• Published 25th Sep 2017
  • 13,850 Views, 1,290 Comments

An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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12: Applebuck Aftermath...

Oblivion woke up with a start as the rooster crowed. The Unicorn growled and moved the blanket back. He pulled his swords onto his back, put his cloak on, and opened the door to walk out. He looked down to his medallion and moved the hoof guards into his body. He decided that the guards were less likely to be noticed than his breast collar. He looked at the guards and found them to be comfortable and he knew they would be perfect for what he had planned. Applejack started to open the door when his magic pulled it out of her grasp.

The mare halted and waited. “Mornin.”

“Good morning, Applejack.”

“So how did yer meetin’ with Twilight go?”

Oblivion gave a light smile before responding. “Well, she is telling me things are impossible again. But I am certain I have the spell ready. I’ll cast it when I get back from taking Apple Bloom to school.”

Applejack nodded. “All righ’. Just make sure it’s not gonna hurt ya.” Her eyes looked to his forelegs and saw his leg guards. “Expecting it ta give ya trouble?”

He looked at her. “No. This is more precaution than anything else.” He admitted.

Applejack nodded to him and let him walk down the stairs ahead of her. Oblivion sat down at the table with Big Mac and Apple Bloom. The filly smiled as she pulled her drawing from her bag.

“Mac, look what ah drew!” She gave her brother her drawing and waited.

Mac looked from the drawing to her and then back it. “Wha’ is it?”

Apple Bloom smiled widely. “It's a Rock Troll. Oblivion told us about ‘em when he talked ta mah class. He taught me how ta draw one last night.”

Big Mac looked at him. “Ya saw one a these fer real?”

Oblivion nodded. “Many times.”

Big Mac cringed and gave the drawing back to the filly. She put it back in her bag and let her saddlebags hang on the back of the chair. Applejack came down after getting Granny Smith up and moving then moved to the kitchen.

“Y'all are sure ta get a good grade, Apple Bloom. No other pony has drawn a creature from so far away.” Applejack said to her and the filly smiled even wider. “Y'all be sure ta tell em’ who helped ya if they ask.”

Oblivion shifted to give Granny Smith more room. The aged mare used his shoulder as a stand as she got into her chair between him and Apple Bloom. Apple Bloom looked over to the black pony and pouted.

“Ah wanna sit by Oblivion. Ah wanted ta talk ta him.” She whined.

Oblivion leaned forward to look at her. “Apple Bloom, that's enough. We can talk on the way to school, as before.” He told her.

She looked ashamed before she nodded to the stallion. “Sorry bout that. Ah forgot that the harvest was done so ya can walk me ta school again.”

Oblivion nodded and looked back to the window. Applejack poured oatmeal for the family but paused as she reached Oblivion. He took a sniff and leaned back away from it. Applejack held back a giggle and went to Big Mac, who was also suppressing a laugh. The black Unicorn stood up and skirted out the door to avoid Granny Smith trying to make him eat. He was fine due to his large hunt last night. The stallion went outside, to what was becoming his favorite place, to wait for the filly. He dozed in the shade of the tree and suddenly jolted awake. He looked up and found that, if they didn’t hurry, Apple Bloom would be late. He loped to the door and stuck his head through.

“Did the time for school change while we were working?”

Apple Bloom looked up. “No, why?”

“Ah. Well, if you want to be on time we are going to have to run.”

Apple Bloom's eyes widened in horror and Applejack looked out the kitchen window.

“Ah, plum lost track time. He’s right Apple Bloom, ya need ta hurry.” Applejack said to her youngest sibling.

Apple Bloom jumped out of the chair and Oblivion used his magic to put her on his back. She held onto his mane as he whirled around and took off for the gate. He jumped the fence and took off running. Apple Bloom held on as her eldest brother galloped hard for the school. She looked up, but couldn’t see anything past Oblivion’s long mane as it struck her in the face. She knew that they were going fast, but she wasn’t sure how fast. She hunkered down against his back and held his mane and cloak in her hooves.

“Faster, Oblivion! Ah, can’t be late!” She yelled at the stallion.

Oblivion snorted and dug his claws into the ground, pitching forward. “Hold tight.” He shouted at her. Apple Bloom was to busy holding on to notice that his cloak moved to bunch under her. Oblivion pulled out his wings and flapped them in stride to give him more speed. The information he had gotten from Rainbow about how to fly was already coming in handy. He saw the schoolhouse in front of him. He didn’t slow as he neared it and moved his wings back into place. The Unicorn sheathed his claws and brought his head up to catch Apple Bloom if needed. He plunged to a stop and used his magic to place the filly on the ground inside the gate. She started to run to the door when she stopped.

“Why are you stopping?” Oblivion couldn't stop himself from shouting at her.

“Mah drawing!” She wailed.

Oblivion thought back. “Shit.” He hung his head before his horn lit and her saddlebags dropped onto her back. She turned to him and smiled.

“Best big brother ever!” She yelled as she went inside.

Oblivion stood by the gate and panted. “Gods below.” He cursed as he caught his breath. He turned to leave and walk back to the farm.


He looked back to find Cheerilee coming out of the schoolhouse. “Gods, what now?” he muttered as he turned back to her.

“I’m amazed you got her here in time. Apple Bloom said you ran the whole way here. That's impressive, all the way from Sweet apple acres is not a short run.” She said, to the still panting stallion.

“As long as we made it, then it's fine.” He replied.

“Indeed. Well, there is something I wished to discuss with you.”


“Yes, after you came in to speak with the foals last week they have not stopped talking about it. So I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind speaking to them again. Many of the foals would also like to see some of your sword work. Even some of the parents are interested as well. Their children have been speaking almost non stop about Apple Blooms eldest brother. A story would be fine as well. Even I have to admit that it was quite the story to hear.”

Oblivion considered what she said. “Not sure what they are hoping to see with my swordsmanship.”

“I think they are just looking to see how it is done.”

“So more or less just an exercise that uses the sword?”

“That is what I am thinking yes.”

“I will think about it. Do I need to give an immediate answer?”

“Oh no, take your time. I haven’t even thought of a date for this yet. Though if not the sword then please consider at least telling them another story. I’m sure Apple Bloom hears many of them.”

He shook his head. “She has heard the same as the others.”

“Really? I would have thought that they were bedtime stories.” She stopped when Oblivion laughed.

“Gods no. The other stories I have would either keep her up or give her nightmares. I would need to think back to some of my earlier experiences for a suitable story.” He replied to her.

“All right that makes sense. Thank you for considering it.” She replied and started for the schoolhouse.

Oblivion turned and started to walk back. He looked to the ground and he could see that he had skidded several feet when he tried to stop for the gate. Further back he could see the claw marks in the soil and he gave a light chuckle. He got back to the farm and saw Twilight coming up to the gate as well.

She saw him and trotted to meet up with him, Spike on her back. “What happened to you?”

He looked at her and looked over his shoulder. His hind legs were covered in fine dirt and his leg guards were covered in fine dust as well. He groaned. “Gods dammit. Apple Bloom was going to be late, so I ran her to school. I didn’t slow down, and ended up skidding.”

“Ah’ve never seen a pony run that fast afore.” Applejack trotted up to them and stopped. “Y'all cleared that fence by a foot. Guess yer running around the fields and jumpin' trees shows.”

He let Twilight walk into the farm first and he followed. Spike jumped from Twilight's back to Applejack's and then looked to Oblivion, who glared. The dragon jumped to the ground. The group walked to the barn where Big Mac was waiting.

He turned to look at Oblivion who came to stand next to him. “Ah hear that yer gonna work some pretty fancy magic.”

Oblivion grinned and shook his head. “I suppose you could call it that. The plan is to make it so that the apples will last longer and not spoil. Giving us time to move them as we need to rather than as fast as possible.”

Mac looked to the Unicorn and nodded. “Ah have ta admit, that would be nice.”

Oblivion jolted as a spark of blue flame erupted in front of him. Two letters appeared in front of his nose and his magic held them. He shook his head and looked to the letters. One was for himself and the other Rarity. Oblivion sent the one for Rarity to his saddlebags and opened the other.

Oblivion Shadow;

I know that I have not written to you since our meeting Canterlot. I wanted to thank you for putting me in contact with Miss Rarity. You were right about her character and that I should trust her as I trust you. Aunt Luna said that you were her friend as well. It made me think about what a friend is. I realize that you are the first pony that has tried to approach me without an ulterior motive. I thank you again for that. You are a very perceptive pony and honestly, I was quite shocked by it. But after doing a fair amount of thinking I have decided that you are my friend and that I am glad to have been interrupted by you. So once again I thank you. Oh, do you remember that cat that came to you while we were in the garden? The caretaker says that the she-cat has not been eating and is even more aloof than before. I am wondering if she did not bond with you while you were here? If you have the time I would ask that you join me in Canterlot once more and allow me to give you a proper tour and help the caretaker with the cat. Respond to me when you are able.

Your friend,

Blue Blood

P.S. Aunt Luna sends her greetings and shame on you for not saying goodbye to her.

Oblivion smiled and gave a snort. He sent the letter to his saddlebags as well and then looked back to the barn of apples. He looked to the others and they all stepped back to give the stallion room. Oblivion lowered his head, closed his eyes, and his curved horn glowed with azure flame. It pulsed over the apples and held them in his magic. The Unicorn focused his vision and opened his eyes. His cat eyes narrowed and he focused on the apples in his magic. His Spirit Sight glowed around them and he was surprised to see the aura fluctuating around the apples as the spell covered them. Each apple was covered and he began working the spell to encompass them all. He called on magic from the bit of his armor that he had with him and it flared to blind the ponies watching. As he lifted his horn and the pressure built in his horn, when he felt its peak, he released it. The force pushed him back a foot and he sank to the ground for a breather.

“Oblivion!” Twilight yelled as he sank down.

Oblivion heard her yell and looked to see the mare loping up to him. He sighed and stood up as she drew up next to him.

“Are you all right? I told you that..”

“Easy Twilight, I’m fine. Just used more force than I thought it would.”

“How do you feel?”

“Actually, not too bad. No immediate fatigue, headaches, or anything that I was thinking might crop up. It actually was not as difficult as I anticipated.”

Twilight stared at him. “You are the most mysterious pony I have ever met.” She looked at him for a moment, then away as she shook her head. “I don’t understand it. You can teleport to Canterlot, create a memory copying spell, then create a time spell without any of the above draining you even in the slightest.”

Oblivion shrugged. “I’m not sure myself. Though I am curious if it worked.”

“Well, we will find out as the days go on.” Applejack replied as the siblings walked up to them.

Oblivion nodded. “Perhaps. Hold a moment.” The black unicorn's horn lit up once more as the apples were covered again. The magic flared then went still once more. “All right, I altered it to have time start for the product once it passes out of our hooves to another pony. They will not immediately rot or some such. They will age normally.”

Applejack stared at the Unicorn and a wide smile spread over her muzzle. “Ya are full a’ surprises.”

Big Mac nodded and hoof bumped his elder brother. Twilight stared at him for a moment before shaking her head and giving up. Spike had to shake his head to pick his jaw up off the ground. Applejack went over to the apples, picked one up and handed it to Twilight. A small spark went over the apple and she looked at it.

“There's no magic in it anymore. I could feel a tiny bit of it before, but now there's nothing.” The purple Unicorn told the others. She looked at the apple and was about to bite into it when Spike took it and stuffed it into his mouth.

“It's great! Oblivion needs to make more apples out of oranges though. Those are the best.” The purple dragon commented.

Applejack glared at the dragon, who ignored it. Oblivion rolled his eyes, while Mac chuckled. Twilight looked annoyed back at the baby dragon. Oblivion looked away from the ponies and out into the fields. Applejack looked at him and waited a moment before speaking.

“Ah said ah would take ya to the forge in town. So now that ya have done this fer us, Ah can show ya where it is.” She said to the black stallion.

Oblivion turned to her and nodded. “Thank you. Lead the way. I would like to get it repaired as soon as possible.” The black pony walked over to her and waited.

Twilight looked to them and followed as Applejack led them onto the path toward town. “Why do you need a forge?”

Oblivion looked at her. “My steel sword has a crack in it. My swords are of vital importance, so I need to have it repaired.” He responded as they walked.

Twilight looked at him and couldn’t help but notice that there was no sword with him. “How do you plan on having it fixed when you don’t have it with you?” Oblivion looked to her and moved his cloak to reveal the two hilts over his right shoulder. Her eyes widened and she looked at him. “Do you always carry them?”

The stallion nodded and moved the cloak back into place. He could choose when the swords showed and when they did not. His magic had made them visible for a moment as he showed the hilts to Twilight. Applejack said nothing as she led them toward the end of town. A breeze went past the tall Unicorn and a familiar scent caught his attention. The scent of burning metal caused him to lengthen his stride. Twilight and Applejack had to trot to keep up with him. Applejack got in front of him and stopped in front of an open forge. Oblivion stopped behind her and looked to the building. The front was open and he could see the forge itself pushed back in the building. The sound and scent were familiar and comforting to him.

“Hey! Torque!” Applejack yelled. “Ah have a customer fer ya!”

Oblivion cringed at the yelling but waited in silence.

“Jeez Applejack. I can hear you just fine.” A steel-gray Earth pony came forward and looked at her. His pale blue eyes glared at her for a moment before he smiled and greeted the orange mare. He had an anvil and a hammer on his flank.

“Had ta make sure ya heard me.” Applejack quipped.

The pony shook his head and looked behind her to the other ponies. “So I’m guessing the customer is the tall one?”

Applejack nodded. “This here is mah eldest brother Oblivion Shadow. Ah expect ya ta treat him well. Though if ya don’t he will put ya in yer place.” Applejack laughed as she looked back to the black stallion.

Torque looked past her as Oblivion walked up to the forge. “Well, that's quite the horn you got there. I have never seen one that curved. But I’m not one to judge a pony by their appearance. So I hear that you need something forged.”

“Not quite. I need to see if I can have an item repaired.” Oblivion explained.

The gray pony leaned on the front counter and looked to the Unicorn. “Really? What could you need to be repaired? I don’t see you carrying anything...with… Oh wow.”

The pony stared as Oblivion brought the steel blade out of hiding. His magic laid it on the counter in front of the pony and waited. Torque stared at the blade in front of him. The blade was 40 inches long and made of the purest steel. Torque almost didn’t dare touch the blade. It was a half-inch thick, it appeared to have been folded and had a line of markings going down the center of the blade. He saw the hairline crack in it and immediately looked at it.

“Well, I’ll be honest with you, I have never seen a blade like this. Who crafted it?” Torque looked at him.

“A master weaponsmith from where I am from. I have no way of getting in touch with him to repair the weapon.” The Unicorn explained to the earth pony.

Torque Looked back to the weapon and sighed. “I will be honest with you. A weapon like this needs a masters touch. How long would it take you to get home to have it repaired by the maker?”

Oblivion looked thoughtful. ‘I don’t even know how I got here.’ “Months or longer.”

Torque cringed. “That far away?” The Unicorn nodded. “All right, you okay with me looking at it closer? I haven’t dealt with a weapon if this quality. I would rather not take it and foul the weapon if I can’t actually handle it.”

Oblivion nodded. “I appreciate your honesty and it’s fine if you look at it. Just don’t make the damage worse. I’m sure you will be careful but I must ask for extra caution. Also, be sure not to strike it on anything, as that might activate the runes buried in the blade.” He advised as well.

Torque looked down tot he weapon. “Runes? How old is this blade?”

Twilight looked away at Torque’s look. A smile played on her muzzle as Oblivion sighed. “Runes are used frequently where I am from. To answer the question the blade is barely two months old. I implanted the runes just before I arrived here.”

Torque looked dubiously at the weapon on his counter. “All right. Give me a few minutes.”

Oblivion watched as the earth pony took the weapon deeper into the forge. He leaned back onto this haunches and waited.

“Can’t ya just repair it like ya do everything else?” Applejack asked.

Oblivion scoffed. “Gods no. I know nothing about how the weapon was damaged. I also know nothing about the forging of it. I refuse to try my magic on it due to it possibly damaging it further. It was not created with magic but with hard work and sweat from a weaponsmith.” He replied to her.

Applejack nodded to him and looked back to the forge. Twilight walked up with Spike on her back.

“So you need to have it fixed? What broke it?” Spike asked.

Oblivion thought about the times he had used it. He jolted and put his hoof to his face. “Gods below.” He groaned as he scrubbed his face a couple of times.

“What?” Twilight asked him.

“It’s my own fault. I used it unnecessarily in my sparring match with Luna. I used it in a style that I am unused to. Dammit, all.” He cursed as he waited for the blade to be returned.

“Oops?” Spike commented.

“What?” Oblivion replied.

“It means a mistake.” Twilight clarified.

“Oh. Well, then yes. A very foolish oops.” He responded as he waited.

“So ya broke it when ya were sparring with Luna?” Applejack asked him.

“Yes. I had to alter my style due to the injury to my right hind.” He looked into the forge to see what was being done, but the earth pony had gone around the corner. “Luna’s style is similar to the older Witcher of the Cat style that I fought against years ago and… Oh no.” Oblivion cringed at the yell that came from the forge.

“Holy Goddess!” Torque yelled from inside and came running around the corner, his mane singed and his face blackened. He turned back to the corner and then to Oblivion.

“You were not kidding about that rune activating. I barely tapped the thing.” He commented.

“I did warn you not to strike it.”

“I tapped it. With a hoof, not a hammer.” The forge master commented. “Just how sensitive is that thing?”

“Apparently more sensitive than I thought it was. I suppressed it the last time it was used and blunted it, but to look over it the blade needs to be unaltered.”

“That's true but, by the Goddess, that weapon is far too sensitive.” The pony sneezed and looked to the other stallion. “I will tell you now I am now even more convinced that you need to take that thing to the royal forge in Canterlot. It's far too advanced for me and those runes need special handling.”

Oblivion growled. “I was afraid of that.”

Torque looked apologetically at him before he looked back to the weapon, hidden behind the wall. “You think you can pick it up from there?”

“Your that worried about touching it?” Oblivion chided.

“That thing tried to kill me. So I am reasonably cautious with it. But to answer the question, yes.” The forge master replied.

Oblivion chuckled as his horn glowed as the blade appeared in front of him. He shifted his cloak and moved the blade back into the scabbard.

“Hold it!” Torque yelled.

Oblivion started and looked to the singed pony.

“What is that one?” He pointed to the second hilt showing over Oblivion's shoulder.

The black Unicorn looked at him. “Its the second sword I use. I have two at all times. The steel is for fighting ponies. The other is a silver blade that fights monsters exclusively.” He responded.

“Can I see it? I have never seen anything like it. Even from here I can tell its something even more unique than the steel.”

Oblivion looked to the pony and saw that he was staring at the hilt. Oblivion pulled the scabbard with the sword inside off the baldric and laid it on the counter. The steel gray pony stared at the silver scabbard with the ornate dual wolf head hilt. He swallowed at it and reached to touch the hilt, but paused as an afterthought.

“Is this one as dangerous as the other?”

Oblivion barked a laugh. “Even more so.”

Torque looked nervous but reached for the hilt anyway. He slowly pulled it out of the scabbard and squinted at the ethereal glow that came from the silver blade. His eyes widened as he pulled it free. It was the same length but had a stronger glow to it. The blade was even thinner than the other and had runes flowing across its surface. It was clearly a specialized weapon and Torque knew, instinctively, that it was meant to be handled only by a few. He laid it slowly on the counter as he looked it over.

“The same pony made this?”

“No. This one was made by a master craftsman. I had to travel even further to find a pony that could craft it.” Oblivion replied as he watched over the weapon.

Twilight and Applejack looked at the glowing weapon. Spike was leaning over Twilight's side to stare at it. “Wow.”

“Ya said it, Spike.” Applejack said. “Ah can see why ya keep it hidden.”

The three ponies looked at the weapon and then to its wielder. “You use this?” Twilight whispered to him.

Oblivion looked at her. “Yes. Why are you whispering?”

Twilight startled. “I didn’t even realize I was.”

Oblivion looked back to the blade and he could see that Torque was enthralled by it as well. Oblivion's magic surrounded it and slid it back within the scabbard. The blade went back to his back and slid into its place on the baldric. Torque watched as it disappeared under the cloak on Oblivion’s back. The Unicorn caught the disappointed look from Torque and had to stop himself from grinning. He looked around and saw a couple of the foals from Apple Bloom's school walking through town. They spotted the black Unicorn and waved to him. He gave a polite nod before turning away from them.

“How much would it cost to make a steel sword like this one?” He asked the other pony. Torque looked at him, then looked away, worriedly. Oblivion caught what he had said and shook his head at his own foolishness. “I mean a plain blade of this one's design? Just a plain blade with no runes or anything of the sort?”

Torque gave a relieved look to the stallion and looked away for a moment, while he thought it over. “A forty-inch blade, including hilt?” Oblivion nodded. “Well. I have plenty of materials and so forth. It would take me around two days to complete and cost around...” The pony put a hoof to his chin while he thought over the cost. “About 35 bits.”

Oblivion blanched and looked away.

“What could ya need the third sword for?” Applejack drew up next to him.

“The foals have asked that I give a demonstration of my swordplay. I am of the opinion that using my true blade is out of the question. I need to have one that is a plain weapon that I can use for simple jobs. Using my steel blade during my match with Luna was a mistake that I will not make a second time.” The stallion explained.

Applejack nodded. “That’s a good point. Using that fancy blade ah yer’s is a bit of a problem. Those foals really do like ya.”

Oblivion shrugged. “Not sure why.”

“Well, you're a very different pony.” Torque spoke up. “Even I’m interested in knowing more.”

Oblivion was silent as he looked to the forge master. “I will put in a request for the blade as soon as I am able to. Thank you for your help and I will keep you updated.”

The black stallion turned and Twilight stayed with him. Oblivion paused when he saw that they had left Applejack behind. The orange mare ran to catch up and smiled at him in silent thanks.

“Ah should take ya to the bank as well. Need ta set up an account for ya ta keep yer bits.” She told him as they walked. “They have banks where ya are from?”

“Yes. Though I rarely use them.” He responded as they walked. “As much as I travel it is difficult to go back to a place without them thinking that I am not returning at all when there is no movement on the account.”

Applejack nodded and led him toward a building close by the town hall. It was a white building with small windows on the main level. Oblivion looked at it and walked with the two mares. Twilight used her magic to open the door and let Oblivion and Applejack walk in ahead of her.

“Would it be possible for them to alter currency?” Oblivion asked her.

Applejack looked thoughtful. “Ah think so. What do ya mean?”

“For example, I have the coin from where I am from. Would it be possible to exchange some of it?”

“I think so. We would need ta ask.” The orange mare walked up to one of the tellers and waited with the other ponies.

A few minutes passed and a brown stallion motioned for them to approach.

“Hey Caramel.” Applejack greeted the pony behind the counter. “This is Oblivion Shadow. He works for mah family. We need to make an account for him. Ah was also wondering if ya can look at some currency for him to see if it can be exchanged.”

The brown pony nodded. Oblivion stepped forward and waited to be addressed. “Full name is Oblivion Shadow. Typical spelling?” Oblivion nodded. “Profession?”

“Farmhand.” Applejack jumped in before the black pony could respond.


Oblivion looked at him. “Is that necessary?”

The pony looked up at him. “Well it's not required but it helps with..”

“Then I will keep that to myself.” The black stallion replied.

Caramel looked uncomfortable but said nothing. “How long have you worked there?”

“Three weeks to a month.”

“Address is Sweet Apple Acres?” Another nod. “All right, that is started up and ready for use. You can add funds to it when you are ready.” He looked to the Unicorn and waited for him to nod his understanding. “You mentioned the possible conversion of currency?”

Oblivion nodded. His magic reached out and gripped a few crowns from his saddlebags and laid them on the counter. The gold coins shone up at them and the brown stallion reached for them and picked one of them up. “This one is heavier than a typical bit. Can I take one of these and put it against a regular bit?”

Oblivion nodded and leaned back. Caramel took the crown and went into the back. “Didn’t occur to me that the weight would be different. Though I have not handled one of those bits before.”

Applejack looked to him and shrugged. “Ah’ll put yer salary in this week. Granny is giving ya a bonus for helping all those ponies over the last few days.”

Oblivion started to protest but closed his jaws at Applejack's look. “Very well.” He said to her.

Twilight giggled behind her hoof and looked back to the counter. “Decided not to fight that one?”

“I know when an argument is not going to go anywhere. She and I can go around in circles but I have no desire to teach myself a lesson in futility.” He replied as the pony came back out.

“Ya okay, Caramel?” Applejack looked to the other pony.

“I’m okay. Just a bit surprised. Did you know that this is pure gold?” His gaze sharpened from the blank far off stare he had returned to them with.

Applejack and Twilight spun to look at him. Oblivion looked to the brown pony and nodded. “Of course it is. I don’t accept anything else as payment where I am from.”

Caramel had to hold his counter for a moment before he recovered. “So in your village, you were paid in gold?”

Oblivion looked at him for a moment before replying. “I traveled, so I was never in one place for very long, but yes.”

“Okay so I did a check in weight and metal consistency and the value of this in bits is actually quite high.” Oblivion waited for him to continue. “The conversion rate for this to bits is around 48 bits per piece. Maybe higher. I would need to melt one of these down to get the full metallurgy but close to 50 bits if I am being honest.”

Applejack stared at the banker then looked to Oblivion. “How many of those do ya have?”

Oblivion looked thoughtful for a moment before continuing. “In my saddlebag, I carry around ten thousand. I use them to repair my armor, weapons, and buy food if needed.” He stopped when he heard a loud thud. Applejack put her forehooves on the counter.

“Caramel!” She ran to the other side of the counter while Twilight and Oblivion looked behind it to find that the stallion had passed out. Applejack fanned his face with her hooves.

“Gods below. Is he all right?” Oblivion asked the mare.

“Ah think he was just shocked. Give him a second or two.” She stepped back to allow the pony some room as he stirred. “Take it, easy pardner. Ya okay?”

The brown stallion stood slowly and nodded to the mare. He looked up and found Oblivion and Twilight watching. His eyes connected with Oblivion’s and he wavered. Oblivion’s horn lit up and his magic held the stallion upright. “If you are going to pass out again, find a chair first,” Oblivion said to him and he pulled his magic back.

“I’m sorry. I just was not ready for your response.” He said to him.

“I can see that.”

Twilight put a hoof on Oblivion’s shoulder. “Stow the sarcasm.” She said to him.

“I don’t plan to exchange it all. That would be madness and would probably upset the economy. I was going to use a minimal amount just to get myself started.” He replied to the purple mare.

Twilight nodded. “How much were you thinking?”

Oblivion looked to the banker before he went on. “I was going to use ten but since their value is higher than I had anticipated I’ll use five instead.”

Twilight nodded. “Sounds appropriate.”

Caramel nodded as well. “I can put these five into the works to be converted. Give me a few days and I will have an answer about their full value for you.” Oblivion nodded and put two more coins on the counter. Applejack came out from behind the counter and stood with them. “I’ll put the amount that we come to in the account as soon as I can. If I see you in the meant time I'll update you.”

“It’s more likely that you will see AJ before me. I give you permission as the owner of the account to inform her of the basic details, such as the value, and ask her to inform me.”

Caramel looked at him before responding. “That was easy and formal.”

Applejack laughed. “He’s not as formal as he used ta be. But ya still needed that confirmation.”

“True. Thank you for your permission. I will hopefully be able to speak to you directly if not then I will talk to Applejack.” The brown pony said to him.

Oblivion nodded and backed up. The black Unicorn walked out with Applejack and Twilight on his heels. “Have to admit that was surprising. I assumed the currency would not be so different. But according to what we have heard it is a vast difference.”

Twilight drew up next to him. “Well, a bit is made out of various base minerals. Such as iron and brass. As far as I know, there is no gold in it. So it makes sense that a pure gold bit would be worth significantly more than a regular one. What are they called where you are from?”

“We call it a Crown. There are other variations of it but this is the most common. Some are called Florens or an Oren, but a Crown is the most likely to be used lately.” The black Unicorn replied to the inquisitive mare.

Twilight trotted to walk beside him. Applejack walked behind them as Twilight asked more questions about his homeland and she gave a slight smile.

“Careful Oblivion! She will never run out of questions.” Applejack teased him. Oblivion looked back and a glint in his eyes made Applejack slow down a bit. “Which is good. Ya have yer other friends...please don’t tease me back.”

Twilight snorted a laugh at Applejack's sheepish response. “Eating your words already?” He replied.

“Maybe a bit. Ah, keep forgetting that ya are quick with yer own barbs.”

“My emotions are dampened due to what I am so it makes it difficult to tease me. I lost the ability to be embarrassed years ago.” He informed the mare.

“I know how it was done.” Twilight chirped and looked to her companions. “I mean, he told me and I remember.” The purple mare looked to the ground.

Oblivion chuckled and started walking once more. “Ya told her more than ya have told me?” Applejack trotted to catch up with him. Twilight on her heels.

“She asked.” He responded. “I saw no reason not to reply to her so yes I did tell her more.”

“Oh, that's good then. Ah’m glad ya did.” She started to continue but a look from Oblivion silenced her.

“She knows some things, but not all.” He said to her, his voice low.

The farm mare nodded. Twilight walked with them as they went to the library.

“Thanks for letting me see that spell this morning Oblivion. I’m still mystified how you accomplish things but I’ll let it go. This time.” She said as the front door opened and she went inside.

Applejack walked with the stallion as they made their way back to the farm. Oblivion caught Applejack looking at him out of the corner of his eyes and turned to her. “Yes?”

“Just wondering. How much is a monster worth?”

“Depends on the monster. A drowner is worth less than a fiend.”

She glared for a moment before continuing. “Ah mean what is the average. Like a fiend?”

Oblivion looked away for a moment. “The last one I dealt with had a long list of deaths attached to it. I think after bringing back the head it was close to 500 crowns.”

“Ya cut off its head?”

“Of course. Have to provide evidence of the kill.”

Applejack looked sick for a moment. “Ah saw that drawing of the troll. How do ya cut off that ones head?”

“Slowly and carefully. Cut wrong and your knife will snap.”

Applejack looked away from him. “So what story would ya tell the foals this time?”

“I truly have no idea. Showing a few sword exercises is the easier option. All the ones that immediately come to mind are a bit gruesome for a group of foals.”

Applejack looked at him. “What about stories about Witcher's?”

Oblivion barked a laugh and looked to the mare. “Oh, those are most certainly not foal friendly. Especially, if you want a story from Lambert.”

“That bad?”

“Lambert is an ass. He’s a good Witcher, but he’s still an ass.” Oblivion replied.

“How so?”

“Witcher's have a skill called Axii. Basically, it can influence the mind of weak ponies and get them to fight for the Witcher instead of against them. Its a version of mind control. We also use it to get answers or calm a pony down that might be hysterical.”


“One of Lambert’s favorite uses is to use Axii on one bandit then set him loose on his fellows while Lambert watches and kills the ones that remain later.”

“Oh my.” Applejack looked to the road as they walked.

“As I said, he’s an ass.”

“Ya weren’t kidding. What about those sorceresses ya mentioned?”

Oblivion stopped. He looked away for a moment. “I don’t know a great deal about any of them. I have spoken with Triss and Yen at length but I know very little of them personally.”

“Old wound?”

“No. I have never been anything more than another Witcher to them. Geralt is the one that gets himself tangled up with them. I’ll pass.”

“Ah see. So what about stories about him?” Oblivion started walking again. “Did ya do any contracts with him?”

“Actually I did. He and I ran together for a few months once. Were on the Isle of Skellige. Met up with an old friend, a druid, by the name of Ermion. Had to settle a dispute between Jarls sons. That was a nightmare.”

“What's a druid?”

“Its a pony that can influence and control the weather, plants, animals, and is a pony that the locals turn to for help when needed.”

“So what happened?”

“Skelligers love to fight, drink, raid and kill each other. They also can never agree on anything except who to fight next. Usually, anyone that isn’t from the isles is a target. Geralt and I were a common target. Though most Skelligers realize that fighting an armed Witcher is a fast way to your death. We came upon Ermion trying to dissolve a dispute between the sons of two Jarls.” He looked at the mare. “The leader of the family. We managed to get ourselves smack in the middle of it and get challenged to combat. No swords, just hooves.”

“That sounds painful.”

“Oh, it was. A Skelliger is shorter than I am but stockier than Big Mac. It's like hitting a brick wall. I don’t even remember how it got started or how we got roped into it.”

“Did you win?”

“Of course. We got beat around the ring by our opponents but the nice thing about being a Witcher is that we can take a few hits and shrug it off. I ended up back to back with Geralt and we switched opponents. His opponent was slower than I am but faster than him. Mine was his height but built like a wall. It took some time but we won. Though we had our fair share of bruises for our efforts. The plus to the encounter was earning a hell of a reputation and the sons were forced to listen to the druid as part of the agreement.”

Applejack laughed. “So ya won but got beat up on the process?”

“True, but we still won.”

“That's all that mattered?”

“Talk to any Skelliger and yes.” He replied with a laugh. “And in this case, ask any Witcher and that was the case.”

The two ponies laughed as they walked through the gates. Oblivion went to find Big Mac and Applejack went into the house.

Oblivion helped the red stallion pick up the orchards and waited till they heard the dinner bell.

Author's Note:

I was going to release this chapter as a thanksgiving present but got stuck stuffing myself with turkey and going into a food coma. Anyway. This is one of my interim chapters that is nice to use as a filler. On the upside, I finally finished the Bridle Gossip chapter! That one has been eating at me for weeks. I had no inspiration for that one and ended up working on other chapters that are much mater in the series. Take it easy and enjoy the Holidays!

Editing finished
Edit 2: 12/17/2018
Edit: 11/12/2019

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