• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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89: Tortures End

Oblivion was silent as his teleportation faded out, and he summoned Sasa to join him and he moved to walk into the castle. He had been asked to come to Canterlot by Luna and Celestia. His hooves were silent on the carpeted walkway as he neared the throne room. The guards outside of it saw him and opened the door as they approached.

“That makes things simple.” Sasa pointed out. “They were either told you were coming or they have long since figured out that if they do not open the door, you will.”

Oblivion looked at her as she chuckled further as they moved into the throne room. The doors closed behind them and they walked up the red carpet to the two sisters. Luna hopped down from the dais and trotted to meet him halfway. She hugged him tightly as he patted her back and she released him to jump to walk beside him. Her spirit was bright as they moved toward her equally bright sister.

“You called?” He asked as Luna rejoined her sister.

“We have a few questions for thee,” Luna said to him.

“I will answer as best I can.” He replied.

“When you returned to us before you were involved in the attack on Canterlot as well.” Celestia began and he nodded for her to continue. “The pony that you have captured is still in our dungeons. We have been unable to get any information from him as of yet. We were forced to put him under constant surveillance due to his attempts to end his own life.”

“Considering the other one was willing to drink potent acid to avoid being captured I’m not surprised.” He replied. “What is it exactly that you need from me?”

“Did anything about the attack stand out to you? Do you recall anything?” Celestia asked him.

He thought back to the attack and all that happened during it. His mind went over the details that he recalled and nothing stood out to him more than the attack itself. His claws flexed on the carpet as he shook his head at them.

“Nothing stands out too much for me. Aside from them attacking the city so brazenly. I would not attack a city that holds two Alicorn’s without reason.” He said back.

“We agree. We have been unable to get anything from the pony thou detained.” Luna groused. “The pony refuses to speak at all."

“She is right,” Celestia said in addition.

“What have you tried?” He responded.

“Everything that we could think of,” Luna informed him. “Our best have questioned him and received only silence in reply.”

Oblivion tilted his head slightly and the pair of monarchs watched him closely. He saw Celestia’s eyes widen slightly as she understood what he meant only a few seconds before her younger sister.

“Oh.” She mouthed and went quiet for several seconds. “I see what you are really asking us. We do not condone torture in Equestria. We have been trying to break him down in other more humane ways.”

He managed not to heave a deep sigh as he spoke. “And how has that worked?” He questioned and she closed her eyes and looked at Luna.

“It hasn’t,” Luna admitted with a sigh.

Sasa growled quietly at his side as the pair of Alicorn’s shook their heads. “They seem to think he would speak to them without issue.”

“Do you have any ideas for humanely getting the information we seek?” Celestia asked him.

“I have been part of many information-gathering attempts. Though you would not approve of the methods that were used. I would use methods that are frowned upon in this situation.”

“Torture is not an acceptable method. Laying a hoof on another to harm them is not permitted in this case.” Celestia said to him.

His eyes closed for a second as he thought over the options and the limits that had been placed in front of him. His claws flexed as he thought it over. He opened his eyes and was about to argue the point when he saw Sasa perk up beside him. Her bright aqua eyes turned to look at him and he turned his attention to her in response.

“Would it be possible to use the World Spirit to entice him to speak?” She questioned.

Oblivion's head gave a slight tilt as he considered what she had asked him. “I am not sure. That might put it in the same realm as what the former Guardian did before me.”

“The difference would be that you are willing to fix it.” She pointed out.

“It is worth looking into though I admit.”

Sasa nodded as he looked back at the royal sisters. “May I have time to come up with an option for you?”

“Of course. Take your time.” Celestia assured him. “We welcome any insight you may have Oblivion.”

“I will look into the options that I know of and get back to you.” He replied to her.

She nodded and Luna smiled as his horn lit, teleporting him and Sasa away from Canterlot. His eyes opened to find the clearing in the Everfree that he often used for hunting. He found it to be devoid of animal life and he sat down in place. He had meditated many times in this spot and it was well known to him to be as safe as the Everfree ever was. Sasa sat down a foot or so away from him and her eyes were bright as she waited for him to explain what his plan was.

“I am going to question Equestria about the possibility of using the World Spirit. I am certain that it is possible but I am questioning the odds of damaging the spirit of this pony if I act rashly.”

“That’s a fair point.” She agreed. “I will watch over you and ensure nothing happens while you are with her.”

He nodded to her and laid down and closed his eyes. He called on the World Spirit and used it to call out to Equestria. He could sense the mare through the World Spirit and he felt himself being moved. The Witcher opened his eyes and he could see the sprawling fields of green grass that stretched as far as the eye could see. He heard a snort to the side of him and he turned to see the mare as she smiled happily at him.

“You called?” She teased.

“I have a question for you.” He responded.

“Of course. What can I do to help?” She asked, her tone light.

“You might not like what I am about to ask you.” He said to her. He saw the nervousness go through her but she stayed in place and motioned for him to go ahead and ask. “Can the World Spirit be used to command another to speak? Or can it be used for torture?”

He watched as she physically shuddered and balked. She backed up a step as she looked closely at him. He knew that she was comparing the question to what the former had done and he didn’t blame her for that.

“I would love to lie to you and tell you that it is not possible but you already know it is possible to use it in such a way. You have been told of the Former Guardian and his use of it.” She replied, her tone sharp. “So long as it is a Spirit that it is connected to it, it can harm it if used in that way.”

“I am not thinking of going after the entire populace. Simply using it to get one pony to talk to me.”


“An attack on Canterlot a few months ago. They have not been able to get him to speak and they have been forced to keep him under constant surveillance due to the chance he may kill himself.” He explained.

“Go on.”

“I need to get him to speak without touching him. I do not plan on harming him beyond my ability to heal.”

She looked thoughtful as she thought over what he had said and he could see her look away from him to the surrounding grassland and then back to him. “You can give it any task you see fit so long as it is not used to kill. I do know enough to tell you that it is not to be used in that way.”

“What happens if it is used to kill another?”

“It begins to corrupt. It is similar to the Elements of Harmony. They are best used to cleanse and protect, not kill. Even the former did not tempt fate in such a way.”

“How would it be accomplished?”

She sighed deeply and looked at him and then to her hooves. “You would need to hold the spirit in question entirely in the Word Spirits control.”

“Is that possible?”

“Your control of the World Spirit has progressed and grown more than strong enough to accomplish such an act.” She said to him. “You would need to pull bits of the spirit free and keep them close enough to be repaired in a short amount of time if you intend on healing the damage inflicted.”

He listened intently as she spoke and he saw her pause and then fall silent. He could see the revulsion in her face and he didn’t push her further.

“I can’t say more. It makes me sick to even speak of it further.” She said to him after a long pause.

“Understood.” He replied to her. “How did you find out this information anyway?”

“When I was working to imprison him he was more than happy to explain the entire process to me. Once I feigned interest in the methods he used he was thrilled to explain it all in great detail.” She shivered at the memory.

“Thank you for the information. I know you would rather I did not use it in any way. If I have my way this will a rare thing to do.” He replied and she nodded.

“I hope the information you gain is worth it.” She said to him, her eyes downcast.

He closed his eyes as he called out to the World Spirit to return him to his own form. He opened his eyes and Sasa was sitting in front of him, watching around them intently.

“How did it go?” She asked as he got to his hooves and shook himself.

“As well as to be expected. She told me how to use it but was not happy about my reasoning.”

“If it’s like what was done by the previous Guardian then I would assume she would be less than thrilled.” Sasa admitted.

“I know what to do now.” He said to her and she nodded solemnly.

His horn lit as he prepared to teleport them back to Canterlot. He teleported back to the throne room and opened his eyes as the magic faded. His horn lit once more as he summoned Sasa to his side. He looked up as Celestia hid a smile behind one hoof. His ears flicked at the huff that sounded out from behind him. He looked over his shoulder to see several Nobles staring at his back. Sasa looked back and he saw her blink at the group behind them. The Witcher was silent as he looked back at the Alicorn.

“Welcome back Witcher.” She greeted.

“Thank you for the welcome Celestia.” He replied.

“Princess Celestia?” One of the nobles stepped forward and Oblivion looked at him from over his shoulder. “Who is this rude stallion?”

“This is Oblivion Shadow, Master Witcher. We have entrusted him with the safety of our ponies from monsters in and out of the Everfree.” Celestia assured them. The Nobles looked at the Witcher and then back to the Princess. “Please wait a few minutes for this to finish Oblivion. Do you have extra time? How are you doing as well Sasa?”

He looked at the feline and she bowed her head to the Alicorn. “I have the time.” He agreed and stepped out from in front of her and stood off to the side.

Sasa trailed after him and he stood off to the side close to where he had placed the Elemental. He closed his eyes and let his mind fall into meditation as time slipped past him.

Sasa moved out from behind the throne and she sat just out of sight as they argued. She moved further out and she watched as she saw the front Noble spot her and he backed up a step. Her ears were perked forward as they tried to ignore her. She felt her mouth pull into a slight toothy smile as they tried to ignore her presence. She was trying not to listen in to what they were talking about. As far as she could tell they were asking her for more land outside of Canterlot and upgrade their standing. She rolled her eyes and looked back at the still Witcher as he was stone still. She had to admit it would be nice to be able to meditate that easily and use it to ignore the proceedings.

“You’re the lucky one here Chosen. They don’t seem to have any intention to speed this up.” Sasa groused.

Oblivion’s ears flicked as Celestia called his name. He looked up as Sasa got up and he moved out from behind the throne and came to stand in front of her. She smiled brightly and Sasa purred at her.

“I have an idea for how to get our guest to talk to us.” He informed her.

“Oh?” She looked surprised and then her face fell slightly as she looked at him. “We do not condone torture.” She gently reminded him.

“I have no intention of touching him.” He assured her.

“How do you plan to get him to talk without touching him? You were already skeptical about our methods before. What are you plotting?”

“The Element of Spirit has many abilities and when used correctly it can be used to coerce someone to speak up if done correctly.” He informed her.

She looked stunned as she leaned slightly forward as he spoke. She looked thoughtful as she seemed to consider what she knew of the Element. He was aware that she had some experience with the Element but he was also aware that she had not had the connection to the World Spirit that enhanced the sight that came from it.

“That can be done?”

“I can see the spirit of the pony and that will allow me to use it. I can react to the knowledge that I get through the Element. That allows me to act as needed.” He replied.

She looked uncertainly at him for several seconds before she sighed and nodded at him. “Very well. We are out of options with him and hopefully, you can make more progress than we have. When would you prefer to do this?”

“Now is fine.” He replied.

She nodded and came down from the throne and he fell in at her hip. “We need to get Luna involved as well. I don’t want her to feel left out.”

He nodded and stayed with her as she led him through the castle. She motioned for him to wait as she went to Luna’s room to get her. Sasa came up to him and rubbed her head on his shoulder as they waited the few minutes it took for the Alicorn’s to rejoin him. He fell in as they led the way down toward the lower sections of the castle.

Oblivion said nothing as they neared a door and Luna pushed it open to reveal a short corridor. He looked over the white Alicorn’s back and he could see a Unicorn sitting in a chair watching the cell in front of him.

“Wait here for a moment,” Celestia asked him and he nodded and waited where she had asked.

She walked past the doorway as the Unicorn got up from his chair to bow to the Alicorns.

“Princesses. What can I do for you this evening?” He asked as the pair of Alicorn’s approached him.

“We need to speak with him,” Celestia said to him and he nodded. “You can wait outside while we speak with him.”

The Unicorns horn lit and Oblivion could hear movement as the Alicorn’s moved out of his way and his horn extinguished as he moved past them and the Witcher. Oblivion came to stand close to them and he could see that the pony had been put into a chair and tied in place. The pony stared at the ground and refused to acknowledge them. Oblivion heard Celestia sigh lightly as she looked at the Elder Witcher.

“He has been like this since we got him in there.” Celestia lamented as the pony continued to ignore them and stare at the stone floor.

“What will thee do now?” Luna asked him.

“Unlock the door and I will do what I can.” He replied.

He watched as the pony gave a slight twitch at his words but still stared at the floor. Luna nodded and her horn lit up as the lock clicked open and he moved toward the door. His claws pushed the door gently opened he moved past the doorway and stood a foot away from the tied pony. He looked back over his shoulder as Sasa stood in the doorway and watched him closely.

“Be careful Chosen. He may be tied up and unable to hurt you but still. Be on your guard.” She said to him. “Be careful with the World Spirit, it can be temperamental.”

Oblivion said nothing for several seconds as the pony finally looked up at him, his eyes were sunken in and gaunt. The black Unicorn was silent as the pony looked a bit startled at the sight of the Unicorn in front of him. Oblivion looked down at the pony, his expression cold.

“What was your goal setting Canterlot on fire that day?” Oblivion asked.

The pony stared at him and blinked slowly. Oblivion let the silence drag on for several seconds before he spoke again.

“Who were the ponies with you that attacked me?”

Behind him, Sasa growled at the mention of the attack. He waited for any reply and the pony remained silent. He said nothing for several seconds before he went on.

“What prompted the attack on the suburban areas of the city?”

Behind him, he heard Celestia sigh and Luna grumbled as the silence went on. The pony continued to stare blankly at the expressionless Witcher. Oblivion said nothing for several seconds as the pony looked down and back to the ground. Oblivion looked over his shoulder and Celestia gave a tense nod of her head. He breathed in a breath and reached out to the pony. His claws gripped the pony’s jaw and forced his head back up to look into the orange eyes of The Witcher. The pony’s eyes were wide as Oblivion's eyes narrowed for a second as they stared at each other. He released the pony's face as he showed that he was going to keep his head up.

“I will ask these again.” He said and the pony stared at him. “What was your goal setting Canterlot on fire that day?” The pony didn’t reply and stared blankly. “Who were the ponies with you that attacked me?” Still no reply. “What prompted the attack on the suburban areas of the city?”

The pony said nothing and Oblivion leaned back on his haunches. He looked back and Celestia looked nervously at him before she nodded again and he turned to focus on the silent pony once more.

“I have given you the chance to answer my questions. Now that we have gotten that out of the way I can question you my way.” Oblivion said to him and he saw the pony's eyes open slightly wider.

His horn lit up and the pony’s eyes went to the appendage and then back to the orange eyes of the Unicorn. The azure fire went over the pony’s body and his eyes grew wider. Oblivion called on his magic to silence the pony’s voice to prevent him from screaming. He knew that if he let the Alicorn know that part of his plan they would disagree with him. Behind him, he heard Sasa purr. He called out to the World Spirit and its white fire flowed over his horn as it merged with the azure flame that was already there. The pony looked even more nervous as the magic changed color and was still surrounding him.

He commanded the World Spirit to surround the spirit within the pony and hold it within its power. The pony’s eyes were looking from him to the Alicorn’s behind him. As much as the pony wanted to get the attention of the Alicorn’s he knew that he could not see around the Witchers' shoulders. Oblivion leaned his head forward and put his mouth close to the pony’s ear.

“If you wish to speak, now is the time.” He whispered.

The pony’s eyes went wider as the Witcher leaned back and waited for the pony to decide what he wanted to do. A stubborn look went across the pony’s face and Oblivion bit back a knowing smirk as the World Spirit rolled over him. Oblivion leaned slightly back on his heels and he commanded the World Spirit to start to pick at pieces of the spirit within its control. The pony stiffened and started pushing back in his chair.

He kept going forward and picked at pieces of the spirit in his grasp and pulled them free. He used the World Spirit to keep the pieces close by to allow him to repair the damage he was causing. The World Spirit trembled at his continued command and he pushed it gently forward to keep it flowing easily. He knew that the World Spirit was not originally designed to be used in this way but it was possible to use it in this way. He moved ahead and the pony grimaced and started to thrash in his chair.

Behind him, Sasa growled and he heard Celestia gasp. His magic covered the chair and kept it from possibly falling and his magic trapped the pony and prevented him from thrashing and kept him still. He said nothing to the pony as he stared at the pony in the chair. His command of the World Spirit pushed ahead and he called on it to pick larger pieces from the spirit in its grasp. He looked at the pony as sweat began to come through his skin and he was beginning to pant heavily.

He heard Celestia start to speak but a growl from Sasa silenced her. The pony looked at him and Oblivion could see fear seeping into the pony’s eyes and face. Oblivion watched closely as the pony’s breath came in short gasps and Oblivion could see the moment he broke. Once he had broken Oblivion set the World Spirit to repair the damage. The white fire faded as the task was finished and his azure fire faded as the pony sagged in the chair.

“He is ready to talk now.” He said over his shoulder to the Alicorns.

The pony looked nervously at the black stallion as he moved to stand beside the pony’s chair. Celestia and Luna approached and drew up in front of the pony who looked at them closely. Oblivion kept back slightly to allow them to question while he supervised. The pair of Royals stared down at the tied up pony and he could see their eyes searching the pony for any sign of torture. Celestia looked at the Witcher and he looked back at her, his expression bland.

The white Alicorn breathed in a deep breath and looked down at the pony. “Who do you work for?”

He looked at the mare and then his eyes went to the Black Unicorn. Oblivion looked down at him and the pony gulped and his eyes went back to the pair in front of him. “I work for a group that tells me what to do.”

“Who are they?” Celestia pressed.

“They are part of the underground.”

“What are their names?” Luna asked.

“I don’t know their names. They tell me what to do and I do it.”

“Why did thee set Canterlot afire?” Luna asked her voice tense.

He gulped and looked at the ground and stared at the floor. Oblivion stomped a hoof and the pony’s head came up quickly and he looked at the black stallion, fear in his eyes. He looked back at the Alicorns.

“We were after the Elements of Harmony.” He replied quickly. “We were told that if we created a big enough stir outside that we could get into the castle to look for them.”

“And for what purpose?” Luna asked.

He was quiet as he shook his head. “I’m not sure. I just do what I’m told.”

“You were stopped outside by me?” Oblivion commented.

“Yeah. We weren’t able to get in since we ran into you.” He replied quickly.

“Do you have any idea why they wished to take the Elements?” Celestia asked.

“I have no idea. One of the others had more information than I did and…”

“I would advise against lying again.” Oblivion interrupted.

The pony stiffened and his head slowly turned to look at the Black Unicorn. Oblivion had seen his spirit shift as he lied to them. His eyes were wide as Oblivions horn lit and he jerked back to looking at the two Alicorns.

“I mean…I knew a little bit about why we were after them.” He amended.

“And it was?” Oblivion prompted.

“You would be amazed at how much they would be worth on the market. All I know is that we were supposed to get inside and take them.” He said quickly. “We were told they were under magic so that’s why we had the Unicorn with us. She was supposed to be able to get through the magic that protected them.”

“I made that magic. There is no way you would have been able to get past it.” Celestia nearly growled.

“Not my area of expertise. We were supposed to get inside and the mare would tell us if she could get past it or not. If not then we were to leave and report back.”

Celestia looked at the black Unicorn as he nodded to inform her that he was telling the truth to them. “Is that all you can tell us?”

“That’s all I can think of.” He replied and looked at Oblivion.

Oblivion opened his mouth to speak as his horn flashed, earning him a yelp from the tied pony. His magic gripped the letter tightly and he heard Sasa growl as he sidestepped away from them.

Celestia watched as he moved away from them with the letter he had received and she looked back at their prisoner. His eyes were trained on the Witcher as he suddenly looked at her.

“Who is he?” He asked as he looked at the Witcher.

“He bears one of the Elements of Harmony that you tried to steal,” Celestia informed him.

“Oh. So the Elements can do what he did?”

“I am not sure what he did.” She admitted. “He was asked to find a way to get you to talk without laying a hoof on you.”

The prisoner stared at her and then to the mare beside her. She knew that Luna had spent the last several minutes glaring at their prisoner. Her light purple eyes went to the Witcher as he turned to them, his steps were hurried as he rejoined them.

“I will be leaving him to you now. Something has come up in Ponyville that needs my attention.” He said to her.

She nodded and looked at the prisoner. “Do you have anything else you wish to tell us?”

“Only that they won’t stop trying to take them.”

“They are no longer here in Canterlot,” Luna growled.

The pony looked startled and he sunk back in his chair and well silent. Oblivions horn lit as he teleported away from them. Sasa vanished a few seconds later. Leaving the pair of them with the prisoner. Both mares turned to leave the chamber, their steps echoing on the stones.

Author's Note:

Here is the newest addition to this one. I am sorry I missed last week's release. I was not in a good place at the time and missed it entirely. Again I am sorry for that but here we go. I am trying to section out my time on this one and the others that I ave going at this time. If I get distracted by another one I am sorry but this one might fall a bit while I do the rewritten version for a bit. I am also trying to get Overlord back on schedule so I am sorry if I slip up a bit.

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