to be the Giromon. The Giromon only had two arms, but the power of the explosive that one just let off dwarfed anything Sami had ever thrown out.

The other spheres were likely to be the Mamemon, they had feet and two large arms ending in large red fist and their faces were smiling a little bit more innocently than the devilish Giromon hacking through the enemies with their chainsaws with glee. That didn’t mean the Mamemon were innocent though as their fists created direct explosions on contact.

“Hey, could you send this data packet to the Dalmamon in Server City? They’ve been direly needing this for a while.” Dormarch launched something at the main Giromon and he caught it. It was a cube?

Well Dormarch was with us in spirit when we met the other Dalmamon, so he must remember how they were struggling with things, mostly that they were relatively harmless and somewhat helpless.

If he was giving them what I think he was… then it’s probably for the best.

“Sure thing buddy, now keep protecting your digi-destined with your life, we need all the help we can get here and a counter invasion sounds like a real riot! We’ll try to send some Digi-bots and Digimon in with you if we can, but you’re not going to get much more help on the other side… we’re quite swamped here as it is!” The Giromon did something with the cube and it disappeared. “Update sent, hope that does something to help things later on, because the situation in Central Disk City is going to the Dark Area in a handbasket, at least I have a lot of qualified targets!”

The area cleared up, we moved for the portal. I turned to the Giromon with a worried look.

“Good luck!” I called out.

“You’re going to need it more than us, we Giromon live for this stuff!” Said the guy before driving the small chainsaw into what passed for a face of a Saber Knight while cackling gleefully in a disturbing manner.

“Permission to assist you!” I turned and looked at the blue digi-bot with the large triangular ears and a large X on his forehead, he was gunning down various Watchers and stopping them from getting near the convoy as Dodo reach the portal with the wagon and passed through.

“Krosserdog you rusty bucket piece of scrap, you’re supposed to be helping me and almost left me to… hold up… new mission, assist the digi-destined?!” The red cat digi-bot looked particular angry with the blue one. “Urgh, darn it! I’d rather be here fighting for my home city, but I guess taking part in the counter invasion couldn’t hurt, frontlines here we come.”

“We’re coming too, Gazimon squad form up and fall in with those wagons, we got a system to virus up as much as we want and with good purpose too!” As the canine digimon called this out, I looked him over purple fur, devious eyes, rabbit ears, large goofy front claws, the common requisite for most digimon, and... a feline tail? Also more bipedal than quadrupedal, though it was hard to tell with how far forwards the digimon was leaning with their claws curled up. “Sure this was on short notice, but we’re not going to sit out on our purpose to make a merry nuisance of ourselves on a digital battlefield and you’re going to need us virus types to hack your way through the enemy systems!”

“It’s not like we have room to refuse aid, even if it seems to look... questionable.” Jeanne stated and I nodded along, since I was the secondary leader of the counter invasion forces which was now ballooning to include Digimon and Digi-bots too.

“Right, Dolly, Dormarch, we can’t stay here much longer!” I shouted as I moved for the breach leading into the digital realms coming from the Moon Cell’s realms.

I would like to save everyone here, but they were clearly fighting well enough on their own even if they were swamped with Enemy Programs.

Dormarch stopped pulled cubes from an enemy watcher with a curious look on his face and he quickly teleported over to me. Dolly was performing what she would call ‘sick tricks’ as she busted a Watcher against the ground and used the explosion to glide over to us.

I promptly leapt into the breach and we quickly caught up to the wagon with Dodo slowly moving forward and took up position with Frizzle and Dazzle leading the way.

So far so good, but the distinctly different Yggdrasil System in Dormarch’s digivice hadn’t been wrong, the digital realm was going through an invasion too. A much more massive and worse one than what Valora had been dealing with, in fact Valora was likely barely getting a fraction of what was hitting the digital realm from what little I had seen. The air had been positively flooded with those Watcher things before I leapt through the breach.

We had to go down to the end of this tube and once we reached the other side, we’d establish a foothold, build a base and then take the fight to this Moon Cell.

“Hey, Sami Soldier, glad we could make it before that breach closed, we're on a one way trip now!” Looking behind me I saw a flatbed vehicle on wheels float up alongside the front wagon and some old friends of Sami’s were throwing her salutes, it was the Commandramon team and there were nine of them this time. It was the driver talking to her. “We got the message for a dangerous support mission and we were glad we looked into it, take five boys until we get to the end of this network transference, because we’re directly dumping ourselves into a Dark Area worse than any the digital realms have ever seen before and we’re going to show our enemy we’re not taking them lightly before we all die horribly!”

“Oohrah!” The other Commandramon called out as they raised their rifles into the air.

-Back on Ransei Continent, Valora, Captain Skeball-

“Woo... that’s a lot of enemies.” Mewling at the numbers we still had to take on, I pointed my right paw forward as I stood on my hind legs and tipped my hat with my left paw. “For great justice!”

“Spheal!” The unit leader of the Silly Spheals added with a raised flipper.

“Bullet Buizels are ready to take it to them!” The unit leader of Bullet Buizels announced.

Pom and her group were long gone, but they needed us to stay behind and help the people who were still fighting for their home here in Valora.

Specifically those heat axe guys were the major problem for the Steel Types, so we’d cool them down wherever we found them!

I thought I saw Zacian and Zamazenta racing by below my hubby and they leapt into one of the breaches. The enemies in that area stood still for a second and then evaporated into clouds of dust.

That was rather impressive, I even saw a Zoroark dive bravely into a different breach all by themselves. There were no end to the heroes this world was producing and I was one among many! Hopefully I was one of the better ones.

-Aurora, Wooloo herding grounds, Geoff-

“For our time as the lethal joke Pokémon of Aurora will come soon, for when we march we will sing as one as we walk straight into that pain and suffering for our friends, our neighbors, our kingdom and our very beautiful world!” The herd of Wooloo agreed with me with sparkling eyes. While Evan was off uniting Ransei, I was to work up the home defenses and getting ready to bring the might of the ‘Perverts of the Plains’ down upon any who would dare harm the many, MANY, sexy beings of this world. “We do not like war, nor do we cherish it, but goodness knows for all the beauty of this world we will fight if we have to, until we are needed we will bide our time… to that end we need to train up and evolve some Dubwool to get stepping and we will step it up when the time comes! May Lord Arceus watch over us, for he is the sexiest lord and father of all!”

“AMEN!” Every Wooloo responded in a loud chorus and then started training with fervor unmatched by any Pokémon in the other regions of Ransei.

It saddened me that we were possibly losing our…

Suddenly a vast number of Wooloo stopped.

“ARE YOU SEEING ANYONE?!” Every Wooloo that wasn’t a relative of mine in the crowd asked.

Never mind, we’re still the same perverts as ever.

“I wish I were, I bet they are hot like all of you!” I said jovially and the crowd of Wooloo laughed. “No seriously, with wool this thick, heat can get quite painful!”

“And we love pain!” Everyone responded cheerfully.

We loved most things really, but I couldn’t argue with that given sentiment. The heat was hurting so good today, good for training yourself almost to death in.

-Origin Space, Arceus-

“Those Wooloo are all idiots.” Tiamat stated audibly as we were watching several different things happening across Ransei at once, such as the support being sent to Illusio.

Violight taking interest in Calumon and the Digi-bot Sideline the Sidekicky, the Porygon Proffessor was researching something involving the digital realm and I could see Mirage Mew was there as well. Taking up an active position in assisting whatever it was they were up to.

Dragnor was still stuck dancing with Spectra and were about to hit Avia soon and boldly fight a war on two fronts. Dragon Types didn’t back down from a large challenge.

Yaksha and Viperia didn’t notice what was going on with Terrera and Cragspur or the sudden shift in things.

I believe Evan would unite the region, he would have to achieve it soon if he is to seek my help…

“They might be idiots, but the Wooloo are my idiots.” I sighed audibly, the Wooloo weren’t really all too bad and they might even get a pivotal role in all the fighting.

Still, the most unanswered and important question in my mind was how did one of the Wooloo even manage to successfully become a bonified cleric? No seriously, I wasn’t responsible for that Wooloo becoming a cleric and none of the other Legendary Pokémon ever went anywhere near the guy.

Author's Note:

Thus begins the Moon Cell ark after a frantic quick stop in the digital realms for extra reinforcements.

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