• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,099 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

  • ...

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In the Absence of Blessings

Hours had passed since the Talon began their search. The villagers of Braum—no longer quite as tense as they were at the start—now stood outside the entrances to their homes and establishments. They watched as the armored griffons went about their business, filtering in and out of building after building.

Seraphimus stood in a white patch of snow. She waited outside a two-story inn on the east side of town. The Commander glanced west, spotting Raptr's figure from afar. Despite the rookie's best efforts, he was visibly shivering from the constant chill of Ivory Prefecture.

Jaws clenched, Seraphimus glanced east. She spotted Windburst—who was doing considerably better than the younger Sergeant. Nevertheless, Seraphimus blinked thoughtfully, then gazed at Sarda.

The leader of Braum stood with his fellow stallions right outside the inn. While his comrades spoke and murmured amongst themselves, Sarda stood dead-still, glaring ahead into space. Lost in thought.

Seraphimus raised an eyecrest. At the sound of scraping claws, she glanced at the inn's entrance.

Keris and Starstorm walked out. Starstorm looked exhausted, her shoulder slumped beneath her armor. The two guardians directly approached Seraphimus.

"Nothing?" Seraphimus muttered.

Starstorm exhaled, almost wheezing. "Sorry, Commander. The Rogue's nowhere to be found. I... I've searched everywhere."

"Indeed she has," Keris murmured. "I lent a second pair of eyes to make sure nothing was missed."

"Of that, I have no doubt." Seraphimus looked across the village. "Where does that leave us?"

"Two more rows of turf houses and three barns."

Starstorm shuddered, her limbs weak.

"Sergeant." Seraphimus pointed west. "Switch with Raptr. Stretch your wings; rest your limbs."

"Yes, Commander..." Starstorm straightened her helmet. Arms dangling, she very gladly flapped her wings and drifted west. "Thank you, Commander."

Keris cleared his throat. "Am I right to guess that I'll be taking Windburst's post?"

"One thing at a time, Lieutenant." Seraphimus looked at him. "Tell me. What is your assessment of the situation?"

"I think it's obvious to the both of us that the esteemed Mr. Sarda is hiding something."

"Mmmm... indeed." Seraphimus nodded. "But how could it be eluding us both?"

"I'm certain we have the power to find out," Keris said. "But... perhaps not the good grace."

Seraphimus blinked at that. "...something you wish to tell me, Lieutenant?"

Keris clenched and unclenched his beak. All of the sudden, he signaled Windburst.

Windburst saw the gesture. He left his post, swiftly gliding down to join the two. Th-Thap! "Lieutenant?"

Keris motioned the griffon to stand close. All three members of the Talon drew in until they were whispers apart. "Sergeant," Keris spoke. "You're familiar with this region, are you not?"

"Reasonably so, sir," Windburst said. He glanced at Seraphimus. "Although not as knowledgeable as I am about Stone and Seed Prefectures."

"What sense would it make for the villagers of Braum to pack all of their goods and resources in two rustic barns?"

"None whatsoever," Windburst said. "In this weather, the materials would risk being damaged by the cold. For proper insulation, it would make far better sense to pack everything underground."

"But the turf houses here are for local residents," Seraphimus said.

"Only the ones that we've seen," Keris insisted.

Seraphimus squinted. "...what are you implying?"

"Ivory Prefecture is a prime hotspot for bandits and raiders of trade routes," Windburst said. "It would make sense for the ponies here to conceal their storage underground."

"Conceal?" Seraphimus blinked. "As in hidden tunnels?"

"Considering the age of this town, I'm certain such a system would be quite expansive," Keris said.

"Then how come we haven't found any entrance to such a place?" Seraphimus remarked.

"I suspect that we have," Keris muttered. "Without knowing and without being told... because the entrances are likely hidden in such places that uncovering them would compromise the sanctity of these ponies' homes." He cleared his throat. "At least in ways that would go above and beyond the attention we've put into the search thus far."

Sarda stared at the huddled griffons afar.

Seraphimus saw him looking. With a growling tone, she muttered, "And guess who is constantly watching us... making sure we don't find such a tunnel system."

"Well, screw him," Windburst muttered, glaring across the falling snow. "If he's harboring the Rainbow Rogue, then that makes him an enemy of Rohbredden."

Keris pointed. "We are not at war with the ponies of Braum, Sergeant."


"But nothing." Keris glared. "We are cold, tired, and hungry from our search. But let us not allow such frailties to mar our judgment." He glanced at the onlooking crowds. "If there is an underground storage area beneath us—and all things considered, that's looking quite likely—then Sarda and his stallions will risk anything to keep it hidden. It compromises far more than the location of the Rainbow Rogue, but the future stability of this entire village."

"So you're saying we should just... let them have the Rainbow Rogue?!"

"I'm saying that if we try and take her by force, then it will turn into a national incident." Keris took a deep breath. "This is an old community, and the ponies who run this place are well acquainted with the law and legacy of the land. If we start an issue, then they will take it to the highest reaches of the Court of Verlaxion. Bringing in the Rainbow Rogue is one thing, but with our elite numbers so sparse... can we really risk the future stability of the Right Talon of Verlaxion?"

"But... b-but national security is at risk!" Windburst hissed, crossbow rattling. "The Court would understand—"

"You've seen the corruption of Red Barge," Keris said. "The remnants of the bandit camp in the Petrispines. Just what does the Court understand anymore?"

"Again with this, Lieutenant?!" Windburst frowned. "Just whose side are you on these days—"

"Shhhhh!" Seraphimus insisted. "Let us not squabble like children."

"But Commander!" Windburst gestured wildly at Keris. "You heard him just now—"

"Yes, Sergeant. I do hear him." Seraphimus dull charcoal eyes swam in the Lieutenant's direction. "Believe me... there isn't a day that goes by that I don't hear his words echoing like midnighter song in my skull."

Keris stood tall, smirking ever so slightly under his beak.


"So... so what do we do?!" Windburst folded his arms with a frown. "I enlisted with the Talon so I could hunt down criminals, not perform a ballet with snow-covered trade towns."

"You must expect every eventuality, Sergeant," Seraphimus droned.

"If I wanted to walk on eggshells for a living, I would have joined my sister at the nurseries up in Gale Roost!"

"A little light on the sarcasm, please," Seraphimus said. "You'll be joining Raptr in the search now, after all."

"Right." Windburst nodded. "And... should I be ripping wall panels down in search for tunnel entrances?"



"Carry on with the search in accordance with protocol," Seraphimus said. She strolled forward. "Let them think that we know nothing."

"What are you planning, Commander?" Keris asked.

"I am planning on you trusting me, Lieutenant," Seraphimus said over her shoulder. "If intimidation doesn't work... and protocol won't help us extract the Rogue... then it's time for something else entirely."

"And what's that?"


Keris blinked.

Seraphimus took a breath. "I knew you would approve." As Raptr and Starstorm flew back, she approached Sarda, standing in front of him. Her charcoal eyes narrowed. "Walk with me. We need to talk."

"Whatever you have to say, you can say it to me here in front of my advisors," Sarda said.

Seraphimus leaned forward. "Walk. With. Me." Her eyes took on a steely glint, matching her voice. "If you value the safety of your village as I value the lives of my wingmates, then you will perform this necessary act of good faith." She strolled off, motioning for him. "It is—after all—the proper burden of a true leader."

Sarda blinked at that. He fidgeted in place... then eventually trotted after her. A few stallions gasped, shuffling after him. Sarda simply waved a hoof, ordering them to remain where they stood. The villagers watched nervously as he strolled off on his own, joining the Commander's side.

"Commander..." Sarda sighed, marching up a powdery snowbank as he followed the griffon. Behind them, Keris and Starstorm took to the air while Raptr and Windburst carried on with the search. "For Verlaxion's sake. How long is this pointless search going to take?" He frowned. "All trade has ceased since you and your associates have begun the laborious process. You've essentially shut all of Braum down, which is costing us money and resources. And for what? I kindly ask that you carry your wild hunt elsewh—"

Seraphimus swiveled to face him, claws kicking up snow. "Cease your banal prattle," she seethed. "I know the Rogue is here in your village. You know the Rogue is here. Every second wasted in the search is leeching my time as much as yours. If there's anypony here who needs to relinquish this ongoing absurdity, it's you."

Sarda glared. "How dare you. I've been nothing but compliant all this time and—"

"You've been anything of the sort and you know it." Seraphimus stared coolly back at him. "The only reason my wingmates haven't found the Rogue's hiding place is because you haven't allowed us into your extensive underground storage area."

Sarda fumed. His hard eyes fell to the snow. "This is insane. I've had about all I can take of you and the Court's distrustful attitude."

"Look at me," Seraphimus said.

Sarda stood in place.

"I said... look at me," the Commander's voice rang.

With a gulp, Sarda raised his grizzled muzzle.

Seraphimus stared into his eyes. "I don't hunt the Rogue because she is a common criminal, and I don't chase her for sport. My pursuit of her is something mandated by the highest Court of Law that the Six Tribes hold. The Court of Verlaxion has deemed her a threat to our nation as a whole. She's already destroyed an entire sanctuary of Goddess-fearing monks, and she practically laid waste to a whole dredge coal facility. Can't you see why I must bring her in?"

"I can see that the Court needs its trophies to believe in itself," Sarda sneered. "In an age where Verlaxion hasn't shown her holy face for practically centuries, it must be hard to prove one's legitimacy."

"That's an attitude befitting Colonialists and the Consortium," Seraphimus said. "And every other heartless, godless organization that has risen to replace honor with money." She shook her head. "Somehow, I very much doubt that you count yourself amongst such heathens."

Sarda stared at her.

Seraphimus softly said, "The Rainbow Rogue is a threat. A danger. And right now... by harboring her where my wingmates and I can't see? She's endangering everything you've sworn to protect your entire life." She gestured. "Your family. Your children. Your neighbors and your trading partners."

"Is this your plan, now?" Sarda murmured. "To intimidate me?"

"No." She shook her head. "Dear foal of Verlaxion... I tell you this so I won't have to resort to that." She gulped. "This is no mere pegasus. You don't understand... you haven't seen. She..." Seraphimus grimaced. She squirmed slightly in place. "She..." Her eyes drifted to Keris in the distance. "...she has powers."

Sarda blinked. "Powers?"

Seraphimus sighed. "Yes." She swallowed. "Mysterious. Ungodly. And annoying." Her beak clenched as she paced around the stallion. "My Lieutenant tried explaining her unearthly senses to me. And... I must admit... I scarcely believed him at first. I suppose it's an easy thing to doubt. After all—these past few months the Talon has been dealing entirely with thick-headed terrorists and arsonists. Nothing even remotely as elusive and... metaphysical as this creature from beyond the Blight."

"She's from west of the Blight?" Sarda wheezed. "I... thought that was just a rumor."

Seraphimus scuffled to a stop. "Oh yes. She is. I... can embrace that fact now." She reached up and pulled her helmet off with a shudder. "The way she's eluded us in the Mist Cliffs... the way she single-hoofedly sprung a trap for Windburst, my best eyes in the sky." She tilted her head back, shaking flakes of snow off her silver plumage. "The way she burned the Reed to a crisp in the Quade."

Sarda simply stared at her.

"And... and of course..." Seraphimus exhaled. "...my Lieutenant speaks of this... beastly form she takes on... when that pendant around her neck is so much as removed."

Instantly, Sarda jolted. He brushed a nervous hoof through his mane as his eyes fell to the frosted grass beneath them.

Seraphimus saw it. She pivoted her head icily to stare at him. "You've... seen this, haven't you?"

Sarda cleared his throat. "Your... uh... Lieutenant has a wild imagination."

"No." Seraphimus shook her head. "He doesn't. Which is precisely why I've always trusted him... until now." She exhaled. "And such doubt has only served to confound our efforts. Well..." She shook her head. "No more. I've flown into this blind, as you have."

"You're blinder than you know," Sarda grumbled. "You and the whole damn Council."

Holding her helmet, Seraphimus marched towards him. "Then illuminate us so that we may see—"

"Like you'll give a damn!" Sarda flung a frown at her. "All you Talon griffons care about is bringing back heads on a platter for the fat horses in Frostknife to drool over!" He shook a hoof. "You don't actually bother with guarding the Prefectures! It's all just a sacramental blood sport for you! Disguised as sovereign justice!"

"The Goddess Verlaxion charges us with eliminating all threats to her children and we follow through—"

"Our 'Goddess' abandoned us long ago!" Sarda spat. "Why else would Rohbredden and the seas surrounding it be filled with so much filth and garbage?!" He leaned back with a hot breath. "Only a dense, bird-brained warrior would think otherwise! Hmmmff... probably explains why you're so damn good at your job."

Seraphimus stood quietly in front of him. She stared at the stallion for a long time. "...you have lived in doubt for so long. How very bleak... so very empty. I pity you."

"Heh... I bet you do, Commander."

"Indeed. I do." Seraphimus pivoted her helmet around until her dull expression reflected off the glossy surface. "You think you're the only creature on this frozen continent that experiences doubt?" She stared at her own charcoal eyes. "I gave my heart and soul to the protection of Verlaxion's best interests when I was only a hatchling. In all these years, has she rewarded me? Absolutely... and yet..." Her breath fogged up the silver surface, so she wiped it clean once again with a nimble wrist. "...despite my best efforts, more and more criminals pop up in the deepest hiding places of Rohbredden. Ancient monuments are defaced... families are terrorized... children are orphaned. And... and my family..."

Sarda squinted curiously at her as she placed her helmet back on her feathery crown.

Seraphimus set the headpiece in place. She sighed vaporously, her eyes closed. "...my family dies slowly... one frigid month after another... poisoned years ago by dredge dust when a mine north of their village collapsed. And I? I was miles away... chasing bandits down... for Verlaxion's glory. Over a decade has passed since they were placed into the frosted caverns west of Frostknife... waiting for a cure to their terminal condition."

Her charcoal eyes opened, sharp and glinting.

"I... have prayed for their delivery every day since. I have entreated Verlaxion for her divine deliverance, and yet they still waste away in frozen storage." A gulp. "I suppose I've been a dishonest griffon. I've... not admitted the depths of my anger and frustration to her. I felt that channeling it into my hunt would only make me serve her all the stronger. And someday—in reward for my faith—she will restore my husband and child to me. And yet... I still wait."

At last, she looked at the village leader.

"We do not live in a perfect world. You will always have struggles to contend with, as I will always have evil to eliminate. I thought that by restricting my vision to the continent itself, my job would be done all the more efficiently, and innocent citizens like you and the residents of Braum wouldn't suffer. And yet—here comes this Rainbow Rogue—a creature originating from an unholy place so far out of my jurisdiction that I haven't yet found the appropriate measures to stop her."

She stepped through the snow, closing the distance between them.

"But her threat to these lands can still be dealt with. I need your help to do it. I'm sorry, dear sir, that you've felt isolated and abandoned out here in Ivory Prefecture for so long. The fact is... with the blessing of our Goddess or not... it is up to souls like us to ensure a healthy future for the kingdom that she so divinely unified ages ago. We cannot expect her to do everything. We wouldn't be responsible children if it was that simple, now would it?"

Sarda was shivering at this point. His ears drooped slightly.

Seraphimus managed a tiny smile at least. "I promise that I will do whatever is in my power to bring the issues of Braum to the Council once the Rogue is brought in. But how far will we go on such paths if we are unwilling to assist each other?"

Sarda gulped. He gazed off towards the north.

Seraphimus squinted, following his gaze.

"She..." Sarda winced as he said it. "...she is alive and in one piece. I have her bound and isolated someplace where she can't escape."

Seraphimus clenched her beak. "You are so certain of this?"

"Yes, I am."

Seraphimus exhaled vapors, staring off across the snow. "That's what I was afraid of," she grumbled.

"You must understand..." Sarda said. "I cannot just... give her to the Talon."

"I promise you that there will be no legal repercussions if you just—"

"It's not about that either!" Sarda growled. He glared at her. "I need the bits."


"The bounty!" Sarda's brow furrowed under snowfall. "You do know about the bounty, do you not?"

"Of course." Seraphimus nodded. "But who would you expect to receive payment from?"

"Steamfall," Sarda said. "The Shoreline Trade Consortium conducts the bulk of their northern business from there. They're the ones offering the bounty on the Rainbow Rogue's head."

Seraphimus leaned back. "...the Consortium, you say."

"Has the Talon had reason to deal with them before?"

Seraphimus glanced nebulously south. "In a manner of speaking..."

"I do not mean to insult your word of honor," Sarda said. "But payment in bits will mean far more than a promise of future protection." He gulped. "After all, it's the Consortium themselves who have been choking Braum and other villages around here of profit. If we don't get that reward for the Rainbow Rogue, then we'll sink! They'll roll in and buy us out and cover this entire plateau with factories profiting them and only them!"

"The Court has sanctions in check to prevent such an outrageous monopoly."

"Uh huh. Yeah." Sarda nodded with a crooked frown. "Is that the same Court that the esteemed Brye Chandler is attempting to climb the ranks of?"

"... ... ..." Seraphimus' eyes darted about. "That pony isn't even a traditional magistrate."

"Doesn't matter. Fact is, the only thing that cripples his dominance over Ivory Prefecture is distribution of wealth. Braum needs that bounty. If you really want to help us, then you'll let us have it."

"What... exactly are you proposing, good sir?"

Sarda leaned in. "Let us do the exchange with the ponies in Steamfall," Sarda whispered. "We get the money. They get the Rogue." He gestured. "Either way, you'll know where she is. Once she's in the safe clutches of the Consortium, then you can seize her. Blight monster or whatever... she won't be a 'danger' to anyone anymore. You see? Everyone gets what they want."

"Except the Consortium," Seraphimus droned. "Who will be short several hundreds of thousands of bits."

Sarda frowned. "Buck 'em."

Seraphimus took a steely breath. "Forgive me if I don't exactly share your vindictive attitude."

"Hah!" Sarda's eyes rolled. "You hunt criminals and thugs left and right... and yet you don't know true filth when it's under your very own beak!"

"What are you saying?"

"Simply that the Consortium deserves a hit to the knees, financial or otherwise." Sarda snorted. "Verlaxion knows they've done far worse to ponies less deserving of it."

"Care to elaborate?"

"Heh... as if that's ever the Talon's concern."

"Please... we've come this far." Seraphimus took a step closer, helmet glinting. "Talk. I am all ears."

"No no no, Dashie!" Pinkie Pie hissed. "You're doing it all wrong! It's 'down the alley,' not 'across the street!'"

"Uhm..." Fluttershy glanced aside. "Are you sure you're still talking about cutting binds loose?"

"Oh, for sure!" Pinkie Pie nodded. "Maud described it to me all the time!"

"It's still not accomplishing anything," Rarity said, pointing in the lantern light of the tunnel. "Those ropes are just as solid as they were twenty minutes ago, darling."

"Maybe you're using too blunt a tool," Twilight said. "Try searching for a set of sheers or something, Rainbow—"

"Shhhhh-shhhhhhh!" Rainbow hissed. She lay on her side, sweating, panting, struggling relentlessly to rub her binds raw against an exposed pickaxe. "For the love of tap dancing parasprites! Will you all just... stop babbling so much!"

"But we're only trying to help, Rainbow!" Rarity exclaimed.

"This thing is super duper sharp, Rares!" Rainbow grunted. She licked her lips and rubbed the bindings harder against the axe's blade. "It's just this darn friggin' rope stuff! What'd they build this out of, anyway?"

"From the looks of it, hardened goat sinew," Fluttershy said.

Twilight wretched at the ghostly pegasus. "Fluttershy?! How could you possibly know that?!"

Fluttershy squirmed, her body phasing through a stack of crates. "I... read b-books too, y'know."

"Eugh..." Rainbow slumped down, wheezing. "...this is getting me friggin' nowhere. Maybe if I just reposition myself—" She rolled over, grazing her left wing. "OW! Ow ow owwwwww—"

"Well, doin't do that, darling!" Rarity squeaked.

"Grrrrr! I know, Rarity! I'm the one attached to the stupid, limp feathers, aren't I?!"

"Well..." Rarity folded her forelimbs, pouting. "I'm on ly trying to hel—" Fl-Flash! She disappeared in a lavender blur.

Rainbow Dash blinked. "...Rarity?"

"What... wh-what just happened?" Fluttershy gasped.

"Huh. Weird." Pinkie rubbed her fluffy scalp. "Rarity just poofed!" She looked at the others. "You don't suppose she hoofed it off to the Vanilla Zone ear—?" Flash! Pinkie vanished like condensation being wiped off a lavender window.

"Pinkie—!" Rainbow wriggled, struggling to stand up. Suddenly, her eyes rolled back. "Euuughhh..." Overwhelmed with dizziness, she collapsed on the floor of the tunnel.

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight exclaimed.

"Oh no! Rainbow!" Fluttershy hovered closer. "What's happeni—!" Flash!

"Flutter... shy..." Rainbow sputtered, quivering on the floor.

"What..." Twilight looked at her own limbs. They flickered in and out of the visual spectrum. "...this... just like..." She looked down. "Shoggoth."

"And... the Quade..." Rainbow fought to tilt her head up. "Twilight. I... I-I think that..."

"Just hold in there, Rainbow Dash!" Twilight exclaimed, flickering constantly. "Take deep breaths! And whatever you do, don't lose the penda—!" Flash!

"Twilight!" Rainbow Dash sat up, drenched with sweat. Her eyes locked on something in the distance... something moving.

With Twilight gone, Rainbow's vision caught a dark figure shuffling towards her down the long... long hallway. A ragged cloak was draped over the equine shape. The torches overhead dimmed slightly, and the temperature of the tunnel dropped significantly.

Rainbow shook, shuddered. Her breath came out suddenly in gray vapors.

Tiny plates of ice formed where the figure's hooves landed. It came upon an obstruction—a stack of crates in its way. Instead of casually walking around, the figure trotted up the wall, across the ceiling, and back down onto the floor of the tunnel. As it evened out, the hood of its cloak flounced. Rainbow Dash saw a pair of glowing blue eyes, shimmering like enchanted ice. A cold vaporous mist poured out of every sleeve.

Rainbow Dash blinked, and then she frowned. "You..." she sneered, every hair bristled across her back.

"Mmmmm... Austraeoh, Austraeoh, Austraeoh..." The Divine's voice filtered between them as the figure came to an icy stop. "Why did you stop traveling east? You had one job..."

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