• Published 24th Mar 2016
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My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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87. Ponyville's new look

It was early in the morning. Star Twinkle was just on his way to work. As usual, he was still a little grumpy because he couldn't sleep too well last night, like almost every other night. That didn't stop Star Twinkle to still attend work though. He might be lazy or grumpy, but he was also dependable when it came to showing up to his work. If it wasn't for that, he would have surely be fired a long time ago by Steel Hammer.

"I hope the day goes by fast so that I can take a nap soon..." Star Twinkle mumbled to himself before his eyes began to slowly close on his way to work because of the lack of sleep.

But his eyes shot open again after he heard the loud voice of his boss coming closer to him. "Star Twinkle!" Steel Hammer screamed in frustration through the streets of Ponyville as he ran towards Star Twinkle. He stopped right in front of the stallion and took a short breath before he explained what flustered him so much. "Something really weird happened to the Iron Hammer!" He simply said as if he expected Star Twinkle to solve the problem by just saying that.

Star Twinkle was already on his way to the Iron Hammer and, of course, he had to look at the Iron Hammer eventually so he followed Steel Hammer back to his workshop to see what was going on.

While walking towards the Iron Hammer, Steel Hammer couldn't help but express his worries. "Now, I don't know how to deal with a problem like this and I sure hope that this will not be the end of my workshop!" The stallion explained heavily worried.

"Come on," Star Twinkle replied. "I think you are overreacting a little," he said after seeing how Steel Hammer was getting more and more worried about his workshop.

Steel Hammer didn't reply and just glared at Star Twinkle before he then pointed forward with his hoof without a word. Star Twinkle looked in front of him, at the Iron Hammer. As soon as he saw the state of the workshop, he took everything he said about Steel Hammer's paranoia back.

"Okay...that is a little weird," Star Twinkle had to admit after taking a close look at the Iron Hammer at this very moment.

The anvil-shaped workshop, which was previously gray was now golden with little diamond pieces scattered all over it. It was also very shiny and looking at it for too long quickly blinded Star Twinkle, causing him to cover his eyes.

"It's the same from the inside! I can't see where I'm going or let alone work in there because I can't open my eyes for too long until I get blinded by everything!" He explained bothered.

"Yeah, I think I can see your problem now..." Star Twinkle admitted. "But I don't think I can do anything about it," he added.

Steel Hammer sighed. "Yeah, I know...I think I go over to Twilight. She usually has a spell or two ready for situations like this..." he said before he turned around from the sight of his workshop.

"Wait? Does that mean...no work today?" Star Twinkle asked with a hopeful expression on his face.

Steel Hammer turned around for a moment to give an answer. "Didn't you hear what I said? We can't work with all this stuff shining like that. Go home, I'll talk with you once this has been taken care of," he explained before he walked away to meet Twilight about this matter.

A wide smile formed on Star Twinkle's face after he heard those words. Hearing that he didn't have to work for today was probably the best thing that could happen now. His grumpiness also vanished and he happily walked back home again, looking forward to taking a good nap and get some sleep back.

His happiness, however, quickly transformed into confusion once he arrived back home again. "I could swear that this is the place where my house used to be..." Star Twinkle said as he kept inspecting his surroundings to make sure that he was in the right place. But once he figured that he was at the right place, he returned a confused look in front of him.

That confused look was caused by the sight right in front of him. Star Twinkle's home was a small wooden house, brown, simple, almost boring looking. So naturally, he was very confused once he saw how his house was now big golden, almost intimidating looking castle. It was similar to what happened to the Iron Hammer. It was really weird how only his house seemed to have changed though. Every other house was unchanged and this one castle really stood out.

"What happened here?" He wondered. "I wasn't even away for an hour so. How did that happen?" He asked himself confused.

Still, without worrying about that, or rather accepting it, for now, Star Twinkle decided to walk inside this castle. It even looked like a castle from the inside. It was as if the whole building was screaming "Royalty". There were many rooms and corridors to go through but Star Twinkle just took the stairs and went to what he presumed was his bedroom.

"Oh dear, Celestia..." Star Twinkle said as soon as he looked at the big room in front of him.

There was a giant bed which was probably three times the size of his original bed at the end of the room. All over the room, there were banners, on the ceiling was a fancy chandelier, a red carpet that was at the entrance of the room and many more things that Star Twinkle would have never willingly put in his room. This looked like a room that was made for the most royal and richest pony that ever lived in Equestria.

Upon looking through the room, he also found his goldfish Comet right next to his bed inside of a giant fish tank with him swimming motionlessly in the middle and with a crown on him. He seemed to be rather happy.

Still, no matter how impressive all of this was, for Star Twinkle it was a little too much, especially the size of this new castle. He couldn't just accept that his house looked like that now. He had to find out what caused this change and had to undo it again...or make someone undo it.

And he knew a pony who was most likely able to do exactly that...


"Your house as well!?" Twilight replied shocked as soon as Star Twinkle came to her to explain the situation.

"What do you mean?" Star Twinkle asked after hearing this shocking reaction from Twilight. However, he did know that the Iron Hammer changed as well and thought that those two changes were connected in some way.

Twilight quickly explained the situation while also flipping through some of her books. "There were numerous reports all over Ponyville that things suddenly changed out of nowhere, right in front of everyponies eyes. I'm trying to find a spell to change things back since there is obviously a spell at work here and a powerful one as well," she said with some worry in her eyes.

Star Twinkle hadn't even considered that there was a spell at work but after thinking about it, it was actually rather obvious. It would certainly explain why the Iron Hammer and his house changed so quickly.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" Star Twinkle offered after he saw how Twilight was clearly having a hard time dealing with all this on her own.

Twilight did consider to accept Star Twinkle's help and rubbed her chin. "I don't think you can help me much with the spell but what you can do is trying to find out what or who is causing those things," she suggested.

"How am I supposed to do that?" Star Twinkle asked.

"Shouldn't be too hard," Twilight replied almost casually. "Just keep an eye out of everything that seems unusual or suspicious," she said before she grabbed one book and walked towards the door. "I have to go and fix some of the stuff in Ponyville. I will take care of your house as well. What does it look like now?" She asked out of curiosity.

"A giant golden castle..." Star Twinkle casually replied.

Twilight couldn't help but smile at the delivery of that response. "You sure you want me to change it back?" She jokingly asked.

"Yes, please," Star Twinkle replied. "It's a little too big for me..." he added.

Twilight laughed for a moment before she walked outside to take care of the spell and left Star Twinkle in front of the library. The only thing the stallion could do now was to do what Twilight asked of him, walking through Ponyville to find out who was responsible for the changes that happen in the town.

It didn't take long until Star Twinkle saw some more changes in Ponyville. It was shocking how obvious the changes were once Star Twinkle was aware that something or someone was casting a spell around town. Some buildings were now golden and decorated with either diamonds, crystals or some other valuable material. But just seeing all those new buildings didn't help him too much, so he decided to ask around how exactly it came to this.

Star Twinkle stumbled across Applejack and Granny Smith, who were selling some apples on the road of Ponyville. The apples were carried by a fancy looking golden cart, which obviously was not a cart that the Apple family would use. Star Twinkle quickly came to the conclusion that their cart was also changed, just like the buildings that he came across. When he asked the two what exactly happened, they said that their cart just changed right in front of their eyes.

"Just like that?" Star Twinkle asked after listening to the words of Applejack and Granny Smith.

"Yup, just like that," Applejack replied.

"One moment it was our simple old wooden cart, and another moment, it changed into this monstrosity! The wheels on this thing don't even work!" Granny Smith expressed in her frustration.

"And you don't know how it happened? Or who or what might have done that?" Star Twinkle asked, in order to get more clues.

They both shook their heads in response and couldn't give any more information to the stallion so Star Twinkle had to look somewhere else to figure out what happened. One thought specifically crossed his mind while he walked away.

"I wonder if the others spotted something strange..." he said, referring to the rest of his friends. It was at least worth a shot to ask them. Every one of them should have at least noticed something off in Ponyville.

Later in front of Fluttershy's cottage...

"No, I don't know what exactly happened..." Fluttershy replied after Star Twinkle asked her some questions.

"I see..." Star Twinkle replied as he looked over at what looked like a birdhouse, only that it more looked like a mansion.

"I was just feeding him, when all of a sudden, his little birdhouse changed into this. It looks really nice but it doesn't really fit as a birdhouse. Especially with all those staircases and shoe closets inside..." she explained with some worry in her voice.

Star Twinkle noticed how the bird inside was having trouble flying around inside of this huge house. He could only sympathize with this small creature since he was in a similar situation as him.

In the end, visiting Fluttershy didn't help much so Star Twinkle paid another one of his friends a visit...

Later at a birthday party...

"So I had prepared everything for the most exciting and funniest birthday party ever!" Pinkie Pie started to explain before she listed up some things. "I had a clown, all kinds of sweet snacks, games, and band. But as soon as I went away to get the cake everything turned into this!" She said before she pointed at the current state of the party.

Instead of everything that Pinkie Pie had set up, there were butlers, no games, a band of ponies that played some more sophisticated songs, and snacks that looked like stuff that some higher-up ponies would eat. Now, this all looked like a party for some rich or royal pony but the problem was that it was for a young pony, and the visitors were all ponies at the same age, making this a pretty weird party for everypony. It's as if somepony threw a birthday party for Star Twinkle and decided to invite a hundred random ponies that he didn't know in his house. It would be the complete opposite of what he would prefer.

"So you don't know what happened here?" Star Twinkle then asked.

"Uh uh," Pinkie Pie replied while she was shaking her head. "But I do know that butlers don't do really good as clowns," she said while she pointed towards one butler who tried to entertain some fillies and colts by playing with his bow-tie while having the most deadpan expression on his face.

"Right..." Star Twinkle commented on this scene before he left this "party" again.

Again, he didn't get any information about anything so all he could do was to continue asking around until someone could give him something to work with...

Later in front of Carousel Boutique...

Star Twinkle knocked on the door of Carousel Boutique multiple times but Rarity didn't open. She must have been not home right now. He stood in front of the building and waited a few minutes but nopony opened so he walked away without asking her about anything.

"So much for that..." Star Twinkle said as he walked away from the boutique. "Well, she probably was about to tell me the same thing that everypony else told me..."

Upon further inspection, Star Twinkle noticed that Carousel Boutique remained unchanged. There was nothing out of the ordinary on it so whoever did the spell didn't seem to have either come across this building or didn't think it was worth changing. That was actually to be expected. Maybe the one who was casting the spell already thought that Carousel Boutique was fancy enough and didn't need to be changed.

"At least somepony was spared by this spell. But then again, Rarity would probably like it if her Boutique would have changed into something even fancier..." Star Twinkle figured. If there was one pony who would have liked changes like that all around Ponyville, then it would be her.

With nothing left to do there, Star Twinkle left again and looked for Rainbow Dash who was the only one of his friends that he didn't talk to yet. She was usually flying somewhere over Ponyville but Star Twinkle didn't spot her yet. But of course, as soon as she was the only one left to look for, he managed to finally find her. She was on the ground though, and her appearance was also a little different. She was wearing a cherry red-colored dress and tried her very best to somehow get it off.

As soon as Rainbow Dash noticed Star Twinkle looking at her with a weird look on his face, she looked back in embarrassment. But it quickly turned into an angry look. "Instead of looking at me, could you please help me here!?" She then asked angrily.

"R-right!" Star Twinkle replied nervously so that he won't get on the mare's bad side and helped her out. After some fiddling around, the two managed to get this dress off pretty quick and Rainbow Dash threw it away. "You know...you shouldn't wear dresses if you don't know how to take them off again," Star Twinkle added after he was done helping the mare.

Rainbow Dash didn't like to hear this comment at all. "Yeah, as if I would wear something like that! It just appeared out of thin air!" She said angrily before she then looked at Star Twinkle with a confused look on her face. "By the way, what happened to your mane?" She asked.

Star Twinkle was confused about why this question popped out of nowhere. "My mane? What do you mean-" he replied as he looked up to see how there was actually something weird about his mane. For one, it was white and not dark green, it also was a lot more curly instead of spiky. "What the- When did that happen!?" He asked confused.

Rainbow Dash quickly picked up on that. "See? That's how I reacted once I had this stupid dress on me. It just happened out of nowhere! Now if you excuse me, I will no go home before something like that happens to my mane!" She said before she flew away up to the sky to tail out.

This encounter didn't help Star Twinkle out at all, just like every other meeting with his friends. This caused Star Twinkle to think that his attempts to find the cause of this spell were in complete vain and that he will never find any clues. The only thing he knew, so far, was that everything happened out of nowhere. Nopony knew why everything happened, how, or who did it. Star Twinkle didn't even have proof that someone was doing all that stuff. It might as well be that someone cursed all of Ponyville and that those things happened randomly, without anyone being responsible for them.

Star Twinkle decided to walk back to the Golden Oak Library to see Twilight again. He was hoping that she was home again so that he could tell her that he didn't find out anything. He also could suggest that she should be the one who should take care of the situation because he was clearly not a great help in all of this.

When Star Twinkle arrived at the library, however, Twilight didn't seem to be home yet. She was probably taking care of all the changes around Ponyville and was quite busy. This was not to Star Twinkle's liking because he didn't know if he should continue gathering clues or if he should just go home and let the situation take care of itself. He figured that somepony would come up with a solution eventually.

"I mean, it's not like anypony is in any great danger, right?" He said to himself in order to see something positive about this whole situation. But secretly, he also wished that the Iron Hammer was still in its current state so that he didn't have to go back to work anytime soon. It's not like he didn't try to find a solution anyway so he might as well get something out of it.

However, while Star Twinkle was on his way home and had his thoughts in a very nice place, he was interrupted by something that dragged him right out of it. It was Twilight's pet owl Owlowiscious.

"Owlowiscious?" Star Twinkle said as soon as the owl was flying in front of him.

Owlowiscious was waving his wings around in front of the stallion as if something was bothering him. Star Twinkle tried to let the owl know that he is too busy now, which of course, wasn't true since he just wanted to go home. However, Owlowiscious was persistent and landed on the stallion's head and continued to get his attention. It really started to annoy Star Twinkle, causing him to wave around his hooves to get him away from his head. However, he stopped as soon as he realized something. "Wait! Do you know what is causing all those spells!?" He asked, in hope that the owl really had some helpful information for him.

Owlowiscious only who'd back and flew away. He asked Star Twinkle to follow him and the stallion was right behind him. This could be his very first clue to get somewhere after all.

Star Twinkle followed Owlowiscious until he stopped around a corner and landed on the ground. The stallion looked around himself and couldn't find anything so he was wondering if Owlowiscious was just playing around with him but the owl put one of his wings in front of himself as if he wanted Star Twinkle to be quiet and pointed around the corner of a building. Star Twinkle looked around the corner and wondered what he was about to see. But all he could see was Rarity and Spike, who were standing in the middle of the road talking to each other.

"I don't get it, Owlowiscious. Is there something that I should see?" Star Twinkle asked confused but Owlowiscious just moved his wing in front of his beak again and wanted the stallion to stay put. Star Twinkle was still confused but he did as he was told and just waited, even though he didn't like to eavesdrop on Rarity and Spike at all.

The two didn't seem to realize that Star Twinkle and Owlowiscious were nearby and continued their conversation.

"I am simply buzzing with ideas. Simply buzzing!" Rarity exclaimed happily and excitedly.

"That's great!" Spike replied. "But, uh, you've been at this for a while now. How 'bout you take a break? Give that brilliant mind of yours a rest?" He then suggested with some concern on his face.

But Rarity didn't think so. "Don't be silly! I'm not going to stop now!" She said happily. "Why, I won't stop until every inch of Ponyville has benefited from my creative vision!" She explained, causing Star Twinkle to look in confusion because he didn't know what exactly she meant with that. But he soon learned the truth after Rarity set her eyes on Spike again. "Starting with you, Spike!" She then said before she shot a green magic beam on him.

"Huh!?" Star Twinkle said confused once he saw what happened only a few meters away from him.

Once the magic was gone again, Spike stood there with a completely new get-up. A get up that was created by Rarity. The "clothes" that Spike was wearing right now were made out of crystals. They also looked highly uncomfortable, in fact, it also looked rather stiff and Spike wasn't able to move. Star Twinkle was not sure if Spike liked his new clothes but Rarity seemed to be happy.

"You look fabulous!" She said happily.

"All because of you, heh..." Spike replied a little nervously while he tried to move, only to find out that he was unable to.

"Anything for my favorite dragon and most supportive friend," she said with a warm smile before it changed to a more determined one shortly after. "Come, there's so much more to do!" She then said before she walked away in excitement, knocking Spike over on accident and making it unable for him to get up again.

That was the piece of information that Star Twinkle needed. However, after realizing what Rarity just did, Star Twinkle actually got a little confused. "That just now was really weird..." he said towards Owlowiscious, who didn't seem surprised at all about what just happened. "But I don't get it...I don't think Rarity's magic was green before...not to mention that she could just do something like that..."

There were still too many questions unanswered and asking Rarity seemed a little...dangerous, judging from how she dealt with Spike just now without hesitation. Luckily, there was still someone else who Star Twinkle could ask so he decided to go to him instead.

"Spike, are you alright?" Star Twinkle asked as he helped up the dragon to get on his feet again.

"Yeah! Sure! Why would I not be alright!?" The little dragon replied a little nervously. "Nice mane by the way," he said, probably in an attempt to change the subject for some reason.

Star Twinkle ignored the last sentence because he was a little confused after receiving this reply. "Well, you looked like you couldn't move very well..." he pointed out.

"Who needs to move if you look as good as I am right now? Do you like my new look? I picked it myself," Spike explained.

"Yourself?" Star Twinkle replied, even though he just witnessed something completely else. "But didn't Rarity just put this on you?" He asked confused.

Spike's eyes widened after he heard that. "You saw it!?" He said in a panic. By now, Owlowiscious also joined the two and Spike quickly glared at the owl. "It was you, wasn't it!? You told Star Twinkle about this!" He said, blaming instantly Owlowiscious.

"Who," Owlowiscious only replied.

"Star Twinkle!" Spike replied.

"Who," Owlowiscious replied once more.

"Star Twinkle!!!" Spike yelled at the owl.

"Enough of that!" Star Twinkle exclaimed. "Spike, what is going on here? Why is Rarity acting like that? She said something about there being more to do! What did she mean with that? Is she the reason why everything in Ponyville is changing?"

Having Star Twinkle asking Spike all those questions put a lot of pressure on him, making Spike feel really nervous. The dragon closed his eyes and gave his answer. "I can't tell you!" He simply said.

"What?" Star Twinkle replied confused. "What do you mean you can't tell me? I just saw her doing that to you. Is she the one doing all those changes in Ponyville?" He asked once more, in hope that Spike would spit it out.

"I can't tell you anything about that! I promised it to Rarity!" He replied begging Star Twinkle to stop asking more questions.

The stallion didn't want to give up on his questions that early but he was interrupted by Twilight, who came flying towards him. "Star Twinkle!" She said before she landed right in front of him. It looked as if she wanted to speak with Star Twinkle but as soon as she saw Spike in his new "clothes" she got really worried. "Oh no! Not you too!" She said in concern.

But Spike reacted in the same manner as he did with Star Twinkle. "What? You mean this?" He asked, referring to his clothes. "Do you like my new look?"

"Oh...your new look?" Twilight replied confused. "I'm sorry, I thought this weird spell that was going around Ponyville affected you as well. Which reminds me," she then said before she looked over to Star Twinkle. "What happened to your mane?" She asked, referring to Star Twinkle's white mane color.

But Star Twinkle tried to change the subject. "Is there something you wanted from us?" He boldly said, trying to get back to the more important matter.

"Right...did you find out anything, Star Twinkle?" She asked, waiting for some information that Star Twinkle gathered.

Star Twinkle wanted to explain what he saw immediately but then he saw how Spike was getting really upset behind Twilight's back and he hesitated, much to Twilight's confusion who had no idea where this hesitation came from. Spike already accepted how the promise that he made to Rarity would be breaking.

"I don't..." Star Twinkle then replied, much to Spike's surprise.

"I see..." Twilight replied with concern.

Star Twinkle gave Spike a short look and the dragon quickly realized that if it wasn't for Star Twinkle, then his promise would have been broken.

Twilight wanted to explain what she had to do so far but there was no time for that since Mayor Mare already came running towards her with another problem. "Princess Twilight, the gazebo has been turned into solid crystal, and two ponies are now trapped inside its walls!" She informed.

Twilight wasted no time and spread her wings to get going but not before she turned towards Star Twinkle one last time. "I'm afraid I don't have any time to help you find any clues so I'll leave that to you, Star Twinkle!" She said before she flew away to deal with the problem that the mayor mentioned.

Once Star Twinkle, Spike and Owlowiscious were left alone again, Star Twinkle looked over to Spike and told him what he had in mind right now. "Promise or not, Spike, Things are getting out of hoof so we need to stop whatever happened to Rarity," he advised.

Owlowiscious seemed to agree on that as well and Spike finally admitted that it was also the right thing to do. "You're right," he said after he let out a sigh. "I have to tell her that what she is doing is wrong,"

"Good," Star Twinkle said after finally hearing those words.

"And once I do, I can forget Rarity thinking of me as her most supportive friend... I can forget Rarity thinking of me as a friend at all..." Spike mumbled under his breath quietly enough so that Star Twinkle couldn't hear him. "But first we need to find her!" He pointed out.

"Yeah...I don't think that will be too hard..." Star Twinkle said while he pointed in front of him to another road. This road was no longer a dirt road but rather a road made out of gold which caused everypony to get blinded as soon as they looked down. It was clearly Rarity's hoof writing.

"Right..." Spike replied as soon as he saw how Rarity caused more trouble for the ponies in Ponyville.

The three then followed the trail that Rarity left in the hope to stop her. This is the best thing that they could do right now. But...they still had to find out how to do that...

Later, a little outside of Ponyville...

Star Twinkle, Spike and Owlowiscious followed the trail that Rarity left behind. It was not hard to lose track of her fancy trails and the three quickly found her as she was walking outside of Ponyville. She may have left the town because she thought she was done there and now wanted to attend the outside of Ponyville.

"There she is!" Star Twinkle said once he spotted Rarity in the distance who was busy changing every single tree around her to her liking. If there was any doubt inside of Star Twinkle's mind, then it would have been completely gone after he saw how Rarity was using her magic now. He was about to walk over to her but Spike grabbed his tail and stopped him, much to the stallion's confusion. "What is it?" He asked.

Spike then explained. "Rarity can't know that you know about her doing all this stuff!" He said while he blocked Star Twinkle's path.

"Why not?" Star Twinkle asked confused. "I know you promised her but we need to stop her before she hurts someone. I thought you made up your mind!" He said.

"I know...but I can't do it! It's a promise between the three of us!" He said frustrated.

"Three?" Star Twinkle asked confused.

"Yes," Spike replied. "Her, me and the book," he explained, which caused Owlowiscious to only shake his head.

"Book? What book?" Star Twinkle asked confused.

Spike then pointed towards Rarity. It was just now that Star Twinkle realized that she was wearing a saddlebag. Inside of this saddlebag, there was a book sticking out of it. "I think this book is the cause of Rarity's strange behavior. If we can take it away from her, then maybe she will return to normal," he figured.

"What kind of book is that?" Star Twinkle asked after he wondered how a book could have caused all of this.

Spike explained. "It's called Inspiration Manifestation! I found it in the Castle of the Two Sisters! It's a book that gives you the power to make all your ideas come true!"

Star Twinkle wasn't an expert when it came to magic but he knew that a spell like that sounded way too good to not have any side effect. "And you didn't think that picking up a book from an old castle could backfire in some kind of way?" He almost scolded.

But Spike shrugged his shoulders. "If it was a dangerous book, then they should put it away a little better, instead of hiding it behind a secret switch, a locked up gate and a collapsing stairway," he casually said, not realizing how those were some pretty obvious signs that he should have not taken that book from the castle.

But Since the damage was already done, Star Twinkle ignored Spike's mistake and got back to the main problem. "So we just have to take away that book and everything will be fine?" He asked.

"I think..." Spike replied, not being all too sure about that himself. "But let me take care of it! That way she won't know that I told you," he suggested with a determined look on his face.

Star Twinkle had some doubts about this plan. "Are you sure?" Star Twinkle asked out of worry.

But Spike was determined to do this. He had to admit that this was mostly his fault so he had to do his own share to take care of the situation. Star Twinkle just had to believe that whatever Spike was planning would work. The stallion was getting closer to Rarity as well but he was hiding behind one of the trees so that Rarity wouldn't notice him.

The little dragon slowly walked up to Rarity without her noticing anything since she was still busy changing all the trees around her. For Star Twinkle it was pretty obvious what the little dragon tried. He just straight out attempted to take away the book from her saddlebag. It was a pretty bold thing to do but once the book was no longer in Rarity's possession, she would return to normal and she wouldn't be a danger anymore. Rarity didn't seem to notice Spike at all and continued to giggle at the changes that she was doing to the trees.

Spike slowly moved his claws to her saddlebag and was really close to getting the book out of it.


"What do you think you're doing?!" Rarity angrily exclaimed once she noticed the little dragon behind her, causing Spike to jump at that sudden outburst.

"Oh no..." Star Twinkle said after he saw how things started to go downhill this early.

Spike had to be smart to give the right response now, or else, Star Twinkle had to step in to somehow get the book from Rarity.

"Uh, me? I was just, uh..." Spike said before he tried to come up with an excuse. "...basking in your creative radiance," he said nervously. He probably thought that this excuse was not good enough.

But to his surprise, it was...

"Oh, Spike, you do say the nicest things," Rarity replied while she smiled warmly at him after a sudden mood change from before. She then turned around again so that she could continue with her work. "Now, where was I? Oh yes! Gold-plated rooftops for everypony!"

Spike looked over to Star Twinkle since he didn't know what to do next. He was probably waiting for the stallion to come up with a solution. Star Twinkle noticed that and began to think. Once he looked around a little, his eyes wandered towards Owlowiscious. This was enough to give him an idea.

"Think you can distract her a little?" He asked him, which caused the owl to simply wink back.

Owlowiscious then flew towards the mare. He was flying right in front of her face, causing her to get distracted from her "work" and Spike. This was the chance that Spike was waiting for. He approached her saddlebag again and before he knew it, he was holding the book in his claws and walked away. In the meantime, Rarity managed to get Owlowiscious off of her.

"Spike!" She then said excited, causing the little dragon to get nervous again because she was about to notice that he was holding her book in his claws.

"Oh no..." Star Twinkle said again.

Spike had to think quickly what to do now. Rarity didn't seem to have noticed how her book was gone yet. All he had to do was to get rid of the book now. And the only he knew how to do that...was to eat it.

"Uff," Star Twinkle could only say after he saw how Spike was putting the book in his mouth in one bite and swallowed it whole in one really painful looking gulp.

The dragon then turned around to face Rarity with sweat coming down his head, not because he was nervous about Rarity finding out that he stole her book but rather because swallowing that book was really painful.

Fortunately, Rarity didn't seem to be aware of all of this at all. "I have just had the most marvelous idea!" She shared excitedly.

"Of course you have. You're Rarity," Spike replied after a deep gasp.

Rarity explained. "My work here in Ponyville is nearly complete. Don't you think it's time the rest of Equestria benefited from my creative vision?" She asked.

"Absolutely!" Spike agreed.

"Ooh, I'm thinking we go by chariot! Or, as everyone will soon be calling them, "Rariot"!" Rarity said, followed by a little giggle.

Spike simply agreed with everything that she said since he seemed to be relieved that everything was back to normal again. "Oh, yeah, we should definitely go by–" he said before he let out a shocked gasp after he saw a magic zap that created a chariot right in front of him. "How... how did you... do that?" He asked, referring to how Rarity was still able to do this kind of magic even without her book.

"Why, whatever do you mean?" Rarity asked confused. She was not aware that her book was gone after all.

"The book! It's– I mean– you don't– it's gone! The book is gone!" Spike just straight out told her

"Gone?" Rarity replied. "Why it's right there," she said before she pointed to her saddlebag only to find out that it is gone now. "I need my book, Spike! What have you done with my book?!" She said in a sudden mood change before she growled at the dragon angrily.

Out of fear, Spike tried to convince Rarity that he had nothing to do with it. "Why would I do anything with your book? We're friends!" He said in a panic. "It... it was probably the owl!" He added, straight out trying to blame Owlowiscious for all this.

Rarity was glaring at the owl and it was unknown what she was about to do to him but she calmed down very quickly after she came to a realization. "But, wait... I don't seem to need it anymore, do I?" She said happily. Soon her eyes and her horn were covered in a green light, which most likely was caused by the book. "Yes... yes...! I can feel its magic flowing within me now! I'm so excited! I'm so excited!" She exclaimed happily but also maniacally.

Star Twinkle was still hiding behind a tree and could only watch how Rarity was slowly losing her mind. "She is totally crazy!" He simply said after watching her like that.

"Oh, the places we'll go, Spike! Manehattan, Fillydelphia, Canterlot! And there you'll be by my side, just as you've always been here in Ponyville, your constant praise and adoration driving me to even greater heights until there isn't an inch of Equestria that hasn't been utterly transformed by my creative genius!" She said in her excitement.

Spike didn't seem to be in any state to do anything right now which meant that only he is left to stop Rarity now before something really bad would happen sooner or later. Just the thought that every other town would be in the same state as Ponyville gave Star Twinkle enough reason to finally step into action. "Okay, that's enough!" Star Twinkle said before he stepped out in the open to reveal himself in front of the two.

Rarity seemed surprised that Star Twinkle appeared and glared at him with an expression that he never saw on her face before. It actually sent some shivers down on his back. "What are you doing here!" She asked angrily.

Star Twinkle quickly replied. "Rarity, I know that you are the one who did all those things in Ponyville. You really need to stop it now!" He said, in an attempt to calm Rarity down again.

But instead of listening to Star Twinkle, Rarity instantly looked over to Spike after she realized that Star Twinkle knew about what she did in Ponyville. "Spike!" she exclaimed angrily before she turned towards the little dragon. "You told him! You promised me to keep this a secret!"

"No!" Spike replied in a mix of fear and confusion. "I didn't tell him, I swear!" He said, trying to calm Rarity down again.

"Liar!" Rarity exclaimed angrily while she clenched her teeth and walked slowly towards the little dragon.

Rarity's eyes began to glow in a light green light and her expression made shills run down on Star Twinkle's spine as soon as he saw her like that. Naturally, Spike was really scared, scared enough to not being able to move in this situation.

Star Twinkle had no idea what Rarity was about to do to the little dragon but he did know that Rarity was not herself in this very moment because she would never behave like that towards Spike and despite being a little scared of her now himself, Star Twinkle had to jump in order to save Spike.

"He is telling the truth, Rarity!" Star Twinkle said, causing Rarity to stop and turn her head around to face now Star Twinkle. She didn't reply and most likely waited for Star Twinkle to continue, so that is exactly what he did. "As soon as I found out that it was you, Spike insisted that I should not confront you because of his promise," the stallion explained

Rarity could believe those words and give up on focusing her anger towards Spike. "I see..." Rarity replied before she walked towards Star Twinkle now, directing her anger at him now. "That means that I should only deal with you if you attempt to take away my new powers!" She said while her eyes glowed in a light green light again.

This time, Star Twinkle could clearly see how Rarity was affected by something. He never saw this kind of scary expression on the mare's face. He also noticed the green light in her eyes again and was afraid of what would happen to him now. He could deal with a different colored mane but whatever was coming towards him now would probably be a little bit worse so he slowly walked back in fear and tried to think about what to do in a situation like that.

But help was already on its way...

"No!" Spike said in a serious tone before he walked in front of Rarity to stop her.

"What did you say?" Rarity said in a mix of anger and confusion as soon as she realized how the little dragon was opposing him.

"I said 'no'," Spike repeated with again, a serious tone in his voice. He took a deep breath and looked over to Star Twinkle after he realized that he finally had to step up, especially if he didn't want Star Twinkle to get hurt. Spike then finally spoke out what had bothered him the whole time. "You've been changing things, but you haven't been making them better. I should have told you the truth at the very beginning, but I didn't because I was trying to be a supportive friend," he said before let out a frustrated sigh. "But instead, I let you become something awful," he added, blaming himself for the whole outcome of this situation.

Star Twinkle feared the worst, like Rarity going after Spike now or something but strangely enough, Rarity had now a confused look on her face. "Awful?" She simply said confused after hearing the words of the little dragon.

Rarity closed her eyes and opened them shortly after again. Once they were open, they were now covered in a light green light and her body was levitating above the ground. Star Twinkle stepped in front of Spike in order to protect him from what maybe happens now. To his surprise though, the green light literally flew out of her eyes and her body landed on the ground shortly after.

Rarity grabbed her head after that was over. "Ugh... what happened?" She asked. Judging from the expression on her face, her head must have hurt really bad after this whole experience.

Spike, who was the whole time, worried sick about Rarity, quickly asked if she was alright again. "Rarity! You're okay?"

"I... I think so..." Rarity replied, even though she was not sure herself. Her attention was then quickly directed towards Ponyville, which was still a mess and covered in golden colors. "Though by the looks of it, something quite terrifying has happened to Ponyville," she expressed. It was weird that she was the one saying that, especially since she was the one who was responsible for it.

"You happened," Spike then said.

"Me?" Rarity replied confused.

Star Twinkle walked up to the mare since it seemed to be safe to approach her now. "Does that mean, you don't remember anything that happened?" He asked.

Rarity tried her best to remember happened but due to her headache, she was unable to recall anything. "No..." she then replied after she was fairly certain that she couldn't remember.

Star Twinkle and Spike had no reason to not believe her. She looked as if she had a massive headache after all of this so they both believed her words. But that still didn't explain why she was returned to normal all of the sudden.

"I guess the spell was somehow broken," Star Twinkle figured. "But how?" He then asked Spike in hope that he would know the answer.

Fortunately, Spike did seem to know the answer. "The last part of the spell!" He said after it suddenly struck him. But that was too little information for Star Twinkle to make him understand what that meant so Spike explained everything. "The words that Rarity read out from that book were: "Only when true words are spoken will you finally be set free". That must have caused the spell to break!" He said in his realization.

Star Twinkle got a little bothered after he heard that explanation. "And you couldn't remember those words a little sooner?" He said, partly blaming Spike for this whole mess.

Spike grinned a little nervously but he then walked over to Rarity to explain everything to her as well. "The spell took over you, and you wanted to change everything in Equestria. I was afraid to tell you how I really felt about it, but then I... I told you the truth," he explained.

The little dragon expected Rarity to be upset with him but to his surprise, Rarity smiled and put her hoof around him. "Dearest Spike, you should never be afraid to tell me the truth. We're friends, remember?" She said before she hugged Spike.

Star Twinkle expressed his opinion on this situation as well. "I'm just glad that things returned to normal," he said in relief.

As soon as Star Twinkle spoke up, however, Rarity finally realized a difference about him. "Good gracious, Star Twinkle. What happened to your mane!?" She said in shock after finally noticing the white mane that was on the stallion's head.

Star Twinkle only had one thing to say to this. "You happened..."

Hearing that made Rarity smile in embarrassment since she didn't remember doing anything like that of course. Of course, Star Twinkle was not mad at her or anything. He was just glad, like everyone else.

On top of that, Spike learned that being honest with your friends when they are doing something wrong is really important because it lets them know that you care about them. The next time something like that would happen, he would be ready for it...hopefully.


At the end of the day, once Star Twinkle returned home, he was greeted by the usual sight of his old wooden house. Twilight managed to return everything to normal again with the help of Princess Cadance and Princess Luna who she asked for help, including Star Twinkle's mane. She was a little mad at Spike for just taking a book from The Castle of the Two Sisters without permission though.

But that was all not important anymore for Star Twinkle so he just laid on his bed to some sleep after an exhausting day like this. After all, tomorrow would be quite a busy day as well and just the thought about it made him feel a little nervous.

Before he closed his eyes and drifted off to sleep, he mumbled the name of the event one last time to himself.

"The Equestria Games..."

Author's Note:

This was the last Slice of Life chapter that literally doesn't add much to the overall story.
For those of you who don't know, I try to make Slice of Life chapters a little less important when it comes to continuing the overall plot of this story, with some exceptions here and there. When it comes to continuing the story, I usually use the two-parters at the beginning or the end of a Season or Custom chapters.

The next chapter will be a mix of Slice of Life and Custom Chapter and the rest of Season 4 will be the Season Finale so I hope you will like it all!

And remember! After Season 4 ends, there will be two new stories that are supposed to be read after Season 4. Make sure to read them as well if you don't want to be affected by the break of this story.

With all that said, please consider leaving a review or some other kind of feedback and make sure to follow me or this story to always be up to date with everything that I upload.

See you all in the next chapter.
Bye Bye ^^.

Reading Order:

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 1 + 2(Chapter 1 - 53)

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Diary of The Storm Wings

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 3(Chapter 54 - 65)

Equestria Girls - The Legend of Friendship

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Outcasts

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship Season 4(Chapter 66 - 91)

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