• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,100 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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A Garden Lost in Shadow

Rainbow Dash paced across the stars while the dark shape stood calmly in place, peering at her.

"Care to repeat that?" Rainbow muttered, pendant rattling.

Pointed ears flicked against the cosmos. "'Ilrifa'," it said.

"Okay..." Rainbow Dash exhaled. "...so you're not just a random brain fart after all."

"We have had the name burned into our mind for as long as we can remember," the shape said.

"Yeah?" Rainbow raised an eyebrow. "And just how long has that been?"

"We do not know."

Rainbow's nostrils flared as she came to a shuffling stop. "... ... ...after two years of east-flapping, I finally make contact with the spirit of the flame and it's a Celestia-dang moron."

"The roots run deep," the voice muttered. "The machine. It is a garden. A child. 'Ilrifa' was planted. Long ago. Deep in the fertile darkness."

"Yeah? By who?"

The narrow head shook. "We do not know. It must acquire the biggest flame of all."

"What's that? The Harmonic Prism? At the Midnight Armory?"

"Swiftly!" A nimble tail flicked. "While it still draws breath!"

"Just... just calm down..." Rainbow waved a hoof. She gulped. "I've got you here now, don't I? If you can slow yourself long enough to chat, then maybe you can explain—"

"Accomplish Ofolrodi. Restore Urohringr."

"Yeah-yeah... I get that. And I'm totally gonna do that! Just... please." Rainbow held a hoof forward. "...I have to know who you are... what you are." Her ears folded back as her voice squeaked, "Who spun all of this into motion and why?"

The shadow's head glanced at Rainbow's hoof, then back at her face. "It accomplishes nothing in one place. Yaerfaerda's made manifest. The flame beckons. Austraeoh—"

"Rainbow Dash."


Stars swirled and galaxies drifted.

Rainbow smiled. "Rainbow... Dash..." She held her hoof out further. "It's a lost more awesome than 'Austraeoh.' Now who are you... really?" A sympathetic breath. "I'm sure it's a lot snazzier than 'Ilrifa.'"

The figure stared at her. There was a tremor. Something glinted in the darkness, trickling down the figure's face.

"We are alone."

Rainbow Dash blinked.

"We do not understand. It stands still. It asks. But... no answers. Only flames." A shuddering breath. "It must keep moving. Keep burning. In the darkness and the flicker between."

"Were you... once one of them?" Rainbow asked. She gulped and continued: "Were you one of the pegasi? The original pegasi?"

The figure was silent.

"Ilrifa... do you remember anything?"

Another tremble. "Guilt." Pointed ears folded. "G-guilt..." Wings coiled tightly at its side. "Something is broken. A flame grows in the garden. It must spread. It must heal and restore. Austraeoh..."

The being's voice trailed off. For a brief second, Rainbow thought she envisoned two haunting specks—like narrow eyes at the bottom of the blackest well. A panicked glance was thrown over her shoulder.

"What...?" Rainbow Dash murmured.

"Ofolrodi," the equine figure squeaked. "Their field of foaling. Time narrows. Their darkness shall spread and consume the garden. It is all our fault."

Shadows shifted through the starlight, forcing the figure to vanish.

"Wait! Ilrifa!" Rainbow suffered a cold chill. Reluctantly, she turned and looked behind her.

All of the heavens were gone—or at least that's what Rainbow thought at first. In truth, something was blocking out the starlight—obscuring the harmonic gold from distant, unseen plains. One by one, antlers formed from dark onyx lines. As soon as they took shape, they descended on her, plummeting from twelve separate directions, dragging the screams of countless civilizations as something stronger than gravity sent them plunging towards Rainbow's figure.

"Luna Poop!" Rainbow yelped. She looked every which way for an escape. In the surmounding darkness, only one opportunity glinted at her. Water cascaded over the edge of the plane, dissolving into mist and chaos.

Without a second thought, Rainbow Dash threw her body east. As the shadows fell—and thunderously so—she flew past the horizon and into the nebulous darkscape beyond. Behind her, the cosmos exploded, showering the skies around her with silver stone fragments. She heard a pegasus' lonely sobs, and then all she felt was guilt... guilt as she built up momentum and approached a lonesome torch in the middle of an ink black plain. Seething, she dove into the flames, reveling in the righteous baptism. Just as all the pain and regret melted away, she sensed five sets of hooves reaching for her.

But before she could surrender to their embrace, a single talon grabbed her wings from behind, yanking her—cold and shivering—back into the darkness.

She never made it that far. Eternity dwindled, and Rainbow felt herself levitating numbly in the penumbra, even as the circles floated back together and produced a somber melody against the heavely acoustics.

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