• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 8,442 Views, 206 Comments

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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90. A Friend from the Past - Part 2


It was only a few minutes later after Lord Tirek was done stealing the magic of the ponies of Appleloosa. Discord, the Lord of Chaos and the one who was supposed to be the one to stop Tirek, decided to betray the ponies of Equestria and actually teamed up with him. Together they set out to steal the magic of everypony in Equestria and eventually rule over it.

All of Equestria would probably end up in a similar state in which Appleloosa was in right now. Ponies laid on the ground unconscious and weakened after their magic was stolen by Tirek. Even Summershine, who fought bravely against him, laid there unconscious in the middle of the road.

There was an almost threatening silence in this town. The only thing that could be heard was the wind that occasionally blew through the streets. It could be heard clearly because there was no other sound in the whole town.


Surprisingly, in the middle of this silence, Summershine began to twitch on the ground for a second. Shortly after, he slowly got up on his hooves and grabbed his head, he had a terrible headache and took a few breaths to collect himself again. He then looked around to see where he was or to find out what happened. After that, he was looking at his hoof as if he wanted to confirm something.

He didn't say a single word but he slowly formed a smile on his face before he covered his face with his gray hood again. He walked forward and started to head out of town all while having a sinister smile on his face that could even be seen after he put on his hood along with his eyes...which no longer had their usual purple color but instead...were now red...

In the Castle of the Two Sisters...

"He did what!?" Star Twinkle exclaimed in shock after Twilight explained the whole situation to him.

Twilight nodded with a heavily bothered expression on her face. "Yes...Discord sided with Lord Tirek...and right now they are stealing magic from all the ponies in Equestria..." she explained further.

Star Twinkle clenched his teeth as soon as he heard that. "I knew we couldn't trust this guy! The first chance he gets to drive Equestria in chaos again, he forgets all about being our..."friend"," he said angrily, while he had a hard time calling Discord a friend in the first place. "What now?" He asked after he realized that things would only get much harder from this point on for everyone.

"Well..." Twilight started before she continued to explain the situation further. "Princess Celestia realized that it would only be a matter of time until Tirek would get powerful enough. Once he would be done stealing the magic of everypony else, his next goal should be going after the princesses and their Alicorn Magic so..." she explained before she stopped in mid-sentence for some reason.

"So?" Star Twinkle asked confused.

"So..." Twilight replied before she stopped again. Star Twinkle could feel how she was probably asked to help them in some kind of way and that it pressured her. But she finally went out with it and explained what Princess Celestia and the other princesses had done. "Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Cadance gave up their magic and entrusted it to me," she said while a magic aura showed up around her as if she wanted to show Star Twinkle the result of that action.

"What!?" Star Twinkle asked in a shock. "You have all the magic of the princesses inside of you?" He asked in order for Twilight to confirm this.

Twilight nodded in response. "Yes and I want you to keep it a secret from the others," she then said, much to Star Twinkle's confusion, who had no idea what that would accomplish. "I was actually told to not tell anypony about this so that nopony else would be put in danger but...I just had to tell this to somepony,"

"So it's okay to put me in danger, huh?" Star Twinkle thought while not being really sure how to feel about that. "But wait..." Star Twinkle said after he realized something else. "...with Discord on his side, I think it will only be a matter of time until Tirek will find you," Star Twinkle pointed out.

"I know..." Twilight replied. "That is why I need to learn to properly control all this new magic. As you might notice, I have some slight problems to maintain all this magic inside my body,"

"Yes...I noticed..." Star Twinkle said before he pointed upwards. Unbeknownst to Twilight, there were a bunch of candle holders levitating right above her head. Twilight reacted in surprise and focused, the candle holders then slowly levitated safely back on the ground. Having so much magic inside of you seemed to be much harder to control then any of those two expected if even Twilight couldn't keep in check of her own magic. "Alright then...just tell me how I can help and-"

"No," Twilight quickly interrupted. "I have to do this on my own,"

"What!? Why?" Star Twinkle asked. "I know that I'm not that good when it comes to magic but there has to be something that I can do!"

"No, Star Twinkle!" Twilight repeated, this time a little more annoyed. "The princesses entrusted me with their magic and believed that I could stop Tirek. I know that it will be hard but I am a princess too! I need to prove that I am worthy to be called one! It is up to me now to defeat Tirek!"

"What is she talking about!?" Star Twinkle thought, even though he wished that he would have said it out loud instead. He wanted to talk some more with Twilight but she decided to fly away without a word. While doing that, she created a shockwave that threw Star Twinkle off from his hooves. It was most likely caused because of the magic inside of her that was running wild without her noticing it. When Star Twinkle got back up on his hooves, he looked up at the ceiling and saw a hole in it. It was probably created by Twilight without her noticing it.

The stallion couldn't deny that Twilight must have been really powerful right now but still, deciding to do all this on her own made Star Twinkle's concern grow a little. He couldn't help but think that her plan wasn't the best thing that could be done now.


Star Twinkle left the Castle of the Two Sisters and walked through the roads of Ponyville. Twilight didn't want any help so there was nothing for him left to do except waiting for her to take care of the situation.

But that didn't mean that he couldn't complain about it. "Why does she have to be so stubborn every time when Equestria's safety is at stakes? It's exactly like back then when we first visited the Crystal Empire..." he mumbled to himself. He was sure that there could be something else to do in this situation. "But then again...if Tirek is absorbing all the magic in Equestria, who knows how strong he will be? And if he teamed up with Discord then he will only be more dangerous to deal with,"

Star Twinkle soon figured out that there was probably nothing that he could do to help. He certainly wasn't as strong as Discord, no one really was. And Tirek, after stealing the magic of the ponies from Equestria, was most likely really strong as well. "Am I just supposed to wait here until things are taking care of? It almost seems like I have no choice," Star Twinkle concluded. He was actually a little relieved that he didn't have to put himself in danger but he also didn't want Twilight to take care of everything and possibly putting herself in danger.

"Hey, Star Twinkle!" Pinkie Pie said, who was waiting with her friends in the middle of the road.

As soon as they noticed Star Twinkle, they walked up to him. This immediately made Star Twinkle nervous because he had to keep himself from telling them about Discord's betrayal. They would probably not be too surprised about with the exception of Fluttershy who would be heartbroken. Unfortunately, they just happen to ask him the question that he didn't want to hear.

"Have you seen Twilight?" Fluttershy asked.

"She was away for a long time after being called to Canterlot after all," Rarity added.

"Yeah, um..." Star Twinkle replied before he struggled to continue due to him trying to find a way to tell them that he didn't speak with Twilight yet.

Luckily, something happened that quickly took the attention away from him. It was Twilight, who was flying past the group in high speed, much to everyponies confusion who just stood there with their mouths open after they saw how Twilight was flying so fast that she made the clouds around her vanish due to the shockwave that she created by simply flying past them.

"Did you all just see that!?" Applejack asked in her confusion.

"Was that Twilight?" Rainbow Dash added, who was heavily confused as well.

The group then followed Twilight and Star Twinkle was right behind them. He figured that it would be best to pretend he didn't know what was going on with Twilight unless she would give it away herself.

Soon, Twilight landed, or rather crashed into the ground, sliding on it for a few seconds due to the speed that she was flying with. Twilight herself seemed rather shocked how fast she was flying and how she managed to land without getting herself hurt too much.

As soon as her friends walked up to her, however, they started to get worried. "Oh, my goodness, are you all right?" Fluttershy asked concerned.

"Jumpin' junebugs, Twilight! When did you learn to fly that fast?" Applejack immediately asked.

Twilight was still shaking from time to time. There was no way that she had her magic under control. Something that hopefully no one would notice at this very moment. "I must have caught a particularly strong breeze..." Twilight explained before she accidentally teleported herself from one spot to another. "...or something," she added.

Even though her behavior was more than weird and suspicious, no one seemed to bring it up, much to Twilight's relief.

"Must have been "or something", because there wasn't any breeze up there," Rainbow Dash pointed out. It almost sounded as if she felt challenged after seeing Twilight flying this fast.

As expected, Twilight played dumb after all those questions were asked to her. "I don't know what happened, but I don't really have time to figure it out right now," she said.

The group noticed how Twilight must have still been a little worried about Tirek and they offered to cheer her up while Discord takes care of him. "Another visit to the Castle of the Two Sisters, I presume?" Rarity guessed. "We'd be more than happy to accompany you!" She suggested to which the rest of her friends were quickly agreeing to this idea.

But Twilight quickly refused. "Not today!" She said accompanied by some electric crackles that came out of her. "Tirek may still be a threat. I need you all to stay here and encourage everypony to remain inside," Twilight suggested.

"Yes, that makes sense..." Applejack replied. "After all, who knows how long our "friend" will take to deal with Tirek," she added with a lot of mistrust in her voice.

As soon as Fluttershy overheard that, she went on ahead and defended Discord. "I'm sure Discord will catch Tirek and this will all be over soon," she said with a positive attitude on her face.

But those words were not enough to change any one's mind, especially not Star Twinkle's since he already knew that one could definitely not trust Discord. He wanted to tell everypony the truth really badly but Twilight was looking at him from time to time as if she wanted him to remember the promise that he made to her. He had no choice but to keep quiet about all this.

"It still won't hurt to warn everypony," Star Twinkle then said.

The group agreed to that and split up. Star Twinkle and Twilight were the last ones left and Twilight took this opportunity to talk with the stallion again. "I know that you think that what I'm doing is not the best idea but just give me a little more time," she said in hope that Star Twinkle wouldn't be mad at him.

Star Twinkle had mixed feelings about those words and chose not to get too much into detail about what he thought. "You go and try to control your magic, We will take care here," he said before he walked away from her.

Twilight did as Star Twinkle said and flew away to somewhere where she wouldn't be bothered and could train her magic. If her plan was supposed to work, then they had no choice but to do what they could do now. And in Star Twinkle's case, that was warning everypony in town.

Later, in front of the Iron Hammer...

"So you want me to stay inside because this Tirek is stealing all the magic from the ponies of Equestria? And that he is about to come here next?" Steel Hammer asked in order to confirm the information that he got from Star Twinkle.

"I don't know if he comes here next but he is still on the loose and there is could be a chance that he will come here eventually," Star Twinkle explained. "Don't worry, we are working on a solution already, in order to prevent that though," he added in order to calm Steel Hammer down.

But Steel Hammer's response confused Star Twinkle. "I'm not worried," he said casually.

"Really?" Star Twinkle replied with a confused expression on his face.

"Yeah," Steel Hammer said almost instantly. "You just said it, right? That things are being taken care of and all. I bet that includes you, your friends and Princess Twilight," he guessed.

"Yeah...kinda..." Star Twinkle said, even though now it was only Twilight left to deal with Tirek since the other princesses gave their magic to her and Discord betrayed them. Star Twinkle, of course, didn't inform Steel Hammer about that but he was still curious about why Steel Hammer was so calm.

Steel Hammer smile and then explained. "Then there is no reason to get worried. I mean, you and your friends always take care of things when Equestria is in danger. Those vines that appeared out of the ground, those ponies who captured the princesses, the wedding in Canterlot, the Storm Wings, Discord, Nightmare Moon, and even that one thing before that..." Steel Hammer listed before he then stopped while having a confused look on his face.

"Before that?" Star Twinkle asked confused.

Steel Hammer seemed to be confused and scratched his head. "I...seem to have problems remembering the last one...but anyway, what I'm trying to say is, whenever there is something wrong in Equestria, the day will be saved because you and your friends worked together!" He said while he continued to smile confidently. "I actually feel quite safe with you around," he added while he formed a grin on his face.

Star Twinkle was glad that Steel Hammer was thinking like that but he was not getting influenced by it, no matter how much he wanted to, especially since he knew more details about the whole situation. "I don't do anything special...I'm sure that my friends would have found a way to save the day without me as well," Star Twinkle said.

"Don't play yourself down like that!" Steel Hammer said almost offended to hear Star Twinkle talking like that. "Believe me, I know how you can be. You are lazy, grumpy, and you always doubt yourself. And yes, you can transform but your magic is not as strong as Princess Twilight's and you are not nearly as fast of a flyer then Rainbow Dash. Also, I'm pretty sure Applejack is physically stronger than you," he said, causing Star Twinkle to feel a little confused. He didn't quite know if all those things were meant to cheer him up because they certainly didn't but he still continued to listen and luckily, Steel Hammer decided to get to the point. "What I'm trying to say is, you don't have to be strong. All you need to do is doing the things that you can do to help. Maybe they are just little and at first, insignificant things for you but even those things can help and make a big impact on the overall picture,"

Star Twinkle started to see what Steel Hammer wanted to say and he had to admit that he actually was quite impressed to hear those words from him. "Wow..." he just said impressed. "Those words...actually made me feel a little better," he admitted.

Steel Hammer raised his chest proudly. "I do have my moments from time to time,"

With all that said, Steel Hammer went inside of his workshop and stayed there until things would be taken care of. Star Twinkle decided to meet up with his friends again after being done telling some ponies to get inside their houses. As he was back on his way to meet his friends, Star Twinkle was beginning to think about the words of Steel Hammer. "Doing the things that I can do, huh?" He mumbled to himself. "But Twilight just won't allow me to help her...so how can I help her then?" He wondered.

But then suddenly, his thoughts were interrupted as soon as he heard screams coming from not too far away. He recognized those screams, it was his friends. The stallion quickly hurried towards those screams and what he saw surprised him. His friends were inside a cage and in front of this cage were Discord and some other creature. As soon as he saw that, Star Twinkle hid behind the wall of a building, it looked like no one realized he was there yet.

Star Twinkle's eyes were focused on the creature next to Discord. It was a rather large creature who was almost twice as big as Discord. This creature had a black coated lower body that resembled the one of a pony. But at the spot where the head of a pony was supposed to be, there was a red-skinned torso coming out of it with the creature's head on top of it and two muscular arms on the sides. It almost looked like a mix of two different creatures. On top of this creatures head, there was also a pair of horns coming out of it. At first sight, this creature looked rather terrifying and dangerous.

"You've gathered up all of them?" The creature then asked towards Discord.

Discord took a closer look at the cage and quickly noticed something missing. "No. It looks as if Star Twinkle is missing," he then said.

As soon as his name fell, Star Twinkle got nervous and made sure that his head didn't stick out too much so that he wouldn't get caught.

"Star Twinkle?" The creature responded.

"Yes," Discord replied. "Earth Pony, light green coat, dark green star-shaped mane, terrible sense of humor...but don't worry Tirek! I'm sure having most of her friends should be enough!"

As soon the name Tirek fell, Star Twinkle immediately got scared. Of course, the creature next to Discord was Tirek, the one who was stealing the magic of everypony in Equestria. This was bad because Twilight probably didn't spend enough time to train her magic properly. It was way too early for that. At least that's what Star Twinkle thought.

While Star Twinkle was still thinking about what to do, Tirek continued his work and lifted the cage up. He then opened his mouth and inhaled, and in the process sucked the magic right out of everyone inside of it. As soon as that was over, he dropped the cage down on the ground again and Star Twinkle's friends were lying inside of it, weakened and unable to even get up on their hooves.

Seeing that only made it worse for Star Twinkle. Tirek absorbed their magic just like that, there was no telling how powerful he was now and on top of that, Discord was standing next to him and he was no pushover as well. He was thinking about jumping in there to do something but with enemies like that, there was no way that he could do something now. All he could do in this situation was to watch.

"You really think she'd do anything for them?" Tirek asked Discord.

"If Twilight has magic to give, it will be yours," Discord replied. By now it was obvious that they must have known what the princesses did to Twilight. They were after the Alicorn Magic that was now inside Twilight. "Soon there won't be a Pegasus, Earth pony or unicorn who will be able to stand up against us," Discord added while he was already ahead to imagine himself on top of Equestria.

But Tirek seemed to have other plans. "Us? Who said anything about us?" He replied.

Discord was surprised to hear that. "You did," he said.

To that, Tirek explained. "You've helped me grow strong, you've provided the means by which I can obtain Princess Twilight's magic, and now you are no longer of any use to me," he said before he did the same thing to Discord that he did to Star Twinkle's friends, he opened his mouth and sucked out all the magic of Discord, growing even bigger and presumably more powerful after taking away the magic of the Lord of Chaos.

Discord, soon dropped on the ground and was weakened just like the others. He took a hold of a triangle-shaped golden necklace around his neck, which Star Twinkle only noticed he was wearing just now. "But you said this was a sign of your gratitude and loyalty. A gift from someone close to you," he said, which was probably hinting at how he got the necklace.

"My brother who betrayed me," Tirek responded. "It is as worthless as he is," he added before he walked away from the scene to probably look for Twilight now.

Star Twinkle could only watch those events unfolding right in front of him and began to shake. "No..." was the only thing he could say. "What am I doing!? What can I do!?" He said in a panic. He felt helpless. Tirek was about to go to Twilight to take away her magic as well and all Star Twinkle could do was to let it happen. Tirek was even stronger than Discord and if Star Twinkle decided to take on him, then there wouldn't even be a fight. Nothing he could do now would change a thing.


As soon as those words resonated inside Star Twinkle's head, he remembered the words that he heard from Steel Hammer. He quickly took inspiration from them. "Even small and insignificant things can make a change. I have to do what I can do..." he said to himself before he grabbed more confidence from those words alone. "There is something I can do!" He then said before he walked away to put the plan he had in motion.


A little further away from Ponyville, Tirek was walking around a plain grass field. He seemed to have gathered enough magic to make out where Twilight was right now and wasted no time to look for her. As soon as would reach her, however, things would probably end badly for Twilight since Tirek gathered a whole lot of magic to probably even overpower her. That is something that had to be prevented at all costs, this much did Star Twinkle know. That is why he decided to do the one thing that he could do now.

"Tirek!" Star Twinkle screamed, causing Tirek to stop on his way to turn around and see who was saying his name.

Star Twinkle was standing in the middle of the field and looked straight at Tirek with a serious expression on his face. But no matter how serious the stallion was looking at him, Tirek only gave him a confused look. "Light green coat and a dark green star-shaped mane," he mumbled to himself. "You are the last one of Princess Twilight's friends..." he quickly figured.

"Yes! And I know what you did to my other friends!" Star Twinkle said.

Tirek only laughed after hearing that. "And still you stand right in front of me? Pretty reckless of you," he said amused. "Unless...you came to tell me where to find Princess Twilight?"

Star Twinkle kept a straight face and quickly replied. "Yes!" He said before he pointed towards the right, which was away from Ponyville. "She said she was going to another town that is in this direction," he straight out lied directly in Tirek's face.

But Tirek saw quickly through that since he knew that Twilight was in the exact opposite direction, thanks to his magic. "You are lying," he simply said with a serious expression on his face.

Star Twinkle widened his eyes and began to sweat. All he wanted to do was buying some time for Twilight to control her magic but that plan failed quicker than he expected. He couldn't help but laugh in his frustration. "Well...so much for that..."

Then, in an instant, Star Twinkle transformed into his Unicorn form and shot a magic blast right at Tirek. Even though Tirek was a little surprised to see an Earth Pony transforming into a Unicorn, he still easily managed to catch the magic beam with his hand and literally crushed it. The stallion continued to shoot multiple beams at Tirek but each of them was stopped with ease. Tirek actually seemed rather amused to see the stallion struggle at this very moment.

Star Twinkle was shocked. Of course, he knew that he was no match for Tirek but this wasn't even a match. This was as far away from a match than it could possibly be. Without wasting any more energy, Star Twinkle decided to transform back again and gave up. There was nothing that he could do anymore but still, he managed to buy some time for Twilight, even if it was only a few seconds. He could easily smile while Tirek was walking towards him to suck out his magic as well.

"I did what I could...now it's up to you Twilight..." Star Twinkle said while he closed his eyes to prepare himself to get his magic taken away from him.

But then...

A magical explosion set off from not too far away, causing both Star Twinkle and Tirek to look towards it. There was something flying towards them at high speed, leaving a purple trail behind it. The trail almost hit Tirek, who managed to duck under it in time, even though he was widely surprised at what it was. Soon that something landed right in front of Star Twinkle, causing another small magic explosion. Star Twinkle recognized how something similar happened before and he then realized what it was.

Soon, both Star Twinkle and Tirek could what was in front of them. It was the only one who could stop Tirek now...the only one who could save Equestria...Twilight.

Star Twinkle could not even put in words how relieved he was to see Twilight now. However, as much as he wanted to tell her how the situation had changed a little, Tirek didn't waste any time to say what he was here for.

"You have something that belongs to me, Princess Twilight. And You're going to give me what I want!" He said before he opened his mouth in an attempt to steal Twilight's magic.

Of course, Star Twinkle immediately knew that this was going to happen. "Watch out! He is trying to steal your magic!" He quickly said.

Twilight instantly reacted to that and used her magic to teleport Star Twinkle and her away from there. Star Twinkle first had to process what happened since it was all happening so quickly but he soon realized that he was on the balcony of the Golden Oak Library along with Twilight. Star Twinkle quickly got up on his hooves tried to explain how Tirek had now Discord's magic inside of him but Twilight looked through the telescope that was next to her.

Shortly after, she screamed. "Watch out!" She simply said.

"For wha-" Star Twinkle replied before he saw a big ball of magic flying right towards him and Twilight.

Star Twinkle was a little overwhelmed about what to do in this situation but luckily Twilight was the one who knew what to do. She used a spell to teleport out of there however, it was really close. In fact, Star Twinkle was only a few meters away from getting caught into the explosion that was caused by Tirek's attack. All he knew was that he was falling on the ground with Twilight and Owlowiscious being not too far away from him. She must have managed to get a hold of Owlowiscious while also teleporting herself and Star Twinkle out of there and get into safety.

Bad sadly, the same thing couldn't be said about the Golden Oak Library. All that was left was half of the treehouse in which Twilight lived. It was completely destroyed, books laid on the ground burning just like the library itself. It was beyond rescuing now.

Twilight released Owlowiscious and looked at the library in shock. She got really sad after taking a look at it. Star Twinkle put a hoof on the mare to comfort her but she quickly turned around and looked at Tirek who was slowly walking towards her.

"I need to take him away from Ponyville or else there will be nothing left of it," she said as she walked forward.

Star Twinkle was about to offer his help but he only looked at her with a frown. "I suppose you don't want my help, huh?" He said before he scratched the back of his neck. "I mean...it's not like I would be much of a help but..."

But Twilight interrupted her in the middle of his sentence. "I was wrong..." she said, much to the surprise of Star Twinkle. "I appreciate how you offer your help, I really do. But I'm afraid, right now, I am the only one who can stop Tirek," she explained as she turned around to the stallion with a smile on her face.

There was really no point in arguing with her. He knew that he would only be in the way and that he couldn't help her now. Her words didn't make it easier for him to accept it but he eventually decided to leave everything up to her. "Just promise me to be careful," he said with a slight smile of trust on his face.

Twilight returned a smile and then focused her sight back on Tirek. "Don't worry, I don't intend to lose!" She said while she spread her wings and put on a determined expression on her face.

Tirek noticed the determination on Twilight's face and stood ready to see what she was about to do. Twilight teleported away from the spot and appeared a few meters away in the air, right in front of Tirek. She then fired a magic beam right at him. The beam was huge, Star Twinkle's jaw dropped as soon as he saw the amount of magic that she was firing at Tirek. All Tirek could do was to use his arms to protect himself. However, Twilight concentrated even more magic and the beam grew even bigger, pushing away Tirek in the process and changing the landscape until it all ended in a big explosion.

Star Twinkle couldn't believe what he was seeing in front of him. He dropped down on his knees with a mix of amazement and shock. "Amazing!" Was all he could say.

Unfortunately, the battle was not over yet. Tirek managed to teleport himself away before the magic explosion set off and appeared as if this attack didn't do anything to him. Even despite being attacked by something like that, he put on a smile. "Now I see what your fellow princesses have done," he said with some excitement for the upcoming battle.

Twilight prepared her next attack and flew towards Tirek. This time, however, Tirek attacked as well and shot a magic beam at Twilight. Luckily, she managed to put on a shield in the meantime and teleported away and right in front of Tirek, shooting another beam right in his face. But Tirek managed to catch the beam with his hand and pulled it away from him.

Shortly after, a magic aura surrounded Twilight. It was Tirek's magic this time. He lifted Twilight up in the air and swung her right towards the nearest mountain. Twilight screamed on her way to the mountain but luckily she managed to raise another shield around her that prevented her from taking much damage.

It looked as if Twilight could catch a short breath but in the distance, there was already Tirek jumping right towards her. He jumped at her with so much force, that they both came out of the other side of the mountain. Twilight didn't seem to be hurt due to the shield around her and quickly countered by teleporting herself above Tirek and shooting another beam at him, making him crash on the ground. To make sure that he wouldn't get up so quickly again, Twilight followed with another magic beam, making Tirek actually groan.

Twilight landed on the ground and appeared right next to Twilight however, without a scratch. Twilight realized by now that this battle could take a little longer than she originally expected and prepared herself to continue.

During all this time, Star Twinkle watched the two fighting. He was at the loss of words and still sat on the ground unable to do anything but watching them. "This battle is just crazy!" He said. "And all I can do is sit here and wait for Twilight to defeat Tirek. There is no way that I can even remotely do something to help there!" It was really frustrating to just sit there and watch without any way to help but looking at how the battle went so far, it actually looked as if Twilight had a good chance of winning. Knowing that, Star Twinkle started to put all his trust in Twilight. "She will win!" He said in order to convince himself. "She will defeat Tirek and save all of Equestria...I just know it!" Star Twinkle said before he continued to watch the battle unfold in front of him, hoping that Twilight will be victorious.


While the battle continued, Star Twinkle was completely unaware of how some hoof steps were coming close to him. That was to be expected by all the explosions that set off in the distance. Eventually, Star Twinkle noticed how someone was walking up to him from behind and he turned around. He was a little confused after he noticed somepony whose body was covered by a gray hood.

The pony stopped walking towards him and just stood there, looking at Star Twinkle under the gray hood. There was an awkward silence between the two of them which was only interrupted by the explosions that came from the battle not too far away.

Despite not knowing why this pony appeared in front of him, Star Twinkle advised the pony to be careful. "You should go inside somewhere!" He advised. "There is a battle going on here and there is no telling if it is safe here or not,"

But the pony under the hood didn't seem to be bothered and only looked over to the battle before he finally spoke his first words.

"Judging from strong Princess Twilight is now, Princess Celestia seemed to have given her the magic of all the princesses in order to fight off Tirek," he said with a pretty calm voice, despite the situation that was going on not too far away. "It's really sad to see all the magic of Equestria being used for destruction like that," he added as he shook his head in disappointment.

Star Twinkle had no idea what this was all about but he got a little offended that this pony was talking about the situation like that. "Princess Twilight is trying to protect the ponies of Equestria! If Tirek manages to get a hold of her magic, then it will all be over!"

The hooded pony focused his sight on Star Twinkle again. "It doesn't matter who wins. All their strength combined is nothing compared to the power of the Elements of Harmony. I need to make sure that I will get a hold of them. Right now there are only Princess Twilight and Tirek who could be in my way but once I get the Elements of Harmony in my possession, I can make sure to secure Equestria's future!" The pony then lifted his hood and revealed his face to Star Twinkle. "That is why I need you, Star Twinkle!" He said with a sinister smile on his face.

The pony under the gray hood was a Unicorn stallion with a dark orange coat, a combed up red mane, and red eyes.

Those words about the Elements of Harmony confused Star Twinkle a little. On top of that, the expression on the stallion's face was telling him that he wasn't here to just talk peacefully with him. "Who are you?" Star Twinkle eventually asked, however, he could swear that he saw that pony before. "Wait...you are..." he said after he remembered that time where Princess Luna was in his dreams. The door that was leading to his memories in his dreams was empty but the only thing that was inside of it was this very pony that stood in front of him now. Still, that didn't explain who that pony was and what he wanted from Star Twinkle.

But the pony in front of him wasn't done talking to him. "Now don't make this to difficult and just give me the other half of the Elements of Harmony!" He said as he walked towards Star Twinkle.

By now, Star Twinkle was taking a few steps back. He knew that this pony was bad news for some reason and he didn't trust him one second. "I don't know what you are talking about...but if it is the Elements of Harmony that you are looking for, then I'm afraid, you're too late," he said in order to get out of this without the means of a fight. The pony in front of Star Twinkle was a little confused after hearing that so Star Twinkle decided to get a little more into detail. "Me and my friends have given up the Elements of Harmony! My element even shattered right in front of me!"

The hooded pony was silent for a moment. He was clearly not too happy to hear this but he also realized that Star Twinkle didn't exactly know what was going on. "If that is so, then why can I still sense the elements inside of you?" He asked.

"Inside of me?" Star Twinkle replied confused.

The hooded pony began to smile. "Don't think I didn't know what your friends did back then. That little attempt to keep the elements save...that little attempt to make you the new sixth element..." he continued, confusing Star Twinkle more and more. "That attempt to make you the new Element of Friendship,"

As soon as that last sentence was said, Star Twinkle got more confused than ever before. "The Element of Friendship?" He asked in confusion.

"Yes," the hooded pony replied. "But in the end, all they did was to split the Elements of Harmony in half. I still have the other one and I need your half back again!" He said in a little more aggressive tone now.

"Wait! I don't understand! Who are they!? And what do you know what I don't!?" Star Twinkle asked in an attempt to get some answers.

But the stallion was done talking with him. "I wasted enough time! Give me the elements now!" He said as he started to focus some magic in his horn, creating a red aura that surrounded it.

Star Twinkle knew that he wouldn't get any answers now and decided to stand ready to battle. For that, he transformed into his Unicorn form. Seeing that seemed to have caught the pony in the gray hood off guard. He widened his eyes as soon as he saw Star Twinkle transforming like that.

"Terra Unisus!?" The pony said confused. "When did you learn to do that!?" He asked.

In the middle of this confusion, Star Twinkle decided to fire a magic beam at the pony. The attack was quickly blocked by a shield spell that the pony raised in front of him. Star Twinkle was shocked that his attack was blocked but he still continued to fire at the stallion. While having a shield in front of him, the stallion walked slowly towards Star Twinkle.

Star Twinkle, while firing at the pony looked at Twilight and her own battle. He figured that it would be the best to ask her for help but at the same time, he couldn't afford to bother her now. His interfering could possibly make her lose the battle. Right now, Star Twinkle had to deal with that pony in front of him on his own. Or at least, buy some time until somepony would help him.

Star Twinkle decided to go with the second option and transformed into his Pegasus form. This once more confused the pony in the gray hood. After spreading his wings, Star Twinkle flew up in the air and left the area. All the hooded pony could do was looking after him as Star Twinkle flew over the roofs of Ponyville.

"...He must have learned to do that back then...but...this transformation..." the pony mumbled to himself after he came to a realization. "It's not complete..."

In the meantime, Star Twinkle was flying away from that pony. He decided to flew over the houses in order to shake that pony off. He had no time to deal with him and it also looked as if Star Twinkle wasn't really a match for him. All he could do was to buy some time until Twilight was finished with Tirek, she would be more than capable to deal with him.

"Who was that?" Star Twinkle asked himself. "He seemed to know who I was. And I have the feeling that I should know who that was as well..." he said as he remembered back how he saw that pony behind the door that Princess Luna showed him, the door that was supposed to lead to his memory. He was the only thing behind that door. "What does all that mean?" Star Twinkle wondered as he thought about all those things.

Then suddenly, a magic beam was shot at the stallion from behind. Luckily, it missed Star Twinkle but it still managed to get him quite startled and he looked back to see what it was, even though he had a pretty good guess what or who it was. But what he saw quite shocked him. The pony was right behind him...in the air. "He can fly!?" Star Twinkle said in shock after he saw the pony behind him flapping a pair of wings under the gray hood while also charging another magic beam in his horn. "And he can use magic at the same time!? But that means-" But before Star Twinkle could finish this sentence, the pony fired another beam at him and Star Twinkle had to dodge.

Star Twinkle decided to dive down to the streets while flying only a few hooves above the ground. Multiple shots were fired at Star Twinkle, all of them missed their mark so far. The green pony did his best to fly between the buildings and inside the alleys to make it harder for the pony to hit him.

But Star Twinkle made a mistake and ended up in a dead-end. He tried to fly upwards but a beam of magic was shot at him and he fell to the ground in pain. The pony in the gray hood was right behind him and slowly walked up to the stallion. Star Twinkle was about to give up now, that pony didn't look as if he was giving up any time soon so a fight was meaningless.

"What does he want from me? He said he wants half of the Elements of Harmony?" Star Twinkle thought after he saw the pony walking up to him with a serious expression on his face. He was about to give up but then he heard explosions in the far distance that seemed to have woken him up again. "That's right...Twilight is fighting right now...she is fighting to protect all of Equestria..." he thought as he started to get up on his hooves again. He remembered once more the words that Steel Hammer said to him and they gave him a lot more confidence and courage. "I don't know who that pony is...but I have the feeling that I can't let him win this...I have to do what I can do!" He thought while he transformed back to his Unicorn form, readying his magic. "No matter how small the impact will be!"

What followed was a magic beam that was shot straight at the hooded pony. Star Twinkle decided to put all his remaining strength into this one blast, in hope that it would do something against the stallion in front of him. That was all he could do now, that was his last attempt to fight back, his last attack.


And it didn't do a thing...

The hooded pony raised his hoof in front of him and a blast of fire came shooting out in front of him. The fire blast instantly overpowered the beam that Star Twinkle shot at him and Star Twinkle was knocked back by the flames right towards the wall behind him before he then dropped on the ground.

After that was done, the stallion walked up towards Star Twinkle until he was standing right in front of him. "Looks like you can't use Terra Unisus Magic...not that I expected that...after all your transformation is, for some reason, incomplete,"

Star Twinkle couldn't care less what that pony was talking about now. He was in too much pain to even raise his head properly. All he could see was that pony standing right in front of him. But the question was...what would come next.

"Let's get this over with..." the pony in the gray hood said before he concentrated his magic.

Star Twinkle quickly found himself unable to move. In fact, he felt even weaker now. Magic started to flow right out of Star Twinkle and right towards the pony in front of him. No matter how much he struggled through, Star Twinkle wasn't able to get out of this spell. "Somepony...help me!" He thought. "Any...one..." But there was no way that he could be saved now in time. Unless there was a miracle that would save him now.

Then almost on cue, as if his thought were heard, a huge explosion set off in the distance, big enough that it could even be seen from the very alley that the two stallions were in now. The pony in the gray hood looked back in surprise and saw a bright light that was getting brighter by the second. But that wasn't the case. What really happened was, that it was getting closer.

Like a giant shockwave, the light came flying right towards the two ponies. The spell that trapped Star Twinkle was canceled and the pony in the gray hood started to scream in panic while grabbing hold of his head.

It could be just Star Twinkle's imagination, especially after he was trapped in a spell a few seconds ago but for some reason, he felt refreshed. He quickly got up on his hooves and wondered what just happened but at the same time, he was also confused about what was happening to the pony in front of him.

The stallion continued to scream in pain but he also seemed as if he wanted to fight it. "No! I won't let you!" He screamed. Shortly after, he seemed to have calmed down again. He looked at Star Twinkle with a stressed-out expression on his face. For some reason, the red eyes that he had a minute ago were now purple.

As soon as those eyes were looking at him, Star Twinkle noticed a difference, aside from the eye color. The expression in those eyes was more...worried and pure...

Star Twinkle quickly found himself in some kind of trance. "Wait..." he said as his mind seemed to drift off to somewhere. He began to see pictures in his head, familiar pictures...pictures that he saw in his dreams before...but this time...they seemed different...


"Are you sure that you don't want to live in Canterlot with us?" Star Twinkle's mother, Rainfall Twinkle asked.

"Yeah, we may not be able to see each other that often if you decide to stay here," Star Twinkle's father Sunny Twinkle added.

But Star Twinkle shook his head in response. "I'm sure. I can't leave Ponyville. This is where my friends are after all," he said with a smile on his face.


"We are seeing each other again, right?" Star Twinkle asked towards a group of ponies.

"Of course, what kind of question is that?" The pony with the orange coat and the red mane replied back.


A rainbow came shooting right towards Star Twinkle, causing him to duck in fear to get hit by it. In the midst of this attack, however, there were a few words that he could hear.

"You are me...and I am you..." a male voice said towards him. "By giving up my body...I shall continue to live inside yours!"


"Run!...stay away from me!" Star Twinkle shouted towards two Pegasus ponies in front of him, in the middle of the road of Ponyville.

The two ponies didn't know how to react and were just confused by the stallion's behavior. Before they knew it, Star Twinkle grabbed his head and dropped to his knees, causing the two to get worried. Eventually, Star Twinkle raised his head again and looked at them, his eyes turning from a light green color to a red color.

"What's wrong with you, Star Twinkle!?" A Pegasus mare asked in worry.


"Star Twinkle!" A stallion shouted towards Star Twinkle, who was standing in the middle of the road of Ponyville, his back turned towards the stallion and surrounded by flames, with two ponies standing in front of him.

As soon as Star Twinkle heard his the voice of that stallion, he slowly turned around. The stallion who shouted his name reacted in confusion once he saw, a horn, and two wings on Star Twinkle, not to mention the wide grin on his face.

"Only four left..." he simply replied in excitement.

The Pony who was standing in front of him was the same one that was wearing the gray hood.


"Hey, Summershine?" Star Twinkle asked the pony with the orange coat, the red mane, and the blue eyes.

"Yeah?" Summershine replied.

"Let's never fight over something again, okay?" Star Twinkle asked.

Summershine smiled in response. "Yes, sounds like a good idea," he agreed. "Best friends shouldn't fight like that after all,"

"Exactly!" Star Twinkle said with a smile on his face as well.


After those pictures were gone, Star Twinkle found himself in the alley again, along with the pony in front of him. He only looked at him confused before he finally said something again. "Summershine..." Star Twinkle said, causing the pony in front of him to look directly at him with a confused expression on his face. "You are...Summershine...right?" Star Twinkle asked.

After a few seconds of staring at Star Twinkle, the pony in the gray hood turned around and ran away. Star Twinkle didn't know how to react to that but he raised his hoof towards him as if he didn't want him to run away.

Suddenly, Star Twinkle felt only one emotion at this very moment...sadness...

"Wait..." Star Twinkle said as if he was about to cry any second now. The further away the pony got, the sadder Star Twinkle became until it eventually turned into frustration and soon...determination. "Wait!" Star Twinkle exclaimed before he decided to run right this pony. He still had not too much of a clue who that pony was and why seeing him running away made him sad, but he wanted answers. So he decided to chase that pony. Something just told him that he had to do that...

To be continued...

Author's Note:

One more chapter left of Season 4!
Can you puzzle together some things in this part?
If not then there is a whole new story waiting for you to explain some things in the future.
It will be called The Legend of Friendship - Harmony, and I highly suggest you read it if you are genuinely interested in this story.

Other then that, I hope you enjoyed this chapter and that you look forward to reading the next part.

Let me know what you think so far, I really enjoy reading your reviews.

Also, keep in mind that after Season 4 ends, there will be two stories coming up that are meant to be read after this season.

The first one will be "Rainbow Rocks - The Legend of Friendship" which will focus on the second Equestria Girls movie.

The second one is called "The Legend of Friendship - Harmony" which takes place in Ponyville and serves as some kind of backstory to this story.

Make sure to not miss the second one if you want to keep track of some things that will happen in this story ^^.

With all that said, please consider leaving a review or some other kind of feedback and make sure to follow me or this story to always be up to date with everything that I upload.

See you all in the next chapter.
Bye Bye ^^.

Reading Order:

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 1 + 2(Chapter 1 - 53)

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Diary of The Storm Wings

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 3(Chapter 54 - 65)

Equestria Girls - The Legend of Friendship

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Outcasts

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 4(Chapter 66 - 91)

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