• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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283. Server City Ransom Pt. 8.

-???, Fred the knowledgeable demon-

“Please stop trying to make contracts with my Oleander, OR ELSE I WILL SHRED YOU AND YOUR ENTIRE SPECIES SOULS FOR EVEN TRYING, AND HORRIBLY FAILING AT THAT, TO FOOL MY WIFE TO BE!” I was quite upset that so many had tried to steal Oleander from me over the course of the last few dimensions, those demons had it coming and then some.

“She would make for a very good magical girl though!” A being simply known as Kyubey stated with a pleasant and friendly tone, trying to act cute and innocent while hiding the truly nasty underside to the wish they were offering.

The wishes it offered was in the ‘too good to actually be true’ category. Even if they can in fact warp reality to make the wishes happen, it always came at a very steep negative price to the person and everything else nearby.

“Really now Fred, I already know that what Kyubey here is offering is a huge farce considering what they’re actually trying to do. I mean trying to offer someone, who is already magically gifted, more magic and a wish with the price of a curse so I’d eventually become a witch to fuel the fighting off of entropy with my inevitable death. Honestly now, you’re goals are far more obvious than Fred’s were before I locked him in as my fiancé!” Oleander summoned her key blade, Buttina loaded two shells into her Boomacorn and readied it and our small bipedal android cat Kityan pulled out a pair of rapid fire photon pistols to hold them akimbo in Kyubey’s direction. I added onto the threat by glaring with glowing eyes.

“Really now, you have no idea who you are messing with, my people are far more powerful than you can ever imag… uh… what’s that?” Kyubey stated as a keyhole opened up in their chest and a beam of light entered it before disappearing along with the keyhole. “Wha… what did you just do… why does everything suddenly feel so… off?”

“I just made sure you couldn’t replace your body and you are now locked into the mortality of your current form.” Oleander stated with an evil grin, I loved my unicorn with pretty hair. “In essence, you can die now.”

“My people have not calculated someone being capable of ending our existences so easily or readily… can I apologize and continue to make witches from magical girls by contracting wishes off them to continue the necessary suffering of every entire species I plan to eventually make extinct like I have done many times before? I assure you that magical girls becoming witches through our cyclical system of immense pain and suffering by turning wishes into complete nightmares is quite necessary.” In response to Kyubey’s attempt to make nice to get out of what was about to happen, Buttina fired an explosive cavalcade of elements that took off Kyubey’s left ear to the sound of her shotgun screaming ‘Buck-shot!’ quite loudly in its usual horsy noises. The acid started eating at the side of Kyubey’s head slightly as they screamed and started to flee. “You would truly pass up the opportunity for wishes?!”

“If it ends with us going out of control and then dying horribly to feed your machinations on our souls and magic, of course we would pass on that as we have better ways to achieve our goals through hard work! Better start running faster short stuff, because it seems we’re hunting extinction class nuisances in this dimension!” Buttina said as she loaded two more shells and began the chase. “You wanted some magic, oh we’ll give you and your entire species all the magic you can handle alright!”

The little white false angelic fox looking monstrosity started running for their life in fear for the first time in their eternally long existence where they thought that the heat death of the universe was the only thing that would end their race. Finding out that they couldn’t regenerate after what Oleander just did to them was a blow to their immensely large ego that nobody could possibly kill an ‘Incubator’ like them permanently. Oh how wrong they were about that.

“Fred… I hope you are hungry, especially if there are more of these things complicit in ruining entire civilizations by being nasty little parasites that try to be all cute and cuddly.” Oh joyous days Oleander, especially if you were implying what I thought you were! I could feel Oleander charging me up, my heart and conscience was going to let me loose again. “Fred… release.”

I came out of my book grinning.

-Digital Realms, Server City, Kangarumon’s Gym, Next ‘Digital’ Morning, Pom. *total time elapsed in Ransei Realm reality, three minutes and twelve seconds since entering the digital realms*-

“So where exactly in the southeastern slums district will we find Ogremon?” A lot more fighting was going to happen today, I would sadly have to put my best hooves forward and focus on our objectives of finding Etemon today. “Tempomon only gave us a general region, not an actual location of where Ogremon would have his Backspace System set to so he can’t escape us if we pin him there.”

“Oh that’s an easy one, Ogremon is not exactly what anyone would call subtle dood.” Prinnymon was still with us for some reason. “If Tempomon didn’t tell you his exact location, then he likely thought it would be highly obvious once you got there dood.”

“So we need to rough up Ogremon to find the Octomon named Ultros, we need to beat ultros to find the boss of the Falcomons and after that we’ll probably have Etemon’s location if we’re lucky. I dislike being given the run around, but at this point it’s kind of necessary.” Right there with you Canard, this was going to be more of a run around than I wanted to deal with and I’ve already done something like this not too long ago.

“Hey, can I ask for a membership here dood?” Prinnymon turned to Gaomon and suddenly asked out of the blue. “I want to eventually become strong enough to help out with this stuff and be a hero dood!”

Sami just about got the farmlands set up in her Digi-Home space and had mostly finished building a comfortable two story bunker in the Canard’s Digi-vice.

“Well good luck with that Prinnymon. From what I’ve heard of Prinnymon, you guys are on par with Commandramon in the luck department… probably got it from us no less. Still studying the Backspace System!” Sami was only out for breakfast and quickly leapt back into the device at Canard’s hip, only stopping to remind us to pick up meat and vegetable seeds from the cities plantation again when we had the opportunity to pass by the place.

“Well let’s go fight our way through the Goblimon and whatever else is going to bother us today.” If I didn’t have to worry about seriously hurting the Goblimon or any other opposing Digimon, I could probably go a little wild with my magical wolf claws. Maybe injuring them badly enough will prevent them from being on the streets sooner after we bash our way through them.

The Backspace System notably doesn’t heal injuries, it just prevented them from being furthered to lethality after a certain point.

“Okay Frizzle, your taking point when we exit Tempomon’s territory.” Nodding quietly to Canard, Frizzle bit into a piece of bread shaped like her head taking off one of the fluffy bread ears. “Now let’s move!”

-Ten minutes later-

“So while I was unconscious you had some fun singing and dancing?” I never bothered to ask last night and Dolly knew I was still shaken up about the Thousand Spears: Huo. Sure it was an obsessively slow technique, but the raw power I put out from it was horrifying on a number of levels when it comes to what I was capable of. “Well, at least one of us is enjoying this adventure.”

“Yeah, that guy was impossible to beat at dancing, I mean the guy seemed like he was literally born to dance and even probably teach it.” Dolly lazily blocked a wooden club with her bone absorbing the blow and she slammed the bone home into the Goblimon’s chin knocking them down. “You’d think a guy with a speaker in his torso would have a bit more bite when it comes to singing though.”

I was busy leaping upwards and doing a flying buck that sent a Goblimon rolling into the river. We were almost to the southeastern slums having passed just by the bridge where we were ambushed with that trap barrier the previous day.

Frizzle was holding two Goblimon by their shirts and slammed their heads together and held her claws in a scoop like fashion as she took the Digi-credits that spilled from them.

“You’d think eventually these guys would run out of Digi-credits.” Canard grumbled as he slapped the flat of his hockey sticks blade into a Kamemon. Canard sent their shell skidding backwards into wall where they ricocheted and began spinning like it had no friction. “Hah, I’m getting back my puck control skills from this!”

Canard just took out a row of Goblimon with really weird sounds for each Goblimon hit until the Kamemon hit the eighth one and played a fun sounding jingle, then it promptly slammed into a mound of mud on the bank of the river while smoking and looking a little red.

“Well that’s nice to hear, better than the other stuff going on that I can’t do nothing about.” I grumbled as I blocked with my right leg and wobble countered a Goblimon into the sky where they disappeared over a building where they hit and went through a billboard advertising ‘Binary Cereal for healthy Digimon’ in a rather painful sounding manner.

“Barf!” Was what I heard in the distance and sighed. “Looks like we cleared this street let’s keep moving.”

One block of quiet unnerved me considering we’ve been under attack by Kamemon and Goblimon quite frequently up to this point. Turning the corner that lead into the southeastern slum across a bridge… well Ogremon definitely wasn’t subtle about where his hideout was.

There was a large two stacked billboard advertising across the bridge. The top billboard read, ‘Ogremon’s secure warehouse and weapons factory, you can totally give us your goods for safekeeping with the Basher Bullies… because you’re not getting them back from us, so they’ll obviously be safe from everyone else’. Also there was the other thing on the lower billboard ‘Globlimon clubs ninety percent off for all Goblimon minions while supplies last, because my guys need something for thumping things real good like, ask about joining Ogremon’s WAAAGH’.

“That… I have no words for how dumb it is to advertise where his Backspace Systems home base is.” Canard said as he walked up beside me.

“There’s arrows pointing towards the warehouse in question and everything, we definitely didn’t need to worry about how to find it.” What Dolly was looking at, and was pointing out with her left paw as she rested the stone bone on her right shoulder, is the exceedingly large amount of sign posts with arrows pointing in the direction of Ogremon’s base. “The spelling on those things is atrocious. I’m glad I’m not nearly that dumb, these Goblimon are actually making me feel smarter than I should be by comparison.”

The signs had stuff on them in order of our give approach: ‘seecurut baze dere, theze sighnz er fer the gobbos wiz no senze of directshun.’ ‘Do nut reed or falloh zignz if youz are nut a gobbo, if youz cun reed ta bee gin wit’. ‘If nut a gobbo and youz is dooeng the reedeeng eenywey, Gabbah Gabbah you! If steel a-lie-va, thin falloh teh zignz and fite Ogremon at youz oeen pearill’.

“My brain cells are starting to mutiny at reading those signs.” I said out loud while trying to only pay attention to the arrows and not the writing on the signs.

“I don’t think they’ve ever been to a school before in their whole lives, so those signs are actually quite impressive for them to know that many letters to begin with much less put them in a nearly coherent order.” Nodded Canard and then he pointed the blade of his hockey stick at the Goblimons barring our way on the other side of the bridge leading into the southeastern slums. “Now let’s go see if we can bring down Ogremon with minimal fuss and find out where Octomon is.”

“How likely is he to honestly tell us that?” It was a concern of mine as much as it should have been a concern of his as well.

“From what I know? Ogremon are honorable after combat is won, before that they will lie, cheat, steal and try just about anything to win a fight. So we’re liable to be swarmed when we enter his warehouse and factory while possibly coming under attack by Ogremon himself at the same time. Maybe even before we can even get in there.” Oh great, just what we needed in our lives Canard, more existential dread. “If we beat Ogremon and the Goblimon with him in a fight, what with him trying to stack things in his favor, he’ll tell us exactly what we want to know without lying since we showed we’re better than him in every way possible and that he needs to improve in whatever way possible to eventually be able to beat us. Ogremon basically require a reason to grow stronger whether that is revenge, spite or a rival stronger than them.”

Frizzle nodded and held up a claw in a gesture that said he was correct and then turned and spat a sphere of fire that exploded three Goblimon into vortexes immediately, she then started charging across the bridge by herself while quickly unwrapping the chain from her right arm.

“Hey, don’t too far ahead without the rest of us Frizzle, we need to stick together to prevent surprises from taking us all out!” Listening to Canard, Frizzle didn’t push too far off the bridge as she started to sling Goblimon around with the chain, bashing them with her curled up claws, slashing them with said claws and .

I was idling behind with Dolly, Dazzle was between us and aiding Frizzle or Canard with long range support in the form of accurate blasts of exploding flames. I was mostly paying attention to the direction we were heading in while watching our backs as Canard and Frizzle cleared a path.

Dolly gave me a curious look and was reading my nervousness quite clearly. There were possibilities we were walking into something highly dangerous, but the form that danger would take was what I was worried about.

“How bad could it be, these Goblimon guys go down pretty fast, Ogremon couldn’t be too much harder right?” Dolly, please tell me you just didn’t say that!

“After everything we’ve been through Dolly, really? I get the right to say I told you so later when we run across something real nasty because you said that.” I’m pretty sure it’ll happen, even if the number of Goblimon hasn’t exactly been increasing on our approach. We’ve been steadily beating our way through them. “Also they know we’re coming and are likely preparing for a big fight with us, so I think it’s doubly confirmed now.”

“How would they know… oh… right… the backspace thingy.” Having sent Dolly an image of the numerous vortexes we’ve seen yesterday and so on today, she finally started to feel the same sense of foreboding that I was. “Can I apologize and take it back Pom?”

“You’ve already tempted fate, so it’s actually going to happen Dolly.” A Goblimon in samurai armor and a short sword bypassed Canard and Frizzle looked to be targeting Dazzle, only for me to move in the way.

“Ah dog, this is going to be one of those days isn’t it?” Now Dolly was on the same page of being ready for things to go downhill quite soon.

So far things didn’t ‘seem’ to be too bad, let’s see how long that would be true.

“Like things can get any better with me.” I ducked under the leaping horizontal sword swing and promptly shoulder checked the Goblimon in the gut leading with my left shoulder while they were still in the air.

The Goblimon were forced back, but they landed on their feet and held their blade high up readying another attack. A spinning bone came from Dolly and deflected the blade to the side as they tried to bring it down on me, I didn’t even flinch or move as I trusted Dolly.

I was already readying my right hoof and once the blade struck the ground, I swung it forward and unleashed Thousand Spears that sent them flying into an alleyway with a thunderous crash.

We hurried to catch up with Canard and Frizzle who were already turning the corner after leaving Goblimon disappearing into vortexes.

Another Flame Burst erupted from Dazzle, blowing down another clustered group of Goblimon as we turned onto the next street after the two and saw all the signs pointing to a large building in the distance with a large neon sign of what I assumed to be Ogremon’s face. The colorful dark green spotlights were accenting the building quite nicely too.

“How many more Goblimon do we have to go through?!” I lamented as I saw about fifty on the street ahead between us and the large building that gave off corporate vibes like Shere Khan’s headquarters in Cape Suzette did.

“Hey, I’m not a Goblimon, I’m a Shammanmon!” One of the slightly darker green guys shouted as he came forward.

“What’s the difference exactly?!” I yelled back as the Goblimon and possible other Digimon that looked exactly like Goblimon except colored differently gripped their weapons slightly. It was a good thing they weren’t very large, the numbers they had on their side was already daunting enough.

“Are you implying that we all look exactly the same?!” Shamanmon sounded angry about that.

“Yes, you look like every other Goblimon!” At this point I couldn’t tell the difference between them as there were red Goblimon, green Goblimon, blue Goblimon and Shamanmon just looked like any of them.

The Goblimon looked amongst themselves, they even started to converse about it for a bit and they all turned to Shamanmon and one Goblimon stepped forward.

“That checks actually.” The green underbite tusks riddled punk styled monsters actually agreed with me?

“… hm… mhmm… maybe… mmrrn…” Shamanmon took a good four minutes of humming and hawing about that. While the good forty nine or so assorted green guys stood around awkwardly, some swinging their weapons in idle practice and others looked to be waiting to charge us. “Okay, I believe that you might have a point there. Still going to start beating on you for the boss though.”

“We were kind of expecting that anyway, but thanks for at least warning us ahead of time of your intentions.” I stated back pleasantly.

“You’re welcome, Gabbah Gabbah!” Shamanmon raised his wooden club with nails haphazardly hammered into it towards us and the others roared as they started forward.

“Frizzle Left, Dazzle right, Dolly on me, Canard get back and while I’m actually quite loathe to do this… it might be the quickest way through them.” I sent Dolly an idea of what I was about to have us do.

“That thing I did with the box heads when they tried to throw fire at us, sure!” Dolly hopped onto my back and held up her right paw.

“Frizzle, Pyro Sphere towards the right, Dazzle Flame Burst towards the left.” I held up my hooves and my wool started coiling I angled them specifically to my needs. “Try to get them to meet in the middle.”

“What are you going to do?” Canard asked.

“A combo maneuver, that’ll hopefully speed up this fight so we don’t have to face them all in close quarters combat.” Even as I said it I aimed slightly upwards and looking at Dolly over my shoulder, she agreed to do the same. “Fire!”

Dazzle and Frizzle let out balls of flame, one a controlled sphere and the other barely contained mass of coiling raw fire energy. Where the two collided I fired off an upward Thousand Spears into it with both my legs as Dolly called out her move.

“Aero!” What followed Dolly’s declaration was a widespread amount panic and fire that, thankfully enough, wasn’t directly flowing at the Goblimon and was primarily going above their heads.

What followed was a large amount of Goblimon immediately being sucked into vortexes and leaving a lot of Digi-credits laying all over the street, we basically took out half with a powerful heat wave. Shamanmon was one of the few that weathered the heat fairly well, as did the blue Goblimon who looked to be sweating slightly, any red Goblimon looked unbothered. The bright green ones were the ones most affected given quite a number of them were missing now.

“Freezing breath!” Several of the ice Goblimon stated and cooled down the heat in the air and, using the freezing cold air they were exhaling constantly in our direction, created a large tornado that surged towards us because of the hot and cold front differential.

That… was actually far more intelligent than I thought they could actually manage.

“Aero!” Dolly quickly stopped the tornado before it could engulf us.

“Life shield!” Shamanmon called out and all the Goblimon still present, about twenty seven or so, suddenly started glowing with magical energy.

Frizzle tested the waters with a blasts of flames… and the effect was far less as the explosive fireball seemed to weaken greatly in the presence of the Goblimon’s glowing auras.

“Now you’ll see why I’m different, boulder throw!” A large boulder appeared in the air and Shamanmon, of which I finally noticed there was only one, slung his club forward sending the large boulder tumbling our way.

My wool rippled to the front of my body as I twisted myself with my legs held straight up and then lunged forward into a wool shift drill. Grinding against the boulder for a few seconds, I focused enough to fire off two slightly stronger Thousand Spears point blank with the increase in wool mass around my front legs. The white spear shaped air pressure blasts shattered the boulder and knocked me back to the ground. My wool quickly took the impact as I rolled back to my friends side.

“Quick question, how many times can you do that?” Canard asked before pulling his puck pistol and firing it, it did some damage to Shamanmon, but it seemed to be lessened because of the glowing aura.

Shamanmon must be a higher class subordinate to Ogremon to be that strong.

“Just the one, charge in!” Shamanmon rallied the other Goblimon into coming at us again.

“I’m a bit tapped on magic here Pom. I know I agreed to it, but shouldn’t we have hit them directly with the fire?” Well since you’re asking Dolly.

“I think some of them might be resistant or even immune to fire so, even if we had directly hit them, it would have possibly had the same results as right now.” No longer having the time to talk I prepped for a fight.

Frizzle was spinning the chain up and brought it around as the first Goblimon reached us and started swing it horizontally she wasn’t bound to miss with all the Goblimon swarming at us. She started thrashing her way through them.

Following that Canard slammed the blade of his hockey stick into a Goblimon’s throat and brought the other side around into their ankle to sweep them down before slamming the blade of the stick down on their forehead causing them to disappear.

He gritted his beak and blocked two leaping goblimon and pushed them back and started to stalk forward with his hockey stick at the ready.

A blazing pulse of purple energy in the shape of a dragon roared past and actually hurt the red Goblimon and took out quite a few.

Dolly prepped her board and took an impact on it and managed to stay standing, I saw magic swirling into her and refilling her capacity a bit as I rammed my forehead forward with my wool hardened around my head to take down the Goblimon with a blow to the skull.

It’s a good thing the Backspace System gets them out of harm’s way quickly as the next Goblimon was already upon us and Dolly was kicking her board up into his chin before dropping the stone bone on their skull take them down with a momentum boosted downward strike.

I turned about and used the length of my legs to buck the next incoming one in the stomach as another dragon shaped pulse of pain streaked out from Dazzle’s mouth.

“Barf!” Okay, I have had about enough of hearing that noise these Goblimon kept making.

“Why is that even a noise you can make?!” I was a bit angry when I started to lash out with my front hooves in a wild trampling manner that clawed up the next few as Dolly bashed and thrashed with her skateboard and the stone bone club.

“Well…. Blarg.” A Goblimon stopped to answer and was taken down by a vicious three magical claw swipe from me, I would have stopped myself to listen, but at this point I was more focused on keeping them from injuring Dolly, Dazzle or me.

We were tearing through the Goblimon pretty quickly despite the auras protecting them from most of the damage we were dishing out.

Canard was proving his hockey based prowess when he should checked four into vortexes against the ground. Frizzle was being a beast in the fight, seeming to take to brawling with an intense joy that was kind of scary. Dolly was blocking and returning hits with far more force than they could dish out to her and was doing pretty well with multitasking between controlling her board and the mystical club in her paws.

Wait, does that mean the Pecha Scarf doesn’t work while she’s wielding the Stone Bone? Something to worry about later if we come across something poisonous.

Keeping up with being near Dolly and staying protective of Dazzle, I kept to low sweeping hoof attacks that could be turned into upwards claw slashes at a moment’s notice to catch at least three Goblimon in the face or across the chest and shoulders.

Sweep attacks were easy to get out fast when you were a quadruped with long legs like me. Tripping the Goblimon up wasn’t too hard nor was it hard to take them out after they were down, they were exactly combat savants beyond being somewhat instinctual brawlers.

We were quickly wearing them down as there were barely five left and Shamanmon was among those still standing as the only dark green one.

“I’m retreating, you guys keep fighting!” The last few hapless Goblimon looked between them as Shamanmon hightailed it towards the building with Ogremon’s neon sign on it.

In their distraction two of the Goblimon went down to a hockey stick slap shot based swing to the gut and another was picked up by the leg by Frizzle and promptly used to bludgeon another Goblimon into unconsciousness before they both disappeared into vortexes.

This left one who had stopped running at me and looked around he started to run and was smacked twice by a twirling chained from Frizzle before Canard kicked him in the back sending him tumbling until he ended up on his back.

“Blargh…” The Goblimon managed to get out before disappearing.

“Now you see Pom, we’ve got this!” Dolly stated in exuberance as she kicked her board into forward motion, we started to chase after Shamanmon who ran into the warehouse and factory. “To think you were so worried we’d run into something quite horrible, these guys got nothing on us!”

Don’t worry Dolly, I’m still waiting for it. Ogremon knows we’re coming and he probably has his best Goblimon at his side, with who knows what else.

-Ogremon’s Warhouse Warehouse, Ogremon-

“Boss the intruders are incoming right behind me!” Shamanmon, one of the few knuckleheads I can actually trust to be smart in a fight.

“Is it Tempomon and his lot finally retaliating against me for all the raids?” I was grinning, Tempomon was quite the challenge and I wanted to beat that smarmy grin off the dance happy monster’s face. "Finally some heroic action!"

“No, it’s a strange group, I think two of them are Digi-destined. They had devices.” Shamanmon stated with a panicked looked as my eyes lit up with glee. “I only saw one Digimon, but they could be holding another in reserve. The others are strange biologicals that can fight really tough like, also the Digimon is a Guilmon… it might be capable of Digital-Evolving.”

“Digi-destined, here? Oh what a joyous occasion, some real fun is about to begin… Tankmon be ready to intimidate them as they enter! We need to show off our A-game if there’s Digi-destined to start a battle with!” I raised my Digi-bone club and let out a roar that could be heard throughout the factory and warehouse. It would gather the Goblimon, today was a great day to make some enemies. “Shamanmon be prepared to life shield Tankmon, we’ll give these guys a very warm welcome… of the explosive variety!”

-Outside the Warhouse Warehouse, Dolly-

Heh we had them running and fighting Ogremon was going to be… we all ran through the large open doors and it took me a second to comprehend exactly what I was seeing in front of us.

“Oh dog!” We all had run in with intent to fight, but then we all quickly scattered as an explosion happened near the center of our group.

I personally boosted my momentum to the side get out of the way of the blast. Frizzle and Canard dove forward and were buffeted by it, Pom leapt straight up and out of range, Dazzle quickly turned and leapt and clung to the wall next to the entrance.

“You okay Lit?” I received a squeak and a friendly weight hugging against my neck, had to remember that he was on me even if he was just vibing most of the time.

In the open space in the center of the warehouse among the boxes, shipping containers and a lot of other random stuff, was a large figured and a motorized revving noise as a pair of glaring eyes peered out at us through the darkness.

“Is that a Tankdramon that Sami mentioned?!” Pom said quickly backpedaling out of the path of another missile fired from the things… nose… I want to say. It flew out the open doorway and exploded down the street.

“I wish I were a Tankdramon those things are powerful and awe inspiring! I’m the great mercenary Tankmon, explosions!” Flames erupted into the air from the tanks arms causing small explosions every once in a while.

It was a tank with four treads two in a triangle formation in the back and two flat front ones, the lower torso was all tank and the upper torso looked like something biological was fused into it. The biological looking arms lead into two cannons with three holes and one barrel sticking out at the top of each. The monstrosities helmet... or was that actually part of its upper skull? Well it was what I expected the top of a tank to look like, that had some small tufts of hair dangling out from under it and a long cannon for a nose that just fired at Pom, it also had small armored shoulder pads that seemed kind of pointless to me.

After that rather terrifying display, the lights came on and Goblimon were swarming the walkways above and surrounding us to the left and right on the floor and behind the tank. All of them grinning and wielding various weapons.

On the walkway above was a big green guy that was on the neon sign outside with Shamanmon at his side, he simply raised his bone and pointed it forward.

“Tankmon, Data type, weakest area in combat, close quarters. Getting into close quarters with one is difficult as Tankmon specializes in constant heavy bombardments at various ranges.” Icky Sis stated unhelpfully from the device at my neck. “I advise finding immediate cover.”

“Dolly… I told you so…” Pom stated slowly with a flat unamused look as she widened her stance to start springing around like a grasshopper on coffee, when the monster tank moved to aim at Canard and Frizzle who were still picking themselves up.

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