• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 8,442 Views, 206 Comments

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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16. Don't question Pinkie Pie...

Star Twinkle was on his way to go home but stumbled across Twilight, Spike, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack. What confused him was that Applejack was hiding under a fruit cart and looked up at the sky in fear. While Star Twinkle didn't exactly want to know what was going on there, his curiosity was just too great from this image alone. So he decided to approach Applejack and asked what was going on.

“What are you doing down there?” Asked Star Twinkle Applejack who was still hiding under a fruit cart in fear.

“Pinkie Sense,” Applejack quickly replied.

“Pinkie Sense?!” replied Star Twinkle. “Which one?” He asked in shock.

“Twitchy Tail!” Applejack replied.

“Oh, okay!” He said before he joined Applejack under the fruit cart to hide.

But Spike assured them both that the prediction already came true and that there is nothing to worry about. Meanwhile, Twilight was letting out a big sigh as a reaction for Applejacks and Star Twinkles behavior.

“Don't tell me you both believe in this stuff, too?” Twilight asked in confusion while walking towards the two earth ponies.

“I know it doesn't make much sense, but those of us who have been in Ponyville a while, have learned over time that, if Pinkie's a-twichin', you better listen,” explained Applejack who got up from the fruit cart.

Twilight then looked at Star Twinkle who was still hiding under the fruit cart. Her face was a mix of confusion and disappointment since she never expected him to believe in this ridiculous stuff.

“Honestly, Star Twinkle, from all ponies around here I never thought that you would believe in this stuff,” said Twilight who was shaking her head in disappointment.

Star Twinkle felt a little offended but still believed that his actions were justified and explained why he acted like that.

“Yeah, yeah I know,” he said in an almost provocation tone in his voice. “But the first time I came in contact with Pinkies Twitchy Tail, I almost got crushed by a piano that fell down from the sky!” Star Twinkle explained.

“A piano? How did that happen?” Twilight asked confused.

“I don't know! That's why I am hiding right now!” He exclaimed while still keeping an eye out of his surroundings.

Pinkie Pie then quickly rushed in front of everypony saying that her ears are flopping, which they did. Spike, who also heavily believed in Pinkies Pinkie Sense asked what that meant, to which she responded that she will start a bath for Twilight.

Of course Twilight was jokingly responding to that until she was covered in mud caused by somepony pulling a cart running past her. Angered by this “coincidence” Twilight accepted Pinkie Pies offer for a bath and followed her to Sugarcube Corner.

Star Twinkle knew why that “Pinkie Sense” bothered Twilight. When it comes to things like that, Star Twinkle was very similar to her. If there is something which cannot be explained, then he is also eager to find out a logical explanation.

But when it comes to Pinkie Pie, Star Twinkle has given up long ago to question her. He was arguing with himself if that was the right decision but he came to the conclusion that it was to much trouble to think about this anymore, so he just accepted it.

“Well, we did warn her,” pointed Applejack out, to which Star Twinkle just replied with a shrugging of his shoulders.

After Star Twinkle spent some time alone, he was asked by Twilight if he could help her with something. When Star Twinkle asked what kind of help she needed, she just replied with the word: Science. Of course, that was way too little information for him, so he asked a little further.

“We are going to examine Pinkie Pie and prove that her Pinkie Sense can be explained with logic,” explained Twilight.

“Didn't you learn anything since the last time?” Said Star Twinkle trying to get this idea out of Twilight's head.

But Twilight's motivation to find out the secret of the Pinkie Sense was unchanged. Star Twinkle didn't want to mess with that since he already made a bad experience and didn't want to endanger himself but Twilight knew exactly how to convince him to tag along.

"Come on, don't you want to know how her Pinkie Sense works?" Twilight asked, trying to convince Star Twinkle.

"No," he replied with little to no emotions in his voice.

"Don't you want an explanation how it works?" She asked once again trying to convince Star Twinkle to tag along.

"...no" he replied again but this time, it didn't sound too convincing.

Twilight knew exactly how close she was now. There was only one a little more until Star Twinkle would give in now.

"Don't you want a logical explanation?" Twilight added.

To this Star Twinkle didn't even reply because he just realized what Twilight was doing right now. And the worst thing was, that it worked.

The next thing he knew was that he accompanied Twilight in order to find out her secret. They were hiding inside of a bush a few steps away from Pinkie Pie, who was doing some random stuff.

"I know we are spying on her..." but he was interrupted by Twilight in the middle of the sentence.

"Researching!" She quietly exclaimed.

"Researching," he corrected. "But is it really necessary to wear this getup?" said Star Twinkle while pointing at his safari hat, that Twilight made him wear.

"That is proper clothing for research purpose," explained Twilight who also had on on her head but Star Twinkle didn't seem to listen and tried to concentrate on Pinkie Pie.

But before they could start their research, Spike approached the two ponies and asked what they were doing and of course, Twilight explained the situation to him.

" We're doing scientific research. We're observing Pinkie Pie, scientific name: Pinkius Pieicus, in its natural habitat," said Twilight, confusing Spike with using unnecessary scientifical terms.

Twilight was having way too much fun, thought Star Twinkle, who continued to watch Pinkie Pie. He then noticed how Pinkies nose was itching and reported it to Twilight. Pinkie Pie then hid and looked up in the sky just like Star Twinkle and Applejack before. Twilight was quickly thinking about her Twitchy Tail prediction.

"Aha," she exclaimed. "That makes no sense! She is hiding as if something is falling down from the sky. But a Twitchy Tail means that something is falling, not an itchy nose," she explained to Star Twinkle, who figured out that much by himself too.

While Twilight was sure that she figured everything out about Pinkie Pie, Star Twinkle noticed how a swarm of bees was coming closer to them. Spike, who also noticed them ran away in fear and Star Twinkle quickly joined him, leaving Twilight confused inside of the bush. Before she realized what happened, the swarm attacked the, stinging her multiple times.
While Star Twinkle felt kind of bad, he was also relieved that he was not caught up into that.

They then followed Pinkie Pie a little further to continue their research. Spike also joined them out of curiosity.

"What's she doing now?" Asked Spike.

"Smelling a flower," replied Star Twinkle who was watching Pinkie with his binoculars.

"Holy guacamole! I wonder what that means?" Spike wondered.

"Probably that it smells good" replied Twilight who also watched Pinkie Pie with binoculars. "Wait. I'm getting something. Ear flop, eye flutter, knee twitch," said Twilight referring to Pinkie Pies unusual movements.

"Hold on... You told me that's the combo that says "watch out for opening doors!”," added Spike who quickly looked out for any door in reach.

So did Star Twinkle. He looked around to avoid being in the range of any doors nearby. Of course Twilight could just shake her head because of Spikes and Star Twinkles behavior. You guys really, really believe this stuff, don't you?" said Twilight as if she was looking down on them.

"Here, let me show you there's nothing to be afraid of," she said while leaning to one of the barn doors.

"You see? I promise you there's nothing to fear from that," but as soon as Twilight walked off to prove her theory, a door opened from bellow leading to one of Applejack's new apple cellar. Twilight fell down the cellar and Star Twinkle could only hear Twilight's painful grunts from outside.

"That's what you get by trying to understand Pinkie Pie," thought Star Twinkle. Maybe that will make her give up soon but knowing Twilight, that only made her eager to continue.

After the last two fails, Twilight convinced Star Twinkle to get a little closer to Pinkie Pie. To serve as some kind of field researcher. He was not sure if that would change anything but he gave Twilight's idea a chance.

Star Twinkle did as he was told and approached Pinkie Pie but as soon as he got close to her, her tail was twitching again and Star Twinkle knew exactly what that meant and jumped into the nearest bush before Pinkie Pie could even notice him.
At the same time, he was worrying about Twilight and Spike and looked over to them. Judging from Spike who was running, he already noticed.

Star Twinkle then looked up in the sky to see if there was anything that could fall down. There was a movers truck flying above Twilight in the clouds. Some Pegasus tried to move out some stuff outside of the truck but they failed since one of them waved at Star Twinkle leading some things to fall out of their hooves. It was a Pegasus with a gray coat and a yellow mane, that looked kinda familiar to Star Twinkle. And of course, several things dropped down on Twilight who was unaware from all of this.

After retrieving Twilight from this mess, she still insisted on following Pinkie Pie. Star Twinkle, on the other hand, was worrying about his luck, that protected him so far from all incoming predictions.

Once again, he was more or less ordered by Twilight to approach Pinkie Pie who was accompanied by Applejack now.

“Hey, what are you both doing?” Asked Star Twinkle trying to start a conversation somehow.

“Takin' more apples to my new apple cellar,” replied Applejack.

“And you Pinkie Pie?” Asked Star Twinkle.

“Oh, letting you and Twilight secretly follow me all day without me knowing,” Pinkie Pie bluntly replied.

“What!?” Star Twinkle and Twilight exclaimed in surprise.

Thinking about that, Star Twinkle should have known better. After all, she was the only pony who noticed him following her and her friends back then when Nightmare Moon returned.

Spike, on the other hand, was just worried about any more tail twitching from Pinkie Pie. She assured that there was nothing to worry about until she started shaking uncontrollably. Everypony was wondering what that was about but Pinkie Pie didn't even know herself. The only thing she was sure of, was that it was something that nopony would ever expect and that it would happen at a place named Froggy Bottom Bogg.

Applejack quickly pointed out that Fluttershy was heading to this place. Everypony except Twilight now believed that Fluttershy was in danger and headed to Froggy Bottom Bogg.

While traveling through Froggy Bottom Bogg which was a swampland close to Ponyville, Spike was imagined the worst but Twilight believed that there was nothing wrong with Fluttershy at all. They eventually found Fluttershy, who was carrying some frogs to the swamp. Fluttershy didn't know why they were all so worried and of course, Twilight couldn't let the chance slip, to brag about how she was right all this time.

But the moment she was celebrating her victory, something rose up behind Twilight, without her noticing. It slowly became bigger and bigger to the point where it was several meters high, scaring s everypony in front of Twilight.

It was some red, scaled beast, almost like a dragon but it had only two legs and four long heads. Pinkie Pie then came to the conclusion that this thing was a hydra. But Applejack didn't care what it was and advised everypony to run.
That was something Star Twinkle could get behind.

They then all ran away in fear, thankfully the hydra was not catching up on them but they couldn't run forever since there was a hill in front of them.

Star Twinkle was trying to jump over first but realized that it was a little too high for him and hesitated in the last moment.

"Common jump! The hydra is coming any second!" said Twilight demanding Star Twinkle to jump on the tall rocks that were the only way to cross the hill.

But Star Twinkle hesitated and let Spike, Applejack, Pinkie Pie, and Fluttershy jump first. The problem was that the hydra almost caught up on them. Twilight decided that she will distract the hydra until everypony crossed the hill.

Star Twinkle was now thinking what could be worse. Either jump over the hill, which was too high and scared him.
Or helping Twilight distract the hydra which also scared him. He quickly decided to aid Twilight, who was surprised but also relieved to get some help. But they feared that the odds were still against them.

"I don't think that we can stop this thing, Twilight," said Star Twinkle, whose legs were shaking just by the sight of the hydra.

“Don't worry, we just have to distract it, said Twilight trying to convince herself with those words.
"What would a brave pony like Rainbow Dash do?” asked Twilight to herself.

“I don't like where this is going...” said Star Twinkle, who prepared himself to do something really stupid.

Both ponies then charged at the hydra directly. The Hydra didn't seem intimidated at all and lowered it's head to get them.

"Now!" screamed Star Twinkle in the last second before the heads could reach them.

After this signal, both of them ran in different directions. Twilight ran to the left and Star Twinkle to the right. Two of the heads who followed them then tried to get them at the same time but ended up tripping in confusion.

That gave them enough time to get across the hill. Or so they thought. The hydra launched one of her heads at the two ponies just when they were about to jump, destroying the tall rocks that served as a bridge to jump over to the other side.
Twilight and Star Twinkle now had no choice of getting over to the others.

“T-T-T-twilight, S-t-t-tar T-T-T-twinkle! You have to jump!” said Pinkie Pie, who was still shaking because of the doozy.

“We'll never make it!” Twilight exclaimed.

But it was either jumping or getting eaten by a hydra and Star Twinkle was way too frightened to make logical decisions at this point so he prepared to jump.

“Here goes nothing!” exclaimed Star Twinkle before he ran to the end of the cliff joined by Twilight, who decided to jump too.

The Hydra then attacked the two ponies but once again missed them, actually giving them both some momentum but that wasn't enough to reach one of the tall rocks and they both fell down into the swamp. But due to some incredible luck, a bubble appeared in the water just before they reached the ground bouncing them both backup, making them land on the other side of the cliff.

They both hit their heads after reaching the other side but except that, they were unharmed and safe now. Pinkie Pie, Applejack, Fluttershy and Spike quickly rushed to their side and were relieved that they made it to safety. This experience gave Twilight some insight in terms of Pinkie Pie and her predictions.

“I don't know how it happened; coincidence, dumb luck, or what, but you said there'd be a doozy here at Froggy Bottom Bogg, and I'd say we just had ourselves one heck of a doozy. I mean that hydra—“ but she got interrupted by another heavy shaking, that looked similar to the ones before.

Pinkie Pie then explained that the hydra wasn't the doozy because then the shaking would have stopped. Twilight was slowly getting angry hearing that after all what they went through up to the point to growl angrily and at least Star Twinkle thought he was imagining that she was bursting into flames for a few seconds.

“I give up,” said Twilight in a frustration in her voice.

Star Twinkle was having some kind of Deja Vu. It was like seeing himself when he was accepting Pinkie Pies predictions for the first time. So he knew how Twilight was feeling right now.

“Give what up, Twi?” asked Spike confused.

“The fight. I can't fight it anymore. I don't understand how, why, or what, but Pinkie Sense somehow... makes sense. I don't see how it does, but it just does. Just because I don't understand doesn't mean it's not true,” Explained Twilight in defeat.

“Y-Y-Y-You m-m-mean you b-b-b-believe?“ asked Pinkie Pie who was still shaking.

“Eeyup, I guess I do,” replied Twilight.

After that, Pinkie Pie was shaking and moving even more out of control for a few seconds. But it soon stopped and the shaking was gone. It turns out Twilight believing Pinkie Pie was the actual doozy. After realizing that Pinkie Pie just joyfully left the group and left everypony in a confused state.

“Well, that was a thing,” said Applejack, pretty much summing up everyponies thoughts.

Twilight could only let out a sigh of frustration by Pinkies calm reaction but Star Twinkle was there to comfort her.
Either that or he wanted to brag, that he told her so. But since the day was already stressful enough, he was not even thinking about that and just left it at that.

“I just wanted to understand it,” said Twilight in defeat.

“I know,” replied Star Twinkle. “But sometimes it's better not to overthink everything,” he said while not believing in what he said since he is always overthinking everything.

“I guess that's what friends are all about,” said Twilight leaving Star Twinkle confused.

“What do you mean?” he asked.

“What I mean is, that you just need to believe in your friends even if they don't always make sense to you all the time,” Twilight explained.

Believing in your friends without questioning them? Is that really a good thing? Maybe that was the case for Pinkie Pie but was that true for everypony?

Star Twinkle didn't reply to this and started to think about Twilight's words.

Believing in your friends?
Accepting your friends the way they are?
Yes, maybe that is actually true, thought Star Twinkle.
Are they thinking of me like that too?
Are they accepting me the way I am?

But Star Twinkles thoughts were interrupted by his friends who called out to him. He then followed them and they all went back to Ponyville together without thinking any further about Twilight's words.

Author's Note:

And here we had the episode that didn't deliver the best life lesson for the Brony fandom ^^.
I hope this chapter won't end up like that too...

And don't forget: leaving some feedback prevents you from letting a piano fall on your head (not really...)
But I still would like any kind of comments ^^.

As always hope you had fun and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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