• Published 13th Oct 2015
  • 10,099 Views, 18,189 Comments

Utaan - Imploding Colon

Rainbow Dash endures many trials to reach the edge of the world.

  • ...

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Between Old and New Rainbows

Wet feathers—mostly mottled—had been smoothed back along his crown. His eyes remained closed above a sharp beak: a stately—if not pale—expression. A pair of folded forearms held a four-year-old hatchling to his chest. The little griffon's feline tail curled between him and his father, almost playfully.

The two lay in silence across the meager length of a wooden raft. Wilted flowers and snowflakes filled the gaps between flesh and oak. With a gentle push, the canoe drifted south, where it was carried westward by a swift current.

It only went so far... until fresh chunks of ice interrupted its passage, forcing the raft to grind and rattle across numerous obstructions before finally picking up speed once again.

She stayed the entire time, gazing, praying, waiting... even as frozen phantoms circled higher and higher above.

The next morning saw Frostknife covered in snow and debris. Every cliffside and platform had been obscured by countless layers of frozen precipitation and splintery bits of once-noble structures. Below, the waters of the bay had been reduced to a sheet of jagged ice, with fallen buildings, stone statues, and demolished ships sticking out at random angles—locked in perpetual limbo.

And the sky...

The sky was clear.

This was how the armies of Rohbredden discovered their once-glorious capital. Battalions of griffons and pegasi marched in from the northwest, gazing with open beaks and gaping muzzles. Windburst and Raptr flew alongside the caravan carrying carts full of injured and imprisoned soldiers. At first, nopony had anything to say—not even a courageous command to shatter the horrific silence of the moment.

Soon, however, they wouldn't need to. With loud, echoing groans—the doors to the Frosted Shelves opened. The front line of soldiers rushed towards the prison entrance. There, they reunited with the guardians, senators, and citizens of the city—the majority of whom had been miraculously preserved despite the windigoes' initial stampede.

The air filled with emotional gasps and bittersweet weeping. All the while, ponies and griffons limped out to gaze in shock at the frozen remnants of Rohbredden's once-glorious citadel. Families clung to one another, murmuring fervent prayers. Soldiers and officers stared with an off-color glaze to their eyes. Brye Chandler shook with tremorous emotion, meanwhile Grand Magistrate Hymnos had to lean against the massive doorframe of the prison just to stay upright.

Soon, Keris, Starstorm, and Theanim Mane emerged from the improvised shelter. The Lieutenant took a shuddering breath upon seeing the devastation. Pivoting about, he spotted Windburst and Raptr. Signaling Starstorm, the griffon glided across the gap between the Frostknife citizenry and the Central Guard. The Talon swiftly reunited in the center.

"Good work, sergeants," Keris spoke swiftly. "Looks like most of the army returned in one piece."

"Lieutenant." Windburst cleared his throat. "The Commander. She—" He grimaced. "I mean... I-I wasn't able to—"

"I know, Sergeant." Keris nodded with a sigh. "And it's not your fault." He gazed around at the crumbled foundations covered in ice and snow. "None of this..." His words trailed off.

"Did... did she get away?" Raptr whispered, leaning forward in rattling armor. "Did... did Rainbow Dash—"

"Shhhhh..." Keris took a deep breath. "We do not speak of that here." He turned to look over his shoulder.

Across the sea of meandering bodies, Theanim Mane stood with his head hung low.

Keris' beak clenched. He flexed his wings to glide towards the professor—

"Lieutenant Keris," spoke the deep voice of a military officer.

"Sir." Keris turned to face him. "It is with deep regret that I must confess to... b-being compromised by the influence of the Rainbow Rogue. Back in the sepulchers, I was—"

"Now's not the time, Lieutenant," the officer grunted, adjusting the weight of his armor. "Your sergeants filled me in. At first, I was somewhat dubious, but now I can truly see the full extent of that monster's power." He shuddered. "It's a wonder we didn't all murder each other while cursed by the Blight."

Keris glanced aside at Starstorm, then back at the officer. "Indeed, sir."

"From the sight of so many survivors, I can tell that you and the Talon have performed a miracle here. Please... a briefing would be most appreciated."

"Very well." Keris gestured towards the Frozen Shelves. "We managed to usher most of the city's populace into the Frozen Shelves and seal the entrance right as the windigo stampede occurred. Their assault lasted halfway through the night. About six hours ago, they relented. The skies have been clear ever since."

Starstorm nodded. "We emerged from the shelter about twenty minutes ago. That's when we saw your arrival."

"Any idea where those beastly creatures went to?" asked another soldier.

"Negative." Starstorm shook her head. "But judging from the fresh ice formations, we're guessing in a westerly direction."

"The icicles appear to form away from fresh windigo flight paths," Keris said. "It's something that... we managed to observe after a grim encounter that took place most recently."

"Then it was a good thing we sent the messengers out west when we did," Windburst said. "Hopefully, citizens in other Prefectures will have heard the warnings in enough time to take shelter."

"Take shelter where?" a soldier stammered. "No town or village has the same resources as Frostknife!"

"How can one take shelter from windigoes in a mere barn or inn?!" another exclaimed. "Verlaxion is dead! Our Goddess... she's dead!" He gulped. Others around him grew anxious. "All the windigoes need to do is rush in once more and we are done for!"

"Get ahold of yourself, soldier," Brye Chandler said, suddenly marching into view. "Now is not the time to panic."

"You're one to talk!" A mare frowned. "Up until just recently, you wanted to undo all of the glorious accomplishments the Six Tribes had made under Verlaxion's blessings—!"

"And she gave me a second chance to redeem myself," Chandler retorted with a firm glare. "As she will give us a second chance... so long as we don't abandon faith and courage."

Before anyone else could respond, Theanim stepped in, clearing his throat. "The Defense Minister... is r-right." He straightened his jaw. "Now is not the time for squabbling amongst ourselves. These windigoes have proven to be as unpredictable as they are destructive. If despair is all we can think about, then despair is all we will get." He glanced aside at Keris. "The Talon have gone above and beyond to make sure that countless ponies endure against all odds. I suggest we all put our fear and anger aside and follow their example."

Keris and Theanim shared a quiet nod.

"Right." Chandler looked at the top officers of the arriving battalions. "We need to have a talk. Quickly... while there is still time to strategize."

Windburst's eyes narrowed. "Strategize what?"

"Leave that to the Ministry of Defense," Chandler said, trotting off with the generals and commanders. "Just as we will leave the recuperation efforts to the Talon. They do—after all—appear to be far more suited for it." He glanced aside. "Grand Magistrate? It would behoove you to be a part of this."

"Mrmmm... yes..." Hymnos brushed her disheveled bangs back. "Yes, of c-course..." She limply followed Chandler and the rest.

"Hey..." Starstorm's voice rose in pitch. She marched after Chandler and Hymnos. "Now wait just a minute—!"

"Sergeant—" Keris chided.

"The next course of action should be to find a way to protect our citizens here in Frostknife and in the other provinces vulnerable to the windigoes!" Starstorm exclaimed, shaking. "Nothing else! So if you have a discussion to make, it can be made here! Within earshot of everyone!"

Multiple citizens nodded, murmuring in muddled agreement.

With a sigh, Chandler spun around. "Dear Sergeant... as exemplary as the Talon's service has been over the past twenty-four hours, I'm afraid I must still call to question the ease with which the Rainbow Rogue manipulated—" His words froze in his muzzle as his eyes reflected a silver shape to the south. "...Commander?"

"...!" Keris spun around—as did Windburst, Keris, and Starstorm.

Theanim slowly pivoted about. His lips pursed in mixed shock and concern.

Shuffling... limping... Commander Seraphimus approached the crowd outside the gates to the prison. Her armor had been completely removed. The griffon's charcoal hawkeyes were bloodshot... glazed... and dry.

Keris was the only one to approach her, and it was with tiny, pensive steps at best. His claws scraped to a stop against the icy stone as he stood in wait. "Commander..." He gulped. "Seraphimus. Did you just...?" He winced. "The... the preservation chambers... are they—?"

"Lieutenant Keris of the Right Talon of Verlaxion," Seraphimus spoke firmly. The tip of her beak glinted sharply in the morning light.

Keris blinked. He stood tall at attention, his heart beating.

And that's when Seraphimus' fell to her knees. Her next breath was a shuddering thing. "I... mmm... am no longer f-fit to command..."

Raptr and Windburst exchanged glances.

Starstorm gaped.

Shivering, Seraphimus bowed her head. "I hereby hang my shield... and submit myself to the wisdom of the Court of... of Verlaxion." That last name was raspily given. "By your honor, Lieutenant... sir."

Keris grimaced. "Commander, this is not the time for—"

"Keris..." Seraphimus' eyes quivered painfully. A final tear bled from the edges. "Please..."

Keris stared at her. At long last, he took a somber breath. The crowd murmured quietly as he held his once-injured limb out. He struggled to keep his words firm: "I am the Right Talon of Verlaxion."

Seraphimus leaned in. Without hesitation, she kissed his talon, then rested her feathery crest against his wrist. "And I am your cl-claw."

It was done.

With scuffling paws, Seraphimus stood up, turned around, and briskly walked away... disappearing amidst the crowds and wreckage.

Theanim looked on in contemplative silence.

Keris glanced at the claws of his talon. He flexed the sharp digits, sighed, and turned to take in the fresh desolation overtaking the heart of Rohbredden.


Far to the east...

The Herald had gathered to rest on the rocky cliffs of a tall mountain. A series of sharp granite ridges loomed to the west. East—and down the sloping terraces—the landscape turned a purplish-green. A fertile valley full of lakes and rivers extended into misty haze. So far, the visible landscape was safe... untouched by blight or windigo stampedes.

Echo sat on a jutting promontory, staring out into the foggy horizon with slitted eyes. He fidgeted with the hood of his cloak, all the while exhaling slowly into the cold, crisp air.

It wasn't long before a lithe figure touched down next to him, dropping a bag full of fresh berries.

"Here," Ariel said. "Flynn and I spent the entire morning picking these from the mountain bushes. According to Kepler, they're not poisonous... and are actually pretty filling."

"Hmmmm..." Echo nodded gratefully, dragging the tiny satchel towards him. "Well, that's an improvement."

Ariel blinked. "Huh?"

"Usually ponies just toss raw meat my way," the sarosian said. "'You're—like—totally a vampire bat, right? Here! Have something bloody that we carved out of a cow's butt cavity!'" He exhaled. "Then all Theams shared with me was oats. Poor bastard was probably afraid of making an accidental 'fruit bat' joke, so he overcompensated."

"I'm... sorry?" Ariel blinked.

"Nah... s'all good." Echo fidgeted with his hood once more. He reached into the bag and sampled a few fruity morsels. "Mmmmmm... mmmhmmmm..."

Ariel raised an eyebrow. "Good?"

"No. Quite bitter, really. But... who's complaining, y'know?" He adjusted his hood yet again. "All shit considered."

"Are you getting too much sun?" Ariel asked. She pointed across the makeshift camp. "Wait right here. I'll go see if Kepler or Big Show have a leftover blanket with them—"

"Nah, I'm okay."


"I'm fine. Seriously!" Echo rolled his slitted eyes. "What is this, the Eastfart Hotel?" He smirked lethargically at her. "We're heading towards the edge of the world, sweet-cheeks. If you must know, I'm starting to feel more relaxed without the hood."

"Oh." Ariel fidgeted. "Sorry. I didn't know."

"And stop apologizing," Echo groaned. "Yeesh. Like the broken record of humility, I swear..."

"Force of habit." Ariel shrugged. "I'm used to being on the side of the good guys."

"You still are, y'know."

Ariel bit her lip at that. Clearing her throat, she said, "I think it's... very brave of you to give up so much to... to assist us in approaching midnighter territory. I could tell that you and the Professor were very close friends."

"Yeah, well, your mute birdpussy friend roped me into it."

Ariel blinked. "Erm..."

"And, for all we know, this could very well end with me at the end of a rope," Echo muttered. "Granted, that's being very generous. After all, the shitheads at Bleak's Plummet threatened to do worse to me. In a way, they kinda already did, considering how they went to town on my wing'n'shit so many years back." He turned to look at her again, munching on some berries. "Mrmmfff... but if things really do go south... you can just—y'know—turn your pretty head or whatever. No telling how juicy it'll end up being." He squinted. "How old are you, again?"


"Chick like you could have been a model. Maybe something even fuzzier." He gulped. "Hey, if it pays, it pays, right? But... nope... you gave it all up for sword-clashing and headbutting. Which is sexy too, I guess, but it's still something you've sacrificed, which I guess we both can relate to... even if a rainbow-streaking pegasus and a badass griffon did me in. But you? Looks like they drafted you from the Booty Farm. Top crops, too. Granted... that's just me thinking aloud. I did come straight from prison, after all. Lemme tell you... it can get super lonely and cold in there. But I'm a pretty funny guy once you get to know me. Out of curiosity—what's your astrological sign?"

"I like mares," Ariel said, frowning.

"H-hey! What a coincidence!" Echo smiled, fangs showing. "I like mares too! Who doesn't like mares! Everypony likes mares! Especially... ponies who've been in prison... who aren't mares... and just abandoned their best friend for a suicidal trip to the edge of the world with the full knowledge that an entire civilization is supermerrygoroundpissed at him and the entire motley crew of assholes in his fugitive party all on account of a super sketchy but kinda sorta important lie they told to ensure the spread of extra harmonious disharmony across the continent and wow holy shit when should I have stopped talking?"

"About two minutes ago," Ariel grunted.

"Right." Echo cleared his throat and shoved his muzzle into the bag of fruit. "Mrmmmff... thanks for the berries."

"Uh huh." Ariel turned tail and flapped her wings. "I'm gonna go feed Rainbow now."

"Yeah, I bet you are."


...across the cliffside.

"Alright... alright, y'all..." Applejack adjusted her hat before waving her ghostly forelimbs. "Lemme see if I've caught up any." She peered at the other mares with thin green eyes. "Verlax was a pony... who was a dragon... and her sister Axan who is a pony... who also was a dragon... killed off Nevlamas who was a dragon... but was previously a pony?"

"No no no no no no..." Pinkie shook her head. "Nevlamas was never a pony! But she did totally gobble up a whole buncha ponies to become as horrible as she was!"

"Which was a dragon."

"A chaotic two-mouthed super insane magic dragon!" Pinkie grinned. "Who ate ponies!"

"Which ones didn't eat ponies?"


"Wait... so Axan ate ponies?"

"No, that was Nevlamas most definitely!" Pinkie said. "But Axan may have eaten ponies too! She was a super mean meanie-head for a while."

"She did burn ponies," Twilight Sparkle said, fidgeting. "Crucified them to wooden effigies and set them ablaze via her brood."

"Yeah!" Pinkie nodded. "So maybe she had a barbecue every once and a while!"

"Land's sakes!" Applejack grimaced. She glanced nervously across the cliffs again. "So... which one of them ponies is Axan?"

"Over there!" Pinkie pointed. "The violet one! Remna! But she's totally a good guy now! Well... half-good guy, I suppose, which is better than not-good."


"That's right!"

"I thought she was Axan!"

"She is!"

Applejack squinted. "So how come y'all are callin' her 'Remna?'"

"Because she is Remna!" Pinkie said. "And Axan!"

"But... erm... wait..." Applejack lifted her hat to rub her aching head. "...wasn't there a 'Verlaxion' as well?"

"No no no no... Verlaxion and Verlax are both the same... well.. they were both the same... but then they both died... in that she died... in that it was just one dragon—er... pony... pony dragon... a pony who was a dragon but who also was a pony!"

"Granted, she chose to be, it would seem," Twilight said.

"Chose to be what?" Applejack asked.

"A pony," Twilight said.



"Yeah." Pinkie nodded. "Unlike Axan who didn't choose to be Remna... but is now Remna forevermore, due to Mortuana's spell."

"And which dragon was Mortuana again—?"

"No no no no no no, AJ, Mortuana was an alicorn." Pinkie smirked. "Just like Whitemane and Luna and Celestia and Cadance back west!"

"Cadance...?" Applejack exhaled, cross-eyed.

"Princess Mi Amore Cadenza!" Twilight Sparkle smiled wide. "My former babysitter, and now my sister-in-law after having married Shining Armor!"

"Shining... Armor?"

"Yes! My brother!"

"You have a brother?"



"Ernnnghhhh..." Applejack rubbed both sides of her head. "Okay... can we—maybe—go back just a little bit further?"

"Awwwwwwwwww..." Pinkie pouted. "You mean you seriously can't keep up, AJ? It's so simple!"

"To y'all, maybe. But... let's try this again." Applejack waved a hoof. "Let's go back to that 'Leathermare Confederates' stuff. That actually sounded mighty interesting."

"Unnnngh..." Pinkie Pie rolled her eyes. "Really, AJ? The Ledomaritans?"

"Ledomare takes forever," Twilight moaned.

"Yeah! But I wanna know more about this 'Pilate' feller! It just blows my mind that there are zebras out there who don't rhyme all the time and—" At long last, Applejack sighed, then glanced down at the two ponies draped against her. "Rarity... Fluttershy... do ya mind?! I'm tryin' my darnedest to get edumacated here!"

"Mmmmmmmm..." Rarity resumed nuzzling Applejack's orange fur. She and Fluttershy had been hugging the ghostly farm mare that entire time. "We can't help it, darlinnnnng..."

"It's so... so wonderful having you back, Applejack." Fluttershy sniffled. Smiling, she closed her teary eyes and nuzzled Applejack's side. "Oh goodness, we've missed you so... sooooo much."

"Guhhh!" Applejack shivered. "Jumpin' jackrabbits! That gh-ghost tickles!"


Rarity stuck her tongue out. "Get used to it."

"Seriously... can we just... ungh..." Applejack rolled her eyes and eventually swept the two closer into opposite side hugs. "C'mere, y'all." Twilight and Pinkie giggled while the other three embraced each other.

Rainbow Dash heard this from afar. She wasn't looking at them. She sat on an outcropping of rock, staring east. Her muzzle was straight... her eyes dull—reflecting a flicker of color that only she could see.

After the end of many, many sighs, Rainbow flinched at the sound of hooves scuffling directly behind her.

"Uhm... I... uh..." Ariel dropped a satchel down. "The berries we picked earlier." She gulped. "I haven't seen you eat since we flew out from Starkiss. Maybe you could... y'know... get some food in your belly?"

"I'll eat when I need to," Rainbow grumbled.

Ariel stared at her. "Is... is that going to be soon?"

Rainbow sighed. There was no other response.

Ariel looked around. Her eyes swept past the ghostly mares and the Herald and the rockfaces behind them.

"Where..." Ariel's muzzle fumbled for words. "Your friends. Are they—?"

"They're about twenty feet behind us," Rainbow said.

"Really?" Ariel blinked. "That far away?"

"Yeah. Seems like with each beacon I've reached since the Grand Choke, their 'leash' gets longr and longer." Rainbow exhaled. "Now that I've got Applejack, I bet they could fly the five hundred meter dash."

"You've been silent during most of the flight here," Ariel said. "Don't you want to... y'know...?"


Ariel shrugged. "Catch up with them?"

"They're doing a fine job filling Applejack in on everything on their own," Rainbow muttered. "Wouldn't be right to screw any of that up."

"What's to screw up?" Ariel remarked. "They're your friends."

"Yeah..." Rainbow said nothing. She continued to sit there, staring east.

Ariel bit her lip. "The berries are fresh... but they've just been picked. If... if they sit for too long—"

"Pass them by Bard," Rainbow said. "He seems like he could use a pick-me-up."

"I already did."

"Well, cool... I guess."

Ariel sighed. She squatted down behind Rainbow Dash. "I... I know it's not any of my business, but... did you... like... have a grudge against Applejack or something?"

For the first time since Ariel stopped by, Rainbow turned to make eye-contact with her. "No," she said breathily. "Far friggin' from it."

Ariel gulped. "You've been dealing with... so much crap for so long... especially from Verlax and... well..." She shrugged. "I guess I sorta hoped—selfishly, even—that getting your final friend back would actually bring you happiness."

Rainbow blinked. She glanced at her friends in the distance. "Yeah... well..." She looked east again. "I'm... still not too cool with what it's taken to get them back." She cleared her throat. "Whatever. I still got important stuff to do. The girls can get Applejack up to snuff."

Ariel peered at her. "Do you even remember what it was like to be happy?"

Rainbow flashed her a look. After a few seconds, her brow furrowed. "Pass the berries around again. Maybe Kepler or Flynn could do with something to munch on. Best they do before Big Show gets to 'em."

Ariel quietly nodded. She scooped up the satchel, then turned to fly away. She paused, however, then muttered aside: "I was mad at my mother for a long... long time."

"Yeah." Rainbow's nostrils flared. "You told me."

"It's not enough to tell tales," Ariel said. "Truth or lies... nopony can ever feel anything unless they've lived it... or lived without it." She turned to look at Rainbow, her eyes glossy. "When I finally understood the Herald... and the things that my mother had committed most of her life to—including the memories that could have been ours—I realized how hard it must have been for her. She loved me... and it was because of that love that she chose to dedicate the bulk of her existence to preserving this world... because I was in it."

Rainbow said nothing.

Ariel turned, squinting at her. "What you chose to do, Rainbow... you chose to do for your family... and they are your family... even if you're too hung up on the dismal nature of recent events to embrace that fact." She gulped. "A continent full of idiots just doesn't compare. It shouldn't."

"They're not all idiots, Ariel," Rainbow muttered. "And it wasn't even a choice, when you think about it." Rainbow sighed, her ears drooping. "Even so, I could have... done more to protect Robhredden's sanity."

"At what cost?" Ariel remarked. "If you tried reasoning with them—even truthfully—they would have killed you where you stood. They would have killed us all. And what of your friends then, Rainbow? And the whole world that they belong to?"

"Doesn't mean I shouldn't have tried," Rainbow hissed. "Doesn't mean that they wouldn't have... h-have..." She clenched her eyes shut. Rainbow exhaled slowly, then muttered, "Forget it. Verlax set everything in stone from day one... literally." She gulped. "Her choice or my choice, it's been made... and here we are and here we need to keep going."

Ariel was shivering slightly at this point. When she next spoke, it was in a wavering voice: "Rainbow Dash... if you need anypony... anypony whatsoever just..." A whimper. "Just to hug you—"

"I'm good, thanks," Rainbow said. A few heartbeats later, and she flinched slightly. She turned to look at Ariel with a sympathetic expression. "But... like... if you need somepony to hold—"

"No." Ariel sniffled, wiping her cheeks dry. "No... I think... we b-both know what that would mean for me." She tried to smile, but it came out crooked. "I'll see if Flynn and Kepler are still hungry. You're... you're s-so thoughtful, R-Rainbow." And she flew off in a gray streak.

Rainbow bit her lip, looking on.

Not long after, from behind:

"From what I've learned about mortals," Remna spoke. "The two of you could copulate and still remain relatively platonic."

"Snkkkt!" Rainbow spun about, snarling at her. "Really?! Friggin' really?!"

Remna stared back with dull green eyes. "I was simply attempting to make a suggestion that might alleviate your stress—"

"Save it for the end of the world!" Rainbow grumbled, sitting back down and folding her forelimbs in a huff. "You'll get better response by peeing into the abyss!"

Remna inhaled. "Very well." She paced about the cliffside. "As we venture deeper into the Twilight Lands, we will need our swiftest fliers to scout the north and south horizons. There's no telling when a stray pack of windigoes might cross our path and—"

"And she just switches gears like a Celestia-forsaken ten speed!" Rainbow rambled, waving a hoof. "I mean..." She flashed Remna an angry glare. "How do you friggin' do it, Axan?!"

Remna simply stared.

Rainbow fumed: "We just took the blame for the cataclysmic death of a goddess! You just watched your immortal sister die, for crying out loud! So how do you do it?!" She shook. "How do you remain so cold and unfeeling and steely all the frickin' time?!"

After a few seconds, Remna calmly spoke: "The Austraeoh is still alive. All is not lost—"

"Is that it?!" Rainbow Dash stood up, pacing angrily across the mountainside. "Is that all you friggin' care about?! 'Oh! Wow! An entire civilization is now being ripped to shreds by thousands upon thousands of windigoes! All because Verlax wanted to stick it to Austraeoh! The Austraeoh is sooooo cool! The Austraeoh is sooooo important! The Austraeoh is the Keaneigh Reeves of Uro-whatever! Thank the stars SHE is still alive and kicking to carry the huge friggin' weight of friggin' everything!'" She spun about—hooves scuffling—to glare at the violet mare. "Well, what if it's all bunk, huh?! What if Whitemane, Mortuana, the Herald, Verlax, and every other dwarf around the campfire is all mistaken about me! What will we have sacrificed then?!"

Remna glared. "Do you truly, honestly believe that?"

Rainbow blinked at her. "Guhhh!" She tossed her hooves and plopped back on her haunches, gnashing her teeth. After a few seconds of angrily rocking back and forth, she grumbled: "I truly... honestly believe that this universe hates me."


"'Funny?'" Rainbow squinted at Remna. "What could you possibly find 'funny?'"

"In acquiring the flame from the Fifth Seed, you liberated the last spirit of your friends, did you not?" Remna remarked.

"Heh..." Rainbow rolled her eyes. "Is this a sincere attempt at rationalizing my heroism, or are you just mincing Ariel's fuzzy words after eavesdropping?"

"I had many a conversation with Mortuana shortly after she imbued me with this equine disguise," Remna said.

"Yeah..." Rainbow muttered. "And a fat lot of good that did us against Verlax." She rubbed a hoof over her short, feathery mane hairs. "Not to mention my 'lame wing' schtick."

"When the time has come for a change of subject, I will inform you," Remna growled, eyeslits flickering. A few tense seconds later, she continued more calmly: "Foolish or not, my decision to take on Remna's form was something Mortuana admired. She then proceeded to inform me that the ancient texts of the Herald speak of how the flames of Eljunbyro are meant to complete the Austraeoh. I came to take the meaning behind such prophecy both literally and figuratively." She gestured with a violet hoof. "Reuniting with the Elements of Harmony—with your friends—does not simply signify progress along your journey. But—rather—they confirm that you are transforming into the being that you were meant to be."

"What in the buck is that supposed to mean?" Rainbow grumbled.

"Essentially that—the further the Spark becomes empowered by the flame—the more she and her spirit becomes acquainted with the necessary stakes required to complete the Austraeoh's journey." Remna exhaled. "I had hoped—ever since encountering the Ynanhluutr symbols—that you would have grown fully aware of your true purpose."

"Heh... in other words..." Rainbow squinted up at Remna. "The further I go in this journey... and the crazier and more disharmonious crud I do... then all the better?"

"Something along that lines, yes," Remna said with a nod.

"Heheheh..." Rainbow shook her head. "I think you're misunderstanding Mortuana's translations." Rainbow glared at her again. "Because you make it sound like I'm supposed to become more like you."

Remna breathed calmly. "You are a mortal attempting to accomplish things with immortal repercussions."

"And just like that... you start to sound like Verlax." Rainbow folded her forelimbs, frowning. "That's what this whole cruddy situation all amounted to, y'know. Verlax wanted to make me think, act, and quack like a dragon Divine." Her teeth showed as she sneered: "Well if getting to the Midnight Armory means that I gotta give up every awesome thing that I once believed in, then we can friggin' stop right here!"

Remna cocked her head to the side. "I am afraid that you've lost me, Austraeoh."

"For so long, I hid the truth from Twilight, Pinkie, and Rarity!" Rainbow panted. "I lied about the horrible things I had done! How far I had distanced myself from the Rainbow Dash that they knew! And because I let the absence of truth cripple me for so long, I ended up breaking loose at the last second! And that's when crud went down in the Quade! In ways that it never should have!" She took a deep, shuddering breath. "And after I won back their trust, I tried... I-I tried so very hard to be this 'new me'... unabashedly... unashamedly... with my best friends fully watching and supporting me. And guess what! In the end, despite being brave and daring—even to the point of stupidity—I still find myself encumbered in a bigass lie!" She gritted her teeth. "Well, buck it. Being fake and being a try-hard have both gotten me nowhere! From now on—mark my words—I'm going to do things the old Rainbow Dash way!" She smirked, as if in full affirmation of the voice-cracking outburst.

With a calm breath, Remna inquired: "And just what—precisely—would the 'old Rainbow Dash' do to get to the Midnight Armory now?"

"I dunno... just... not p-put so much thought into it!" Rainbow growled, standing up again—if only to pace back and forth. "Because that's my problem right there! I think too much! That's how I've let jerks like Shell and Nightshade and Verlax get to me! Well... no more thinking! I'll just headbutt my way to the dark side and back again! Yeah! Ask questions later! Save the day Ponyville style!"

"Like you did with me?"

Rainbow spun around. "Huh?"

Remna's violet brow furrowed. "I believe I've met this... 'old Rainbow Dash' before." She clenched her jaw. "She flew full-speed into my lair... alone... and destroyed my horde."

Rainbow blinked. "Well, it worked, didn't it?!"

"And after you were pummeled to a bloody mess... was it that same spunk and determination that brought you back to life?"

Rainbow Dash opened her muzzle... but could only bite down on her lip.

"I think we both know what happened that day in Silvadel, Austraeoh," Remna said. Her eyeslits flared. "I murdered that 'old Rainbow Dash.' And the devices that were used to bring her back..." She slowly shook her head. "They were far from harmonious. And though it may have been a lingering shred of Equestrian magic that kept your spirit intact... I don't believe you need me to tell you that the mare who emerged from the ashes in Ledomare was irrecoverably changed."

Rainbow Dash shivered slightly. Nevertheless, she said, "I... don't remember what it's like to be fearless anymore, Axan." She gulped. "Belle... Pilate... Kera... the whole Noble Jury." She winced. "They were my friends, and yet... I wonder... if they were also excuses..." Her ears drooped. "...so that I wouldn't have to put myself into such a crazy spot again... like I did in Silvadel..."

"I believe you're confusing your moral standards of courage and comraderie, Austraeoh."

"And who's to judge?" Rainbow arched an eyebrow. "You?"

"I am not without an inkling of emotion, if that's what you wish to know," Remna said. "Do you think I hatched my brood simply because I had a hoard to guard?"

Rainbow blinked. "Didn't you?"

"Hrmmm..." Remna exhaled. "It was a Divine that hatched the five of us before the dawn on this plane. All of my existence, I've struggled to ascertain the same spirit that leads one to create, immortal or otherwise." She trotted forward. "You seem to enjoy implying that Verlax and I are similar. There is some truth to that... albeit a somber truth. Verlax discovered something unique... something special. It was something that Sturke mastered long ago... but has been lost to the rest of us. But as soon as Verlax embarked upon the dark side to seek out Endrax, she was on the road to discovering it. And—I fear—she embraced it too late... as evidenced by the mad ramblings of her last breath."

"What?" Rainbow blinked. "Embraced what?"

"Empathy, of course," Remna said. "And love... to some extent. Verlax—for all of her traitorous acts—truly believed that she 'loved' her 'foals.' If she was still alive, she would probably confess that the lengths that she went to destroy Rohbredden were motivated by her adoration for the very same civilization... and all of its inhabitants. By extension, her obsession with 'completing the circle' has been based solely on her desire to preserve all living things... especially those with the noble intelligence to craft the pieces of Urohringr." A breathy sigh. "Alas, if she had taken the time to understand the emotions blooming within her—rather than surrender to the epiphanies she discovered amidst chaos—then perhaps she would have found a way to assist the Austraeoh without a needless sacrifice."

Rainbow gazed thoughtfully into the mountains. "And... and... uh..." She looked at Remna again. "What about you, Axan?"

"Long ago, I chose a brooding life of isolation—also at the behest of an entire civilization. In many ways, I'm just as detestable as Verlax. Entire generations of mortal Silvadelians were never foaled—all because of how and where I chose to nest. This would still remain the case to day, even to the point of the extinction of all surviving ponies in the ruins of that thrice-charred kingdom, had it not been for a single solitary spark that turned me."

Rainbow Dash blinked.

"The 'old you' was brazen enough... daring enough to change my stance on the death of all things, Austraeoh." Remna's brow furrowed. "But not in your act of courage... but in the repercussions that followed. In the midst of obliterating you, I realized that you were the Austraeoh of old... the very real Spark spoken of by mortals and immortals since the beginning of light in this realm... and I was just seconds from extinguishing you... the last hope for Urohringr." She took a deep breath. "I felt something in that moment... a feeling that I had never experienced before." She gulped. "It was enough to give up my own life... and the lives of all the broodlings that I thought I might one day learn to love... for I realized there was something bigger than myself and my sisters... and I was only going to be the ruin of the world if I allowed that Spark to fizzle into nothingness."

Rainbow fidgeted. "I... never put much thought into what convinced you to spare my life."

"No. I suppose not. You didn't put much thought into anything." Remna breathed. "Which is why I realized that I had to take it upon myself and observe you from afar... so that your courageous zeal would not be the end of you... and of something of greater importance than either of us can define." Her emerald eyes darted aside. "Time went on. You gathered companions. I never truly understood the poignance of such comraderie, but I soon learned it was better to not question it. Your friendship... your natural inclination to defend and protect all living things around you is your greatest strength. So long as you have something to be loyal to, you can surpass any obstacle that you face."

"Yeah, but after what Verlax did—"

"Surpassing obstacles does not imply perfection," Remna firmly said. "Nor invulnerability. When one is loyal to everyone, then one will inevitably have to betray more than a few choice affirmations within that covenant." Remna waved a hoof. "Verlax believed this about you more than anyone. It was her ultimate hope to hammer the reality of it into your mortal mind. Whether or not it was insane of her does not matter. She had more time and resources at her disposal than any other soul in known comprehension."

Rainbow shuddered. "And what do you believe?"

"I believe that you will inevitably have to break more than a few of your own moral standards by the time you've surpassed the challenges of the dark side," Remna said. She then shook her head. "But I do not believe it was necessary for Verlax to have sacrificed so many in the excuse of some sort of cosmic 'preparation.' That is why I confronted her... and ultimately chose this form alongside Mortuana to aid the Herald. I had hopes that I could have assisted you in bypassing my sister's trials. Alas... she was stronger and more perceptive than any of us could have guessed. All things considered... I have failed."

Rainbow swallowed hard. "You tried your best. You sacrificed so much, Axan—"

"And just like you in Silvadel, it amounted to only so much," Remna said. "While it wasn't enough to save Verlax, perhaps it will be enough to save her so-called 'foals.'"

Rainbow sighed. "They'll be plagued by friggin' windigoes for lifetimes. Even if every single pony, griffon, tribe, Continentalist and Colonialist learns to get along, I don't think the friendship will be strong enough to ward off that many banshees..."

"Perhaps not overnight. But with time, Austraeoh... beyond the veil of mere mortal perception..." Remna slowly nodded. "...I trust that Rohbredden will learn to thrive again. And not solely through Verlax's mechanizations, but because of the Spark that you've introduced through the likes of the Order and the Talon... the ones who remain to guide these foals into a new age, foggy as it may be." Her emerald eyes narrowed. "You may think you've sown only destruction and chaos here... but you've made friendships here too. That—more than anything—will be an aid to these mortals." She swallowed. "I've observed enough to know it will be the case."

Rainbow blinked.

"As for what lies beyond..." Remna waved a hoof at the hazy horizon to the east. "Verlax has evidently taught you lessons... just not the ones she thinks. She isn't the one who empowers you, after all. Your friends... the Herald... your hometown and your memories. These are the things that you are loyal to. Of all the Elements you have 'sacrificed,' I seriously doubt you are capable of extinguishing that. And I suspect you are experienced and tempered enough to restore order to this plane, dark side or light, so that what's happened here in Rohbredden will seem like a mere dint in the overall luster of the future you will bring about... and even that will likely smoothe in time. Silvadel is a free kingdom today, after all. What more will your loyalty to the whole of Urohringr accomplish?"


"Heh... wow... okay," Rainbow Dash muttered, brushing a hoof over her short-short mane. "I... uh... I guess I was wrong, Axan." She gulped. "You're a bit more feelsy than I take you for."

"Does that mean you feel better about what transpired back in Frostknife?"

"Friggin' no." Rainbow frowned. "What, are you crazy?" A heavy sigh, and she gazed east. "Still... it doesn't hurt to hear those words."

"Hmmm... very well..." Remna nodded. "I still think you and the fast flier should copulate."

"Euughhhh..." Rainbow face-hoofed. Nevertheless, a chuckle or two escaped the edge of her muzzle. "Morty gave you a dead body, alright. That's for sure."

"Would you care to explain that?"

Before Rainbow could respond, she heard a growling voice from the side. She and Remna looked over.

Bard was brushing off Wildcard. Frowning, the stallion barked a few gruff words, then marched off to linger by himself. Wildcard fidgeted in place... ultimately giving up and turning away from his Desperado friend.

Rainbow Dash grimaced. "Trouble on board the train?"

"Those two... have been especially distracted since we left Verlax's throneroom."

"Well, who can blame 'em?" Rainbow shrugged. "Wildcard reunited with his 'sworn brother' Keris... and then had to give him and Seraphimus the cold shoulder."

"I speak of the one who attempts to sing," Remna muttered. "Bard has been especially moody. Even by dragon standards."

Rainbow bit his lip. "Something's up..."

"They've been dying to speak with you."

Rainbow looked over. "Huh?"

"The Herald... about what you experienced back at the Fifth Seed." Remna's gaze narrowed. "We've... all been desirous of having a deep conversation... and not just about emotions or remorse."


"After all, Mortuana has put me in charge of this team, and we're currently a pony short," Remna said. "It would be most advantageous if I knew where to escort them." She glanced east. "Do you see Yaerfaerda, still?"


"Does it lead to the Sixth Seed?"

"It's... complicated, actually," Rainbow said, wincing.

Remna stared at her. "I'm listening..."

Rainbow took a deep breath. "You're not the only one who deserves to be." She motioned with her hoof. "Gather the others. Time for a much-needed powow."


"Yes," Rainbow Dash nodded, turning to face the huddled group. "Utaan."

The Herald and Rainbow's ghostly friends lingered in a semi-circle as the pegasus paced amongst them.

"Whatever it is, I was told to seek it out," Rainbow Dash said. "I'm guessing it's what I'll find at the Sixth Seed."

"How... precisely..." Flynn squinted. "...did you perceive this word?"

"It was spoken to me," Rainbow said.

"The Hell?" Logan made a face. "Spoken?"

Rainbow's hooves scuffled to a stop as he turned to face him. "When I make contact with the flames of the beacon, I... I almost always have a vision."

"A vision?" Ariel blinked.

"It's like I'm whisked away to some crazy spot in the cosmos... floating above the world... or some recreation of it." Rainbow gulped. "And... like... this voice speaks to me. Usually, it doesn't make any sense. At other times..." Rainbow's eyes narrowed on a fixed point in the distance.

Twilight and Applejack curiously craned their necks.

Rainbow gulped. "I think they sensed Verlax for a while there."

"Who did?" Flynn asked.

"Whoever's been speaking to the spirit of Austraeoh... whoever's been speaking to me." Rainbow turned to look at the group again. "But now that Verlax is no longer holding any piece of the flame hostage, it's like I'm starting to get an uninterrupted message."

Wildcard nodded. He gestured to Flynn.

"Alright, then," Flynn said, turning to face Rainbow Dash again. "But—uninterrupted or not—it doesn't make a whole lot of sense."

"Believe me," Rainbow Dash muttered. "They rarely do."

"'Beyond,'" Kepler said.

Everyone turned to face him.

"What was that?" Logan remarked.

"'Utaan,'" Kepler clarified. "It means 'beyond.'" He glanced at the rest of the group through his spectacles. "I may not know the significance of this trranslation, but it matches the ancient rrunes hoofed down by the ancient pegasi... the angels."

"Then I bet even the Xonans would understand it," Twilight Sparkle remarked.

"Hold up..." Applejack raised a hoof. "Remind me. Who are these friends of Rainbow's again? The Noble Jury?"

"No, Applejack, darling," Rarity corrected. "The Herald."

"Oh... and which one is Khao?"

"No, they... mmmfff..." Rarity face-hoofed.

"You remember all of the ancient runes?" Ariel asked Kepler.

Kepler smiled through his tusks. "I have rread those ancient texts in Wyverrn point backwarrds and forrwarrds. It was how I meditated forr yearrs, afterr all. Ha Hah!"

"And you don't remember anything that could signify what 'Utaan' means?" Rainbow asked.

Kepler gravely shook his head. "I am most sorrry, Rrainbow one. But the meaning eludes me. The rrune has many potential uses—both literral and figurrative—depending on what otherr rrunes it is matched with."

"What about 'Urohringr?'" Twilight asked. "Could it have something to do with that?"

Rainbow turned towards Kepler. "'Utaan Urohringr?'" she suggested.

"Mmmmmm..." Kepler stroked his hairy chin. "A possibility. Howeverr... you arre about to venturre to the Sixth Seed... and beyond that... the darrk side of the plane. If therre is anything that you arre destined to surrpass, it is the limitations of the light side."

"Unless..." Ariel blinked contemplatively. "...the angels are sending Rainbow a message to suggest there's something more?"

"Like what?" Logan asked.

"I dunno." Ariel shrugged. "She's been lighting up all the beacons of Yaerfaerda, right? Maybe she's... undergoing some sort of transformation?"

Rainbow rubbed her forehead, sighing. "Sure doesn't feel like it..."

Remna squinted. "What is the current state of Yaerfaerda, Austraeoh?"

Rainbow tilted her weary head up.

The symbol flickered in the distance, cycling through random colors.

"It's... difficult to say," Rainbow muttered. "And difficult to look at."

Bard glanced over from where he stood with his forelimbs folded.

"Does... does it hurt you to observe?" Flynn asked.

"No. Not really. It just..." Rainbow gulped. "...never stays solid."

"Solid?" Echo blinked.

"It keeps flashing... and each time with a different color," Rainbow said. "To tell the truth, it's kinda dim."

Wildcard gestured.

Flynn translated: "'That means it's far away, right?'"

"No. Applejack's and Fluttershy's beacons were waaaaaaaay brighter." Rainbow bit her lip, rubbing her head. "I'm sorry, guys. I just... can't describe it very well. It's there... and I can see it... and I can take us to it. But..." She gulped. "...I have no idea why it's flickering the way it is. Perhaps this 'Utaan' nonsense is connected somehow?"

Remna glanced at Rainbow, then at the Herald. "Perhaps some rest is in order."

Rainbow shuddered. "We've waited long enough," she grumbled. "We won't get anywhere by lazing around even more. Plus, with windigoes about and the whole of Frostknife likely wanting to scalp me—"

"We won't have a point in getting anywhere if you are dead on your wings," Remna said firmly. "I have yet to see you get any sleep... or relaxation of any kind. If the Herald is to properly escort the Austraeoh to 'Utaan' or whatever may be her purpose, then she must preserve herself."

Ariel smirked bitterly. "For once... I agree with the she-dragon."

"Darn tootin'!" Applejack nodded. "Yer lookin' mighty frazzled, Rainbow. Reckon some shuteye would do ya some good."

Rainbow Dash bit her lip, gazing east.

Applejack raised an eyebrow. "Rainbow?" She cocked her head to the side. "Are ya even listenin' to—"

"Fine," Rainbow spoke in the direction of the Herald. "Some sleep it is." She paced across the rocky plateau. "But we can't be blind to the skies. If the windigoes come, we need to take shifts guarding."

"A fine idea," Bard finally said. "I'll take the first shift."

Wildcard glanced at him.

"You need some shuteye too," Bard grunted. "Heaven knows there ain't no rest where we're goin' next."

"Bard..." Ariel looked over. "Perhaps it won't have to come to—"

"Y'all wanna come up with a better idea?!" Bard frowned.

Ariel winced. She exchanged mute glances with Flynn and Logan.

"Alrighty then. It's settled." Bard took a deep breath and marched—fuming—towards the edge of the cliffs. "I'll holler if I see a single windigo. Now y'all go kerplunk already."

Fluttershy gulped. She pivoted about. "Rainbow Dash—"

"He's right." Rainbow was already curling up across a stretch of blankets. "Lights out."

Fluttershy fidgeted. She looked over at Applejack, then back at Rainbow Dash.

"Perhaps we should get some rest too, girls," Twilight said, patting Rarity's and Pinkie's shoulders. Stifling a yawn, she murmured: "It's been a while since we visited the Vanilla Zone."

"What's this..." Applejack squinted. "...'Vanilla Whatsit?'"

"Oh, you'll love it!" Pinkie grinned. "It's bright, silent, and the closest thing you'll ever experience to death!"

"Say what now?!" Applejack grimaced.

"Ahem..." Rarity gently took Applejack by the hoof. "Perhaps if we showed it to you... more gracefully, dear."

"Well, alright..." Applejack gulped. "This better be worth it, now. I ain't in no mood for spooks."

"Just trust us, Applejack," Twilight said, fading into a lavender mist along with the rest of the mares. "Eventually—I promise—it will all make more sense."

"I believe ya." Applejack turned about, her freckles flickering as she too faded into lavender. "I just wish I knew what was eatin' Rainbow Dash so..." And she was gone.

Rainbow's ears drooped. She clenched her eyes shut... shivering as she fought the tears. Eventually, despite her struggles, sleep found her.

Lieutenant Keris shuffled briskly into the depths of the Frosted Shelves. The torchlit chambers were considerably less crowded now, affording the griffon plenty of room to navigate his way even deeper. At last, he stumbled upon a gigantic mess hall that had been temporarily transformed into the new meeting area for the Court of Verlaxion. Only a third of the delegates were present, but it was obvious from the presence of Hymnos and Chandler that it was sufficient enough to function... at least by their standards.

Professor Theanim Mane stood at the entrance to the chamber. Upon hearing the clawscrapes of Keris' arrival, he turned to face the griffon.

"I am most sorry," Keris exhaled, coming to a stop before the stallion. "For the past five hours, the Talon has been rounding up survivors from the outlying townships." He gulped. "Miraculously, the windigoes haven't entirely slaughtered the population of Frost Prefecture."

"Windigoes are chaotic, if nothing else," Theanim said with a nod. "If there's anything to be grateful for in Verlaxion's release—it's that they no longer have a single mind to control them."

"In due time, they'll undoubtedly learn to herd by their own inclinations." Keris sighed. "I endeavor to have everyone in Rohbredden prepared with proper shelter by then."

"That will be a great deal easier in this Prefecture than in the ones to the east and west," Theanim said. "Don't apologize for being preoccupied, Lieutenant. You're looking out for your fellow Rohbreddenites. We will all be leaning on you and the Talon during this dark time."

"Yes, well... if I had my way, I'd be in two places at once," Keris muttered. "Out there, saving citizens... and in here, guarding the Court." He narrowed his hawkeyes, gazing upon Chandler's and Hymnos' meeting. "This doesn't look like an exclusive meeting to the Ministry."

"That's because it isn't," Theanim said, shaking his head. "Chandler and Hymnos have spent the past hour reviewing news from the returning messengers."


"There's been much damage caused to the Shoreline," Theanim explained. "It seems as though the windigoes have been mostly drawn to water, at least for the time being. Although the agricultural prefectures have suffered the touch of the windigoes, they were mostly spared as a whole. Hymnos is mandating an emergency harvest of over half the surviving crops so that we may prepare for the next few months of shelter."

"Any word from the Colonialists?"

"I'm afraid not," Theanim said, shaking his head. "But from the last observed movements of most westward windigoes, it would be a safe bet that they've reached Rust by now." He shuddered. "A pair of messengers returned from the seven seas, claiming to have spoken with ship captains who observed hundreds of windigoes flocking back east."

"So we know for a fact that several are returning to the mainland," Keris remarked.

"Yes. But we don't know where they will make landfall. Even still, many of the shoreline prefectures are being forcibly evacuated to the east."

"Where they'll assist with the emergency harvest?"

"Mmmm... yes and now," Theanim explained. "While the Court is open to volunteers, the bulk of the workers will consist of the former occupants of the Frosted Shelves."

Keris squinted. "You mean the prisoners are being released to do manual labor?"

"Under very... very close surveillance," Theanim said. "Remember all of the new recruits that enlisted with the Ministry of Defense?"

"How could I not?"

"Well, they'll be guarding and assisting the prisoners." Theanim Mane gazed back at the meeting. "With the active members of the Central Guard overseeing them."

"That... sounds desperate at best," Keris remarked.

"You might find it hard to believe, but many ponies among both the prisoners and the recruits have expressed full willingness to comply," Theanim said. "It would appear as though an epic spirit of togetherness has overcome the general populace... if only to combat the windigoes."

Keris exhaled slowly. "Then, perhaps, what Rainbow has hoped for is actually transpiring."

Theanim looked at him.

Keris clarified: "Prisoners and military recruits working side by side? It's certainly far from all-out civil war."

Theanim sighed. "I wouldn't be too quick to declare success, Lieutenant."

Keris raised an eyecrest. "Trouble with the Order?"

"Oh no. The Order is thoroughly by my side. Some of them even see fit to promote me to head of the science division."

"Somehow... you don't sound quite so proud."

"Hrmmmff..." Theanim's nostrils flared. "It's not my chief concern." He pointed at the meeting. "Chandler is..."

Keris' feathery brow furrowed. "What has he done?"

"Shhh..." Theanim gestured. "I think you're about to find out..."

At that precise moment, Grand Magistrate Hymnos banged her gavel. "Then by unanimous vote, it is settled!" she proclaimed. "Project Vanquish is a go. On behalf of the Court, I extend my appreciation to the Defense Ministry for assisting us in this time of great need. May Verlaxion's spirit strengthen us all."

Almost immediately, everypony stood up and wandered away from their seats, pausing only to murmur with one another. Brye Chandler and several officers of the Central Guard trotted straight for the exit.

Keris' beak hung agape. He glanced aside at Theanim. "Project... Vanquish...?"

Theanim winced. "It's just what it sounds like."

Keris blinked. His hawkeyes twitched, and he rushed forward to meet Chandler on the way out. "Defense Minister... surely you do not plan to... to go after the Rogue?"

Chandler calmly blinked at him. "Of course not, Lieutenant." He pointed. "Two Battallions consisting of the Central Guard's finest soldiers will be chasing that monster down." His eyes glared. "I will simply be accompanying them."

"Defense Minister..." Keris gulped, standing in close so he could whisper. "Chandler... do not do this. Do not throw more souls into the fire."

"That fire has been allowed to burn for far too long, Keris," Chandler muttered back. "The Rainbow Rogue has slain our very Goddess. You were there." He tilted his chin up. "Blighted or not, you saw it yourself. Would you actually ask that we simply let the beast go?"

"The damage has been done," Keris said firmly. "The Central Guard is needed here. In Rohbredden!" He slowly shook his head. "If we divide our strength to chase after an unstoppable foe—"

"As I said, Lieutenant... it is only two battalions," Chandler said. "The Court and the Ministry have agreed to leave the protection of Rohbredden in the capable hooves of the majority of the Central Guard..." His brow furrowed. "...as well as in the wise claws of the Talon. Or—perhaps—that sincere faith is unfounded?"

Keris frowned. "This is a mistake. You know it."

"I'm done making mistakes," Chandler grunted. "For so long, I lacked the faith... and the courage to defend our Queen's honor. And look where it has brought us. Deceived... davastated... desolate." His eyes glinted as his muzzle grew long. "Verlaxion's mercy has changed me... but not swiftly enough. Her blood is on my hooves as much as it is on your claws. Don't we owe it to our grandfoals and our grandfoals' grandfoals to at least say that we did everything that we could do to avenge our fallen Goddess?"

Keris merely gaped at him.

"I've already sent hundreds of pegasi and griffons into the east prefectures to perform reconnaissance," Chandler said. "As soon as any of them finds a single trace of the Rainbow Rogue and her allies, they will report back to us... and we shall set out to slaughter her in the name of Verlaxion." With a deep breath, Chandler brushed past Keris—making for the far end of the Frosted Shelves. "In the meantime, Project Vanquish is in full effect. I shall disembark with the soldiers in thirty-six hours."

Keris and Theanim looked on as Chandler and his subordinates made their exit.

"If they catch up to the Herald," Theanim spoke, "They will do whatever is in their power to eliminate Rainbow Dash and her companions."

"I know." Keris nodded. "No doubt Rainbow's prepared for this. While I can expect the mare to try to find a peaceful solution—"

"Chandler will stop at nothing until she's dead," Theanim finished. "I don't see a conceivable way the Herald can fend them off without inflicting lethal force."

"Granted, it's precisely what the foals of Verlaxion expect of her," Keris said.

"Perhaps so, Lieutenant." Theanim looked aside. "But it's not what Rainbow would desire... or any of us for that matter."

Keris clenched his beak tighter.

"...am I correct?"

"I have to intervene somehow," Keris said. "If any further suffering is to be avoided... if Rainbow is to make it safely to the other side..." His hawkeyes narrowed. "...I must be a part of this Project Vanquish."

Theanim blinked. "You mean... you desire to have the Talon join Chandler's expedition?"

Keris exhaled. "It's the only conceivable way I can think of being in a strategic position to prevent another holocaust."

"But... do you think just the four of you is enough to have any influence?"

"I do not know, Professor?"

"... ... ...what of the Commander?"

Keris turned to face Theanim.

"I'm sorry..." Theanim gulped. "Former Commander." He raised an eyebrow. "If she were to speak on the Talon's behalf..."

"You were there to see her give up her commission, Theanim," Keris said. "I haven't seen her since."

"Still... if she was to come around..." Theanim looked at Hymnos and the other delegates. "I highly suspect somepony would listen."

Keris gazed ahead. At last, after a fuming breath, he muttered: "I have to tell her."

Theanim did a double-take. "I beg your pardon?"

"I must tell Seraphimus the truth," Keris said. "About Verlaxion... about the windigoes... about Rainbow Dash."

"Lieutenant, that's..." Theanim winced. "Keris, that is a very... very dangerous idea."

"I know..."

"Assuming she even had the faculty to believe you, it could jeopardize everything that we and Rainbow Dash have sacrificed here." Theanim stammered, "Just her knowledge alone could cause a structural collapse within the surviving Prefectures!"

"I do not believe that Seraphimus is capable of doing that," Keris insisted. "Either way... we need her... and it is a matter of honor." He gulped. "I must tell her. It is my burden to bear."

Theanim Mane sighed. He hung his head and eventually spoke: "I have not enjoyed this grand farce one bit... but even I understand the value of remaining steadfast in proclaiming it." He gulped. "I may not agree with your decision, Lieutenant, but I respect it. If you so desire to alert your former Commander, then you have my support... whole heartedly."

Keris nodded before shuffling off. "Once Seraphimus knows, it will be her support that we will depend on..."


"It's loose!"

"By the Spark, it's coming!"

"Let us out!"

"Please! Somepony let us out!"

Ponies, rams, and gazelle clambered across rusty metal darkness. They banged their hooves desperately on the doors, screaming in terror.





It surged towards them, sinking talons and teeth into soft flesh.

One by one, the victims gargled their own juices, spasming in pain as their entrails coated the floor.

"Blessed Spark! Save us!"

"Please! I don't want to die!"



"Kenna! Kenna, run away! It's—"

With a demonic roar, it pounced, severing two horns before ripping a shrieking face down the center.

"Kenna! No!"

"Oh please... oh blessed Spark, pl-please—"


Whimpering voices, growing fewer and fewer.


"HRESSSSHA!" With a flash of red, it leapt again, sinking its fangs deep in a gazelle's throat while ripping a shrieking stallion in two—


Rainbow Dash woke up screaming.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaugh!" She clutched her skull, quivering on the cliff's edge. "Aaaaaa-haaaaaaaaaugh!"

Ariel, Flynn, and Logan awoke with a start.

Kepler and Echo shot up, glancing over with squinting expressions.

"My worrd..."

"What the shit?"

"Rainbow Dash!" Ariel yelped, flapping her wings. "What's the matter—"

"Rrrrrrrrgh!" Rainbow practically crawled at her own face with her hooves. She rolled over, bashing her forehead repeatedly against pure stone.

"Whoah there!" Bard slid in, grabbing the pegasus from behind. "Enough of that, ya hear—" He was rewarded with a wing-slap to the face. "Grkkk! Dubya!" he wheezed. "'Lil help?!"

Swoooosh! Wildcard glided in, his goggles rattling with concern. He reached out, struggling to hold Rainbow's thrashing hooves still.

"The Hell has gotten into her?" Echo stammered. "Is she allergic to berries or—?"

"Austraeoh!" Remna rushed over, fuming. She frowned at Bard. "What did you do?"

"Nothin'!" Bard sputtered, wrestling with the shrieking pegasus. "She just woke up like this!"

"Rainbow!" Ariel cried. "Rainbow, you must calm down!"

"Rnnngh!" Rainbow hyperventilated, her eyes flickering red-on-yellow. A cold sweat drenched her muzzle. "Mrmmmff... no... n-no...!"

"Can somepony please tell us what's going on?!" Logan exclaimed.

Not long later, a quintet of ghostly mares materialized around Rainbow.

"Yeesh..." Pinkie rubbed her tired eyes. "...who set the alarm clock on 'earthquake?'" She looked over, gasping at Rainbow's raving state. "Holey moley!"

"Rainbow Dash!" Twilight glided in. "What's the matter?"

"What in the hay is goin' on here?" Applejack exclaimed, eyes wide. "What's goin' on with Rainbow?"

"Rainbow... talk to me!" Twilight hovered right in front of the mare. "What's happening to you?"

"Rrrrmmffnngh..." Rainbow panted, shook. "I... I see... I-I see them..." Rainbow Dash hyperventilated, ears twitching as she struggled in Bard's and Wildcard's grip. "I see all of them, Twilight!"

"Who, Rainbow?" Twilight asked. "Who do you see?"

"Mrrrrnnghh... Blue Shelf... everyone th-that I murdered...!"

Applejack grimaced. "'Murdered'...?"

"And Monket's slaves... and Keris at Red Barge..." Rainbow clenched her flickering eyes shut. "Rrrnnngh... I see it all, Twilight! The blood... the screaming faces... the broken bones..." She sobbed, howled. "Mrmmmmmmmmrnnngh... I can see it! Ohhhhh Celestiaaaaaaaa, why can I suddenly seeeee itttttttttt..."

"Just calm down, darlin'!" Bard exclaimed, yanking Rainbow's wings back. "Yer here with the Herald! With friends! You ain't nowhere but—" He gasped as Rainbow suddenly lurched in his grip.

Rainbow gagged, vomiting onto the rocky surface beneath them. She started convulsing then, her eyes rolling back with further flashes of yellow and red.

"The shiverrs..." Kepler remarked. "They consume the Austrraeoh..."

"Already?!" Remna scowled. "But she just touched Yaerfaerda less than two day ago!"

"What does that mean?!?" Applejack gnashed her teeth. "Will somepony please tell me what's goin' on with our Rainbow?!"

"Oh no..." Fluttershy whimpered. "She's fainting!"

"Stay with us, Dashie!" Pinkie exclaimed.

"It'll be alright, darling!" Rarity turned to Twilight. "Right?"

Twilight bit her lip.


Rainbow felt several limbs holding her... and then she felt nothing. The dizziness took her spiraling into an ever-impermeable dark where—much to her dismay—even more visions of blood lay in wait.

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