• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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65: Planning and Stories...

Oblivion looked up as he walked into the castle and began down the hallway toward the throne room. Luna and Silver on his heels as he moved through the hallway. The guards at the door saw him and they nodded their heads as they pushed open the door for him. He walked silently into the room as Celestia greeted them.

“So this is where you ran off to little sister,” Celestia said as they reached her.

“Oblivion called on us for our aid.” She said to her as she came out from behind him. “We have a gift for thee.”

Luna’s magic held the bag aloft and Oblivion said nothing as her magic dropped it in front of her elder sister. Celestia reached out and opened the bag, revealing the fresh head of the Harpy. She gave a loud shriek and pulled back. Her eyes narrowed as her sister began to laugh and Oblivions orange eyes regarded her as she pushed the bag away from her.

“Very funny Luna.” She growled.

The Moon Princess giggled and nodded as the elder sister tried not to laugh with her. “We are glad thee enjoyed our gift.” Luna teased as Silver tried not to laugh aloud from his place behind Oblivion.

“As you can see the Harpy has fallen,” Oblivion said to her as Silver finally broke down and laughed behind him. “I assume the others have not proved to be too much of an issue at this time?”

“Your right,” Celestia said after regaining her composure. “The two remaining monsters have not been seen. I will forward your fee to your account for the Harpy.”

Oblivion gave her a slight nod and spun to leave the room. Sasa nuzzled Silver who had regained control of his laughter and the Pegasus fell in behind the Black Unicorn. They left the throne room as Celestia began to speak to her younger sister about her jokes. The doors closed behind him and he turned to look at the Pegasus.

“That was all I needed of you Silver. You may return to your tasks within the Solar Guard.”

Silver saluted him and spun to walk away from them. Sasa nudged his shoulder and Oblivion ran his claws over her fur as his eyes looked around them. He saw the spirit of Blue close by them and he moved to greet the other stallion. His hooves were silent as he went through one of the many grand ballrooms and out of another tall doorway and out into the greeting area for the Gala.

Sasa trotted past him and down the stairs to greet Blue Blood who stood at the bottom of the stairs as he yelled orders for the décor. She sat down at his side and waited for him to notice her. Blue turned toward her and came muzzle to muzzle with the widely grinning feline. He yelped and jumped back from her, his hooves ready to carry him away as he fled.

“Sasa.” He breathed out as she purred. “By my Aunts.” He panted as he patted his chest with one hoof.

She got to her paws and went to nuzzle him affectionately. “Hello Blue.” She said to him.

“You're here so I assume so is Oblivion.” He said as he looked behind them and smiled at the sight of the black stallion.

“Morning Blue.” Oblivion greeted him and hoof bumped the other stallion. “I am surprised you’re out here decorating. I would have thought you had others do that for you.”

“Normally yes but I decided to be more active in it this year. Figured my input can’t hurt. Should be the same as every other year.”

“Boring?” Sasa asked him.

Blue nodded. “Very. It always is the same, with the same ponies invited and the same ponies getting in trouble.”

“Trouble?” Oblivion questioned.

“The ones who say too much and insult some other noble or something similar. Happens every year.” Blue replied with a shrug.

“Sounds like it will be rather uneventful.”

“I have to admit I am looking forward to it this year since Rarity will be there this time around. I am looking forward to spending some time with her.” Blue admitted.

“She will be getting what she wishes for the event then. The others might be sorely disappointed.” Oblivion commented.

“How so?” Sasa asked him.

“Rarity wished to get to know you better at the Gala while the others had different ideas. Applejack is hoping to make some money for the farm by selling goods here.” Oblivion explained.

Blue tilted his head and looked uncertain. “The event is catered so selling items is going to be pointless for her. She will end up standing by herself.”

Oblivion knew that it was not his place to interfere with the mares ideas but even he felt he had to say something in her place. “Would it be possible to have local food as well for those that wish to sample it? She is pretty determined to help the farm with the proceeds.”

Blue looked thoughtful as the black pony spoke. “It can’t hurt. A moment.” He said as he went to a pony that was setting up the tables that would be used for the food and spoke to them.

“Sticking your nose in things, Chosen?” Sasa teased.

“Perhaps a little.” He admitted to her. “I would rather she did not waste her time standing in a corner alone when she could instead be enjoying the evening with her friends.”

“You included?”

“Hardly. I intend to find an out of the way place and stay out of politics. I have always lived in the shadow and I intend to remain in the shadow.”

“So you say.” She jabbed at him.

Blue blood came back to them at a trot, a smile across his muzzle. “Okay, that should be no issue. I asked for a message to be sent to Sweet Appel Acres asking for them to contribute. We will pay for the food from them of course.”

“Well done Blue.” Sasa praised and nuzzled the pony.

The white pony accepted the praise and looked back to the stallion. “What about the others? Perhaps with enough warning, I can help them as well. I would hate for them to walk away angry or disappointed from the event.”

Oblivion looked thoughtful as he thought back to what he had been told. “Pinkie is looking forward to the party itself. Though I am guessing she is unaware that it will be a quiet affair. I think she is expecting more.”

Blue looked nervous and shrugged after a moment. “Not sure what I can do about that. The music has already been chosen and I am not sure what I can do for her. Perhaps she can help with…ummm.”

Oblivion could see that Blue Blood was desperate to do more for the mare as he didn’t wish for her to de disappointed. “Perhaps you can help her during the event? At the moment it’s hard to see where she could fit in.”

“Might have to,” Blue admitted with a shake of his head. “The music is the same as always and is quiet and classical, not modern and certainly not interesting.”

“Perhaps Rainbow can be helped. She is wishing to have time with the Wonderbolts.” Oblivion went on to distract him.

“I can get her a pass to get into their area so that she doesn’t have to try to get invited by one of them directly. Otherwise, she has to get one of them to invite her and they will be busy with pictures and publicity.”

“She will no doubt appreciate the free pass,” Oblivion said to him and the other ponies spirit brightened. “I know that Twilight is hoping for some time with Celestia to talk with her. About what I do not know but that is her business.”

“Aunt Celestia will be at the top of those stairs greeting everypony as they come in. Twilight could stand with her but I don’t think they will be able to get through many conversations.” Blue replied to him.

“Fluttershy simply wants to be in the menagerie with the animals. That is her only purpose for coming here on that night.” Oblivion said to the other stallion. “I know that you had told me that the animals inside are reclusive and flee from unknown ponies.”

“They did when I was there.” Sasa said to him. “We stayed away from the ponies that often came into the area to either see the animals or to flee other ponies. I stayed away during my time there.”

Oblivion shook his head. “I will warn them just in case. Things are not always going to be as they imagine so one must be ready to adapt.”

“Hopefully they will understand and come to realize that perhaps in time the Gala can be made interesting but not with such short notice. Maybe they can help with the next one.” Blue reasoned.

“It’s not your fault they got their hopes up Blue. We will let them know. I would say you have been reasonable and be impressed that you can directly help at least two of them. Rarity does not count.” Sasa said to him.

“That’s true. Thank you, Sasa.” Blue said and rubbed her fur with his hoof. “What about you my friend?”


“You’re going to be in attendance I trust?”

Oblivion gave a short sigh and nodded. “Yes, I was invited.”

“You seem so thrilled.” Blue teased.

“I have been to more than my fair share of events like this and they are boring at best. As I have told many ponies who asked they are filled with politics and weak booze.” Oblivion replied.

“Unfortunately you're right,” Blue said to him. “They are not the most scintillating entertainment.”

“What entertainment?” Sasa said to him, her voice bland.

“Fair point,” Blue said to her with a chuckle. “I’ll leave it to you to let them know what the Gala is really like. I will send the pass to you to give to Rainbow Dash. Will that be enough?”

“That is fine. Feel free to send it to me when you can. Do not stretch yourself too thin Blue.” Oblivion advised.

Blue nodded and he looked back as a pony came up to him and he looked to the black stallion. “You may be right to tell me that.” He said.

“We will leave you to your work.” Sasa said as Oblivion hoof bumped him and began to walk away.

The great feline stayed on his heels as he pulled away from the other stallion and left the busy work to those that were more accustomed to it. As he paused outside the entrance he turned back to look through the doors. His orange eyes could easily see what was going on inside as his horn lit and he teleported back to Ponyville.

Oblivion’s eyes opened as he appeared close to the orchards. Sasa appeared next to him and he shook to rid himself of any lingering effects of the long-range teleport. The feline nudged his hip as he began to walk away from the barn.

“Where to Chosen?” She asked as she fell in at his side.

He said nothing in reply to her as a feeling of unease washed over him. His hooves stilled in place as the feeling went over him in waves. Sasa was quiet as his ears flicked, listening intently. His skin trembled as the sense of unease kept going over him.

“Chosen?” Sasa voice caught his attention as he looked to her.

“Follow me.” He said to her as he broke into a hard gallop. His hooves were silent over the grass as he led the feline into the orchard. He slid to a halt as the feeling became more intense. His ears flicked as he listened around them, the spectral tiger was silent at his side. He caught the scent of blood and his nose guided him the rest of the way into the Everfree Forest. His hooves carried him over a fallen tree and deeper into the forest than he normally went. Sasa stayed close to him as he moved.

His orange eyes scanned around him as his ears flicked and he slid to a halt. The scent of blood was still in his nose as his orange eyes narrowed and a set of tracks caught his focus. His eyes followed the track as he began to trot forward, his stride steady as he moved. The Witcher was quiet as the scent of the blood finally told him what he was tracking.

“It’s animal blood.” He whispered aloud as he slowed to a walk. “But there is more to it.”


“The blood comes from an animal but there is more to it.” He switched back to speaking to her through their connection to avoid any unneeded sound alerting their quarry they were close.

“What is it?”

“I’m not certain. The scent is subtle, but it is there.” His eyes remained narrowed as the tracks faded to nothing and he was left following a scent of blood. “It's familiar but I cannot place it.”

Sasa put her nose to the ground and he could see her eyes sharpen as she pulled back and her aqua eyes looked at him. “It’s almost like the same scent as a horde of bugs. You know how a hive of termites smells.” She said to him.

“That’s what it is.”

“What? A horde of termites?”


“A what?”

“An Endrega.” He said to her as he began to scan around him. "A very large buglike creature."

“Oh goodie.” She replied with a sigh. “How big?”

“Depends on the type.” He replied as his horn lit and a vial of oil appeared in his magic.

Oblivion quickly called on one of his weapon from the band on his leg and he spilled the contents of the vial on the weapon. He started to pull out a cloth to use on it when the weapon seemed to drink in the oil. He stared at the weapon as it took on a greenish hue. His eyes widened slightly at the weapon as it hovered in his azure aura. He sent the vial back to his saddlebags and allowed the weapon to hover easily by his shoulder.

“What kind are we after?” Sasa asked him as he turned to follow the scent further.

“I’m not sure. They're all different. Hopefully, we are only after drone or a warrior. Anything bigger than that is troublesome.” He admitted to her.

He could hear the great cat behind him and he said nothing in reply as she huffed. “I hope we run into nothing except a corpse.”

He snorted in reply as he moved forward. His magic kept the weapon close as he moved, his hooves carrying him easily over the forest floor. “If it’s a drone harry it close but avoid the front of it. I will take care of the front.”

“And if it the other type?”

“If it’s a warrior go after the sides and avoid the tail. It can charge you in an attempt to throw you to the ground. Its tail and mouth are lined with venom so avoid them.”

“Great.” She replied sarcastic. “What are you going to do then?”

“The same as you. I will hammer a section of its shell in an attempt to break through it. When I do I want you to attack it exclusively. I can resist the venom but I have the potions to counter it if I am infected with it.”

“Can you up your own resistance?”

A potion appeared in his magic as she spoke and he downed it as the scent of blood became stronger.

“Never mind.”

“I didn’t’ want to use it unless I was sure what kind we are after.”


“It’s a warrior.”

[i]“Great. Just great.” She cursed as the creature came into view.

The creature was over ten long and was carried over the ground by six segmented legs. The legs were black and tan with splashes of green in places. The long tail stretched out behind it and ended in a club like an appendage at the end. At his side, Sasa growled and he breathed in as the Endrega moved to reveal a deer on the ground. The monster spun as it saw them and it screeched in reply to them. Sasa snarled as it charged them. Oblivion jumped off to the side and kicked the monster as it passed him. It screeched as Sasa clawed at its hide.

“By my Claws you were not kidding about its hide. I can’t get through it.” She called to him as she deftly avoided the monster's claws.

“I warned you.” He replied and his blade came down on the monsters left side.

He could hear the chitin creak in place as he pulled back and leaped away from the Endrega. Sasa roared as it went after her and she began to lead it around him, allowing him to strike at its hide easily. The Elder Witcher said nothing as he dodged the monster's tail and brought the sword down once more. The creatures hide began to cave under his continual assault and the monster switched to attacking him instead of chasing the smaller target.

He spun to face the creature and gave the sign for Axii. The Endrega staggered as he drove his weapon into the creatures weakened carapace. The sword pierced the monster's armor and dug deep into the monster's guts. The insectoid oil poisoned the monster from the inside as it came around and thrashed against the weapon and its wielder. Oblivion yelled to warn Sasa to avoid it as he fled under the creatures thrashing.


[i]“I’ll keep its attention on me. Attack where I struck it.” He ordered and she moved to do as he had instructed.

He watched as the Endrega came after him and he bucked as it dove for his flanks. The chitin around its face buckled under his hooves. Its fangs had been pushed back from the impact and it shook in an attempt to free them and return them to their natural place. Sasa dug her claws into the vulnerable place on its side and it screeched as it tried to avoid her. Oblivion threw another Axii at it and it staggered under the sign. Sasa dug into the broken section and Oblivion set his blade against the monsters vulnerable head. The Endrega broke free of Aaxi's power and lashed out against both the tiger and the Witcher by spinning in place. Sasa was thrown to the side while Oblivion took the impact against his shoulder.


“Same method.”

Sasa leaped back into the fray and he drove his weapon against the creatures to hide and head. It spun on him to try to thump him to the ground with its thick tail, but he backflipped away from it to avoid the tail. Sasa dug her canines into the wound and the creature began to slow in its fight. Oblivion drove the monster back as his hooves crashed against the thick chitin of the monsters head. It screeched and bucked under the cat’s assault. Oblivion said nothing as it spun one last time, sending Sasa rolling. He backed up and let it exhaust itself until it sank to the ground.


“It’s done.” He said to her as he sent his blade through the top of the creatures head and into the ground under it.

“Finally.”[/i] She complained. “Are you alright?”

He looked over his body and found he had a small wound from the creature’s first spin and he nodded to her. “I’ll dress it when we get back to the farm. The potion I took is called Golden Oriole. It gives immunity to poisons.”

“Oh. That makes things less stressful.” She admitted as she came to sit by him. “How many of those do you have?”

“More than enough. But I will still harvest what I can from this thing. I can use some of the parts to make potions and oils.”

Sasa nodded and sat down to groom her fur after the fight. “Only a Witcher can drink those correct?”

“Correct.” He replied to her as he began to peel back the Endrega chitin.

“I thought so.”

He said nothing in reply to her as he pulled the chitin back and removed the pieces that he needed. The Witchers horn lit as he summoned vials to store the pieces of the Endrega he needed to use and he sent them back to his saddlebags. He got to his hooves and backed away from the corpse.

“What do we do with this? It didn’t get taken away like the others.”

“I was waiting for the portal to appear to take it. That’s why I hurried to get the parts of it I need.”

“Could it be that once the gem was returned they end up staying here?”

Oblivion said nothing as he considered what she said. His horn lit as he began to use his flames to burn through the monster's corpse. Sasa gagged beside him as the scent of the burning corpse washed over her. Oblivion stood in silence as the scent went over him. He had been around worse so it had little effect on him.

“It is possible that the portals were affected by the presence of the gem. I can’t help but hope that there will be no further portals.”

“Are you sure about that?” She questioned him and he turned to look at her. “I mean that you might end up being bored.”

He was quiet as she spoke and his mind locked on what she had said. “There is bored and then there is cleaning up after another’s mess.”

“I mean that you are completing what you were designed to do instead of what you are meant to do here. You are the Guardian and steward of the World Spirit. Your purpose is different here than it once was.”

“I have come to terms with that. I am aware that one day I will not be needed to exterminate monsters and my purpose will change.”

“You can say that you are aware but awareness does not equal acceptance, Chosen.”

He was silent as she finished speaking and he said nothing in reply as the last of the corpse burned to ash. He remained quiet as he turned to head back to the farm, Sasa on his heels.

He stood in his room with his own first aid kit out as he cleaned out the small wound from the Endrega. It was small enough that it did not require any bandages. Sasa laid across the side of the bed and watched as he finished and set his things aside. He picked up the vials that he had used earlier and began to work on making a new batch of them. His ears flicked as the sound of the front door caught his attention. He set the potions on the shelf within the wardrobe and locked the doors once more. Sasa jumped off his bed and was down the stairs ahead of him.

Oblivion came down the stairs and found Applejack and Apple Bloom in the kitchen. The two looked up as he entered into the kitchen. Both of them smiled as he approached while Sasa nuzzled them in turn.

“Big brother. How did you get yours?” Apple Bloom asked him.

“How did I get what?” He asked the filly.

“Yer cutie mark? We asked everypony else and got their story.” She explained, her face expectant as she looked at him.

He stared at her for a moment before he looked to Applejack. “She right. She and her friends questioned all the others and they told ‘er their story. Now it’s yer turn.”

Sasa looked over her shoulder to him, her eyes bright with laughter. His eyes fell to the expectant filly. Applejack looked at him as well as they waited for him to speak. ‘Oh Gods.’ His mind went over the tales he could spin for the filly and he finally found one that might suit his needs.

“I was not much older than you are now.” He began and Apple Bloom sat down to listen. “It was during a lull in our training that myself and a couple of others chose to leave the main training area and explore the area around Kaer Morhen. We found an old ruin in the forest and decided to explore it. We had been told to stay out of that area by the instructors but that didn’t stop us from doing exactly as we had been told not to.”

“Did ya get caught?” The filly asked.

“Shall I finish or pause for you to question me?”

She stopped and her mouth clicked shut as he went on. “I and two others went into the ruins after finding nothing interesting outside of them. We chose to explore the upper section instead of going immediately to the basement. We found very little that could interest three young…colts within the rooms we could get to. The eldest of us decided that we should go back to the basement and see what we could find down there.” He paused for a moment as they kept listening intently. “We went down the rotting stairs and into the basement. At first, none of us saw anything that could hold our interest for more than a few minutes. After several minutes we found a room in the back that we had not seen when we first went down there.”

“Was there a monster in there?” Apple Bloom asked him.

He shook his head. “There was nothing in there when we went in.”

“What bout after?” Applejack asked him.

Oblivion gave a tilt of his head, a bit of laughter in his eyes as he went on. “We all were too busy to notice the Foglet that crept in at our backs.”

“Foglet?” Apple Bloom asked as he paused.

“It’s a monster that walks on two legs and can command the fog around it. They stand around five feet tall with long arms that end in large claws. They are an enemy to any traveler at night.”

Apple Bloom eyes went wide as he spoke. Applejack leaned back on her haunches as she sat down. “Did you see it?”

“No. I saw the fog as it was around our ankles and called out the danger to the others. My fellow Witchers in training all turned as it vanished from sight. They have the ability to vanish from sight and blend into the fog.” He explained.

“How did ya fight it?”

“We fought it the only way we knew how. Like young fools. We knew to use the weapons on our backs but none of us knew how to fight in a group. I nearly took the head off one of them and I nearly lost a leg.” He replied with a shrug. “We were young and foolish. I got kicked back and was the only one to know how to use the signs that we had been taught. I knew how to use Aard but I was not so adept at the others at the time. I pushed past the others and cast Aard, causing the monster to show itself. In the confined space the Sign did more damage than it would have normally.”

“What happened then?” Apple Bloom encouraged him to keep going.

“The others followed my lead and we used Aard to push it back. We pushed the monster toward the back of the room and fled out the door. I had taken a sword to the leg and was not as fast as the others and was swiftly left behind.”

“They left ya?” Applejack said to him, shock in her voice.

“They were just as frightened as I. I didn’t blame them then or now for leaving me behind. Had our roles been reversed I might have done the same. The Foglet caught up to me and the only thing I had with me was my silver sword. It was old and dull but it would do. I was able to push it back with Aard but it was not going to let its meal escape that easily.” He said to them. “I got thrown to the ground and held up my blade in time to deflect its claws. I spun the weapon and pushed the hilt as hard as I could toward the monster and caught a lucky break. It caught in the monster's chest and stayed in place.”

“Did it kill it?” The filly asked him.

He shook his head. “No. The weapon was so dull it could barely cut butter. It pulled back and I was no longer armed. I had lost my weapon in a desperate attempt to drive it off.”

“Did you run?” Applejack asked him.

“No. I was foolish enough to stay still. It turned back to me and came after me again. In a panic, I used Aard one last time. Our signs are limited in how often they can be used in a row and I was out of time on mine.”

“Why can’t ya use them more?” Apple Bloom asked him.

“They use our strength when they are used. They are not magic and they come from the strength and power of the Witcher.” He explained. “Each Sign takes energy to use. I was nearly out of energy to use them.”

“Keep goin’.” Applejack said to him once he had explained.

“By using Aard when I did I was able to push the sword further into the Foglet. It didn’t kill it but it did drive it back far enough for me to get out of the ruins. I could hear people coming so I knew that help was coming but I also knew that if the Foglet came out of the ruins that it would get to me before they did. I looked back and limped toward the sound of the voices, I looked back and the Foglet was coming toward me. I knew that I was in trouble and that I would fall before they got to me and I chose to gamble one last time.” He said and paused to allow them to follow him. “I charged the Foglet and reached for the weapon that was embedded in its body. I cast Igni with what I had left and burned through the Foglet, using the weapon as a guide. It melted the hilt of the weapon but it did as I needed it to. The weapon burned into the Foglet and it died in that last bit of fight with me. It fell forward and landed on me.”

“At least you won.” Applejack said to him.

“I did yes. But I paid for it. I was unconscious when the others got to me and they thought me dead. One of the instructors caught sight of my mane under the Foglet and he tossed it back to find me under it. He dragged me out from under it and they took me back to the keep. I woke up a couple of days later to find my leg bandaged and I was confined to my bed until I healed and then I could get on with my punishment for going to the ruins in the first place.”

“So you still got in trouble?” Apple Bloom said to him, her eyes wide. “But you won the fight!”

“I did yes. But I would not have gotten into the fight if I had done as I was told.” Oblivion countered and she nodded as her face fell. “A few hours later one of the instructors came up to me with my practice sword and dropped it on the bed. The hilt had melted and the blade itself had warped within the monster's body. I had heated it up enough that it had begun to melt inside it. I basically cooked the Foglet from the inside out and that is what killed it.”

“Ya got lucky.” Applejack said to him with a smirk.

“Oh yes, I did. I knew that at the time as well. He did pause before he left the room and told me that I should look myself over and make sure I still had all my parts intact. I took that to mean I was missing something and began to do as I was told. He stayed in the doorway and he was there when I realized that I had gotten my cutie mark.”

“Did you scream?” Apple Bloom asked him.

“No. I didn’t have the energy for it but I was among the first to get mine so I was able to show that off to the others when I came back to drills.”

“So ya were among the first?” The filly questioned and he nodded.

Oblivion simply nodded. He had made up the last part of the story to tie it into what Apple Bloom had asked for. In truth, they had simply told him that he was going to have a scar with a story. He still had the scar, though it had dulled over the years and was barely noticeable now. His black fur now hid all his scars and he had no need to point them out. Apple Bloom didn’t ask him for anything more and he stretched his shoulders.

“What did the other foals say when ya came back?” She asked him.

“I was praised for killing the Foglet. We had not learned about them yet so I was the only one that could say I had killed one. I had to clean every sword in the keep and still get my own drills and practice in so I ran ragged for a while.”

“What about the others?” Applejack asked.

“They had to run extra drills and tend to Kaer Morhen itself. I was not punished as bad since I had been wounded and still killed the monster.” He admitted. “I didn’t get punished as badly as the others.”

“Did you ever do anything like that again?” Sasa asked him, a laugh in her voice.

“No,” Oblivion admitted after he parroted her words. “I stayed in line and did as I was told for the most part. I didn’t stray far from the keep after that little excursion. I got into enough trouble on my own within the keep.”

“Like what?” Apple Bloom asked him.

“I think that is enough stories for tonight little one.” He said to her and pushed her to her hooves and toward the stairs.

“He’s right Apple Bloom. Ya ate plenty at Pinkies and now its bedtime.”

The filly grumbled but did as she had been told. Applejack looked at him once she was out of sight.

“So how much did ya cut out of that story?” She asked him.

He snorted. “Over half of it.” He admitted with a chuckle.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the long delay. I could not get myself psyched up enough to work on this one. Or anything for that matter. Been a long few weeks. Sorry if I fall off the map for a bit. I am trying to get the others going as well but it takes time so I am sorry if it takes a bit. Thank you as always and please Enjoy!

Featured: 8/12/2019
Edit: 8/29/2019

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