• Published 29th Aug 2020
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Baa-Ram-Ewe! - Darkonshadows

"Baa-Ram-Ewe!" - The ancient war cry of the lambkin.

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402. Metal Hound Chaos! Pt. 6.

-Equus, Twilight Sparkle, Ponyville-

Ugh… running Equestria was so hard… I slapped my chin against the table and tried not to think about the several things that currently annoyed me.

SMILE was an interesting case as was the organization to stop magical anomalies from attacking ponies called Capture Bridle Defend, it was nice of Fancy and Fleur to finally tell me about some things when they thought I could handle it.

There’s Jaded, who was a rogue as much as rogues could be rogues while being a sun priest or priestess, but I could hire her as a mercenary to help with a variety of problems. Maybe it would stop her from being a problem to Saddle Arabia if I kept her attention on other things.

My friends are as fun and insane as they ever were, except Pinkie’s been getting all kinds of twitchy lately and she won’t tell us what those mean. All she said is that the magic of harmony was doing what it does somewhere else and to leave it at that.

Airship Mauled still hasn’t rejoined with Equestria proper citing reasons I couldn’t deny as being important, at least Kuril ran the place and not Jaded. Who knows what kind of loopholes Jaded would have me jumping through if she was in charge of things, since she’s technically a unicorn noble via her father despite being almost entirely Abyssinian in appearance.

Capper is visiting and has been hitting up Rarity lately, so that would make two fun rogues running around. All I needed is to hear Rainbow and Captain Celaeno have been getting up to things again to finish off the triple threat of friendly rogues running around doing who knows what at the same time.

I’d shudder to think what would happen if we added a fourth and Captain Jack Sparrow managed to get by the ban and restraining order on her hanging out with Jaded.

How did Celestia keep her sanity knowing about all this stuff going on?!

“How are you feeling Twilight, need me to take time off of my vacation to help out?” Celestia said as she nuzzled me affectionately.

“Huh, what? No! I’m fine. I’m just worried about Luna’s fight with Jaded La Perm, it’s getting kind of… odd…” I sat up as my mentor has for the most part been vacationing around Equestria proper and making sure things didn’t go any further off rails since the summit.

Jaded’s shenanigans and whatever strange trade agreement she had with the chaos dimension Discord runs still fresh in my mind. At this point, I’m fairly certain Discord is supplying most of Jaded’s, AKA the ‘Evil Sorceress Mirage’, schemes for Saddle Arabia.

Thinking of Celestia being here for me, Luna is now trying to destroy Saddle Arabia through even more convoluted means than what even Jaded could think of. I didn’t think that was possible and I think Luna was trying to prove a point that she wasn’t as dumb or slow as the newspapers say, even though it takes her about three times longer to think up things to do to Saddle Arabia to beat Jaded at her own infamy.

At least Saddle Arabia is becoming quite popular vacation spot just to see what strange magic runs wild in the streets on any particular week after Jaded or Luna do something bizarre. The one scheme where everything turned bright yellow for a single day had an odd effect on their citizenry at the very least.

“It’s just that Luna is getting a little out of hoof and Jaded is not making it any easier… how do you stay friends with someone like that?!” I didn’t even know pocket lint could be used like that until now and I don’t know who to be more terrified of… Luna for the pocket lint thing or Jaded for what she recently did with a single gallon barrel of cream cheese. It was hard to look at things the same way with the both of them trying to one up one another. “How do you continue to be friends with someone who… killed you in a past life?”

Some things have been floating around in my mind since I got into a few talks with Bastet and Sekhet.

“Yes, Jaded did do that. At least she made it quick… really wish I didn’t have memories of that happening when I was Bennu. Also Jaded really didn't have to eat my breasts and legs, then tell Bastet about it to make her as angry as possible. She's an Abyssinian, so I really should have expected her to be catty like that.” Celestia rubbed at her throat that seemed empty without the royal peytral hanging around it, I also noted she wasn’t wearing a crown on her head. It still just felt so odd to me and I’ve been running Equestria for quite a while now. More like I was trying to rein in the idiocy and insanity that Celestia sat on for quite a long time and now I’m dealing with having to sit on it myself. “Still, we both got what we wanted from that interaction and I avoided immortality and becoming a goddess… which I am sadly now after so many cycles. I’m still friends with Jaded to reassure her that what happened in the distant past doesn’t change our current friendship, because it definitely still haunts her… like how chickens haunt me and have killed me multiple times in a variety of past lives in over the top ways I'll never be able to forget. My sweet hummingbird couldn’t save me from that dastardly foul… at least my past life’s hive descendants are known for the sweetest honey throughout Equestria. Anyway, I’ll help you with Jaded and Luna, the two are getting a little out of hoof even if Jaded has an honest reason for disliking Luna.”

Okay, I think I now I knew where the chicken phobia came from and I should ask Celestia if I could tell Anubis about this. Also what was that about honey and hummingbirds?

"Wait, did you just tell me that Jaded not only killed you... but ate you too in the past?!" Well that was fairly shocking news.

"Why, is that a problem? Well it's not like I wanted my nearly almost 'truly' immortal phoenix heron body to go to waste and needed some way to make sure the rebirth trick I had going as the first 'Phoenix' was truly stopped so I could reincarnate as something else if the artifact known as 'The End of Immortality' didn't work perfectly on me, as such they were my truest friends... and still are. Also Bastet was really quite upset that she didn't get to eat any of the good parts of me, her anger knew no bounds when she cursed Jaded to stone." Celestia said with sigh. "That I was dead by Jaded's paw, there was that too I guess as something for Bastet to be kind of upset about, given the whole goddess of cherishing life thing."

"WHAT?!" I shrieked!? What kind of friendship... I brain... not work. "I DON'T EVEN... JUST WHAT?!"

-Moon Cell Realm, Mare Melum, five minutes after Pom left them, Massive Underground Region, ???-

A red blade raised from the water and stabbed itself into the shore as the Saber servant Jack Wolf pulled himself out of the river. He had been quite thoroughly mangled. At least he succeeded in defeating that monstrosity. The exchange had been hellish, if short, but he had to continue chasing after his target and finish his mission without any…

“Fou!” A loud exclamation sounded out in Jack’s ears and then faded away as vicious fighting nearby sprung up from that exclamation that made the jungle shake and shudder like an earthquake.


Then again, even with Ripper Mode he hadn’t killed that beast, apparently that just slowed it down immensely. Mind you it was still capable of fighting and it just killed whatever picked a fight with it despite being weakened.

“Diagnostics Blade?” Jack asked.

“82% systems broken, molten knife launchers disablef, one chainsaw has been entirely ripped out, the other has been mangled beyond all recognition and it amazingly only took him five minutes to do that to us too. Rather impressive that it happened while we were in Ripper Mode no less, sword heel connection function just went down from getting out of the water just so you know. To think that I thought our fight with Jetstream Sam went bad.” The dog based AI Blade stated with a slight hint of worry. “We at least supposedly just left our opponent in a similar state. Conceptually speaking… our opponent is as much bullpucky as you usually are and it seems they are winning whatever they are fighting now. Still, we have a cute and lovable ewe to slaughter… and we can praise the doggy messiah, for she is great at belly rubs… she will ultimately die by our sword if it can find her.”

“What was that? No, never mind, I don’t want to know if you’re going insane or not as long as you don’t try and take control of our body.” Heaving himself up onto his feet, Jack Wolf started limping forward looking for something to slice open and continue his mission while avoiding Fou to the best of his abilities. “I just need to use a quick Zandatsu…”

That Ewe knew exactly what she was doing when she sent that beast his way.

-Elsewhere Beach, heading in the same direction towards danger as always, Pom-

I have no idea what we’re doing anymore, but at least Driver had managed to get the guns on our machine unjammed after getting those deflected shots out of them. Jack Wolf was terrifying, as much as Fou could be and it was better that we set them against one another.

A winged panther tried to fly out of the trees at us and was quickly shot down, we were moving along the shoreline of an underground sea and it wasn’t a flying squirrel monster thing this time. Also I’m pretty sure there wasn’t an underground sea here several hours ago before this Moon Cell realm got all warped. It was more than likely because Fou showed up that things became more bestial and dangerous.

Looking to our right I saw an off looking Berserker Shark eating kraken in a brutal manner on the sandy shore and we went around the thrashing violent thing eating the equally violent kraken alive as its tentacles whipped at its body.

“I can’t tell if we’re making good time or not.” One of the Commandramon said while his machine eyed the Berserker Shark warily with a single gun aiming in that direction as we started to pass by the scene.

“At least we’re still heading in the same direction we have always been. We have to be getting closer to the target right?” Well said target was a large machine shaped PLANT that spits out Gekko, so it would be hard for us to miss it if it was moving around and actively destroying things.

“Can I ask why we shouldn’t attack that one creature specifically?” Driver directed more to me than to Dolly piloting the machine through my body.

“That was Fou, he’s kind of stalking me and trying to maul me I think… I don’t know if he’s trying to kill me or not, but he certainly made an effort in tracking me down to even be here.” Yeah, that was something I was afraid of, that he could effectively track me anywhere I go and nothing could stop him from following. “As for why you shouldn’t attack him, well… from the way I understand it, he reacts strongly to aggression directed at him by getting exponentially stronger than the threat being imposed. He’s less strong when you are on the defensive and when you intend him no harm, I think the less aggressive you are towards him, the less of a threat he will be overall. He’s still quite threatening however even at his weakest.”

“So that would be like five machines firing ten streams of shots at him and if he does as you say… okay nobody shoots at that beast if we see it again. Avoid direct combat entirely and only take defensive actions at CQC range, got it!” Driver immediately called it as soon as he thought about it, it was nice to have everyone on the same page as why we are not pursuing to end Fou or get into a fight with him. It was a bad idea to even try overall. “So when will we know we’ve found what we’re looking for?”

“Well it’ll too big to miss and is possibly able to move. If we start coming across a lot of Gekko, we’ll know that we’re heading in the right direction at least. We’ve already seen some already.” After twenty feet, two of those mooing yellow Gekko leapt from the forest to our left and into our path. We immediately brought up our guns and twelve streams of shots started toppling the two by shooting up one of their frog like legs to topple them and then we unloaded into the tops of their heads until they stopped moving. They didn’t get much of a chance to attack us before we unleashed on them. “The more of those we see, the more we’re heading in the right direction. Given that Dormarch thinks it’s the Gekko making PLANT that is making the local servant semi-invincible, it might be the thing I saw before things got weird down here. We’re going to have some issues dealing with it as it’s as big, if not bigger, than Moby Dick is and we’ll need all these armors running when we get to it to even have a hope of bringing it down. Let’s take a minute standing break here.”

Speaking of Dormarch, I could feel him coming down here. I hope my little digital monster puppy doesn’t do anything dumb, I’m kind of getting used to having a self-proclaimed son after getting him back.

“Guys… somethings up with the Gekko.” The Commandramon drew mine and Dolly’s attention for saying that as one of the yellow machines sparked and then it started standing up again. “It’s a code zombie, code zombie!”

“What’s a code zombie?” I asked getting a sinking feeling as I saw the thing started a staggering walk at us as Driver and two of the Commandramon in front of us unloaded on it.

“Not code ‘colon’ zombie, a coding zombie! A coding zombie is data that can continue to move and attack even after killing the body and revive infinitely until their bodies are fully dealt with, things like this are dangerous to any digital entity as they could be infectious… good thing they don’t have mouths, but let’s not load up any of their data and find out the hard way how malicious it is.” Still didn’t get loading data thing too much, but it sounded like sucking up blood that bleed out of any of what would be a digimon’s enemy inside computers. Wait… does this technically mean that all digimon are technically vampires? “It might lead to us becoming Skull type digimon and there are very few skull type digimon that are not immediately evil… there’s also the worst case scenario or possibility of causing Raremon incident. We can’t trust these odd Gekko’s to be dead anymore until a majority of their bodies are gone and the ones we dealt with and left behind probably rose up behind us too! So let’s not have that happen here guys, hose them until their data is actively dissolving!”

Dolly heard the words ‘hose them’ and obliged as us and the two Commandramon next to us joined in and the machine tried to jump towards us, but faltered when we added our six streams of shots to start chipping away large chunks of its body.

“Ahhhh?!” Just when it was about finished, after ninety percent of it had been blown into messes pieces and started dissolving, I and Dolly found ourselves screaming as we were slammed into the ground the second Gekkos foot as it rammed into the armors torso and forces us onto our backs.

The other one had started gotten up behind the one we were focusing on, but it was hard to notice as it took up a crouching position to prepare for that lunge.

The head tilted down to look at us through the dome as three tentacles sprouted from it and started to move for us only to be swiftly blasted away by the Commandramon on our left.

“Second thing of note boys, don’t get jabbed by those tentacles if you’re digital being, they might be carrying virus employers to zombie other surrounding programs that are still alive if barely beaten by these things. Unless you have a form of immunity to whatever those tentacles may be carrying, it’s not a good idea to test how strong you are against an unknown bit of malicious code that could make a Raremon of you.” Hearing that from Driver as the five Commandramon worked in concert to force the machine off of us and stop it from stomping down to crush the canopy, I sent Dormarch a quick mental message about what was just said and to avoid getting close to any yellow gecko or just any strange gecko in general. He sent a sign that he received in clearly by pinging me back through our bond. “Now slam them off of Big Boss and tear that thing a new one!”

The Commandramon to our right leapt forward and shoulder checked with the left shoulder to topple the Gekko onto its back as it was trying to stomp us again. It’s mooing sounded more like haunting moan now as it tried to get its legs under it, only to be stopped by ten streams of shots ripped into its legs in a rather grisly bloody fashion.

After a bit it started dissolving and Dolly got us standing, I could feel her shivering and wide eyed look at what was a two legged robotic mooing frog and finally understood how dangerous things still were when they were not armed with rapid fire guns. These yellow gekko came with flamethrowers right? I can now see where that would be more of a problem, given we snuck around some of the fires they were starting.

“Okay, that was scary.” Dolly stated as she had us looking about. “What’s worse than facing robots? Zombie robots…”

“Not just zombie robots Dolly, anything digital could be affected by those things and we’re currently surrounded by incredibly dangerous wild programs that are clearly not within Moon Cell’s control.” Driver followed up Dolly saying that out loud with my mouth. “I seriously doubt it would let a coding zombie outbreak start in its systems, could crash the system and kill everyone in it when it does.”

“Yeah, that doesn’t sound good, how will we get word to Castle Alexander about this?” This was clearly a big problem to worry about.

“I wouldn’t worry about that, Sami’s going to know what she’s looking at if she sees one of these coding zombies…” One of the Commandramon was fairly certain of that. “If we can get to the source of these things in time, then we can prevent a really big problem from rising up to consume everything. It’s going to be an even worse problem than the servant if we don’t deal with it immediately.”

“Then let’s move out while we still have these armors in good condition to deal with the problem guys!” I called and they raised their armors right arms in acknowledgment.

“You heard Big Boss, fall in!” Driver stated as they took up point again and started moving forward.

-Outside Castle Alexander, Sami-

We were under siege, but holding for the moment thanks to the chaos of the NPs fighting us or the EPs and basically going after the nearest moving thing. We might want to eventually bring Alexander out of defensive mode and retreat.

There were so many targets and not nearly enough gun towers to hold them back, the NPs were causing havoc everywhere and we weren’t shooting at them as much as the EPs who were definitely focused on us.

Canard was doing fine as he slashed another Berserker Viking apart with his Hockey Stick, the digital energy he was using was coming from the digivice and me in particular to increase his attacks or perform slap shots.

Jeanne jammed her long banner spear up into an Archer Gekko from below from its knee, managing to pierce it with her weapon. She ripped her weapon free and leapt away from it as it toppled backwards and started to disappear when a yellow and black striped gecko landed on it and jammed a tentacle into it.

The machine started to turn yellow and slowly stand up again, moaning oddly instead of making a normal mooing noise. My eyes widened at the sight, which was an immediate problem we had to focus on.

“Tower three, coding zombies near my position, bright yellow, can’t really miss them. Shoot them until they are absolutely obliterated!” I was looking out across the field and saw similar situations of yellow and black striped Gekko attacking EPs with their tentacles and taking them over and I even watched as an EP plant get taken over and started producing yellow colored zombie EPs that were like the normal EPs only they moved more haggardly. To my horror the NPs weren’t being spared being turned either, but at least they were destroying a lot of the yellow code zombies that showed up. One NP bull turned and started to aid the yellow gekko in weakening all the surrounding programs that weren’t infected. “We got an epidemic starting here, hurry up with that artillery! Prioritize anything the color yellow, yellow are coding zombies!”

A few seconds later a few explosions ripped apart the two yellow gekkos trying to infect other programs near us that were starting to turn our APs were blown apart and so were the infected a second later to my relief as I ran for the castle gates.

“Frizzle pull back, I’m already doing so. Everyone else, do not let them get close enough to possibly infect Castle Alexander or we’re going to have a huge problem here. Biologicals are perfectly safe from being infected, but the castle and us Digimon will become a threat to anything near us if we get turned. I wouldn’t want Canard or any of my friends to have to put me down.” I said as the increasing number of yellow Gekko started leaping onto the field of battle and began lightly burning APs, EPs and even NPs, they were using chemical throwers to weaken targets to turn them. Quite some insidious program actually, what Dark Area did they crawl out of? “I’m taking up a sniping and spotting position instead. Shanty tell Dodo to stay high in the air and out of range of those things, they can high and I wouldn’t want you to lose your mechanical bird friend to some frog hopping monstrosities against coding.”

“This is Ocellus, is there anything special you need from the APs, I’ve been trying to keep the APs directed to where they need to be.” Ocellus was doing a good job of that, she did come from a hive species and APs were hive minded in following orders. “Getting multiple signs of yellow gecko throughout the city.”

“This is Canard, they are being called Berserker Gekko according to the Digivice… I think the emphasis is driving anything they go near into berserkers.” As I got to the top of the wall and brought up my gun, I saw Canard was beating down several yellow recently turned APs. “This is just making things far worse than they already were. We need more of the Caerbannogs and less of the Saber Knights, the Saber Knights are far too slow to deal with the enemy!”

“Working on it, I think Pom has worst end of things considering she was heading towards the thing that Dormarch said was producing the Gekko.” No doubt about that Ocellus, she was in the thick of it with five Commandramon. They were all good soldiers though. “I’m going to send word to Mirage Mew to stay away from anything yellow like those things. None are appearing in Cape or the other two paths, why do I think we’re getting the special treatment somehow.”

“You don’t understand Ocellus, this is not something even Moon Cell would make to attack us with. This is something else going on here.” Nothing normal about this situation, I seriously doubted the coding zombies were naturally created by Moon Cell given the sudden change in EPs not focusing on us, but them entirely and exclusively. “You don’t make coding zombies like this intentionally, the risk for them to get out of control is too great. Something caused a major glitch to everything and I think it was the sudden warping that’s causing everything to go badly to have caused something like this to occur.”

I brought up my rifle and prepared to defend Castle Alexander as well as I could, but then I saw something that chilled my blood. A cloud of black and white digital fog warping the area nearby.

“No… oh goddess Yggdrasil.sys… anything but one of those… all towers I’m marking a target with my gun fire, Eater, I repeat, EATER!” I brought up my gun and started firing on the thing before it could finish manifesting, the head of a floating whelk like entity began forming in the space that my bullets were impacting and that did very little damage to it.

I thought the Moon Cell watchers looked a little too similar to Eater Bits, but now digital eldritch horrors were being thrown into the mix of things. Normally the horrors were benign unless circumstances align to make them less so, this would be one of those circumstances.

The shots from Castle Alexander destroyed it before it could fully form, my bullets thankfully lighting up the entity enough for a full focus fire on its position from the four towers hit it all at once overwhelming it. I started breathing roughly, glad that the gun towers managed to ultimately get it.

“What’s an eater, what’s got you hyperventilating and why are all the Commandramon feeling such incredible levels of fear that they’d even beat Pom in an anxiety competition.” Ocellus asked.

“They would normally be harmless, but if they are forming in this kind of given situation here and look something like that… then that’s bad, like really bad, like worse than even the coding zombies we’re seeing already bad and that they might deal with the Coding Zombies by themselves and be worse levels of bad. They might invoke total system deletion and nothing will survive that.” I was worried about one even being within the same realm as Canard. “Even biologicals shouldn’t go near one of those things. We need eyes watching all sides of the castle, should any more black and white speckled clouds of fog appear, call it out immediately for artillery fire even if Castle Alexander were to get infected it could probably survive a few infection vectors since he’s large enough! This is getting FUBAR and might be hitting SNAFU levels of bad soon, didn’t think I’d see things like this again… feels like old times, except a lot less dying needed to even screw in a lightbulb around here.”

-Mare Melum Underground region, Deep Jungle, Pom-

“Ugh… there’s so many of them!” Dolly, on the left. Our left gun immediately angled upwards to start firing at another loud mooing machine as the one almost on top of us that just knocked us down was being riddled by the right arms machine cannon. When either yellow Gekko fell, we didn’t stop firing on them until they started to dissolve in front of us.

“We’re being slowed down by having to destroy them entirely. Big Boss, if we don’t move quickly then the situation will worsen faster than we can deal with it even with these armors being decently powered.” Decently powered is the word for it, but it was started to become a slog and we were seeing a lot of Gekko. We had to be closing in on the target, these flamethrower gecko weren’t as deadly as the Archer Gekko, but they had numbers and there was the other problem. “What are your orders?”

“Well…” If I had to give orders then I’d..

“Infected program above you, roll out of the way Dolly!” At the sound of a Commandramon calling out, we looked above us as yellowed beast was dropping down on our prone form, Dolly rolled us to the side and brought the right gun up as the hollow white eyes and whipping fleshy rotting skeletal tail flailed.

The fleshy dog thing with a crocodile like maw and four large fangs was horrifying, I don’t think I can ever love a canine lizard with a face like that unless it was exceedingly friendly.

Dolly immediately fired into its skull before it could make a movement and it lost all bodily control, but we have found that even without the brains the bodies kept going. Dolly kept my hoof on the trigger and firing into that things body until its front razor sharp claws started dissolving, afterwards she dug the armors claws into the ground and pushed us back up into standing.

“Report in, any heavy damage?” I called out in case we needed to fix something.

“Overall minimal armor damage, nothing to worry about yet if it’s not impeding functions.” Driver called out as we formed up and started moving. “You’re armor is looking okay too.”

“The next few groups of these infected we come across, we simply knock them down or avoid entirely by getting quiet.” Which was going to be easier said than actually done at this rate in six noisy walking armors, the number of normal programs attacking us was decreasing drastically and the color yellow and black stripes was becoming alarmingly common. We had to be close at this point. “We only stick around to destroy any enemies when we have no other choice, if they aren’t too intelligent then we out of sight, out of mind them.”

We moved forward and five minutes later stopped, before us was a large field of flowers and grass… quite beautiful really. If not for a very glaringly obvious problem that had Dolly back us up towards the half jungle, half forest tree line.

“Everyone start moving backward and get ready for an onslaught in what is definitively going to be a fighting retreating.” I said as calmly as possible and flatly, while Dolly frantically started walking us backwards even faster and a huge ball of energy blew apart what was a rather nice looking patch of flowers in front of us. Said explosion also left a crater twice the size of the machine we were in. “Well guys, we found it… unfortunately it’s huge and has an army. Do what you can and don’t die, survival first, sticking together second and mission third… no heroes please.”

“Roger that Big Boss.” The five Commandramon responded.

I didn’t know if it was an ant or a giant mantis, but we made good time apparently and underneath it was at least one hundred of those flamethrower Gekko and a random assortment of other random thing turned we’ve been seeing all over the place that have been turned into zombies. Flying squirrel monsters, flying squirrel panthers, wyvern panthers, lizard canines, a few of those red wyverns that came in a sickly yellow color and were drooling green bile which would probably be thankfully flightless due to wing damage from the rotting, cougars, bulls, rhinos, even what looked like a magical triceratops back in Equestria, a berserker shark with amphibious looking digits at the end of its fins and a lot more, but oddly no giant birds.

If we lost even one Magitek Armor here, we were definitely not winning this at all or even had a hope in Tartarus of dealing with all of this, much less that thing. The code zombies were already charging for us and the large machine was slowly sinking into the ground.

“Oh and it can go underground too and possibly erupt up anywhere from beneath us to behind us, I hate my life…” I said to Dolly, she looked down at me and nodded before placing her chin down back on my head. She sighed with me before we both firmed up together for what was about to happen and brought up the arms of the machine. “Baa-Ram-Ewe!”

We’d need Fou for this thing, but getting him to not attack me and fight all of this stuff would be… rather easy now that I think of it actually. Fou excelled in dangerous situation with numerous aggressive beings to fight.

-Magical pony program gaiden, Pinkpie.exe-

A flash and the entire area erupted in pink sparkles and glitter as we took the territory, then a Caerbannog with long pink haired hare popped up blinking and she squeaked when I stretched my taffy neck out to her and her wing fluttered nervously.

“You’re a skvader caerbannog now and I’m made of digital candy Cuddlestare.exe. I tried to get you a wolpertinger caerbannog type body, but something in my programming said we’re not ready for the alicornize program upgrade yet!” I was helping things by assisting the Allied Program guys in taking territories, apparently all my doppelgangers fired jaw breakers from their cannons, but for some reason couldn’t finish the PLANTs. I certainly could though and they were firing blasts of small jaw breakers, I was firing major jaw breakers the size of cannon balls and they tasted absolutely sweet! If I wasn’t now made of taffy, then the cannonball sized sweets wouldn’t have fit in my head much less my mouth. “Oh and now I’m sending a message to Applelove.exe, what do you think she wants to be?”

I’m fairly sure the gummy gators defending the territory with their adorable chewy, tasty, rubbery little adorable bodies and my Pinkpie clones wouldn’t mind if I spent some time getting my friends out and their own bodies too!

That’s when a Dalmatian with large goofy claws landed near us, he was about to say something then stared oddly at Cuddlestare.exe for a bit and then his face turned straight red before he went flashing away in shy manner. Either that or he knew his mother was in danger, could be both, guy had a thing for rabbits.

“Something with muscles and can enjoy the taste of apples?” Cuddlestar.exe was asking more than confirming, but that sounded and was likely still trying to process having a specifically not pony shaped body.

“Cow it is!” Pinkpie.exe probably could have been an alpaca if she wanted to be. “Yeah, but I wanted to be a candy pony instead and said no to the author. They owed me a few favors.”

“Uh… what?” Cuddlestare.exe was quite confused, not that I’ve been doing something like narrating everything in the text in the third person this entire time, because Pinkepie.exe hasn't been doing that no sir-ee.

“Don’t worry about it, it’ll all make no sense at all with time Cuddlestare… and that’s while you’ll forget I ever said anything at all!” Pinkpie.exe was still the leader of the six harmony programs that came to life from the magic of Equus forging a familiar bond between Dodo and Shanty. “So what kind of cow do you think she should be? A belgian blue with an outrageous amount of blue? Okay great, it’s fitting the whole opposite of orange color scheme!”

“Maybe you should actually take the time to think this through better?” Cuddlestare tried, oh she did alright, but I wasn’t about to listen. We needed a cow Applelove, for the ice cream and the jokes!

We were also kind of on a time crunch what with all the zombie programs encroaching on our territories and we needed six program heroes to collect territories and contain the problem before it gets out of control while everyone else was busy with the really deadly stuff.

I felt a little bit sad that Dodo no longer needed us harmony programs, he was his own friendship maker now and we’d always be friends… well if he even recognized us as having been in his head that is.

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