• Published 25th Sep 2017
  • 13,849 Views, 1,290 Comments

An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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14: A New Ally...

The next 2 days went by quickly as they moved the apples out to be sold and Oblivion met up with the bank to discuss the currency he had. They agreed that if he was to put more of his own into circulation that the economy of the area would be disrupted. He informed them that he planned on only converting the currency every now and then if needed. Otherwise, he would earn it as normal. Saturday rolled around and Oblivion switched out his newer plain steel blade for the broken one. He walked out to the front of the house and his magic surged as he teleported.

Blue Blood stood in silence as he looked around him. He looked to the side, as a flash of blue flame went off to the right. He smiled at the black Unicorn that stepped out of the flame.

“Its been too long, my friend.” He said to the other stallion as he walked up to him.

Oblivion looked at him and nodded at his approach. Blue Blood extended his hoof and Oblivion bumped his hoof against it. The white pony started and then broke into a laugh. He clapped the black stallion on the shoulder and stood by him as they moved out of the garden. Oblivion stopped as a twinge of discomfort went through him. The black Unicorn looked back away, as Blue stopped walking as well.

“What is it?” The white pony turned to face the other.

“I’m not sure. Something feels...off. What is in that direction?” He asked as he pointed a hoof to the right.

“Over there… That’s the menagerie. Why?”

“Whatever I’m feeling is over there. Follow me.” The Witcher moved to follow the faint light he was seeing. It was familiar, a gentle ocean blue that rippled like the waves themselves. But it was no longer bright and soothing. The light was muted and gave off a feeling of pain. His hooves made no sound as he walked into a small clearing. A light green pony, with gentle gray eyes, and a tree cutie mark turned to look at his ears heard Blues hooves on the leaves.

“Didn’t hear you coming. But she did.” He looked to the tawny she-cat as she laid on the stone.

Oblivion stayed where he stood, as he gazed at her. Her tawny coat had faded to a near white. Her bright feline eyes were dull and faded. Her claws were broken and frayed to the pads and she barely breathed. Oblivion felt Blue bump into him as he passed and his gaze was torn from the she-cat.

“What has happened to her?” The prince asked, dazed at her condition.

“I do not know. She was the strongest of them a mere 3 weeks ago. Now she clings to life by one ruined paw. I do not understand it myself. If I had to guess, I’d say she's heartbroken.” The caretaker began to explain to the stunned prince.

“No. She is not.” Oblivion spoke aloud. Both ponies looked to the black stallion as he stepped forward. “Her spirit has fallen.” He stated to them. The black stallion stepped forward, to stand before the ailing cat. Silver armor slid over his body and covered his fur. The two ponies stared at him, as the armor slid into place and the stallion stood tall before the great cat. The silver armor gave off its own glow as it sat on its wielder.

“Who in Celestia’s name are you?” The caretaker asked him. He stepped forward, as though to protect the she-cat.

Oblivion looked to the caretaker. “You have nothing to fear from me. I can save her.”

The green pony stared and him and blinked before Blue gripped his mane and pulled him out of the way. Oblivion stepped closer to her and reached out a hoof to stroke her fur. It was coarse and rough under his hoof. Her eyes suddenly focused and she looked at him. He could see a spark in her eyes. He gave a low laugh. “You're not done yet. You will rise as you are meant to.”

Oblivion stepped away from her and his horn lit. Azure flame engulfed the cat and he distantly heard the caretaker yell. Blue must have intervened since the pony didn’t touch him. Magic poured from him and covered the she-cat. Layers of it coated each strand of her fur. Oblivion closed his eyes and gathered more of his magic to him and layered it into the cat. His armor trembled on his body and he gathered the last of the magic that he needed from it and pushed it into the cat. He opened his eyes as the magic forced him to grit his teeth and hold it, for longer than he intended. A pulse went through the air and a flash of light and a slight concussion wave tossed the other two stallions off their hooves.

Blue Blood looked up to find the black Unicorn still standing. A trembling breath escaped his friend as smoke drifted off the silver armor that adorned his body. Blue stood up and took a hesitant step toward him. Oblivion groaned and let himself sink to the ground. Blue yelled his name and jumped to his side, preventing him from landing roughly on the ground. Oblivion panted and drew in the air slowly.

The black Unicorn looked up and watched as the she-cat got to her paws. Aqua blue stripes covered her shining white fur. Long saber teeth came from her upper jaw and her eyes were now a vibrant blue that shone in the shadows. Oblivion had heard of a Spirit Tiger before but they were mere myth, even after the conjunction of the Spheres. She now stood before him, proud as she was meant to. Oblivion gave a quiet snort.

“That's better. Now you are as you should be.” He breathed to her. Blue stiffened next to him as the cat looked to the stallion and then bumped her head against his, just below the curved black horn. Oblivion looked up at her when she pulled back and climbed to his own hooves. He swayed for a moment and Blue stayed beside him. The cat rubbed her head against his armor and purred to him.

“Well, I’ll be.” The caretaker stepped forward. “I had no idea that she looked like this. Is this what she is meant to be?”

Oblivion nodded, “Yes. I’m not sure why but she was hidden within the other form. For what purpose, I don’t know, but it was time for the illusion to end.”

“How did you do that?” Blue nudged the other stallion, looking for an answer.

“I bear the Element of Spirit. I could see that she was losing hers and needed to be released from what held her back. I used my magic to free her and reinvigorate her spirit. Without that, she would have died here without ever running free again.”

“Your one of the Elements of Harmony?” The caretaker stepped away from the stallion as Oblivion drew up to his full height and stepped away from the prince.

“Yes, I am. Through that, I can see the Spirit that rests within each being and sees if it has broken or not. Hers was beginning to fail.”

“You sensed it when you got here.” Blue pointed out. “You were drawn to her.”


Oblivion turned to leave only to have a low growl stop him in his tracks. He turned to look at her as she stared at him. Her fur giving off an ethereal glow. The stallion turned back to her and waited. She walked up to him, her stride fluid. She drew up next to him, raised up onto her hind legs and draped herself over his back and rumbled a purr to him.

“Gods below.” Oblivion cursed and squared his hooves. “Get off me, you infernal feline.” She rubbed her head along his back and refused to listen. His swords dug painfully into his back and his right-wing popped under her weight. Her long claws were out of her paws and they held onto his cloak and armor. Blue chuckled at the sight. Oblivion released a growl of his own and the cat stopped. The stallion snarled and the cat let herself fall off his back and then walked to stand beside him. She rumbled back to him and he stared at her. “Interesting.”


“I can understand her. She wishes to follow me. My connection to the Element of Spirit drew her to me before.” He stopped as a look of regret crossed his face. “Her condition was due to my absence. I did not realize that she had bonded to me. She linked her Spirit to mine last I was here. My ability to see her spirit and rejuvenate it is what helped to bond her to me fully. Dammit, I had no idea my absence would cause her such pain.” The stallion brought his head down to nuzzle the feline. “You have my apologies, lady. You are welcome at my side till you decide I am not worth the effort.” He said to her. “What is her name?”

The caretaker startled and stuttered before answering. “She does not have one. I have called her many things but she has never responded to them.”

Oblivion looked to her and her eyes were endless and familiar. “Sasa.” The cat purred and rubbed her head on him once more.

“Wait, you are going to take her?” The caretaker said as he stepped up. “You can’t. She belongs here.”

Oblivion raised his head and his orange eyes narrowed. “It is her choice. You cannot enforce your wishes on her.”

“It is not me. She belongs to the Princess.”

Oblivion looked at him then barked a short laughed. “She belongs to no pony. She is her own and chooses her own path.”

The stallion stepped forward once more. “I can’t let you take her. I won’t.” He reached for the Tiger's fur to pull her away.

Oblivion did not move as the others hoof held onto Sasa’s fur. The cat roared and lunged at him. Her paw slapped him off his hooves and he rolled a few feet away. Oblivion reached for her and his hoof grabbed a chunk of her fur and he pulled her away from continuing her attack.

“Easy now, Sasa, easy. He is not worth dirtying your claws.” The stallion cooed to the angry cat, smoothing her ruffled fur. She crouched down and circled herself around Oblivion’s armored forelegs. “I would advise against touching her again.”

The light green pony rolled to his belly and stared at the still snarling she-cat. Oblivion continued to soothe her as she relaxed around his hooves. Blue stepped forward and stood in front of Oblivion.

“By my right, as a Prince of Equestria, I am gifting this noble animal to my closest friend, Oblivion Shadow. Should this displease my Aunt I will speak with her myself.” Blue Blood stood at his full height, his Prince mask on full display.

Oblivion gave a small grin at the display before him. The wraith that held the white stallion was significantly weaker now than it had been when he had first intervened. Even with Blue using his mask just now the Wraith had a tentative hold on the pony. Oblivion was glad to see its diminished state. He raised back up to his height and set his hoof back on the ground, loosening his hold on Sasa’s fur. She had quieted and was laying in silence by his forehooves. Blue Blood turned to him and gave a slight nod of his head in the other direction. Oblivion turned to leave after giving a low growl to Sasa. The great cat stood and followed after the stallions.

Blue looked over to him. “I get into trouble with my beloved Aunt I will very upset at you.”

Oblivion laughed. “If Celestia gets her knickers in a knot over it she can take it up with me then. Since I am the one at the root of it.”

Blue looked at him and shook his head at the choice of the others words. “Well, that works as well. Shall we head to the forge then?”

“Lead the way.” Oblivion stayed beside him and he could sense that the she-cat was not far behind. He felt her fur brush against his left thigh as she stayed close to him. The hallways narrowed and the air grew warmer the deeper they went into the palace.

“It's in here. Okay, so the forge pony is named Steel Horn. He's a...well, there is no nice wording.” Blue stumbled.

“An ass?”

The prince startled and looked to the other. “Well to put it bluntly yes, and rude.”

Oblivion chuckled. “Then we should get along fine. I’ve been treated poorly most of my life so bad manners have no effect.”

The black pony walked past him with the feline trailing. Blue sighed but followed as well. The black Unicorn entered into a large room with a vaulted ceiling and several systems that seemed to be filtering the air in the forge. He could see enormous bellows and several huge furnaces. As they neared the center of the room Oblivion heard something off to his right and turned to find a pony charging them. He carried a blade in one hoof as he moved to them, 3 legged. Blue yelped when Oblivion shoved him back and brought out his own blade, damaged or not he would use it if he had to. The charging pony slid to a stop at the sight of the armed Witcher. A roar shook the cavern as Sasa leaped to his side.

“By Celestia's ass, what is that?” The pony yelled.

Oblivion’s orange eyes narrowed and he glared at the pony in front of him and Sasa. The pony had mottled shades of brown, his mane black and had a bellows for a marking. His hooves were covered in thick leather coverings that were tied just above his fetlocks. His mane was cut short, his tail the same. Sasa continued to snarl. Oblivion didn’t move, as he waited for the pony to act.

“Are you going to answer or not?”

“Answer what? You charged me for no reason and you expect me to cooperate?” Oblivion growled back.

The pony looked stunned before his head reared back and he laughed aloud. “Hah! You have some stones between your hind legs.”

Oblivion continued to glare, his sword held in his magic, Sasa snarled and roared as she could sense the anger coming from Oblivion himself.

“You have nothing to worry about from me, swords pony. Even if I had clashed with you that cat of yours would have shredded me in no time.” The pony walked over to the forge as he spoke.

Oblivion lowered the blade and put a hoof on Sasa’s side to calm her. The blade hovered by his side as he calmed the Tiger and she rubbed her head on his chest. Oblivion shifted and turned to face the pony, who now stood behind a short countertop, he had set the blade down to the side of the counter and looked to the stallions and the she-cat.

“So, what do I owe the pleasure gents?” He looked to Oblivion and his eyes fell to the armor that covered him. “Buck me. What kind of armor is that?”

Oblivion looked down and felt his hackles raise. Sasa growled but Oblivion stamped out his own feeling and calmed her.

“It is the armor of the bearer of the Element of Spirit.” Blue Blood stepped up and spoke for him.

The pony stared at it then glanced at the prince. “Well, well. Welcome to my humble forge, your highness. To what do I owe the pleasure?” He looked back to the armor on Oblivion's body.

Blue Blood had to fight not to growl at him and hold back his own anger. Sasa roared at the pony and he startled. Oblivion laughed at the cat's behavior.

“My lady does not appreciate your tone, good stallion,” Oblivion said, sarcasm in his voice.

The forge pony looked to the black stallion and laughed. “She is a perceptive girl. My apologies.” He looked to the still growling feline. “My apologies, fine lady. I will try to be more respectful of those you protect.” Sasa sat down and watched the pony closely. “I don’t think she believes me.”

“She is a Spirit Tiger. She can see beyond words.” Oblivion told him. His horn glowed and the silver armor crept back over his fur and vanished into the breast collar around his shoulders.

“Remarkable. The Element of Spirit, you say? Beautiful. Anyway, you didn’t come here to chat so what can I do for you?”

Oblivion laid the steel sword on the counter. “What do you see, forge master?”

The pony heard the challenge from the stallion and looked intently at the blade in front of him. Oblivion saw his eyes cover the blade. “This is a hell of a blade. Where was it made?”

Oblivion smirked. “The Northern Realms.”

The pony looked up. “The hell?”

“Very far from here. My homeland.”

“I see. Well, the pony that made this needs to be treated as a god. This blade is remarkable.”

“You think it is grand?” The pony nodded fervently. “It is the lesser of two.” Oblivion leaned back on his rear legs and waited. ‘Typical bargaining. This is nothing compared to the haggling I have done for my payment.’ The pony looked to him and a smile went over his muzzle.

“Your good. But how do I know that you tell the truth?”

Oblivion smirked again and his magic moved his cloak to the side, exposing the hilt of his silver sword. Even in the low light, it gave off a glint in the low light. “I do not lie when it comes to my swords.”

“By the great Goddess, what is that?”

“The sight of it will be your reward for an accurate assessment of the blade in front of your snout.”

“Hah! I was right about you. All right, you have my undivided attention. What you have hidden under that cloak is certainly worth a peek at the blade on my table. Pardon me, boys.” The pony reached down picked up the sword and retreated.

Blue walked up to him and leaned close. “Are you sure about letting that uncouth pony take that blade?”

Oblivion snorted. “If he has the bullocks to steal from me then I have misjudged him. Besides, would you take from me in his hooves?”

“Hell no,” Blue commented then covered his mouth with a hoof.

Oblivion looked to him in mock shock. “Well put.”

“I blame you for that slip.” The prince said to him.

“I can accept that,” Oblivion replied with a smile.

Sasa purred and rubbed her head on Oblivion then on Blue Blood. “Why did she get annoyed when he spoke to me?”

“She can sense the Spirits of others through me so she can sense you as well. Are you upset that she took a liking to you?”

“Of course not. I’m actually flattered. But that does not answer..” He looked from the cat back to the forge as the pony emerged, soot-stained and missing half his forelock. “What happened?”

“This crazy blade of yours has magic on it!” He said as he set it down on the counter.

Oblivion smirked. “Actually, it doesn’t. It has three runes buried in the blade. One of them happens to be a greater burning rune. I did forget to mention that if you strike it, it might activate the rune.” Oblivion took the weight off one hind leg and made sure the other pony knew that he had withheld the information deliberately

Steel Horn scowled at the black stallion. A wide smile broke out on his muzzle and he laughed. “You are my favorite kind of pony. Too smart for your own good, and full of piss and vinegar!”

Oblivion shrugged. “I’ve been called worse.”

“All right, my friend. There is a hairline crack to the blade. Though not deep it will grow if used. The runes in the weapon could make for a tricky fix but I can accomplish it. It will take me one week to accomplish. I have to work with the steel in the blade to dilute it.”



“You dilute that blades steel and I will skin you.” Oblivion's expression was blank, his eyes sharp. Sasa growled at his side.

“All right. Two weeks. Can you remove the runes?”

“Unfortunately, I cannot. I can put them in and replace them but I cannot remove them by destroying the rune itself. One of the runes inside it is hard to make so I would rather not mess with it.”

Steel Horn looked at the blade. “Any way you can fully suppress the runes?”

“I have suppressed them before but I am not certain if I can maintain it from afar. I do not live in Canterlot. I can see if I can enchant an item to suppress the rune but it would need to be in constant contact with the blade. The hilt at the very least.” Oblivion supplied.

Steel looked thoughtful for a moment. “Would an inhibitor ring work on it?”

Oblivion scoffed. “Its a rune, not a Unicorn horn.”

“Worth a thought. All right, so if I wrap a wire around the hilt would that work for an enchant?”

Oblivion started to answer when his ears perked and he looked back to the entrance. He could hear hooves and armor moving towards them. Oblivion kept his eyes looking back and waited. Sasa stood up and watched as well.

“Steel Horn! Have you finished my… Oh my apologies, I did not realize anypony was here. That explains why you're not trying to test the durability of a blade on me this time.”

A stark white stallion covered in royal purple armor with golden pieces and accents came into view. He had cyan blue eyes and his mane was dark blue with a cyan streak in it. The pony stopped and waited a few feet away. His eyes looked from the black Unicorn with a curved horn, to Blue Blood, then to the large feline standing at the side of the Black Unicorn.

“What in Equestria?” He stared at the cat and waited. Oblivion relaxed and Sasa mimicked him. She yawned, ran her tongue over her long incisors, and sat back down. “I have never seen an animal like that… her or him?”

“She.” Oblivion supplied.

The stallion paused before he looked back to Blue Blood. “Prince Blue Blood. I am surprised to see you here.”

“Normally, I am not anywhere near this place, that's true, but my friend here needed to have a sword repaired. We will be leaving to go tour Canterlot when his business is finished.” Blue Blood said to the new pony. He looked to Oblivion and then back. “Captain Shining Armor, it is my pleasure to introduce Oblivion Shadow.” Oblivion looked at him to stop him from continuing. Blue bit down on his tongue and looked to the Captain.

“It's nice to meet you, Oblivion Shadow. For the sake of speed, please just call me Shining.” The Captain said to him.

Oblivion nodded. “Just Oblivion is fine.”

Shining looked back to Sasa and continued to stand back.

“She is called Sasa,” Oblivion told him and set a hoof on Sasa’s hip due to him still facing Steel Horns counter.

“Beautiful name,” Shining replied with a nervous look to the great cat.

Oblivion looked back to Steel and waited. The pony brought out a small wire and wove it around the steel weapons hilt. Oblivion's magic covered the wire and he focused on enchanting it to suppress the power of the runes till it was removed. “Don’t remove that wire unless you want them to backlash on you,” Oblivion warned.

Steel nodded and watched as Oblivion’s magic withdrew and the color on the blade vanished. The Unicorn picked up a small hammer and after backing up several feet he struck the blade with it and cringed. When nothing happened he struck the weapon several more times before he was satisfied.

“Well, it didn’t try to kill me this time.” He said, with a triumphant smile. “As for that crossbow, you ordered Captain its almost ready. The mechanism is giving me a bit of trouble.”

Oblivion looked at him. “The trigger or draw?”


Oblivion thought about it for a few moments. “Hoof pulled or magic?”


“Leave the trigger pull open, don’t enclose it. Normally, it is enclosed to prevent being pulled accidentally. If you make it a bit harder to pull that could avoid an accidental shot.”

The forge master and the other stallions stared at the Black Unicorn. Steel Horn looked away and to the side. “That would actually work. I hadn’t thought of leaving the trigger open and stiffening it. How did you come up with that?”

“I have looked over designs for crossbows many times and am familiar with the concept.” The black stallion responded to him.

“Well, you're certainly full of surprises. So this blade will be ready in two weeks. If I have any trouble with it should I send a letter?”

“You can give the letter to me and I will send it to him. He created a spell that allows immediate delivery.” Blue Blood stepped up to the counter.

“That is perfect. Though I will be sure to be mindful of the train times since you mentioned that you do not live in the city.” Steel replied.

“There is no concern about the train schedule. I can teleport here if I am needed.” Oblivion informed him. That statement earned him stares from Steel Horn and Shining Armor. “Really? I can teleport back and forth at will. I fail to see how that is as shocking as it seems.”

Blue Blood laughed. “Even my Aunt’s would be unable to travel that far. Let alone multiple times a day.”

“It is not as difficult as it seems.” Oblivion looked to the ponies around him. “Is it really so incredible to hear that a pony can accomplish a long-distance teleport?”

Shining Armor looked away for a moment. “Maybe Starswirl the Bearded could have accomplished such a feat but none since him.”

“I have heard that pony mentioned but have not looked up anything about him. I will look into it later. Blue you mentioned a tour of Canterlot. Allow me to discuss payment a moment then we can go.” Blue nodded and stepped back to allow him room. Sasa leaned into the black stallions hip and he glanced back at her for a moment. “What will be the cost of the repairs?”

Steel Horn looked at Oblivion’s back, his eyes hungry. “Well, if I could see what you happen to be hiding under that cloak of yours then we will see if there is a cost.”

Oblivion chuckled before his magic moved his cloak and pulled the blade free of its scabbard. The silver glowed in the low light and the runes danced over the blade. Steel Horn stared at it, his mouth slowly dropping open. Oblivion laid the blade on the counter and the ponies all gaped at it. Ice blue went across the blade with tones of red under it. Steels magic started to circle the weapon but Oblivion’s own quashed it and pushed it back. Steel Horn looked at him, questioning.

“Its a more deadly weapon than the first,” Oblivion explained.

Steel Horn looked from him to the weapon. “If I fix the other one for free, can I touch this one?”

Oblivion saw Shining Armor stare at him, shocked. Oblivion looked thoughtful. “Hold the hilt. Any more than that and I am not responsible for the outcome.”

Steel looked to him and a wide grin spread over his features. “Done.” He reached up and his hoof held the hilt. “Its lighter than the other, due to the thinner width. Same length though. How do you use this effectively? It's too light for combat.”

Oblivion shook his head. “I use it for fighting monsters exclusively. It's not designed to fight ponies. Where I am from monsters run rampant and my type of pony is needed to combat them. The steel is meant for fighting ponies.” Oblivion informed him.

The forge pony lifted the blade and turned it to the side. “This blade is a work of art. I was convinced the other had no rival but this...This is a masterpiece. A blade this fine is one that has a name. We call them a Tru weapon. One that is singular and has no equal. What is it called?”

Oblivion looked at the blade before he answered. "It does not truly have a name. It is called a Legendary Wolven Silver. The Steel is a Legendary Wolven Steel.”

Steel Horn looked affronted at the reply. “You must be joking?” Oblivion shook his head. “By the Goddess. If you don’t think of a name for it I will. In Equestria, a blade that has no equal is named by its wielder or the creator.”

Oblivion looked to the sword and frowned. “Where I am from a blade is just that, a blade. They are a tool. While I treat mine well I am not emotionally attached to them. I understand that I will replace them. Though I do have some blades that I have kept for years, this one is one in a long list of Silverswords that I have wielded.”

Steel Horn looked away from him. “I understand. I will tell you now that you will not find a weapon of this caliber in all of Equestria. It is alone in that regard. Same with the Steel.” Oblivion nodded. “Well, I had better finish that crossbow and start on that steel sword of yours.” He let go of the weapon as Oblivion’s magic covered it and returned it to its scabbard.

The pony backed up and carried the steel blade in his magic as he picked up a partially finished crossbow as well. Blue Blood looked to his friend and motioned for them to leave. “I told you he was different.”

Oblivion chuckled as he pivoted on his heel to stay even with the other stallion. “I did not doubt you, Blue.”

The Prince stopped and looked back to the Captain. “Would you care to join us, Captain? You have lived in Canterlot as long as I have.”

Shining looked unsure for a moment. His eyes went from the Prince to the black stallion and then to the cat at his side. Oblivion chuckled. “She’s harmless. She only acts if she must and even then it’s a warning, nothing more.” Oblivion tried to ease the stallions nervousness.

Shining looked away from her and smiled. “Well, I would be happy to help show you around. I have plenty of time before I must report to the Princess.”

The stallions left the forge and walked into the city. Oblivion found himself looking in all directions as the two ponies guided him around the city. It was clear that they knew Canterlot well and were happy to show him around.

“Ahh, there it is.” Blue stopped and pointed. “That is one the best spots in Canterlot. Everypony knows who Donut Joe is.”

The building was plain but even Oblivion could smell the pastries inside. He looked over to Blue. “And what is a donut?”

Both stallions eyes widened as they stared. Blue stared at him and Shining tapped him on the shoulder. “By Celestia, your not kidding. All right, we need to go inside.” Shining walked forward with purpose, his hoof gripping the collar of Oblivion's cloak. The black stallion allowed himself to be pulled, the scent from the shop interested him.

The three stallions walked inside and were greeted by a stallion who smiled warmly at them. “Welcome! What can I treat you stallions to? Shining! Its good to see you. And you as well Blue Blood.” The tawny-colored pony said to them as they entered. “Brought somepony new with ya this time?”

Shining stopped pulling when they reached the counter. “Good to see you as well Joe. This is Oblivion. He’s new to Equestria and we are showing him around the city.”

“So of course you have to bring him here for a snack. What kind of donuts do you like?”

Oblivion looked from the glass counter to the questioning pony. “I would not know. I have never had a pastry like this before. And before you look hurt by that statement bear in mind that where I am from such things do not exist.” He stated.

Joe looked unsure for a moment before he recovered. “All right. I like a pony who knows exactly how to explain himself. All right well what sweets do you like?”

Oblivion sighed. “I don’t. I am not a fan of very sugary items. I prefer black coffee as a drink, for example.”

Joe nodded. “Perfect, I have just the creation for you then.” He moved away from the counter and over to one of the glass containers.

“A coffee doughnut?” Oblivion commented with a dry tone.

“Not at all. I just created this little beauty.” He set a black pastry on top of the counter for Oblivion to see. “It's a pure cocoa doughnut. Cocoa itself is pretty bitter to most ponies so they don’t like the flavor. But since you seem to prefer the bitter side of the spectrum I think this will suit you well. Go ahead, give it a try, on the house.”

The pony nudged the treat toward Oblivion, who gave it a dubious look. He straightened and looked at the pastry. It had no frosting unlike the others and had a hole in the center of it. Though he had never seen anything like it he was not about to be rude to the generous pony and his magic picked it up. He gave it a cautious sniff before taking a bite of it. It had a slightly sweet taste, though not overpowering. Oblivion had eaten cocoa before and found this to be preferable. The dough was firm but not to the point of being tough. He swallowed the mouthful he had and put the rest of it in his mouth.

Joe smiled at the stallion. “Well, I’d say that's a good review.” He laughed and moved back to the counter and opened it again. He held out several other donuts and the other unicorns picked up one for themselves as well. Joe placed another doughnut on the counter for Oblivion who picked it up and walked to a table with his companions. A low grumble sounded from in front of the counter. Joe leaned forward, his eyes widened at the Tiger looking up at him. “By Equestria. Where was she the whole time?”

Oblivion smirked. “Behind me. Do you have anything that she might like as well?”

Joe looked thoughtful as he looked at the cat. Sasa sat down and seemed to be waiting patiently for him. “Well, I don’t have anything with meat or catnip. But I can check. Hang on pretty girl.” Sasa sat, patiently and waited for the pony to return. Joe came around the counter and held out his hoof. He held out a plain doughnut for the feline. “Sorry girl but I don’t want to make you sick. So a plain one is good for now. I’ll work on a doughnut for you later.”

Sasa looked to Oblivion, who nickered to her. She leaned forward and took the treat from his hoof. She swallowed the snack and rubbed her head on his hoof as a thank you and walked over to where her chosen and the others waited. The great cat laid down and rolled onto her back and batted at Oblivion's tail. The black stallion flicked his tail in response and ignored the cat. “So what is that you do, Shining?”

The Captain looked to the Black Unicorn. “I train the guards and tend to any matters of security within the palace and the city.”

Oblivion looked at him and sat back in the chair. “Interesting. So you are in charge of the overall security of just the castle or more within the city itself?”

Shining looked at him and nodded. “All of the above. Any breaches of security are brought to my attention and I address them.”

Oblivion smirked. “So were you made aware of an attempted attack on a guest of the Princess nearly a month ago?”

Shining pitched forward. “What?”

Oblivion craned his neck a bit to look at the dumbfounded pony. “Apparently not. It was late at night when it happened. The pony in question was accused of plotting against Luna and Celestia.”

“Wait.” Shining looked away from him as he thought it over. “How do you know about that? That is an incident that has been kept quiet at Princess Luna’s request.”

Oblivion leaned back and chuckled. “Its nothing then.”

“How do you know about it?” Shining pressed.

Oblivion took a small bite of his doughnut and said nothing in reply. Off to his left Blue put his hoof on his face and sighed. He raised his head and looked to the others before he cleared his throat. “He was here when it happened.” He explained. Shining looked to the Prince. “Oblivion was asked to come and have a sparring match with Aunt Luna.”

Shining looked to him. “That was you?” Oblivion nodded. “I heard about that match from my guards. They said it was quite the show. They said that Princess Luna was defeated easily by another pony.”

“Also true,” Oblivion commented as he reached his foreleg down to ruffle Sasa’s fur. “I enjoyed sparring with her, even if it was an easy fight.”

Shining’s eyes widened. “Easy?”

“Yes. I have been doing battle all my life due to my profession so defeating her was actually easy. I held back to make the fight last longer.” Oblivion explained. “It was quite enjoyable for me. Luna appeared to have enjoyed herself as well. We had coffee afterward and I was asked to stay the night due to the late hour.”

Shining put his head in his hooves. “You didn’t really slap her across the flank with your sword, did you?”

Oblivion couldn’t stop the slight grin that tugged at his muzzle. “Perhaps.”

Blue Blood blanched and coughed through a bite of his food. Oblivion patted him on the back as he coughed. Shining Armor stared at him, his mouth slightly agape. “By Equestria you did.” A smile tugged at the Captain’s mouth and he hid it behind a hoof. Oblivion gave an affirmative nod and that was the last straw for all three stallions. Oblivion chuckled as Shining laughed and Blue Blood scrubbed his face with his hooves as he laughed. Shining got control of his laughter and looked to the Black Unicorn.

“I can’t believe you did that.” The stallion spoke through a laugh. “Why?”

“I admit I may have gotten carried away. I have trained ponies before and that was a common enough way to motivate them to perform, if only through a desire to hit me back.” The Witcher replied as he finished laughing.

“Unbelievable.” Blue put a hoof over his mouth as he shook his head.

“Is it that hard to believe, Blue?”

Blue Blood shrugged. “Actually, not really. Considering how you are, now that I think about it.”

Shining sat back and inhaled. “So how did you meet Blue Blood?”

Blue looked to him and a smile went over his muzzle. “He heard me complaining to myself and barged into my room to ask about it. After listening to him talk I realized that he cared not a bit that I am a Prince.”

“What? So there was no formality?”

“There was some but I think that was more out of habit than due to my title.”

Oblivion shifted. “True. There was no reason for me to bend my knee or anything of the sort. I treat ponies the same no matter who they are. Blue is just a pony to me, same as you or any other.”

Shining smiled. “I have to admit that it is refreshing. I’m used to ponies saluting and having to act my part. I can imagine that it is difficult for you as well as Blue Blood. But how are you with the Princesses?”

Blue looked away and closed his eyes for a moment. “He treats them like any pony as well. Last time he was here he barged into the council chamber to give Aunt Celestia a message for her to deliver to Aunt Luna.”

Shining looked stunned. “You used the Princess as a messenger?”

“She was the most logical choice to pass it along. While I can send a note directly to Luna, I chose not to awaken her.” Oblivion informed the Captain of the guard.

Shining sat back once more and shook his head. “But you did show the proper courtesy to her correct?”

“And how should I have acted? Bow, as I approached?” Shining gave a slight nod. “Then no. Where I am from I do not even bend my knee to Kings and Emperors.” Both stallions looked to him. Blue was the first to recover.

“Geez.” Blue laughed out loud as he ate the last of his treat.

Shining stared for a moment before sighing in apparent defeat. “Where are you from anyway? It must be very different if you need a weapon like the ones you carry?”

“My homeland is constantly at war with someone. Monsters roam the fields and peo..ponies are always the ones who suffer.” He said to the other. “My kind is called Witcher's and we exist to keep monsters and ponies separated.”

“Monsters? Such as?”

Blue leaned forward to hear the answer as well. “Leshens, Trolls, Forktails, Wraiths, to name a few. We are trained to fight them and keep ponies safe from them or vice versa.”

“I have never heard of those monsters before. I’m guessing they are indigenous to your home?” Shining replied.

“Not originally. They were brought to my homeland by a phenomenon we called the Conjunction of the Spheres. It brought many things into my homeland. Monsters and magic among them. Originally ponies did not have such magic. It was brought into our world by chance, I believe.” Oblivion explained to them.

“And that is why you carry swords like what we saw earlier?”

“Yes. They are required. As I said earlier steel is to fight off ponies and the other is for monsters. Though why ponies still attack an armed Witcher is beyond me. Though I suppose even a common bandit might get in a lucky shot.” The black Unicorn commented with a snort.

“Well as much as I would rather sit and chat I must get back to the castle to make my report. Thank you for a nice afternoon, Oblivion, Blue Blood. It was a pleasure.” Shining Armor got out of the booth and stood at the front of the table.

“Pleasure was ours Shining,” Oblivion said to him as the stallion nodded, the Captain went to the counter and paid for his meal, before leaving the shop. “So what time are we meeting Luna?”

“This evening. She asked that we meet up with her before she raises the moon.” Blue replied.

“Understood,” Oblivion said to him as he got out of the booth as well. He nudged Sasa out of the way and backed up to wait for Blue.

Blue paid for his meal and followed the black pony out of the shop. “This way. There are a few more things I can show you before our dinner with Aunt Luna.”

Oblivion nodded and the tour resumed. Blue Blood showed him one of the many public parks and then into the more industrial section of the city. The pair moved through to the suburban areas. Oblivion marveled at the tranquillity of the area. Ponies walked leisurely around with their families, enjoying the world around them. The black Unicorn paused on the sidewalk and watched the ponies. Blue looked back and saw Oblivion standing in silence as he looked around. Sasa stood at his shoulder and rubbed her head on him. The Prince walked back to him and stood in front of him, waiting.

“Are you all right?” He finally asked after standing quietly.

Oblivion looked at him and gave a short smile. “I’m fine. It's just so...different. Where I am from ponies do not linger in the streets unless they have no other place to go. Beggars on every corner, the streets are blood-drenched, and the scent of death lingers. But here, there is none of that. Not that I am complaining. It's just a bit much to take in.” Oblivion fell silent once more.

Blue stood silently with him. “I cannot imagine your world, my friend. I must admit that your homeland sounds terrifying. But the important thing is not to dwell on the differences. You are here, now, and this is life in Equestria. It's not perfect and there are troubles but at the same time you have moments like this.” Blue moved a hoof around him. Oblivion's gaze followed his hoof and saw that he was talking about the peace around them. “I won’t say that you should lower your guard. Since I don’t think you can, but to enjoy it when it happens.”

Oblivion looked around once more before he sighed. “Enjoy things when they happen?” Blue nodded. “I’m not sure I know how. I look around and I see the escape routes, ambush points, and places to hide if needed. I’m not able to change my thinking. That is no one's fault but my own.” Oblivion looked back to Blue Blood. “But I thank you for staying by me while I think it over.”

Blue chuckled. “I would not have left you here alone. You are my friend Oblivion. And I am learning that no matter what I will stand with you.” Blue said to him and put a hoof on the other unicorns shoulder. “We can stand here as long as is needed. You decide when we move on. I like this area of town so I am happy to watch as well.”

Oblivion snorted but did not move. Never, even in other countries that he had been to, was it this quiet and peaceful. His eyes scanned around him, Sasa grumbled to him and rubbed her shoulder against him. The Witcher finally moved forward, though his stride was slow as he continued to look around him. He looked up the street to find a pony-drawn carriage coming down the street. Oblivion chuckled at the sight. As it went past them he paused to watch it as it vanished. The stallions walked forward, ignoring the looks they got due to Oblivion's size and the great cat walking with them.

Blue Blood led Oblivion back to the castle to meet up with Luna for dinner. They walked into a dining room and waited for the Moon Princess to join them. Oblivion looked to a door and watched as Luna looked in. She looked at Oblivion then to her nephew, who’s back was to her. She gave a mischievous look at him and Oblivion gave a slight nod in understanding. The mare tiptoed up behind her nephew who remained oblivious to her presence. She reared up and was about to shout when Oblivion nudged Sasa and the great cat roared, scaring them both. Luna plopped down onto her rump and stared. Blue Blood went stock still and whimpered at the sound. Blue Blood recovered first and looked to the cat.

“Sasa! What in my Aunt’s name was that for?” He demanded. He stopped and was surprised to see Oblivion holding his side with one hoof as he tried not to laugh. “Oblivion Shadow! You prompted that feline to do that. What if she startled my Aunts?”

Oblivion looked up and pointed with his hoof, behind the prince, who looked back to find Luna sitting a foot behind him. “Aunt Luna!” The Prince went to her and was about to admonish his friend further when Luna broke out into laughter. The mare fell onto her back, holding her sides as she giggled.

“Thou got us!” She shrieked with laughter.

Blue looked back to Oblivion to find the stallion looking proud of himself as he stroked the cat's fur. He sighed and stood by his aunt. “Are you all right, Aunt Luna?”

“We are fine, dear nephew. We wanted to surprise thee but our friend got us both instead.” She giggled as Blue Blood helped her to her hooves. Oblivion walked over to them, with Sasa in tow. “Thou appear to have made a friend Oblivion.”

Oblivion looked to the cat, who had sat down beside him. “Well, I suppose you could say that.” He replied, looking back to the mare.

“She is not one we have seen before. Where did thou find such a magnificent creature?”

“She is from our menagerie, dear sister.” Oblivion looked up to watch as Celestia came forward. “Though I have not seen her look like this in a millennium.”

“So you knew what she is? And allowed her to rot inside a form that is not her own?” Oblivion said to the advancing Princess.

She paused and looked to the cat. “I put her in that form that's true. I did it to protect her.”

Oblivion leaned onto his haunches. “Oh?”

“She is a creature of another world. I don’t know where she is from. But she was not able to return to it. I could not understand her, but I knew that she was dying in this world. I did not wish to see such a wonderful creature die simply because I could not help her. So I changed her form so that she could live on. She allowed me into her dreams to see that she is from a world far removed from Equestria. I could not send her back, I did not know how. She was able to tell me that she would wait for her chosen to find her.”

“Chosen?” Blue asked.

“Yes. A pony that could free her and keep her alive as well. She seems to have been freed by you, Oblivion. The caretaker had told me that she was ill and I feared the worst when I saw her early this morning. It brings me great joy to see her now. Thank you for saving her.” Celestia smiled at the black Unicorn.

Oblivion looked down to Sasa. “So you waited all that time to be freed?” He growled to the cat and she stood up and rolled her upper body onto his back once more. “Not again. Get off.” Oblivion arched his back to try to dislodge the feline, who purred and nuzzled the back of his neck. He sighed and stepped away from her, forcing her to plant four paws on the ground.

Celestia laughed and walked up to the great cat. “I am glad to see you well. You have found the pony that you waited so long for.”

Sasa purred at the Sun Princess and looked back to the Black Unicorn. Luna stepped forward and looked to her sister. “Will thou be crashing this dinner as well, sister?”

Celestia shook her head. “No, not this time Luna. Please enjoy yourselves.” The white mare turned and walked out of the dining room.

Luna turned back to the two stallions and smiled. “Please let us sit and dine together.”

Oblivion nodded and he and Blue moved to sit. Luna sat and the two stallions sat in the chairs on either side of her. Luna clapped her hooves and two ponies came out with platters hovering in their magic. Drinks were served and Oblivion sampled the spirits of this world. He shook his head and set it down. ‘If this is the alcohol of this world then I sincerely hope that my saddlebags are as endless as they seemed to be. Which means my own stock is still there.’ He requested coffee and stuck with that as dinner was served. As the evening wore on they retired to one of the great balconies as the sun began to lower in the sky. Luna’s magic raised the moon while the two stallions watched. Sasa lounged at his hooves and purred.

Blue sighed and looked to the black Unicorn beside him. “You have seen her raise the moon before?” Oblivion nodded. “I have never thought of it before. I have watched Auntie Celestia raise the sun many times but I sadly did not think of the moon after Aunt Luna’s return. I regret that I did not think of how that might make her feel.”

Oblivion looked to him, interrupting. “There is nothing to regret Blue. I’m certain Luna holds no anger toward you. Ponies are still getting used to having her back. It would be unreasonable for her to expect an instant change. I have found Luna to be anything but unreasonable.”

Blue looked stunned before he smiled and looked back to the moon. “It is lovely, Aunt Luna.”

The Alicorn mare turned back to them and smiled. “We thank thee nephew. We are glad that thou are here with us to see it. Our friend Oblivion has seen it before but now we are glad to have shared it with thee as well.” Luna turned to them and came over to nuzzle Blue Blood fondly.

Blue Blood smiled at her and nuzzled her back. Oblivion looked down at Sasa as the cat rolled into his forelegs. He rubbed her chest with his hoof. He looked back to the others. “It is getting to be time for me to head back to Ponyville. Though it shall be interesting to teleport with Sasa this time. I have not teleported with another living being.”

Luna turned to him. “Thou can stay the night again. I’m certain Celestia would not mind having breakfast with both of you.” Luna told him as she put a hoof out to Sasa.

The Tiger saw her extended hoof and stood to walk under the hoof. Luna smiled as she stroked the soft fur. Oblivion looked thoughtful. “It might be best if we did stay so I have time to consider how to teleport Sasa. I do not wish to hurt her.” The black stallion went quiet as the cat purred under the attention of Luna.

Luna smiled and put her hoof on the ground. “Thous room is still available. Thee are a clever stallion so we do not doubt that thou will think of a way to protect her.”

Oblivion nodded. “She and I will stay the night and leave after breakfast in the morning.”

Blue nodded and placed a hoof on the other's shoulder. “I’ll lead the way. It’s time for us to retire dear Aunt. Thank you again for joining us for dinner. It was a pleasure to watch the moon as well. Thank you for that as well.”

Luna beamed at her nephew and nodded. “We are glad thou liked it.”

Blue Blood led the other Unicorn toward the royal wing of the palace and opened the door for him and Sasa. The black stallion was silent as Blue led him to his own door and bid him good night. The prince stroked Sasa's fur and then went to his own room.

“Oh, tap your horn against the door. That will unlock it.” The prince turned back to advise the other.

Oblivion nodded. “Thank you, Blue. Rest well.” The black stallion tapped his horn against the door and heard the lock click open. He pushed the door open and the Spirit Beast ran inside with a delighted growl. Oblivion watched her and closed the door behind them.

Author's Note:

This chapter hasn't been picked apart as much as others. I might redo it later after taking it home and tearing it apart on my home computer. I have not had any time to work on new chapters lately and I apologize if that affects the release dates of future chapters. Work is getting crazy due to the holidays. Thanks for understanding and I appreciate all the love that it gets. Thank you again!

OMG, so many errors. All fixed.
I can't believe I kept forgetting to add this. In case anyone wanted to know what Sasa looks like. Here is a link to a pet from a certain well-known MMORPG that has a basic skin of her. She is a bit bigger and her fangs are actually a bit shorter.


Edit 2: 12/17/2018 Typing errors and word choice
Edit: 11/12/2019

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