• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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52: He Returns to Their Side...

His ears flicked forward as he finished speaking to Sasa. His mind reached out to the Elemental, ensuring that it was close to him and he could call upon it at any time. With the knowledge that it was close, he slid the gemstone back into his saddlebags and closed his eyes for a moment as he gathered himself. The solar guards stationed outside the throne room doors stared at him as he breathed in and pushed the doors open with his shoulder. Every set of eyes in the room turned to the doors as he emerged from behind them. He could feel their stares as he began to walk forward. His hooves thudded dully against the red carpet that led to Celestia and Luna. He could see the shocked stare of Asmara as she stared at him from her place on the floor before them. He glanced to the side and found Twilight, Applejack and the others staring at him, clear joy in their eyes. He could see that Luna had stood up and was watching as he walked toward them. Celestia stared as he stopped for a moment as he looked to the side of them. The mares and Spike stared as he then walked to them.

Applejack stared at him as he stopped in front of them. He was covered from horn to tail in dirt and mud. She opened her mouth to speak but no sound came from her. The black stallion was right in front of her and she had nothing to say. She knew that she should be angry at him and tell him off for vanishing but nothing came from her still open mouth. As she tried to speak again a strangled hiccup broke from her, and she breathed in to avoid crying aloud. Oblivion was quiet as she finally broke from her silence and sob tore from her as she jumped forward and wrapped her forelegs around his neck. The farm mare had never been one to cry when others could easily see her but the fact that he was right in front of her once more was too much for her to hide. His forelegs wrapped around her and he held her as she cried. She startled as Sasa nuzzled closer to her and she wrapped one of her legs around the furry feline and held onto her as well.

“You’re in so much trouble.” She finally croaked out.

“I’m sure.” He replied and she chuckled at his voice.

He sounded the same as always and she pulled back from him and he released her and sat down to look at her. His orange eyes blazed back at her and she smiled. “Yer gonna have to tell Granny and Apple Bloom what happened.”


“Ah told Big Mac ya were missing, but I couldn’t tell Granny and Bloom. Ah knew it would hurt them even more than it hurt us.” She admitted and felt the weight of that secret come off of her shoulders.

“Understood.” He replied to her.

Twilight came up to him as Applejack backed up to allow the others to get closer to him. Spike jumped from her back and she lunged to him to hug him as well. His fur was dirty and matted in places but she paid no attention to any of that. Spike jumped to the stallion's shoulder and held onto him, laying partially cross the stallion’s withers. Twilight watched as Oblivion looked to the baby dragon, who looked to him, realizing that he had not asked to jump to his back. Oblivion said nothing and held Twilight as Spike laughed and held onto the stallion, a smile crossing his face. Twilight closed her eyes as tears spilled from her eyes, falling to the Black Unicorns fur.

“Welcome home.” She whispered to him and held him tighter.

“Thank you.” He said to her.

The purple Unicorn was quiet as she released him and wiped her tears away, her smile stayed in place on her muzzle as the black Unicorn sat in silence before them.

She stepped back and watched as Rarity and Fluttershy both went up to him, hugging him tightly as he allowed them to hold tightly to him. The Unicorn mare looked at him and she could see that he had not only mud and dirt on his fur but she could see splashes of dried blood but she didn’t see any wounds on his body so she chose to remain quiet about it. She scooted to sit next to Applejack, who still sniffled at the sight of her eldest brother. She wrapped one foreleg around the other's shoulders and smiled at her.

“It’s gonna be okay now. He’s back and everything can go back to a new normal.” She said to her friend, trying to bring a greater smile to her face.

“Ah know. But it’s hard when Ah think of how long he was gone before anypony even noticed. He’d been gone a week or more when we realized that he was gone.” She admitted.

Twilight nodded to her. “I know. But he came back. It took a little bit but he’s with us again.” She replied.

“Yer right. Ah, need to be happy that he made it home to all of us.” She said and hugged the purple Unicorn tightly.

Rainbow hoof bumped the stallion as Rarity and Fluttershy released him and Pinkie bounced up to him and began to speak much too fast for any of them to easily understand her and they all simply laughed as Oblivion nodded to her and sighed as his horn lit and stopped her bouncing and speaking for a moment and he set her down gently.

“I would prefer no parties but I am going to assume that you are going to host one anyway.” He said to her and she nodded frantically in reply. “Then I will attend but do recall that I am not fond of sweets.” He reminded her gently and she nodded she released his magic and she leaped up to hug him as well.

Oblivion was quiet as the mares laughed at his words to Pinkie and he glanced over his shoulder as the Royals remained in place waiting for him to return to them. The stallion got to his hooves and, after looking to the mares and waiting for Spike to slide from his back to the ground, he walked back to the others. Luna jumped from the elevated spot she sat in and hugged him tightly.

“Welcome home, my friend.” She said to him.

“Thank you, Luna.” He said to her and patted her back as she held him.

The Lunar Princess released him and waited as Celestia came down from her seat and hugged him as well. Behind her, Blue Blood stood patiently.

“Thank Equestria you’re okay.” She said to him and released him after a few moments. “You’re not hurt?”

“No. I’m fine. A bit worn out, but otherwise fine.” He related to her.

“That’s good to hear. You have been sorely missed.” The Sun Princess said to him.

“So I have been told. Sasa was quite deafening in her glee as well.” He replied as the feline in question nuzzled his hip and nodded at his words.

“She was the most upset I think.” Blue Blood admitted as he approached the stallion.

“How have you been, Blue?” The black pony asked.

“As well as I can be I think.” He replied. “When this is over I will need your help though.” He whispered to the other as he hoof bumped the other Unicorn.


“Yeah. I’ll explain later.” He replied.

Oblivion nodded to the other stallion and looked to the mare that sat on the floor close by. His eyes met hers and she glared at him, a look he recalled from their last meeting. Her spirit roiled within her and he could see her anger coming to the surface as well.

“You could have mentioned before that you had my necklace.” She spat at him as he approached her and stood in front of her.

“You did not ask about it.” He countered. “I am not in the habit of giving more than what is asked for.”

She glowered at him as she shook her head at his words. “Right. And you would have told me the truth?”

“I had no reason not to at the time.” He replied to her.

Behind him, Celestia, Luna and Blue Blood all moved to their prior positions and waited as the stallion spoke to the Pegasus further. The mare went quiet as she looked to the others around her then back to the stallion ahead of her.

“So gonna sentence me now?” She sneered.

“Not yet.” He replied. “For now I want to know how all of this came to be. How did you come to the decision to release the gemstone you view as so precious to a mare that you barely knew?”

“How do you know how long I have known her? For all that you know I could have known her all our lives.” She replied.

“Her village was destroyed when she was very young and she was taken and abused by those that destroyed the village and only escaped when they grew complacent with her binds and she killed them as they slept. It’s not possible for you to have known her that long.” He replied to her swiftly. “You met her at the library where she was researching the Elements of Harmony.”

The mare was stunned at his knowledge of details that she had not mentioned to anypony else. “How do you know that?”

“I have a magic of my own little Pegasus. You would do well to recall that detail. The gem you had was stolen from another location and its power is what drew the monster that killed your family. When your Uncle cut the gem it summoned the Elemental and drew it to you. It attacked those it viewed as the enemy. You survived due to holding the gem and it would not risk damaging it further.” He related to her, her eyes going wide as he spoke further.

“You can’t know that.” She said to him.

“I know a great deal more than that. I know that you were born to another name. You took this one when your mother died in front of you and you told the guards to call your Asmara as it means Vengeance.” He said to her.

The Pegasus mare tried to back away from him as he spoke. His tone was a matter of fact and he spoke with absolute confidence in his words. Her eyes were wide as she realized that he knew more than she had thought. The black stallion stared back at her, his orange eyes were bright as he regarded her, his expression unreadable. She looked to the others and they were all waiting for him to go on.

“Striking Sky.” He spoke aloud her name of old and she stared at him once more.

“I had my name changed a few years ago.” She replied.

“I know. But that does not change the name that you discarded in favor of the one you have taken.” He said to her.

“You know more than I gave you credit for. But I have no reason to listen to you either.” She said back to him.

“Perhaps not. But you carried the gem for a long enough time to have come to understand something of it. Am I incorrect?” He asked her and she glared at him.

“I know that I want that monster dead. I figured that the only gem strong enough to fight it would be one of the Elements of Harmony. Winter Snow was after the Element of Spirit. I agreed to let her use the gem and see if it could draw you out.” She snapped at him.

“True. And you were told that I bore the Element that was needed.” He said to her, his tone matter of fact.

“How do you know it isn’t common knowledge?” She snapped back.

“If anypony was asked who bore them I doubt they could easily pick out either me or the others from a group of ponies. Don’t act the fool when you are not one.”

Her eyes widened at his sharp tone and then snorted. “A friend told me.”

“A clerk here in the palace, by the name of Second Sight.” He supplied.

She stared at him and a snort broke form her once more. “She gave me up as well?”

“Not in the slightest. She has no idea that you have been brought up on charges I assume?” He said and looked over his shoulder to the Royal sisters, who nodded. “She has not been made aware so far as I know.”

“That’s a bit surprising I admit.” The Pegasus replied. “She hates you, you know.”

“I gathered as much from our first meeting.” He commented.

“Yeah. She’s pretty set in her opinion that you’re evil.” She chuckled as she spoke.

“I have been hated by many and all have failed to end my life, so I am not as concerned as one might think.”

“She was so mad when you were allowed to attack her. That was quite the magic trick by the way.”

“There was no magic being used. What she was struck with is a skill that I have.”

“Skill? Using fire without magic or a torch? Right.”

Oblivion looked at her and stomped one hoof as a small bit of Igni flashed and she yelped at the sight. She looked up to check his horn and found that there was no aura surrounding the curved horn. She stared and then looked to the small curve of burned carpet left behind.

“Okay. So maybe it is a skill.” She admitted and looked to him. “She still hates you though.”

“That is her choice. I do not particularly care if she cares for me or not. Did she know of the plan you had to give the gem to Winter Snow for her to use?”

The mare shrugged and gave him a bored expression. “Sight and I went to school together. She’s the only good friend I have. She knew that I was asking around about the Elements of Harmony and she told me about you. So I told Winter about you and she was so happy about it that it was almost annoying. But I figured that having her focus on getting the Element was going to work out for both of us. After all, a gem strong enough to go against mine is worth possessing.”

“Her efforts proved for naught as thee can now see.” Luna spat to her.

“Yeah. I wasn’t sure if she would be good enough but I figured she had the magic to maybe grab the Element and just run for it.” Asmara replied.

“Clearly not,” Celestia spoke up.

Sasa snarled as she sat next to the Black Unicorn. A look from Oblivion silenced her as she nudged his hip once more. The stallion as quiet as he regarded the now silent mare.

“Her magic was enough to catch my attention and she was able to evade me once but not twice. I took both items that she had from her.”

“I was gonna ask about that other necklace she had. The one that she said could mind control ponies. I guess it was a lie as well.” Asmara interrupted him.

“No. It did as she said it would. It simply could not control me and I shattered it once I got a hoof on it.” He supplied.

The mare paused for a moment. “Well, I suppose it can’t control the Elements of Harmony then.”

“It tried and might have succeeded had I not been a Witcher.” He admitted.

“A monster hunter in Equestria. I have to admit that’s new. But I can’t help but wonder where these little doorways sent you.”

“Do you wish to know that badly?” He asked and she shrugged but looked expectantly at him. “It sent me back to my own land.”

“Ya went all the way back ta where yer from?” Applejack asked him.

“Yes. It took time to get back. I had to ask for help from a fellow Witcher and a couple of others.” He said to Applejack. “But I have returned because I am needed here and here is where I will remain.”

The others smiled at his words and he refocused on the Pegasus mare once more. She glared at him as a door off to the side opened and a mare walked in. Oblivion immediately knew her and he watched as she approached, her eyes looking at the forms in her magic. Her green coat and her magnifying glass marking told him who she was. She paused when she was close to ten feet from the dais where the Royals sat.

“Princess. I am sorry to disturb you, but I brought those…” Her eyes widened as she saw the black Unicorn looking over his shoulder to her. Her magic faltered and she dropped the documents she carried.

Oblivion stared back at her for a moment before he saw her eyes fall to the shackled Pegasus at his hooves. They widened further when Asmara shrugged at her in response to the stare she was receiving from her Unicorn friend. “Asmara?”

“Hey there Second Sight. How are you doing?” The other replied.

“I’m not sure now.” She responded.

“Second Sight, you are close to this young mare?” Celestia asked, her voice calm.

“Yes. She’s a close friend. We grew up together. What is going on, Princess?” She asked and stepped forward. “And what has he done to her?”

Luna looked annoyed as she opened her mouth to speak, only for Celestia to nudge her into silence. “She is being detained at this moment.”

“What did he do?” Second Sight persisted.

“He has done nothing wrong. We asked him to investigate the reports of strange monsters that were killing ponies in the outer villages. He put a stop to one of them and detained another mare that had been bringing the monsters here for an unknown purpose.” Celestia explained. “She was questioned and it turned out that she was using a gemstone to summon portals to another land to summon the monsters. Her goal was to take the Element of Spirit and use it to subjugate me and my sister.”

“Nothing can do that though.” Second Sight said to her.

“The Element of Spirit is the strength of the Elements of Harmony. It is possible that it could exactly as she hoped it could.” Celestia’s replied.

Oblivion said nothing and allowed the possibility of her words being true to hang in the air. The clerk’s eyes widened once more at the implication for the Sun Princess's words. He cast a glance to Asmara who was looking to him as they spoke.

“So it came to our attention that the gemstone was owned by Asmara herself. And after further investigation, Oblivion discovered that the gemstone was given up willingly to draw him out to allow the Element to be stolen from him. Six ponies have died from these monsters that were summoned and released. That was known to your friend and she is counted as an accessory to murder. That is why she is being detained at this time.” The Princess went on.

“What? But how do you know he didn’t cook all this up on his own?” She replied, pointing a hoof to the Witcher.

“That is preposterous,” Luna spoke up, her voice showing her disdain and clear anger at the implications. “Oblivion Shadow is a Witcher of renown and has no reason to fabricate any of what you have heard. We also spoke with the mare, Winter Snow, and she confirmed everything as well.”

“Second Sight, your anger towards him is beginning to border on obsession. We have spoken about this.” Celestia said to her.

“But.” She tried to argue. “Assie would never hurt anypony. I have known her all my life.”

“That may be but she has admitted to giving the gem to Winter Snow, knowing what she planned to do with it,” Celestia said to her.

“But he doesn’t like me so he could have gone after my best friend in revenge!” She argued.

“I forgot all about you until you were mentioned recently,” Oblivion spoke up at her outburst. “I care very little what you or any other may think of me, so I forgot you as soon as I left that room that night.”

Luna snickered behind a hoof and Blue Blood rolled his eyes at the Witcher’s words. Celestia smiled and nodded in agreement. “Oblivion is not a pony that concerns himself with petty revenge, Second Sight. He has not asked about you since that night nor has he spoken of any kind of dislike toward you. I am afraid that your claim has no standing.”

She stared at the Princess of the Sun, her mouth slightly agape as she listened to the Princess speak. She looked from the Royals to the black Unicorn that still stood with his back to her, showing that he did not consider her any type of threat to his own safety. At his hooves, Asmara had taken her eyes off of the stallion and was now looking to her friend. Oblivion paused as the clerks head lowered and her eyes were now shrouded behind her forelock. The black Unicorn turned his body till his side facing her as her horn lit and was shrouded in her aura.

A loud click caught his attention as he looked to Asmara to find the shackles opened and she jumped away from him as he reached out a hoof to her. A smile crossed her muzzle as she waited for him to take a step toward her before her bracelet flashed and a tremor went through the floor under his hooves. His claws gripped the carpet as the mare took flight and broke through the near stained glass window. Oblivion galloped after her and watched as she flew away from them. He was aware that his own magic could bring her back but he paused as a thought caught his attention.

Beside him, Luna snarled as the mare paused in the air and watched them. “No Luna.” He interrupted her as her horn lit up.

“Why?” She asked of him as her aura faded.

“I have a better way.” He replied and his magic pulled the gemstone from his saddlebag and it slid over his head and sat easily around his neck. He looked down at the city below and saw where it had all began. He gave a shrill whistle to the mare and pointed a hoof down to the city. His horn lit and he teleported to the ground below. He spun as he lifted the gem around his neck, allowing the sun to strike it and it glittered in the sunlight. Asmara dove toward him and he dropped to the ground as she tried to take it from him.

“That’s mine!” She yelled at him as she spun in the air and paused to wait for him to stand.

“I am aware. It was once yours, but it now belongs to me.” He said to her and dropped the stone to lay close to the Element around his neck.

He watched as her eyes widened, he could see her spirit roll within her, rage bubbling to the surface at his claim. She dropped to the ground and watched him closely. Oblivions magic reached out and gripped the gem, calling the Elemental to his command.

Author's Note:

Here it is. Sorry, it's short. I can't find the rest of it so this will have to do for now while I retrieve the rest of it from the depths of the desktop files. I will do the best we can to get it fixed and save the rest of it. My roomie is typing this so I'm sorry if it sounds odd. He won't let me use the PC. (Keeps arguing about the wrist sprain). So we will try to get the rest of it and prep it for reading! Thank you as always!

Edit: 11/14/2019

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