• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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23: Meetings and Revelations...

Oblivion woke up to the sound of the rooster crowing. He growled under his breath as he rolled out of his bed and onto his hooves. His muscles trembled under his fur as the Unicorn stretched. His magic pushed open the door as he looked over his shoulder at the sleeping spectral tiger.

“Sasa.” He said to her and the feline snapped awake and yawned.

“Good morning, Chosen.”

“Morning.” The Black Unicorn was quiet as he went out the door and down the stairs. It was Saturday morning and the stallion went out the door and stopped outside and looked back for a moment.

“I am going for a run Sasa.” He informed her.

She grumbled back to him. “Do you want me to come with you?”

“If you wish to you can. I’m all right on my own otherwise.”

“I’ll stay here. If you need anything let me know.” She replied.

He said nothing and turned to trot through the orchards and toward the Everfree. His mane pulled free of the binding and let his wings spread out from his back as he broke into a long lope and let his muscles fully warm-up before he began to push them. He weaved through the trees. Using them to stretch out his muscles and warm them up. The black wings stretched up from his back and he could hear the joints crackle as they moved. He brought them back down as he weaved through the trees. His gait stretched out and he broke into a hard gallop. He galloped headlong through the forest and headed for a favorite area that had many obstacles and fallen trees.

Sasa woke up what felt like minutes later, but she knew it had been a couple of hours. She sat up and yawned, running her tongue over her long incisors and stretched. The spectral tiger jumped off Oblivion’s bed and trotted downstairs. The others were there and Applejack looked up as the cat sat down in Oblivion’s normal spot. The orange mare looked confused, as she didn’t see her eldest brother with the cat. Sasa shrugged and that seemed to settle the mare for now.



“Are you coming back?”

“I am on my way.” He responded.

She could sense that he was coming back to the farm, but she didn’t have an accurate timing on him since it seemed he wasn’t going to teleport. He had taken to going running in the mornings recently. She didn’t ask him what had prompted his choice to start this new routine. Applejack laid a plate of pancakes on the floor for her, she purred her thanks and ate her share. She finished and began nosing the plate toward the ponies, so one of them could pick it up. It was covered in azure flame and she rumbled her thanks as Oblivion set the plate on the counter and walked in the door.

“Mornin’ Oblivion.” Applejack greeted him.

“Good morning, AJ.” He responded and sat down as Sasa laid under the table.

“Ya hungry?”

“No thank you. I’ll eat in Canterlot.”

“Oh yeah. Ah fergot it was Saturday.”

“It’s fine.”

Apple Bloom ate her food quickly and jumped down from her chair. “Oblivion!”

“Yes, little one?”

“Wanna play hide and seek?”

He looked at her, his head gave a slight tilt. “Hide and what?”

She stopped and looked at him. “It’s a game.”

“I figured that much. What kind of game is it?”

“Oh sorry. Ah fergot ya didn’t play any. I run and hide then you come and find me. If you find me then we start over and you hide. No magic though.” She explained to him.


She looked at him and waited for him to respond. “Sasa can play too!” She said and hugged the cats face. “How long before ya need ta leave?”

Oblivion looked to the clock on the counter. “Around an hour and a half.”

She smiled. “Plenty of time ta play with me. So will ya play? Ya can even hide first. Then ah will try ta find ya and Sasa.”

He looked to her and then to the siblings. Mac smiled and nodded at him. “Ah don’t have any work fer ya ta help with. Its yer day off anyway.”

Oblivion looked to Apple Bloom and was going to decline when Sasa nudged him. “It will be fun, Chosen.” She said to him.

He sighed and nodded. “Very well. Are there any other rules?”

“No. Ya count ta 30 then ya yell out to everypony, ready or not here I come. That lets ‘em know that yer coming.”

He nodded his understanding and Apple Bloom ran out the door with Sasa and Oblivion behind her. She ran to the barn door and turned to face them.

“Okay ya go ahead and hide.”

“Are there limits on distance?” He asked her.

Apple Bloom looked thoughtful, a hoof to her mouth. “Umm...Just not too far away.”

He nodded and turned away from her. He heard her start counting and took off at a trot. He found a patch of bushes but passed by them. ‘No magic, huh.’ He found one of the trees and looked up into the thick branches. “Hopefully I can hide well enough up there.” He teleported himself into the tree and was able to hide his tall frame among the branches and waited, his ears strained to listen for Apple Bloom to yell. He heard her and he stilled, in the branches. He had pulled his tail up to prevent it from giving away his location. This reminded him of hiding and waiting for a monster to come back to its lair.

Apple Bloom looked away from the barn door and took off running to try to find her brother and Sasa. After several minutes she ran around the side of the pigpen and giggled when she saw the tip of Sasa's tail. She went over and grabbed hold of it, the cat yowled and jumped away from her. She spun as Apple Bloom giggled and looked at the ruffled cat.

“Okay ya wait by the barn while I look for Oblivion.” She said and walked away from the cat to look for him.

She looked through the orchard and couldn’t find him. She went back to the barn and stood by Sasa. “Ah can’t find ‘im.” She said to Sasa who purred at her. “Okay come out, Oblivion. Ya win.”

The stallion appeared in front of her and looked to her. She smiled up at him. “Finished already?” He quipped.

Apple Bloom giggled and nodded. “Yer pretty good at this. It’s Sasa’s turn to be it. So we go hide. Count ta 30 Sasa.”

Oblivion teleported back to his original spot and waited.

“No cheating, Chosen.” Sasa said to him.

“I simply went back to my original spot. No tracking then.” He said back to her.

Sasa snorted back to him. He held onto the tree branch with his claws and stayed still. He looked down and Apple Bloom ran underneath him and watched her jump into a large bunch of bushes. The filly vanished inside them and was still. He watched her for a moment before he heard a loud roar. Sasa was warning them and starting to search for them. She loped past him and the filly and stopped as she looked around. He closed his eyes and listened. His eyes gave off a glow in low light, so he closed them to avoid being spotted. Sasa gave a low growl. He stayed still as he heard a quiet giggle go out. ‘Oh Apple Bloom. That was an error.’ He thought to himself as he heard a squeal and Sasa found the filly. He cracked open one eye as Apple Bloom got out of the shrub and hugged the cat.

“Did ya find him?” She asked Sasa.

The cat shook her head. Apple Bloom huffed and looked around them. “Okay how about we work together and find ’im?”

Sasa nodded and started off to hunt for him. Apple Bloom went the other direction.

“Fer never having played this afore he’s really good at it.” She mumbled to herself.

He watched as the filly and the cat ran in separate directions away from his hiding place. Oblivion kept his eyes closed and used his ears to find the locations of the seekers. Minutes ticked by as they kept searching. The black pony opened his eyes as Big Mac came toward him. Mac looked at the trees and Oblivion sat in silence. Mac looked up at the tree he was in and his eyes widened at the orange eyes staring back at him.

“Whoa, Nelly!” He yelled and backpedaled. He recovered and came back to the base of the tree. “Good hidin’ spot.” He said and looked away as Apple Bloom came into view.

“Big Mac, have ya seen Oblivion?” She asked him.

“Nope,” Mac told her.

The filly groaned and stomped a hoof. “Sasa and I can’t find ‘im.”

Mac chuckled. “So he’s outdone ya?”

“He’s impossible to find!” The filly wailed.

Oblivion sat in the tree and fought back a grin. ‘Being a Witcher is once again working in my favor.’ He thought to himself as the filly pouted.

“Ya give up then?” Mac asked her.

“Yeah.” She looked around her and inhaled. “You can come out! You win again!” She yelled and started for the barn. She passed by the trees and out of sight.

Oblivion teleported to the ground and looked to Mac, who grinned. “Ya gonna keep that spot, ah assume?”

“It works for the purpose. I’m a bit surprised I can balance those tree limbs. I was not sure they would hold my weight.” The stallion admitted.

Mac chuckled. “Yer not a heavy pony so it would hold ya.”

Oblivion snorted and teleported to the barn. Apple Bloom and Sasa were waiting for him. “Okay. Where do ya keep hidin’?”

“If I told you it would no longer work for hiding, would it?” He reasoned.

Sasa chuckled and nodded in agreement. “Okay let’s switch ta playing with the ball.”

Oblivion shook his head. “I’m going to have to decline.”

Sasa batted the ball away from the filly to entice her to play. They ran off and Oblivion walked to his usual tree and laid under it. He watched them play as time ticked by him. He lifted his head as a letter appeared in front of him. He unrolled the scroll and read through it.


I am hoping this note finds you well and I am hoping you can help me in Canterlot. I’m afraid I need you to teleport here as soon as possible. I find myself in a bit of trouble. I had hoped to have my work done by noon as usual, but I could use some help.

Blue Blood

Oblivion chuckled and sent the letter to his saddlebag.



“I am going to Canterlot early. Take care of things here.”

“Enjoy your visit.”

His horn lit and he teleported to Canterlot early. He found himself in the menagerie as usual and he glanced around him.

“Oblivion! Thank Equestria!” Blue ran over to him and greeted the black Unicorn.

“Morning Blue.” He greeted the Prince and waited as he drew up by him.

“I am sorry for the abrupt request. But I could use your help.”

“I understand and it’s fine. What do you need?”

“I need you to help me get through my list of meetings. I told Aunt Celestia that every Saturday I need the afternoons, but she heaped all this onto me with no consideration!” He shouted in frustration.

“Easy, Blue.” Oblivion put a hoof on his shoulder to calm him. “Then we had best get started. What do you need me to do?”

“If you could help me keep them in line and on schedule?” Blue said to him as he led them into the castle. “I know they will calm down if your there to help keep order. No pony dares to argue with an Element bearer.” He stopped and looked to the black pony. “Oh. That sounds like I am using you for my own ends...” He hung his head as Oblivion gave a light snort.

“I understand the meaning behind it. If I felt I was being used, I would have mentioned it.” Oblivion informed him and nudged the other stallion to keep him moving.

Blue recovered and walked to keep up with the Black Unicorn. Blue Blood stopped and pulled two clipboards out of his magic and handed one of them to Oblivion. A quill appeared as well and they both looked at the paper. Oblivion cringed at the long list of appointments.

“Gods below. How much work did she give you?” He asked.

“Enough to have me in a panic,” Blue replied.

Oblivion sighed and looked to the list in his magic. “Very well. Let’s start shall we?”

“Might as well. All right, so first up is a meeting with the Department of Agriculture.”

Oblivion grimaced and looked to the Prince, who wore a similar expression. “Why in the Hells did she give this to you?”

“He is one of the council members I yelled at...”

“So she’s punishing you?”

“I don’t think so. Least I hope not. I apologized for that.” He admitted.

Oblivion walked in silence as they reached the first appointment. The doors opened and the council pony turned and blanched at the sight of the Black Unicorn. Oblivion said nothing as he waited for the doors to close behind them.

The day wore on and, due to Oblivion keeping the talks on task, they were able to get the list of meetings down considerably by the time they reached the end of the day. Blue sighed and leaned on the other pony as they stopped between meetings for a drink.

“I’m done.” He complained.

Oblivion chuckled as the pony pulled himself back to his own hooves. “It has certainly been a long day. What's left?”

“A meeting with the Head of the Department of...” He paused.



Oblivion said nothing as a bark of laughter escaped him. Blue looked to the ground and shook his head. “Okay, maybe I am being punished.” He said aloud.

The black stallion started forward as Blue sighed and walked with him. Blue opened the chamber doors and walked in, Oblivion on his heels. The pony within the room looked to the Prince and gave a grim nod. He blanched at the sight of the Black Unicorn and looked away from him. It was the same dark green pony that had spoken out to Celestia before when the last meeting he had been in was called. He had never asked for his name. The doors closed and Blue and Oblivion both sat down across from the other stallion.

“Thank you for coming. I’m sure you remember my companion.” He pointed a hoof to Oblivion besides him.

The green pony nodded and looked at them. “I was unaware that this meeting would be attended to by an Element Bearer as well.”

Blue Blood nodded. “I know it is a bit unorthodox, but normally I have this day off and we meet up once a week for a meal. My Aunt asked me to tend to these meetings for her and I asked Oblivion for his aid in keeping things on schedule.”

“Understood. Well, I have asked for this audience to discuss the school budget and upcoming curriculum.” He said to them.

Oblivion fought back a grimace and waited. ‘Gods this will be tedious.’ He thought to himself as he strained his ears to listen.

Several hours ticked by and a basic budget was started and a curriculum that benefited all foals was settled upon. Oblivion waited till the green pony left the room, then a harsh sigh escaped him. Beside him, Blue put his head in his hooves and scrubbed them over his features.

“By Equestria. That was worse than normal.” Blue voiced, his voice tired.

“I was going to ask if they are always like that or if it is just our luck?”

“I would have to say our luck.” Blue admitted. “I don’t know about you, but I could use a stiff drink.”

Oblivion gave a short chuckle and nodded. Blue got up from his place and led the other pony out of the room and down the hall. They dropped off their notes with the court scribe and left the castle and went into the city. Blue led the way and they walked into a building that was plain on the outside and mimicked that on the inside a simple bar stretched the length of the thin building. Blue guided the other Unicorn to a place and they sat down as the bartender came up to them, a smile on his muzzle.

“Out late this evening, Prince Blue Blood.” The pony said as he stopped by them. He had a cocktail glass on his flank and his coat was a deep gray, almost black, with a rouge mane and tail.

“I know, Shots. Had a very long day. This is my friend, Oblivion Shadow.” He said in reply and motioned to the stallion next to him.

Oblivion gave a polite nod as the other smiled. “Nice to meet you Oblivion.” He looked back to Blue, his smile continuing.
“Want your usual?’

“Yes, thank you.” He glanced at Oblivion. “Just pick something that you like. My treat, the least I can do for your help with all those meetings.”

Oblivion looked at the bottles behind the counter and scanned them. “What's the strongest you have?”

The bartender looked at him his gaze curious. “How strong are we talking? You want to light your throat on fire or just a light run?”

Oblivion smirked and looked to the questioning pony. “I have tried some of the booze here and it was a weak disappointment. So as I said, the strongest.”

The pony gave a cocky grin and looked to Blue, who shrugged. He stepped back and pulled a bottle out from behind several of them. It had no label and the pony set it on the counter. “This is one that I made. I call it Dragon Fire.” He opened it and Oblivion’s keen sense of smell immediately caught the scent of it. The scent had a hint of honey and barley. It had a slight burn to it but nothing terrible. “Care to try it?”

Oblivion leaned back and nodded. He filled a shot glass with it and slid it toward the Witcher. Oblivion’s magic gripped it and he gave it a stronger sniff. He gave a short snort and then downed it in one gulp. He gave a slight shake of his head as he set the glass down. His throat burned and he snorted. “Not bad.” He said to him.

Both ponies stared at him, flabbergasted. “I have tried a sip of that and it hurt to breathe,” Blue commented.

Shots were silent as he stared. He shook his head as he went to making Blue’s drink, realizing that one of his best customers was still waiting. He set the drink in front of the Prince and went back to the Black Unicorn. “What are you used to drinking?”

Oblivions horn lit and a familiar bottle appeared in front of him. He set it on the counter. “This is Mahakaman Spirit, a personal favorite.” He pushed it up to the bartender with one hoof and waited.

The pony picked up the bottle, uncorked it and gave it a sniff. He gasped and put a hoof over his nose. “By the Goddess!”
He set it down and backed up as he groaned. “You drink that…?” He watched as Oblivion picked it up and took a long drink from the bottle. He set it down and licked his lips to show it didn’t hurt him. “You have a stomach made of steel.”

Oblivion barked a laugh and shook his head. “Not really. I have been drinking this for a very long time. At first, I reacted much the same way but not any longer.”

Blue reached for the bottle and Oblivion allowed it he gave a very hesitant sniff and recoiled. “Oh no.” He cringed and set it down. “You, my friend, are out of your mind.”

“I’ve been told worse.”

They went back to their drinks, as Oblivion sent the spirit back to his saddlebags and waited as a larger glass of the Dragon Fire was given to him. Shots went back to his cleaning and the two Unicorns fell into easy conversation.

“So why did she land all that extra work on you?” Oblivion pressed.

“I think it’s because she is going to Ponyville tomorrow. It’s a casual visit though…” Blue responded as he sipped his drink.

“Hmm. Casual visit. I’d bet my life that the ponies in town will make more of it than it is.”

“How do you figure?”

“No doubt Twilight will overreact and lead herself into a panic.”

“She always was a serious pony.”

“You know her well then?”

“No. I went to Celestia’s School for Gifted Unicorns with her for a time. She was reclusive and more interested in books than other ponies.” Blue advised.

“Sounds about normal for when I first met her. Polite enough, but distant.”

“Given how good you are at reading ponies you had that pegged in the first minute of meeting her.”

“It was not difficult.” He took a sip of his drink and went quiet.

“How are the other Elements doing?”

“Seem to be well. If you’re asking about Rarity she seems the same as usual. Wrapped in her work and such.” Oblivion replied he opened his mouth to say more as he stopped and looked away from them. A strange feeling rushed over him.
His ears flicked as he listened.

“What is it?” Blue asked.

“I’m not certain. Just an odd feeling. One moment.” Oblivion closed his eyes and focused. His senses reached out and his element with them. He opened his eyes when his scanning found nothing. “Hmm.”


“No. Whatever it was is gone.”

“Hopefully it was nothing severe,” Blue said to him, his magic still holding his drink.

Oblivion turned back to the bar and lifted his drink as well. He gulped it down and set the empty glass down. Blue shook his head as he did the same. Shots came over and filled their glasses as he went to greet other customers that had walked in. The ponies passed by him and Oblivion was quiet. A smirk suddenly crossed his muzzle and he looked to the white pony.

“Though we did all have a bit of a joke played on us yesterday.”

Blue leaned a bit toward him. “Oh? I’m surprised any pony can prank you.”

He sipped his drink and set it back down. “It wasn’t a pony that did it.”


“It was a plant. It was called Poison Joke.”

“I think I've heard of it.”

“Well, I don’t recommend wandering through the leaves.”

“Do tell.”

Oblivion related the tale and soon Blue was laughing not just at Oblivion himself but at Rarity and the other mares, as well.

“Spike nicknamed you all?” He gasped out as Oblivion finished the descriptions.


“What did he call you?”

“I was Oblivion Switch, I believe.”

“Dare I ask about the others?”

Oblivion looked at him. Blue was slowly ending up drunk but Oblivion was not worried. “Let’s see. Spitty Pie, Hairity, Rainbow Crash, Flutterguy, and he couldn’t up with anything for Twilight.”

Blue chuckled and shook his head. “So what was it like being Sasa?”

“It was an experience. Not as tall and being a female was more than I wished to contemplate at the time.”

“Oh wow. Keep going.”

Oblivion continued the tale and waved off Shots when he came around. He nodded as Blue hadn’t seen him coming. He was going to have to carry him if he kept going. Shots brought over two glasses of water and carefully took the empty glasses away. Blue looked to the glass and took a drink of it.

He blanched and gave the glass a dirty look. “That is gross. What kind of drink did he give me now?”

Oblivion smirked as he answered. “It’s called water.”

“Oh. Well, it’s nasty.”

Shots was still close enough to hear the inebriated Prince and he bit back a laugh. Oblivion pushed it back to him with a hoof.

“Give it a chance. Just drink it slowly.” He advised.


“Since if you guzzle it you might end up sick and I would prefer you didn’t throw up on my hooves,” Oblivion stated.

“Fine.” Blue agreed and sipped at it.

Oblivion shook his head and gave a light chuckle, before he continued the tale, at Blues insistence. When he finished the story, he looked to Shots and called for the tab. “You can repay me in the morning,” Oblivion said to the Prince, who was holding onto the counter. He pulled the bits from his saddlebag and gave them to Shots as he guided Blue out the door and into the street. The prince leaned on his shoulder as Oblivion walked him slowly down the street. The clock chimed and Oblivion listened to tell what time it was. It was past 2 in the morning and the black pony grimaced as Blue stumbled against him. He reached out and ensured he did not fall as he stopped, allowing him to regain his balance. The Prince suddenly brought his head up and a grin went over his muzzle.

“How far are we from the castle?” He asked.

“Not far. A few minutes perhaps.”

“Race ya there.” The white pony took off at a run.

Oblivion sighed and shook his head. He lunged forward and caught up to the other stallion and kept pace with him. They neared the front gates and Blue Blood galloped through them and into the flower gardens. Oblivion stayed at his heels to keep him out of trouble. Blue suddenly halted and Oblivion ran into his flanks, sending them both sprawling. Blue stood up and stared at the ground. Oblivion stood up and came to stand beside him.

“Are you finished with your run?”

“Yes. But...I think I'm gonna be sick.”

“Oh, Hells no.” Oblivion pushed the pony till his head was in a group of flowers and he held back his mane as he threw up in Celestia's flower garden.

Blue heaved and Oblivion held him up. When he finished Oblivion pulled him back to prevent him from falling into the flower bed.

“Oh, by my Aunt’s this is horrible.” Blue groaned as he laid on the ground.

“That’s what happens when you drink too much,” Oblivion stated as he put a hoof on his back.

“How come you’re okay? You drunk...drank more than me.” The Prince whimpered at him.

“I have a faster metabolism and my system can filter out poison if needed. It would take a few bottles of the drink I showed you to get me drunk.”

“That’s...not fair,” Blue said to him.

“Perhaps not,” Oblivion replied and patted him on the back.

Blue got to his hooves and swayed. Oblivion held him up and let him lean on him as they went inside. They reached the Royal wing and Oblivion tapped his horn against the door to open it. The double doors swung open and the two ponies walked through them and Oblivion stopped him outside Blues room and looked to him.

“You need to open the door, Blue.” He said to him.

“Ugh, not so loud.” He griped and tapped his horn, gingerly against the door.

The doors opened and Oblivion walked him inside and up to his bed. The Prince pulled off his collar and climbed in with a groan and hid under the blanket. A muffled thank you came from under the blankets.

“You’re welcome,” Oblivion said aloud as he left the room.

The black stallion nudged the doors closed and went to his own room next door. His horn opened the door and he closed them behind him. He checked the room and when he was sure he was alone, he removed the binding in his mane and let his wings stretch out from his back. He went into the bathroom and looked over them in the clear light. He pulled out several feathers that were out of place and preened the feathers as much as was needed. With the knowledge from Rainbow, he had gained the information on how to tend to them properly as well as how to fly. He also checked the healing wounds to his side and then went back to preening. Once he had finished tending to them he went back to the room and pulled back the blankets on his bed. He slid under them and pulled his legs under him. He settled into the pillow under his head and then glanced back to the window. He used his magic to close the curtains to allow himself to sleep in even if only for a few minutes.

His eyes snapped open and he rolled to lay on his legs. His wings flicked under his blanket and he pulled his hair tie around his fetlock and got out of bed, now that his wings were hidden once more. The black Alicorn opened the doors to the balcony and looked out. A stiff wind moved his mane into his eyes but he didn’t move to fix it. His connection to Equestria’s Spirit caught his focus. He reached out to it and gasped when the enormity of the Spirit he was connected to rolled over him. It covered his mind and he felt his own Spirit shifting within him. He closed his eyes and shook his head to rid himself of the feeling of it.

The stallion returned his focus to the disturbance he could feel. It moved and shifted at the edges of his reach. He reached further out, forcing his magic to reach out as well. He knew that Sasa had warned him against over-doing it and trying to control more than he was ready for. Whatever the disturbance was he had to find it and see if it was a threat to the ponies around him. He touched it for a brief moment and then felt it push back against him. Oblivion used his magic to push back and called on more of the World Spirit to get him the answers he wanted. A shiver went through his body and he felt something give way. His body crumpled to the stone ground, panting. He kept pushing back and he cried out as he felt something break within him. His mind collapsed and his body fell completely to the ground, still.

He felt a breeze go past his face and he opened one eye and viewed a blue sky. He looked to the side and saw rolling hills of green grass. Oblivion sat up and rolled off the rock to stand on his hooves. He wobbled and went to his knees. He growled as he looked down at the grass and his hooves...hands. “What in the Hells?” He pushed himself up and he stood once more on his feet. The Witcher looked down to find that he once more wore his armor. The black and gray were in the same places that he recalled. Chain mail in places with black accents. He shook his head and looked around. Only grass and sky as far as he could see.

“There is nowhere in any world where a landscape like this exists, outside of a painting.” He walked forward, the grass was soft and gave under his boots. He stopped and raised a hand in front of him.

“Did I die this time? That’s impossible. According to Sasa, I’m immortal. Not that I'm thrilled about that notion, but I can’t be dead.” He moved his fingers and let it fall back to his side. His ears caught the sound of hooves and he spun to face the sound.

A pure white mare charged him. He stared for a moment then squared himself with her, refusing to run. The mare plunged to a stop and halted barely a foot from him.

“That is why you are here now.” Her voice rang through him. She spoke aloud, but he could feel her words as well. Her voice was calm and serene, ageless. Her blue eyes were deep as the sea, endlessly bright and full of life.

Oblivion relaxed and looked to the mare. “What do you mean?” She reached out her nose and he laid his hand on her cheek. Her fur was soft and warm under his hand. “Better question, who are you?”

She laughed quietly. “You know who I am.”

Oblivion looked to her and her eyes sparkled with mirth. “Equestria?”

“Yes. I am the Heart of this World. I am its Heart, as you are its Spirit.”

Oblivion ran his hand over her fur. “You say I am the Spirit of this world. Were you the Spirit before me?”

She looked away from him for several seconds. “No. There was another before you.”

“What happened to him?”

“He is still among us.”

“Then why do you need me?”

“Because I had to seal him.”

Oblivion looked to the mare. He put his other hand on her other cheek and lifted her head to his own. “Why?”

The mare chuckled. “I had hoped you would not ask.” She sighed and tried to pull away, but his grip was iron. “He became corrupted over time. He became cruel and angry. His view of this world became perverted and he started tormenting the Spirits of the ponies versus aiding them.”

“Why would he attack the ponies?”

“He started to view them as less than himself. They became nothing to him, nothing but insects to quash under his heel.”
Oblivion started and grimaced. The mare continued. “He began to allow the Spirits of ponies to degrade and suffer, leaving them to fall, then denying their Spirits any comfort at the end. Part of the purpose of a Spirit Guardian is to comfort and protect the spirits of the ponies of this world. He perverted that purpose and became a being of darkness and cruelty.”

“Why do you not be rid of him then?”

She looked to the ground and then pushed her forehead into his chest. He stroked her neck with one hand and the other remained on her cheek.

“This is the most I could do. Now his judgment falls to you.”

Oblivion looked down at the mare. “Me?”

“Yes. Only you can remove him. He has been entrapped for over one hundred years. I can watch over the Spirits of the ponies and creatures, but only he had the ability to either remove corruption or fight for them to purify them.”

“So ponies and whatnot have been suffering from this ‘corruption’ for a hundred years?”

“Yes. Only the Spirit of this world can truly purify them. I have been a poor substitute.”

“So I have to destroy him?”

She nodded into him and sighed. “To truly hold this worlds spirit yes. While you have free rein with it he still holds a part of it. You must end him for it to be whole. Your power will be incomplete until then.”

Oblivion stroked her neck and thought over what he had been told. “How long did he rule?”

“Over fifteen hundred years. He was part of it just after the beginning of the land itself. I found and appointed him when this world was young. The creatures of this world were young and needed the guidance of a Guardian. He filled that role perfectly and led their spirits to achieve great things. He was here even before the Alicorn Princesses. But as time went on he began to corrupt as well. Until there was nothing left of the kind, warm, being that he once was.”

Oblivion held her head as she pressed against him. “So he began to see the spirits of this world as his toys to throw away and tear apart?” She nodded. “Sasa has told me that I can remove the corruption from a pony by using force. But sometimes that can do more damage than good. Did he use that on ponies?”

The mare nodded. “Yes, he did. In time he began using that power and others to experiment on ponies. Using his power to throw them further into corruption and despair.” Oblivion started and his hand stopped petting her fur. “He wanted to see how much a spirit could suffer before they died or had to be put down. You and he can choose if a spirit is too far gone to be allowed to exist. If it comes to that you can put that spirit into Limbo or ascend them to be purified in time. Normally a spirit does this on its own. But depending on the corruption you may have to act. Your connection to this world is just beginning so you can only sense the corruption of those within a certain distance. In the time that will grow.”

The Witcher went back to petting her and stood silent for a time. “Using a ponies spirit for fodder is...unacceptable. I may not be from here and am not originally a pony, but I cannot allow this. No one, pony or otherwise, has the right to damn another just because they can.”

The mare pulled back and smiled. “And that is why you are the right one to take over. As Sasa has probably explained you chose this purpose. I brought you to this world but you now craft your own future. I am glad to be able to meet you in person.”

“That brings up my next question. How am I here? And I'm not a pony.”

“I thought you might like to see yourself like this again. To remember what you once were. You are here because you are unconscious.”

He groaned. “I overdid it.”

“Yes. You placed a huge strain on your body and it failed you. Despite that, you kept going and still pushed forward. At the moment your body is collapsed and unconscious. It will take time for it to recover from the shock. Your spirit is here with me due to it also being shaken.”


“Your body is meant to house a Spirit as powerful as yours, but even it is only ready for so much. You reached too far and then forced your magic to supplement the power of the World Spirit to reach even further.”

“There was something there. I could sense it, but I couldn't reach it.” He explained to her. “How do I become more able to wield it? Or does that come with time”

“Time.” She replied.

He growled under his breath and moved to lean heavily against her side. She looked back to him and a smile crossed her muzzle. “You expect great things of yourself and push yourself even further to accomplish them. But at the same time, you hold yourself back until you feel that you are not accomplishing something. You are a force to be reckoned with and nothing stops you once you have made a choice.”

He looked to her and gave a slight nod. “True enough. So how badly have I hurt myself this time?”

She looked at him and gave a slight cringe. “If you did not have the amount of raw magic going through you at all times then the strain would have killed you.”

He grimaced and leaned against her. “I come here and I become careless.” He chastised himself as he scrubbed his face with his hands.

She laughed and nudged him with her nose. “Not really. You are a cautious pony...person.” She giggled at her own slip of the tongue. “You monitor all that goes on around you and then act upon what you find. It is not surprising that you pushed yourself in your search for more information. That is what you have always done. This time it was simply out of your reach, but not by much. Given time that distance will be nothing to you. How far away did it feel?”

“It honestly did not feel as though it was farther than Canterlot. Maybe a bit beyond it but not far.”

She nudged him. “It was halfway across Equestria.”

He spun to look at her, his eyes wide, he composed himself after a moment. “That can’t be.”

“I assure you I am certain.” She informed him.

He stood straight and regarded the white mare. “Gods below.” He leaned his back against her and went quiet.

“You are already able to command more of the World Spirit than I thought you would be able to. You have the focus and the mental strength to handle it. Due to your history as a Witcher, you have the ability to limit your reactions and that prevents your power from running over you. Even if it did spiral out of control, you are able to reel it back in quickly. That shows that you are more than capable to wield it, effectively.”

Oblivion was silent as he pondered her words. “But I am not ready to confront him, am I?”

“No.” She admitted. “You are all that would stop him from harming the ponies that you protect. In time, you will be ready for him.”

“What would make me ready?” He asked. “How do you determine it?”

“When the time comes you will simply know. I am sorry that I do not have an exact time or reasoning.”

Oblivion was silent. “So it’s a waiting game?”


He sighed once more and rested his back heavily against her side. “How long will it take me to recover?”

“You did a vast amount of damage to your psyche. So it will take some time.” He looked to her, his expression sharp and pointed. “Twelve to twenty-four hours. Possibly thirty-six hours.”

“Bloody Hells.”

Blue Blood groaned and rolled over under his blankets. His head pounded and he grimaced. “By the Goddess, what made me think that drinking that much was a good idea?” He whispered to himself.

The Equestrian Prince wriggled and slid out of his bed and made for the bathroom. His magic gently gripped his comb and he began to tame his wrecked mane and tail. He walked out and looked to the nightstand where his collar sat. He started to pull it on but thought better of it. The stallion opened his doors, avoiding looking at the bright morning sun due to the throbbing in his skull. He knocked on Oblivion’s door and waited for the stallion to answer. A minute passed and nothing happened. Blue tried the door once more and there was still no response. He pushed the door open and looked in. He didn’t see the other Unicorn and that concerned him. He started into the room and paused as his eyes found his friend. Oblivion was collapsed on his balcony. His silver mane ruffled in the light breeze as Blue gulped at the sight.

“Oblivion.” He said aloud, his headache was forgotten.

The black Unicorn didn’t respond. He remained still and no sound came from him. He walked slowly over to him and stopped at his side. Oblivion’s breathing was slow and even. The black pony was collapsed to his side and remained motionless. Blue nudged him with a hoof but received no response. He backed up and ran for the doors. He dashed out them and found a guard. “Call on the court physician. Have him come to the room of Oblivion Shadow. Also, awaken Princess Luna. She will want to know if this.”

The guard saluted and took off running down the halls and vanished from sight. Blue ran back to stay at the black pony’s side till help arrived.

“Oblivion.” He tried his name again but got no response. He paused as a flash of deep blue appeared and Princess Luna stepped out of her teleport.

He looked from her nephew to the unconscious stallion at his hooves. Her eyes widened and she blinked before looking back to Blue Blood. “What happened?”

“I don’t know. I found him like this and then called for help.”

“What is wrong Luna? I heard a guard saying to send our physician to Oblivion’s room and...What is going on?” Celestia walked in and her eyes fell on the stallion as well.

“We do not know. Blue Blood found him like this.” Luna replied.

Celestia walked over to him and looked to the stallion. They all looked to the door as the physician and two of his assistants walked into the room.

The pony was a pale blue with a heartbeat symbol on his flank. “Princesses and Prince. Why have I been summoned...Never mind.” He said as he approached them and his gaze landed on the black pony. “Excuse me.”

He walked between them as they all backed up to give him room to look over the black stallion. He put a hoof in front of Oblivion’s nose and the other against his throat to check on his pulse and breathing. “His breathing is shallow but steady.
Bring me an oxygen tank. Perhaps if we support his breathing it might bring him around a bit.”

They placed a mask over Oblivion’s snout and turned the valve on the tank they brought with him. While they allowed that time to work, the pony pulled open one of the stallion’s eyes and checked it. “His eyes are like a cat, but they react normally to light.” He closed the eye and sat down next to Oblivion's shoulder. He looked back to the ponies assembled. “We should move him to the infirmary. He is heavily unconscious and there does not appear to be any wounds or injuries that could leave him in this state.”

He stepped back as the two Unicorns with him holding out a stretcher and gently moved the pony onto it. The doctor stayed back as they left and looked to the Royals.

“Any ideas what could have done this?” Luna asked.

“I have no idea at this time. He is not injured and does not appear to have been drugged either. Any ideas?”

Luna shook her head. “I was not aware he was in town. He lives in Ponyville.”

“We meet up every Saturday,” Blue informed them, as the doctor nodded and left to follow the stretcher.

Celestia looked away for a moment. “I am sorry nephew. I did not mean to interrupt your weekly meeting. I have to leave, but please keep me updated on his condition. I will inform Twilight and the others when I visit them today.”

“Thank you, Tia,” Luna said to her as she left.

Blue started forward and groaned as his headache pounded again.


“I’m okay Aunt Luna. Just...hungover.” He admitted with a sheepish glance back at her.

Luna blinked at him, then chuckled. “Went drinking with a Witcher, did thee?”

“Yes. But now I wonder if it didn’t hurt him?” Blue said to her.

Luna walked up to him and wrapped a foreleg over his shoulder and pulled him to her. “We are certain it was not thou that did this. Thou care about him and would not hurt him. A simple drink after work will not do him harm.” She advised him and held him close to her. “When he awakens we will speak to him.”

Blue nodded and nuzzled his aunt and walked with her toward the infirmary.

Oblivion was silent as he considered what the mare had said. “Can I see him? Or will I awaken him?”

She looked at him and nodded. “I can take you to him.”

Oblivion gripped her mane in one hand and vaulted onto her back. He balanced easily on her back, as his hands held her mane. She looked back at him and he looked down to her. He tilted his head and held her mane as he smirked at her. She whinnied and reared under him. He leaned forward and gripped her sides with his legs as she took off at a hard gallop. His fingers gripped tightly as they tangled in her long mane. Her strides ate up the ground and carried him over the grass plains at a speed he saw sure was not natural but he didn’t care. Rows of hedges appeared as the mare angled herself to jump them. His mare had never been a great jumper so he had not pushed her. Equestria soared over the hedges and he felt a slight grin tug at the side of his mouth. He held onto her as they neared a dark shadow on the horizon. He leaned over her neck to speak to her.

“What in the Hells is that?”

“It’s his prison. I had to contain the corruption that he had caused, as well as him. What you see is the result.” She called back to him.

Oblivion stayed in place as he looked ahead of them. The mare slowed and fell into a ground-eating trot as Oblivion sat up on her back. He looked at the darkness as she stopped and he slid off her back. He walked carefully over the scorched ground and stopped when his enhanced vision landed on an enormous clear crystal. A pony sat inside of it, his body contorted at an unnatural angle. The blood-red pony was silent as Oblivion approached the crystal. There was no movement as the stallion stared at the pony.

Oblivion was quiet as he looked over his shoulder to Equestria and found her to be watching. He reached out and set his hand on the crystal. Black flame lanced out and he pulled back with a shout. The flames cut into his palm and he yanked back, his blood splashing the ground. There was still no movement from the crystal and he backed up a couple of steps, holding his hand.

“Gods dammit.” He said as he pulled off his glove, letting it drop to the ground, and checked the deep gash. The wound burned and hissed as he gazed at it. The edges were blackened and there appeared to be poison leeching into the flesh around it. He backed up a couple of more steps and looked up to the imprisoned pony.

“Are you all right?” The mare asked as she put her head over his shoulder. “Oh no.”

“I’ll be fine.” He said to her.

“I’ll purify that.” She said to him. “That is pure corruption. While it cannot affect your mind or Spirit it can cause great pain.”

“It aches at the moment.” He replied as he held up his hand for her to see.

She reached out her snout and breathed on the injury. He grimaced at the spike of pain from his hand but remained still. A black mass began to ooze from the wound and he started at the sight. It wriggled and tentacles split off from it and writhed in the open air. It oozed down his hand and wrist and then dropped to the ground.

“What in the…?”

“That is the corruptions true form. A grotesque creature that feeds on the purity in a beings spirit.”

“So since I rule a World Spirit, I'm a huge draw for it?”

“You would be yes, under normal circumstances. But it can’t handle the intensity of your Spirit. You are like the sun and it is trying to touch you.”

The small black mass writhed as it laid on the ground. Oblivion stared as it suddenly sped over the ground and back to the crystal. The mass merged back into the crystal surface and the Witcher turned his head to look at her.

“Can it think even away from the main body? Or is it simply instinct?” He asked.

“It’s a homing instinct. It seeks out the main body and then returns to it. As much as it would love to devour you, it does not have that ability.” She explained.

Oblivion was silent as he looked over the crystal from his current position. His eyes scanned it and the pony within it remained still. He stared at the pony within and a feeling of unease struck him. He shuddered suddenly and rolled his shoulders to rid himself of the strange sensation that jolted through him. The mare suddenly pulled him to her and held him in place. The Witcher glanced over to her and waited for an explanation. Warmth seeped into his back and he looked away from her.

“How long have I been here?” He suddenly asked her as he raised his hands to rest on her snout and forehead.

“Believe it or not you have been unconscious for almost a day.” She supplied.

He started at the information. “It doesn’t feel like it has been that long.”

“Time is different in this space. Your body is almost fully healed and you will be able to return to it shortly. Your friends are waiting for you.”

“My...Oh, Blue.” Oblivion smacked his hand to his forehead. “He’s no doubt thinking he hurt me. Dammit to the Hells.”

“How could he have hurt you?”

“We went drinking that night. I know him well enough by now to know he is probably blaming himself.” He explained to her. “I am slowly strengthening his spirit till I can either remove the wraith attached to him or he can cast it off himself.”

She held him tighter to her at the information. “You have changed since you arrived in Equestria.”

Oblivion stroked her nose but stopped at her words. “How do you figure?”

“Before you only considered your next contract and how to act around the humans that you were protecting. Was that not exhausting, even for a Witcher?”

He paused as he resumed petting her nose. “Perhaps at times. But it is something that one becomes accustomed to as well. Over the years I have grown accustomed to being used and then thrown away. People are fickle creatures that will take what they need from you and then attack you to try and take back what they have given. I was once attacked by a village after completing the contract they had set out.”

She nuzzled him and held him. “Why?”

“They didn’t want to pay me. They agreed to the amount and I returned with evidence of the kill and they attacked me after I left the Alderman’s home. I took a pitchfork to the ribs for my effort but still managed to escape.”

“I cannot understand it. You did a service for them and they tried to kill you?”

“It happens. I’d have praised the wielder of the pitchfork if I had not been working in trying to evade them.” She glanced at him as he spoke and he explained. “He hid in a blind spot and caught me a glancing blow. Sometimes it’s not a monster or a swordsman that kills you, but a peasant who gets lucky.”

Equestria was silent as she held onto him. “You have become more willing to accept the goodwill of those around you. It takes more courage to accept others than to push them away. Your good heart shines through in the actions that you take in this world. Your strength gives courage to those who are around you and you stand tall, willing to help them stand at your side. I’m happy to see the change.”

The Witcher was silent as he listened to her. He sighed as a wave of fatigue went over him. He slumped to the ground and fell back against the forelegs of the white mare. “What?”

“It’s all right.” She said as she laid down behind him, allowing him to lean against her shoulder. She put her nose against his hand and he cupped her nose, gently. Feeling her warm breath going over his skin. His head fell against her and he sighed once more. “Looks like it’s getting to be time for you to wake up.” She pulled her head away from him, then nuzzled him gently. “Close your eyes, dear one.” Oblivion closed his eyes and let himself relax against her.

His eyes snapped open and a low gasp escaped him as he sat up. He looked around him and saw Blue Blood sitting in a chair beside him.

“You’re awake.” The Prince stood up and reached the side of the bed in a few short steps. “Are you all right?”

The black Unicorn looked over himself and found that he had a mask over his snout. He reached up to pull it off when Blue Blood put his hoof over his.

“Leave it alone.” The Prince told him and leaned back on his haunches. “You've been unconscious for almost 36 hours.”

“I’m okay,” Oblivion said to him and stayed still.

“What happened?”

“I overdid it. I felt something that was off and reached out to find it. By doing that I overtaxed myself, without realizing it.”

“Reached out?”

“I can sense when something is wrong with the Spirit around me so I was checking on something and it was further away than I thought it was. By reaching as far as I did I overtaxed my body and it used the last day or so to recover.” His eyes landed on Blue, who didn’t look convinced. “I apologize for worrying you.”

Blue nodded and walked to the door. “I'll let them know you’re awake.” He opened the door and walked out, leaving the black Unicorn alone.

“Chosen!” Sasa’s voice rang out as she yelled.

Oblivion cringed and his ears pinned. “Easy, Sasa.”

“Easy? Easy, you say?” She yelled at him. “You have been unconscious for almost two days and you want me to be calm?”

Oblivion grimaced at her shouting and sighed. “I simply overtaxed myself. I’m fine.” Sasa said nothing after he spoke. “I apologize for worrying you. But I assure you I am fine.”

“Fine.” She huffed.

Oblivion shook his head and reached to remove the mask from his face. He set it aside and his ears flicked to the door as it opened. Luna trotted in and threw her forelegs around his neck.

“Oh thank the Moon thee are all right.” She said as she nuzzled his neck.

He blinked in surprise, then put a hoof on her back. “I’m sorry I worried you as well.”

“Our nephew said you overtaxed yourself. We ask that you not do that again.” Luna said to him as she let go and stepped back.

“I’ll make note of the request.” He said with a short laugh. He got off the bed and stood in front of Luna as the door opened once more and Blue walked in with a pony on his heels.

“Good to see you awake, Mr. Shadow.” The pony said to him.

Blue stopped and turned to the pony behind him. “Oblivion, this is Dr. Beating Heart. He’s been watching over you while you were here. He determined that your short coma was due to internal factors.”

Oblivion nodded to the pony. “Thank you for your consideration.”

“It’s fine. So Prince Blue Blood tells me that you know what happened to you.” He said as he stopped in front of the Unicorn.

“Yes. I overtaxed myself using one of the abilities I have as the Element of Spirit.”

The doctor nodded. “All right, but that does not explain how it did not damage your body.”

“It was a skill that did not require any physical activity. It was mental.” Oblivion advised.

The assembled ponies looked to him and stepped up to stop the flow of oxygen from the mask. “I ask that you do not overtax yourself and allow yourself to fully recover. While you are awake and alert at this moment, I encourage you to not do anything strenuous.”

“No teleporting to Ponyville.” Blue tossed in.

Oblivion looked at him. “How else do I get back?”

Blue shook his head, exasperated. “Like every pony else, the train.”

Oblivion was quiet. “I have never ridden on one.” He stated his expression blank.

“No time like the present then,” Blue stated.

Oblivion fought back an argument. ‘I can’t tell them the truth, yet.’ He said to himself as he looked to the other ponies who nodded. He grumbled as he followed the other stallion. He could see that Blue was upset and he trotted to draw up next to him.

“Blue.” The other pony said nothing, simply stared ahead as they walked. Oblivion fought back an annoyed snort and tried again. “Blue Blood.” Using his full name seemed to jog his attention as his ear flicked to listen. “You did not hurt me.”

The Prince stopped in his tracks. His eyes were wide as he looked at the black stallion. He looked away and stared at the ground. “You were unconscious for almost 2 days after we went out and...”

“Enough. You hold no fault. Blaming yourself is not an option. As I said I am the one that reached beyond my ability...current ability.” Oblivion said and then amended his own statements.


“No. This is not a discussion we are entertaining. The what-ifs you are using on yourself have no effect. What has happened cannot be changed and no amount of guilt will change anything.” Oblivion stated and started walking once more.

Blue started and trotted to keep up with him. Oblivion stayed with him as they left the castle. Blue Blood led him toward the train stations and then led him toward a side building. He pushed the door open and led the other Unicorn inside.

“Okay since you have never dealt with a train before I figured that showing you one and letting you see how it works would be better than tossing you inside it and expecting you to be okay,” Blue explained as they walked into the warehouse.

Oblivion walked up to the large metal cylinder and examined the outside. It had rust in places but its shape was not altered by the patches. Blue Blood walked up to it and pressed a button and a section of the door lowered to create a set of small stairs. He reached out a hoof to sit on them and pulled back at the feel of it.

“You willingly ride in this thing?” Oblivion asked.

“Yeah. They are the easiest and probably the safest ways to travel.”

Blue stepped up and walked into the train car. Oblivion looked in from his place outside as lights went on inside the old car.

Blue Blood looked back to him and motioned for him to follow. The black Unicorn stepped into the disabled train car and glanced around. There were seats that went up to the sides of the small path. The rest of the lights turned on and Oblivion saw the length of the train car was close to 30 feet. He walked up to the path behind Blue and looked at the windows.

“See not so bad.” Blue teased.

Oblivion grimaced. “I still do not see why you wish for me to sit one of these for 2 hours instead of teleporting. I can assure you I am fine. Any fatigue has long since passed.”

Blue looked back. “Just deal with it.” He snapped. He put a hoof over his mouth at his tone and looked back to the Black Unicorn.

“Well said,” Oblivion said with a smirk. “Still though, while I appreciate the concern I am able to teleport.”

Blue sighed. “I know you probably can. But just to ease our minds would you mind just riding the train this one time.”

Oblivion sighed. “Very well. But if I get partway there and decide I do not like the train, I will teleport.” He replied.

Blue held up a hoof in a defeated gesture. “That’s fine.”

Oblivion turned and left the still train car. Blue Blood turned off the lights and followed him out of the old warehouse. They walked up to the train depot and Blue Blood stood beside him as they waited.

“Should be arriving in a minute or two. They are usually right on time.” Blue advised.

“That’s good to hear,” Oblivion replied to him and leaned back on his haunches. A loud whistle made him pin his ears as the train came into view. “Quite punctual.” He said aloud and Blue nodded. The train reached them and slowed to a stop.

“Here you go. This one goes straight to Ponyville, no stopping. So you will be home in no time.”

“Thank you. I will see you next week then?”

“Yes. Till next time.” Oblivion bid him farewell and walked into the train car.

He found a seat by the front and sat down on the seat to wait for it to pull away and head back to Ponyville. His eyes looked around as he waited, the car had a pleasant scent and he watched as ponies filed into the car and took their seats. After ten minutes the whistle sounded off again and the train jolted forward. Oblivion’s eyes widened and his claws flexed within his hooves. He looked to the other ponies and none of them appeared concerned by the movement. The Black Unicorn stilled as the train went into motion. After several minutes he found himself still tensed and sweat began to bead on his fur.

The Unicorn stared out the window for a moment as the train continued, it gave a slight shift and he stiffened further. The stallion looked ahead and watched as the room looked like it was lengthening and he leaned back in his seat. His claws threatening to tear the seat under them.

“No.” He declared as his horn lit up and he teleported to Ponyville.

He appeared in front of the barn and he sighed in relief at the sight of the farmhouse in front of him. The black pony was quiet as he breathed for a moment. The train had been an experience he had no desire to experience again. The size of it had not bothered him, it was the motion he disliked. The Unicorn shook his head and put the experience out of his mind as he looked around him. He saw Applejack and Big Mac off to the side of the barn and he walked around to greet them. The stallion looked back as his ears flicked. He looked over his shoulder as Sasa crashed into his flanks.

He yelped as he fell forward. He fell to his side and glared at the feline, who was purring and nuzzling his withers and neck.

“By all that is Unholy.” He said as he tried to get out from under the cat's girth. He looked up as a laugh caught his ears. Applejack was holding her hooves over her mouth and Mac was smiling from ear to ear. “I’m so glad you both are amused. Kindly get this infernal animal off me.”

Applejack came up and grabbed one of the cat’s front paws as Mac pulled the other. They hauled the cat off his back and allowed him to stand. Sasa turned and nuzzled his chest and shoulders. “Ya did scare us all. But flattenin’ ya won’t help that. But ya look okay. Princess Celestia came down to Ponyville for a visit and told us that you had collapsed. Ya sure yer okay?”

“I’m fine. I simply overused one of my abilities and overtaxed my system. It needed time to recover. Nothing more.” He said to the siblings who looked uncertain.

“The Princess couldn’t give us any details about ya so we were worried about ya. Twilight was beside herself about it. But maybe it was a good thing ya weren’t here.”


“Yes. It was awful. Ponyville was infested by little creatures called Para sprites.” Sasa supplied.

“Para sprites? What in the Hells are those?”

Applejack sighed. “They look like a little ball with wings. They eat anything and everything in sight. They ruined Ponyville.”

“That bad?”

“Yeah. Miss Mayor was in a flurry and Ah thought Twi was gonna pull her mane out when her spell didn’t work.” Applejack explained. “Well, it worked but they stopped eating food and went after everything else. And after they eat they burp another one.”

Oblivion blanched. “How bad is the damage?”

“Not bad enough ta call on ya,” Mac said to him.

Oblivion nodded in understanding. “All right. I’ll leave it to all of you then. How did you get rid of them?”

“Pinkie Pie did it.”

“How in the Hells did that pony accomplish that?”

“With music,” Mac said.


“Yes, she played a lot of instruments and just led them outta town. All in a line. The Princess thought it was a parade for her so she didn’t know that the decorations in the town had been eaten. She couldn’t stay for some reason.” Applejack explained to him.

“Hmm.” Oblivion was quiet as he considered what he had been told. “Well, I suppose even the oddest of us have their moments to shine.”

Mac chuckled and nodded. “Eeyup.”

Oblivion turned to the house and walked inside with the siblings.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay. I'll try to get back on schedule for the next one. For the record the Alcohol/water thing is based on on a true event. My best friend and i went to a b-day party for a friend and he was...heavily intoxicated by the time we got there. My friend is not a drinker so she got water, which I think is a sin as far as bars go. He decided to steal a gulp and nearly puked on our table. The commentary is exactly as what i typed. So yeah I had to use it since it was fun. But I will try to get the next update out on time and one again I am sorry for the delay. Enjoy!

Edit 1: 12/18/2018
Edit: 11/12/2019

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