• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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213. Battle for Saint Canard Pt. 3.


There was a world that had somehow attracted my attention.

My gazing red eyes were drawn to the white wooled being.

Curious… perhaps I can contract her services. Should she perish I will just simply collect her soul for my needs, should she live… well now I would seek to acquire her one way or another.

Also the existence of that digital monster…

-Earth, Saint Canard, Pom-

Having heard the news from Dormarch… disconcerting was the word for it. I don’t think we could do a necessary amount of damage to put the pressure needed on Negatron Duck.

I was glad that they had managed to take out that large rapid projectile spewing monstrosity, but that didn’t mean that Negatron Duck was unarmed. Far from it, considering I was dodging a grenade by jumping as high as I could and using the heat of the blast to launch me even hire in the air.

My wool was mostly good for shrapnel, but I had a stabbing pain near the lower left side of my stomach. It goes along quite well with the pain in my right hind leg.

I landed and I felt something tug out me, I turned to Dormarch as I bandaged the wound with my wool and saw him spit the metal off to the side. The bit of metal was pretty large, had it been moving any faster I’d actually have a hole in me.

Negatron Duck was far more focused on Darkwing at the moment. Negatron Duck’s hatred for the actor that would have replace him was understandable to a degree, but not this much.

The antenna was halfway transformed into a tower of skulls and bones, most of the rooftop had been replaced with said aesthetic and the setup for said structure looked almost complete.

I turned back to looking at Darkwing as he blasted Negatron Duck with electric gas, the most common gas he had short of turning his gun into a shock pistol, as he ran around on the rooftop and evaded to the best of his ability.

I was staying back for a bit and knew that getting into melee range with Negatron Duck was not something I relished doing again so soon. Not that Negatron could ignore me or Dormarch entirely, we just weren’t doing much to draw his attention as he and Darkwing traded insults to one another as I stood close to one corner the roof watching the two fight around the other side of the roof.

“Are you just going to stand there and do nothing? We could be disabling the antenna.” I’m not sure Dormarch understood the situation so I decided to tell him.

“He’ll just keep building it back up anyway and we can’t do near enough structural damage to actually permanently stop him.” That and the shield covering the tronsplitter made it impossible to take down. “Besides, didn’t you tell me that Negatron Duck is the major problem here? I can’t actually get into melee range with him, he’s got a lot of weapons and his power is infusing the entire area of the roof. What exactly are we supposed to be doing here exactly? That’s what I’m trying to figure out.”

“...” Your silence was fairly telling Dormarch. “Well we have to figure something out!”

“You can get on my back and we can both attack him from range.” I said calmly. “Also I do have a plan for when I have no other choice in how to deal with him, but nobody will like it.”

“What is it? I’ll take anything.” Dormarch was quite willing to get into the fight.

“You wouldn’t be saying that if you knew what my plan entailed.” Clambering onto my back and watching his claws as he did so, he tilted his head at me. “I can’t recall, I know I told Dolly about it, but have I ever told you about a certain technique that could give me the necessary strength to take down Negatron Duck?”

“What does it do and what is it called?” Nope, hadn’t told Dormarch about that yet, definitely told Dolly about though?

“Well if all my friends were currently here and healthy, instead most of them being injured, they probably would tell me not to do it.” The fact that I was considering it said a lot about the threat level that Negatron Duck presented. “Can you call Ocellus at Darkwing’s Lair, I need to talk with her a bit before I go through with this.”

“Let me guess, like all your Dancing Flame technique, this one has an alarmingly bad drawback.” Just looking at Dormarch with a stern frown made him a bit quiet. “Ocellus, can you hear us?”

“Yes, she is here, but I’ve taken the seat as mission control for the time being. What is it?” Violet responded as came up on the PET’s screen with Ocellus, Shanty, Smolder and Dolly in the background looking to me. “Also why are you not helping Darkwing?”

“I have a reason to believe I will need to pull out a lethal technique and use the initial effect to hit negatron duck, after that I’m on a time limit.” That made Violet blink. “I called to ask Ocellus to try and talk me out of it.”

“Pom… don’t tell me that you’re seriously thinking of doing ‘THAT’ again. You nearly died last time!” That got alarmed looks between Ocellus and then back to me from Lena and Violet. “It’s bad enough that lighting yourself on fire is considered the safer of your options!”

“What is she…?” Lena started to ask looking confused before a wave an arc beam of energy swept across the rooftop and near Dormarch and me, it sent the both of us tumbling.

“Please, talk me out of it Ocellus.” My pleading certainly wasn’t going to be ignored, I ducked as a lightning blast of raw energy passed me by.

Turning to look at Negatron Duck I saw that the only reason he had missed us is because Cold Shadow launched up and brought his staff down on the super powered villain’s head.

“Pom, I’m quite sure there’s a better choice than doing that, anything would be better than you practically killing yourself.” Now you see Ocellus, I would like to believe that, but this city is full of innocent people that have been terrorized all day and trapped in a city full of villains running amok.

“Can you actually convince me that an entire city full of people isn’t worth more than my life?” There was a long silence. “Please?”

“Pom… I can’t in good conscience tell you that, but isn’t there another option?” Well at the rate things are going Ocellus…

A smoldering Cold Shadow slid up to Dormarch and Me, we could both see Negatron Duck wielding a flamethrower blasting dark flames from it.

“Well we do have Ms. Shuttle, who can technically wipe out a solid half of Negatron Duck’s energy, but we need that to be a direct hit and for him to stand perfectly still. Given that he can fly, that means he can avoid the shot.” Dormarch reported, while looking to me with a curious amount of worry. “Darkwing has been hitting him with small canisters of positron gas, but the limited amounts are only weakening him ever so slightly. Getting him to hold still for artillery is not likely unless he’s battered into staying in a single position.”

“Do you think you can get him to stand still long enough for it to hit Pom?” Ocellus asked as I helped Cold Shadow up and watched as Darkwing managed to disable the flamethrower with a ball of what looked to be silly putty that made it explode violently.

“Not unless I go all out Ocellus, by that I mean doing everything I have into putting him down, he’s not exactly staying very still right now. Are you okay Cold Shadow?” The duck shook his head and apparently came to, because he reached up and ripped the red blindfold off. In a swirling light, he turned back into Maui.

“Cold Shadow is out of commission for a while.” Maui reported as the blindfold disappeared in his grip, he took out his beetle blaster and stood up. “I still have some fight left in me.”

“Then get in there and help Darkwing, I have a little bit more talking I have to do before I get into the fight.” When I do get in there, I was going to be going full tilt.

“I’ll give you the time you need.” Maui gave me a glance, then turned and ran to aid Darkwing his gun blazing with green globs flying out of it with strange popping noises.

“Sorry girls, but I think it’s actually needed here.” I bowed my head to them.

“Pom…” Shanty stated, knowing what had happened to me the last time I did this. “Be making that first hit count something fierce!”

“You better believe I will Shanty.” I said with no hint of humor in my voice. “Dolly…”

“Yeah?” Dolly lifted on of her ears in interest at what I had to say, her tail wasn’t wagging though.

“Can I use you’re flow motion ability for as long as your able to provide it to me when I tell you to?” The Dalmatian firmed her face and then nodded to me, I was going to need all the help I could get. “Just relax until then. We’ll give the others some ranged support for the time being first, but if it starts getting real bad I will break out the Shock-Ram technique, okay Dormarch stay in connection with Ms. Shuttle and take the shot when you think it’s viable,.”

Cutting the call to Darkwing’s lair, Dormarch hopped onto my back and I was prepared to do all the legwork for the both of us.

“Shock-Ram, didn’t you mention in that in passing once or twice?” So I did tell Dormarch, but not the full story. “Didn’t it take more than a full month to recover from it?”

“Longer, I was lucky enough to wake up after a month other users of the technique were not so lucky.” They usually died in a hospital bed was something I was about to say out loud. “Once I use it, you’re to find all kinds of medical supplies for torn muscles, broken bones and severe internal injuries.”

“You’re going to hurt Negatron Duck that much?” The silence spoke for itself as Dormarch received a frown from me. “It’ll be all for you?”

“Yes, surviving using the technique more than once hasn’t been done very often… at least it was relatively painless way to go. The damage is consistent even if I was to stand completely still and just breathe normally. At least the medical technology in this world is far better than the one I initially used it in, wild bark him when we land.” I stated evenly before I leapt forward and fired a bark blast once I was close enough.

This caught Negatron Duck by surprise he tried to step back or fly up. Only he couldn’t because a two blasts of green globs encase his left webbed foot and he took my blast to the face. The globs evaporated by the glowing energy surrounding him as my hooves touched down.

He brought out a long gun of some type with his right hand as he was shooting at Maui with the gun in his left, but Dormarch struck him with a Wild Bark before he could pull the trigger. I lunged forward and brought my rear half around to hit him in a chest with a flying buck before hopping backwards upon landing.

He staggered, he didn’t stay stunned for long, but it was enough to get in a solid blow that made him drop the weapon in his left hand. Said hand fired a bolt our way and I was moving as Darkwing and Maui struck him with more lightning gas and beetle goo, the lightning gas made him drop the weapon and the goo knocked it away from him.

“That’s it!” Raising his right arm and building up power in it, I tensed wondering what he was going to do. Was he going to fire a blast, a beam of lighting, grab and throw, or maybe more indirect control of weapons through levitation? “I’ve had enough of all of you!”

He slapped it against the ground and the entire roof started collapsing under us, I jumped up and went to inflate, but stopped as a blast passed by my face and I fell into the collapsing rooftop near where Darkwing was.

I hit the railing of the staircase below chest first in a painful manner, I hadn’t been armoring my wool since it was pointless to do so against Negatron Duck, and I am now hanging over the wrong side of it.

Looking up as a large section of ceiling started falling towards me, I grabbed Dormarch from my back and quickly tossed him to the side before pulling myself onto the railing where the ceiling pinned me against the stairs.

Darkwing fell past me and I didn’t see where Maui went, Negatron Duck started walking by as a number of chunks from the destroyed roof gathered around the antenna defensively.

I tried to move the piece of debris on top of me, but it was far too heavy.

“Pom!” Dormarch shouted from up the stairs, looking down at me.

“It’s okay I’m just pinned down, I can’t move it but it’s not crushing me!” I pushed at it with all four legs and it shifted to almost crushing me. “Correction, it’s now crushing me slightly, I shouldn’t really try to move it.”


Okay so Negatron Duck just collapsed most of the roof and was making a makeshift field of floating debris as a physical shield for his antenna on the only portions of the roof that hadn’t been collapsed, Maui fell to a floor below, Darkwing fell down the middle of the staircases and Pom is trapped.

The night sky was clear, no clouds and a nice moon to look at… too bad you couldn’t see the stars for all the light from the city. What do I do?!

“Hmph… was that all you had?” Negatron Duck stated with his arms crossed. “Pathetic!”

He turned and started walking towards the antenna, I clambered up the stairs slightly and then aimed a retriever bark at his back.

It struck him and made him stumble, he looked at the helicopter and I fired another blast drawing his attention to me.

“You’re not done with me yet!” Receiving a glare for my trouble, Negatron Duck reached behind him and pulled out a loaded elephant gun. It started glowing as he took aim at me with both hands on the weapon I dove towards the rubble where Pom was and he fired. A split second before the shell struck me, I managed to activate my signature program Search Hunter.

I appeared on the opposite side of the rubble pinning Pom down and a massive hole was opened up through several buildings where the bullet went and that one shot might have killed numerous people if those buildings happened to be occupied. The side effect of getting Negatron Duck to shoot at me went spectacularly as the rubble pinning Pom had broken and allowed her to pull herself up and onto the stairs leading to the roof.

She looked my way and I nodded, she clambered and leapt up onto the roof to see Negatron Duck calmly walking towards the tronsplitter and the antenna.

“Almost done here… I’m kind of upset they couldn’t put up more of a fight or bleed more for me. I so wanted to crush their skulls between my hands too.” The tronsplitter was reoriented and was being attached to the antenna.

With a quick teleport to Pom’s side we were about to attack Negatron Duck again, only somebody else beat us to the punch.

“I’M THE BOLD ACTION DUUUUU-~!” It was Launchpad in a helicopter yelling over a loudspeaker as he intended to ram himself into Negatron Duck, it plowed through the floating chunks of destroyed roof perfectly fine. The lights on the vehicle shined into the red pupils of the black and gray ducks face as it came at him like a breaching whale.

Negatron Duck turned to the helicopter before it could crash into him and held up his right hand, he blasted the helicopter with a mass of energy before its mass could even slam into him.

I blinked and watched what happened next, the helicopter had been practically evaporated by Negatron Duck. The expenditure of energy to do so probably weakened him a bit as several small pieces of the helicopter struck him, including the pilot, the seat still underneath said pilot and the stick Launchpad slapped across his beak after having landed on top of Negatron Duck.

-Negatron Negaduck-

“You…” I knocked the seat of the helicopter off of me with a pulse and hovered back onto my feet. “I don’t know how you survived the destruction of the helicopter, but I am beyond angry!”

The yahoo unbuckled his seat belt and got up to wield the flight stick at me as a weapon again.

“I’m not letting you do this!” Said by my biggest fan turned against me by Darkwing Duck.

I walked up to him grabbed him by the throat and pulled him close to me.

“Do I look like I care, what do you really think you can do to stop me?” If crashing a helicopter me was in the best laid plans that you had, then really now, why would you ever continue to be brave in the face of your imminent demise? “I’m super charged to being damn near invulnerable to anything!”

“Uh, gee, well… maybe crush you with half the antenna that the helicopter top propeller thingy cut through?” Almost forgot this pilot guy was a big idiot, emphasis on the big part for the lug as I held him aloft by the neck.

“Really… and how are you going to make th-ARGH?!”


I flopped back onto my back and began rubbing at my throat. Sitting up slowly, I looked at the beak sticking out from under the top of the antenna as it crushed Negatron Duck’s body. My gaze slid over to the spinny helicopter bit was sticking out of the one bent portion of the towers leg halfway up and all the other three legs had been cut cleanly. The last leg had sheared off completely from the weight.

I think this might actually be my most successful attempt to land yet! I mean my seat made it through that intact as did the flight stick! Well the rest of the helicopter was destroyed, but at least it hadn’t been destroyed in a crash so I actually managed to land without damaging the vehicle for once. Far better than me trying to fly a car or replicating that Baloo guys infamous stunt with the Ice Duck.

A glow started coming from under the antenna and slowly it lifted it upwards above me and slowly Negatron Duck stood up as I back away lifting the antenna with his power.

I staggered back as he glared at me, his left hand pointed towards the tower and the antenna righted itself and started floating for the portion of the tower where it broke off. His right hand reached out towards me and before I knew it, I was hurting something fierce and on the ground violently jerking about and energy was hitting me constantly.

“You idiot at best you were a distraction and it’ll take me another minute to finish this.” As long as it had slowed you down Negatron Duck, then I did my best so the heroes can get back into the fight. “Fry!”

I was lifted up by the energy and then sent flying off the roof.


“Launchpad!” Right there with you Pom, but his trajectory had him on a course for… landing in a truck full of the world’s softest mattresses?

What is with that guy’s luck?! First he survives the helicopter disintegrating… that’s… not actually hard to believe considering all the prior crashes everyone has survived, but still! Followed that by the blades cutting exactly three legs of the antenna in the right place so that it toppled onto Negatron Duck? Beggars belief, but after all that and getting painfully launched off the roof… a truck full of ridiculously soft mattresses with an open roof!

I turned back to Negatron Duck reattaching the top portion of the towers legs with skull shaped welds.

“Sadly, I calculate that that’s the most damage he’s actually taken all fight and it took Launchpad actually crashing into him and making him use huge amounts of energy.” I turned to look at Pom and saw her with her legs raised above her head, she started to rub them together and electrical energy with increasingly anomalous properties started covering her legs. That must be how she starts the technique.

“Get clear, go get the medical supplies and then follow us as we fight.” Pom ordered and I nodded while moving out of the way watching as Negatron Duck move to the side of the tower and waited.

-Negatron Negaduck-

Now that the fool was out of the way, I walked up to the side of the antenna and looked at the tronsplitter.

Everything was ready, in order and all I had to do was kick it off. As per usual, I decide to be a bit dramatic about it.

“With the push of button or the pull of a lever, which would be the more evil way to do it. Push of a button! Why exert myself further than I have to?” Moving towards the Tronsplitter, there was little red button. Destruction of the city and very little stop me.

The heroes had failed in every way imaginable throughout the day, falling to various battle and fights.

My tongue wandered my beak and I gained bright toothy grin as I lifting a single finger glowing with power.

Say good-bye Saint Canard and say hello to the Negaverse!

My right index finger was on the button and was about to press down when I heard the sound of a sonic boom, but there weren’t any clouds in the…

The smell of ozone, lightning ripping through my body and I only heard a pair of words stated loudly as I somehow found myself burrowing into the street at least half a mile away from the building.

I was in a great deal of pain from whatever just hit me and I could only wonder one thing... how the hell did they even hurt me?!

“Okay, what bozo decided to pull a stupid last minute save?!” Ripping myself from the ditch my body had dug into the street another figure floated down and landed softly on the street with her eyes closed in front of me. “Leap Lamb, why won’t you stay dead when I kill you?”

“That’s implying you actually tried.” Leap Lamb said coolly and there was something off about her movements, as she slowly started walking to me on four hooves with a grim frown on her face.

“You’ve made the wrong duck angry.” Negatron Duck was no loser and Leap Lamb was playing with fire!

She went up on to her hind legs and crossed her hooves, her hooves truck each other as her legs crossed and her limbs caught on fire. She lit her hind legs shortly afterwards, then continued pace towards me slowly.

“May the Goddess of longma, Jiutian, watch over me.” She was not screaming about being on fire, that was... vaguely disturbing.

I'm apparently getting a real fight.

Author's Note:

My home got flooded with water... again... at least it wasn't as bad as the last few times, but still...

Match of the century.

In one corner...

We have 'Pom, The Leap Lamb, Lambchop'.

Utilizing Matchstick (Lambkin self-igniting), Dancing Flame (Specially modified longma breathing technique used to enhance reflexes to absurd degrees) and Shock-Ram (Deadly double edge medical heart restarting defibrillator fluffmancer technique, can also be used as a one time magical electrical burst of raw force attack. The resulting use causes the user to lose all bodily limiters and take damage until the Shock-Ram wears off. User is usually in traction afterwards for longer than a month, if they even survive long enough to get medical treatment and even afterwards they will be physically weak for quite a while.) all these techniques going on at the same time.

Pom is humble, friendly and has suffered enough physical and mental trauma to be scarred for life. She has arrhythmia problems from a bullet wound to the chest. Her health is in rapid decline to putting untold amounts of pressure on her body using her self made Dancing Flame technique.

She's but a simple lambkin pushing well beyond what other lambkin's would ever do or be capable aside from run and scream when danger rears it's ugly head and being highly and correctly paranoid.

She's a lover of animals, specifically canines and a number of said canids see her as their leader without question as she tends to them with love and compassion. She's spent a lot of time camping outdoors after being exiled to a valley because of the constant canines gathering around her, said valley was where the bones of a giant serpent lay after it died fighting a bounty hunting cow simply named 'Mad-Cow Maggie'. Said valley became a home for one lambkin with a lot of canine familiars where she pretty much learned to speak various dialects of dog through her many bonds over many peaceful years.

Having become a resident of Huoshan, the city built on a volcano that used to be a living dragon who's body became one with the land. She has endeared herself to the Huoshan Guard and has become a member and head of the K-9 Division. She is beloved by the regular citizenry around the city for in generally being a friendly face in an unusual place.

Convinced to leave her place of exile by Oleander the dark hero unicorn, she took to living in Huoshan after meeting Tianhuo and becoming fast friends. Their relationship quickly became closer than that when Pom made a modest proposal to their relationship with Tianhuo. Despite being considered shy and overly panicky by many, it was a surprise that she even had the nerve to do so with someone as notably fierce as the head of the Huoshan guard.

Self-taught in various educations, loves to read, relax and frolic, she exclusively doesn't like conflict or violence. She wishes to live a peaceful and quiet life, which is impossible due to the complications of having so many needy familiars to dote on and no matter what she does her life is hectic whether it's being the friendly house wife or the self titled weakest warrior of Huoshan.

This lambkin's dream is being able to relax in a peaceful field of flowers on a bright and sunny day with Tianhuo on a vacation from everything else, with all the worlds dangers on some island exceedingly far away from her and being a major problem for someone else. Possibly Jaded La Perm due to having been annoyed by her one too many times.

She's certainly not walking away from this one with her health being anywhere near intact if she even survive it.


Jim 'Negaduck' Starling as Negatron Duck.

He used to be an actor on Darkwing Duck show. The star of it even that did his own stunts to add to the realistic nature of the show, but when he fell out of any form of popularity his mood started souring as work was thin for this washed up actor.

He likely grew up poor on the streets and saw what fame did for others, he worked towards his one dream to always be remembered by becoming an actor... now, he wants to be remember one way or another!

Once he found out his role as Darkwing Duck was being replaced by another actor, one named Drake Mallard, his attempts at sabotaging the Darkwing Duck movie turned him into the villain he is today when an accident twisted his mind. Negaduck, is the second most evil villain in all of Saint Canard behind the notoriously vile Dr. Slug and he hates playing second fiddle to anyone.

Negaduck super charged with negatron particles by a tronsplitter to have destructive partially psychic energy based super powers. With a near endless amounts of weaponry to pull from a blood magical sigil on his back to aid him.

This guy has a cunning ruthlessness that had Pom and friends not been there, might have toppled society in Saint Canard temporarily or permanently.

Having wiped out most of the cities heroes and many more in a single day through convoluted planning, alongside almost collapsing most of the police force and badly scratching up TOON Division members.

He likes skulls, the colors red, black and burgundy, chainsaws, torturing small animals and hates heroes, cute things and anything even remotely close to the color pink. He has killed before and he will do it again unless you actively pay him not to.

He's all about earning fame and fortune, but he loves being ruthless just as much now. He does have a secret side to him that is rather mellow and tame... for whatever remains of Jim Starling lives on inside this sick twisted individuals mind.

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