• Published 24th Mar 2016
  • 8,442 Views, 206 Comments

My Little Pony - The Legend of Friendship - Danieru

The lonely and boring live of an Earth Pony changes completely after he was chosen by one seventh Element of Harmony. Not only will this pony discover friendship but also the true story about the Elements of Harmony. Even if he doesn't want to...

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41. Center of the Storm - Part 1

There was a slow breeze in the air...
Quiet and soft but also threatening.
Like a predator who was hiding just waiting to get his chance to jump on his prey with full force.

That was the prey for another member of the Storm Wings...
Cyclone Wing...

He stood on a cliff and looked over Ponyville in the distance.
The wind was blowing through his windmill shaped mane.
His eyes full of determination.
He was also wearing a saddlebag at which he looked at for a moment before he returned his head back to Ponyville.

"I just have to finish this mission..." he said starring down to the little town of Ponyville.
"Then...everything will be over...
And we will be free again..."

There was nothing that could stop him now.
He had to bring the Elements of Harmony to his leader.
There was just too much for him at stake.
Too much to go back now...

He closed his eyes and mentally prepared himself letting the wind blow through his mane.

“Just one more mission...
I will not fail here...” He thought before his mind wandered off to another place in the past...

A little while ago at the Storm Wing Headquarter...

Breeze Flyer was just informing Cyclone Wing about her and Hurricane Wing's failed attempt to get the Elements of Harmony from Ponyville.
Needless to say, Breeze Flyer was not feeling well telling it to Cyclone Wing.

"I'm sorry, Cyclone...we failed..." she said lowering her head in front of Cyclone Wing.

But Cyclone Wing didn't show any anger or disappointment.
Instead, he was waiting for more information.

"It was, Hurricane...he...he was..."

"I understand," Cyclone Wing interrupted, knowing exactly what happened.
I will inform Mystic..."

Hearing that instantly made Breeze Flyer raise her head in surprise.

Me and Hurricane Wing discussed it and we-"

"NO!” He said, stopping Breeze Flyer's sentence.
"I will take full responsibility for your mission.
You can go now," Cyclone Wing said turning around and walking to the end of the room.

Breeze Flyer left the hall with a frown on her face and a lowered head.
When she walked outside she noticed how Hurricane Wing was eavesdropping on both of them.
Breeze Flyer thought that he was still weak from their mission and didn't expect him at all.
He was also frowning and began to walk away with Breeze Flyer following him.

Meanwhile, Cyclone Wing informed Mystic about another failed mission, regarding the elements of Harmony.
Mystic, as expected was not happy to hear this and looked at Cyclone Wing with a mean glare on his face.

"So you are telling me that you sent another one of your brothers and you still failed?"

"Yes..." Cyclone Wing said without any emotions or even making eye contact with Mystic.

But as usual, Mystic didn't care and continued.

"When I said that I wanted the Elements of Harmony,
I meant that I want them as soon as possible and not after a dozen failed attempts!" Mystic exclaimed angrily.

As always when they talk, the tension was at the highest point.
And as always Cyclone Wing didn't bother to reply to most of Mystic's answers and just kept quiet.

"Are your brothers not important to you?" Mystic asked threatening.

This, however, caused Cyclone Wing to get a little angered.
He clenched his teeth, knowing that those words were just said to provoke him.

However, despite two failed attempts to retrieve the Elements of Harmony, Mystic was a lot calmer then Cyclone Wing expected.
But little did he know where the conversation was heading to.

"What is the thing you wish the most?" Mystic asked out of the blue.

Cyclone Wing knew exactly the answer to that question.
He wishes that the Storm Wings will be freed from Mystic so that things can return the way they used to be.
But for obvious reasons, he couldn't say that out loud.

"Don't bother...
I know your answer..." Mystic said.
"And I can give it to you..." he added.

Cyclone Wing didn't understand and looked back at Mystic confused.

Bring me the Elements of Harmony and I will leave you and your Storm Wings.
After all, why do I need you and your little group if I can have the most powerful magic in all of Equestria?" He explained, smiling in the process.

Cyclone Wing's eyes widened out of surprise.
Was he just messing around with him?
He knew Mystic far too good to believe what he was saying was true.
But what if it was true?

“If I had the chance to choose between this group and the Element, then my choice would be easy.
The same applies to you, right?” Mystic asked, only further provoking Cyclone Wing.

Of course, the choice between those two things would be obvious for Cyclone Wing.
If he could choose, then he would choose the Storm Wings any day.
Even if there was something else in all of Equestria, he would still choose the Storm Wings.
However, Cyclone Wing didn't know where Mystic was going with all of this until Mystic continued further.

Mystic walked up to Cyclone Wing, not even respecting Cyclone Wing's private space at all with a sinister smile on his face.

“You hate me, don't you?” He asked Cyclone Wing from an eye to an eye.

Gladly, would Cyclone Wing answer this question...
Nothing more would satisfy him to say those words into Mystic's face.
But there was no reason for that.
Mystic should know that Cyclone Wing felt that way against him.

“You hate me because I order you and your brothers around...
You hate me because I commanded the Storm Wings to attack other villages...
You hate me because I took this group away from you...”

It was like, he was speaking out Cyclone Wing's thoughts.
But even with Cyclone Wing acting all servile, Mystic should know all this long ago.
Cyclone Wing did not pretend to like Mystic at all and showed that to him on every occasion.
So why was he bringing that up all of the sudden?

“Let me tell you something,” Mystic said staring with his dark blue eyes into Cyclone Wing's light blue eyes.
“I am not really fond of you either...
In fact, I hate this whole group!” He added, filled with a little more anger in his voice.

Why was Mystic bringing this up all of the sudden?
Why was he provoking Cyclone Wing like that, now?
Was it because they failed to retrieve the Elements of Harmony?
Cyclone Wing didn't know why Mystic was talking so directly like that but despite all those words, he just returned Mystic's glare with one of his own without saying anything.

“Do you know what I hate the most in this group?” Mystic asked, with his eyes still focused on Cyclone Wing's eyes, who didn't want to hear the answer to that question at all.
“Not you...
Not your failed attempts to get me the Element's of Harmony, twice!
Your brother, Tornado Wing!
Even though I am the leader and I am the one who is in charge here
That stupid steel winged pony still thinks he can do whatever he wants and-”

Suddenly, Cyclone Wing grabbed Mystic's throat with his hoof and looked at him angrily, clenching his teeth.
Mystic was surprised to get such a reaction from Cyclone Wing but still managed to prepare a spell, ready to fire at Cyclone Wing as soon as he would do something stupid.
They both stared at each other's eyes.
With Cyclone Wing's hoof on Mystic's throat and Mystic's horn glowing in a purple light just waiting to release a spell at Cyclone Wing.
Surprisingly, Mystic kept his calm in his current situation.

“Do you know why I'm telling you all this?” Mystic asked, still with his horn glowing and ready to attack.
“Because I am the leader now.
And I know that you won't do anything stupid.
You can glare and threaten me as much as you want but in the end, you can't do anything against me and you know that,” he said followed by another sinister smile.

As much as those words angered Cyclone Wing, he knew that it was true.
His glare slowly faded away and was replaced by an expression of insecurity.

“Now get your hooves away from me,” Mystic said, pointing with his head at Cyclone Wing's hoof.

Cyclone Wing completely forgot about that and removed it slowly.
It was not like, he was actually stroking him in the first place.
It was just supposed to be a warning for Mystic.
Cyclone Wing was just not expecting Mystic to even talk like that and didn't pay much attention to his actions.

"I'm going..." Cyclone Wing said before he turned around and left the room with a weird feeling surrounding him.

Mystic only threw a glare at Cyclone Wing as he watched how he was leaving the room.
Cyclone Wing could feel Mystic's eyes piercing through him.
If he had eyes on his back, he would instantly glare back at him.
But at that very moment, he had other thoughts in his mind.
He thought about if the things that Mystic said were true.

Would he really throw away his current position for the elements?
Why would he?
He has Cyclone Wing right where he wants him.
Why sacrificing all that?

But thinking about that would be a waste of time.
He could only wish that Mystic was telling the truth.
He could only wish that soon everything will be over.

Back in the present...

“Just one more mission...
Then everything will be over...” He thought while mentally preparing himself as the wind was blowing through his mane once more.

Then, the wind stopped.
It was quiet.
But only for a while.

Once again, the wind started to blow but this time stronger and more intense.
So strong that it almost pushed Cyclone Wing of the cliff.

Then in an instant, he opened his eyes again, spread his wings and flew off to Ponyville with a determined look on his face.

Nothing mattered now.
He only had his mission in clear sight.
And he will do anything to accomplish it.

He overlooked the town while flying over it to find the place he was searching for.
According to his brother, Tornado Wing, the Elements were in a library, inside of a tree-house.
He made sure to look at every building, every tree and everything that looked similar to not miss his goal.

Moments later, he found something that seemed to fit the description.
A giant tree with windows on it and a door in front of it.
Definitely, the place that Tornado Wing was describing to him.

Cyclone Wing was flying to the tree house and looked through the window near the front door.
Nopony seemed to be inside so Cyclone Wing took his chance and broke inside without anypony noticing.

According to Tornado Wing, the Elements were in a blue box, so Cyclone Wing looked all over the place for something like that.
But after looking around for a while, he couldn't find anything.
His usually calm demeanor was slowly crumbling after thinking about what finding the elements would mean for the Storm Wings.
There was no way that he could fail at this moment.

However, while still searching for the elements, a voice from upstairs could be heard.

"Back so soon, Twilight?" Spike said as he walked downstairs, not realizing the uninvited guest.
"I thought you would be away for most of the-" Spike stopped after he noticed Cyclone Wing.

The green Pegasus gave the little dragon a glare and jumped at him.
Spike tried to get away but due to the size difference, Cyclone Wing had no trouble, pinning the little dragon to the ground.
Spike was struck by fear after this attack and tried to get away but Cyclone Wing was too strong.

Cyclone Wing didn't know who he was dealing with but Spike was the only one who he could ask right now so he tried his luck by asking Spike about the elements.

"Where are the Elements of Harmony?" He asked almost threatening.

Spike was struck by fear but quickly put one and one together and realized who he was dealing with.

"Wait, are you from those Storm Wings?" Spike asked nervously.

Cyclone Wing put more pressure on the little dragon and asked again.

"Where are the Element's of Harmony?" Cyclone Wing said even more threatening than before.

Cyclone Wing had clearly no patience and time to deal with Spike right now and simply wanted some answers.

"They are not here anymore!" Spike said in fear.
"Twilight and the others were just leaving with them a few minutes ago," he replied quickly in fear that Cyclone Wing would hurt him.

"To where?" Cyclone Wing asked.


This caused Cyclone Wing to widen his eyes.
Was he already too late?
If they bring the Elements of Harmony back to Canterlot, then things could get complicated for the Storm Wings.
Cyclone Wing had to prevent this at all cost.

He released Spike and left the library again.
In order for them to quickly get to Canterlot, they had to take the train so Cyclone Wing flew to the train station of Ponyville.

When he arrived at the station, a train was already waiting with a bunch of ponies boarding it.

"Those are..."

He quickly remembered the description from Tornado Wing of the seven ponies that stopped him and the description of those ponies fit right into it.
They must have the Elements of Harmony with them.
And the only thing he had to do, was to get his hooves on them.

Star Twinkle, Twilight, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie were about to board the Friendship Express in order to go to Canterlot.
Twilight wanted to give Princess Celestia back the Elements of Harmony because of the recent events.
And the others all took the chance and to accompany her to spent some time after that in Canterlot.
However, Star Twinkle was more than happy that the Elements would be back with Princess Celestia again.

"We should have done that way sooner..." Star Twinkle said in concern.

“Yes! You're right! It's been so long since we all went to Canterlot together!” Pinkie Pie added excitedly.

“Not that!” Star Twinkle exclaimed.
“I mean bringing back the elements to Princess Celestia so that we don't have to worry about those Storm Wing guys!” He corrected.

"You are being too cautious, darling.
We are already on our way to Canterlot," Rarity assured, trying to calm Star Twinkle down.

But it didn't work.
Star Twinkle was still looking around in paranoia.

Meanwhile, the girls slowly entered the train with not a worry at all on their faces.

“It sure is windy today...” he mumbled to himself before entering the train as the last one.

They all went to their seats and talked about what they planned to do once they arrived in Canterlot.
Thankfully, Twilight was always putting her priorities high when it came to Princess Celestia.
The first thing she wanted to do after arriving in Canterlot was to bring the Elements to the princess.

Star Twinkle focused his eyes on the saddlebag that Twilight was carrying.
Inside of it was the box with the Elements of Harmony.
She only had to bring them to Princess Celestia and Star Twinkle's worries could go away.
He was looking forward to that.

After a few minutes of waiting, the train finally began to move and Star Twinkle felt like a huge burden was lifted off from him.
Still, he was nervous, like always when it came to going to Canterlot.

The door at the end of the cart opened and a Pegasus with a light green coat and a light blue and yellow colored mane, which was shaped like a propeller entered the room.
He was also wearing a blue steward hat and vest.
He was bringing in a cart, which was loaded with sweets and offered some of them to anypony.
Pinkie Pie, of course, was the first one to jump right on it.

“Do you have some sweet chocolate cakes?" Pinkie Pie asked excitedly.

"I'm not sure, let me take a look..." the steward said trying to grab out something of the cart.

Star Twinkle wasn't interested in eating anything and looked away again with a bored expression on his face.
He looked out of the window and watched the scenery.

"We are going back to Canterlot, huh?
Maybe I should visit them this time?
I am visiting Canterlot a lot more often now but every time, something else is coming up...
I'm sure the others wouldn't mind but...
Maybe I'm just looking for excuses..." Star Twinkle thought while watching the scenery that the train was passing by.

But he snapped out of his thoughts and got startled after he heard a loud noise.
When he turned around again, he saw how the cart got knocked over with most of the sweets laying on the ground.

The green Pegasus pony was panicking and had a shocked expression on his face.

"Oh no! I'm terribly sorry!" He said in a panic.
“I can't believe this is happening again!
My boss said that he was going to fire me if something happened again!
I will lose my job if he finds out!” He exclaimed in panic widening his eyes out of worry and breathing heavily.

The girls and Star Twinkle, of course, noticed how shocked the steward was after this accident and couldn't help but to offer their help.

“Don't you worry.
Your boss doesn't have to know,” Applejack assured.

“Yes, we won't tell anypony, right?” Rarity added, to which everypony nodded in unison.

The Pegasus seemed relieved and calmed down a little.

“You would do that?” He asked, not believing in his luck right now.

“Let us help you, clean up this mess,” Twilight said before she used her magic to clean up the sweets from the ground.

Everypony then helped, by cleaning up the train as best as they could.
Of course, Star Twinkle was not too excited to work in his free time but he also didn't want the poor Pegasus to loose his job.

However, he could help too, he thought while looking at the Pegasus who was just smiling in embarrassment.
That is when Star Twinkle noticed his Cutie Mark for the first time.
After that, it was no wonder.

“Well, his Cutie Mark is definitely not indicating that he is a good steward...” He mumbled while helping to clean the ground.
“A Tornado with a wing on it's left and right side, huh?” He wondered, thinking what kind of special talent it was supposed to represent.

But then it struck him.
His eyes widened.

“A Tornado...with two wings...just like....” he thought to himself.

Pictures of two other Cutie Marks were flashing through his head
A wing with two tornadoes coming out in front of it...
A wing with a gust of wind coming out behind it...
It was just like....

"No...is he?"

He looked back at the Pegasus once more but he wasn't standing in the same place anymore.
Star Twinkle looked around, confusing the girls in the process, who thought that he was just trying to avoid work.

“Is something wrong, Star Twinkle?” Twilight asked after she noticed the worried look on Star Twinkles face.

Star Twinkle then remembered the goal of the Storm Wings, which instantly caused him to look over to Twilight's seat.
He could see how one green hoof was reaching out for the saddlebag, where the Elements of Harmony were inside.

"Watch out!
He's from the Storm Wings!" Star Twinkle screamed in panic, pointing at the green Pegasus, who soon realized that he was found out.

The expression on the Pegasus quickly changed after Star Twinkle revealed him.
Instead of panic, a pure determination was on his face.

The same expression was on the girl's faces as well.
Applejack quickly jumped over to him in order to stop him but he threw his hat and vest right at her face, making her stumble to the ground.

He then jumped out of the window and flew away with the elements in his hooves.

"We have to go after him!" Twilight exclaimed.

Everypony jumped out of the train and followed the Pegasus.
Rainbow Dash quickly caught up with him.
He didn't seem to be as fast as Hurricane Wing but still faster as Steel Wing.

The Pegasus opened the saddlebag and made sure that a blue box was inside of it, which he opened as well to make sure that the elements are inside.

“Alright...this should be enough...” he mumbled to himself.

Being aware that he was being followed, he landed on the ground, not attempting to escape anymore.
He turned around and faced the group who slowly caught up to him.

"Why is he stopping?" Star Twinkle wondered.

The Pegasus kept an eye out for any incoming attacks but he stood there passively like he was offering a peace-offer.

Everypony was now standing a few meters away from him with their defense up.

"Are you a member of the Storm Wings?" Twilight asked.

"Yes," he replied.
His voice being completely different than before when he was putting on his act.
"My name is Cyclone Wing.
Second in command of the Storm Wings," Cyclone Wing introduced himself.

But nopony except Star Twinkle was impressed by his introduction.
He remembered what Breeze Flyer was talking about.
Back then, she said that there was another pony coming after the elements and that they want to avoid that at all cost.
But so far, he didn't seem too intimidating.

"It doesn't matter who you are!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.
"Give the elements back!
You should know what happens if you try to steal them from us!" She continued determinedly.

However, Cyclone Wing was not intimidated and looked at them calmly.
So did Star Twinkle.
Something was wrong, he thought.

"I have a bad feeling..." Star Twinkle mumbled.

"Don't worry. We got him outnumbered," Rainbow Dash assured.

"That's just it," Star Twinkle replied, causing to draw some confused looks on him.
"The others had at least somepony else that accompanied them but he is all by himself and he doesn't even attempt to flee," Star Twinkle explained.

Meanwhile, Cyclone Wing was inspecting Star Twinkle and remembered Breeze Flyer's description.

"Green coat, star-shaped mane...
Are you the one who saved Hurricane Wing?" Cyclone Wing asked.

Star Twinkle was caught off guard after hearing this question.
If by saving him, he meant, giving Hurricane Wing his medicine, then he would be the one who saved him.

"If so then, thank you..." Cyclone Wing said bowing his head before Star Twinkle.
"I really don't know what I would have done if something happened to my brothers.
For that, I thank you..."

Star Twinkle didn't know how to react to that and got confused.
He could only raise an eyebrow out of confusion.

"However..." he continued.
"I will still take the Elements of Harmony for the Storm Wings,"

Cyclone Wing then took out a box from his saddlebag and placed it on the ground.
It was a white box which was only a little bigger than the box of the Elements of Harmony.
He then put the box with the Elements of Harmony inside of the box he just took out and closed it.

"Well, at least he is taking good care of the elements," Fluttershy said somehow trying to see something good in Cyclone Wing.

Cyclone Wing then stepped away from the box.
Twilight noticed that this was the perfect chance to get the elements back.

"Rainbow Dash!" She exclaimed.

"On it!" Rainbow Dash replied on command.

Rainbow Dash flew towards the Elements of Harmony in an attempt to get them back.
But suddenly, a bright light emerged from the box causing Rainbow Dash to stop.
A beam of light shot out from the box into the sky and flew in a direction behind Cyclone Wing.

"What just happened?" Star Twinkle said in surprise.

Rainbow Dash while still confused took her chance and grabbed the box and brought it back to Twilight.
She quickly checked if the elements were inside but to her surprise, the box with the elements was gone.

"Where are the Elements of Harmony?" Twilight asked looking at Cyclone Wing.

"They are with us now," Cyclone Wing replied.
“There are two of these boxes, who are both connected to each other.
If you put something in one of it, it will appear in the other one after some time.
And you can take a good guess of where the other box is right now,” Cyclone Wing explained to the group.

"Why are you doing all this?
Why are you stealing the Elements of Harmony?" Star Twinkle asked angrily.

"To return the Storm Wings to their former self!" He replied before he spread his wings.
“I'll warn you.
Don't follow me.
Because you will not be able to get your Elements back!” Cyclone Wing threatened before he flew off.

The group noticed that Cyclone Wing was flying in the direction of the beam of light.
Star Twinkle smelled that this was a trap, set up by Cyclone Wing.
But it was either following him, risking to be ambushed or losing the Elements of Harmony.

The next step was clear.
The Elements of Harmony were way to important for Equestria to be stolen by the Storm Wings.
They had no chance but to follow Cyclone Wing.

They all ran after him while discussing what was going to happen next.

“How about I just get this Storm Wing Pegasus and teach him a lesson!” Rainbow Dash suggested, readying her hooves in the process.

“No, Rainbow Dash!
He clearly knows where the Elements are heading to.
We need to follow him in order to get them back,” Twilight suggested.

“But there is also a possibility that he is leading us into a trap,” Star Twinkle pointed out.

“Don't worry, Sugarcube.
If we work together, like always, there is nopony that we can't beat!“ Applejack said, lighten up the mood again.

After all, we managed to defeat two of those Storm Wings before,” Rainbow Dash added.

“But weren't you losing when you raced against that Hurricane Wing?” Pinkie Pie pointed out.

“The point is...
There is nopony in Equestria that stands a chance against us if we work together,” Rainbow Dash explained.

I mean it's not like we are fighting Discord who can take away our wings or magic,” Fluttershy pointed out.

They are just a bunch of ruffians who haven't learned their lesson yet,” Rarity added.

The girls did a really good job to lighten up the mood.
Star Twinkle was worried for a second but felt a little better after these words.
And it was true.
They managed to defeat Nightmare Moon and Discord by working together.
Steel Wing was hard to deal with at first but after they teamed up, they managed to defeat him as well, even without the Elements.

“You're right!” Star Twinkle replied after those encouraging words.
“We will get them back!” He said fully confident.

The girls were glad to hear that and kept on following Cyclone Wing to wherever he was heading to.
Their chase continued for a good while until they found themselves nearby a place called Foal Mountains.
It was a place full of mountains, as the name suggested but there was also a large forest and a good amount of cliff sides and craters.

Cyclone Wing did notice, how he was being followed but didn't mind it much and calmly continued his flight until he was looking around the area with scanning eyes.

“It should be around here...” he mumbled as his speed slowly decreased.

He then landed on a cliff which was in front of a crater.

“He is landing!” Star Twinkle exclaimed after noticing that Cyclone Wing is not flying away from them anymore.

Cyclone Wing turned around to face everypony once more and looked at them with a calm expression on his face.

“If he is stopping, does that mean that the Elements are somewhere nearby?” Twilight wondered.

“If that's the case, then let's look around!” Applejack suggested.

However, Cyclone Wing overheard this conversation and decided to put an end to their attempts to get the Elements back.

“You followed me this far...
Even though I warned you...
I suggest that you turn around immediately,” Cyclone Wing advised once more.

But everypony was determined to stay, now that they come this far.
And they made sure that Cyclone Wing would understand that too.

“If we get the Elements back from you, then we just have to bring them back to Canterlot.
There you will not be able to get them anymore!” Star Twinkle said.

“Your right...” Cyclone Wing replied.
This is the last attempt for the Storm Wings to get hold of the Elements of Harmony.
I am well aware of that...
That is why I made sure that you won't get them back,”

“Well, guess what?
Your plan failed!” Rainbow Dash pointed out.
We know that the elements are here right now!" Rainbow Dash said amused.

However, Cyclone Wing didn't show any signs of defeat.
Star Twinkle couldn't help but look around.
They were far away from Ponyville or Canterlot.
It was almost unknown territory for them.

"Why do I have such a bad feeling?" Star Twinkle said worriedly as he looked around him to find anything suspicious.

Some of the girls noticed Star Twinkle's concern and attempted to cheer him up again.

“Remember what we all said,” Applejack said, putting a hoof on his shoulder.

“There is nothing that we can't accomplish if we all work together!” Twilight continued.

Star Twinkle nodded in response with a smile on his face.
Whatever might happen from now on, they will not fail.
They came this far and they will succeed till it's all over.

“Working together, huh?” Cyclone Wing said, overhearing their conversation.
“That's right...” He said, lowering his head with a thoughtful expression on his face.
“You can only get this far on your own...
But if you work together, then nothing is impossible...”

The group was surprised to hear that kind of words from Cyclone Wing.
It was not like he tried to provoke them or something.
He was saying those things because he seemed to believe in them too.

He raised his head again and looked at everypony with the most determined face that he has shown this far.
It was sending shivers down on Star Twinkle's body.
But that was nothing compared to what Cyclone Wing said after that.

“...And that is exactly what we are doing right now!”

Suddenly, a loud noise startled everypony except Cyclone Wing.
The noise became louder and louder.
No pony could clearly recognize what kind of sound it was.
But it sound kind of mechanical.
What followed was an earthquake, that caused everypony to lose their balance.

"I told you before...
I made sure that you won't get your Elements back..."

When everypony looked at Cyclone Wing, they noticed how something was arising from behind him.
Something really big was slowly levitating from below the crater.
On first glance, it looked like some sort of castle, or a fortress, which was lifted by a giant balloon and some engines from below.

"Let me introduce you to the headquarter of the Storm Wings...
The Storm Fortress!" Cyclone Wing proudly introduced to the seven ponies.

"The Element's of Harmony are in there?!" Star Twinkle thought while looking at this giant flying fortress in front of him.

But it was not only the size of the fortress but rather what was on board on it.
There were probably hundred of ponies on it, looking at the seven ponies and ready to attack on Cyclone Wing's command.

"In order to get your elements back...
You will have to face the whole force of the Storm Wings!" Cyclone Wing threatened, the fortress behind him only supporting his words.
“Now let me ask you one last time...
Do you leave?
Or do you fight?”

The group was prepared to deal with anything.
But after seeing this giant ship arise in front of them...
It left the group with anything but determination.

“How are we supposed to get the Elements back from this?” Star Twinkle thought in a panic as he watched how it was seven ponies against a hundred of them.

“So what's it going to be?” Cyclone Wing asked once more to the group, awaiting their next step.

But no answer came right away.
Because they had to careful which answer they would give.
Regardless what they would choose...
The future of Equestria would lay in their next action...

To be continued...

Author's Note:

The first Custom Story Arc Finale is starting!
And I really hope that you enjoy it as much as I like to write it ^^.

The Storm Wing's proved to be a threat to the main characters before so how are things going to end now?
Maybe the next chapter will tell...

If you liked this chapter or this story so far, then please leave some kind of feedback and let me know.
And if there is something that bothered you this far (Maybe the OC's that I added so far? Or my style of writing?) then let me know too!
I'm just happy for every kind of review or comment that is left on this story.

I hope to see you all in the next chapter ^^.

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