• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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243. Arbora Acquaintances.

-???, Oleander-

“Ghidora, you’re being very bad guy right now, don’t make Fred and me kick your bum butt across this planet because we will!” I was currently acting as Fred’s heart, I was in fact in the center of his chest and using his full form as a suit. “No Kevin, you’re a very sweet head and I like you very much.”

The middle and right head of the kaiju monster named Ghidora, a humongous three headed wyvern hydra hybrid thing, glared at the left head who was grinning goofily at me.

“I like you too Oleander, you’re a good friend!” Roared Kevin in a manner that was likely unintelligible to anyone else that wasn’t currently connected to a kaiju sized demon.

“Can we get this thing started, I WANT TO DESTROY THIS CITY COMPLETELY BY ACCIDENT!” Rolling my eyes at Fred’s demon candor, I sighed and then got us slowly moving forward. We destroyed the street with each step as we approached our enemy as one.

-Greenleaf Kingdom, Arbora, Pom-

“So… how much?” I was asking how much all the rum Shanty was drinking was worth, her new friend Favela was already under the table and Shanty had gone through the rest of an entire barrel by herself. “Also, Shanty you need to drink some water.”

“Thanks for the reminder!” Shanty took up a mug that was specifically full of water and downed it. “That be quite refreshing.”

Did Shanty even need to go to the bathroom? Well, she does dehydrate fast when using water in her attacks and you’d think alcohol would dehydrate her completely with how much she ingested, yet she seems more hydrated? I really wanted to ask… what is her biology?! She eats like she’s constantly at a buffet, she drinks alcohol to the point that her blood was possibly at least seventy percent proof. How is Shanty even alive?! How hasn’t her belly overloaded with all the liquids she’s put into herself, yet she looks practically the same physically after drinking that much?!

You know what Pom, no… just don’t think about it too hard. Shanty made a friend and I have a mother goat to talk to.

“Don’t worry about money honey, it’s not exactly expensive to make this stuff. In fact food and drink around here are very inexpensive as they can probably get for any Pokémon kingdom. Visitors always appreciate how cheap our high grade food stuff around here is.” So everything here was cheap? Well at least the owner was nice plant goat. “I’m Vetali, welcome to the local guild and The Saucy Skiddo tavern. I used to be the very namesake of this tavern and then I became a Gogoat, my partner at the time was so surprised I evolved when we were snuggled up. Had fifteen girls and twenty boys, most of my kids have left me to my lonesome after I raised them and are having their own adventures. Favela here is the last one still in the nest. Considering what just happened with your lass, she’s probably going to want to go on a journey with you after such a vicious defeat. I’ve never seen anyone take to rum quite like the Sharpedo you’re raising, she drunk my daughter under a table… quite literally.”

I wondered when I would see a Sharpedo, sounded dangerous by the name alone. I’m never going to keep track of all these Pokémon names am I? Also I just realized that Arceus never stated how long he wanted us to keep helping the kingdom of Aurora, I mean open ended and open to interpretation much?

“Why is food and drink so inexpensive here?” I paused and thought about Vetali’s introducing herself as she moved behind the counter, Dolly hopped up on to it and looked about as I took a seat. “I’m Pom Lambchop. It sounds like, compared to everything else, it’s ridiculously cheap to get a meal here. Also if this tavern is called The Saucy Skiddo, then why is the building a, what was it called again, a Skiploom in appearance?”

“The reason why the building looks like a Skiploom is actually a really funny story and involves the contractors around here, one that’ll probably be too long for you if you aren’t staying in town for more than a day.” Vetali shook her head and then pointed out her daughter out cold on the floor beneath the table. “There is also a very simple answer as to why food and drink are so cheap around here, it is that grass type Pokémon are a majority in this kingdom. Grass Types can mostly survive off sunlight and clean water.”

“Do you eat soil to?” That was an innocent question, I was surprised when Vetali slammed her hooves on the counter and leaned forward.

“Who told you?!” A moment after saying that Vetali blinked.

“I think you just did.” I stated blandly with a flat tone. Smolder and Ocellus stopped chatting to look at us and Vetali suddenly looked sheepish for that outburst. Quick, change the topic, apparently grass type Pokémon have a slight issue with talking about consuming soil because it is likely that they consume the leavings of other Pokémon as well… which would naturally be seen in a negative light despite them being part plant and everything. “Uh, you want anything to eat Smolder, Shanty, Dolly?”

“Oh yes we have plenty of things to eat. Breads, salads and pastas mostly, would you like a Rawst Berry Special?” Real smooth change of topic Vetali and that you immediately jumped on it doesn’t mean I was going to forget about what I just learned. “The Greenleaf kingdoms specialty berry is Rawst Berries. They are a bit bitter, but when used as a vinaigrette they give quite an interesting taste to any dish. They also immediately cure burns on the body just by eating them, still need an Oran Berry or two to heal the rest of the damage, but they are much better than using aloe. Aloe is for those who need a hold over until they can get a Rawst Berry. What about your last kid, don’t they want anything to eat?”

“Oh don’t worry about me, I eat my girlfriends love for me.” Ocellus stated plainly and nobody batted an eye at that as she leaned in and nuzzled Smolder’s neck making her face turn red.

Well at least none of the other Pokémon in the booths lining the tavern batted an eye. There weren’t many Pokémon at the tables and nobody was bothered by this information.

“Is there being a bathroom around here?” Shanty was gone with a single pointed hoof from Vetali. I thought for sure her body wouldn’t even notice all the fluids she ingested, apparently I was wrong and it finally got to her.

“So your energy efficient as long as you have someone that loves you, remind me to tell you about the legendary Pokémon Cresselia. A Pokémon that basically feeds on nightmares and is basically the true love of another legendary named Darkrai who causes nightmares. There’s a really sweet story of how those two got together.” Vetali sighed with a grin, before plopping four menus on the counter. “Anyway here’s the menus, what’ll it be? It is on the house because your daughter drunk mine under the table.”

“Shanty’s not my daughter, but I am her caretaker.” I picked up a menu and looked it over, there were some strange things on this menu that looked familiar.

“Same difference, you care about her and could be a big sister for all I care, but she’s still family to you.” Vetali stated as she waited for us to go over the menus.

-Five minutes later-

“So this is actually a guild too?” I had paused to swallow my ravioli, the food here was ridiculously good and also ridiculously affordable. Vetali probably got incredibly bored of surviving off water and sunlight to be able to cook this well.

The Greenleaf Kingdom may export medicine and imported artworks, trinkets and the like, but never did they ever import food. Grass types, as I was coming to learn, were exceptionally laid back for the most part and they need far less food than any other Pokémon type around.

“Yep, if you interest any Pokémon staying here enough they might ask to join you, heck you can walk up to any Pokémon here and talk to them to get to know what they are like. Not all Pokémon of a given species will act the same way and there are many personalities out there, the exception is Wooloo. If you meet just one, then you are going to know what they are all like.” Vetali was fairly laid back about her daughter having a drinking habit nearly as bad as Shanty. “We’ve got a few Pokémon here just looking for an adventure. Sure most of them are grass types, but I’m sure you expected that. Some of them are not grass types though and might be simply looking for a change of scenery.”

“What are grass types good at exactly when it comes to defending themselves? I’ve gotten good read on normal types… I think.” I didn’t know how to quantify Geoff as far as the word normal goes, aside from being a chivalrous lecher with a clear appreciation of life.

Jiri seemed more in tune with what I considered normalcy. Talkative even if she gets embarrassed easily, she was vocal about wanting to help people despite not knowing what she should do and would hop into a fight on a moment’s notice on the behalf of others I’d bet.

“Well if normal types are all you’ve known so far, we grass types can do things like this.” Something flicked at Vetali’s side and I watched a vine flashed forward over the counter and under the nearby table where we watched it swat Favela across the butt and that woke the Shanty sized grassy goat up.

“Wha… ow!” Favela banged her head on the bottom of the table and then slowly came out from under it. “What happened ma?”

“You lost.” Vetali stated. “To what smells like a water type, given she smells like a sea breeze from her sweat alone.”

“…”It took a moment for Favela to realize what her mother just said, she sat down and threw her hooves in the air and wailed. “Nooooo!”

“She also drank the rest of the Pecha Berry barrel… by herself.” Continued Vetali with an amused smile.

“Okay, that’s just adding insult to injury! Wait a minute… she’s still going?!” Just about anyone would think Favela really shouldn’t have challenged Shanty to a rum drinking contest, after witnessing her asking for more rum upon coming back from the bathroom. She was still drinking rum even now with small drinks of water here or there on the side.

At least Shanty was currently pacing herself better.

Favela silently walked into the nearest rounded corner of this building and bonked her head against the wall, after a moment she glanced towards Shanty.

Shanty was fairly happy with the quality and services of the tavern here, it showed with how big her grin was as she raised a mug to Favela and then started to drink from it slowly while staring her down.

“Shanty is completely immune to the side effects of alcohol… also your daughter doesn’t seem to have a hangover.” My idle comment was followed by me taking another berry spice filled ravioli chunk into my mouth.

I thought berries would taste terrible in ravioli, but apparently Vetali knew her stuff when it came to cooking and Dolly was plenty happy with the Ravioli too. Mildly spicy, but not enough that’s it was painful, a bit of savory flavor too without being sugary. Went nicely with the slight bitterness of the Rawst Berry vinaigrette in my salad.

“We Grass Types may be weak to Poison Types, but my daughter and I can hold our alcohol relatively well. Wouldn’t see most Grass Types normally last more than half a mugs worth of alcohol otherwise, but we thankfully don’t get hangovers like other Pokémon would. Our Grass Type biology thankfully makes that impossible, we still get sleepy or pass out from drinking too much. I'm hoping this has taught my daughter a valuable lesson.” Vetali sighed oddly as she watched us enjoy our meals. “Still, being immune to alcohol… that’s a nifty trait to have and will come in handy with some Poison Type Pokémon, especially if they love drinking alcohol. Alcohol always has a curious effect on the poisons they generate. Most grass types aren’t as resilient to the substance unless they are part poison type themselves. An example of a Grass and Poison type Pokémon would be that Bulbasaur over there next to the Chikorita.”

With that Vetali pointed a hoof at two, four legged, Pokémon quietly minding their own business. One looked like a little dinosaur with a big plant bulb growing out of their back and the other looked like a quadrupedal onion with a leaf sticking out of the top of its head. A leaf which was currently scooping food into its mouth, while the other was using two vines to pick up and eat their food at a slower pace.

“I’ll finish my food before I try talking to any of the Pokémon here.” I was talking about all the other weird Pokémon in the room, I’m pretty sure one of them was a canid or canine in some respect knowing my luck. “I really have no clue what we’ll be doing though as far as adventures are concerned, I guess our first one was just coming here to Arbora and getting involved in a fight with those Riolu. At most we’re just currently helping move a delivery of medicine to Aurora, our two normal type Pokémon friends are working on getting the shipment together. After we help the medicine get back to Aurora my group are going to have to think about what we’ll be getting up to from there, but I really don’t want to deal with any huge ‘continent sized’ issues. Small adventures are what I’d rather stick to while we're here on this world.”

Out of the corner of my eye I noticed several Pokémon in the tavern, that weren’t being lazy, perked up at the word ‘fight’, ‘Riolu’ and ‘adventure’. The Chikorita in particular raised their leaf lightly in curiosity as they continue continued to chew their food with their face positively smothered in what looked like the zesty tomato sauce Vetali makes. They seemed to be enjoying it with some intensity.

“I’m sure you’ll figure out something to do. The Ransei Region can be a bit boring in some parts like here when there aren’t outsiders like you around, but there’s always something to do. I’ve been wondering when someone might start a rescue team organization around here, but without the mystery dungeons to get lost in that permeate the rest of the world… they won’t get nearly as much traction in support as say the Kecleon Brothers organization recently setting up shop here in Ransei. They are rather expensive for whatever convenience they offer, but they sell good stuff and will tell you what you are getting into, fair business practices all around. They sell things like simple food, traveling supplies, move teachers and useful mystical accessories that will work for any Pokémon or outsiders like yourselves.” Vetali went on to describe what Kecleon’s were and what a Rescue Team was. I could actually get behind the idea of being a small disaster relief team, the less fighting involved the better. “So if you’re interested in taking up any odd jobs, where you are the boss of how you want to live, then start something like a Rescue Team that goes around and solves issues you can pick and choose if you want to avoid politics. Though some politics are to be expected depending on where you set up your business or what kingdom you end up in and for what reason.”

“Sounds like my speed.” Having finished my food, I got up and looked around.

“Excuse me, can I paint the two of you?” Turning I saw a curious bipedal male dog with white and brown fur holding his tail that seemed to be a paintbrush. I hadn't even noticed him or when he had set up his easel, he was just there all of the sudden.

“Um…” I knew what dogs were like around me and this was definitely a dog that had Dolly moving along the counter to stare at this guy curiously.

“I’ll pay you for the ability to make a portrait of you and your canine companion!” Didn’t know what this creature was, but he seemed to have an artistic heart and an interest in replicating my appearance.

“That’s a Smeargle, they can get a bit weird, even if they aren’t art crazy. They can learn almost any Pokémon move by using their highly unique move called sketch. They tend not to be fighters, but more poets, writers and if you haven’t noticed the tail… artists.” Vetali answered what it was, but not why he was keen to pay me for a portrait. “You must have gained his interest by a lot if he’s willing to pay you.”

“Um… okay.” I answered. The Smeargle plopped a large bag on the counter. “Isn’t that... a bit much?”

“Nonsense, for a painting of you it’s a perfectly reasonable amount! Now can you have your friend sit by your side and lean up against you? Yes, like that, exquisite!” It took him about five minutes, but he perfectly replicated my appearance alongside Dolly’s with excruciating lifelike detail, plus everything else that had been behind us. I noted that he did this ridiculously fast. “Thank you so much!”

With that the Smeargle ran off with a cheerful smile like I gave him the most wonderful gift in the world, I was surprised he didn’t ask to follow us around. I should count my blessings, Geoff was one weirdo enough already.

Well time to interview a few Pokémon and see if they don’t mind doing random stuff with my group. I spotted a Pokémon of some interest. I was going to attempt to keep the canines and canids to a minimum, even if Tianhuo was okay with it when I talked about Dolly.

“Hello, I’m Pom, a Lambkin, what are you?” The Pokémon I took interest in looked like a spooky gourd, its bottom half even had a glowing smiling face that reminded me of Nightmare Night pumpkins. She clearly looked quite lonely and had flinched harshly when I spoke to her.

“Erm... my name… is…” She was fairly quiet, I could barely hear the whisper of her voice.

“Kind of Looks like Fluttershy if she were a Pokémon.” Interrupted Smolder.

“Acts like her too.” Ocellus butted in making the Grass type hide her face in her pink hair and whimper.

I sighed audibly.

“Sorry to have bothered you.” I turned around and looked for someone else to approach.

“It’s… okay…” Said the gourd Pokémon quietly.

“If you want someone to be joining you, then ask me!” Favela stated audibly. “I want to get out from under ma and I’m willing to take Shanty on as my sidekick.”

“Who’s going to be the sidekick now?!” Shanty stated in an angry manner as she butted heads with Favela again. “Ms. I can’t handle drinking even ten glasses of rum without giving in?! If anything I would be making you a cabin girl on my ship!”

"If you can get a ship, that'll be quite the day!" Favela returned fire.

“Hehehe… I’m Shine.” Shine, the Pokémon I talked to before, notably had pink hair that acted like arms and hands. She seemed to have warmed up and was waving at me shyly. “Of course I’d like to join you, I’m… not really doing much around here anyway. I’m a Gourgeist, eh… Ghost Types sometimes have a poor reputation... with other Pokémon. I’m a Grass and Ghost type, I’m... not great on offense and I like utility moves.”

“Well that wasn’t too hard. Anyone else want to join in onthis slapdash mess we’re starting to form here?” I asked sarcastically.

“With a Gourgeist following you around, on top of you being outsiders? You’ll have problems finding someone crazy enough to stick around for too long and Ghost Types are trouble.” The male Chikorita apparently made Shine upset, as she looked away from him while her thick stem like forelock wilted to cover her eyes.

“Gourgeist don’t have the best reputations, but Shine isn’t bad and you know it. Still, Ghost Types do send shivers down my spine.” At least the Bulbasaur seemed friendlier about it, so Shine wasn’t wrong about the poor reputation thing.

“It’s understandable that they don’t like me… my only attack move is... fire based." Shine said with hint of sadness. "Not exactly something other Grass Types would exactly be fond of.”

“Did someone say you’d have to be crazy to be on a team with a Gourgeist?” A male Pokémon stepped forward from the shadows, his arms crossed and he had a smirk on his face. “Well I’m crazy enough for it, count me in. The names Quetal and I’m a Sneasel, Dark and Ice Type. Dark types like me need apply early or never be accepted at all, since we tend to rub people the wrong way just by existing.”

“Oh trust me, they won’t get rid of me that easily by saying no and I don't mind the Gourgeist at all!” Declared Favela with her head held high. “I’ll just follow you anyway if you try to leave without Favela!”

“I’d like to join, if that’s okay.” Shine stated while tapping her two of her three fingered hair tufts against one another. “I’m classed as a ninja... if that helps.”

“Take me or leave me, you won’t get a better offer than me around here.” Quetal stated with a hint of smugness.

“What do you say girls?” I wasn’t going to be the only decision maker in the group, I gathered the girls together to talk about this quietly.

“I’m okay with Favela, even if she is being quite annoying.” Well Shanty did need more friends and Favela seemed quite willing, plus her mother Vetali was nodding in acceptance with a smile.

“Quetal seems to need this from what I can tell of his emotions, he’s kind of craving acceptance and I remember that feeling all too well.” As stellar an invitation as you could give under the circumstances Ocellus.

“Shine, she reminds Ocellus and me of a good friend.” Smolder was likely talking about Fluttershy they’ve mentioned numerous times and I think I’ve vaguely seen Ponyville’s animal caretaker once.

“If you ask me, we can handle most things ourselves… but if Pokémon get as big as Vetali or are much more dangerous than we can handle, then we could use the help for traveling around. You know, incase we are attack by more than two full units that can actually get their stuff in gear.” Dolly put her two bits in as well. “Also, you attract a lot of trouble Pom, we need all the help we can get even if it’s going to be more dogs taking up your time from me. I won’t like it, but I will understand it... if there are a lot of canine Pokémon in this world, you probably won't even be able to avoid them all. Like that strange Smeargle guy for instance.”

“We’ll put you all on a trial basis… we need to see how you interact with other people and how you will handle a fight if you want to do so. Mostly so we can see how you'll act as traveling companions, at least until we arrive in Aurora. If you have anything you need to do, do it now, because we’ll be leaving to check on our two friends to see if they have that medicine shipment ready.” From what Geoff said, we could be back across the bridge by the evening and sleeping in Aurora easily enough. “We’re not going to be in town for much longer. Also are you okay about letting Favela decide that she's coming with us Vetali?”

“Oh I am, besides Favela needs a good adventure and you outsiders lead to some really interesting ones.” Vetali appeared to be a bit teary eyed at hearing her last child was leaving. “Go on Favela, get a bag and prepare for the adventure of a lifetime! I'll give you some berries for the road.”

-Five minutes later-

We only just stepped outside the tavern when...

“Prepare for trouble.” A voice said.

“And make it double.” A second stated.

That’s when three figures jumped from the roof of a nearby building.

“To protect the world from devastation.” The large female snake with large red fangs and a red colored bladed tail stated, she looked fairly dangerous.

“To unite the peoples within our nation.” Said the strange blue and purple sea urchin Pokémon.

“To denounce the evils of truth and love.” The snake continued as she posed with her body.

“To extend our reach to the stars above.” The male urchin stated as he posed all his tendril things pointing in different directions.

“Jessie.” The large snake stated.

“James.” The strange blue and purple urchin stated.

“Meowth, Team Pocket, we thieves attack at the speed of light!” The strange bipedal cat Pokémon with a coin on its forehead hopped forward brandishing it's claws. “Surrender now or prepare to fight!”

“Why are you attacking us and what would we be surrendering for?” I asked dully as the three pointed at us, one with their tail, one with a single claw and one with a head tendril thing. “What do you three want exactly?”

“All of your money of course.” Jessie answered with greed.

“The infamy of defeating outsiders.” James answered with possible thoughts of glory.

“Power, someone will have to give it to us for bringing you down!” Meowth answered with thoughts of illusionary grandeur, I'm judging that by the look on his face. "Also you ain't Pokémon, so we have the advantage here!"

I highly doubted that they had the advantage. Shanty, Dolly and I could possibly bring them down easily once we knew what they were capable of, Smolder would be backup and we didn't exactly want to force Ocellus to fight even if she could do so in a limited degree.

“Well… now is a good time to test your resolve. I know me and my friends can take them, but can the three of you try without our help?” The three Pokémon we were looking to possibly hire on as personal help nodded to me that they would at least try and we'd get to see what they could do first hoof.

While Jiri and Geoff were going to be working directly for Aurora, though Geoff may continue being our guide for a time, I would try to make sure my group was free to do our own thing.

I didn't mind the idea of leading a full Pokémon unit ourselves... if only to save me on the numerous personal injuries this time.

Author's Note:

Pages are likely to be longer because the added characters. The number of added characters is going to get a bit out of control given this is Pokémon I'm dealing with.

250$ Poke from Chansey for a little help from Geoff.

5000$ Poke from a Smeargle just because Pom exists.

Pom befriending a Gourgeist? Priceless, because you wouldn't expect her to go out of her way to talk to someone so spooky looking. She would talk to someone who looks lonely though.

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