• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,099 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Something Is Rotten In Rohbredden

“Alright...” Fluttershy gulped, floating above Rainbow Dash as she settled off the beaten path with Reeds and Sweet. “There are definitely ponies moving towards us. Swiftly. From the west.”

“Are they pegasi?” Pinkie asked. She glanced down at the blanket that the siblings were spreading. “Oooh! They have strawberry preserves!”

“Pinkie,” Rarity chided, then looked over at Fluttershy. “They're earth ponies, aren't they? I mean... the stone summits west of us are certainly positioned close enough to one another for wingless equines to scale.”

Fluttershy nodded. “I detect at least eight of them. They came from someplace northwest of this clearing.”

“That's about...” Rarity squinted. “...five rows of limestone structures from where their lofty wooden hideout is located.”

“Wowsers!” Pinkie blinked brightly. “They could get the drop on us at any time!”

“... ... ...” Rainbow Dash glanced up. Several jagged spires loomed above the grassy clearing where she and her fellow travelers had stopped to rest and enjoy a meal. Bordering the grassy gnoll was an extended part of the watery pond that the bridge south of them had spanned.

“It's worse than that,” Rarity murmured. “Now that they're getting closer, I... I-I can sense them too!”

“How?” Pinkie looked at her. “You don't have Fluttersenses!”

Rarity gulped. “I detect the iron arrows that they're carrying!”

“Oh my goodness...” Fluttershy grimaced. “They have projectiles?” She shuddered. “Th-that might explain why two of them are hanging back in formation!”

“This isn't good.” Twilight pointed across the clearing to where a tight group of a dozen ponies had also stopped to rest and eat. “This is the perfect opportunity for a well-trained raiding party to steal fifteen ponies' worth of goods and valuables! Judging from the characters we've met in the seven seas, there's no telling what these creeps might do!” She looked at Rainbow. “Rainbow, we gotta get everypony out of here! Convince them to move on down the path somehow!”

“No way.” Rainbow Dash muttered under her breath, eyeing the lofty roof of the Petrispines. “If the bandits don't attack us here, they'll attack us somewhere further along.” She gritted her teeth. “Or just harm some other ponies.”

“Huh?” Sweet looked up from where she laid out a picnic spread. “Did you say something, Scootabelle?”

“Uhhhhh...” Rainbow coughed aside, scratching her neck beneath the collar of her green robe. “Just... h-humming an old tune I love.”

“Really?” Reeds chuckled, gulping down a bite of bread. “Wanna teach us?”

“Uhm... another time.” Rainbow Dash sat down, still fidgeting. “These ponies aren't like the dredgers of Red Barge,” she murmured, barely whispering. “They don't deserve to get beat up over bits. Or whatever.”

“Rainbow Dash, you can't be the one-pony police of Rohbredden!” Twilight exclaimed.

“Yeah!” Pinkie Pie nodded. “Besides, there's no place on your body that you can hide a nightstick!”

“But Rainbow's right!” Fluttershy's eyes glistened. “If we don't do something, the bandits will only hurt other ponies!”

“Isn't it enough that Rainbow's on the run from the Talon and an enormous bounty?!” Twilight exhaled. “If she tries to be a hero, it will only get her more attention! And then it'll get her caught!”

“Not if I'm awesome about it,” Rainbow muttered.

“Hmmm?” Reeds looked up.

“Uhhhh...” Rainbow tilted her hat back and reached a hoof out. “Could you pass the jam, please?”

“Here ya go!” Sweet chirped, passing the jar over.

“Think of Sweet and Reeds here!” Fluttershy said, pouting. “They're so innocent and fun-loving! Rainbow here has what it takes to prevent more ponies like them from suffering! She has us!

Rarity phased through Rainbow to face Twilight. “I'm with Fluttershy on this one. We shan't stand for this!” She folded her forelimbs. “After all, can we run from this place perfectly knowing that we could have prevented a bloody debacle but didn't?”

“Rarity...” Twilight sighed, then facehoofed. In a calmer tone, she said, “Look. I don't want these ponies to suffer any more than you and Fluttershy do. But... at some point or another we're going to run into a situation that Rainbow Dash simply cannot tackle! At least... n-not without sacrificing her well-being! Or the journey's! Or... or...”

“I can handle 'em,” Rainbow Dash muttered.

“Rainbow Dash!” Twilight spun to face her, frowning. “You don't know that!”

Rainbow nibbled on some toast, swallowed, and said, “There's one way to find out.” She stood up, cleared her throat, and spoke in a firm tone: “Say... uhm... is there a place around here... like... off the beaten path where a mare might do her business without bothering passing travelers?”

“Hmmm?” Reeds looked up. “Oh, you mean like bartering and trading? You can totally do that when we reach Kunmane!” He smiled. “In fact, my father's quite the wealthy businesspony—”

“Dumb dumb.” Sweet slapped his shoulder. “She means go to the filly's room.”

“Oh! Right! Uhm...” The stallion blushed, hiding behind a half-eaten slice of toast-and-jam. “I knew that.”

“So... uhhhh...” Rainbow pretended to hop from one set of legs to the other. She bore a nervous smile.

“Hehehe...” Sweet pointed. “There are plenty of alcoves on the other side of the pond. The bushes should block anyone from accidentally seeing you.”


“No problem, though... I-I don't see why you even had to ask.”

“Well... y'know...” Rainbow Dash began backtrotting from the scene. “I'm your regular, Shippist Colonialist. Stranger to these lands.” A shrug. “I wasn't sure if—like—these Petrispines were hallowed grounds or something.”

“Heehee! Nothing holy this far from the Throne of Verlaxion!”

“Great. Guess the whole world's a throne... except her throne. If... if you get what I mean. Heheh...” She coughed and waved. “Be right back. Won't take long. Promise.” And she scampered off with a twirl of her robe.

“Huh...” Sweet reclined on the blanket with a warm breath. “...what a silly mare. Nice... but silly.”

“Mmmm...” Reeds munched on more toast and jam. “Cute too.”

Sweet rolled her eyes. “Honestly! Don't you get any ideas.”

“Pffft? Right now???” He also rolled his eyes. “Ask me sometime when she's not making sissy.”

“Rainbow—” Twilight stammered, floating after the pegasus.

Now that Rainbow was out of sight from the Rohbreddenites, she broke into a full gallop, threading her way through underbrush and stalagmites. “Not now, Twilight. Got some bandits to squash.”

“Rainbow, I'm on your side, remember?” The unicorn nevertheless groaned. “Look, I won't try to talk you out of it anymore, 'kay? But how are you even going to do it?!” She gestured. “You're down here. They are up there. And you can't fly at the moment! Or did you forget?”

“Pfft! I did not forget, egghead. Patch up the cracks in yoru shell, will ya?” Rainbow Dash slowed to a shuffling trot. “I've got this covered!”

“Yeah? How?!

“I think on my hooves. Only—now—I've got four awesome mares to help me with the thinking.” With a smirk, she looked over at Fluttershy. “Where are we in relation to the bandits now?”

“Uhm... pretty far, actually.” Fluttershy rubbed her hooves together pensively as she phased through rock spires. “At this rate, I-I'm kinda scared that we'll be gone for when they spring their attack.”

“Remember...” Rarity pointed. “They have arrows! Likely more of those dreaded crossbows we keep seeing.”

“Right.” Twilight nodded. “They can do a lot of damage from afar.”

“All the more reason why we should find a way to get a jump on them.” Rainbow looked aside. “Pinkie! Any ideas, girl?”

“Yeah!” Pinkie gawked at the other mares. “Just where have Sweet and Reeds got a toaster hidden?”

“... ... ...” Rainbow turned towards Rarity. “Rares. Any ideas?”

“Yes... yes!” The fashionista clutched her horn, grinning brilliantly. “There it is!”

“There what is, Rarity?” Twilight exclaimed. “We haven't much time! Be specific!”

Rarity grinned at the others. “There's a particularly hewn spire of rocks about fifty feet from here!”

“How do you mean hewn?” Rainbow droned.

“There are several notches in its northwest side,” Rarity explained. “Easily scaleable for an adult equine.” She pointed in a nebulous direction. “The platforms are hidden by another rockface, and there's a patch of uprooted shrubbery acting as a facade to hide the way to the top!”

“Lemme guess.” Rainbow squinted. “The wooden hideout isn't far away...?”

“Only five hops! Six at most!” Rarity nodded. “And if Fluttershy's right about the position of the thugs—”

“—then it's completely abandoned!” Pinkie gasped.

“Better get a move on, Rainbow,” Twilight said.

“Hey, that's me.” Rainbow galloped after Rarity's floating figure. “Rainbow Move On Dash.”

“Huh...” Pinkie blinked. “I thought your middle name was J—”

“Don't you friggin' start with that crud.”

“Easy with the next hurdle, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity said, floating backwards and waving her forelimbs like a crossing guard. She and Fluttershy lingered atop a limestone spire with a polished flat top. “It's a long leap, but the surface here is quite stable. I assure you.”

“I've got this.” Rainbow muttered, grunted, then jumped. She landed on the granite—her hooves scuffling a bit.

“Oh!” Fluttershy gasped, clasping her muzzle. “Careful!”

“I'm fine—”

“The stone is very smooth and slippery!” Rarity exclaimed, floating on the other side of the flightless pegasus. “If you over exert yourself, you might fall—”

“I said I'm fine!” Rainbow waved the phantomettes back. “Friggin' chillax! I don't need to be having panic alarms in stereo! Luna poop.”

“Heeheeheehee!” Pinkie giggled uncontrollably, floating through the scene. “She said 'stereo'...”

“Ahem...” Twilight floated through a rockface, motioning at Rainbow Dash. “Over here, Rainbow.”

Rainbow narrowed her eyes, then slowly followed the lavender ghost around a curved bend of granite. All around and beneath her, the Petrispines stretched like a sea of jagged granite teeth and emerald pines from horizon to horizon. Suddenly, there was a wooden deck rattling under Rainbow's hooves. The planks were hammered haphazardly to the polished summit of a particularly large stalagmite. Three neighboring spires converged nearby—so that their shadow cloaked a triangular shack of wood looming high above the ground.

Twilight levitated at the entrance, pointing inside.

Rainbow ducked her head, then entered the dim confines. She squinted left and right, observing wooden trunks, containers, boxes—all chock full of weapons, tools, and nick-nacks. “Hrmmmfff...” Her nostrils flared. “Could use a hammock.”

“Eugh!” Rarity shuddered. “How dreadful! If this is where such ruffians live, no wonder they desire bits so much!”

“It doesn't look like this place is only meant to sustain eight bandits,” Twilight said. She looked at Fluttershy. “You sensed eight, right?”

Fluttershy nodded.

“Judging from the stockpile of weapons...” Rainbow pointed at the crates full of swords and arrows. “...this is an arsenal made to equip an entire operation.”

“What kind of operation?” Fluttershy murmured.

“Nothing good, I bet,” Rainbow muttered.

“Hey! Dashie!” Pinkie gestured from where she hovered next to a wooden crate. “Come here!”

Rainbow trotted across the creaking floorboards and knelt beside her. “What did you find?”

“Nothing.” Pinkie shrugged. “Just this neato keano logo here!”

“Mrmmmff...” Rainbow sighed. “Pinkie, I swear, if there's ever a picnic emergency... I'll go to you first.” She shook her head. “But not for this.”

Pinkie blinked. “But I thought this was a picnic emergency!”

“Wait...” Twilight floated in, levitating beside Pinkie Pie. “That logo!” She pointed at what looked like a circular banner encasing the illustration of a tiny harbor, complete with moored steamships and palm trees. “I've... seen it before.”

“Oh! Yeah!” Pinkie grinned. “That's just what I was gonna say!” She turned to Rainbow. “Dashie, do you remember when we were in Riverstem?”

“Those stallions...” Fluttershy floated closer. “The ones in uniform who were putting up the wanted posters of the 'Rainbow Rogue.'”

“Their wagons had this very same symbol!” Twilight exclaimed. “I know it!”

“I know it too!” Pinkie stuck her tongue out, then folded her forelimbs. “Just like I know that Reeds likes to put too many strawberry preserves on his bread!”

“But... I don't get it...” Rainbow Dash stood back, leaning against a closed wooden crate. “Why would ponies putting out a bounty for me be in league with bandits and thieves?”

“Hmmmm...” Twilight tapped her chin, squinting in deep thought. “I don't know. But one thing's for sure.” She glanced over. “Something's rotten in Rohbredden.”

“Hehehe!” Pinkie giggle-snorted. “Rottenredden!” She looked over. “What do you think of that, Rares?” Silence. She frowned. “Rarity, why aren't you laughing?

“Mrmmmfff...” Rarity rubbed her horn, wincing. “Sorry, Pinkie. I'm just... g-getting this fuzzy feeling all of the sudden.”

“Are you okay?” Fluttershy asked.

“I... I think so...” Rarity sighed. “Last time I felt like this was back at Red Barge when...” She blinked, lifting her wide eyes. “...when Skagra's stallions rolled in the crates of dredge dust.”

The mares all looked at one another.

“... ... ...!” Rainbow Dash turned towards the wooden crate she was leaning against. She hastily opened the lid. Her ruby eyes reflected an entire load of dredge coal—still raw from dredging.

“Oh.” Rarity blinked. “Well, there you have it.”

“Whew!” Pinkie floated backwards, nervously “hiding” behind Twilight's figure. “Is... is that stuff—”

“Explosive enough to rival the fires of Tartarus,” Twilight said, nodding. “These bandits aren't playing around.”

“Yeah, well, me neither.” Rainbow Dash tapped her hoof against the floor in thought. “... ... ...” She turned around, tilting her conical hat back. Her eyes danced from shelf to wooden shelf. At last, she rushed forward, rummaging through every container and compartment that she could find.

“Rainbow?” Fluttershy cocked her head to the side. “What are you doing?”

“What do you think?” Rainbow motioned at the four mares. “Come in closer. Help me look.”

“Look for what?”

“You'll know it when you see it.”

“Huh?” Twilight blinked. All of the sudden, her ears folded back. “Oh no. Rainbow, you can't be serious.”

“What?” Rarity blinked. “Why's Twilight wincing all of the sudden?”

“Because Twi knows something awesome when she smells it. Even if it's rotten.”

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