• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 8,455 Views, 206 Comments

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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27. The Lord of Chaos - Part 1

"Alright!" Star Twinkle exclaimed determent.

The Grand Galloping Gala was only a few days ago and Star Twinkle already did some progress in terms of friendship, just like he planned to. He was actively searching for the company and even took part in conversations more often. This may seem to be little progress and it probably was but for him, it was almost groundbreaking.

Every day would be another step in order to improve his knowledge about friendship. And today was no different. After all, it was a beautiful day outside.

The sun was shining, even though there were some clouds in the air. Pink clouds, with brown rain coming out of them.
“Wait, what?” Star Twinkle said confused after taking a good look outside.

He walked outside to take a better look at the situation. The brown rain that was purring out of the pink clouds, was in fact, chocolate milk. But not only that. Animals like squirrels or rabbits turned into something different right in front of him. Their legs were much longer as they should be and he could swear that he saw some dancing buffaloes too.

Something was definitely going on. But since Star Twinkle didn't know what to make out of that, he looked for his friends, in hope that they knew something.

He figured that he should check Twilight's library first because Twilight had a much bigger source of knowledge because of her books. Also, he could swear that it looked like magic when some of the animals changed right in front of him.

Just when he was about to enter the library, Twilight rushed out of the door, followed by Spike. She levitated a book in front of her in which she was turning the pages with a worried look on her face.

“Twilight?” Star Twinkle said as he approached both of them.

She greeted him after noticing him but still kept her eyes on the book.

“Do you know what is happening here?” Star Twinkle asked.

“I'm not sure,” she replied.
“But I do know that all these things are caused by magic,” she added.

“Twilight is trying to find a fail-safe so that everything returns to normal,” Spike explained.

That would explain why she was so focused on that book. Star Twinkle was wondering who would cast magic that turns rain into chocolate milk. It didn't seem to make much sense to him. But if Twilight finds the fail-safe spell, then everything should be normal again in a few moments.

Most of the pink clouds were flying over Sweet Apple Acres so it would be best if the spell was used there.
As expected, the situation was no better there. All the corn turned into popcorn and the apples grew in size dramatically. It was a total mess.

Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Fluttershy, Rarity and Pinkie Pie were all there as well, probably trying to fix the problem themselves. At least Rainbow Dash, Applejack, and Fluttershy were. Rarity was mostly trying to stay clean in all this mess and Pinkie Pie was just drinking the chocolate milk that poured down from the clouds.

Thankfully Twilight got ready and prepared herself to cast her new found spell.
“Don't worry, everyone, I've learned a new spell that'll fix everything,” she then shot out a beam from her horn, which hit every animal, cloud, popcorn, and apple in sight. But to the shock of Twilight, her magic didn't work. “My fail-safe spell...failed. What do we do?” She asked confused.

“Give up?” Spike replied confused.

But everypony still believed that Twilight would come up with something in order to fix all this.

“What now?” Star Twinkle asked

“Now it's time for plan B,” Twilight replied determent.

She then quickly came up with a plan to get rid of the problem, telling her friends what they should do.

“Rainbow, can you corral all those clouds in one corner of the sky?” She said to Rainbow Dash, who then circled around the cotton candy clouds to corner them all in one space.

“Applejack, I need you to bring those high-strung storm clouds down to Earth,” she said to Applejack, who then pulled down the clouds with a rope, placing them on the ground and tying them up to a fence.

Moments later Twilight whispered something in Fluttershy's ear, most likely giving her a task too.

“Oh dear. I hope none of the animals see these delicious chocolate-filled cotton candy clouds. I'd hate to have to share them,” Fluttershy said purposely so that every animal in reach could hear it.

Strangely enough Pinkie Pie was the first to take a bite of the cloud until she was pushed away by all the animals who quickly gathered around the cotton candy cloud.

That seemed to defuse the situation for now but it is still unknown why it happened in the first place or who was responsible for that. But everypony was relieved now and they took their time to think what was happening here.

“You see, Spike? You should never give up. There's nothing we can't overcome if we all work together,” Twilight said with confidence.

Star Twinkle agreed on that. Her spell might not have worked but after working together with her friends even strange problems like that are not impossible to solve.

Moments later Spike was burping out a letter that came from the princess. Twilight quickly read it and seemed shocked.

“Come on. Princess Celestia wants to see us all in Canterlot immediately!” She said after she finished reading the letter.

They didn't waste any more time and went to Canterlot as fast as possible. When they arrived in the castle the Princess was already waiting on top of the main stairs, waiting for the seven ponies to arrive.

When they arrived, Twilight wasted no time to ask the Princess about the situation Ponyville was in now but Princess Celestia interrupted her and wanted everypony to follow her to the main hall of Canterlot Castle.

Everypony followed the princess as she explained the situation.

“I've called you here for a matter of great importance. It seems an old foe of mine, someone I thought I had defeated long ago, has returned. His name... is Discord,” the Princess explained before pointing to a glass window that showed a strange creature pulling the strings of an Earth Pony, a Unicorn, and a Pegasus.

“Discord is the mischievous spirit of disharmony. Before my sister and I stood up to him, he ruled Equestria in an eternal state of unrest and unhappiness. Luna and I saw how miserable life was for Earth ponies, Pegasi, and unicorns alike, so after discovering the Elements of Harmony, we combined our powers and rose up against him, turning him to stone,” she explained pointing at a different glass window that showed Princess Celestia and Princess Luna turning Discord into stone with the Elements of Harmony.

Apparently, the two princesses are no longer connected to the Elements which caused Discord to break out of his stone prison, which is why she wanted the seven ponies to wield the Elements of Harmony again to stop Discord.

Of course, the pressure was very high and Twilight asked why they had to be the ones to deal with Discord.
As a reply to that, the princess pointed at another window showing all seven of them wielding the Elements of Harmony to defeat Nightmare Moon.

“You seven showed the full potential of the Elements by harnessing the magic of your friendship to beat a mighty foe. Although Luna and I once wielded the Elements, it is you who now control their power, and it is you who must defeat Discord!” The princess said confident, counting on the seven ponies.

“So I have to wield the Element, which is still unknown to me to defeat an enemy that took two Alicorn princesses to defeat. Yeah, that's no pressure at all...” Star Twinkle thought concerned.

Twilight assured that the princess could count on the seven ponies, even though Pinkie Pie was against stopping cotton candy clouds where Chocolate rain was coming out. But eventually, Twilight convinced her too.

The princess was glad to hear that and opened the door, which leads to Canterlot Tower by putting her with magic filled horn inside of a hole that was in the middle of the door. Soon the door opened and revealed a blue box that contained the Elements of Harmony.

“Have no fear, ponies. I have total confidence that you will be able to defeat Discord with these!” The princess said, levitating the box in front of the seven ponies, giving them their Elements.

But to the shock of everypony, all seven Elements of Harmony were gone. Even Princess Celestia seemed surprised and didn't know what was going on, dropping the box on the floor out of shock.

“The Elements! They're gone!” Twilight exclaimed in shock.

“That chamber is protected by a powerful spell that only I can break! This doesn't make sense!” Princess Celestia said, walking in circles out of confusion.

But then suddenly a mischievous laughter could be heard in the room.

“Make sense? Oh, what fun is there in making sense?” The voice said amusingly.

Princess Celestia quickly recognized the voice as Discord, who probably was responsible for the vanishing of the elements.

“Discord... Show yourself!” Princess Celestia demanded.

But Discord didn't seem intimidated in the slightest and just chuckled in response.

“Did you miss me, Celestia? I missed you. It's quite lonely being encased in stone, but you wouldn't know that, would you, because I don't turn ponies into stone,” Discord said slightly annoyed.

The voice was coming from one of the windows, where the picture of Discord was moving on its own.

Princess Celestia was clearly not happy to see Discord again and demanded that he should tell her what he has done with the Elements of Harmony. As expected Discord did hide the Elements so that they can't be used against him, which was actually a smart move from someone who spent his time so far turning clouds into cotton candy, thought Star Twinkle.

“You'll never get away with this, Discord!” Princess Celestia said angrily.

Oh, I'd forgotten how grim you can be, Celestia. It's really quite boring,” Discord replied.

Rainbow Dash seemed to be offended that Discord was talking like that to the princess.

“Hey! Nopony insults the Princess!” She said before dashing right into the window, which seemed to not do anything to Discord.

“Oh, you must be Rainbow Dash, famed for her loyalty, the Element of Harmony you represent,” Discord said after Rainbow Dash's failed attack.

“That's right! I'll always be loyal to the Princess!” She replied proudly.

“We'll see about that,” Discord simply replied.

“Wait he knows about the Elements...” Star Twinkle realized.

“I can't believe we're wasting our time talking to a tacky window,” Rarity said amusingly.

“The beautiful Rarity, representing the element of generosity, if I'm not mistaken?” Discord said switching from one window to another.

“Of course, he does. He was defeated by them...” Star Twinkle thought.

“So you know who we are, big deal,” Applejack said, clearly not impressed by Discord.

“Oh, I know much more than that, honest Applejack,” Discord replied.

“You seem to know our strengths too,” Twilight figured.

“Yes, Twilight Sparkle, and yours is the most powerful and elusive element, magic. Fluttershy's is kindness and Pinkie Pie's is a personal favorite of mine – laughter,” Discord explained.

“What about my Element?” Thought Star Twinkle nervously, hoping that Discord would also tell him his element.

Discord was doing some weird stuff in the windows, making Pinkie Pie laugh but Star Twinkle was more focused on Discords words and just hoped that he would somehow reveal Star Twinkle's element.

"And let's not forget Star Twinkle,” Discord said to which Star Twinkle reacted rather shocked, even though he was wishing to hear something like that.

“Yes? What Element am I representing?” he thought as he waited for an answer.

“The Element of- oops! Sorry, we don't know that yet. Aha ha ha" Discord said amusingly.

"Yeah, very funny..." Star Twinkle said annoyed.

Eventually, Princess Celestia put an end to that conversation that would lead to nowhere.

“Stop stalling, Discord! What have you done with the Elements of Harmony?” She asked once again.

“Oh, so boring, Celestia. Really? Fine, I'll tell you, but I'll only tell you my way,” Discord replied bored before he revealed where the elements would be.

“To retrieve your missing Elements, just make sense of this change of events. Twists and turns are my master plan. Then find the Elements back where you began,” he explained in a riddle, before he left, leaving everypony in confusion.

Of course, Star Twinkle's mind was again focused on his element, rather than anything else. It was probably stupid to think that Discord would tell him anything. But soon he would face bigger problems than that if he didn't focus on the Elements for now.

“Twists and turns... twists and turns... twists and turns! That's it! I bet Discord hid the Elements in the palace labyrinth!” Twilight figured.

While Star Twinkle didn't know how that place is supposed to be the place where they began, it was better than nothing.

“Good luck, my little ponies. The fate of Equestria is in your hooves,” Princess Celestia said before the seven ponies left to defeat Discord.

“Thanks, Princess. We won't let you down,” Twilight assured.

They all prepared themselves mentally to confront Discord. Especially Fluttershy, who seemed to be afraid of Discord needed some comfort. Star Twinkle took this chance and looked at the windows in the castle and all the pictures on them.

There was a picture of him, his friends and Nightmare Moon. Then there was a picture of Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, defeating Discord. Also, there was a picture of Discord and the three pony races. All these pictures were explained by Princess Celestia.

All the pictures that involved the Elements of Harmony only showed six Elements.

“So the Princess was not lying when she said that she didn't know anything...” thought Star Twinkle, making him feel almost bad for accusing her back then.

His eyes were then wandering to another window that caught his attention. It had a multicolored background like the other pictures but there was no image on it. From the center of the picture spread six different colors to the corners of the window. Red, orange, yellow, light blue, dark blue and purple. No ponies or other creatures. Nothing.

“What is this picture about?” He asked.

Princess Celestia noticed Star Twinkles curiosity and answered him.

“Nothing. It's empty...” she replied.

“Oh,” Star Twinkle replied quietly, hoping that she would give him a better answer.

Despite her answer, Star Twinkle stared at the window. He wasn't even blinking or moving at all. He was hypnotized by it and didn't know why.

“Why do I get such a familiar feeling from this window? But it's empty...So why...”

“...inkle...Star Twinkle!”

“Huh?” Star Twinkle replied after hearing Twilight saying his name.

“Is something the matter?” Fluttershy asked.

“We were about to leave now Sugarcube, so you better don't fall behind,” Applejack said.

“Sorry. I'm coming...” Star Twinkle replied before he followed the others outside.

They soon found themselves in front of a labyrinth near the castle in which the Elements of Harmony were hidden according to Twilight's theory.

“W-We have to go in there?” Fluttershy asked nervously, clearly afraid to enter the labyrinth.

But Rainbow Dash was not intimidated at all since she figured that she could just fly over the labyrinth and get the Elements.

Rainbow Dash then attempted to fly over the labyrinth but came down crashing after her wings mysteriously disappeared. Shortly after Fluttershy's wings disappeared too, along with Twilight's and Rarity's horn.
Needless to say, they were shocked. Star Twinkle didn't feel different at all and Applejack and Pinkie Pie seemed as usual too.

Then a mysterious creature appeared in front of everypony who strongly resembled the figure that they saw in the window in Princess Celestia's castle.

It was obvious that this creature was Discord. It was the first time where Star Twinkle could take a good look at this creature. He looked like a combination of all sorts of creatures. He had the head of a pony, with a deer antler on the right and a goat horn on the left side, a left goat leg, a right leg of a lizard, a right arm of a lion, a left claw of an eagle, a right bat wing, a left Pegasus wing and a snake-like body.

Discord has clearly removed the wings and horns from the ponies so that they would have a harder time finding the elements. Of course, it was clear from the point when he appeared and laughed about the seven ponies situation.

“You–You should see the looks on your faces. Priceless!” Discord said.

“Give us our wings and horns back!” Twilight demanded.

You'll get them back in good time. I simply took them to ensure there's no cheating. You see, this is the first rule of our game: no flying, and no magic,” He explained, teleporting from one place to another.

“The first rule?” Rainbow Dash asked.

"The second rule is everypony has to play or the game is over, and I win. Good luck, everypony! "He said before vanishing again.

"Never fear, girls. We have each other!" Twilight said confidently.

"Yeah! Like Twilight said, there's nothing we can't overcome if we all stick together!" Rainbow Dash added.

It was just like before with the cotton candy clouds. They may have little chance when they are alone but if they stick together, then maybe even an enemy like Discord doesn't stand a chance. Everypony then stood in front of the entrance of the labyrinth and prepared to enter it.

"All right, let's do this!" Twilight said determent.

"Together!" everypony exclaimed.

But after setting hoof into the labyrinth, walls came out of the ground separating everypony from each other.
Panics quickly spread until Twilight calmed everypony down.

"Stay calm, girls! Everypony head to the middle as fast as you can, and we'll regroup there!" She shouted.

Star Twinkle did what she said and ran forward, to where the center was. Meeting up as soon as possible was the best they could do right now, especially when dealing with an opponent like Discord. Reaching the middle shouldn't be much of a problem, thought Star Twinkle. And there were six other ponies in this maze so meeting up with at least one of them should be easy.

He proceeded to run around the maze as fast as he could while still making sure that he was going the right way.

"It should be right around the corner. I sure hope I'm not the first one to arrive there,"

He then ran around the corner only to stop abruptly.

"Wait!...This is where I started, isn't it?!" He shouted surprised.

He could see the gate from the entrance. He was definitely back at the beginning. Even though he was sure that he was walking in the right direction.

"Ugh! Well, looks like I'm gonna be last now..." he mumbled annoyed.

Suddenly a white star flew past Star Twinkle, gaining his attention.

"What the?" He said surprised.

He followed the star since it was the only thing accompanying him in this maze for quite a while.
He followed it around every corner until it stopped in the middle of a dead end.

"Gee, thanks for nothing,"

"You're welcome," the star replied.

Star Twinkle didn't expect an answer and got startled as a result. The star turned around and Discord's face could be seen inside of it.

Star Twinkle quickly backed off. He had to get out of there somehow. It took The Elements of Harmony and Princess Celestia and Princess Luna to defeat him. Star Twinkle wouldn't even remotely stand a chance against this guy.

"What's wrong, Star Twinkle? Not happy to get some company in this lonely maze?" Discord asked while still being inside of the star, circling around Star Twinkle.

"Not from you!" Star Twinkle replied, trying not to sound too intimidated.

"Oh? I don't think you mean that...You would have said that to anypony, you would have met, right?" Discord wondered.

"What? No!" Star Twinkle replied.

"Are you sure? I thought you like being alone...After all, it's much easier to just mind your own business and not bother with the problems of others,"

Discord was trying to manipulate Star Twinkle. That much he figured out. But the worst thing was, he knew that it worked.

"I mean, what could they possibly like about you? A pony without destiny, who just got into this group by dumb luck. A pony who doesn't even know the meaning of friendship,"

"No..." Star Twinkle replied with little confidence.

"You are smart, aren't you? You already know that you don't belong in this group of ponies. You're meant to be alone..."

"...yes...maybe you're right..."

"You want to be alone...That is your destiny..."

"...yes...it's my...destiny..."

Slowly, Star Twinkle's body lost color, starting from his hoofs to his head.

"I'm alone..."

His color slowly turned from light green to a pale grayish green. His eyes were losing any emotion and his head was hanging down, fully accepting the change.

"I'm alone...I always was...And I always will be..." he said as the color in his coat was slowly vanishing.

But then...

A small light made out of rainbow colors swooped over his body, giving him back his emotions in his eyes.
Seconds later the gray color vanished again, turning his coat back to its usual light green color.

Surprised by what exactly happened right now, Star Twinkle looked around confused. He couldn't remember what happened after he was talking with Discord. It was as if he jumped from one moment to another, without remembering anything in between.

But he had no time to think since Discord was appearing in front of him, playing with the star, where he was in before, in his claw.

"Well, that was unusual," said Discord surprised yet really calm.


Star Twinkle just realized again what situation he was in and was back on his guard. But Discord quickly teleported next to him, pointing with his claw on Star Twinkle's forehead. The color of Star Twinkle's coat started to change again but, this time, Star Twinkle noticed, making him panic. But he couldn't move, let alone defend himself, probably because of Discord's magic.

Discord seemed to put a little more effort in his magic but this time, the gray color was not even reaching Star Twinkle's front legs. Again a rainbow colored light was blinking for a moment, removing all the gray color instantly.

Discord seemed as surprised as Star Twinkle.

"Well, somepony is not playing fair!" Discord said mildly annoyed.

Star Twinkle was far away from understanding what was happening right now and Discord's words were not making it any better.

"What are you talking about?" Asked Star Twinkle.

"Can you please explain one thing to me?" Discord asked.

Discord, if even for a second, seemed worried and serious for the first time.

"Why is it, that I can sense every Element of Harmony inside of you?"

"What?" Star Twinkle asked.

"You know! Those stupid necklaces you're looking for? There are bits of every element inside of you. Well, except for the new one..." said Discord who seemed rather annoyed right now.

"I have every element inside of me? What do you mean with that?" Star Twinkle asked confused.

"It seems to prevent me from making you all gloomy and depressed like the others,"

"The others? What do you mean! What have you done with them?" Star Twinkle exclaimed worriedly.

"Well, you will have enough time to find out! See you around!" Said Discord before opening one of the walls of the labyrinth as if it was a door and entering it.

"Wait!" Star Twinkle shouted.

Star Twinkle followed him around the corner, where Discord should have come out but he was nowhere to be found.

It bothered Star Twinkle that Discord left without fully answering Star Twinkles questions.

Once again he was alone, wandering the labyrinth but now his head was filled with questions, making the time in the labyrinth at least go by fast.

"What did he mean? I have every Element of Harmony inside of me? All except the new one? But I am the new one, right? So the Element of Harmony that I was chosen from is the only one that isn't inside of me?" He mumbled to himself.

He suddenly stopped and took a deep breath before he lost his patience to think clearly.

"Argh! That doesn't even make sense!" He exclaimed frustrated.

"Star Twinkle?" Said Twilight from afar.

It sounded like they were on the other side of the wall.

"Twilight? Where are you?" Star Twinkle shouted.

"We are definitely not over here!" Applejack's voice said from afar.

"And even if we were, we are not having fun right now!" Pinkie Pie said.

"Great! It's the most boring pony of them all..." Fluttershy said.

"Girls!" Twilight exclaimed annoyed.

Instead of hearing relieved voices, Star Twinkle was confused to hear reactions like that.

"...okay..." Star Twinkle said puzzled.

They all sounded a little different. They sounded like they had a really tough time in this labyrinth. Maybe they were all stressed?

When he walked around the corner, he finally met up with his friends. The only one who was missing was Rainbow Dash. Twilight was inspecting Star Twinkle for a moment but then let out a sigh of relief.

"At least you look normal," Twilight said in relief.

"Normal?" Star Twinkle asked.

But after taking a look at everypony else, Star Twinkle understood. The others looked and behaved a little different than usual.

Applejack was avoiding eye contact and said mostly the opposite from what was actually happen or what she did. Pinkie Pie didn't smile once until now and kept a look at anypony with sharp eyes. Fluttershy was teasing and pushing the others whenever she had the chance. And Rarity was carrying a giant boulder on her back and stayed away from everypony who even looked at it. On top of that, they all had a gray coat and mane color.

"What happened to them?" Star Twinkle asked.

"I don't know but I'm sure Discord is behind this!" Twilight replied.

This was most likely the case. Discord already confronted Star Twinkle so he would probably do the same with the others.

Whatever it was, the highest priority right now was to find the Elements of Harmony. Twilight and the others didn't seem to find them too so they couldn't leave the labyrinth too. Also, they had to find Rainbow Dash first so they walked around the labyrinth for a little longer. But even walking a straight part, provided to be difficult at the moment.

Everypony except Star Twinkle and Twilight were constantly arguing with each other. Star Twinkle noticed how that boulder, that Rarity carried was way too heavy for her. “Say, why is she carrying this thing anyway?”

“She thinks it's a diamond...” Twilight said, who seemed to get annoyed by the situation more and more.

“Did you tell her that it's not?” Star Twinkle asked.

But Twilight only replied with a mean glance. She was clearly too annoyed by her other friends at the moment to answer such stupid questions.

“I think I talk with the others for a moment,” Star Twinkle replied trying to give Twilight a little space.

First, he approached Applejack. “So Applejack, do you have any idea where we can find the elements?” He asked Applejack.

“Of course I do,” she replied bluntly.

“Wait, really? Where?” He asked surprised.

“Well, uh...I'm not gonna tell you!” She added.

He then noticed how Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were arguing in the back and tried to focus on them.

“What is going on here?” He asked.

“I was just telling Pinkie Pie how lame she is. Almost as lame as you, Star Twinkle,” Fluttershy explained.

“If that was supposed to be a joke, then it was not funny,” Star Twinkle replied.

“Funny!? Funny!? Nothing here is fun at all!” Pinkie Pie exclaimed angrily.

“I'm having a lot of fun right now,” Fluttershy said, making Pinkie Pie angrier.

“No! No fun allowed!” Pinkie Pie said.

“What is happening here?” Star Twinkle wondered.

He then noticed how Rarity had trouble carrying her giant boulder so he went to her side and offered to carry it for her.

“How about I carry this...thing for you?” Star Twinkle asked.

“Oh, darling that would be wonderful,” Rarity happily responded.

“Well, at least she didn't completely lose it,” thought Star Twinkle.

Rarity then placed the boulder on Star Twinkle's back, who had problems lifting this thing himself.

“But don't get the wrong idea! You better watch out! I know where you live,” Rarity threatened.

“or maybe not...” thought Star Twinkle who was taking some distance from Rarity.

Star Twinkle was slowly following his friends until Applejack pointed out something.

“Well, looky there. Rainbow Dash is flying away. She's abandonin' us,” Applejack said, looking up and pointing to the sky.

“Now I know that's a lie,” Twilight said confidently until she looked up at the sky herself.

“How can it be?“ Twilight said after letting out a surprised gasp.

Star Twinkle also looked up at the sky and was surprised himself. It was true. Rainbow Dash was flying away from the labyrinth. Why she had her wings again was another thing but Star Twinkle was more confused about why she was flying away. She was practically leaving her friends behind.

Suddenly the ground began to shake and the labyrinth was vanishing inside of the ground, leaving only a field of dirt. Of course, this was Discords doing, who appeared in front of everypony.

“Well, well, well. Somepony broke the "no wings; no magic" rule,” he said, before giving Fluttershy her wings and Twilight and Rarity her horns back.

“Game's over my little ponies. You didn't find your precious elements. Looks like we might be due for a big old storm of chaos!” Discord said, before laughing maniacally as the six ponies felt more than helpless in this kind of situation.

“With my friends like that and our elements gone, how are we suppose to stop this guy?” Thought Star Twinkle frustrated as he watched how Discord just now defeated the Elements of Harmony.

To be continued...

Author's Note:

Discord seems to have the upper hand for now!
Can Star Twinkle and Twilight return their friends to normal and retrieve the elements back?

And what about the words that Discord said to Star Twinkle?
Is there something that he knows?
Find out in the next chapter!

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I hope to see you in the next chapter ^^.

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