• Published 25th Sep 2017
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An Equestrian Witcher - OblivionShadow

A witcher from the Northern Realms finds himself sitting in Equestria, turned into a pony. When the fight with the Leshen began it was business as usual, but a second attack and a sharp pain to the back find him waking up in a world he can't imagin

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59: A Wraith Falls...

Oblivion looked over the field and then looked to the arrogant pony that stood off to the side of his normal team. He breathed in and turned to face the Thestral.

“Your first test will be to keep up with Sasa in the air. My team has been trained to tail and stay with her no matter her movement and abilities. Your task is to equal that skill that they have trained for.” Oblivion said to him, his voice strong and demanded attention.

Sight Line glanced at the others and nodded at the Black Unicorn. “Easy.” He said as he looked at the large feline. “She’s huge. Not hard to keep up within the air.”

Oblivion looked to Sasa as the feline bristled and he could sense the anger that surged through her. His guards looked from the Thestral to Sasa and they backed up from her as her fur stood up on her back and shoulders. Oblivion waited as Sight Line pretended to stretch out and he waited for the feline to start to move.

Sasa?” Oblivion spoke to her through their connection. “I trust I do not need to say anything about you breaking him of his arrogance about your size?”

No...” She replied and stalked past the stallions and out into the tall grass.

Oblivion waited for her to get a fair distance from him before he spoke. “Go.”

Sight Line stared at him for a moment before he took to the air. The Thestral searched for her and he dove down to follow her and the Oblivion could sense when the cat took off, her paws silent as she raced through the grass.

“Sir?” Silver spoke to him as the black Unicorn turned back to face the field.

“Yes, Silver?”

“There is no way he can keep up with her. We barely can if she gets serious.”

“No. He will fail to keep her close. Not only does she have the experience of fighting against you and the others she has me in the wings as well. He does not bother to gauge her skill and instead has blundered into a trap she has already laid in wait.”

“Plus. I think he, pissed her off.” Silver said to him as a laugh broke from him.

“Yes, he did.” Oblivion agreed.

Oblivion watched as the Thestral fought to stay above the feline and he felt when Sasa reached out to him to pull on his magic to allow her to Blink. He saw a flash of blue flame as she vanished. The Thestral stopped in the air and he didn’t see that Sasa was now behind him and she leaped up and her jaws closed on his tail and she yanked him violently from the air and dragged him back toward Oblivion and the others.

“Ouch.” Striker cringed out loud. “That’s gonna leave a bruise.”

The other nodded as they fought back their laughter. Sasa dragged the yelling pony to Oblivions hooves and dropped his tail with a snarl and came to sit next to him. Sight Line rolled to sit and he rubbed his back and the back of his neck.

“You failed,” Oblivion said to him as he ran a hoof over Sasa’s fur.

“You didn’t say she was going to attack me.” He argued as he got to his hooves.

“You believed that she would not treat you as an enemy?” Oblivion said to him, forcing surprise into his tone. “You have insulted her and you thought she would be kind to you?”

“How did I insult a cat?” He replied. “It’s just an animal.”

Sasa got to her paws and advanced on him once more. Her paw lashed out as she slapped him to the ground. “You are a waste of time and oxygen. You have no place among these ponies and you will never be their equal.” She snarled out.

Oblivion spoke her words aloud as the Thestral got to his hooves, rubbing his face. “She is a Spirit Beast. She is much more than an animal.” Oblivion said to him.

Sight Line stared at her as the tiger sat down and snarled at him. “Oh.” He said to her. “Oops.”

Sasa’s eyes went wide as she stood and slapped him again. “Oops!? You little brat! I will beat manners into you if I have to!” She snarled and Oblivion spoke for her once more.

Vantage and the others came forward and stood at the Tigers back, ready to help her should she need them. Sight Line stared at them as Oblivion said nothing more. Oblivion stepped forward and ran his hoof over the enraged feline’s thick fur.

“You have already failed your task. If you wish you can try for the second test. Should you fail that then you will stay out of the way of my hunt. You are not needed here should you fail again.” The Witchers voice was assured and firm.

“I can still do whatever they can.” Sight Line vehemently replied.

“Except apologize.” Striker growled.

Sight Line looked at the Solar Guard and shrugged. Oblivion gripped Sasa’s fur as she lunged at him again. Her paws pushed him back but he stopped her from mauling him. Oblivion had to lean back on his haunches to keep her back as she snarled and yowled. The guards reached out and held her as Sight Line stayed away from her. She finally calmed after several seconds and Oblivion released her fur.

“Silver.” Oblivion barked as the guard released the cat’s fur and spun to him, saluting. “Into the air.”

Silver was in the air a bare moment later and Oblivion knew that he would stay above them to see what was going on. Oblivions magic pulled his belt from his saddlebags and it hovered in front of the Thestral.

“Put this around your barrel.” He commanded and the Thestral wisely did as he was told. His medallion had been wrapped around the belt and it hung on the belt, just off his shoulder. “Your job is to avoid Silver in the air and Cross on the ground.”

“What?” Sight Line sais as he looked up to Silver, who hovered several feet above them.

“This is an exercise that was used to train them to work in tandem. You will be harried on the air and ground. Cross?”


“You know what to do,” Oblivion said to him and the Thestral nodded, jumping into the tall grass. “You must avoid them and bring the medallion back to me. The start is at the other end of the field.”

“Okay. So I just need to get this little necklace back here to you?”

“Yes,” Oblivion replied.

“Sounds simple enough.” Sight Line replied and his wings began to spread but a ring of blue magic surrounded him, pinning them down.

“On the ground is where you will remain. This exercise was used to train them and they did well, if you wish to be half their equal then accomplish this on the ground.” Oblivion said to him, as the Thestral stared at the ring of blue magic.

“Fine. Still sounds easy enough.” He replied, his tone cocky and self-assured.

Oblivion tipped his head to the field and the Thestral ran for the other end. The Witcher looked up at Silver who nodded in silent understanding. Sasa still growled as Striker and Vantage petted her.

“I want to hit him again.” She growled.

“I know. He will fail once more do not worry.” He assured her and ran his claws through her fur.

She nodded to him and sat down in place with the guards. Oblivion watched as the Thestral reached the other end and waved to Silver who looked to the Black Unicorn.

“Begin!” Oblivion roared out and Silver dove for the Thestral.

Silver dove for him and Sight Line ducked under his attack and barely avoided the attacking Cross. Cross missed him and went back into the tall grass. Sight Line raced for the other side and Oblivion watched as Silver dove on him once more, this time he knocked the other pony to the ground, but missed the belt on his body. Sasa watched intently as a chuckle went through her as Cross collided with him as soon as he got to his hooves. He rolled to his hooves and began to zig-zag through the grasses as he reached the half way point. Oblivion felt no concern as he barreled toward them from across the field. His eyes followed the scene easily as their spirits guided his gaze and he felt a snort of laughter break from him as Cross jumped over Sight Line, his hoof gripping the belt as he pulled the Thestral to the ground and Silver dove down on him as well. The Pegasus gave a shout as he took to the air and winged his way back to Oblivion, medallion in hoof.

“Got it.” He said as he dropped it into Oblivions claws.

“Well done.” He said as Cross came to him, the other Thestral on his heels.

“You didn’t say that either of them could take it.” He complained.

“You expect me to hold your hoof?” Oblivion replied to him. “My team is designed to fight at my side without complaint, not argument is given unless needed.”

Sight Line looked angrily at the black Unicorn as Oblivion released his wings. “If you let me fly that would have been over faster.”

“I am not here to play to your strengths. Do you think I left them to their strengths and did not train their weaknesses?” Oblivion replied. “You have no place among them. You have failed both tests and will now be on the sideline.”

“I can still…”

“No,” Oblivion growled. “You have failed. And I will not allow you to ruin this hunt nor will I permit you among my team. You will simply get under hoof and your aid would prove to be useless to us. Glory seeking fools are not welcome among them.”

Sight Line’s jaw clenched as the Unicorn spoke. “But…”

“Enough Sight Line.” Vantage said to him. “You’ve lost. Oblivion is equal to Shining Armor and his word is law. You have lost and he has said that you are not welcome here with us. Get used to it.”

Oblivion gave a slight nod as Vantage spoke. “He is correct. There is no place for you here.”

Sight Line’s eyes hardened into a glare as he looked at the taller Unicorn. “What if I can beat you in a fight?”

Oblivion couldn’t stop the surprise that went through his eyes for a second as he stared for a moment. “You cannot beat them.” He said as he indicated the guards at his sides. “What makes you think you can defeat me, the one who trained them into what they are now?”

“Scared?” Sight Line teased.

To Oblivion's surprise Cross broke out a laugh and put a hoof over his mouth to hide a smile. The others joined him and snorted a laugh. Sasa began to chuckle and soon was on her belly with her paws over her snout as she laughed.

“She’s laughing at you too.” Silver said as he sat down to laugh.

Sight Line growled at them and looked back to Oblivion as he stepped forward. “Very well. You can choose the contest.”

Surprise went through the Thestral’s eyes as he looked back to the fields around them. “Hoof combat.”

“Very well.” Oblivion agreed and walked away from the guards and feline, who still laughed.

Oblivion sent Quen over his body and cast Yrden once more. He backed up to the far end of Yrden and waited. The purple runes glittered across the ground and he allowed them to be seen by the Thestral. Sight Line stayed on the outside of the runes and his jaw clenched as he focused on the black Unicorn. Oblivion had to admit that the Thestral had his smaller size to his advantage. The Elder Witcher was silent as he began to circle forcing the other to move as he wanted him to. Oblivion had years of experience behind him and he knew how to force his opponent to make a mistake that would cost him dearly. The black stallion paused and began to walk the other direction, forcing the other to mirror him. His orange eyes glowed from their sockets. His muscles trembled as he allowed his body to alter its own physiology in preparation for the fight, dispute that it would not be a long one.

Sight Line lunged across the runes and tried to punch the taller stallion. Oblivion spun his body and used his hip to push the other off his hooves. Oblivion went after him, his claws sheathed as he tried to drive them down on the other's body. Sight Line managed to evade him and got to his hooves once more. The black pulled back and began to circle once more, allowing Yrden to fade on the ground, it's fade signaled by the sound of breaking glass. Oblivion watched as the other looked down for a moment at the sound and the black stallion charged him at that moment. His shoulder collided violently with the pony's head and chest. The other shouted and rolled back as oblivions own teeth sank into his tail, spinning him around and then using it to toss him away from the Black Unicorn’s hooves.

Oblivion faintly heard a groan from the Thestral as he tried to get up and Oblivion spun to stamp his forehooves down on either side of the Thestral’s head. The other was still as the hooves slammed into the ground, kicking up dust and dirt onto him. The area was silent as the guards and Sasa had watched the short fight with interest.

“You have lost for the last time,” Oblivion said to him and reared back to get away from the frozen Thestral. “I believe you will be taking the sidelines permanently at this time. Your aid is not needed or wanted.”

Oblivion rejoined his team and began to walk away from the field, intent on trying to hunt down the missing Wraith once more. He heard the Thestral getting to his hooves as his team and Sasa fell in at his back. His hooves were silent on the grass as they walked toward the edge of the forest. He paused as the sound of wings caught his attention as Sight Line landed by them once more.

“I can be of help to you still.” He pressed.

“No, you cannot. You know nothing about how to work in a team. You are out for your own glory and fame and anything else falls to the side of that goal. The purpose of the team I have is to protect ponies from the monsters that hide in the shadows. We will not be known for these contracts and if we are we will be avoided.”

Silver and the others had stopped with him and gave a grim nod. They remembered the battle with the pinto mare and the Nekkers. Their hooves had come away red from the battles. They had been told that they would walk away changed from the fight and Oblivion had been right. They were not the same ponies that they had been. The black Unicorn was quiet as he looked away from the Thestral.

“Your aid would put others at risk and cause the deaths or injuries to others. You are not welcome among us.” Oblivion snarled to him, the decision clearly final.

Sight Line was silent as the black unicorn once more began to walk away, leading the silent guards at his back. Sasa looked back at him and she growled a clear warning to him. Oblivions hooves carried him into the trees of the forest and he looked down to the ground and focused his sight to try to ascertain where the wraith had fled to.

Oblivion led them out of the forest once more and they came out close to their own camp and the guards moved to the camp and began to check it over, making sure it had not been tampered with. Oblivion stood silent just out of the interior of the camp. His ears flicked as he made sure that they were safe and that there was nothing close to them.

“Sir?” Silver called out to him.

“Hmm?” Oblivion flicked an ear to him.

“You eating with us?”

“You should probably join them Chosen.” Sasa advised.

“Yes.” He replied with an affirmative nod.

Silver nodded and set aside rations for the black Unicorn as well as the others. Oblivion came to sit with them and the food was passed around to each of them. Oblivion ate his share quickly and got to his hooves. The black Unicorn was silent as Sasa came to sit next to him.

“Do you think that will be the last we have to worry about that arrogant little brat?” She asked him, her tone annoyed.

“Hopefully.” He replied to her. “If nothing else perhaps it will take him down a peg or so.”

“You think so?” She asked.

“Unlikely.” He replied with a derisive snort.

“One can only hope for so much.”

Oblivion was silent as she finished speaking. His natural inclination was to think that they would be hearing from the Thestral once more. If he needed to he would send a request to Luna or Shining to recall him.

“Hopefully the tail whipping you gave him was enough.” Sasa commented. “Dented his ego heavily when you thrashed him into the ground.”

Oblivion nodded to her but said nothing in reply. The Tiger leaned against his shoulder for a moment before she went back to the camp with Oblivion on her heels. The black Unicorn sat back in place and the others looked at him as he sat in silence.

“Do you think Sight Line will get in the way now?” Vantage asked.

“I can’t say what he will do now. The ball is in his court.” Oblivion replied to him.

They were quiet as the Unicorn looked back behind them to the town at the edges of the camp. Sasa laid down among them and Cross ran his hooves through her long fur. Striker suddenly started to chuckle and Silver and the others looked at him.

“Sorry, I was just remembering the look on his face when Oblivion slammed down his hooves on either side of his head.” The Pegasus admitted with a laugh.

Silver snorted a laugh and nodded. “It was pretty funny to see.” He said and put his hooves on his eyes and widened them. “They were this big.”

Cross chuckled and Vantage snorted a laugh. “I have to admit it was the highlight of my day.”

“Is he always like that?” Sasa asked and Oblivion parroted for her.

“Yep.” Vantage said to her with a nod. “Been like that since always. The Drills instructors wanted to thrash him so badly. But even after they finished with him he still thought he was a top pony.”

“Sir?” Cross spoke up and Oblivion looked at him. “Have you ever had a pony that was like him?”

Oblivion thought back to the Witchers he had trained and nodded. “Yes. One.”

“Was he as bad or better?” Silver asked.


“They can get worse?” Striker asked.

“Oh yes,” Oblivion admitted. “I had one Witcher in training that was certain that he was going to be the best there ever was or would be.”

“And did he learn his lesson?” Silver asked.

Oblivion shook his head. “No. He made it through training but all of us hated him.”

“What happened to him?” Cross asked.

Oblivion was quiet as the memory came back to him. “I was contacted by an old friend after they heard about a Witcher that had taken on a contract close to him and had not been seen since he took the contract,” Oblivion said to them and they listened closely as he went on. “I went out there as I was the only one in the area. I found the contract giver and he informed me of the direction of the monster and I set out to find it. I tracked for about a day and found his last camp and went on from there. I found his pack and then found him.”

“And?” Striker asked him.

“He was pretty torn up by the katakan that was in the area. He ran into the fight with no prep and assumed that he would succeed. He was barely alive when I found him.” He said to them and they cringed. “I was able to stop the katakan and get him into town.”

“Did he survive?” Cross asked him.

“For a few days,” Oblivion admitted to them. “He lived for another three days before he had nothing left to give and his hubris killed him.”

Striker shook his head. “Geez. Was he any good at being a Witcher?”

Oblivion nodded. “Had his mindset been different he could have almost been Geralt’s equal.”

“I assume Geralt is one of the best?” Striker asked.

“Geralt is one of our best. Like me, he took to the training and mutations and was subjected to further Trials.” Oblivion said.

“So he’s as good as you are?” Striker asked.

“I have a few years on him but he is very good at his job. He and I have worked together many times. There is no other Witcher I would want at my back.” Oblivion admitted to them.

Sasa sat up and nuzzled him as he spoke. Striker and the others looked impressed by the Witchers words.

“Did you train him?” Silver asked.

“Some of it was done with me. I was only there for a few seasons with him before I left on the Path. I didn’t have much to do with his training but they asked me to remain for a while due to the advanced Trials done on him that were also done on me.”

“So they did the same thing to him?” Cross pointed out.

“Not exactly the same. The ones done on me were less…gentle. I was one of the first that they did it on. The ones done on him were smoother and while they were still lethal to most he did well with them.”

“Lethal?” Striker commented.

“Yes. The regular Trials are often fatal to more than half of the candidates. In my second Trial, only I and one other survived. Geralt was the only one to make it if I remember right.” Oblivion said to them.

Striker looked surprised as he listened. “So it’s got a huge fatality chance?”

“Yes. Always has.” Oblivion nodded at him.

“What makes it so lethal?” Cross asked.

“The chemicals that we use for the Trial of the Grasses are made of herbs and other items that are mixed together and then administered slowly over time. It changes the internal structure of the candidate and turns them into a Witcher. It is not meant to be kind to them and it kills though that cannot handle the Trials.”

“Wow.” Silver looked to the Witcher as he shook his head. “So it’s used to weed out the weak?”

“In a way. It’s not meant to kill all candidates but it is not meant to be kind to them. Three out of ten survive at best.”

The guards shook their heads and Oblivion said nothing to fill the sudden silence. Sasa laid down at his hooves and as the stallion fell silent. Oblivion got to his hooves and walked toward his own tent as a scream tore through the air. The Witcher was silent as his ears flicked forward as he listened intently. He spun as a flash of light caught his attention and he jumped the feline and took off at a hard gallop. His eyes narrowed and the tracks came out of the ground and he followed them, his legs churning as he galloped. His ears were forward as he listened intently. He slid to a stop and the smell of blood caught his nose and he lowered his head to follow it.

“Not animal blood.” He whispered aloud and began to creep forward as his ears flicked and his nose scented the air around him. “Leads this way.”

He walked forward, his nose leading the way as he looked ahead and up around him. His ears flicked as he walked ahead, his hooves silent on the grass. The Witcher stopped as the sound of panting caught his attention and he stayed still and silent as his ears flicked in the direction of the sound. His hooves carried him silently toward a small copse of trees and he looked into the trees as the smell of blood washed over him. He looked into the trees and a pair of wide eyes stared back at him.

A young mare stared out at him and the Witcher could see that she had come into contact with the Wraith. A deep wound went across her shoulder to her chest and ended just above her right foreleg. Her eyes were wide and she panted at the sight of the orange-eyed Witcher.

“Is it still there?” She sobbed.

Oblivion raised his head and his ears flicked as he listened and he finally shook his head to her. “No. It’s gone. Why are you out here?”

She said nothing as the Witcher began to pull back the trees to get to her and see if he could move her safely. Once he got the trees back he could see that her legs were in good shape but it was clear that she was more terrified than happy to see him. His magic picked her up gently and he set her gently on his back.

“He said it would be okay.” She whispered as Oblivion began to walk her back to town.

“Who did?” He asked her.

“Sight.” She said. “He said that it was probably gone by now and… I stupidly believed him!” She wailed as she gripped the black Unicorns mane and sobbed against him.

Oblivion paused as she sobbed and his ears flicked as Sasa joined him, her eyes widened at the sight of the sobbing mare. She spun back and left him behind, an unspoken command on his mind as she ran for Cross. The medically trained Thestral was needed as the black Unicorn broke into a smooth gaited trot and headed back to the camp. His senses told him that the Wraith was indeed gone from the area and he tried to keep his stride fluid to avoid jostling the mare on his back.

“Chosen?” Sasa called out to him.


“How far are you?” She asked him.

“A few minutes. I’m trying to avoid jostling her too much. Bring Cross to me so he can look her over and we can gauge her injuries and what she will need.”

“I will lead him to you.” She assured him.

Oblivion slowed once more and allowed the distraught mare to hold onto him still. Her cries had quieted and he cast a glance over his shoulder as he trotted slowly forward.

“I am having my companion bring one of my team to us. He is medically trained and can begin to help you.” He said to her.

She looked to him, her eyes puffy and tears stained her cheeks as she nodded to him. “Thank you.” She whispered and buried her face in his mane.

Oblivion gave a slight nod and looked ahead as Sasa came into view, Cross on her heels. He carried a thick bag in his teeth and he paused as the black Unicorn reached them and the Thestral hovered close to the mare. She looked up at him as he gently prodded her hoof and she sniffled as he hovered close to her.

“The gash goes from just behind her neck across her shoulder to her chest just above her right foreleg. Appeared to be close to an inch deep. The Wraiths blade caught her but the damage is low.” Oblivion said to the Thestral and the mare hiccupped at the mention of the monster that had attacked her. “Thankfully.” He added and she nodded.

“I ran away from it, but I got caught in the trees where you found me.” She informed him.

Oblivion looked back the way they had come as he thought about what she had said. “Might be treating that area as its own territory. Otherwise, they normally follow.” He muttered to himself as Cross began to look over the mare. His magic gripped her gently and he set her down in place.

“We can’t be here! What if it…? What if it comes after us?” She began to call out and cry as he set her down.

“It will be okay,” Cross assured her. “He is a Witcher that is trained to hunt and kill monsters. The one that attacked you is in more danger than you will ever be now that he is with you.” He assured her with an easy tone and a soft smile.

She looked back to the black Unicorn who nodded in reply. “I am here to hunt it and destroy it. It will not come near you so long as I am with you. It gets too close and it will die for the effort that I promise you.”

She went quiet as both Cross and Oblivion spoke to her. Her eyes went wide as Sasa came up to her and sat down at her side. The great cat leaned her head and nuzzled the startled mare, a purr rumbling through her. The mare grimaced as Cross checked the wound and she reached out a hoof to Sasa who pressed her head under the mare's hoof, comforting her.

“We should get her back to town. The wound is big, but it’s not life-threatening.” Cross advised as Oblivion looked back at him. “Your assessment was right about the depth, sir.”

Oblivions magic covered her once Cross had packed the wound and wrapped gauze around her body to keep it in place and comfortable on her form. Oblivion set her back on his back to keep her from walking on the wound and stretching it open. The small group made their way back toward the town as Oblivion kept one ear listening behind them as Sasa trailed behind them, watching their backs. Silver, Striker, and Vantage waited for them at the edge of the forest and joined them to go into the town and get the young mare more help.

Oblivion stood back as a small group of ponies huddled around the wounded mare, helping Cross tend to her wounds. The Thestral was quiet as his instructions were followed by those around him. Sasa stood with the black unicorn and watched the crowd.



“Why was she out there? It seems…ill advised.”

“She was given information that it was okay to go back to the forest.”

Who in the…Oh.” She began to argue but understanding dawned over her and she shook her head. “That stupid…”

Oblivion said nothing in reply to her as she shook her head and growled under her breath. “She trusted what he said. There’s no fault to be had in that case.” He replied after a pause.

“He is the last pony I would believe if I had the choice.”

He’s of the Lunar Guard. In this case, he came from among them and rose to that height, so he is to be trusted.” He explained to her and she nodded in understanding. You and I know otherwise but to her perhaps he is to be believed. They do not consider that he could have been wrong in his assurance.”

“He’s wrong now.” She replied and he nodded in silent reply.

Oblivion looked up as the mayor came up to him, anger in his eyes, his spirit roiling. “He told her to go out there?”

“I was told that he mentioned that it should be fine for her to go out there. He thought that it had moved on by now.” Oblivion replied, explaining what he had been told. “Though he was…incorrect.”

“I can see that.” Hazel snarled at the Witcher who glanced at him. “Sorry. It’s not your doing and I have heard that you did put him in his place prior to this. She is my daughter.”

Sasa’s head spun to the mayor and she purred at him, her head rubbing against his shoulder. Oblivion nodded. “There is nothing to apologize for. I was not offended by your tone.”

“Thank you for understanding.” He replied and patted the black Unicorn's shoulder. “What is your plan now?”

“I will go into the forest and kill the Wraith. Keep ponies out of the forest no matter who they are. I will place my team in place and they will help to keep ponies in place and keep them calm. I assure you that the Wraith will fall.”

The mayor nodded and went back to his daughter and held her close. Vantage came over to the black stallion and stood at attention as the others joined him, except Cross, who was still tending to the mare.

“I want the town’s ponies to remain within the town. None are permitted into the forest.” He commanded and they nodded as he spoke. “If Sight Line shows up, detain him. Sasa go ahead of me and see what you can find. Both of us tracking it will find it faster.” Sasa nodded at him and she raced ahead of him and broke into a hard run as she hunted with him. They nodded as Oblivion walked away from them, leaving them to their tasks.

Vantage and the others watched as he vanished into the dark forest, his black coat allowing him to vanish. The Thestral looked to the Solar Guards as they pulled away from him and took their places at the edges of the town, looking into the forests. Vantage glanced over his shoulder as Cross left the group and rejoined the guards.

“We just need to make sure that everypony stays out of the forest. You okay taking a spot on the perimeter?” He asked the other Thestral.

Cross nodded and took his place far off the side and stood at attention, his eyes on the forest. Time ticked past as Vantage kept his eyes solely on the forest, his ears flicked forward and back as he listened intently for any sign of the monster or the Witcher that led them. He heard a shout and his body turned to face the direction of it as Silver lunged out of line and began to drag something out of the edge of the forest. In his hooves, Sight Line growled and yelled at the Solar Guard that held him.

“I think I got something.” Silver called out and he reached into his armor for a pair of hobbles and slapped them onto the stunned Thestral’s forelegs.

“What are you doing?” He yelled. “I’m one of you.”

“No. You're actually not.” Silver replied, his tone clipped. “We were commanded to detain you when you were found.”

Silver dragged the angry pony off to the side as Vantage glared at the cuffed pony. Silver clapped his hooves together and took his position once more. “Takes care of that problem.”

“You’re going to be in trouble when they find out you cuffed me for no reason.” Sight Line said to the Solar Guard.

“Nope. I was following orders so I am in the clear.” Silver replied with a smile. “Oh and do not fly. I can out fly you so you have no chance of getting away. Just letting you know.”

“You? Please. I have seen you fly before Silver. I can outfly you easily.”

“Maybe you used to be able to.” Vantage called out. “Not anymore. Now you’ll be lucky to see his ass as he leaves you in the dust.”

He caught the look Sight Line gave him but he chose to ignore it and let the other sit and cool his hooves. He knew that Oblivion had given them their instruction and he would be damned if they would fail them.

“Get these off me at least. This is embarrassing for both of us.” The Thestral complained. “Come on, Vantage...”

“Shut up for once in your life.” Striker yelled at him. “Goddess preserve me. You never shut up.”

Vantage bit back a bark of laughter as Cross giggled from his place on the other side of Vantage. The Lunar and Solar guards broke into laughter for a few moments before they regained their composure and went back to their primary task.

“Real funny.” Sight Line whined. “So none of you are out hunting with him?”

Vantage shook his head. “Of course not. We aren’t supposed to be out there. Hunting is his job.”

“Or maybe you’re just not good enough?” The Thestral replied.

Vantage put his head back as a laugh broke from him. “We aren’t needed for a Wraith. It’s not something that he would need help with.” His mind went to the injured mare and he looked to the other pony, his eyes held his own anger. “Granted it would have been dead earlier if you hadn’t interfered. Instead, you then spouted off once you had been thrashed by him and told somepony that it was okay to go into the forest.”

“I didn’t tell anypony it was safe.” He countered.

“Maybe not. But you did tell her that the Wraith was probably not in the area.”

“Maybe.” He replied with a shrug.

Silver looked to the Thestral and Vantage could see the rage in the orange ponies' gaze. Vantage nodded and left his position to confront the other pony.

Vantage pulled him to his hooves and punched the other back down to the ground. “You could have gotten her killed!”

“What the Hell, Vantage?” Sight Line yelled as he tried to rub his jaw. “What are you talking about?”

“She went into the forest!” He yelled and understanding went over the other Thestral’s features. “If not for Oblivion hearing her screaming for help she would have been killed. He found her and got her out of there and to Cross so he could check her. She would have died out there.”

Sight Line stared at him as he spoke. “What?”

“She was in there and it found her.” He snarled, his hoof raised to hit him again. “Oblivion heard her and got her to safety. Your stupid choices nearly cost her life.” Vantage growled and put his hoof back on the ground. “You have a big mouth, Sight Line and it nearly killed somepony. But what do you care? You’re just in it for the glory. You just want the recognition, that’s why Oblivion said no to you joining us and why he didn’t want your help. You don’t care about anypony except yourself.”

Sight Line was silent as Vantage pushed him back into his place by the wall and went back to his own place. He glanced at the others and they all gave him an agreeing look and went back to watching their own sides of the forest.

Oblivion trotted forward, his ears searching for the sound of the Wraith and any sign of it. He could sense Sasa far to the right of him as she also hunted for any sign of the Wraith. Oblivion had noted that like the Leshen it did not stay true to what he knew of them. It had fled combat with him when Sight Line had interfered and even now it did not hunt for him and Sasa. He had thought that it would treat the area as if it was its own territory but so far it did not act as if it cared about the area. His hooves were silent over the grass and leaves as his orange eyes glowed in the low light and he scanned the area.


He reached and felt Sasa’s alarm as his horn lit and he teleported to her. He looked to her as she ducked under the Wraiths blade and he summoned her to his side, removing her from the path of the monster. His horn lit as one of his crystal blades came to his command and it hovered at his shoulder as Sasa leaped out of his way as he cast Yrden over the ground around him. Another tap of his hoof and Quen slid over his form as he backed up to draw the Wraith close. It floated over the ground and lunged to him as he ducked down and allowed the blade to go over his back as he brought his own blade up and cut against the monsters now corporeal form. It screamed and fled from him as his blade struck true.

Sasa remained out of the way as he advanced and recast Yrden. The crystal sword hovered close to him as he waited for the Wraith to react once again. He knew that he could chase the thing across the ground but his patience would be rewarded. His body was relaxed and his stance stayed in place as the Wraith flit around him, he stood in the center of Yrden and waited. Quen’s golden shimmer flowed over his fur and he was calm as his ears followed the sound of the wraith as it moved around him. Its lantern rattled in its grip and it gave away its place as it lunged at him. He spun in place and his sword once more cut into the Wraiths solid form.

It screamed and he pressed his attack. The crystal blade glowed with a red glow as it cleaved into the Wraith. He recast Yrden as he went and the Wraith was constantly on the defensive until it managed to get away from him and was rendered incorporeal. The Witcher paused in place and waited for the Wraith to move once more. He looked over his shoulder and watched Sasa ensuring that it did not turn to leave him behind. The great Tiger was vigilant as she circled slowly around and behind him. His ears flicked and he spun as the sound of the lantern came closer to him and he backflipped away from the sound, leaving the Wraith to swing at the empty space he had been in.

“Come on.” He whispered as it swung once more and his blade blocked it in turn.

The Wraith hovered close by as the Witcher watched it as it began to sway in place. Yrden glowed under his hooves as it circled out from under him at the tap of his claws. He knew enough to know that he could not outlast it but he could out fight it. He lunged forward and began to goad the Wraith into acting against him. He was not shocked when it fell to the bait as they normally did and lunged for him, its rusted weapon outstretched. He pivoted on his hind and swung his blade down, cleaving the monster in half. It erupted into ash and fell to the ground as his blade passed through it. Oblivion glanced to his weapon and he could see the bright purple glow coming it. Its glow matched Yrden and he cast Quen and it glowed gold with the strong purple shining through as well.

“Interesting.” He muttered to himself and put the thought of the weapons potential into the back of his mind.

Sasa purred as she neared him and nuzzle his shoulder. “Well done, Chosen.”


He sent the crystal blade back to its place and a small bag appeared in his magic as he scooped some of the ash into it. He held it as Sasa reached out and gripped it in her teeth after he closed the tie on the bag. She turned to lead him back to the town and he fell in at her side.

Oblivion came out of the forest and he could see Striker look at him as he emerged. Sasa trotted up to them, the small bag hanging almost comically from her teeth. Silver looked at her as he came to stand with Striker who was trying not to laugh at the feline.

“I’m guessing it’s in there?” Silver asked and pointed as Sasa nodded.

“Yes. Old habits die hard.” Oblivion replied.

“Nopony left the village, but one did come back.” Vantage said to the Witcher and motioned over his shoulder to the bound Thestral.

“So I see.” Oblivion looked at him for a moment and then looked back to Vantage. “And the reason he is for once silent?”

“I may have hit him.” Vantage admitted.

Oblivion snorted a laugh and nodded in understanding. “I can understand the desire. Does he know why he has been detained?”

“Yes.” Striker said to him. “Vantage informed him and we supported him.”

Oblivion could tell that they were unsure if they had gone too far and the Witcher was prepared to back them up no matter the situation. He had trained them well and their temperaments were well known to him. He looked to them and gave a slight nod in reply.

“I am sure that you did as was needed. I have no doubt of this.” He said to them and they looked visibly relieved as he walked to the Thestral. “You have been told why you were held back. Do you have anything to say about what you have heard?”

The Thestral looked at him after several seconds and shook his head. “Is she okay? Nopony would tell me.”

“She will live, last I saw. Your failure to hold your ego in check is the cause of her wounds. You should be thankful that her life was not ended by the Wraith and she was able to escape it.”

“You heard her calling for help?”

“No. I heard her screaming.” Oblivion clarified and the pony jerked in response to his words. “I was able to follow the blood left behind and found her hiding in some trees. Thankfully for her, the Wraith chose to leave her behind instead of pursuing. Had it followed her she would have fallen to it.”

Sight Line looked at the ground and said nothing in reply. Oblivion had chosen to be competently clear with him and allow it to sink in. The Witcher backed up a step and allowed Sasa to show him the bag that held the Wraiths ashes.

“The Wraith is gone. She holds the ashes that remain of it.” He said as the Mayor came toward them.

He paused as a sigh of relief tore from him. “Thank Celestia for you. And you.” He said as he turned to Sight Line who cringed at the sound of his voice. “What you have done is not easily forgiven. You nearly killed my daughter. The actions of this stallion and his guards have saved us and her.”

Sight Line nodded as he stared at the ground. “I’m sorry.” He whispered.

Vantage spun to look at him, his eyes wide. “Never heard that come from his mouth before.” He whispered to Silver who nodded in agreement.

“Some things can be forgiven and others cannot,” Oblivion said to them. “It is now your choice of his fate. I will be informing Shining and Luna of what has happened here.”

“I can’t forgive you yet. But it’s not me you need to ask to forgive you.” Hazel said to the Thestral.

“I know.” He replied. “I don’t think she will want to see me right now though.”

“Probably not.” Her father agreed. “Ya need to go back to Canterlot and make amends there to the ponies that you tried to use.” He said as he pointed to the team that stayed at Oblivions command.

Vantage and Cross looked surprised as Silver and Striker shrugged. “Your fate is not mine to decide. The Wraith has fallen and that was my task to complete. While you delayed its demise I would not have allowed it to live longer than early morning.” Oblivion admitted and turned to his team. “Get things packed up. We are done here.”

They saluted and galloped for the camp to do as instructed. Hazel looked at the black stallion as he glanced over his shoulder and his magic removed the hobbles on Sight Lines forelegs. The Thestral looked uncertain as he rubbed his hocks.

“You can get back to Canterlot on your own I assume?” Oblivion asked him and he nodded in reply. “Good. I trust that you will explain why you were not allowed to aid us?”

“Yes.” He said quietly. “I’ll come clean about it.”

“Good,” Oblivion said to him and began to walk away from him and toward the camp that was in the process of being broken down. His magic gripped the bag that Sasa held and he sent it to his saddlebags. Sasa bumped his hip as she came to walk alongside him.

“Another falls.” He whispered aloud as his hooves carried him silently over the grass.

Author's Note:

Okay so this one just finished and I will be trying to work on the others for a little bit. I'm going to keep this one as it is after receiving some good feedback and after poking at it for a bit and getting some help from Thunder I'm beginning to remember why I enjoy this story. I do apologie for any mistakes in this one. My mechanical keyboard bit it and I need a new one so I am using an old keyboard that is built weird and I hate it. It's also half broken. But it's designed odd so the \ randomly pops in. So I will try to fix it as I go. As always thank you and Enjoy!

Edit: 8/29/2019
Edit: 11/14/2019

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