• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,099 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Shoulda Called it "The Chase"





A pulse of ruby light.

Twinkling... fading...

Then once again...


"... ...mrmmff... come on..."

In a blinding flash, the ruby glow returned. Ripples of crimson light branched outward, illuminating jagged rock and splintery support beams.

Vaporous breaths issued from Rainbow's muzzle as she held a hoof over her pendant.

With a gulp, she turned and looked one way.

A ruby halo illuminated a claustrophobic corridor leading into pitch blackness.

Rainbow exhaled. Pivoting about, she aimed her Element in the other direction.

The light caught a trickle of water from a miniature stalactite. Abandoned mining equipment and dilapidated wooden crates lined the edges of a crooked burrow. Unevenly spaced wooden rungs led towards a higher shaft positioned somewhere above.

All the while, a dull vibration rolled through the foundation of the mountain, issuing from below. Ever so slowly, the reverberations subsided, reduced to a dull hush.

Four colorful faces phased into the visible spectrum, anchored to the pegasus.

"Did... did Dashie make it?" Pinkie Pie asked.

Twilight sighed. "We're all here, Pinkie Pie. Of course Rainbow made it."

"You never know." Pinkie blinked. "She could be a ghost too now!"

"Nah..." Rainbow Dash's teeth chattered as she rubbed her forelimbs. "I'm too c-cold to be a ghost."

"You poor thing." Fluttershy gazed sympathetically at her. "Now that the craziness is over with, maybe you can set a fire to warm yourself?"

"Sorry, Flutters, but..." Rainbow cast a nervous glance at the metal lid a few spaces over from where she sat. Steam rose from the circular edges. "A fire is the last thing I want at the moment. Besides..." She stood up, wincing from fresh bruises. "...I gotta find a way out of this mountain." She shuddered. "Then I gotta make my way to Wyvern Point."

"Are..." Twilight Sparkle blinked. "...are the Talon still after us?"

Fluttershy squinted into darkness.

"Well, Fluttershy?" Pinkie asked.

"They... seem to be leaving the tunnel exits, actually," Fluttershy remarked with a blink. "They're gradually flying southwest, one by one."

"Could it be?" Rarity gaped at the others. "We finally gave them the slip?"

"Probably think Rainbow's dead," Twilight said.

"Yeah..." Rainbow shuddered, gazing up at the moist ceiling. "For all intents and purposes, I probably am."

"Fear not, darling." Rarity smiled. "This mountain is most certainly hollow."

"Oh yeah?"

The unicorn nodded. "There are mining shafts and corridors carved all throughout the thing."

"And is there a way out?"

Rarity chewed on her lip.

Rainbow glared. "Rarity..."

"There is, Rainbow. But..." She winced slightly. "It's quite a bit of a trek to get there. A full day's journey without the aid of flight. Maybe two."

"Wowie zowie!" Pinkie blinked wide. "They really tore this place inside out!"

"From the look of things, it's abandoned," Twilight said. "These tunnels probably went out of use years ago. Decades, even."

"Rarity..." Rainbow turned around.

"Yes, but of course, Rainbow." Rarity nodded. "I shall assist you in traversing this jagged labyrinth."

"Well, could you at least give me a general idea to start with?" Rainbow arched an eyebrow. "I'm not asking you to point or anything, but—"

"The key is to go up, darling," Rarity said. "There are dozens upon dozens of corridors, and several of them lead laterally across the mountain like invisible spiderwebs—invisible to everypony but me, of course."

"But an exit?"

"Somewhat northwest of here, and quite a climb." Rarity's horn pulsed as she spoke, "The next few levels above us are quite thoroughly interconnected. So, if you want my advice, I'd suggest that you ascend as often as possible. Once we get high enough, I'll step in to give you some more pertinent directions."

Rainbow sighed. "Works for me." She gulped. "Anyone else in here?"

"No, Rainbow." Fluttershy shook her head. "It's just us. Although, there's quite a few colonies here or there."

"Colonies?" Rainbow blinked. "Colonies of what?"



"Finally!" Pinkie grinned. "Someone to hang out with who won't try and kill us!"

"Brbrbrbrrrr..." Rarity grimaced. "Remind me to close my eyes when we get near them, thank you."

"Oh Rarity, bats are nothing to be afraid of." Fluttershy smiled. "They're like rats with wings."

"You're not sweetening the image any, dear."

Twilight spoke up. "Can we all agree that now would be a very good time to pause and catch our collective breaths?"

"I agree with Twilight." Pinkie nodded. "I'm party train pooped after all that."

"Sorry." Rainbow shuffled head, shining the ruby light ahead of her. "But we can't afford to stick around here... even for a breather."

"Why not?" Rarity remarked.

Rainbow waved a hoof at the ceiling. "Somewhere up there... a bounty hunter named Remna has been hired by the Desperadoes to find me and provide escort to Wyvern Point. She's not going to help anyone if she can't find me—all because I'm stuck down here."

"Rainbow has a point," Twilight said. "Sorry, girls, but we're going to have to stay sharp for a little bit longer."

"But of course." Fluttershy nodded. "Rarity? Care to lead the way?"

Rarity pointed. "The closest vertical shaft is right there, Rainbow."

"I see it. Thanks." Rainbow pensively grasped a set of old wooden rungs and began climbing. "Whew... chilly..."

"You feel a draft?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, actually."

"Good!" Rarity remarked. "That means somewhere high up above the exit to these mines is still open!"

"Boy did I pick a bad day to give up my one and only coat," Rainbow muttered.

"Keep moving, Rainbow," Twilight suggested with a smile. "That'll warm you up."

"Mmmm... here's hoping."

"Do... do you really think they assume Rainbow is dead now?" Fluttershy asked.

"Who?" Twilight glanced back. "The Talon?"

Fluttershy bit her lip and nodded.

"Doubt it," Rainbow muttered. "Between Keris and the Commander... something tells me I've made at least two converts."

"Why do you not sound proud of that?" Rarity remarked.

"Just 'cuz..." Rainbow sighed. The light bled out of the lower corridor as she climbed her way up a narrow shaft to the next level. "Seems like—ever since Red Barge—I've been doing nothing but causing chaos."

"Extenuating circumstances, Rainbow," Twilight said. "I bet that... uhhh... being Austraeoh is a great deal easier when you're not being chased."

"Well, write a book and read it out to me, egghead," Rainbow muttered into the darkness. "Because that's all that Austraeoh's ever had to look forward to."

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