• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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351. Bridging the gap.

-Equus, Meadow Hills, close to midday, Jaded-

“So that… ah ram was… well, I think I’ve found out all I’ve needed to.” I got up and went to catch the next merchant airship out of here, Lambkin were seriously nuts at times… though it was nice to have a conversation with Queen Novo about what being a Chrysomallus was and why it might be a really, really bad thing for Pom. “Thank you for your time, now I’ve got to go tell a Longma she’s going to eventually lose her wife due to circumstances beyond her control. See you later around Equestria Princess Skystar… and you to Novo I guess! Oh and Novo, you might not want to come to Airship Mauled, given the curse of crashing airships that the place seems to have and how they always hit gods and goddesses.”

“Hmm…” Queen Novo didn’t say anything, but she did send me a concerned look as I waved and walked off.

“See you around Jaded!” Now Skystar was rather pleasant to talk to, she had a perky personality on par with Pinkie Pie’s personality.

It was understandable why Novo might be a little upset, since she wanted to spend some alone time with her most recent daughter and I kind of interrupted it to learn some interesting facts about what being a Chrysomallus entails.

Said facts are something the Lambkin were well aware of already, given they were somehow aware of the ‘marmalade conspiracy’ incident that occurred and apparently Lambkin would make for good investigators and or detectives if they didn’t have panic attacks every other hours.

So Pom likely at least knew most of what was happening to her, but has been out of touch for a while due in part to something obviously happening on her end of things. Of course it was a little weird that a Chrysomallus doesn’t have to be primarily a ram, but a ram is more likely to survive the nastier side effects of being a Chrysomallus than a Ewe like Pom would. Even then surviving doesn’t exactly help with the expected life expectancy problem. I would turn it over in my head how to help Pom, but from the way Novo explained it… yeah Pom living a full and fruitful life wasn’t likely if she at any point sprouted wings. Sure the incredible amount of blood loss from said sprouting sounded bad, but the wings sprouting at all was the real issue given the symbolic nature of said wings.

To think one of the first red flags of a Chrysomallus was a lambkin with dreams of flying, Tianhuo did mention a few times that Pom wanted to figure out a way to fly alongside her in the sky and sometimes dreamed of it.

I was about to lose one of my friends and they were one of my cuter friends that I liked to annoy, mostly because those puppies of hers can really give me a good run and they really know how to chase someone down intelligently.

Ten out of ten those star puppies were born fighters, but they mostly just wanted to be cute little bodyguards for Pom than anything else for belly rubs and head pats. Now what was I going to do with what I know now? If I said anything with those puppies present, they were going to get very upset.

Hopefully Tianhuo knows tact when she hears my need to talk with her alone without Ruff, Tuft, Puff and Woof present.

-Pokémon World, Ransei Region, Illusio, Top of Cerebrum City, Sanosuke-

It didn’t take me long to notice, it had been too slow to notice before, but Cerebrum City was definitely going down and eventually instead of floating down it’ll start dropping at terminal velocity and I wouldn’t want to be anywhere on Cerebrum when that happens.

“Everyone start the evacuation Cerebreum City is falling, secure any enemy you can and drag them to safety if you can force it!” I looked up to the Castle of Illusion above us and at the weapons falling and striking the battlefield. There was no point in trying to hold Cerebrum, the real fight was happening up there and Kenshin was in it. “Kenshin… Alright my personal unit will meet up with Kaoru’s and we’ll be the last to withdraw as we’ll wait for Kenshin as long as we’re able, everyone start withdrawing as quickly as you can. Someone figure out how to help the Dark Types or at least tell them that they need to get off this floating death trap like yesterday somehow! No sugar coating it, people are going to die if they stay here and Illusio is going to be on the back foot for a long time afterwards, but we will try to carry on in spite of all of this!”

Quite a number of units were behind me weren’t afraid of what was coming and others already started moving, thus far the battlefield had all been about keeping Pokémon off the teleporter to the Castle of Illusion. Now that was no longer required, there was no longer any point to protect the teleporter.

We would have to pull back, Kenshin knew what he was getting into when he went up to fight Gilgamesh and I hoped that he would come back alive. He better not leave Kaoru with a broken heart or else I’ll find a way to revive him and then kill him again myself for being an idiot!

It certainly takes an idiot like me to know an idiot like him! Besides, like I said, I’d wait until the last moment to leave for my best friend.

-A lot higher up than Cerebrum City, Bridge to the Castle of Illusion, Pom-

Dazzle and Frizzle had Gilgamesh’s focus, which meant less weapons flying our way. Still far too many and how has he not run out them yet?! I couldn’t even count the number of weapons he fired at us, only half or a quarter of them had to be arrows by pure volume alone.

I glanced at Shanty as she once again deflected an entire salvo with a single superbly timed swing creating a domino effect that protected us on all sides, the sudden boost in her mental fortitude was unnatural and it had only occurred when she looked at the weapon Gilgamesh was wielding.

There were a number of things I’m fairly concerned about, but Shanty seemed fine as we met up with Quetal who immediately tossed something to me.

Having seen what I just caught in it in my left hoof as my right deflected what I recognized as being a bastard of a sword, my eyes widened… Quetal just got the device back to me! One less reason to be here, now I just needed to end Gilgamesh and survive so that I could talk to Tianhuo about what’s happened for the last few weeks.

Heh… so much… I really needed therapy for all the negative thoughts going on in my head… and no amount of therapy will make things okay, but it would possibly still help. I just needed to take a trip to Meadow Hills and hire a professional if I made it back to Equus.

I’m now certain it didn’t matter how disheveled, broken and ruined I looked, Tianhuo would only care that I’m still alive and in… mostly one piece, physically, let’s go with that, what sanity issues? I should also really tell her my life span has shortened drastically, I would not keep something like that from her. I already made things worse when I sacrificed personally to help Dolly survive that nasty chest wound, ever inch lost is an inch I’ll never get back.

I would only be able to tell Tianhuo any of this if I absolutely survived this fight to make that call and she would have right to be worried about me. She must be at least somewhat worried about why I haven’t called.

Oh great goddess Jiutian… please find some way to see me through all of this, because calling out to any lambkin gods certainly isn’t going to be of any help outside a total peace situation. They have the same personality flaws most lambkin do and the ewe goddesses are the worst. I think I can almost forget what being a lambkin feels like, given the many situations I’ve been put through in such a short period of time it would not be hard to see why.

I quietly placed Arceus’s device at the back of my neck next to Dolly’s head and surrounded it protectively with wool and made sure Dolly was still breathing. Quetal turned about helped and us reach Dodo.

It didn’t take us long as Gilgamesh certainly had a lot of focus on, what with Frizzle and Dazzle tag teaming him to the best of their abilities, along with kinetic bombing most of the kingdoms of Ransei into the ground. Were there any survivors, how long have we been fighting Gilgamesh for again?

Dodo had Shine, Cleffa and Favela stuffed in his back, Mundo was barely standing, but still defending himself valiantly as well as us when required with Steel Wing to keep his wing arms from getting hurt from the numerous incoming impacts that rattled his form. Hawlucha were really something else considering how Mundo managed to keep going even on a battlefield where he had very little advantage aside from flight and even that was minimal to help in this situation.

Thinking of flying, I’m betting that anywhere away from the bridge or the castle at this height would not have very much oxygen this high up and the only reason we were breathing was because the castle projected an atmosphere to live this high up.

Dazzle and Frizzle were at least holding against Gilgamesh, but I could already see that they wouldn’t hold up for much longer against that strange weapon that had a variety of effects. One of those effects would be shredding things apart into a fine mist, because I don’t see any pieces of the three pronged spear I was wielding previously. I was now wielding a single elongated spike spear for all the good it would do against Gilgamesh when we decided to join the battle.

As for Kenshin he was taking a break back here and deflecting a high speed weapon every once in a while with his reverse blade, which should have honestly shattered on that weapon that Gilgamesh wielded. I haven’t the foggiest why it wasn’t damaged at all, but Kenshin’s weapon seemed to have an aura all its own as he wielded it. That aura was probably an equalizer to whatever Gilgamesh’s weapon did and Gilgamesh’s weapon had a lot of presence in ways I couldn’t even begin to describe as everyone obviously felt it.

Kenshin pulled out one of his ultimate moves… and didn’t succeed, but he still had some fight in him and he was on the battlefield for hours. I had to give it to him, as a guy who leads from the front, he certainly proves himself as a leader of the rebels.

Lit was still fighting Inky Due, doing far better than multiple people at fighting her at once all by himself.

I had to wonder though, how was Frizzle surviving attacks from Gilgamesh… was it because she was a being made of information?

Glancing at Shanty she seemed certain that we needed to get back into the fight and keep doing so, even in the face of such horrendous power. Frizzle certainly wasn’t holding back and was doing very little to actually put Gilgamesh on a back foot with her current size, not that he had feet to begin with.

Okay Pom, get your head in gear, you can do this, you got back what you wanted in all of this and the reason you came all this way.

Now if only we could all leave without the world ending…

I hefted the spear in a defensive forward manner and started moving forward once again across the bridge with the reminder that I had to be careful with Dolly stuck to my back.


I went past Dodo with Shanty and Quetal. Mundo stuck with Dodo in bringing up the rear.

-Three fourths of the way across the bridge, Dazzle-

I was out of Dragon Pulse energy because I gave it all to Frizzle. She was at least making good use of it, but her claws couldn’t break that weapon and she was only breathing fire in short bursts to make sure that Gilgamesh couldn’t reflect it back at us.

Frizzle might be bigger than Gilgamesh, she wasn’t stronger than him though as he continued to deflect her claws and failing attempts to smash him with her size in her dragon evolution. It was still weird to me that Digimon can slide up or down their evolutionary lines depending on various factors.

I lashed out with one Fire Lash, as I wasn’t about to burn the bandages wrapping my other claw unless I wanted to burn my wounds shut, and the flame whip readily was deflected. Gilgamesh was even pushing us back towards the middle of the bridge. The guy was basically a torso with floating hands and he’s kicking our rears, were Hoopa really this powerful? I wouldn’t know as I’ve never met many of legendary Pokémon, well at least not before meeting Pom and witnessing a Jiri bounce incident.

I’ve come a long way since then and I’m not going to be afraid of Viperia forever.

“As havoc flies, the fire of the heart fries~!” I sang out a Round move and the sound waves actually caught Gilgamesh off guard because he couldn’t see the attack coming, not that it did much aside from possibly blast out whatever passed for eardrums for him and knocked him back.

Round was not a very powerful attack unless used in a group. It could be a reason why Aurora is never invaded since Wooloo or other Normal Types can use the move Round one after the other increasing its power by a ton, a unit command using the move round was kind of terrifying given the soundwaves reached Hyper Beam levels of destructive with wider range and no cooldown drawback aside from needing to sing with others.

A Pokémon known as Toxtricity certainly know how to use sound moves like that and between Violight and Viperia. There were always at least some wandering Toxtricity bards that should not be messed with if you weren’t immune to sound assaults. The vibrational force alone was still quite painful even if you couldn’t hear it without ears.

Well… all that and the Wooloo were horrible well known perverts across the entire continent who tend to stick to the grasslands of Aurora.

I ducked a shockwave as Gilgamesh swung his… I want to say sword, was it even a sword? Weird things to be thinking when you’re under attack. Hard to tell what his weapon was. Even if someone were to describe the weapon, I would find it hard to believe they were telling the truth. Also it didn’t seem like the weapon could damage the bridge or Gilgamesh was once again avoiding doing damage to the bridge or just simply couldn’t.

Frizzle went sliding backwards from the impact. She could fly, but she was staying on the bridge and using her wings as shields and she even sent a massive amount of weapons flying back at Gilgamesh by flapping them forward as were being besieged by another salvo, only to have them redirected to raining at us from above only to be deflected by Frizzle’s wings spreading again to cover us from above like a umbrella.

“Something is up with your friend there, I should be doing more damage to them than what’s actually happening... not that they can actually hurt me back that much.” Yeah, I can see why Gilgamesh was confused, apparently Digimon don’t register to Psychic Types very well. Maybe it was because Frizzle wasn’t exactly biological? I just know that the difference is there and that it is helping her survive attacks most others wouldn’t otherwise, I saw what those attacks did to the others.

Frizzle might be able to avoid taking the full amount of damage from his attacks despite her current size leaving her wide open for his devastating power, but I couldn’t afford to take any hits from that weapon and it was a good thing I could see the ripples coming off it whenever it was swung in a half serious manner.

It almost felt like Gilgamesh still wasn’t taking us very seriously.

I dodged to the right and another shockwave, ripple or whatever that was flashing by along the bridge and considered using Toxic. If Gilgamesh didn’t know I had the move then using it on him when he later unbinds, because that’s looking very likely, would be a better use of the move. That I had to stay standing until then and defeating Gilgamesh before that happens is a huge problem, as right now he seems almost capable of being defeated, afterwards he might be nearly impossible without me using Toxic to slow him down somewhat.

I lashed out with another flaming whip to little effect as it was canceled out like a candle simply being blown out and Gilgamesh followed up by blocking Frizzle’s large claws swiping for him and pushing her into sliding back past me with a single stab.

Gilgamesh then began to target me even further for some reason, could he… oh right Psychic Type, he could possibly read our minds even as we were fighting him.

Before he could get off an attack on me, while Frizzle was still sliding backwards, a stream of energy stars veering around from my left towards Gilgamesh’s right side and he deflected that with a constant rippling in the air and that’s when Mundo bodily rammed into him with a Flying Press. That didn’t end too well for Charjabug, but the attack looked to have done as much damage as when he did it.

Mundo attack might be of average effectiveness given it defaulted to flying type energy before the impact, but it did draw Gilgamesh’s attention onto him. Gilgamesh attempted to bring his weapon down on Mundo only for Pom to show up and divert it with the flat of blade from the spear she wielded. It was a simple impact to Gilgamesh’s right hand and wrist, then Pom promptly slapped him across the left side of the face with back end of the spear in a sharp twist to stagger him.

Following up Pom’s attack was Kenshin going for a slash and his blade clashed with Gilgamesh sending him sliding backwards.

“Okay, you might have a night infinitely miniscule chance to defeat me, only miniscule though for a pathetic lot like you!” Stated a grinning Gilgamesh as we arrayed against him. Shanty and Dodo were handling the constant rain of weapons coming at us from behind and the sides, whatever those two couldn’t handle Frizzle would take the impact for us with her temporary wings acting as giant shields and evolved battle physique that possibly wouldn’t last much longer under the constant strain.

I was what gave Frizzle strength, she chose me for a bond similar to what Pom and Dolly shared, if I went down then so would she.

“We’ll take that chance!” Pom said with a bit more bravery than she usually had, with a slightly wild look in her eyes.

“Can you transform?” I asked to the side.

“Nope, completely blew that on Smolder and it’s a once in a day thing, I can still shift my wool to wolf mode for added speed and strength, but with the number of weapons being launched at us I’d rather not drop my defensive abilities for a burst of strength and speed Dazzle. Any hit in that state would be devastating.” Well that transformation Pom had used against the Hypno elites would have been helpful here, but it seems to have its limitations.

It was easy to trust someone like Pom to know her own limits.

“Understood, we’re doing this the hard way.” I glanced past Gilgamesh as another blast of lightning went off.

“Hmph… why are you watching that fight, you’re fight is with me!” Gilgamesh lunged forward with the blade in his right grip pulled back to start lashing out at us. The weapon had something like a twisting motion going on with it and I ducked and slapped a whip off the ground and up at Gilgamesh, he swiftly dodge it as I dodge his attack and Kenshin charged forward.

Kenshin was still determined to fight Gilgamesh as ever, it was hard to tell if he was pacing himself or not.

-Castle of Illusion entrance, Lit-

The fight was arduous and painful, mostly on Inky Due’s end, for Inky Due would specialize in fighting large or god based targets with her ability to morph into chains or produce them. Against a legendary Pokémon she would have obviously been the victor a long time ago.

Lit was a major problem for Inky as he was small, fast and most importantly for this situation, stupidly talented for a tiny yellow fluffy tick. Inky Due would have dealt with multiple other larger Pokémon in less time. Lit was a problem as Inky Due just could not hit him while he was in motion.

Every attempt Inky tried to hit Lit was met with him using a bit of web to swing away, around or even through a mass of chains while continuously dealing damage through Electrowebs, Lunge and a series of Thunderbolts.

Inky Due had thought she was powerful, but Lit was almost on another level of instinctual skill for a Bug Type and it was shockingly distressing for Inky Due to silently admit that she was on the back hoof to the tiny powerhouse.

Most Joltik were seen as tiny and not very threatening individually outside of swarms as far as combat goes. Lit happened to be such a tiny juggernaut among his species, as he was quite threatening for his size that Pokémon several times larger than him would be wary and or even recognize him as a very viable threat for his insane level of maneuverability, speed and the amount of sheer energy he put off.

The series of shocks were finally getting through Inky Dues unusual abilities, it was almost like she had the Limber ability due to her chain transformation capability. Limber was an ability that prevented paralysis that was known to be caused by most Electric Type attacks.

It is now discovered after the last thunderbolt that struck her, Inky wasn’t immune to being paralyzed at all and after the series of heavy powerful shocks… paralysis finally took effect and Inky Due could no longer transform parts of herself into chains or even move.

Lit, the tiny bug, had actually beaten Inky Due in one on one combat, even at half strength Inky recognized Lit as a worthy enemy and was what Gilgamesh was looking for, a hero that could go beyond their appearance, character and even size to do what seemed impossible. Lit was an example of someone who could fight a god and possibly win.

Inky was left on the ground under the archway covered in electrified webs that caused her no end of grief as Lit ran off to help in the fight against Gilgamesh.

Each shock or bit of stiffness from the paralysis was making it hard to build up energy, but slowly bit by bit, Inky prepared to help Gilgamesh reach true power before he could be taken down. These heroes they drew in, they might actually bridge the gap between the truly godlike powers with raw mortal determination... at least Lit definitely could.

Maybe it was the very simplicity of Lit’s nature that made him so strong, he had very little room for complex thought and most what was there was taken up with incredible battle instinct. The one thing Lit didn’t have was the stamina to keep fighting forever as he was quite tired after having been on the battlefield for a long time, then the fight with Inky Due he was running low on his ability to put up a fight.

This did not mean he would make any other decision than to go after Gilgamesh.

Lit probably shouldn’t have left Inky Due to her devices as the web covered Psychic Type Ponyta started trying to build up energy for the move Healing Wish, a move that heals all wounds and status ailments of a target at the cost of the users health.

Inky Due was quite willing to give everything to Gilgamesh, for he would remember her.

In any incarnation Gilgamesh would never forget the sacrifice of Enkidu his best friend, he hadn’t this time and he wouldn’t in the future should they meet again.

Every little bit of energy she could build for the move despite the random jerky movements caused by the paralysis, the more chances she had to pull off Healing Wish when Gilgamesh needed it the most.

Lifting her head slightly Inky Due looked at Gilgamesh to see him holding up against multiple fighters without breaking a sweat with a yellow speck making full speed for his back and he was likely to get in a good hit.

-Inky Due-

“Heh… so we’re doing this again… history repeats because we couldn’t let go of it.” I stated dully. “Those of us who could… they might be able to surpass their own stories where we couldn’t.”

A few tear drops fell onto the stonework beneath my face and I firmed my concentration. At best I might be able to generate one more chain, the gods of this world would probably send something at us that might be worth the effort, but aside from that everything is now going to Healing Wish.

-Quarter of a bridge away, Pom-

Even with all of us pressuring him, Gilgamesh still seemed like he was on the winning side of things. I continued to react defensively and tried to get in a hit now and then. This was likely to Gilgamesh’s consternation that I wouldn’t meet him head on in an aggressive manner, like I would since I saw what happened to the previous spear and the fact that he can cut straight through my wool meant I was far better off acting in evasive capacity. My every breath was a cautious invocation of Dancing Flame.

In fact I was at my usually at my best when I’m acting on the defense, someone needed to keep these almost randomly spraying weapons from completely overwhelming us. Almost, because Gilgamesh seems to know exactly where every weapon he’s shooting is going, he’s not misaiming them he’s just going for volume in our general direction given he’s not even coming close to hitting himself.

In fact I just saw a sword pass by his face within an inch of hitting him and he didn’t flinch, as I dodged away from the scimitar as it hit the bridge and sprang up in an attempt to cleave me from head to tail as it bounced forward while spinning at high speeds.

Mundo was recently taken down, but he at least got a good right hook on Gilgamesh before his injuries got to him, he was quickly picked up by Dodo. The seat in Dodo’s back was looking quite cramped now.

Quetal using Substitute did give us some extra firepower, but it took some strength out of him to create one and they would only be about as capable as he was. I kind of wished we had Captain Skeeball, but she was busy with helping the Dark Types if she and Wilhelm haven’t been skewered by the weapons raining all over Illusio yet.

Grim thoughts aside, getting an opening on Gilgamesh was proving to be challenging as his onslaught with that ridiculous weapon he pulled out continued to be a major problem. It was damaging to a level that we can’t compete with if we weren’t Frizzle and even she was starting to feel the attacks if the tiny cubes coming off her injuries were something to be worried about.

It was how Digimon bled and it was a bad sign from what I saw of Sami Soldier being in a similar state, at least the cubes aren’t looking too huge yet.

Shanty was about to be attacked again and Kenshin moved in to prevent it, Gilgamesh seemed really eager to take down Shanty when previously he was quite focused on making sure that I specifically suffered.

What was it about Shanty that had him worried? Also why was Shanty acting weird since he pulled out that weapon? It’s all tied together that’s for sure, I flinched back as a flail nearly stabbed a spiked ball into my chest. With a jerk of the spear in my hooves I sent the flail flying off the right side of the bridge in a flash of an exhale.

Well even if he was more focused on Shanty, he was still trying to seriously kill me. We were not getting any reinforcements for one and everyone we had here with us was all we’re going to get.

A lightning bolt struck Gilgamesh from behind flattening him against the bridge. Was it wrong that I was happy to see him be blindsided by an attack so hard?

Kenshin tried to capitalize on it as did Dazzle and Frizzle, but with a flicker Gilgamesh appeared behind Lit who was already leaping backwards toward us, having turned around in mid-air to face him before he even finished teleporting and dropping his weapon down on the spot Lit had been. With a green spark Lit burst out of the way of the ripple that would have killed him, he squeaked distressingly and was breathing pretty roughly after that.

The stonework of the entire bridge held up to the shockwave that knocked us all back and it felt like there was an earthquake for a few seconds.

Shanty quickly leapt into the air and shouted to deflect a number of weapons coming at us as Frizzle took impacts of various others that Shanty’s shout didn’t send flying away.

“One of you actually managed to defeat Enkidu, I’m actually somewhat impressed… considering the size of the one who did it.” Gilgamesh was being honest here, he was actually staring calculatingly at Lit. “Don’t think that’s going to stop my plans though, there’s almost enough energy to unbind and that one kooky bird Cotton couldn’t stop everything. You guys who are still standing even with broken bodies and battered spirits, you’re all amazing, now please survive and actually stop me… if you can. I’m still pretty awesome and going strong!”

As he said this Gilgamesh prepared to launch another salvo of weapons appearing from portals, he still looked halfway healthy and raring to go and we looked like a bedraggled band of imminent hospital victims. Notably, the sealed gash across my chest only added to my pale complexion from the blood loss and being lightheaded. I’m pretty certain that at this point that Gilgamesh never intended to run out of weapons to shoot at us, the only weapon he had a death grip on and wasn’t firing or using carelessly was the one he was holding.

I wonder what the story behind that rapier was… because that was all I could define it as and with the way Gilgamesh wielded it, it was hauntingly powerful in his grip and I doubt he’d use this weapon if he was afraid of losing it.

Gripping the spear tightly, I prepared to charge forward.

-Nearby pocket space, Hoopa-

“The ‘Ultra Wormhole’ almost done, the cross dimensional summoning is almost done… how are things going Celebi?” After I do this, the Ultra Wormhole would make making long distance portals like Gilgamesh does impossible, which would immediately cease his assault on all of Ransei and if he didn’t think we were going to respond to this kind of thing… well he had something coming to him.

“They are getting their backsides handed to them and I’m surprised that they aren’t dead yet, also something is up with the goat Shanty… I think it has to do with that god weapon that has a strong primordial water element wafting off it and information about the truth of an alternate dimension’s beginnings. It would be comparable to seeing the actual birth of Arceus… also father Arceus was adorable as a baby if you wanted to know.” Celebi winced loudly and rubbed at their head. “Point of contention incoming by the way so get the preparations finished. Quetal is flagging, but he’s still holding up despite nearly being taken out. How many more Swift attacks can he do before running dry… I really don’t know how Pom even pulled that off with a spear, but now she’s without a weapon. Dodo seems to be protecting the unconscious ones fairly well with some trouble. Dazzle just took a nasty hit and Frizzle is only surviving that weapon because she’s an informational entity.”

“Did we ever get back any news back on the whole ‘Mirage System Mew’ that escaped from the being digital into reality in one of the ‘Ketchum Offshoot’ timeline dimension where the voices were a little off? I think it’s about to become relevant given what we’re all about to be dealing with here after we’re done setting this up. Oh yeah, I’m going to be completely out of energy after this, hope you got this buddy.” Hopefully my curiosity could be quenched, because there was that institute that created digital Pokémon and given who our current dimensional next door neighbors were here… yeah, having digital Pokémon friends might aid in creating a cohesive atmosphere. “I ask because we’re about to have a major digital problem soon and if that Mew appears… maybe it could help with the integration?”

“Don’t know, but I’ll run it by Arceus, he likely knows what became of that Mew. That Mew was quite abused… even if it was only digital at first, it definitely had the heart of a true Pokémon.” Responded Celebi who was continuing to watch the fight. “Yeah… it’s not going well. Lit might be a title ‘Hero’ with a capital H, but even he’s looking to be running out of steam. Can you hurry it up? I think they are literally dying out there.”

“You can’t rush this sort of thing Celebi… it might kill you.” I answered flatly.

“Oh- ha ha.” Celebi grumbled.

We rarely worked together, but when we do… like Palkia and Dialga working together when they were not fighting over who has better conceptual control of reality, miracles tended to happen.

“Give me another minute here… the wormhole is about ready to open into Ultra Space and when it does it’s going to cause a grand reaction.” I continued to move my mitten hands and I was starting to sweat a little at how much power this was going to use, it’d be worth it though.

“Ready in three, two…” I said and then pumped all my power into creating the Ultra Wormhole on purpose instead of it appearing accidentally. “SUMMONING!”

-Bridge to Castle of Illusion, Pom-

“Rawf!” I fired a Bark Buster, one might be wondering why. Well Bark Blast was a dumb idea in this situation, bark breaker would likely do nothing to whatever that weapon was and as for a Bark Buster…

The liquid magical energy came flying out of a portal and I leapt up and slammed might right hind leg into it as the portal that conveyed it back at me disappeared. The magic took on a spherical shape as it blazed forward compressing down into the size of a shrinking tennis ball and once it was close enough I remotely detonated it in the direction of Gilgamesh’s grinning face.

His pupils shrunk as my Bark Buster went off and blasted him onto his back to the point he was sent skidding down the bridge. After spending a few seconds to talk to Inky Due, he teleported back to us.

“Okay, that… that surprised me… and you got me pretty good.” Gilgamesh admitted as he took a bark ball special to the face, bark buster was much more controlled than my other bark attacks and based on Oleander’s ability to create remotely detonated explosions of dark energy. Absorbing the energy back and or repurposing it wouldn’t too hard. He floated back up into the air, now he was no longer grinning. “Still not enough though.”

Too bad nobody was standing at the moment to be capable of capitalizing on it, Quetal tried to get standing and failed. Frizzle was acting a living shield for all the weapon coming at us. Dodo was busy protecting down friends. Shanty tried to move, but one of her hind legs was injured by a glancing blow of a cutting ripple and the scarlet spilling from her right hind leg was slowing her down no matter how willing her spirt was. Lit was quite spent from his battle with Inky Due and was now resting in Dodo, he still had some energy for attacks left, but that was likely a last ditch effort or resort now.

Kenshin was up, but he stayed in place deciding to rest and deflected a knife away from taking out one of Dazzle’s eyes after it got by Frizzle, Dazzle was already on all fours and breathing roughly, she sent a grateful smile to Kenshin.

After what he recently pulled off Kenshin probably didn’t have the energy to use any of his sword techniques at the moment after what he did earlier, so defense was the best we could have hoped for from him.

“You’ve all been quite troublesome… so let’s see you stop this next attack without anyone dying.” Shanty was immediately ready as was Kenshin and I.

Raising the sword high in the air, it started glowing with a lot of power and Frizzle looked at us, I shook my head, buy Frizzle didn’t seem to catch my response not to do so.

“Frizzle!” Dazzle wanted to stop her, but it was too late, Frizzle already made her choice.

“Rupture the world!” With a single central swing down I saw a pillar of light coming at us and Frizzle taking up a defensive position in front of us wing forward and folded.

After thirty seconds, sight came back to my eyes and I could see the bridge had finally taken damage up to the point that that last attack had struck her. In the smoking crater was a flickering bit of light that coalesced into a small sphere with bat wings for ears.

“Frizzle… protects friends… Jyarimon… sleepy…” The high squeaky voice we’ve come to know stated as the blackened circle around Frizzle revealed that she had been knocked entirely back to being lower than even a Gigimon. Even then she didn’t look good.

Dazzle quickly got to Frizzle and managed to store her away in the digivice, she wouldn’t survive taking any more damage.

“Reprise!” With an upward swing instead of a downward swing, Gilgamesh unleashed a weaker shockwave that sent us all flying. I inflated my wool before I hit the bridge and managed to slow down the momentum of being blasted off my hooves. The others weren’t nearly as lucky, at least Kenshin manage to plant the tip of his sword against the bridge. “Still alive huh? You lot are like roaches!”

Dodo had been toppled too, but he still managed to get standing and pick up our friends. Shanty probably told him to not charge in to attack Gilgamesh. Hundreds of portals opened up around us and were ready to fire weapons.

“Just die already, your obviously not what I wanted, where’s the will to live in spite of all odds, where’s the pushing beyond your limits? If this doesn’t do it, then nothing will… Rupture the world!” He could do that attack more than once?! As he was swinging down, the caustic pillar of energy came at us once more, damaging the bridge as it approached and then something opened up in the sky between us and incoming death.

Several things happened at once, Shanty sighed in relief, the hundreds of portals with weapons suddenly disappeared and a massive portal appeared above us and something came out of it at high speeds into the path of the attack.

“What?!” Gilgamesh seemed angry as the blaringly pillar of light exploded on impact with the shadow that came out of the portal.

A lot of dust was kicked up from the explosion and thirty second later I saw a tall shadowy figure standing in the path of the attack had taken it for us.


Thousands of portals across the continent all shut as soon as that massive hole in the air appeared, something was preventing me to use the Gates of Babylon to their fullest and I had a hunch it had to do with that portal.

Is this your reprisal Arceus? It felt quite powerful, might even get my blood pumping. It even felt divine… such a poor move though.

“Enkidu!” I tried to create more than four portals, but I could only generate two? Eh, two was enough as a chain launched out of the portal at shadowy figure still standing after taking that attack.

Slowly the dust settled and I blinked… the creature my attack hit… it did nothing to them.


Too bad Enkidu’s chain caught them while they were too dazed to…

“Kweeeeeh? WARK!” The chain shattered immediately, how? It could bind any diving creature, beast or god.

I was now feeling hyped up for a good fight!

As the dust settled, what I saw was a giant green bird glaring at me while glowing with power.

“A giant chicken, that’s what you’re sending at me?” I stated with consternation.

“BAHAHAHAHAH, now you’re just giving me a good meal!” I laughed, wondering if Arceus was actually serious.


A whistling noised was heard and something big and red slamming what I vaguely recognized as a naginata into me, before I found myself going back first through the throne of the illusionary castle.

I was groaning a bit as I tried to get my head in gear.

“Who dares to mess with my best buddy ENKIDU!” A giant red mass of muscles stated with a very weird long nose as it pointed the Naginata at me, it was a giant overly muscled mosquito…. “I GILGAMESH WILL MAKE YOU PAY FOR TRYING TO ENTRAP MY BEST REINCARNATED CHOCOBO BUDDY EVER!”

“Wark.” The giant green chicken stated angrily while looking at this so called ‘Gilgamesh’.

I… what even…

“Hey, I said I was sorry about eating you when you were chicken, how was I supposed to know that was actually you at the time!” The big red shart that I was going to make a bloody smear stated loudly and obnoxiously. "At least I'll always have a part of you with me chained to my very soul... also you were very tasty at the very least."

“If you wanted my ire Arceus, then sending a big red idiot like this at me has certainly done it!” I groused out angrily at the sky while waving the sword of rupture, he was probably watching. The gods always are and they laugh at the misfortune of mortals.

“Hey, who are you calling an idiot, you are facing the mighty Gilgamesh I’ll have you know! Interdimensional traveler, weapon collector and Bartz hunter extraordinaire!” Seriously…. what? This buffoon could clearly not be a version of me, he was too mentally impaired and so.... well ridiculously flamboyant! “You sir are asking for a fight… oh and we’re on a bridge… cool, best setting for one of those high budget action sequences and… oh… you have such an awesome weapon! One of those godlike weapons like the Excalibur right? I just keep finding Excalipoors, at first they seemed entirely useless but I’ve actually found a use for them all. This battle is going to be one of those good ones, I can already tell. By the way have you seen a guy named Bartz Klauser? I’m like totally obsessed with the guy like Deadpool is obsessed with chimichangas, pizzas, tacos and pancakes… he’s a really cool guy, tried to kill me a few times and I won all his guns off him. Why are you giving me that look Enkidu, I so totally did not rob a guy blind in his own home, I mean he wasn’t even using those rocket launchers anyway! So what if I got tired of trying to fight with long range weapons after while, they are still good weapons, I’d just rather brutalize someone up close and personal and…”

I reiterate, this excited shart of a dead person is going to be quite a bloody one by the time I’m through with him and his blathering was as annoying as was his very existence.

Wait… did he just mention he was after the Excalibur and knowing god weapons when he sees them?! He also did just send me through a nigh indestructible throne using my body as the medium…

I don’t know whether to grin or cry now… you win a round Arceus,



-Origin Space, Arceus-


Author's Note:

Sorry this took a while, I've been having problems concentrating as of late and I've been getting more sleep than necessary. I also need to start an exercise routine.

Now that the author related excuses are out of the way...

Music: The ULTIMATE Battle on the Big Bridge (Gilgamesh) Medley.

You all saw this coming, yes it's happening and yes Gilgamesh as a Buzzwole for a few particular reasons. This is FF Gilgamesh after all.

Also yes, FF Enkidu is a Chocobo this time... a green one with a particular set of abilities.

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