• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,099 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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A Job for Nopony Else

"Alright... just a final adjustment of the lateral couplers..." Flynn licked his lips as his mechanical eye rotated within itself. He twisted the screwdriver in his telekinetic grip. "...tightening the mana intake... aaaaaaaand..." His ears flicked. He gave the screwdriver a finaly twist, and—

Whirrrrrr—Click. The plates surrounding Wildcard's mechanical prosthetic popped tightly into place. With a dim glow of manalight, his metal joints rotated freely once again. The griffon tilted his head aside, examining the expert hoofwork through dark lenses.

"Viola!" Flynn leaned back with a grin. He tucked his tools away into an engineering satchel and gestured at the Desperado. "Should be good as new! Give it a whirl!"

Wildcard backstepped until he stood in the center of the lofty wooden balcony. A setting sun bathed the ridge below in a crimson sheen as the members of the Herald gathered to examine their tools and sharpen their weapons.

With a concentrated breath, Wildcard flicked his metal wrist, then curled and uncurled each delicate claw. The prosthetic made slight humming sounds as he tested out each servo nestled deeply within. At last, with a shake of his shoulder muscle, he propelled the forelimb until it spun around in a complete circle.

"Hah!" Flynn grinned. "Hahah! Only you can make it look so natural, buddy! I swear... I've never built something any sexier in my life!"

"Gotta admit," Ariel said, smiling as she polished a pair of round, serrated discs in her grasp. "He managed to keep it in good condition this time."

"True that." Flynn nodded, then knelt to rummage through a toolbox along the edge of the windblown balcony. "Considering all the scuffles he's evidently been through these past few months, it's a wonder that I didn't have to do more maintenance on the talon!"

Bard looked up from where he reclined, strumming his guitar. "That's because I've been protectin' him all this time."

"Is that so?" Ariel asked.

"Mmmhmmm. Dayum skippy." Bard plucked at his strings with a combination of his forelimbs and wingtips. "If Dubya had just kept his bird-beak shut half the time, I swear, we wouldn't have gotten in even half of them scrapes. Still, no matter. The Desperadoes ride together, we die together. But mostly we just kick butt together."

"Good to know the two of you are keeping the flame going," Ariel said.

"Meh..." Logan stifled a yawn as he ran a grindstone against his axe. "The Desperadoes are waaaaaaay overrated."

Bard struck a chord off-key.

Flynn shrunk. "Wuh oh..."

"Care to repeat that, Big Show?" Bard droned icily.

"You heard me the first time!" Logan frowned. "Always the first to charge in and the first to flee."

Bard shrugged. "So what if know the best way to save feather and skin?"

"It's pathetic is what it is," Logan said. "You two were always the weakest half of the Job Squad, I swear on my fine handsome flank."

"Careful, Big Show." Ariel smirked. "Your fine handsome flank is liable to be taken to the woodshed."

"Pfft! Fine! Bring it!" Logan held his axe up to examine the serrated edge. "I'm not afraid of a pair of salty blowhards." Just then, the hilt of the axe vibrated—then shot out of his grasp. "What the—?!"

Swisssssssssh—Thap! The blade's handle flew into Wildcard's outstretched prosthetic. The griffon cut off the magnetism, held the axe high... and smirked at the earth pony.

"OooooOOoooh..." Flynn grinned from ear to ear.

"Oh, it's on now, buckaroo." Logan stood his massive weight up, cracking his joints with an evil smirk. "You'd better give me my axe back if you know what's good for ya."

Wildcard merely leaned back, tossed the axe up, and balanced the hilt on the tip of his beak. He held it there with extreme grace, his wings outstretched.

"Cute," Ariel said. "Hey Big Show. He's making a circus act out of your honorable hand-me-down."

"So what does he want?" Logan snorted. "A cracker?"

"Hey Dubya!" Bard called out. "I think there's a malfunction in yer metal talon! Better let Logan see it!"

Wildcard whistled. He slowly spun his flesh arm in a "cranking" motion. In the meantime, the middle claw of his metal prosthetic rose and rose until it ultimately flipped the earth pony off.

"Oh lookie!" Bard smiled. "A bird! Now what was that about givin' someone a cracker?"

"Very funny." Logan snorted. "I'll take you both on."

"As much as I'd fancy puttin' yer muzzle where yer buttocks is..." Bard yawned. "I'm just as keen to sit right back and watch Dubya royally own ya all the same."

Ariel giggled.

Logan frowned at her. "Which side are you on?" A thrown axe struck his skull, handle-first. Bonk! "Ow! Dammit!" He snarled and picked up his blade. "I'm stuffin' you in a pillow, ya overgrown turkey!"

Wildcard merely smirked and—chiiiing!—drew both of his nightsticks. The two Job Squadmates squared off from one another.

"You gonna let him make a fool outta you, Big Show?!" Flynn's voice cracked. He cupped two hooves around his muzzle. "Roast his goose!"

"Believe me... I want nothing less!" Logan's nostrils flared. "How about it, birdo?" He raised his forelimb, brandishing the Odrsjot band. "Wanna make things interesting?"

Wildcard's goggles glinted as he replied with a nod. He opened his prosthetic, drew forth two prismatic bands, and then wrapped them around the ends of his bludgeons.

Meanwhile, Logan plastered one band against the end of his axe. "Don't forget to charge the runes proper." That said, he exhaled against the Odrsjot symbol, making the colors glow with spectral vibrants.

Wildcard similarly blew on his bands. The air twinkled as if a dozen tiny bells hovered overhead. He twirled both sticks and paced across from Logan.

"I'll keep score!" Fwooosh! In a blink, Ariel was airborne, hovering above the spontaneous sparring match. "How about it? Job Squad rules? The first to three knock-downs—"

"I know the rules, dammit!" Logan spat. "If you're gonna tell anyone, dictate to birdpuss! He's the one who's been masquerading all this time as a Desperado!"

"You had your chance at mercy," Bard said, plucking his guitar at a higher tempo. "Go get 'em, Dubya—"

FWOOOSH! Wildcard pounced in a murking streak.

"Aw sh-sh-sh—" Logan blocked lengthwise. P-POW! Tiny blasts of ethereal color emanated between them from each impact of the runically charged nightsticks. "Rgggh!" Logan shoved Wildcard back and swung horizontally with his axe.

The Odrsjot band attached to the weapon produced a miniature clap of thunder. Wildcard spread his wings and drifted back. His talons dug into the balcony, and he stopped himself just centimeters from plunging over the side.

"Aww yeah..." Logan cracked the joints in his neck again and lurched forward with a grin. "There you are, sweet adrenaline. Come to sexy pappa. Let's go."

"Buck 'em up, Big Show!"

"You've got this, Dubya."

"Woot! Woot!"

"Dun let him smear the good name of Desperadoes!"

"Rrnnngh!" Cl-Clank! Thwack!

While this "battle" went on along the edge of the sanctuary, Rainbow Dash emerged from another balcony built high above. She leaned against the railing, staring down at the merry members of the Job Squad. The reddened valley gave a colorful backdrop to the high mountain duel. In the distance, Wyverns flew in triangular clusters, singing and chanting ancient hymns into the high altitude breeze. The Snow-Blood villages clinging to the slopes below glistened with amber light as chimney after chimney billowed soft gray smoke into the crisp air.

"To think, all this time, Bard and Wildcard had a whole bunch of friends just as nifty as them!" Pinkie said.

"Yes." Rarity nodded, then murmured in a somber tone: "And to think, all this time, they had committed their entire lives to a cause older than Rainbow Dash... older than everything."

Rainbow clenched her jaw tight. Her ears folded back.

Twilight Sparkle saw it. After a deep breath, she murmured, "You shouldn't be so worried for them, Rainbow."

"Who says I'm worried?" Rainbow murmured. She slowly blinked. "If everything Mortuana says is true, then these guys are perfectly fine with having their fate horribly sealed by something that's ultimately going to destroy them." She sighed. "...and will probably destroy me as well."

Pinkie winced.

"You... don't know that, Rainbow," Fluttershy said in a calm tone. "The Desperadoes have gotten you through tougher scrapes before, haven't they?"

"Erm... y-yes!" Rarity found the courage to smile and nod. "And if these other three are anything like the faithful companions that got us through Rust and Shoggoth, then you should know that they're more than capable!"

POW! A pair of nightsticks to the chin sent Logan falling on his flank. THUD! The whole balcony shook. "Ow!"

"Wildcard: One! Big Show: Zero!"

"Grrrr!" Logan used his axe to pick himself back up and spat, "I was just getting my bearings!" He charged again. "Yaaaugh!"

Rarity cleared her throat. "Well... uhm... there's always Remna and that Kepler fellow! Surely they're the strongest, wisest backup you could ever possibly ask for!"

"Guys, let's face it." Rainbow sighed. "I left the Noble Jury because I knew that crossing the Grand Choke would murder them. But now? I haven't got the same luxury. I certainly can't face Verlax on my own and expect to survive it. And do I even need to get started on the edge of the world?"

"I don't think you're giving the Herald enough credit," Fluttershy said. "They're prepared for this longer than you even knew you were the Austraeoh."

"Still..." Rainbow sighed. "It doesn't sit right with me."

"You're the reason the Herald even exists, right?" Pinkie Pie fidgeted. "Couldn't you... just... I dunno... dismiss them if you felt it was in their best interests?"

"And crush their hopes and dreams? Their aspirations?" Rainbow's muzzle scrunched. "Everything that they have trained for? Including all of the work committed by hundreds of generations of Heraldites before?"

"Oh yeah..." Pinkie hung her head. "That would be... kinda poopy, wouldn't it?"

"Rrrrgh-Gaaah!" Logan swung his axe again.

Wildcard ducked the blow, somersaulted around Logan, and effortlessly flung a nighstick into his back. POW! With a blast of prismatic energy, Logan fell onto his knees.


"Wildcard: Two!" Ariel shouted. "Big Show—"

"I know the score!" Logan shot back up, huffing and puffing. "Sing it to me once I make things even!"

"That's right, buddy!" Flynn pumped a fist. "Get mad! You're at your most badass when you're mad!"

"Rrrrgh!" Logan slapped himself in the muzzle several times and re-gripped his axe. "Weak coffee and tax collection!"

"The Hell kind of a battlecry is that?" Bard sputtered.

"Stuff that makes me mad! Rrrrrrgh!"

Ariel laughed as Logan charged Wildcard again. This time, the griffon had his talons full—blocking and parrying the earth pony's axe at every turn.

Rainbow sighed.

Twilight leaned in. "Mortuana has made it clear. She's already dying. This occasion... this opportunity to escort you to Starkiss and the edge of the world? It's the one last thing she's capable of doing before she gives her last breath. And these ponies, Rainbow Dash? I think this is their opportunity to live. To do something together as a team and make themselves useful in the salvation of this world. You should be glad for them... be glad for the honor of having so much support in this time of need."

"It just... doesn't seem right," Rainbow Dash murmured. "I think these dudes are pretty cool." She gulped. "Why do they gotta throw themselves into the fire on my account?"

"Rainbow Dash... you are the fire," Twilight said. "You're the spark that's meant to ignite this world. Let them help you. Let them be the torch-bearers."

Rainbow Dash clenched her jaw.

"I don't want to see them suffer any more than you do," Twilight added. "But... I want to see you perish even less. Yes, it's risky... but you knew the risks before you even set out from Ponyville to begin with."

"I knew some of the risks... totally." Rainbow nodded. "Just... d-didn't know that so many friggin' ponies would be involved."

"Everyone is involved, Rainbow," Fluttershy said. "You. Me. Rohbredden... everypony back in Equestria... Ponyville. Luna, Celestia... Scootaloo..."

Rainbow looked back at her pegasus friend.

Fluttershy swallowed. "They're counting on us... depending on you. If you had some help along the way... even in the smallest of places... well... don't you think they'd be glad for it? Glad for the hope it brings?"

Pinkie, Rarity, and Twilight looked on.

Rainbow closed her eyes with a sigh. "... ... ...alright. I'll play along with the Herald's game."

"To be perfectly honest..." Rarity bore a nervous smile. "...I'm not altogether sure they would accept it if you told them to stay."

"I'm aware of that," Rainbow said. She began trotting down a rickety staircase towards the populated balcony. "Which just means that when the time comes that I see that it's in their best interest, I'm ditching them and heading for the edge of the world on my lonesome."

"But... Dashie...?" Pinkie squinted in confusion. "How do you plan to do that?"

Rainbow was silent.


"Trust me. I can and I will." Clearing her throat, Rainbow approached the group with a practiced grin. "Hey, guys! What's with the rainbow light show? Is this a crazy fan club or what?!"

Wildcard's head jerked in her direction. His goggles reflected her smiling muzzle—

"Hiii-yaa!" Logan swung the blunt end of his axe.

WHAM! Wildcard took the full blast of Odrsjot and went reeling towards the edge. Ariel zipped down and caught him in a pair of lithe hooves.

"Whew! Uhm..." She looked up. "Wildcard: Two. Big Show: One!"

"Hah!" Logan leaned back and pumped his own chest with a hoof. "Eyes and beak front, dodo!"

"Awww Hell..." Bard tilted the brim of his hat forward. "Stop embarrassin' me, Dubya."

"I do believe gravity has shifted," Flynn mused.

"We'll see about that." Ariel shoved the griffon back into the fray. "Let 'em have it, handsome!"

Wildcard exhaled, shook his joints, and crouched his body low. Cl-Cl-Clakka! Armored plates extended from his prosthetic, forming a heavily shielded guard.

"Uhhhh..." Logan blinked. "That's a new trick. Flynn?!" He called to the side, eyes locked on the griffon. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"It means ya done pissed him off, ya talkin' tub of lard," Bard droned.

FWOOOSH! Wildcard blazed a black streak towards him, shoulder first.

"Awwww hell—" Logan held his axe out broadly to deflect a sudden sea of swinging nighsticks. Clank! Cl-Clank! Clakka!

"Woohooo!" Pinkie Pie cheered. "Desperadoes Represent!"

"Get him, Wildcard!" Rainbow's voice rasped. "Get him!"

Meanwhile, from up above: "What in the gods' name is that rracket?! Forr the Mountain Matrron's sake! Stop scuffing up ourr prrecious balcony!"

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