• Published 24th Mar 2016
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My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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77. A Super Weird Party Pony

Unlike any other day, today Ponyville was a lot more decorated and filled with balloons, streamers and colorful banners. If you live long enough in this town, you'll know that there was only one pony responsible for that. It was Pinkie Pie, who was preparing everything for Rainbow Dash's birthday party. But of course, the rest of her friends helped out as much as possible as well.

Star Twinkle, Twilight, Applejack, Rarity, Fluttershy and even Rainbow Dash herself were helping to decorate the town hall for the upcoming party later this day by placing decorations and balloons all over the place.

But with much decorations, came much work so naturally, Star Twinkle began to complain after a while. "Don't you think those are enough balloons?" Star Twinkle asked after he strapped another balloon on an empty spot in front of the town hall.

"That's up to Pinkie Pie," Twilight replied as she helped to put up some decorations as well.

Star Twinkle was not really excited to hear that because if he continued until Pinkie Pie was satisfied, then he would have to spend a whole lot of more time with decorating until all of Equestria was filled with balloons.

Applejack overheard this conversation and came up with another solution. "Well, since she is not here, why don't you ask our birthday pony instead?" She suggested.

Applejack, of course, referred to Rainbow Dash who heard Applejack's suggestion and quickly looked over the decoration for a moment to give her opinion. "We are talking about my birthday party so there is no way that I will accept anything less than totally awesome!" She explained dead seriously.

"Which means..." Star Twinkle started with a bad feeling in his mind.

"Yep! More balloons!" She said with a grin on her face. Of course, when it came to her, she only wanted the best of the best, or in this case, as much as possible, much to Star Twinkle's dislike who groaned frustrated and prepared another balloon.

"Where is our party planner pony now anyway?" Star Twinkle asked before he blew some air inside of a balloon that he was holding.

Twilight explained. "She's buying some more materials for the party. Like paint, banners, streamers..."

"Wait!" Star Twinkle interrupted. "She is buying even more decorations for us to place!?" He asked, getting already stressed just by the thought about spending more time decorating the town.

Rainbow Dash on the other hoof got even more excited after hearing this. "Aw, yeah! This party is gonna be so awesome!" She said in her excitement which completely contrasted Star Twinkle's reaction.

A little while later, Pinkie Pie approached the group. But she was not alone. There was a whole bunch of ponies behind her singing and dancing in excitement, much to the confusion of everypony.

"Why are so many ponies following her?" Fluttershy asked confused.

"Must have started a song while she was out shopping..." Star Twinkle figured which is a completely normal thing when it came to Pinkie Pie.

The whole crowd was singing and from the sound of it, it was all about how excited they were about any of Pinkie Pie's parties.

"Every single day there's something new we can plan for
Every single day there's something wonderful to try
But nothing makes us happy like a day that we can say
"Today there'll be a party planned by Pinkie Pie!""

They all sang with Pinkie Pie walking in front of the crowd with a bag full of decoration, banners, and paint. Like magic, Pinkie Pie was a lot faster when it came to decorating. She put everything that she bought instantly in place, whether it was a banner, streamers or balloons. While everypony was impressed by that, Star Twinkle was only glad that she didn't bring more work with her and could relax now for a while.

Pinkie Pie noticed how the crowd had stopped singing behind her and thanked everypony for joining in her song. She then focused on her more important task again. "Ooh, I am so, so, SO excited because today I'm planning the birthday bash of...Rainbow Dash!" She said excited by just the thought of it. "Rainbow Dash!" She then exclaimed all of the sudden, causing Rainbow Dash to react a little surprised.

"Yes, Pinkie?" Rainbow Dash replied.

"You realize that, by enlisting me as your party planner, I guarantee that this is going to be the funnest, most fantabulous, superbial party in Ponyville?" She asked Rainbow Dash while getting dangerously close to her face.

"Uh...yeah? I guess," Rainbow Dash replied, clearly feeling a little uncomfortable to have Pinkie Pie's face this close.

"No guesses!" Pinkie Pie replied. "Parties are no picnic! Parties. Are. Serious! And you have my certified Pinkie Party Promise that you will have the best birthday party ever!" She said in a serious tone while she sealed the deal by smashing a cupcake in her eye, all while having a dead-serious expression on her face.

"...Okay," Rainbow Dash replied after those almost intimidating sounding words.

Knowing Rainbow Dash, she would probably like to have the most awesome party ever, but Pinkie Pie seemed to take this whole thing a little more serious than usual so maybe she was aiming for exactly that as well. Still, seeing her getting this serious about a party was still strange to look at since she was usually the complete opposite.

As soon as Rainbow Dash gave her okay, however, Pinkie Pie returned to the state that everypony knew from her. "Great!" She replied while she hopped on the spot excitedly. "Now, who's ready to join this super duper party pony to plan this super duper pa-rty?"

"I am," a stallion then replied where Pinkie Pie expected cheers out of pure excitement from everypony as a response instead.

There was a stallion leaning against a building right next to the group. His coat was orange and his mane and tail were dark brown and his Cutie Mark consisted of a grilled cheese sandwich which was shaped like an accordion. He also wore a hat, a poncho and had a rubber chicken riding on his back. Whoever it was, he was definitely trying to come off as serious as possible but Star Twinkle had problems taking this guy seriously with this party horn in his mouth, that he constantly blew into.

"Who are you, stranger?" Pinkie Pie asked curiously and intimidated at all.

The stranger introduced himself. "Name's Cheese Sandwich. I plan parties," he said in a serious tone again.

"What an amazing coincidence! I'm Pinkie Pie, and I'm planning a party!" She replied happily.

"Oh, it's no coincidence, my little pony," Cheese Sandwich replied. "My cheesy sense was a-tingling, telling me a party was in the works," he explained.

"A cheesy sense? Ah! Double amazing! I have a Pinkie Sense!" Pinkie Pie replied.

"Yes. I sensed you did. And I happen to be the premiere party planner in all of Equestria. If there's a party in need, there I'll be. Be it wingding, hoedown, hootenanny, or shindig, I'm your pony," he explained while he raised his head to reveal his dark green eyes. He also showed a lot more seriousness about this matter just like Pinkie Pie a little while ago.

"Why does everypony take parties so serious out of the sudden?" Star Twinkle wondered. "Or were they always like that and I didn't notice?" It would make sense since Star Twinkle was never a fan of parties in the first place so maybe he was unaware of the whole serious part of it.

While Star Twinkle tried to find the answer to that, Pinkie Pie came up with a really good idea "A pair of party pony planners in Ponyville?! What can be more perfect?!" She said excitedly.

It was true that having two ponies who know a thing about parties would lead to an even better party so Rainbow Dash fully agreed with the idea of letting both Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich take care of it. "I'll tell you what, making this party epic! 'Cause this isn't just any birthday. It's also the anniversary of when I moved to Ponyville!" She explained.

"Good heavens, Rainbow Dash," Rarity said after finding out that. "It's your "birth-iversary"!"

"Exactly! So what do you say, party planners?" Rainbow Dash asked.

"Oh, I think we can do it!" Pinkie Pie replied excitedly.

But Cheese Sandwich still seemed very serious about all this. "Oh, I don't think so," he replied which was strange because he earlier explained how he would always be there if there was a party in need. But as soon as everypony got confused by this, Cheese Sandwich threw away his clothes and revealed a yellow shirt under his poncho and his fluffy dark brown mane. "I know so!" He then said in a very excited voice which totally contrasted his previous character from before.

"So...you're in?" Star Twinkle asked to confirm what Cheese Sandwich tried to say.

"Of course!" Cheese Sandwich replied excitedly. "If I say that this party is gonna be great, then it will be great! After all, I am a certificated party planner!" He claimed in a very proud tone. "In fact, I always knew that being a super-duper party pony is my destiny!"

"Me too!" Pinkie Pie added happily.

"When I was but a little colt, I just wanted to play!" Cheese Sandwich explained.

"Like me!" Pinkie Pie added again.

"But everypony told me, "Cheese, that fun just wastes the day"," he further explained.

"As if!" Pinkie Pie added again.

"But when I threw a party and I busted out some moves, the ponies finally saw the light and got into the groove!"

"You know it!"

"From that day on, I became the one and only super-duper party pony in all of Equestria!" Cheese Sandwich claimed proudly again.

"Uh, and me right?" Pinkie Pie asked a little confused.

This went on for a while now. Cheese Sandwich explained how his parties usually looked like and how everypony would have so much fun with them. From giant party bombs, pinatas filled with cake, or whole fruit punch lakes, Cheese Sandwich would always make sure that they would be big and different each and every time.

The interest of the group was quickly grabbed by how Cheese Sandwich described his parties. "You're really a certified party pony?" Fluttershy asked out of curiosity.

"That's right! That's my guarantee!" Cheese Sandwich replied confidently.

"Then what are we waiting for!?" Rainbow Dash asked after she got excited herself to hear all this talk about parties. "C'mon, everypony! Let's party down with Cheese!" She said, causing everypony around to join Cheese Sandwich in his preparations for Rainbow Dash's party.

Everypony was quick to join in except for Star Twinkle who looked at all this rather neutral or even disinterested. "There they all go..." he said after he saw a crowd of ponies walking away with Cheese Sandwich. "I guess with so many ponies helping out to prepare the party, I can relax a little more now," he added, seeing at least one positive thing in this whole situation.

Star Twinkle was about to walk after the group of ponies but he noticed how Pinkie Pie was still staying behind. Out of all ponies, she should be the most excited one when it came to preparing a party for Rainbow Dash so he was wondering why she was still there. As if that wasn't strange enough, the look on her face was anything but excited. In fact, she was frowning and looked rather depressed.

"You look unusually upset, Pinkie," Star Twinkle said boldly to the mare.

Pinkie Pie quickly wiped her depressed expression away and smiled again. "No, I'm not. What makes you think that I'm upset!? Come on, let's go and follow the others!" She said before she walked away and in the direction where the others went to.

Star Twinkle realized that she was hiding something but he decided to do what she said and followed the others. It didn't take long until they both caught up with everypony. As expected, they were still all excited about what Cheese Sandwich had planned for the party. They didn't hold back with showering him with compliments either.

"You sure did come on the right day," Applejack said.

"Your party sounds simply divine," Rarity expressed.

"We're so lucky to have you here," Twilight said.

But Cheese Sandwich was still modest and said that he was still doing his job. But Rainbow Dash could not stop getting excited about her upcoming birthday party. It even caused her to say something that visibly hit Pinkie Pie deep down.

"I mean, Pinkie Pie's parties are fun and sweet and all, but now this party's gonna be epic!" She expressed excitedly. But Rainbow Dash noticed that Pinkie Pie was nearby when she said that and quickly apologized saying that. "Uh, heh, no offense, Pinkie,"

"Uh, n-none taken," Pinkie Pie replied before she put on a fake smile.

Just now, Star Twinkle noticed that she was really not happy about this whole situation for some reason. Everypony was so excited about Cheese Sandwich and his plans for the upcoming party that they didn't seem to notice it. Pinkie Pie then decided to not follow the group any longer, which caused Star Twinkle to now get a little worried. There was a party in the making, a party for one of her best friends to be exact, and Pinkie Pie walked away from it. There was definitely something going on with her.

Star Twinkle followed her all the way to Sugarcube Corner. Maybe he was just imagining things and Pinkie Pie just went home to get some sweets for the party. There were more then enough ponies helping out Cheese Sandwich now anyway so he decided to check up on Pinkie Pie only to find her sitting in front of Sugarcube Corner with a huge frown on her face. Apparently, he wasn't imagining things.

"Are you alright, Pinkie Pie?" Star Twinkle asked out of worry, seeing the pink party pony in that state.

Just like before, as soon as Pinkie Pie heard Star Twinkle's voice, she got up on her hooves again. She grabbed a watering can that she found on the ground and began watering...the ground. "Hey, Star Twinkle. What can I do for you? Shouldn't you help out Cheese Sandwich and the others with the party?" She asked with a fake smile on her face. She was not really good when it came to hiding her sadness.

"I was actually about to ask you the same thing..." Star Twinkle replied. "I mean, there is a party in the making, and you are not part of it. And just now it looked like as if you were really sad about something,"

Pinkie Pie chuckled, which again was really faked. "Dummy. I am not, sad, why would I be?" She then said before she put on a wide grin. Star Twinkle kept eye contact with Pinkie Pie who still kept up her grin but the longer this went on, the harder it was for her to keep that grin up. Star Twinkle would not stop looking at her until she would spit out with the truth even if it meant to be in an awkward situation like this. Fortunately, Pinkie Pie couldn't keep her grin up any longer and she frowned again. "...Maybe a little bit..." she then admitted.

"Why?" Star Twinkle asked. "I mean, earlier today, you couldn't wait for Rainbow Dash's party," he pointed out.

"Yeah, that was before Cheese Sandwich showed up," Pinkie Pie replied while saying the name with some grudge in her voice. "Didn't you see how excited everypony was? They all want him to take care of the party!"

"So what?" Star Twinkle asked confused. "That doesn't mean that you can't help out with the party too,"

But Pinkie Pie seemed to take all this a little more personal than Star Twinkle originally expected. "But we are talking about Rainbow Dash's party! She is one of my best friends and she deserves to have the best party ever! You heard her! She said that the party would be better if Cheese Sandwich would take care of it! Didn't you!?" She explained with a stressed tone in her voice.

But Star Twinkle kept calm and looked at the situation more logical. "If you think that Rainbow Dash only deserves the best party ever and that only Cheese Sandwich can manage that, then why do you feel so sad about that? I mean, in the end, Rainbow Dash will be happy that way, right?"

"Yes, but..." Pinkie Pie replied before she calmed down again just to express another frown again. "All my life, all I've ever wanted was to make my friends smile...and now that this was taken away from me, I'm starting to wonder if it isn't what I'm supposed to do. If Cheese Sandwich is the super duperiest partying-est pony of them all, then he should take care of everything,"

Star Twinkle walked up closer to the mare since he really started to get worried about her now. He put a hoof around her shoulders and smiled. "Come on, Pinkie Pie, you don't really think that, right? I'll admit that I don't share the same excitement when it comes to parties but everypony else appreciates it. So saying that it is not what you are supposed to do is just nonsense. I mean, what about your family? Didn't you say that you were really happy once you threw a party for them for the first time?"

Those words seemed to have some kind of effect on Pinkie Pie. It's like she remembered the very scene of her first party right in her head. "They were really happy..." she said with a genuine smile on her face this time.

Even though Pinkie Pie was happy again, Star Twinkle felt like as if he should remind her about something. "I'm not trying to be mean or anything but this isn't just about you or Cheese Sandwich," he said, causing Pinkie Pie to give him a confused look. "This party is for Rainbow Dash. And as her friend, shouldn't you try your best to make sure that she will get the very best party?"

After putting some thoughts about it, Pinkie Pie's expression went from sad to determined. "You're right!" She said highly motivated now. "Rainbow Dash does deserve to get the best party! I can't just sit around here and be sad! I have to go back!"

"That's more like it!" Star Twinkle said before he followed Pinkie Pie, who was now on her way to where the others were so that she could help them with the preparations for Rainbow Dash's party. Star Twinkle felt actually really good to have taken care of this situation before it became worse. With a good feeling in his mind, he and Pinkie Pie walked away from Sugarcube Corner.


The preparations for Rainbow Dash's party were already in full process when Star Twinkle and Pinkie Pie arrived at the scene. As expected, the party was heavily Rainbow Dash themed. There were balloons, banners, lights and even ice sculptures in the form of Rainbow Dash's Cutie Mark. The birthday pony was really excited for the party already and kept inspecting everything that Cheese Sandwich had prepared for her.

Pinkie Pie had to admit that she was impressed that this stallion managed to put all this up on his own but she kept cool and walked up to Cheese Sandwich, who was still earning compliments from all sides.

"Star Twinkle, Pinkie Pie!" Twilight then said as soon as she noticed the two Earth Ponies walking up to them. "We were wondering where you two were,"

Star Twinkle took Twilight with her so that Pinkie Pie wouldn't hear what they were talking about. He then explained the situation by whispering it to Twilight. "As it turns out, Pinkie Pie was a little sad that everypony was so happy about Cheese Sandwich taking care of Rainbow Dash's party. So sad that she even questioned if throwing parties were her real destiny..."

Twilight widened her eyes and looked over at Pinkie Pie. "Oh goodness..." she then said in concern.

But Star Twinkle, almost proudly, raised his chest and smiled. "Don't worry, you won't believe it but I actually took care of it before things could get any worse,"

Twilight seemed relieved to hear that. Star Twinkle told her to just watch how Pinkie Pie would go up to Cheese Sandwich to join him preparing Rainbow Dash's party.

"Cheese Sandwich," Pinkie Pie said, causing the stallion to stop in his track. Everypony heard Pinkie Pie and from the sound of how loud she was talking, it was probably exactly what she wanted. Maybe Pinkie Pie tried to show everypony how she was above how everypony wanted Cheese Sandwich instead of her or maybe she wanted to give him some tips on how to improve the party even further.

But, instead...she put on a determined and almost angry expression...

"I challenge you... to a Goof Off!" She then said, which caused everyone who was close by, to gasp in shock.

"A what now?" Star Twinkle then asked confused so that somepony would explain it to him, but all he got were confused looks and shaking heads.

However, Cheese Sandwich seemed to be aware of what this "Goof Off" is and returned a determined expression to Pinkie Pie. "This Cheese has stood alone a long time, Pinkie Pie. You think you can out-goof me?" He returned in the serious tone that he had way before.

"Oh, I don't think so. I know so!" Pinkie Pie threw back. "And the stakes are high, Cheese Sandwich. Whoever wins will be dubbed the ultimate super duper party pony and headline the Rainbow Dash birth-iversary bash!" She exclaimed with a dead serious tone in her voice, again, making sure that everypony else would hear it. "While the loser...doesn't!" She then added before she looked directly at Cheese Sandwich. "So, are you in, Cheese? Or are you... boneless?"

"Nopony calls me boneless," Cheese Sandwich replied. "Right, Boneless?" He asked his rubber chicken that was sitting on his back as usual.

"Then the Goof Off is on for high noon!" Pinkie Pie demanded.

"Um, Pinkie? It's already 3 o'clock," Twilight then corrected as she pointed towards a nearby clock tower.

"Oh," Pinkie Pie replied in surprise. "Oh, well then. Make it 3:10 to goof off!" She said before she glared at Cheese Sandwich one last time who replied in the same manner. The two ponies then walked away from each other to prepare themselves for this Goof Off. Of course, Star Twinkle and Twilight both watched all this, the latter one looking over to the stallion who claimed to have taken care of the situation, with a confused look on her face.

"Excuse me one moment..." Star Twinkle said before he walked over to Pinkie Pie.

"Hey, Star Twinkle!" She said in a cheerful mood after she saw the stallion walking up to her.

"What are you doing, Pinkie Pie?" He immediately asked confused. "I thought you wanted to team up with Cheese Sandwich to make sure that Rainbow Dash gets the best party ever!"

"Yes! I do want to ensure that Rainbow Dash gets the most awesome, fun and epic party ever! And for that, I have to be the one who runs it! You know, as one of her best friends!" She explained switching from joyful to determined in mere seconds.

"I think you misinterpreted my words from before a little..." Star Twinkle said with some frustration in his voice.

But Pinkie Pie was far away from listening to Star Twinkle now and put her hooves on his mouth. "I would love to talk with you some longer, but I have to prepare myself for a Goof Off! Excuse me!" She said before she walked away from Star Twinkle.

That one moment when Star Twinkle thought he could avoid some more complications between Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich made him actually a little happy but now things seemed to be quite out of hoof. In fact, the battle between Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich seemed to be more in focus then Rainbow Dash's birthday party. Since the Goof Off would be held in a few minutes, Star Twinkle might as well wait for it to start since his previous attempt to handle things clearly didn't work and actually caused this in the first place.

Ten minutes later...

A big crowd actually assembled in only a few minutes. Star Twinkle was not sure why though. "Why are there so many ponies here?" He wondered. "They all can't possibly know what this Goof Off is, right? Am I the only one who doesn't?"

"I heard there was a Goof Off..." Steel Hammer then said, much to the surprise of Star Twinkle who jumped as soon as he heard his boss's voice next to him.

"Steel Hammer!? You know what a Goof Off is?" Star Twinkle then asked confused.

"Nope..." Steel Hammer replied casually as he focused his eyes in front of himself to see what was about to happen.

Star Twinkle didn't know how to feel about all this and hoped that after seeing the two contestants that he would get some answers. However, as soon as he saw both Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich walking up to each other from the distance, more questions piled up in his head.

"What am I even watching here..." Star Twinkle thought as he watched the two weirdest ponies he ever met, walking up to each other.

One of them was a stallion wearing a fish hat, squeaky elephant head shaped sandals and socks and another one was a mare, wearing colorful sheriff boots, a big round hat with an arrow stuck into it and a party horn in her mouth. But despite wearing those ridiculous get-ups, both of those ponies looked dead-serious. It was a little hard to get serious about all this for everypony else, though, mainly because nopony really knew what this so-called "Goof off" was in the first place.

Thankfully, Twilight was prepared and stepped up in front of the two party-ponies. She pulled out a book in front of everypony and explained everything. "All right, everypony. According to my official goof off rulebook...the two competitors have free range to goof about. Be it by singing, dancing, playing, prancing, joking, or performing to make the judge chortle, chuckle, giggle, guffaw, hoot and holler, whoop it up, and party down,"

Hearing what this Goof Off was all about was pretty informative for everyone, however, what Star Twinkle was asking himself was where Twilight found an official Goof Off rulebook. It only confirmed that not only those two party ponies seem to take partying a lot more serious. After realizing that, Star Twinkle figured that this was probably the last place where he should be in all of Equestria.

Twilight further explained that since this Goof Off was held because of Rainbow Dash's party, that she will be the judge to decide who would win at the end. Rainbow Dash didn't seem too excited to be put in this situation. "Heh. Big tense competition on my birth-iversary. What could be better?" She said with a nervous smile on her face. She didn't look all too happy how this whole situation turned out. Maybe she didn't like it how instead of her, Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich were now in the spotlight or maybe she expected something entirely different from her birthday party. Whatever it was, she didn't look too excited.

With all the rules set, the Goof Off could finally start. "Cheese Sandwich, Pinkie Pie, are you ready?" Twilight asked before it could officially start.

"I was born ready!" Pinkie Pie replied confidently while glaring over to Cheese Sandwich.

"I was ready before I was born!" Cheese Sandwich replied while he returned a glare himself.

"Then... Let the goofing begin!" Twilight said before she returned to the crowd to watch just like everypony else.

As soon as she was close enough to Star Twinkle, he tried to summarize everything. "So...we are basically watching Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich doing weird things?" He boldly said after Twilight's explanation from before.

"Pretty much," Twilight replied.

"Shhh, I think they are about to start now." Rarity said, causing everypony to focus on everything in front of them now.

The two ponies walked up to each other while Rainbow Dash stood in the middle and prepared herself for whatever what was about to happen now. With two unpredictable goofy ponies like Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich, there was no telling what they were about to do.

Cheese Sandwich started by dancing and playing the accordion to get Rainbow Dash's attention but Pinkie Pie quickly countered by showing her ability to multitask. She juggled with some cupcakes which she threw in Rainbow Dash's mouth while dancing on a ball and singing at the same time.

"It's your birthday party, a very special day
I've got a song, it won't take long, I just wanted to say
Happy, happy, happy, happy
Happy, happy, happy, happy
Happy, happy, happy, happy birthday to you!"

But Cheese Sandwich was not impressed and already prepared something else. He continued to play the accordion and danced on a cheese wheel, the size of a whole building, that came rolling towards the two. Needless to say, Rainbow Dash was impressed.

"If you wanna be the life of the party
But you're feeling just a little uptight
Call the doctor, beg and plead
"Doctor, tell me what I need"
Try to put a little cheese in your knees!"

He sang and danced while he literally put two pieces of cheese on his hooves and took a bite out of each of them. Rainbow Dash seemed to enjoy everything so far and watched the two ponies doing all of this just for her. But before she could get even more excited, a hook was pulling her up into the air. It was Pinkie Pie who used a fishing rod to pull Rainbow Dash up to her. She was standing inside a basket that was kept in the air by a bunch of balloons and prepared a little something to get Rainbow Dash's attention again. This time, she pulled out some balloons and shaped them in all kinds of forms.

"Bubbles and balloons, bubbles and balloons
What's a birthday party without bubbles and balloons?
Star-shaped or trapezoid, look what I can do
Only Pinkie Pie can make a bubble shaped like you!"

She sang before she literally blew a bubble in form of Rainbow Dash.

There was so much going on at once, nopony could possibly keep track of all of this. To think that this was all caused because two ponies wanted to throw a party was unbelievable for Star Twinkle. The mere thought that things would get crazier by the minute was just too much for him to handle.

"This is so weird..." Star Twinkle could only say after he watched all of this.

"Yes, but you have to admit, it's pretty fun!" Steel Hammer said with a smile on his face while he moved his body to the songs of the two ponies.

It was Cheese Sandwich's turn again. He put Rainbow Dash on a parade float made out of cheese and gave her a cheese crown and a cheese scepter before he began to sing a very familiar song.

"'Cause I like to make you smile, smile, smile
Yes I do
It fills my heart with sunshine all the while
Yes it does
'Cause all I really need's a smile, smile, smile
From these happy friends of mine"

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie popped out of the ground next to Cheese Sandwich. "That's my song!" She said angrily.

"What do you mean? I have no idea what you're talking about," Cheese Sandwich replied with an innocent smile on his face.

Further angered by this, Pinkie Pie decided to pack out the big cannons...literally.

"Roll out the party cannon
When you hear the party cannon song

She sang while she pulled out her party cannon to shoot confetti into Cheese Sandwich's face.
But Cheese Sandwich was not impressed and pulled out is own party cannon which came in form of a giant tank.

"Why should you compromise? Try this one on for size
'Cause nothing quite says cheer like the ringing in your ear
Of the cheese supreme cannonball surprise!"

He sang while he stood on top of his party tank and shot confetti right into Pinkie Pie's face. Rainbow Dash also got hit by the blast of this shot and dropped off from the parade float. Pinkie Pie, however, didn't notice that and continued with the Goof Off. She brought a giant cake shaped pinata that hung in the air by a crane. Pinkie Pie began to dance on top of it while bringing the pinata closer to Rainbow Dash.

"¡Dale, dale, dale
No pierdas el tino!
Porque si lo pierdes
¡Pierdes el camino!"

She sang while she danced on top of the pinata. But while she was dancing on top of this giant thing, the hook that was holding the pinata in the air came loose and caused the whole thing to drop down...right on Rainbow Dash.

"Oh, boy..." Star Twinkle said as he watched this.

Shortly after, he was also buried by something that came out of the air. It was Pinkie Pie who fell from the pinata and landed right on top of Star Twinkle. She apologized that she fell on him and they both got up quickly since they didn't get hurt too bad by this.

"You think Rainbow Dash will choose me as a winner soon?" She then asked excitedly.

Pinkie Pie didn't seem to realize that Rainbow Dash was buried under her giant pinata so Star Twinkle decided to help a little. "I think she has bigger problems now..." he said as he pointed towards Rainbow Dash who was now trying to crawl out under the pinata. As expected, Rainbow Dash was also not having too much fun with this whole competition. "Now, I am not an expert when it comes to parties but...Rainbow Dash definitely doesn't look like as if she is having fun right now,"

It took a moment, but eventually, Pinkie Pie also noticed that. She began to gasp at this realization.
"Rainbow's not having the best party ever! I... I broke the Pinkie Party Promise!" She said in shock.

Then all of the sudden, Star Twinkle could hear a voice in his head again...

Hearing my friends laugh is the best thing ever...and there is nothing in this world that I wanted to exchange for that...

His eyes began to glow in a yellow light for a second and he grabbed his head out of confusion. "There is a voice in my head...again..." he thought after figuring that this was the third time now.

Shortly after, Pinkie Pie's eyes were glowing in the colors of a rainbow. "Stop! The Goof Off is off!" She then shouted all of the sudden. Of course, everypony was confused what this was all about but before anypony could come up with an explanation, Pinkie Pie accepted defeat. "I forfeit. Which means... Cheese Sandwich wins," she simply said, much to Cheese Sandwich's surprise who couldn't believe it at first. Pinkie Pie looked over to the stallion with a defeated look on her face. "You get to headline Rainbow Dash's party...and...I... I don't," she said while trying to hold back her tears as best as she could.

Pinkie Pie then walked away from the crowd with tears running down her face. This was a sign for Rainbow Dash to step in. "Pinkie, wait!" She said as she flew after the mare, seeing how this all affected her more than she originally expected. "I'm sorry I got all swept away by Cheese Sandwich," she said, followed by her friends apologizing to her as well.

"No. I'm sorry I let my pride get in the way of you having the best birth-iversary ever," Pinkie Pie apologized as well. "Cheese Sandwich really is a super duper party planner, and he'll be a terrific headliner. I should've been a big enough pony to admit that and let you have your day,"

And now Rainbow Dash said what really had to be said and what Star Twinkle was unable to say before. "But don't you get it? You're both super duper party ponies. Sure, Cheese Sandwich is a great guest party pony, but you're Ponyville's permanent party pony. Nopony could ever take your place, and we could never have a party without you," she explained as she hugged her friend in the process and feeling no grudge at all for all this.

Star Twinkle still seemed to be a little inexperienced when it came to telling somepony an important message like this so it was no wonder that he failed to cheer up Pinkie Pie properly before but he was happy to see how Pinkie Pie finally understood.

"Rainbow Dash is right," Cheese Sandwich then said as he walked up to the group to apologize as well. "I never meant to take your place in Ponyville. I just wanted to show you what a great party pony I am, Pinkie,"

Pinkie Pie got a little confused by those words. "Why me?" She asked.

Cheese Sandwich explained. "Well...I fear I told a little fib about my pony past. I wasn't quite the super party pony like I claimed. In fact, I was so shy, nopony knew my name. I left my hometown one day and traveled to Ponyville one afternoon by chance. There, I found the biggest ever celebration party dance. Everything was perfect, cheer was filling up the place and everypony had a smile upon their face. And on that day, I vowed that day to change my life. A super duper party pony -- that's what I became!"

While this little backstory of Cheese Sandwich was quite touching, there was still a question that bothered Star Twinkle. "But...what does that have to do with Pinkie Pie?" He then asked.

Cheese Sandwich smiled. "Well, believe it or not, but...the pony that threw that one party that changed my life, was none other than Pinkie Pie!" He said happily.

"Me? Really!?" Pinkie Pie asked confused, causing Cheese Sandwich to nod in agreement. "So I was the pony that threw the awesomely spectacular party that inspired you to become an awesome spectacular party thrower?" She asked further out of curiosity.

"Swear on Camembert!" Cheese Sandwich replied happily.

As those two were now finally getting along with each other, Rainbow Dash reminded the two that there was still a party to be thrown so both Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich decided to finally get into the party preparations for Rainbow Dash's party so they went away to get everything ready for later.

Of course, that also meant for Star Twinkle and his friends to help out a little as well. "Come on, Steel Hammer, you can help too if you are already here..." Star Twinkle said but as soon as he looked over to his boss, he noticed how he had tears in his eyes.

"This was such a heartwarming story!" He said while tears came running down his face.

Star Twinkle decided to cheer his boss up again while he was on his way to help out Pinkie Pie and Cheese Sandwich. There was a lot of work coming up judging from how big of a party planner both of those ponies were after all...

Later that evening...

As expected, the party was a huge success. There was everything, a giant stage with singer and dancers, a pool, sweets, games, even Star Twinkle found some things that made him enjoy this party. But of course, something like that was to be expected after two expert party-ponies teamed up.

Pinkie Pie was singing on the stage right now, having the fun of her life. And judging from the cheers that she got from everypony, they seemed to have a lot of fun as well. Still, Star Twinkle decided to stay a little in the background to enjoy this party in his own way.

"Hey!" Cheese Sandwich then said as he approached Star Twinkle from afar. "Having fun on this party?" He asked.

Star Twinkle couldn't just say that he wasn't a big fan of parties, especially since he was actually enjoying himself. "Yes, thanks to you and Pinkie Pie," he simply said.

"Glad to hear that," Cheese Sandwich replied with a smile on his face. "Oh! Before I forget, can you do me a favor and give her this from me?" He then asked before he pulled out a box that he opened in front of Star Twinkle to reveal the rubber chicken that he was always carrying on his back.

"Why don't you go and give it to her later?" Star Twinkle asked confused.

Before Star Twinkle knew, Cheese Sandwich already pulled out another chicken out of nowhere and put it on his back again. "I would love to but I'm afraid that it is time to move along again," he explained before he slowly walked away from Star Twinkle.

"So that's it? You visit a town, throw a party and then leave?" Star Twinkle asked confused.

Cheese Sandwich turned around for a moment. "I also write song parodies from time to time," he explained with a grin on his face. "Ever heard of Melons to the Core, What my Cheese Sense is telling me or Cats?" He asked excitedly, hoping that Star Twinkle would.

"Uh..." Star Twinkle simply replied. He didn't mean to offend Cheese Sandwich by telling him that he never heard of those songs, even though they sounded kinda familiar.

But Cheese Sandwich didn't seem to mind and shrugged his shoulders and turned around again. "Well then Boneless number two...looks like our work is now done..." he said in his serious tone before he walked away from Ponyville.

Star Twinkle can't really say that he understood this pony very well but he was definitely okay and had his heart in the right place. But what he definitely was...was weird...

Author's Note:

Let me just say that I love Weird Al Yankovic. Eat it is probably my favorite song of him XD.

Change of Subject...

We are reaching the halfway point of Season 4 and if you follow this story for a while now or if you paid attention to the other seasons of this story, then you probably have a slight guess what that means.

See you in the next chapter ^^.

With that said, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and that you consider leaving some kind of feedback ^^. I would also appreciate it if you follow me so that you can be up to date of every other story that I write (which are all connected to this one).

See you all in the next chapter.
Bye Bye ^^.

Reading Order:

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 1 + 2(Chapter 1 - 53)

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Diary of The Storm Wings

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 3(Chapter 54 - 65)

Equestria Girls - The Legend of Friendship

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Outcasts

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 4(Chapter 66 - 91)

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