• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,100 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

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Farewell and Adieu, Sweet Reeds

The air above the Kunmane estate's courtyard buzzed with continuous murmur and cheer. A large, festive crowd had gathered both inside and outside. As the stars broke out above, Rainbow could scarcely see them through the glow of so many torches and lanterns being lit up across the streets and abroad.

The atmosphere sent jitters up and down Rainbow's spine. Compared to her, Nana Pearl was a calm glacier adrift in song, and for a moment there it almost seemed as though Rainbow was leaning on her.

“Do relax, child,” Nana said as Rainbow carefully... slowly guided her down the stairs. In the courtyard below, dozens of adult ponies had gathered in the seats arranged to face the interior end of the courtyard. Their children and grandfoals had all gathered up front, waiting to hear the annual story be told. “This is a night of celebration.”

Rainbow gulped. “I'm... n-not sure I have much to celebrate in the coming days, Pearl.”

“Well, that surprises me.” The old mare's wrinkled lips curved. “You've survived so... so much already. Why wouldn't a pegasus like you be celebrating every day.”

Rainbow sighed. She looked at the pony she was assisting with a dull smile. “What I wouldn't give for a heart and mind like yours.”

“Give it enough time, child, and you'll have something for even me to envy.”

At last, they reached the floor of the courtyard. A group of ponies gathered in the wings. Among them, Rainbow saw a group of relatively petite equines. Each sported noticeably pale coats and almost matching pairs of blue eyes. Upon seeing Nana Pearl and Rainbow Dash, they bowed low and smiled collectively.

“Yavana klehm haas vaansunh, Pearl Frahn!”

“Verlaxion Haff Veem, Pearl Frahn.”

Rainbow blinked. “Uhhhhh...”

The old mare bowed back, her voice raspy but loving. “Verlaxion Haff Veem, mehm thuraasem.”

They hugged themselves, shivered, then stretched their right hooves up along the lengths of their left forelimbs. Their fetlocks scuffled against the courtyard's stones as they did so.

The old mare heard it. “Rainbow, child...” Pearl whispered in the pegasus' ear. “Would you mind—?”

“Oh, uhm...” Rainbow let go of Pearl, adjusted her hat, and performed the gesture.

The pale ponies chuckled, smiled back at Rainbow, then trotted swiftly towards the gathered seats.

“I take it you've never seen or heard Snow Bloods before,” Pearl said.

“Huh?” Rainbow pivoted towards her, taking the mare's shoulder once again. “Snow Bloods?”

“They're indigenous towards the northern prefectures... especially Dust and Lichen. They mostly live in miniature communities high up in the mountains where their body chemistry is more adjusted to the harsh climates.” Pearl exhaled. “A few of them like to congregate here every Unification Day and share in the lower prefectures' festivities.”

“And that hoppity speech of theirs?”

“Snow Blood Tongue,” Pearl explained. “A difficult language to master... and an even more difficult one for the northerners to lose. Not many of them acclimate to national Rohbredden dialects.”

“So... like... are they a Seventh Tribe or something?”

Pearl shook her head. “No, child. Simply a subculture of earth ponies... and a very sweet, humble group at that.” She cleared her throat. “And do be careful. The 'Seventh Tribe' is a term used commonly to refer to midnighters of the twilight reaches... and it's not a very endearing term at that.”

Rainbow took a shuddering breath. “I know a thing or two about that.”

“You're wiser than you let on, child,” Pearl said as the two shuffled towards the audience. “In time, you would have learned enough about the Snow Bloods on your own.”

“Yeah, but it's really... really awesome having someone like you shed some light on the path ahead for once,” Rainbow said. “I mean... totally. Thanks a whole ton, Pearl.”

“And thank you for paying me a visit, Rainbow,” she said. “This is undoubtedly a Unification Day that I won't forget. Assuming I live to see another one.”

Rainbow pouted. “Don't say that...”

“Why not?” She chuckled. “I have no regrets.” She craned her ear towards the crowd. “Well, maybe one.” A slight sigh. “I often wonder who's going to tell my children and great grand children about the story of Verlaxion's Thawing.”

Rainbow fidgeted. “Can I ask you something, Nana Pearl?”

“Goddess! So formal...” The old mare tilted her head towards Rainbow. “You may, child.”

“... ... ...do you really... truly believe any of it?” Rainbow gulped. “That Verlaxion saved this place and unified the tribes with completely innocent motives? And that she still rules this place from on high today?”

Nana Pearl took a deep breath. Her glossy gray eyes reflected the waiting ponies of her household. She exhaled with mild melancholy. “No. No, child, I don't.”

Rainbow bit her lip. “Then why do you keep telling the story every year.”

“Because it's not important.”


“What is important is that each of us—through tradition and through loyalty—has unified each other under a pact far stronger than any Goddess'.” Pearl smiled. “Regardless of who protects us from that mountain throne on high... or if anypony protects us at all... I know that we've been the ones responsible for each other's prosperity. I spent a lifetime ensuring the happiness of myself and my descendants. And I have full faith that such will continue for decades... centuries after I'm gone.”

“I see...”

“Verlaxion has not chosen to show herself for ages anyway. I find her to be an idea... a very beautiful idea for very beautiful hearts. That, more than anything, is what keeps us going. That is why I tell the story. I'm in love with the idea... like a story that gets better with time and age.” She sighed. “It's a very noble thing, you see.”

“Yeah. But is it honest?”

“Well, what do you believe, child?”

Rainbow Dash bit her lip. She heard a lavender unicorn's voice whispering past her ear: “Careful...”

Nevertheless, with a tight frown, Rainbow hoarsely said, “I believe that Verlaxion is a lie. A divine dragon deceiver in disguise, and she's built this—all of this... Rohbredden and the seven seas and the Blight beyond—as a means of testing the single most important journey to ever take place on this plane.”

Nana Pearl nodded slowly. “I see...” She nodded some more. “Well, let's hope—for her sake as much as yours—that you finally get a chance to meet her.”

“What for?”

“What else?” Pearl blindl winked. “You'll be pitting your honesty against hers. I suspect that only one of the two is strong enough to sustain a victory. Whichever the case, I have full faith in Rohbredden benefitting in the end. Wouldn't you?”

Rainbow exhaled. “I... never really thought of it that way before.” She turned to look at her spectral companions. Then, with a soft smile, she turned back to Pearl. “You're one of a kind, Nana Pearl.”

“Hmmmm... don't let it get around, sister.”

The old mare winked, patted Rainbow's fetlock, then stood up as straight as she could. On brave, strong legs, she trotted by herself towards the voices in the open courtyard. Reeds and Sweet were there—along with their parents and grand parents. They all greeted Nana Pearl with warm smiles and respectful bows. Sweet and Reeds' mother gave Nana Pearl a hoof, helping her sit down before the adults and children gathered in the courtyard.

“Mmmmm... ahhh yes... so many young, warm, smiling faces.” Nana Pearl smiled past her wrinkles. “I can see them almost as though it's yesterday.” Her fibrous mane hairs shimmered with suddan vibrancy in the lanternlight. “I do suppose a story is in order...”

The courtyard rang with giggles and cheer.


Five armored figures descended onto the rooftops of Kunmane. The street were scarefuly visible; every avenue and alleyway was filled to the brink with living, writhing, celebrating equines. All but one—a single street stretched through the heart of the town, and a narrow strait had been cleared to allow room for a brightly lit parade. Ponies of all ages gathered along the marketsides and storefronts. Some waved brightly-lit, glittering tassels in the shapes of windigoes. Others stood in pairs, nuzzling each other as their eyes glittered in the lights of dangling paper lanterns stretched across the streets.

Up above, the five griffon guardians of the Talon floated in close proximity to one another. They crowded, hovering neck and neck to hear the Commander's orders amidst all the bedlam below.

“Go to your stations!” Seraphimus shouted. “Patrol the west, north, and east ends as you've been previously assigned!”

“It's... so cr-crowded,” Raptr stammered.

“Mind your orders, Sergeant,” Keris said.

“Sir, yes, sir.” Raptr saluted.

“Keep to your positions!” Seraphimus shouted. “Do not break off from your station unless you're positive that you've spotted the Rainbow Rogue!”

“Apprehend her and bring her to the Commander and me!” Keris exclaimed.

“Commander...” Windburst began.

Seraphimus pointed. “You're the exception, Sergeant. Remain at the northern exit and do not move. If all else fails, we'll flush the Rainbow Rogue to you.”

“Aye, Commander.”

“Now go! Verlaxion's blessings go with you.”

Fw-Fw-Fwooosh! The Sergeants flew off in opposite directions, leaving Keris and Seraphimus alone. The two floated down, standing loftily atop the rooftops of Kunmane. From there, they marched slowly, their hawkeyes trained on the busy, crowded streets below.

“Mmmmm...” Keris managed a smile beneath his beak. “At least we get to be close to the festivities.”

Seraphimus exhaled with a grunt. “Keep your mind focused, Lieutenant.”

“As I intend to, ma'am.” Keris glanced over. “I simply figured, in a way, this is precisely the kind of atmosphere your dedicated guardians need to recharge.”

“Mmmmm... maybe...”

“When was the last time you celebrated Unification Day, Commander?”

Seraphimus weathered a melancholic sigh. “... far too long ago.”

Keris nodded. He pivoted in the other direction, carefully scanning every body in the crowd. “Well, for what it's worth, Verlaxion's blessings to you, Commander.”

Seraphimus swallowed. “Verlaxion's blessings to you, Lieutenant.”

Both griffons continued their wary search, standing loftily above the festivities.

“Let me tell you a tale, children,” Nana Pearl spoke before the bright eyes of ponies gathered before her. “A tale of wayward foals of various hoof and claw and fin.” She leaned forward in her seat. “Long ago... when the Prefectures were all buried in snow... and the seven seas locked in ice... all the foals of Rohbredden knew was twilight and blight. It encumbered them from either side, locking them with binds of frost and bitter cold. In their misery, six angry tribes turned against one another. Earth ponies locked hooves with unicorns. Wyverns grazed the scales of seaponies with their fangs. Griffons and pegasi showered the sky with blood. And in the midst of this chaotic melee, the windigoes came.”

Rainbow Dash stood in the wings, her body hidden in the penumbra of a flickering torch. She watched from afar as an entire clan of wealthy earth ponies listened in, enchanted by the words of their chief elder.

“They emerged from the mountains, mindless and ravenous. They feasted on the hate and discord of the poor, lost children. With their numbers dropping, with their loved ones being consumed by the frozen banshees, the six tribes blamed each other, and their battles grew even bloodier. This was the advent of the Frost Wars, and it painted the snow red with useless bloodshed. All the while, the windigoes feasted, content to suck the continent dry of all love... and all life...”

All of a sudden, Fluttershy gasped.

Rainbow and her other friends turned to look at her.

“What's the matter, darling?” Rarity asked.

“Is...” Pinkie Pie blinked, fidgeting nervously. “Is it who we think it is?”

Fluttershy's muzzle quivered. She turned towards Rainbow Dash with a pale expression... then slowly nodded.

Twilight clenched her jaw. “That's it.” She spun towards Rainbow. “We can't stay here any longer.”

“Awwwwwwwww...” Pinkie pouted. “But... Nana's storrrryyy...”

“There's... there're five of them total,” Fluttershy said, rubbing her aching head. “They're like hot knives slicing through the crowd.” She gulped. “One of them is flying not too far from here.”

“She's right.” Rarity said, her horn pulsing. “I sense it too. A single set of armor. Silver. Jagged. Unbreakable.”

“He'll be within earshot of the estate at any second!” Fluttershy exclaimed.

“Well, I don't need a greater invitation than that,” Rainbow muttered, adjusting her hat. “Where'd I leave my stuff?”

Pinkie pointed northeast. “Over there. In the corner of the courtyard by the gate.”

“'Kay.” Rainbow gave Pearl one last sad look, then galloped off. “Go time.”

Her clopping hooves faded into the distance. Pearl's ears twitched briefly, but she continued with her traditional tale: “All seemed lost. Then, all of a sudden, a miracle happened. The windigoes started melting one by one. The Six Tribes stopped fighting, and they turned their eyes and ears to the head of the bay that we now call Frostknife. There—standing in all her glory, bright as the rising sun—was a bright shining Goddess. Beautiful beyond compare. She spoke like a loving mother to the battered souls of Rohbredden... and her voice carried a heat that thawed the frost away... and chased the banshees into hiding...”

Rainbow Dash zipped up a secondary saddlebag, full of food and provisions gifted by the family and their estate. She strapped the leather brown thing to her flanks, just behind Luna's saddlebag.

“Is...” Rarity shifted where she stood, pointing nervously at the varnished brown material. “Is that stuff made from—?”

“Not now, Rares,” Rainbow growled. She pivoted towards Fluttershy. “Are any of them closer?”

“Just the one, Rainbow,” Fluttershy stammered. “He's flying north and south in quick, elliptical patterns.”

“On patrol. Just great,” Rainbow muttered. “And you're sure he's a griffon?”


“What about the others?”

Fluttershy closed her eyes. Her ears twitched meditatively, and she eventually muttered: “One in the north... one to the far east... and two in the center of town... right over the thickest crowd.” Her forehead tensed. “Mmmm... funny.”

“What is?” Twilight asked.

“One of the two is... familiar.” Fluttershy quivered. Suddenly, her eyes flew open. “...Keris!”

“Really?” Pinkie gasped. “Our Keris Cake?!”

“I just know it!” Fluttershy gazed at Rainbow. “Rainbow, if it's truly him...”

“Maybe he'll give us some leeway?” Twilight suggested.

Rainbow exhaled heavily. “Nah. I doubt it.” She gulped. “You gals remember the words he said when we last parted ways...”

The four friends collectively shuddered.

“Well, he is a griffon of his word. And a handsome one at that.” Rarity bit her lip. “I suppose he's given us enough leeway as it is.”

“Rainbow,” Twilight spoke. “If one of them is positioned to the north...”

“Right.” Rainbow nodded. “This is gonna be super tricky.” She tightened her conical hat. “Whelp. No way like the stupid way. Let's roll.” The mare spun towards the exit...

...and immediately bumped into the sad faces of Reeds and Sweet.

“Gah!” Rainbow winced, hobbling backwards. “Oh...” She let loose a tight breath. “You guys.”

“Er... yeah...” Reeds blinked with concern. “Us guys.”

“Where are you going, Scootabelle?” Sweet pouted. “We saw you gathering your stuff. Aren't you going to stick around for the rest of Nana Pearl's story?”

“I'm afraid not, girl.” Rainbow shook her head. “I've got places to be. Besides... I kinda sorta know how it all ends anyway.” She gulped. “Or at least... I will some time from now.”

“But...” Sweet sniffled. “You just got here.”

Reeds patted his sister's shoulder, then leaned towards Rainbow Dash. “You and Nana Pearl talked for an awful long time.” He raised an eyebrow. “What about? Is everything okay?”

“Yeah. Everything's hunky dory. I just... y'know...” Rainbow shrugged. “...can't stay in one place for too long. It was the same situation when you both found me.”

“Well, where are you going?” Sweet's eyes lit up. “Maybe you could use a helping hoof or two for the hike—”

“No. No.” Rainbow shook her head. “I gotta do this without you two. But don't worry.” A calm smile. “I've gotten enough help as it is. And... besides...” She smiled over her shoulder. “I won't be half as lonely as you think I'll be.”

Twilight and the others smiled dearly.

“Awwwwww...” Sweet nevertheless sniffled, eyes watering. “This was not how I wanted to start the Month of Thawing.”

“Hey... don't be sad.” Rainbow smirked. “Because of you guys... I just know I'll be having the best Month of Thawing ever.”

“For realsies?”

“Pffft. Totally!”

Reeds smiled. “We're going to miss you, Scootabelle.” He winked. “Somehow, I knew you were good luck from the start. I hope it's enough to sustain you for your journey.”

“Hey. C'mere.” Rainbow leaned in, wrapping a forelimb around both siblings' necks as she nuzzled them both. “Now listen to me.” Her eyes narrowed. “It takes more than good luck to get from A to Z. Sometimes it just takes a warm smile and an awesome laugh. Believe you me when I say that you two gave me both of that... and in record numbers.”

“We did?”

“Yup.” Rainbow winked. “Honest to Goddess... er... you know what I mean.”

Sweet giggled, wiping a tear away. “You're a silly mare, Scootabelle. Silly... but awesome.”

“Take it to your grave, kiddo.” Rainbow said with a salute. “And—as they say back home—zoop!” And she was gone.

Sweet and Reeds stood side by side at the gate to their manor, watching with a melancholic breath as their pilgriming friend blended in with the festive colors of the night.

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