• Published 25th Sep 2017
  • 13,842 Views, 1,290 Comments

An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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34: Depths of the Sands...

Oblivion's wings held firm as he glided on a high thermal of warm air. His eyes scanned the ground beneath him, watching for the deserts edge. As his eyes narrowed he paused in his flight and hovered as he scanned his map. He looked around and found that he was not far from the last sighting of a monster not of Equestria. The Witcher put the map back into his saddle bag and angled his body to plummet to the ground below him. He flared his wings and slowed to allow himself to land safely. The black wings held firm as he allowed himself to drop to the ground and fold his wings to his sides. His magic pulled his long mane back into the binding and his wings were hidden once more. The black stallion trotted quietly through the woods till a familiar sound caught his ears. He flicked an ear toward the sound and waited as a moan sounded. The sound was shrill enough to catch his attention. He spun on his heel and galloped to the right. A shrill scream caught his attention as he plunged forward.


Oblivion angled for a large fallen tree and leaped it as the sound of heavy panting caught his ears. The stallion glanced down and saw a stallion collapsed on the side of the tree, his features twisted in terror. The black stallion’s hooves struck the grounds and he plunged to a halt. His orange eyes landed on the wraith hovering at the edge of the clearing. Oblivion's magic gripped the hilt of the silver blade on his back. He glanced back and squared himself to stand in front of the terrified pony. The monster stayed over twenty feet away from the armed stallion. Oblivion's eyes focused on the creature. In one hand it held a luminescent lantern and the other a broadsword. The face was shadowed by a ragged cloak and the body of the creature obscured by a ragged robe. Oblivion started to walk toward the creature as it moaned and shimmered in the sunlight.

“What are you doing?” The pony yelled to the stallion as Oblivion broke into a slow trot.

The silver blade slid silently from its scabbard as the stallion broke into a gallop for the last few steps. Oblivion's blade sliced the air as it clanged against the rusted blade of the wraith. Oblivion backflipped and cast Yrden on the ground around him and backed up several steps to get the wraith to enter the circle around it. The body went from incorporeal to solid and the Witcher attacked. His blade cut into the wraith and it moaned as it fled from him and evade a strike of his to get out of the circle. Oblivion recast the spell and kept his blade up to guard as the wraith began to circle him.

“Come on,” Oblivion whispered as he waited, his patience once more at the forefront. The black stallion waited as the wraith circled, his body faced the wraith slowly, watching it intently. The wraith howled and Oblivion stepped back to the edge of the circle and the wraith rushed at him. The Witcher spun on his heel and allowed his body to brush over the rags of the wraith, his fur ruffled by the inhuman air of the monster. Oblivion had never noticed the feel of the wraith as it brushed past him. His sword bit deep into the monster and it fled from him once more. The wraith left no scent as it blinked out of sight, leaving Oblivion glancing around for the creature. His eyes slid closed as he recast Yrden and stepped to the center of the circle and listened. His ears moved slowly around him, listening for the telltale sound of the wraith reappearing. A sound to his right caught his ear and he spun his blade around his body, earning a scream from the wraith it is was caved and vanished for the final time. A small flash and the body vanished to dust. Oblivion scuffed his hoof through the small ash pile and slid his blade back into the silver sheath. He allowed the circle of Yrden to vanish and slowly walked back to the stunned pony.

“Are you alright?” Oblivion asked him as he stopped in front of him. The pony was a tan brown with brown hair that reminded him a great deal of Pinkie Pie. The pony wore a bright yellow shirt. Oblivion reached out and pulled the pony to his hooves.

“You…stopped it?” The pony’s voice was quiet as he looked back to where the monster had vanished.

“It’s gone. It won’t return here.” Oblivion assured the pony. “Why are you out in the middle of a forest?”

“Oh.” The lanky stallion looked to him and a wide smile swept across his face. “My cheesie sense went off and led me here.”

Oblivion paused and stared at the stallion. “You’re what?”

The stallion smiled and began to dance on his hooves. “My cheese sense. It led me to here. Not sure of the exact reason, but must have been to meet you.”

Oblivion stared for a moment before giving a slight shake of his head. ”Well. You are free to do as you like. Travel safely.” The black stallion turned and started to leave the pony behind him, intent on his task.

"Wait up!”

Oblivion paused and waited as the pony reached him once more. “I’m Cheese Sandwich. Nice to meet you…”

“Oblivion Shadow.”

“Well, you did save me so I should help you as well.” He began.

Oblivion waved a hoof absently at the lanky pony, as he began to walk once more. “That’s not necessary. I have a purpose out here as it is so there is no need to repay me.”

“Wow. What are you doing out here?”

“That monster was one of a few that I am hunting down. It is my job to remove them.”

“What kind of job is that?” The pony asked, his head titled comically far to the right.

“I am a Witcher.” At the ponies even more ridiculous tilt he explained. “Basically, I am a monster hunter. Ponies pay me to find and destroy monsters. It is what I am trained to do.”

Cheese Sandwich stared at him as he spoke, keeping up with the stallion’s long stride. “Who pays you to do that? I have never seen a monster like that one.”

“It’s called a Wraith. Basically, it is a pony that has died with things left undone. Least that is what ponies think they are.” Oblivion explained.

“Well, I can help you then!” He cried out and began to hum a tune as he started to lead the black stallion. “This way to the town.”

“It’s truly not…”

“Nonsense!” Cheese exclaimed and trotted merrily in the lead.

Oblivion sighed and allowed the pony to lead him. Oblivion checked his saddlebags to ensure that they were tight around his barrel as they walked. The tan pony led the Witcher out of the forest and into the small border town. The pony began to bounce into the town and smiled to the ponies as they looked to him and the other stranger behind him. Oblivion rolled his shoulders and prepped to speak to the leader of the town and confirm to him that the wraith was the only one in the area.

“Over here!” Cheese shouted to him as he stood next to a large orange pony in a grey suit.

Oblivion reached them and waited to be addressed. Cheese put a foreleg around the black pony’s shoulders and pulled him close, forcing Oblivion to drop his head lower to accommodate the other's reach.

“This is Oblivion Shadow. He stopped a monster outside of town. You should have seen it!” Cheese let go and began to demonstrate the fight to the crowd as he spoke.

Oblivion sighed and turned his focus to the mayor and away from the exuberant stallion. “There was a report made of an attack by an unknown monster in the nearby forest.”

“Yes. We did send a request for help. Though I would have liked for that help to arrive sooner, rather than later.” The pony’s voice was nasal as he tried to look down his snout at the Witcher.

Oblivion felt annoyance creeping into his mind as he raised his head to its full height and looked down at the rotund pony. The mayor leaned back on his heels for a moment at the sight of the much taller stallion. “This town was actually the last on my list to investigate, due to the lack of activity on the monster's behalf. It was known that it had not come near any of the towns in the area for over a week. While the others were more threatened due to their immediate proximity to the area of the attacks.”

The mayor stared at the black pony as he explained the situation. Oblivion inhaled and waited as the pony began to open and close his mouth as he searched for words to refute. Cheese Sandwich suddenly burst into song and Oblivion rolled his eyes as he regarded the mayor once more. “I will send a letter to Luna and Celestia and inform them that the danger to this area has been erased. Due to the other reported being a few miles away I will leave them as they are for now. I'm sure you are aware of what areas these threats had appeared in?”

The mayor said nothing as he stared at the stallion. He sunk back a bit as he shook his head. Oblivion sighed and pulled his map from his saddle bag. He focused on it and copied a section of the map for the mayor to keep.

“Here are the areas that were reported. I advise that you avoid the areas that are not marked out. The Leshen that was in the area of another town has been removed as well. Due to the lower likelihood of the wraith here coming after your town I did not come here first. The other two wraith sightings are several miles from here and I expect you to avoid them.” Oblivion advised as he began to walk away from the ponies.

“So what do we do now?” The mayor yelled at him.

Cheese jumped to him and wrapped a foreleg around him. “We Party!” He yelled and zipped away from the small group.

Oblivion gave a quiet groan. “Gods. It’s a male version of Pinkie.” He shook his head and began to leave.

“Now, you wait here!” The mayor suddenly shouted to him and began to advance on the taller stallion.

Oblivion paused and waited as the rotund pony rounded on him and began to speak.

“Now see here. You will go and remove all of the threats that are around us. You have been assigned this task and you will complete it.” He said to the stallion.

Oblivion kept his expression blank as he listened to the pony. The Witcher waited for him to breathe before breaking in to speak. “I understand your concern. While I understand it I do not have to bend to your requests. Due to Luna and Celestia placing their trust in my abilities that they do not need to monitor me in any way.”

“Now see here…”

“No. We are done. I have no reason to acquiesce to your requests or demands. The immediate threat to your town is gone. The others are far enough that I am not concerned about it.” Oblivion sidestepped and moved away from the pony. “We are done. You have a party to attend it seems.” The black stallion walked away. His hooves were silent as he walked down the dirt road. His hooves carried him out of the town and toward the edges of the desert. His magic pulled a scroll and quill from his magic.

Luna and Celestia:

I have removed the wraith on the map I am enclosing. Was a simple wraith that I destroyed. Kindly update Sasa as well. I will reach out to you when I have more news.

Oblivion Shadow

Oblivion sent the letter with a flash of his magic and kept up his easy pace. As he neared the edge of the desert and paused as he looked for the pony that Winter Snow had mentioned in her message. A sound off to the left caught his ear and he trotted toward it. A large cart laden with various materials sat at the edge of the desert. Oblivion stopped as he looked over the cart.

“For the love of…Oof!”

Oblivion started and backed up as a voice sounded from the other side of the cart. The cart visibly wobbled slightly and Oblivion trotted to the other side to find the source of the sound. He paused at the sight of a pony that appeared to be stuck under the cart. The pony was a light gray and his tail was a stark white. A beach was the marking to his flanks. His flanks and tail were straining to pull himself out from under the cart. Oblivion paused and walked back to the other side of the cart and fell to his knees to look under the cart. His orange cat eyes adjusted and he found a pony staring at him from the darkness.

“Well, hello there.” The pony spoke out as his eyes connected with Oblivions.

“Greetings.” Oblivion responded.

“Nice ta see I’m not the only fool out here.” He said as a derisive laugh escaped him. “I’m Sand Comber.”

“Oblivion Shadow.”

“Ahh, nice ta meet you. You think you could help a pony out?”

“Oh?” Oblivion waited for a moment before he spoke. “I assume you would like me to help you out from under the cart?”

“If you would, I’d be grateful.”

“Very well. Do not move.” Oblivion advised as he pulled his head out from under the cart and got to his hooves. His horn alight with an azure flame he wrapped the cart in his magic and slowly picked it up off the ground, allowing its owner to escape from under it. Oblivion walked around it and waited for the pony to get away from it before he set it back down.

“Thank you for that!” Sand Comber sat down and began trying to get the feeling in his limbs back due to being stuck under the cart. “Well, I assume you need something or you would not have been in this area.”

“What makes you say that?”

“Well. No pony comes here if they can avoid it. The desert is nasty to any who go into it. I was born in it so I know better than any pony how difficult it can be.”

“I see. I am looking for a ruin that was mentioned. I was told to look for a pony on the edges of the desert that can either take me to it or can show me the way on a map.”

Sand Comber looked thoughtful and began rooting through his cart. Oblivion opened his saddlebag and pulled out a canteen of water. It was an item of magic that he had gotten in a trade. It was always full of fresh water. It had proven invaluable more than a few times in his travels.

“Well. I don’t have a map that can get you there. But, I can show you the way. I can get you close to it, but not to the front gates.”

“Why not?” Oblivion found himself asking as he set his water back in his saddle bag.

“Well. The area is supposedly cursed. No pony knows what the ruins are from or if they are even pony in origin. I have heard that pony’s from the various universities and what not tried to use it and some of them were never seen again. They went inside of it and those that were left refused to talk much about it. So no pony goes near it now.”

“I see. Well, I need to get to the ruins. You can get me as close as possible then I will continue on my own.” Oblivion said to him as he looked out to the desert.

“You sure?” Sand Comber looked dubiously from Oblivion to the desert. “I can tell that you’re not gonna budge on this. So I’ll get you as close as I can. Have you ever gone through a desert?”

“A few times. I am aware of the dangers that hide under the sand.” Oblivion replied as the pony pulled his hooves out of the cart and turned to the black stallion.

“Yer gonna have a hard time out in the desert.” He said as he looked at the other stallion.

“How so?”

“Your coat.”

Oblivion closed his eyes as he understood with the other meant. His black coat would not do him any favors in the sun's heat. Oblivion opened his eyes as Sand Comber once more dove into his cart, searching for something.

“Hold up! I think I have something.”

Oblivion said nothing as he approached the cart and waited for the other pony to emerge from within it. When he did he was carrying a bundle wrapped in thick paper and bound with a string. Oblivion stepped back and helped the pony to get off the cart and get his hooves back on the ground. He turned and opened the bundle. A white cloth sat inside of the bundle. He turned to Oblivion and held it up for the black pony to see.

“Now this will keep ya cool.”

“Looks like it will help at the very least. The color will shed the sunlight.” Oblivion admitted as he regarded the cloth.

“It’s not just a simple fabric. I got this from a traveler many years ago when I helped him cross the desert. He said that with a touch of magic it can keep a pony cool for as long as some magic is washed over it every few hours. Since I’m no Unicorn it’s not very helpful. It will keep the sun off me but nothing more than that. Since you were able to lift my cart I assume you’re a unicorn of some skill and power.”

“True. So I layer my magic over it and it should keep me cool? Did I understand that right?”

“Ya got it right. Well, let’s get it settled on ya then see if yer magic with work.”

“Very well.”

Sand Comber pulled the fabric out of the bundle and tossed it over Oblivion's back, with the help of the Witcher they wrapped two corners down his forelegs and the others around his hind legs. A second swath was layered around his head and neck, to protect his head and neck from the blinding sun. Sand Comber backed up and inspected their work.

“All right. That should save your tail from baking out in the sun. Now give it a blast of magic.” The stallion said to him, eager to see if it worked.

Oblivion nodded as his horn lit with his aura. His magic went over every piece of the fabric, layering magic onto it as he had been told. His medallion vibrated as the cloth suddenly tightened on his form and he snorted at the hold. He was about to pull it off when the feeling of cool air threaded into his fur. He paused as he looked to the cloth as it began to cool his skin and seep that coolness into his body. Allowing him to relax as he stopped pushing magic into it and waited as it settled on his body. It covered his body and stayed in place as he moved.

“Did it work?” Comber asked as he watched the black stallion.

“It does work, yes.” Oblivion replied to him and approached the other to allow him to see it in action on his own.

He reached out and put his hoof on Oblivion's shoulder and he could feel the cool cloth and he gently wedged his hoof under it beside his shoulder and felt the coolness coming from the cloth itself. “Well, I’ll be damned.”

“You doubted?” Oblivion asked.

“Well, I never tested it. I didn’t doubt yer magic. But I wasn’t sure if the claims were true or not. But I am glad to see that it does work. Otherwise, you would have had a very hard time out there.”

“I agree. This will make things far simpler.” Oblivion admitted. “So I assume we will head out in the morning or are you ready to head out now?”

“You want to head out now?”

“I can if needed. You are the one who decides when we go or stay. I can probably find my way but I would rather not waste time hunting for the ruins when I can go with you directly to them.”

“Sounds right. Well, I was gonna go into the desert when I got stuck under the cart so we can go once I fix the axle.”

Oblivion looked to the cart and leaned down to look under it. He lifted it once more and saw the broken axel Comber had mentioned. His magic covered it and he set it down once the repair was complete.

“Well, that makes it much easier. You’re quite the helpful one to have around.” Comber admitted as he got into the traces to pull the cart.

“It’s nothing. Lead on, then?”

“Yup stay close you hear. If a storm kicks up get under the cart and stay there till it passes by.” Comber informed him. Oblivion nodded and stayed at Combers side as they walked into the desert. “I can tell you’re a strong pony so I will ask that you follow my lead out here and we should be fine.”

“I will defer to your knowledge in this case. I am not used to traveling through deserts. I have done it very few times and the ones I went through were not very big.” Oblivion admitted and stayed at the others side.

“Good ta hear. I’m getting tired of fighting with ponies about how to handle the desert.”

Oblivion nodded and stayed as close as he was comfortable with as they began to cross the sands. Oblivion kept his claws sheathed as they walked. Comber led him up the side of a dune and they stayed atop it allowing them to walk single file. Oblivion would push the cart if needed, should it get stuck in the sand. The hours dragged by as Oblivion followed the other through the heated sands. He could feel the heat through his hooves and he paused as his right forehoof burned for a moment. He lifted his hoof and flexed his claws, allowing the sand to escape from under his claws.

“Well, this is a problem.” He muttered to himself as he leaped to catch up with the cart and Sand Comber.

“You okay back there?” The stallion called out to him.

“I’m fine.”

“Your hooves burning yet?”

Oblivion gave a quiet groan. “You could have warned me of this issue.”

“I have to be honest, I forgot. When we get past this dune I’ll get some boots for ya.”

“Does it matter what kind of boots?”

“Nah. They just need to keep your hooves out of the sand a bit.”

“I have something then, keep going,” Oblivion assured him from behind the cart.

“All right.”

Oblivion reached into his saddlebags and pulled a pair of old boots that he had at the bottom of his saddlebags. His magic warped them and he slid the thick leather onto his hooves. He mirrored the boots from his Spirit Armor and hoped they would work. While it was not so much pain to have the sand under his claws, it did cause discomfort that he did not need at this time. Oblivion trotted to catch up with Comber as he had needed to stop to fashion the boots. Sand Comber had kept a steady pace that Oblivion could easily keep up with. As the sun began to go down the pair crested the dune and found themselves in a flat area that Comber recognized as one that he had used to camp overnight before. Oblivion began a fire while Comber erected the tent.

“Make sure that fire is a good one,” Comber said to him as he finished with the wide tent. Oblivion looked to him and a slight tilt of his head begged further explanation. “Most ponies don’t realize that the night gets pretty cold in a desert. Most think it’s hot all the time.”

“Ahh understood.” Oblivion stepped back and his magic flared and the fire grew in strength. “It will last this way.”

“Well, that is definitely strong enough to keep us warm tonight,” Comber admitted and sat down opposite the black stallion. “So why are you after the old ruins?”

“I'm looking for some pony.”

“Ahh, a lover?”

“Hells no,” Oblivion replied. “She is thought to possibly be involved in the deaths of several ponies. She did not bring the monster that did it but she aided in their involvement in the deaths of others. I am looking to speak with her.”

“I see. Well, hopefully, you find her then. She has anything to do with the monster that’s plaguing the village back there?”

“Possibly. It was summoned from far away and then left to attack ponies. The mare that summoned them has already been caught. I’m after her partner that supplied her. I was told she might be in the ruins.”

“That makes sense. It would be a good place to hide. Nopony goes there.” Comber was quiet as he sat across the fire. “So I would assume you brought supplies for the trip out here?” Oblivion said nothing but looked to the saddlebags still strapped around his barrel. “Good, I assume you brought food then?”

“You did not?”

“Of course I did. But I needed to know if I needed to feed you as well. Have to ration it if needed.”

“No, I’m fine,” Oblivion assured his guide as he pulled out some dried fruits and jerky from his bag. He had neglected to go hunting earlier and was having to use his supplies from his saddlebags.

Both stallions fell into silence as they ate and lapsed into silence. As the night went on Oblivion allowed his head to fall to the sand as he thought over the past few days and how to approach his current goal. He was silent as his mind went over the possibilities and how to act on them.

“All right into the tent you go,” Comber said to him, startling him out of his thoughts.


“It’s safer inside. You stay out here your libel to meet up with the scorpions and other creatures that will seek you out for your warmth. You ever waked up to snakes on you before?”

Oblivion raised his head and paused. “Once.” The black stallion stood up after the admission and walked to the tent flap as Comber lifted it up for him to go inside.

“I thought so.” The other said with a loud laugh.

“Silence.” Oblivion shot back as he laid down facing the tent opening as Comber zipped it shut and laid down as well.

“All right rest up. We have a journey ahead of us. It will take about five days to get to the ruins. Longer if we run into a storm.”

Oblivion nodded in understanding, set his saddlebags beside him, and laid his head down, allowing himself to sleep. Several hours later he awoke as the sun was beginning to rise, slowly. On the other side of the tent, Comber still slept. Oblivion looked around them to make sure that there were no animals in with them and he gave a loud snort to wake his traveling companion. Sand Comber startled and awoke to find Oblivion already standing. The black stallion shook himself and his magic gripped the zipper and he stepped outside ahead of the other stallion. Oblivion slipped his saddle bags back into place on his girth and waited for the other to be up as well.

“You weren’t kidding about that fire.” Comber admitted when he came out to find the fire still blazing.

“You made it seem like it being there would be helpful, so I left it alive while we slept.”

“Not a bad thing. Have to admit that magic keeps looking more and useful the more I see it used.”

“It has its benefits. But it has severe limitations as well.”

“Everything does. Depends on how it’s used I think.”


They lapsed into silence as they broke camp and began to pack it back into the cart. Oblivion snuffed the fire and helped Comber get back into the carts traces.

Their days continued this way for the next four days. As they trotted down a dune Comber looked back behind them and paled. Oblivion paused as he drew up next to him and waited.

“Run!” Comber suddenly yelled and surged forward.

Oblivion leaped forward to keep pace with him. “What's wrong, Comber?”

“Look back!”

Oblivion looked back and was not able to stop his own ears from pinning back at the sight of the enormous sand could gaining on them. “Why are we running? You claimed that we had to hide during a sandstorm.”

“I did say that. But, if it’s that big we are doomed.”

Oblivion looked back again and reached out to grab Comber, driving him to the ground. The gray stallion yelped as he hit the ground, above him, Oblivion tossed his hood back to reveal his tall curved horn. Oblivion stood over him, his horn alight with his azure flames as a dome surrounded them.

“What in the world?” Comber sat up as the dome of azure flame went over them, blocking the sandstorms winds.

Oblivion poured magic into the shield and kept his magic alight as he kept the shield working. He could feel the winds buffeting the shield's exterior. Oblivion sat down and kept his horn lit, he could feel his magic being pushed and he had to keep a constant flow of magic into the shield above them. It was the same one that he had used to protect rarity and the others several times. Though he had not needed to keep it active before. He could feel it draining him as it held its place above them.

“You going to be okay to keep that up?” Comber asked him as a snort pulled from the black stallion.

“Will have to be. It falls we won’t survive that storm outside it.” Oblivion said to him as he kept the shield above them.

Comber looked concerned as the black pony closed his eyes and breathed deeply. Oblivion was silent as he could hear Comber moving around beside him. He opened one eye and saw the concern etched in the others face. “I’ll be fine.” He tried to assure the pony.

Oblivion closed his eyes once more and reached for more of his magic, bringing it to bear against the howling winds outside. He felt it shudder against a gust and he winced at the pounding. He reached out to the Element around his neck and it surged forward, he felt his armor wrap around him. Concealed by the cloth around his body. He channeled the power of the Element into the shield and above them, it stabilized and the flames strengthened and the shield stopped trembling above them. Oblivion breathed out and opened his eyes to see around them.

“You sure you’re…” Comber turned to speak to him once more but paused at the sight of the silver and onyx crown he now wore.

“I’m fine.”

“And the crown means…?”

“Nothing. It’s a piece of a set that can amplify my magic. It's helping to stabilize and strengthen the shield I’m using.”

“Oh, so it’s magic?”

“Essentially, yes.” Oblivion gave a simple reply to avoid trying to explain that he bore the Element of Spirit, one of the seven Elements of Harmony.

Comber went quiet and sat down to wait out the storm under the shield. “So you can keep that going for a while?”

“Yes. It will stand so long as I have the magic to feed it.”

“And you’re not gonna run out of gas are you?”

“Out of what?”


“Oh. No, I’m fine. It will hold as long as needed.”

“As long as you’re going to be okay then I guess we will just wait it out.”

“How long do they usually last?”

“Depends on the storm. Haven’t seen one this big before, so I’m not too sure. But, hopefully, it will pass by us.”

“Then I suggest we get comfortable unless you wish to keep going?”

“How in the hell would we do that? You can move this shield of yours?”

“I don’t think it would be too difficult. It will stay with me. How close are we to the ruins?”

“A few hours. Pretty close to them.” Comber admitted and looked to the stallion with him. “I don’t think we should move though.”

“Why not?”

“The last thing we need to do is tamper with your magic. While I trust that you can move it with us, I don’t want to chance losing it.”

Oblivion nodded and sat in silence. As the time ticked by the two stallions sat in silence. The shield remained above them and covered them as it maintained its strength. Comber moved things around on his cart to stabilize the weight as they waited. Oblivion said nothing as they sat in silence as the hours tricked past them.

“So how often had you needed to use this shield of yours?”

Oblivion paused as he thought back. “Maybe three times. But not for any length of time.”


“Last time I used it was for a few seconds to avoid being struck by falling rocks and the other time was to prevent inhaling smoke from dragon fire.”

“So not for very…Wait, dragon fire?”

“Yes. A dragon had decided to roost outside of Ponyville so some of us were tasked with moving him to a new roost.”

“And you used the shield for that?”

“Not really. I used the shield to protect myself and others from the smoke. Otherwise, another moved the dragon to a new roost.”

“So the shield?”

“Will be fine. It can withstand so long as is needed.”

Comber nodded and sat down beside Oblivion and watched the storm rage around them. The black stallion sighed and looked out as well. The hours passed by and Comber was dozing on the sand as they waited. Oblivion stood up as the winds began to subside and he looked out to the sands. “Comber. Wake up.”

The grey stallion started and stood up as well. “About time.”


As the winds faded Oblivion allowed the shield to fall slowly around them. A mound of sand surrounded them, but with a short blast of magic, Oblivion knocked it back, allowing the cart to go past easily. Oblivion brought his hood back up and it settled back into place, covering his ears and shrouding his face in shade. As they walked toward another dune Oblivion willed his armor back into its place around his medallion. Comber scaled the dune with Oblivion pushing the cart from behind. At the top of the dune, Comber stopped and called for the Black Unicorn to join him.

“There you go.” He said and pointed down the dune.

Oblivion joined him and saw that he was pointing to an obvious ruin a mile away. The Element bearer nodded and looked to his guide.

“Just head for it and you’ll reach it in no time. Just be careful about going in.”

“I will. Thank you for your help, Sand Comber.”

Oblivion backed up and began to pull the cloth off of his body.

“Keep it.” Oblivion looked at him. “I can’t use it. I have the gear that I use. It’s only useful if there is magic involved. I’m an earth Pony, no obvious magic.”

Oblivion allowed the cloth to go back into place and nodded to the other pony. “Very well. What do I owe you for the journey and your guide services?”

Comber looked thoughtful. “Well. How about you tell me the truth.”


“Yeah about that crown of yours. You’re a prince, aren’t you?”

Oblivion shook his head. “No. I’m no prince. The crown is a piece of a larger set of armor.”


Oblivion nodded and pushed his armor from the Element around his medallion. Comber stared at the brilliant silver and black armor that he could see pieces of through the cloth around Oblivion's body.

“Where did you get something like that?”

“I bear the Element of Spirit. One of the seven Elements of Harmony.”

Comber’s eyes widened and he stared at the black unicorn stallion. “So your one of the Elements?” Oblivion nodded. “I heard about them, but never thought I would see one. There are seven like yours?”

“No. Mine is the only set of armor. There are five necklaces and one other crown.”

“What are they?”

“The other Elements?” Comber nodded. “They are Loyalty, Kindness, Laughter, Honesty, Generosity, Magic and Spirit.”

“Well, I have seen it all now. I bet there are not many that can say they traveled with an Element of Harmony.”

“Perhaps. What do I owe you for the journey?”

Comber shook his head. “I can’t charge you.”

“Why not?”

“You saved my life out here, more than once.” Oblivion tilted his head slightly at the statement. “Your fire kept me from having to leave the tent to check on the fire. I saw the tracks and other signs around the fire in the morning. Lots of scorpions and snakes. I didn’t have to fear your flames. You helped get my cart up the dunes.” Oblivion scoffed quietly as the other kept speaking. “That shield of yours was the final payment to me. I would not have survived that storm alone. Without you, I’d have been toast. That means I probably owe you. Plus you fixed my cart without asking for any kind of trade or payment.”

“You owe me nothing,” Oblivion interjected.

“All right. How about we say that we are even and call it at that?”

Oblivion sighed and nodded. “Very well. Thank you again for guiding me this far, Comber.”

“Of course. You be careful and good luck.”

“You as well. Safe return journey.” Oblivion replied as Comber slowly turned to follow the dune crest away from him.

The black stallion turned to look at the ruins and began to slowly slide down the dunes steep side to the flat ground. Oblivion slid to the ground and kicked away from the steep side of the dune and began the last part of his journey to the ruins. He pushed his armor back into place and looked ahead. He broke into a ground-eating trot and began the final leg of his journey.

Author's Note:

Okay, I got it finished. The editing took longer than I wanted it to. Enjoy!

Edit 8/12/2018: Thanks for letting me know that I had fouled a name in the body of the chapter.
Edit 2: 12/18/2018
Edit: 11/14/2019

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