• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,099 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Waiting Is the Hardest Part

Rainbow flew and flew and flew in circles.

She pivoted towards Fluttershy.


The ghostly pegasus clutched her skull and licked her lips. She shook her head.

Rainbow flew and flew and flew in more circles.

Once again, she pivoted about.

"What about now?"

Fluttershy could only wince.

"Rainbow, darling, please." Rarity leaned in, patting Fluttershy's soft shoulder. "You must stop pacing."

"And give Fluttershy a rest, will ya?" Applejack joined in. "She's skull-projectin' the best that she can!"

"But... but we can't rest!" Rainbow's voice cracked. "Anytime now, those jerkwads from Rohbredden will be here and as soon as Fluttershy senses every soul on board I need to friggin' know about it so I can signal Enix and Bleak's Plummet and prepare for the ultimate dive to the Dark Side!" She took a long... long breath after that outburst and limply turned to Fluttershy once again. "Anything now?"

"I sense... I-I sense..." Fluttershy winced to say.

Twilight's scowling face lifted in front of her, aimed straight at Rainbow Dash. "She's. Scanning. Rainbow. Dash." Her lavender brow furrowed. "She'll let you know the moment she's got a fix on our pursuers."

"Yeah!" Pinkie Pie nodded, leaning in to give Fluttershy a side-hug. "Plus, Rarity and I have got her covered on the evil-glossy-boat-sense! Isn't that right, Rare-Rare?"

"Indeed." Rarity tilted her nose up. "Don't worry, darling. The moment I sense those two ships, I'll relay the exact coordinates. Why... it'll be like suturing buttons onto a table-cloth!" She laughed daintily, fluffing her mane. A throat-clear later, and she frowned once again. "So calm your blasted feathers."

"Mrfffffnnngh..." Rainbow slumped in mid-air, gazing limply down at the tossing waves beneath her.

"Seriously, Rainbow..." Twilight floated closer, sporting an optimistic smile. "Can't you just relax?"

Rainbow looked up, eyes glaring. "Seriously?"

Twilight folded her forelimbs. "Well excuse me for trying to break the tension."

"You'd need a jackhammer the size of the moon to break this thickness, girl!" Rainbow Dash gestured wildly. "What do you think we've been preparing for the last dozen hours?! A picnic?!"

Pinkie casually gestured at the platforms behind them. "Your buddies seem to be relaxing just fine, Dashie!" The Herald gathered along a stretch of granite where the Stardust had been moored. Enix and her fellow warriors hovered not too far away. "Why don't you go and join them?"

"Because that's not going to make anything better, Pinkie."

"I don't get it, Rainbow." Twilight drifted in front of her, tossing her forelimbs. "You've butted heads with chaos dragons, outflown zombie pegasi, and chased down a changeling queen! Why are you such a basketcase all of the sudden?"

"It's simple as apple pie, Twi," Applejack said with a tiny smirk. "T'ain't the battle that kills Rainbow. It's the waitin'." She tilted her ghostly hat back. "Ain't that right, RD?"

Rainbow moaned, slumping once again. "I... hate... waiting."

"Well... uh..." Twilight fidgeted in midair, searching for the words to say. "Erm..." She suddenly brightened. "Think about the past, Rainbow Dash?"

"What?" Rainbow glared at her. "You mean like when you and all my other best friends were blown to smithereens by Discord?"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "A little later in the past. Think about Val Roa! The odds were against you, weren't they?"

"Yeah!" Pinkie hopped in place. "They were super against her!"

"Queen Chrysalis had infiltrated her way deep into the three branches of government in that monarchy!" Twilight exclaimed. "She was just hours away from tearing the most important city in all of Alafreo to ribbons and feeding on the suffering!" She beamed. "But you and the Noble Jury weren't having it! Not only did you guys beat back the Goblin Cartel and shatter Chrysalis' plans, but you suffered zero casualties from the whole debacle!" She spread her forelimbs wide. "Talk about a eucatastrophe!"

"Euca-what?" Applejack droned.

"You know... 'eucatastrophe!'" Twilight exclaimed. "The absolute inversion of 'catastrophe?' It's when everything terrible has every reason to happen... but then everything ends up all right!"

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Pinkie Pie nodded. A beat. "Yeah, I don't think that word exists, Twi."

"Eeyup." Applejack nodded. "I think you made it up."

Twilight face-hoofed. Hard. "It was in a book." She sighed. "A very... dusty book."

"Can you guys not?" Rainbow Dash droned.

"Not what?" Pinkie Pie blinked.


"Rainbow, dear... I think I understand what Twilight is trying to say." Rarity floated closer, smiling delicately. "You once encountered a situation where the odds were stacked terribly against you. And yet—despite all of your trepidations, realistic or otherwise—the day ended up being saved! And miraculously so!"

"The thing about miracles is that they're super rare," Rainbow grumbled. "I know better than to count my chickens before they've hatched."


Rainbow did a double-take. "Huh?"

It was Fluttershy. She looked up with a soft smile. "They're baby chicks when they hatch. Not 'chickens.'"

Frowning, Rainbow pointed west. "Frostknifers."

"'Kay." Fluttershy obediently re-clutched her skull, "concentating."

"Sugarcube... let's face it..." Applejack floated up towards their anchor. "What's happenin' on the horizon is plum unavoidable."

Rainbow Dash winced.

Applejack continued. "You can choose to face it like the brave soul you truly are... or as the impatient little scamp we all used to roll our eyes at back in Ponyville." The mare's green eyes narrowed. "I think we all know which of the two you left behind years ago."

Rainbow gulped. "I'm not so worried about myself..."

"Dashieeeeeeee..." Pinkie Pie smiled. "We all know that you care about your friends! So why not hang out with them?!" She winked, sticking a tongue out. "It'll make the dreadful 'waiting' less 'waity!'"

Rarity stifled a giggle. "What you did there, Pinkie. I most assuredly have seen it."


"Ehhh..." Rainbow scratched the back of her head, reticent to look in the direction of the gathered Herald. "I dunno..."

"If you could turn back time and hang out with the Jury more before the battle of Val Roa, wouldn't you?" Twilight smiled as she spoke.

"It's... different, Twi."

"How so?"

"Back in Val Roa... I m-may not have wanted to admit it... but..." Rainbow shuddered. "...deep in my heart, I knew that I was going to part ways with them. With all of them. But now? Here? With the Herald?" She looked up with sad eyes. "...I don't have the luxury of leaving these guys behind. I'm going to have to take them—each and every one of them—over the edge. It's like... diving into a gazillion Grand Chokes all draped across the far end of the plane and..." She winced. "How... just how can I expect all of them to survive that mess?" She sighed. "How can I expect myself to survive?"

Twilight bit her lip. She exchanged worried looks with Rarity and Pinkie Pie.

"These dudes pledged to follow me through to the end," Rainbow muttered. "I wish I could be thrilled about that... b-but I'm not." She glanced west. "In just an hour or two... we're gonna see how dedicated they are. And... I-I for one don't want to see how f-far they can be tested."


"You're more than just the Austraeoh to them, Rainbow."

Rainbow spun east.

Fluttershy was looking up at her through a lock of pink hair. She clutched her head the whole time she spoke. "You're a beacon. You're a purpose." She breathed calmly. "And with so much darkness looming beyond the next plummet... why must you shroud yourself so?"

Rainbow blinked.

"Don't indulge in the darkness ahead of its time," Fluttershy said. "There's only a scant amount of light left here... and it is a blessing. Join them, Rainbow Dash. Wait with your friends... and bask in it."

The silence following that statement would have been poetic—if it weren't for Pinkie Pie. "Yeah!" The mare flounced. "What she said!"

Applejack and Rarity chuckled. Twilight rolled her eyes.

"Ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh buck it..." Rainbow Dash bore a tired smile as she drifted east towards the Stardust. "My wings were getting tired anyway."

"Woohoo!" Pinkie Pie shared, making Fluttershy wince as she continued her lookout. "Gooooooo 'what she said!''"

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