• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 8,455 Views, 206 Comments

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

  • ...

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9. The Evil Enchantress

It was unusually quiet today, thought Star Twinkle while walking around in Ponyville. Nopony was out on the street and all the windows were closed. This looked familiar for Star Twinkle but he couldn't figure out why. He walked around the corner and got suddenly really nervous from what he saw. It was a pony in a brown hood who was digging on the ground. Star Twinkle knew exactly who that was and tried to back away nervously. The pony then suddenly turned around but Star Twinkle was already around the corner, hiding from her. After realizing that there was nothing the pony turned around again and continued digging.

“Zecora!” He said in a panic. “That's why it was so empty on the streets...that was way too close,” he said in relief while he looked around the corner to make sure she didn't see him.

“Star Twinkle!” Said a familiar voice to Star Twinkle.

Star Twinkle turned his head to the direction from where the voice came from and found out that it was Pinkie Pie, who stood at her door trying to call him over in her house. Star Twinkle rushed over to her and went inside and to his surprise, the rest of his friends were also there. After Pinkie Pie closed the door she continued to watch outside, most likely to keep a close look on Zecora.

“You're not hurt are you, sugar cube?” Applejack asked out of concern.

“No, I'm okay, I don't think she noticed me,” he replied.

“That's good. Who knows what this sinister pony would have done to you,” Rarity said in concern.

“Yeah, Zecora can't be trusted at all,” Rainbow Dash added.

Pinkie Pie was still standing at the door to make sure to keep an eye out for Zecora. She seemed to spot something and then suddenly spoke up. “Oh! I see Twilight and Spike! Should I call them over too?” She asked.

“Yes! Get them inside before they stumble across Zecora too!” Rainbow Dash demanded.

“Okey Dokey Lokey!” She replied while trying to get Twilight and Spike inside as well.

While that was going on, Star Twinkle couldn't help but notice a filly behind Applejack. She had a yellow coat, a red mane, and no Cutie Mark. Star Twinkle could swear that he saw her before, on Sweet Apple Acre, but he asked Applejack just to make sure.

“Who is that, Applejack?” He asked.

Applejack seemed surprised because she didn't realize that she hadn't introduced her to Star Twinkle. Her name was Apple Bloom and she was Applejack's little sister. Of course, that would explain why he saw her on Sweet Apple Acre, he thought.

“Hey there,” he said to Apple Bloom with a slight grin.

She quickly returned the grin while introducing herself. His first impression was, that she seemed okay.

Meanwhile, Pinkie Pie managed to get Twilight and Spike inside. But unlike the rest of the group, they were rather surprised by everyone's behavior. Twilight was asking why they were all hiding. She probably didn't know what was going on, which made sense because she didn't live in Ponyville for long so she probably didn't even know about Zecora.

So everypony explained the situation to her...

Zecora was a pony who lived in the Everfree Forest, who comes to Ponyville once in a month. Some of the ponies described her as mysterious or creepy. She is supposed to be an evil enchantress that brews evil stews and put curses on other ponies.

At least that's what Star Twinkle heard. He never actually saw her doing anything like that. That's when he realized that he knew nothing about Zecora at all, except that she was digging the ground in Ponyville. But the fact that she lives in the Everfree Forest is for him proof enough. After all being an evil enchantress and using some curses probably helps a lot to survive in there, he thought

She also has some black stripes on her body, something very unusual that nopony else ever seen but a soon as somepony mentioned them, Twilight explained that Zecora was a zebra. Everypony in the room was confused since they never heard the term “Zebra” before. According to Twilight, zebras come from a faraway land and she has those stripes because she was born with them and that they were perfectly normal for Zebras.

But everyponies opinion on Zecora didn't seem to change one bit. It even led Pinkie Pie to write a song about her. Something about evil enchantresses and stews, Star Twinkle didn't really listen to the song since Pinkie Pie always does that. It became routine for him real quick.

The discussion went on and on about Zecora being evil or not but it didn't really go anywhere. Twilight insisted that everything that Zecora does can somehow be explained if somepony is brave enough to talk to her and her friends were advising her to stay as far as possible away from her. In the middle of the discussion, Applejack noticed that the door was open and as if that wasn't bad enough, Apple Bloom was nowhere to be found as well.

“She went outside!” Rarity exclaimed in shock.

“And Zecoras's still out there,” Rainbow Dash said in shock.

Everypony became worried and decided to walk outside to look for her while Spike waited inside in case Apple Bloom would return. Zecora already went back to the Everfree Forest followed and didn't seem to notice that Apple Bloom was sneaking behind her. Luckily, the rest caught up on the two before something could happen. Applejack dragged Apple Bloom quickly back to the group and away from Zecora, who just seemed to notice that she was being followed.

As soon as noticed the group of ponies behind her, she began to shout out a warning which only made everypony even more cautious of her. “Beware! Beware, you pony folk! Those leaves of blue are not a joke!”

She was probably referring to the blue flowers, everypony was standing in. But nopony noticed them because they were all too focused on Zecora and tried to throw her out of Ponyville. Shortly after, Zecora went back into the Everfree Forest and didn't mind her followers anymore.

After that, Apple Bloom got scolded by her big sister for leaving the group while Zecora was still out there. Once again, a discussion started whether Zecora was evil or not. And again, it didn't go anywhere. This slowly started to get on Star Twinkle nerves so he tried to say something so that they could finally go home.

“Listen,” he said, making them all stop talking for a moment. “She is gone now and she only comes to Ponyville once a month so could we please continue this matter in the next month?” He explained, trying to finally end this discussion.

“Star Twinkle is right,“ Applejack agreed. “Zecora is gone now so there's no reason to get all fussy about nothing,”

Everypony agreed on that and then decided to head back to Ponyville. The whole Zecora situation was not mentioned for the rest of the day, much to Star Twinkles relief. He likes to end discussions or other problems like this as fast as possible and not worry about them too much. The day was over quickly without anything else serious happening and Star Twinkle went home after hanging around with his friend.

On the next day...

After sleeping through the night without getting some weird dreams or anything like that, Star Twinkle woke up and felt really refreshed. Maybe because it was unusually quiet outside. That actually made him kind of worry for a moment so he looked out of his window. Maybe Zecora was back in Ponyville and everypony was hiding again. But that wasn't the case. There were lots of ponies outside and everything seemed rather normal.

After making sure of the situation, Star Twinkle was relieved and left his house after getting ready for the day. He walked outside and was surprised how peacefully quiet it was. It was actually much to his liking. He likes it when it is quiet. This way he can sort his thoughts much better. But it almost felt too quiet for him so he looked around wondering why. He watched everypony he came across to look if something was wrong because the way how quiet it was actually made him worry for a moment.

“It all looks normal to me,” he said almost confused.

But right after saying that he noticed something and became confused.

“What?” He said in confusion.

After that, he continued to look around and carefully inspected everypony. Now he was completely sure what the problem was. Before even continuing his thoughts Star Twinkle ran towards the Golden Oak Library to see Twilight. He figured that she would be the only one who could help him with this kind of problem. But he wasn't prepared for the next thing he saw after he opened the door of the library. To say that the thing he saw was confusing or weird would be a huge understatement. All of his friends waited inside of the library but they looked a little different than usual.

Twilight's horn was all wobbly and had blue dots on it,
Rainbow Dash's wings were now on her lower side around her stomach,
Pinkie Pie's tongue was all swollen and also had blue dots on it,
Applejack was around one-tenth of her normal size now,
and Rarity's mane and tail looked like a total mess.
Fluttershy and Apple Bloom were the only ones who looked normal for Star Twinkle.

“Star Twinkle!” Said Twilight in relief. “Am I glad to see you! You look normal and you were with us yesterday so could you please tell those ponies that there is no curse, that caused all this,” she said in relief.

But Star Twinkle showed no reaction to Twilight, he saw how she was talking to him but that only reminded him why he was there in the first place.

“WHAT!?” He shouted at her on the top of his lungs, making her flinch.

"Why are you screaming like that?" She asked confused.


Twilight was holding her ears most of the time since it was rather painful to listen to Star Twinkle while he was shouting like this. She quickly figured that Star Twinkle couldn't hear anything and that he shared the same problem that everypony else seemed to had. Meanwhile, Spike, who was also in the room, had the time of his life and started laughing. Probably because he quite enjoyed the state that everypony was in.

“This is hilarious! Look at all of you!
We got:
Rainbow Crash,
Spitty Pie,
Apple Teeny,

He then struggled for a moment to come up with a name for Twilight. “... uh... I got nothin'... Twilight Sparkle. I mean seriously, I can't even work with that,” he said, much to Twilight's dislike who was in not in the mood for jokes right now.

“This is no joke, Spike. Now start looking for more books so I can find a cure!“ She said annoyed.

“I think we'll find a cure to this curse at Zecora's place!” Rainbow Dash advised.


“I already said that Star,” Rainbow Dash corrected.

“WHAT!?” Star Twinkle replied confused, making Rainbow Dash flinch because of the volume of Star Twinkle's voice.

“It's not a curse!” Twilight demanded annoyed.

“I agree with Dash and Star Twinkle! We'll go to Zecora's and force her to remove this hex!” Applejack suggested.

“It's not a hex either!” Twilight demanded again.

And again, just like yesterday, a discussion was going on between Twilight and the rest of her friends. And again, it didn't really go anywhere. After some more arguing about if this was all a curse or not, Rainbow Dash decided to confront Zecora and asked if everypony was with her. But while asking around, she noticed that Applejack was not there anymore.

“If she's gone-pft!”, said Pinkie Pie while spitting all over the place in the process.

“HEY, I THINK APPLEJACK IS GONE!” Star Twinkle shouted.

“Pf- I already Pf- said that-pft,” said Pinkie Pie.

“WHAT!?” Star Twinkle replied, making Pinkie Pie flinch.

They all checked their hoofs and their behinds in case somepony stepped or sat on her on accident. Apple Bloom has vanished as well so they all came to the conclusion that they have gone to Zecora. So everypony went outside and walked towards the Everfree Forest to go after Zecora. Star Twinkle was not sure what was going on but he followed them because he didn't know what he should do on his own.

There was some chaos going on on the way, Rainbow Dash went missing for example. But Star Twinkle and the others couldn't worry about that right now so they went on and looked for Zecora's place.

After a while, they found a strange looking tree with windows on it in the middle of the Everfree Forest. It was most likely where Zecora lived, Star Twinkle thought. They approached the tree and looked through a window where they saw Zecora. She was brewing something in a cauldron while speaking in a strange language that nopony recognized.

“THERE SHE-,” said Star Twinkle who was interrupted by Twilight who covered his mouth so that they won't get recognized by Zecora.

There were some strange decorations inside of Zecora's “house”, making some of the ponies really nervous.

“You saw those terrible things. Now, do you believe us Twilight?” Rarity asked Twilight.

“Scary looking masks, confusing incantations, and a great big bubbling cauldron? Everything is pointing to Zecora being... bad.” Twilight nervously said.

“Or... what if Zecora is just making soup?” She added still believing that everything can be explained.

But then Twilight heard how Zecora was mumbling something to herself.

“The perfect temperature for ponies, I presume. Now, where is that little Apple Bloom?“

After hearing that Twilight became scared and worried at the same time since now everything was implying that Zecora was trying to cook up Apple Bloom.

“Or... what if she's making Apple Bloom soup?!“
This made everypony scream in fear, except Star Twinkle who barely knew what was going on.


Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash crashed inside of Zecora's house with Applejack who was riding her through the room. Zecora tried to stop them and spoke in a strange language but Rainbow Dash couldn't control where she was flying to. Since Rainbow Dash's was cursed, it was really hard to maneuver so they crashed in almost everything, destroying some of Zecora's decoration.

This was the perfect time for the other ponies to jump in action. They opened the front door to confront Zecora.

“What have you done with Apple Bloom?” Said Twilight, demanding an answer from Zecora.

Applejack tried to attack Zecora and jumped off from Rainbow Dash but that didn't work out well because of her current size, making Zecora wonder what this was all about. Meanwhile, Rainbow Dash continued to blindly crash into everything, knocking over Zecora's cauldron in the process.

“No! You know not what you do! You've gone and spilled my precious brew!”

Zecora looked upset about that but Twilight still insisted that she should undo her curse and tell them what she has done with Apple Bloom.

“We got you now Zecora! Now undo this curse and tell us where Apple Bloom is.”
“I didn't want to believe that you cursed us, but the evidence is overwhelming!”

“You made me look ridiculous,” said Rarity.

“You made me sound ridiculous!” said Fluttershy.

“Pf-You made me speak ridiculous!Pf-” said Pinkie Pie.

“You ruined my horn!” Said Twilight.


“I already said that,” said Twilight to Star Twinkle.

“WHAT!?” He replied in his usual loud voice.

Zecora was clearly not happy that they all accused her and gave them a mean look.

“How dare you! You destroy my home, destroy my work. Then rudely accuse me of being a jerk?” she replied in an angry tone.

“You put this curse on us, now you're gonna uncurse us.” demanded Rainbow Dash, which only made Zecora angrier.

“It is unwise to venture down this road. Your actions will make my anger explode!” Zecora threatened, angered by the group of ponies.

Those words startled the ponies after realizing that Zecora was probably the wrong zebra you want to mess with.

“WHY IS SHE SO ANGRY NOW!?” Asked Star Twinkle

But in the middle of all that Apple Bloom entered the room and wondered what in Ponyville was going on. Applejack was relieved to see her sister unharmed, much to Apple Bloom's surprise.

“Apple Bloom! You're okay!” Said Applejack In relief.

“Why wouldn't I be?“ Apple Bloom asked.

“Because Zecora is an evil enchantress who cursed us and was gonna cook you up into soup!” said Twilight leaving some confused looks on Apple Bloom's and Zecora's face, who then started to laugh.

Apple Bloom explained that there is no such thing as a curse and that Twilight should know that. But since everypony looked like that Twilight was sure of what she spoke of.

“Apple Bloom, sweetie. You can't just stand there and tell me this isn't a curse,” said Twilight fully confident of her words.

“This isn't a curse,” Apple Bloom calmly replied, while approaching Zecora.

“HEY LOOK APPLE BLOOM IS ALRIGHT!” Said Star Twinkle who just realized that she was there.

Zecora then explained that she was trying to warn them of a flower called “Poison Joke” which was growing in the Everfree Forest. Back then when they tried to save Apple Bloom from Zecora, they all stepped in a field of blue flowers. And this “curse” was only the side effect of this flower. But they still wondered why Zecora had this creepy decoration or why she was chanting while brewing the stew in her cauldron. To which Zecora explained that there were treasures that she bought from her homeland. The Language she was speaking was obviously her native language. She was chanting a nursery rhyme in her language back then. And the soup she was brewing was a remedy for the Poison Joke in which you have to take a bubble bath.

But Twilight was still wondering why she couldn't find a remedy in all of her books to which Zecora showed her the book from where she got the remedy from. Twilight recognized the book, she said that she didn't look inside of it because of the title.

“Supernaturals: Natural Remedies and Cure-alls That Are Simply Super,” she read out loud.

Twilight suddenly felt bad for causing Zecora so much trouble for no reason, even thought she had the answer the whole time.
She apologized to her but Zecora wasn't angry at all and offered to mix up another bubble bath. But the problem was that she can't finish it because she is missing a herb from Ponyville since every shop is closed because everypony is afraid of Zecora.

“Oh! I think I can help you with that,” said Twilight.

The group then walked back to Ponyville to get the remaining herb, explaining the situation to some ponies in Ponyville, who still believed that Zecora put a curse on them.

Star Twinkle who still didn't know what exactly was going on was dragged to the spa. He saw how the girls went to the other side of the spa because obviously, they couldn't bath together. There was a huge pool of water and Spike tried to explain that he should go inside to cure the curse.

“SO THIS WATER IS SUPPOSE TO CURE THE CURSE!?” He asked Spike who stood there making some gestures in hope that Star Twinkle would understand them.

Star Twinkle then dived into the water for a few seconds. After he came back up he realized that he could hear a lot better now, making him sigh in relief.

“ARE YOU BETTER NOW!” Spike shouted directly into Star Twinkles ears, making him flinch.

“Yes! I'm fine unless you want me to be deaf again,” he annoyingly said.

“Are you better now Star Twinkle!?” Said Twilight from the other side of the spa.

“Yes!” he replied.
“How about you?
Did that evil enchantress Zecora take away the curse from you too?”

He then suddenly heard laughter from the other side. He didn't know what that was about and got confused.

“What?” he asked.

“We will explain everything later, just enjoy your bath for now“ Twilight replied.

The bubble bath did feel really relaxing so Star Twinkle didn't mind. So he took his sweet time and waited until everything will be explained to him later this day.

Author's Note:

I had so much fun writing this chapter ^^.

That is all O_O

Don't know what else I should write here this time.

Leave a review if you liked or disliked something in this chapter or the whole story

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