• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 8,455 Views, 206 Comments

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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76. Chaos in the house

Star Twinkle figured that he was spending a lot of time near train stations recently. Whether it was because he needed to go to Manehattan or Rainbow Falls, for some reason, trains were not very far. This time, he didn't need to take the train though, this time he just needed to say farewell to Fluttershy, who was spending the day out of town. Apparently, the "Equestrian Society for the Preservation of Rare Creatures" gave her permission to observe some creatures called the "Breezies". According to Fluttershy, they were the rarest, tiniest and most adorable creatures in all of Equestria so as an Animal lover, she just had to take this chance to see them herself.

And her friends were all at the train station to see her off.

Rarity gave her some additional clothing, in case that it would get cold and Applejack packed her a basket of apples in case that she would get hungry. Fluttershy herself was already wearing safari-like clothes and had her saddlebag packed with all kind of things. She was probably all too familiar with how to observe animals on her own.

The train was already in the station and about to leave so Fluttershy quickly got on it. "Have a great time!" Twilight said.

"Oh, I will," Fluttershy said excitedly. "And I hope you have fun with Cadance," she wished back.

Shortly after, the train was leaving and Fluttershy was on her way. However, that was only the first reason why everypony gathered at the station. Cadance, princess of the Crystal Empire, wife of Twilight's brother Shining Armor and Twilight's old foal-sitter, was about to visit Ponyville. Or, to be precise, Twilight. As the ruler of the Crystal Empire, Princess Cadance had a lot of things to take care of and naturally, not much free time to spare. But today, she had time to spend and she used it to see Twilight who was quite nervous about her visit.

"What could you be nervous about, Twilight? Cadance just loves you to pieces!" Applejack said, which couldn't be further from the truth.

"I know, but I really want her visit to go without a hitch!" Twilight explained.

"Oh, why wouldn't it?" Pinkie Pie asked confused.

"Well, the last three times we've seen each other haven't exactly been worry-free," Twilight replied.
Of course, the last three times they've met always had something to do with saving Equestria so there was probably little time to refresh their old friendship. "Cadance and I haven't really had a chance to just enjoy being friends again. Which is why it is so important that this visit be about the two of us having some real quality time together," Twilight further explained.

"I'm guessin' you've got a plan that'll keep it that way," Applejack said.

And as expected, that was exactly the case. "The timing couldn't be more perfect. Today, right here in Ponyville, the Star Swirl the Bearded Traveling Museum!" She said while she pointed at a poster that was on the train station building, showing a picture of, who else, Starswirl the Bearded. "Cadance and I can spend the whole day looking at Star Swirl the Bearded artifacts!" She said excitedly.

"Sounds like a perfect drama-free way to spend the day with Cadance," Rarity said.

"Unless Cadance isn't a fan of Star Swirl the Bearded..." Star Twinkle pointed out.

"Oh, don't worry about that," Twilight assured. "The only drama that will occur is the one of being surrounded by the bells from his cloak they've chosen to put on display. Spoiler alert: it's this one!" She said while she pointed again at the poster in front of her.

Twilight was clearly showing some excitement and couldn't wait to spend time with Cadance at this traveling museum. But the same couldn't be said about every other pony. Rainbow Dash for example who visibly showed her disinterest by gagging a little."Uh, sorry. Something in my throat... like a big ball of 'lame'!" For Rainbow Dash, it didn't really sound like a very entertaining day but that didn't really matter.

"Well, I think it sounds delightful," Rarity said, fully supporting Twilight's idea.

"Yup. Definitely sounds like you two will have some real quality time together," Applejack agreed on.

"Yeah, and don't worry, none of us will interrupt you and Cadance so you can have your quiet time with her," Star Twinkle assured. He expected his friends to think the same way and judging from how they all nodded in agreement, it looks like they were.

"Exactly. Just quiet time," Twilight said happily. She could clearly not wait until Cadance's train would arrive at the station.

And there was not much time left for her to wait...

A train that looked highly different from the Friendship-Express was about to enter the train station. The front train was practically screaming "Crystal Empire" with that amount of crystals that it was covered with so it must have been Cadance's train, much to Twilight's delight. However, the screeching that came from the train after it was stopping near the station was something that everypony gladly could have

"Well, I heard that royals always announce their visits but..." Star Twinkle thought while he blocked his ears from the painful noises that the train made while it was driving on the tracks.

Shortly after, the Princess of the Crystal Empire stepped out of the train, accompanied by two guards, one of them being a Crystal Pony and another one being a Pegasus Pony that looked strangely familiar to Star Twinkle, though he couldn't really put why.

Twilight was about to greet her old friend but Princess Cadance bowed down before she could even say something. "Your Highness," she greeted formally while she closed her eyes and bowed down in front of Twilight.

Twilight was surprised to see Cadance like that but after she remembered that both of them were princesses, she replied with a bow as well. "Your Highness,"

Princess Cadance knew everypony in the group all too well, but it was just a fact that she was still a princess, the princess of a whole kingdom to be exact. It was only natural for everypony else to slowly bow down as well. Twilight was a princess as well so greeting each other like this was probably to be expected by everypony else.

Princess Cadance just now realized that Twilight was bowing to her as well and smiled before she explained that she was just joking. "We're sisters-in-law, Twilight. We don't have to be so formal," she said, causing Twilight to smile back at her.

The two guards that accompanied Princess Cadance both went inside of the train and drove back to the Crystal Empire. It looks like as if Princess Cadance also wanted to make sure that she and her sister-in-law would have their private time.

"Knowing you, you've made some plans," Princess Cadance guessed.

"Boy, have I," Twilight replied before she attempted to explain everything but she couldn't help but look over to her friends with a concerned look on her face. She probably felt a little bad for leaving them so that she could spend time with Princess Cadance. "Hang on just one second," she said before she walked over to her friends one more time. "You guys-" She started, however, Rarity exactly knew what she was about to say and interrupted her.

"Now, now, don't you worry about a thing! We will make sure that nothing – but nothing – interferes with your visit," Rarity assured with a smile on her face.

"Go on, have a hootenanny with your kinfolk," Applejack added.

Twilight couldn't help but feel happy to hear this. "You really are the best friends a pony could ever have," she said touched after realizing that her friends were all so understanding of the situation. She hugged every single one of her friends in a big group hug.

"Now don't let any time go to waste and go to Cadance, she's probably waiting for you," Star Twinkle said with a smile on his face.

"Yes, your right," Twilight said before she happily went back to Princess Cadance to spend the day with her.

The two mares walked off into the distance, talking and laughing on their way to this traveling museum. "And there they go," Star Twinkle said as he watched the two mares walking away from the station. "Must be nice to finally spend some time with somepony that you can't see every day,"

"You bet!" Pinkie Pie said as she popped out of nowhere next to Star Twinkle, causing him to flinch. "Well, I for one am gonna make sure that nothing spoils their day!" She said determined to make those words come true.

"Yeah," Rainbow Dash agreed. "Imagine if out of all the days, today something happens to ruin their day..."

"Yes, like that thing that is quickly flying towards our direction!" Pinkie Pie said casually, causing everypony to look into the distance where they saw something flying towards the train station at rapid speed.

"What is that thing?" Applejack wondered as she tried to find out what came flying towards them.

As soon as Rarity noticed that it came dangerously close to them, she advised everypony to take cover. "Whatever it is...duuuck!!!" She screamed, causing everypony to duck.

Except for Pinkie Pie, who misinterpreted Rarity's words a little. "That doesn't look anything like a duck!" She said confused. Eventually, Star Twinkle dragged her down to the ground so that she wouldn't get hit. And it was good that he did that because this thing was flying right past them and would hit them all if they didn't drop to the ground in time. Whatever that thing was, it crashed into a nearby tree and seemed to have stopped moving now.

After everything was safe again, the five ponies got up again and walked towards the tree to get some answers. "What is that?" Rainbow Dash asked confused.

Surprisingly, that thing replied in an all too familiar voice. "No, not a "what", but a "who", dear,"

Everypony quickly recognized that voice. "Oh no..." Star Twinkle quietly expressed after he realized who this voice belonged to.

Shortly after, a sneeze could be heard from inside the tree and after that, the leaves of the tree were all burned away by blue flames, leaving only the tree trunk and the branches, as well as the one who the voice from before belonged to.

It was none other than Discord who was now sitting in the tree, much to everyponies shock. But the Draconequus looked a little more different than usual. Not only did he seem to be in a really miserable state but his body was also completely blue for some reason.

"What in tarnation are you doin' here? And why the jumpin' June bugs are you blue?" Applejack asked.

"More like a shade of cerulean, to be precise," Rarity corrected which Applejack couldn't care less right now.

"Whatever color you are is the color of trouble!" Rainbow Dash said, speaking out what everypony else was thinking right now.

But Discord seemed to be thinking a little different. "Oh, Rainbow Dash, I've changed, surely you remember? I was reformed by lovely little- " But in the middle of the sentence, Discord sneezed once again. "F-F-Fluttershy-"

"What are you, sick or somethin'?" Applejack guessed after the constant sneezing that came from Discord.

"Well, of course, I'm sick. The blue skin? These sneezes? Could somebody find me a fainting couch?" Discord demanded.

Knowing, Rarity, she must have one of those so everypony looked at her, expecting her to magically summon one for Discord. But of course, that was not the case and Rarity was confused why every pair of eyes were suddenly on her.

Pinkie Pie then decide to provide a couch, made out of some luggage for Discord to lay on. That seemed to be enough since Discord did make himself comfortable right away. "How charming, thank you, I can't stop sneezing and wheezing. In short... I need help," he basically pleads.

Rainbow Dash pointed out the obvious thing. "If you're so 'sick', why have you come here instead of, y'know, staying home in bed and getting over your weird illness?" She said. She was clearly not looking forward to helping Discord.

After a good and hard sneeze Discord explained. "Because this condition has left me helpless, simply helpless! Why, I can barely lift a spoon,"

"But...you were somehow able to come all the way here from...wherever you live," Star Twinkle pointed out while also realizing that he didn't even remotely know where Discord was living.

"I didn't expect any of you to understand the situation I'm in now!" He said while crossing his arms. "I came to find the one pony who truly understands me and could nurse me back to health. Where is that dear, sweet Fluttershy? I need attention! I need some care! I need-"

Rainbow Dash put her hoof on Discords mouth to stop his whining for a second. "You need to chill. Fluttershy's out," she explained.

Discord didn't seem all too surprised to hear that. "Oh, of course, her trip to see the Breezies. Ah, yes, I had forgotten that was today,"

"How do you know about her trip?" Applejack asked with a judging look on her face.

"Well, she told me about it in her last letter," Discord replied casually before he summoned a luggage and pulled out a letter from it.

There seemed to be some confusion in the group after hearing that piece of information. "You and Fluttershy write each other letters?" Pinkie Pie asked confused after she scanned her eyes through the letter that Discord was holding in front of her.

"Well, of course we do! We're friends!" Discord replied as if it was the proudest thing ever. "It's just such a shame that today of all days is when I really need her. Oh, well, I know what to do,"

"Good thinking," Rainbow Dash said before she pushed Discord right back at the train station, prompting him to leave again. "Head on home, put your feet up. I'm sure eventually you'll have the strength to make yourself soup or something..." She said.

But as expected, Discord wouldn't let himself get rid off that easily and quickly appeared next to the rest of the group again. "Oh, no-no-no-no-no-no! I mean, while she's gone, you ponies can take care of me! Isn't that what friends are for, taking care of each other?" He said while he grabbed everypony in a big group hug, much to the dislike of everypony because the word "friend" is very vaguely used in context with Discord. "Let the healing begin!" He said before he waited for one brave soul to volunteer.

"That sounds like a lot of trouble..." Star Twinkle thought annoyed.

Discord was waiting for one of his "good friends" to finally step up but not surprisingly, nopony felt like doing that. In fact, Rainbow Dash quickly freed herself from Discord's hug and flew away at an incredible speed. She basically tailed out of the whole thing. It was times like this where Star Twinkle wished that he could run as fast as Rainbow Dash could fly.

"Well, that's some way to treat a suffering friend," Discord replied to Rainbow Dash's escape.

However, unlike Rainbow Dash, somepony actually did volunteer to help Discord getting recovered again. It was Pinkie Pie, who seemed actually a little excited to spend time with Discord. "Don't you worry, Discord! I'll give you cuddles, and read you stories, and tell you all about me!" She said before she actually started to explain on which day of the week she was born.

Discord quickly stopped the mare's words. For once, Star Twinkle could actually understand that Discord was probably not looking forward to dealing a whole day with this hyperactive mare. "Oh, you're so sweet to offer, but Rarity and Applejack already volunteered to be my own personal nursemaids," he said followed by a chuckle.

"We did?" Applejack and Rarity exclaimed confused, clearly not being aware of the whole "volunteered" part.

Discord apologized to Pinkie Pie because she clearly was looking forward to it and hoped that she wouldn't mind. She quickly wanted to make him know that she did mind but as soon as she was trying to object, Discord simply pulled out a red balloon and let it fly away from him. This seemed to be enough to get Pinkie Pie's attention and she just hoped after it in excitement.

Now Discord was waiting for Applejack and Rarity to start the healing the process. Of course, that did not happen right away. In fact, Star Twinkle, Applejack, and Rarity were highly cautious about Discord and decided to discuss what to do next.

"That joker's up to something..." Applejack whispered to the two.

"Obviously," Star Twinkle whispered back to which Rarity also nodded in agreement.

Applejack looked over to Discord to see him laying in a hospital bed to basically show everypony in what bad state he was in. But Star Twinkle, Applejack, and Rarity were all highly suspicious of him. "Whatever it is, we're gonna keep it as far away from Twilight and Princess Cadance as possible," Applejack said.

"You're right," Rarity agreed. "We promised we wouldn't let anything ruin their visit... although I do so wish that "anything" had turned out to be something else!" Rarity said.

"Or someone else..." Star Twinkle added annoyed.

But before they could continue with a plan or something, Discord appeared behind them. "Did I hear you two talking about Princess Cadance's visit with Princess Twilight?" He said after clearly eavesdropping on the three. "Fluttershy had mentioned that those two were getting together today. How wonderful for them both. It is so rare that those two get to see one another. I don't know about you, but I sometimes wonder how close they could actually be. All those years apart before being reunited?"

The three ponies didn't exactly know where Discord was going with that but it was obvious to them that it would not be good.

"They're plenty close," Applejack simply replied.

Discord, however, continued. "And if they're not, this rare opportunity to focus on their friendship will certainly bring them closer. Unless..."

And there was what everypony feared. "Don't even think about it! They mustn't be disturbed!" Rarity said in an attempt to talk Discord out of whatever he has planned.

"Disturb them? I wouldn't dream of it," Discord replied offended. "Not when I have two such dear friends of my own who have already offered to take care of me. And at such peril! This flu of mine is highly contagious," he said before he "accidentally" sneezed right on Applejack and Rarity who then turned blue themselves and started to sneeze too.

"Hey! What did you do!?" Star Twinkle exclaimed. "You did that on purpose!"

"It was clearly an accident, Star Twinkle," Discord said not seeing himself responsible for that "accident" at all. "But, oh dear, it looks like I've gotten both of them sick too. Whomever shall I turn to now in my time of need?" He said with a wide grin on his face.

Of course, his eyes were wandering towards Star Twinkle who widened his eyes as soon as he noticed that he was looked at by the sly Draconequus. "Oh no, forget it!" Star Twinkle simply said, trying to tail out of this situation as well.

Discord teleported right next to Star Twinkle who quickly jumped to the side to avoid getting sick as well. "But you are the only one here who can still heal me again. Surely, you won't let a good friend hanging?"

"No, I said forget it! Do you really think I don't see that you are up to something?" Star Twinkle said while visibly showing Discord that he won't fall for anything that Discord planned to do with him.

"Such accusations!" Discord replied offended. "But! As a good friend, I respect your decision," he said, much to the surprise of Star Twinkle. "I guess, I have to go and find a real friend who can heal me again...do you mind telling me where I can find Twilight?" He then asked while he looked around himself.

Star Twinkle quickly widened his eyes. Out of all days, for this guy to appear, this one was the worst possible ever. He looked over to Applejack and Rarity who making a lot of gestures to let Star Twinkle know that this had to be prevented at all costs. Discord would completely ruin Twilight's and Cadance's day just by being present. Star Twinkle did swear to not let her special day with her sister-in-law get ruined and here he was with Discord making it almost impossible.

There was only one thing to do...

Star Twinkle gave his answer but not before letting out a huge sigh. "Alright, alright...I'll help you to get better," he said while clenching his teeth together.

Discord was beaming with joy and quickly hugged the Earth Pony. "Oh, I knew you had a soft spot for me after all! I'm sure this nursing process will bring us both togh-" but Discord could finish his sentence, a sneeze slipped out of him once more but luckily, Star Twinkle managed to get out of the way in time again. "My apology," Discord added with a grin on his face.

"Use a tissue..." Star Twinkle said before he led the way to his house so that he could get this annoying task over with as quickly as possible.

Later, in front of Star Twinkle's house...

Star Twinkle opened the door to his house with Discord standing right behind him. "Here we are..." Star Twinkle said highly depressed. He was not expecting the Lord of Chaos to ever set hoof into his house. So for him, it felt kinda weird.

Discord, on the other hoof, was looking around in the living room and seemed unimpressed. "This is your home?" Discord asked confused, much to Star Twinkle's confusion who didn't know what Discord meant with that. "Ugh...way to much wood..." Discord expressed in disgust. It was true that Star Twinkle's home was not really the most inviting looking one with all this brown wood everywhere. There was also not much decoration or many pieces of furniture but for Star Twinkle, it was more than enough to live with. But it didn't look too inviting for Discord. "How about we give this room a little more touch? How fond are you with lava pits?" He said before he was about to snap his finger to make something appear, as usual.

"No! Don't change anything in here!" Star Twinkle exclaimed, trying to stop Discord to do something similar to what he did with Fluttershy's house once. "Besides, Didn't you say that you were weak because of your illness?"

Discord widened his eyes for a moment. He then immediately seemed to feel weak again. "You're right," he said while he put his palm on his forehead.

Star Twinkle and Discord then went upstairs so that the Draconequus could rest in Star Twinkle's bed. "I would offer you to get comfortable but..." he looked over to Discord, who was already laying in Star Twinkle's bed, with his head on his pillow and covered in his bed sheets. "- But it looks like you already did..."

"I certainly did," Discord said, smiling widely at Star Twinkle and making himself even more comfortable in his own bed. "This bed is really comfortable. No wonder why you prefer to stay home, instead of spending time outside with your friends,"

Star Twinkle ignored this obvious provocation at his cost and went on with the "nursing part". "Anything else that you need," Star Twinkle asked, in hope that it wouldn't be something annoying.

Discord tipped his chin for a second. "I'd like something to read," he only said.

"Sure," Star Twinkle said in an annoyed tone. He went to his bookshelf downstairs to get Discord something to read. He was glad that Discord actually demanded something normal. He had no idea what book he should give him but as soon as he would stand in front of his bookshelf, he probably would find something.

That is...if the bookshelf was there...

"What the?" Star Twinkle said confused once he figured that his bookshelf was gone. He walked up to the empty space, where the shelf usually was standing at in hope that his eyes or his mind were playing a prank on him. He didn't really pay attention to it but he could swear that it was still there when he and Discord were entering his house.

So with no book in his hooves and confusion in his head, he went back upstairs to tell Discord that his bookshelf magically disappeared. But as soon as he was upstairs again, he felt really dumb and for forgetting that the Lord of Chaos was inside of his house. Discord was laying there in the bed with Star Twinkle's bookshelf right next to him. He was also already reading through one of the books.

As soon as Discord noticed that Star Twinkle was standing in front of him he waved over to him with a happy smile on his face. But Star Twinkle didn't feel like smiling back to him and just gave him a mean glare. "Well, look, I guess you found my bookshelf on your own..." he said highly sarcastically to let Discord know that he was slowly getting on Star Twinkle's nerves. "Just do me a favor and don't eat the pages, okay?"

"I would never do something like that to any of my good friends," Discord said with some amusement in his voice. For some reason, every time when Discord called him "friend" Star Twinkle only felt more annoyed. Discord was flipping through some of the books and constantly had a confused expression on his face."Just where did you find some of those books?" He then began to read out some of the titles of the books that he was holding in his claw. "I mean, The many Tales of Star Swirl the bearded, Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone, Pranksters 101, The Beautiful nature of Equestria, Monstrous Manual, The How to make quick Bits Business Guide...this is quite some random collection of books, don't you think?"

"So?" Star Twinkle asked. He didn't really understand why Discord was pointing that out, of all the things.

"I was just wondering. I thought your life was pretty boring before you met Twilight and the rest of your friends. But it seems that you have quite a lot of different things that you are interested in. I mean, why else would you have those books, right?" Discord asked though it did sound like as if he was teasing Star Twinkle a little with those words.

"Are we seriously gonna stand here and discuss my taste in books?" Star Twinkle replied annoyed. "I have books about different things, so what?" He asked, in order to find out why Discord seemed to be so interested to talk with Star Twinkle about something so minor like that.

"My bad," Discord apologized, even though it didn't sound all too sincere. "Allow me just one more question..." he said, much to Star Twinkle's annoyance. He then pulled out the six books which title he read out before and showed them in front of Star Twinkle. "I got rather interested in some of those books so do you mind telling me where you got each and every single one of those from?" He asked with a grin on his face.

"Sure," Star Twinkle replied to get this over with. He looked at the titles of each book. He recognized every single one of them and tried to tell Discord where he got them from. "The many Tales of Star Swirl the bearded, I got from-" But in the middle of the sentence, it suddenly felt like as if a flash was running through Star Twinkle's head, causing him to grab his head in confusion.
"What the..." he thought with his eyes widened in confusion.

"Well?" Discord asked curiously, still with a grin on his face.

Star Twinkle decided to skip this book. There was no reason that he had to go into too much detail for Discord after all. "Forget it, um...here...Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Stone...I got this book from..."

Then again, a flash run through his mind. It was like as if the answer just vanished out of his mind. One moment it was there...and one moment gone...

Again, Star Twinkle skipped this book. "Pranksters 101, that one I got from..."

And there it was again. As soon as he wanted to open his mouth, it was like as if something prevented him from recalling the information.

"What is going on?" Star Twinkle wondered. "I even know some of the contents of the books because I read them all but I can't seem to remember where I got them from. I know its something minor but...I know where I got them from! I know that I know!" Star Twinkle seemed to panic a little by this but he tried to calm down so that Discord wouldn't notice. He would probably have a field day seeing Star Twinkle stressed like this.

"I think that's enough," Discord then said out of the blue.

"Huh?" Star Twinkle replied confused. "Enough?" He wondered.

"Um...I mean...I am thirsty!" Discord corrected. It seemed like he didn't seem to intended to say those previous words. "Could I get a glass of water?" He then asked with puppy eyes. "I can even sing you a song about how much I want it if that's what you like," he offered.

But Star Twinkle refused. "Please, don't. I'll get you your water..." he said while he walked downstairs to the kitchen to get it. Halfway on his way down, he expected that his whole kitchen was gone now and that it was now upstairs just for Discord to get a laugh again. However, Star Twinkle was widely surprised to see his bookshelf being in its old place again. The whole thing about his books still bothered him a little but he tried to ignore it. He splashed some water on his face from the kitchen sink to get his head clear again from all this. There was a possibility that Discord was messing with Star Twinkle's head so he decided to watch Discord a little more carefully once he got upstairs again.

Back in the patient's room, Star Twinkle gave Discord a glass of fresh water. Discord directed the glass to his mouth but then he "accidentally" dropped. "Oops," he said, even though Star Twinkle knew that this was on purpose. Discord laughed for a moment and decided to play it all off. "Say, your parents live in Canterlot, right?" He asked. Of course, Star Twinkle was confused how Discord knew about that. "Fluttershy told me," he explained as soon as he saw the confused look on Star Twinkle's face.

"Fluttershy talks to you about me?" Star Twinkle asked while he tilted his head to the side.

"Argh, don't get the wrong idea. She talks about all of her friends," Discord said in a little offended tone for some reason. "What I meant to ask you was...why are you not living with them in Canterlot? You grew up here in Ponyville with them and then they decided to move to Canterlot...but you didn't go with them..."

"Yes..." Star Twinkle replied. He didn't like that Discord knew so much about him. He actually blamed Fluttershy for telling the Lord of Chaos about all those things.

Again, just like before, Discord asked a question and grinned while doing so. "Why? I thought your life was pretty boring...you had no friends...you didn't leave your house that often and from what I've heard that you even regretted to leave your parents behind. So what could be the reason for you to stay here?"

"I..." Star Twinkle started to reply before he realized that he didn't know the answer to that as well. "...I don't know..." Star Twinkle replied while looking away from Discord.

"You don't? Come on. Try to think. I mean, that's quite a decision that you had to make and you simply don't remember it?" Discord further poked.

Star Twinkle hated that Discord was right and he hated that he couldn't remember the reason no matter how much he thought about it. "Like Discord said, I didn't have any friends, no hobbies, and I spent most of my days alone at home. My parents were the only ones who were by my side so why would I want to be separated from them? I knew I was a lot different before I met Twilight and the others but did I really want to be all alone? I didn't even want my parents by my side?" Star Twinkle questioned himself.

The more Star Twinkle thought about that, the more his head began to hurt and the more that happened, Discord seemed to enjoy this. Star Twinkle got a little frustrated that Discord seemed to ask all the questions that he didn't seem to have an answer to. Star Twinkle knew that Discord was doing that on purpose and tried his best to not feed Discord's enjoyment by showing how frustrated he was.

"How about we focus on you getting better again, instead of asking me one question after another? You are sick after all, right?" Star Twinkle asked. This seemed to have caught Discord a little off guard. He also looked like as if he was sad to have this conversation end before he could get even more enjoyment out of this.

Star Twinkle left the room and decided to make Discord a soup, in hope that it would make him shut up for a few minutes. But as soon as he arrived back upstairs, Discord only sniffed at it for a moment, before he straight out slapped it out of Star Twinkle's hooves. "I'm not really in the mood for soup," he had the nerves to say.

Star Twinkle's left eyes began to twitch after hearing that. "It doesn't matter if you are in the mood or not, if you want to get better, there is nothing better to eat than a warm soup," he explained.

"Normally, I would agree with you on that but my illness cannot be healed by something like that," Discord said.

"Wait!" Star Twinkle exclaimed. "Does that mean you know how to cure your illness?" He asked with some slight anger in his voice.

"I simply didn't want your effort to heal me up again go to waste," Discord replied. But Star Twinkle highly doubted that and prompted Discord to tell him how to cure this illness of him. Discord explained everything by drawing a cloud in the air to show him a picture of a flower. "On a hill at the very edge of Equestria, there grows an exquisite magic flower. Pick the flower as it drops its petals at sunset. Then you can make a magical soothing elixir to cure the blue flu." He then summoned a map of Equestria with a certain placed marked on it. "This is the place where you can find it," he then said while he pointed at the marked spot with his claw.

"And I suppose you didn't go and pick this flower because you were too weak?" Star Twinkle asked annoyed.

"Precisely," Discord simply replied. "But that's what friends like you are here for, right?" He added with a smile on his face.

Star Twinkle's eyes popped out in confusion. "You want me to go there!? Do you know how much time it will take to get to this place!?"

Discord seemed disappointed and even sad to hear this. "Yes, you're right," he said while he threw the map away. "You already did enough so I guess, I should go and ask somepony else for help...like Twilight," he said with a sinister grin on his face.

Star Twinkle let out a big sigh. Of course, Discord would play this card again because he knew that it would work. If it was any other day, then Star Twinkle would have given up and let just Twilight take care of it but since it was a very special day for her, he just had to take care of this situation.

Or at least, he felt like he had to...


Things ended up with Star Twinkle transforming into a Pegasus and flying to where he would find the flower. All while having to carry Discord behind him who was sitting on some kind of throne, which Star Twinkle felt like was a little unnecessary. "Come on, Star Twinkle, the sun is almost down," Discord had the nerve to complain, even though Star Twinkle was the only one in a position for that.

"We may could have been faster if I didn't have to drag this thing of yours behind me!" Star Twinkle replied annoyed while he kept flying through the air.

But Discord disagreed. "Actually, if you wouldn't have gone on a break, here and there, then we could have reached that place faster. You should be grateful that I offered you how to get to this place in the first place. We sure are lucky that you acquired that mysterious ability to transform," he said in a really sneaky tone.

Star Twinkle felt like the more he talked with this Draconequus, the more he regretted doing all of this. The breaks that he had to take were because he couldn't maintain his Pegasus Form for very long, but of course, he didn't expect Discord to understand that. He was actually more surprised that he was still doing all of this, despite being heavily exhausted by this trip.

Fortunately, Star Twinkle finally arrived at the spot where they could find the flower that would cure Discord's illness. He landed on the ground and saw a huge hill in front of him. Discord told him that the flower would be right on top of the hill so Star Twinkle didn't waste any time and walked towards it while Discord was waiting on his throne.

Star Twinkle already canceled his Pegasus transformation and didn't felt as exhausted as when he was dragging Discord behind him but he was still breathing heavily. He already saw the flower in the distance, which was strange but as it turns out, it was a lot bigger then he imagined. The flower was as big as a tower and the petals were bigger than Star Twinkle himself. Discord said that the whole flower had to be picked and made into an elixir to cure his illness.

"Yeah...pick the flower...how do I do that!?" Star Twinkle exclaimed in frustration. There was no way that he could pick a flower this big. He had to be an Ursa Minor to be able to pick the giant flower out of the ground. Even lifting up the petals looked like a lot of work. But despite that, Star Twinkle figured that using magic would be the only way to go. He somehow had to pull out the flower by using his magic in his Unicorn Form. "Alright...here we go..." Star Twinkle said before he concentrated to transform into his Unicorn Form. A horn appeared on his head and he slowly walked up to the flower.


But then, all of the sudden, his horn disappeared again and Star Twinkle dropped to his knees out of exhaustion. He started to pant heavily and things started to get blurry. "Again..." Star Twinkle said.

This was not the first time where Star Twinkle got out of breath all of the sudden. Back then in Manehattan and in Rainbow Falls the same thing happened. Now after thinking back to those moments, Star Twinkle figured that he always would get exhausted after he spends a lot of time in any of his transformations. The timing was perfect this time, as soon as he tried to transform again, the exhaustion kicked in. This led him to the conclusion that using his transformations a little too often or over a longer period of time was taking a toll on him. But whether it was a bad idea to transform now or not, right now, he was stuck in front of this giant flower and if Discord wasn't kind enough to bring him back to Ponyville, then he would be stuck in this place for a while. Knowing Discord, he would probably not tell anypony where Star Twinkle went to so there was also not a chance for any of his friends to show up now.

Realizing all this stuff at once, didn't make Star Twinkle exactly happy. He was about to say that things couldn't get any worse now but life was always a step ahead when it came to making things for Star Twinkle harder. This time it came in form of a huge worm-like creature that came popping out of the ground in front of Star Twinkle. "You've got to be kidding me..." Star Twinkle expressed in his frustration. He had no idea what this thing was, but he knew that it wasn't friendly, judging by how this thing looked at the stallion. As soon as it opened its mouth and revealed some black tentacles that tried to reach out to him, he knew that he had to get out of there.

Luckily, Star Twinkle was still a little too far away from this giant worm. In fact, he seemed to have shaken it off after running away for a while. It was nowhere to be seen and Star Twinkle was relieved that he made it out of there safe and sound. However, once he thought he could take a break for a moment, the ground began to shake. "Oh no!" He said in shock after he remembered how thing originally came out of the ground. He tried to run away but the ground opened up right beneath him and the giant worm came popping out of it again. Star Twinkle was not able to get away from that and got thrown into the air. He landed face first on the ground and fell a little dizzy but once he looked at the worm again, he instantly recognized the black tentacles from before that now came right at him again. He tried his best to get out of the way but he wasn't fast enough and got caught by them. As soon as they got a good grip on him, Star Twinkle was unable to move, no matter how much he struggled. The giant worm slowly drew Star Twinkle closer to its mouth so that he could eat him alive.

Star Twinkle tried to transform into a Unicorn so that he could teleport out of this situation but it didn't work in his current state. "Isn't there anything I can do!?" He thought in a panic while he still tried to free himself from this thing's grip. "Someone help me!" He screamed in fear. But the question was, who would come and help him. Discord was too far away and probably didn't care what happened to him and no one else knew about him being in this place. It was hopeless. "Someone..." Star Twinkle began to stop struggling since it was only a waste of energy. The creature was opening its mouth widely and was just about to swallow the stallion whole. Star Twinkle accepted that this would be his end and didn't resist anymore.

Instead, his mind wandered completely off. "I wonder what the others are doing right now?" He thought. "Twilight is probably having a lot of fun with Cadance...and the others...well, I don't know. To think that I got into this mess just by letting Twilight have some private time with Cadence. I don't think I would have done anything like that back then..." Star Twinkle couldn't help but let out a laugh after thinking about that. "Back then huh? I don't even seem to know who I was back then...now that I think about it, there are a lot of holes in my memories...but strangely enough, I seem to remember everything clearly after I met Twilight and the others...I wonder why it is like that..."

Star Twinkle closed his eyes and tried one more time to focus on some things that bothered him. Strangely enough, he was brought back to one of Discord's questions. The question why he didn't want to leave Ponyville. He had no reason to stay in this town yet he still decided to stay there after his parents moved to Canterlot. "What was the reason? That is really the only thing I want to know before..." he said before he focused on this memory specifically.

His parents...he could see them as they were leaving...
They were going on board of the Friendship express...
They were on their way to Canterlot...
It was the day where they moved to Canterlot without him...
They waved back at him and Star Twinkle waved back with a smile on his face...
His parents entered the train and Star Twinkle was left behind...
Star Twinkle smiled and shortly after turned around...
There were a bunch of ponies standing in front of him...
He couldn't identify who those ponies were because all he could see were blurred silhouettes...
But for some reason...as soon as he remembered those silhouettes...
He felt happy...
Very happy...

All of the sudden, a rush of energy seemed to have shot trough Star Twinkle's body. Almost effortlessly, he managed to transform into his Unicorn Form. He concentrated on fighting back now. He was not really focusing on what to do now but he at least wanted to do something. A teleport, a magic beam, a shield, he didn't care. Eventually, a very bright light blinded the stallion. He didn't know what it was but it felt like as if he fell unconscious after whatever happened just now.


When he woke up, not much time seemed to have past by. He wondered what happened and tried to get back on his hooves only to find out that he was too weak to stand up. Of course, he also wondered what happened to that big worm monster and looked around. He almost immediately found it right in front of him, unconscious...no...knocked out. "What happened?" He wondered.

"Star Twinkle!" An all to familiar female voice shouted. Star Twinkle smiled once he realized who it was but before he could answer, exhaustion took over and he passed out again. But not without him seeing the blurry image of a purple coated pony running towards him...


Star Twinkle seemed to regain consciousness again. There was some chatter that could be heard nearby. He found himself in some kind of room and he was laying on a couch. He knew that room. As soon as everything wasn't blurry anymore, he recognized this place as Fluttershy's cottage which was filled with all of his friends.

"I think he is awake again!" Fluttershy said who was standing next to the stallion with a now relieved expression on her face.

Everypony came rushing towards the stallion who was slowly sitting up again and felt a little overwhelmed by the number of ponies that approached him all of the sudden. "What happened?" Was the first thing he asked.

"Oh, thank goodness that you are alright," Rarity expressed in her relief.

"You're back in Ponyville again," Twilight explained who also seemed to be relieved after seeing Star Twinkle waking up again. "Applejack and Rarity told me that you had to deal with Discord so me and Cadance decided to check up on you because we both had a very bad feeling about this," she said while she looked over to Princess Cadance, who Star Twinkle only just now realized was present as well.

"And for the right reasons, it seems," Princess Cadance added. "We found a map in your house with a marked location on it,"

Hearing that, made Applejack almost furious towards a certain someone. "I can't believe that you made Star Twinkle go to such a far away and dangerous place for no reason!"

Star Twinkle looked over to where Applejack's anger was directed towards to and he found out that it was Discord, who seemed to be all better judging from how his usual body color had returned to him.

"No reason!?" Discord replied offended. "I may have faked my sickness but I assure you that it was for a good reason!" Discord said to which everypony was patiently waiting for a good explanation. "I simply tried to deepen the friendship between me and Star Twinkle! I mean he was ready to go all the way to the end of Equestria to heal me up again and if that isn't a true sign of friendship then what else could be?"

"Aw, gimme a break," Applejack replied, not even buying a single word that came out of Discord's mouth. "You wanted to disrupt Twilight's and Cadance's visit all along!"

"Yes! And Star Twinkle decided to do all that because he wanted to prevent just that!" Rarity added.

"Well, those are some really heavy accusations! I assure you that everything that you just accused me of is totally..." but as soon as Fluttershy glared over to Discord with an expression that could stare down a dragon, Discord thought carefully about what he was saying next. "...true," he then admitted after being intimidated by Fluttershy.

"I think we should let Star Twinkle rest a little while," Fluttershy then suggested to which everyone seemed to agree.

Star Twinkle had to admit that he still hasn't recovered yet and having all those ponies and Discord surrounding him in this state was a little overwhelming. Only Twilight decided to walk up to the stallion.

"Is it true?" She asked. "You really dealt with Discord just that I can spend time with Cadance?" To that question nodded in response, putting a worried expression on her face. "That was really stupid, you know?"

"Yeah, probably..." Star Twinkle agreed.

Twilight then began to smile a little after Star Twinkle's answer. "But...it was also really nice of you...thanks..." she then said happily.

Seeing Twilight being happy like that almost made that one trip worth it. Princess Cadance also seemed thankful for what Star Twinkle was ready to do for them. "Next time, please talk with us instead before doing something dangerous like that. If Discord wouldn't have taken care of that Tatzelwurm, then things could have ended really bad for you,"

Star Twinkle looked over to the Draconequus and saw him looking away as soon as they made eye contact. "So that light, that I saw before was his magic, huh..." Star Twinkle thought. For one moment he actually thought that he was the one who dealt with it but it would only make sense that a monster like that would have been no problem for the Lord of Chaos. And after that, Twilight and Cadence found Star Twinkle unconscious and brought him back to Ponyville. It all made sense now.

Fluttershy offered Star Twinkle to spend the night in her cottage but he claimed that he was already fine again and just wanted to go home so after a little rest, he left the cottage to return home. Of course, his friends all stayed as long as he was resting there as well and Twilight even made sure that the stallion would safely return home. As soon as they were standing in front of his home, Star Twinkle felt kinda bad for one thing.

"I made you spend the rest of the day, looking after me and making sure that I was alright...I guess, I totally ruined your day with Cadance after all..." he said with a frown on his face.

But Twilight disagreed and shook her head slowly. "Don't be ridiculous, Star Twinkle. There will be plenty more opportunities for me to spend time with Cadance. We may have spent only a little time on the traveling museum but it was more than enough," she assured with an honest smile on her face. Star Twinkle didn't know if she was saying all that to not make him feel bad or if she was sincere but it still made him happy to hear that. "That reminds me," she then said in a more excited tone. "I originally planned to go with Cadance on another Starswirl the Bearded traveling museum on another day but it turns out that she is quite busy on that day. So I was thinking if you won't accompany me? I know you're not as big as a fan of all that stuff but I thought it could be fun!"

Star Twinkle had to admit that he was not really interested in Starswirl the Bearded but the thought of spending some time with Twilight was actually not too bad. "Yes, sure," he replied with a smile on his face.

Twilight seemed very excited to hear that and grinned widely. "Great!" She simply replied happily.

After that was settled, Twilight decided to leave Star Twinkle alone again so that he could still rest some more. It was only now that, Star Twinkle openly showed that he was still a little exhausted by everything that happened today. Luckily, there was no one nearby that he could worry now.

At least, he thought that this was the case...

"Looks like everything went really well in the end," Discord said who was hanging right under Star Twinkle's window and smiled smugly at the stallion.

Of course, Star Twinkle was not too excited to see Discord so soon again. "So you faked your illness just so that you can mess with me?" He asked, quickly getting to the point.

Discord explained. "Well, its just much more fun to tease ponies who are easy to read like you...besides, like I said, everything went well at the end," he added. Discord was clearly not feeling responsible for anything that could have happened to Star Twinkle.

Still, even if Discord was acting like that, Star Twinkle had to say one thing to the Draconequus. "Thank you...for back then I mean," he said, causing Discord to react a little surprised. "You saved me from this monster, didn't you? Thanks for that," he repeated.

"Oh, that," Discord said before he crossed his arms and acted all offended but he was clearly not sure how to deal with the situation. "don't mention it, it was a pleasure," he simply replied. "Now if you excuse me, I am going home now," he added.

Maybe it was Star Twinkle's imagination but he could swear that he just saw some of Discord's soft side. The Draconequus left again and Star Twinkle entered his home to finally go to sleep now. It was already dark after all.

Discord noticed the pony going inside and looked at the door of Star Twinkle's house before he turned around again and scratched his head. "This pony...he wasn't even aware of what he was doing back then...to think that he would even possess something like that..." he said unusually serious. "I knew he was something special since the first time, I met him. Something seems to prevent him from remembering some stuff...not that I care about it at all...but still, I hope things don't turn out in a bad way...or else...even I will have some problems..." he said worried before he snipped his claws and vanished in thin air.

Author's Note:

Another Chapter done! And this time it was a little more custom content than I originally planned. But that's always good, right?...right?

Anyway, I am excited to say that this story has now over 50. 000 views on Fimfiction and, hopefully after this chapter, on Fanfiction.net as well. That's a lot of views for a story that basically tells the story about a Friendship is Magic with a few more ponies added to the bunch.

I really hope that every new chapter, that I release, is still up to everyone's expectations. I am certainly happy to have a bunch of people tuning in only hours after I release a new chapter ^^.

With that said, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and that you consider leaving some kind of feedback ^^. I would also appreciate it if you follow me so that you can be up to date of every other story that I write (which are all connected to this one).

See you all in the next chapter.
Bye Bye ^^.

Reading Order:

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 1 + 2(Chapter 1 - 53)

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Diary of The Storm Wings

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 3(Chapter 54 - 65)

Equestria Girls - The Legend of Friendship

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Outcasts

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 4(Chapter 66 - 91)

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