• Published 6th Jul 2023
  • 3,687 Views, 1,043 Comments

Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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Teaching a novice

After an extremely long day, being able to finally lie down in bed was actually a lot more comfortable than the previous night. Only two days ago, I'd slept on my luxurious bed within my massive mansion in my perfect little town... for the final time. Just last night, I'd forced myself to fall asleep in the new room I'd been given, still not certain whether I'd be able to start a whole new life here in Canterlot.

Everything had happened so fast, it made my head spin. Being defeated by the Immortal Sisters and then being brought here against my will had gotten my brain working immediately. I thought I could find a way out, maybe escape if I played my cards right, but that was all just a pipe dream.

Celestia and Luna were way too powerful to oppose and, as unbelievable as it sounds, appeared to have knowledge of every single thing pertinent to them. I quickly figured out that if I tried anything nefarious they'd be on me in a second... honestly, probably even faster than that. I went from formulating a plan to deceive them and make my escape, to accepting my horrible fate and being miserable.

Speaking with the princesses though, the real princesses, not the ones the public were familiar with, but the genuine Immortal Sisters, had shined a small ray of hope onto my bleak outlook. They weren't the monsters I'd perceived them to be. I'd completely misunderstood who Celestia was, and honestly, Luna was downright decent.

They gave me a second chance. If they weren't so absurdly strong I probably would've tried to exploit their kindness, not to mention the acceptance I'd received from Twilight and Sunset had been given so unbelievably fast, it also would've been just as easy to take advantage of. It was foolish. If I was foolish, I could've tried to escape because of how kind they'd been, but...

The princesses stooges were no pushovers themselves. They may both be magically inferior to me, but Sunset and Twilight are far from stupid. Couple their decent brains with bleeding hearts and I could already feel myself slipping.

Why would they be so nice to me?

I couldn't help but question their motives. I'd tried to make them both slaves for crying out loud! Nopony could just live and let live after somepony did something like that to them. The world wasn't that forgiving.

It had never been... and it never would be.

Listening to the Octavia and Coloratura album on my new record player felt both nostalgic and strange, the new machine sitting on the desk across from my bed. I'd practically begged the golden unicorn not to buy them for me, but Sunset insisted it was for the best. It's not like it was anything new. I'd received many gifts from my obedient toys before, mostly on my birthdays, but-

So gifts that you gave yourself? On days you celebrated alone?

Shut it.

As I was saying, unlike my artificial gifts I'd given to myself, what Sunset had done for me felt... genuine. The joy she appeared to experience giving me those presents was vivid on her face and honestly, I could feel that same level of happiness too. I hadn't experienced such a wonderful feeling since... well, in a very long time.

Then, to compound on top of my already confused state, Twilight had bought me ice cream. Now, I know that may not sound like much, and it may not have been as grand a gesture as buying me a whole new record player, but the thought was there... the care was there. There weren't many that cared about me.

I was even more confused now than when I'd first decided to try and make the most of staying in Canterlot.

Could they... could they actually care?

I tried to be a bit more positive--something I hadn't been able to do in years--but I failed miserably.

They definitely want something.

Maybe not something mundane like possessions or bits--Canterlot elites were absurdly wealthy. Sunset and Twilight were probably loaded beyond belief--but something.

It had to be something related to my mana, there was no other logical explanation. I had to protect myself. I couldn't get attached to anypony. I had to be safe. I had to-

The melodious sounds of Coloratura's piano instantly pulled me from my thoughts. It was that song, the one I'd heard night after night when I was just a little foal. Mom's song. I could already feel the tears gathering as I listened intently.

I hadn't been able to hold the feelings inside when I'd heard it back at the store, and I couldn't do so now. I cried, remembering back to my warm bed as mom played the piano in the other room, her nightly lullaby to me.

Those had been the best days of my life... and they were dead and gone. She... was gone. But then the song changed, just as it had back at the store. Octavia's beautiful cello came in and... changed everything, made the song much... sadder, but... hopeful.

Maybe they... maybe...


I found Twilight sitting quietly and reading a book as I walked into the lab we were going to be working together in. She hadn't even noticed me enter, the book she was reading apparently way too enthralling to put down. I got a positively devilish idea.

I tiptoed right behind the lavender unicorn, being absolutely sure I didn't make a sound. I could go with the classic jumpscare, grab her and scream at the top of my lungs, but that seemed a bit over the top. No, I had a better idea.

I moved my head right next to her's and whispered quietly. "I can't wait until I make you mine." A little seductive, a little cryptic, it would absolutely freak her out. Unfortunately, it worked much better than I'd intended.

She spun around instantly, her horn burning with black mana. The killing intent in her eyes was even more malicious than it had been yesterday morning. I was actually scared. Somehow this little foal that was so much more weaker than me had managed to make me feel fear twice now.

"S-SORRY! Sorry! It was a joke! Just a joke, I swear!" I didn't know what else to do so I lifted my hooves in front of myself in defense and backed away from the raving mare.

"Starlight!?" As she slowly came to her senses she looked slightly pained at the realization that it was only me. "Thank goodness," she whispered after letting out a relieved breath. Whatever was wrong with her was clearly weighing heavily on the lavender unicorn.

Try Starlight!

I couldn't think about anything other than that stupid ice cream. Junk like that was what had convinced me I was being manipulated. I felt indebted, like I owed her for the kind gesture. Still, she'd looked so... angry. I had to do something.

I took a few careful steps toward her, still a little worried she might blow up at me again. "Are you... okay, Twilight?" I got closer to her, but not too close. "What's going on?"

"It's... nothing," she quite obviously lied. I felt my face screw up in disbelief, though I would've preferred to keep my doubt hidden. "I'm fine, Starlight." As she looked away pathetically, I tried to examine her more closely. She didn't appear to have anything physically wrong with her so it must've been something else. Something mental.

Great, my forte... I thought with literally zero optimism.

I had more than enough going wrong upstairs, I really wasn't the best choice to help somepony else with their own issues. I wasn't delusional. I knew I was different. Very different. But, so what? It'd always worked for me...

Sort of...

Sort of...

Gosh darn it.

"Twilight..." I tried to sound as pleasant as possible. "I'm not going to force you to tell me anything, but..." I got close enough to touch her. "Any creature with half a brain can see something is bothering you."

"I..." her head dropped. I'd never expected she could be like this, not in front of somepony else. She gave off such a strong and proud aura, seeing her full of shame was a little sad. "Starlight, I-"

I cut her off with a raised hoof. She needed help. Maybe I could pay her and Luna back. "Look, I can tell by your reaction whatever's going on is serious, and I'm not exactly a pillar of virtue for you to look to for answers, so..." With the same hoof I raised her head. "I'll help you the only way I know how," I may not know everything, but I was intimately familiar with what could give a unicorn confidence... what had given me confidence.

"Starlight..." As she closed her eyes and began to nuzzle into my hoof I couldn't help but feel like a mother trying to comfort her foal.

Like my...

"Thank you," she whispered.

"Hey, what are friends for?" It felt... good. When she opened her eyes to look up at me I could see the worry had melted away. Comforting her almost felt as good as collecting a new toy, my heart warming considerably.

"S-sorry!" Her cheeks turned cherry red as she pulled away quickly. It was probably from the embarrassment. I know I'd be embarrassed if I'd shown such weakness to another creature. She didn't need to feel that way around me. I already knew she was weaker than I was, it was nothing to be embarrassed about.

"Don't worry about it," I turned to the door. "We just gotta wait for Sunny to get here an-"

"Sunset probably won't be joining us for awhile," I spun back around to look at the lavender mare. "She tends to get places very-"

"Late?" I half asked half finished for her.

"Yeah," a look of surprise came to her face. "How'd you know?"

"Intuition?" I shrugged. Ponies like Sunset were often the easiest for me to break and turn into toys. I'd met a bunch of mares just like her before. "She just strikes me as a very... carefree pony, y'know?" I tried to put it better than it had sounded in my head.

"That's Sunset to a T," she confirmed. "She'll more than likely be here in about an hour."

"Perfect!" I grinned, moving toward the supplies sitting on one of the desks. "I know exactly what we can do until she arrives..."


Twilight was doing it. She was actually doing it. Sure, she looked like she was about to keel over at any moment from exhaustion, and she couldn't even open her eyes, but she was holding everything together, even while preoccupied with the awkward stance.


She was a fast learner. It'd only taken her a few minutes to sort out her mistakes and get the objective completed. Now, it was just an endurance test to see just how long she could last.

I was trying to help her make things a little easier, standing directly behind her and trying to force her into a more manageable position. She was putting way too much pressure on her lower back and in doing so, was putting unnecessary strain on the rest of her body, making everything that much harder for her. If she'd just stop slouching, it'd be so much easier.

I moved my eyes from her to the clock hanging above the door, noting that she'd been going at it for over an hour now. She couldn't have too much left in her, unless she somehow had endless mana reserves like the sisters probably did.

"Look, just keep your back straight a- OH! Hey Sunny!" As the door to the lab creaked open, I smiled at the golden unicorn slowly walking into the room.

"Whaaaat's going on?" She looked a little annoyed, a little confused, and a little surprised. All fairly understandable reactions considering the awkward position Twilight and I were currently in. "You okay, Twilight?" she asked the lavender mare.

"I'm just peachy, Sunset." It was easy to see that simply replying was difficult for the straining unicorn.

If she'd just stop-

"You're still hunching over!" I shoved my hoof into her lower back, grinding it harshly and making her straighten up with a yelp. It may have been a bit much, but it would definitely improve her performance.

"I'm TRYING!" she glared at me, nearly shouting. Her mana flared into her horn at her sudden anger, the magenta light becoming a blazing inferno. She must've had a lot more mana left than I thought. "Do you know how hard it is to keep the stupid tea away from the stupid napkin while standing like a stupid idiot? WE'VE BEEN DOING THIS FOR OVER AN HOUR!" As she turned away from me I swear I could detect a slight blush on her cheeks. Maybe I could have some fun with her.

"And you're making fantastic progress, Sparkles," I thought up the corniest nickname I could and spoke with the most seductive voice I could manage as I wrapped her up in a soft hug. She was shaking even more now.

Yep, that definitely worked.

"H-how am I supposed to c-concentrate when you're hanging all o-over me, Starlight?" She was having trouble getting out a complete sentence, yet she still maintained her spell. If that was the case, I could probably push a liiiittle harder.

"What's wrong, Sparkles?" I smirked. "Can't handle a beautiful mare giving you her attention? I didn't even know you swung that way," I whispered into her ear, gently blowing in an attempt to throw her off her game.

"I- wh- I nev-" she sputtered. She was so easy, it was almost not fun... almost.

"What's that?" Before I knew it, Sunset had grabbed me and pulled me off the panicking mare. I couldn't help but wonder if she'd pulled me away to help Twilight or to help herself. It didn't matter, I'd had my fun and Twilight had held it together. Seemed like anything short of kissing the lavender unicorn on the lips would fail in breaking her concentration. She'd done more than enough to prove herself capable.

"So this," I took the bowl from Twilight into my own telekinesis. "Is a little something I whipped up to help out our dear Twilight."

"What does it do?" Sunset asked.

"It's not what it does, it's what you have to do with it." I let her take a closer look, allowing her to examine the contents of the bowl. "Get it?"

"I think so. Is that tea?" she asked, pointing a hoof.

"Yes," I grinned. This could be even more fun than playing with Twilight.

"So, what you're supposed to do is keep the tea away from the napkin, right?"

"That's correct! Do ya wanna try?" My excitement was growing. Sunset was far less talented than Twilight, or so I assumed from what I'd seen of her. She hadn't shown me any signs of excellence since we'd first encountered each other, so I could only base my assessment on the information I had.

"Sure," she didn't hesitate for a second. Perhaps that's where her talent lay? In her confidence? Or maybe in her efforts? It had to be something I couldn't see. Celestia wouldn't have chosen her for no reason.

"Okay. To start, I'll hold the bowl, you just keep the tea on the perimeter." An easy starting point. Even a fairly inexperienced unicorn should be able to control some liquid with a spell.

"Okay!" She instantly did it with little effort. "Starlight, this is really-"

"Easy, I know. So now it's gonna get a little bit harder." The next step was about where I'd guess she'd be. It would be super interesting to see if she could do better, though I highly doubted she could. "Now, hold the bowl as well."

"Right!" As soon as the bowl left my care, it fell into dozens of pieces. The look of surprise on Sunset's face was hilarious if not a little sad. She couldn't have expected it to be that easy.

"It's harder than before, huh?" Twilight drew Sunset's gaze, the knowing expression on the lavender unicorn attempting to motivate her peer.

Reeeeally doesn't seem like she hates you, Sunset.

"So you have to hold the bowl together too..." Sunset was deep in thought, presumably analyzing what it would take to succeed. I had to give her credit, from what I'd seen so far, she never gave up.

"Wanna try again?" I lifted a hopeful brow.

She nodded. Taking back the bowl, she was all sweat and heavy breathing, but she was doing it.

Not bad, Sunset.

She was further along than I thought. They weren't bad. No wonder they'd been chosen by the sisters.

"You're doing great, Sunset!" Twilight nearly shouted her enthusiasm. I took the bowl back, already satisfied with Sunset's performance.

Yeah, definitely no hate there. What is going on with you two, Sunset?

That would have to wait. I was far more interested in whether or not she could measure up to Twilight.

"That was good, Sunny, but now you have to try the real deal." I raised my hoof at her to get her to stand on her hind legs.

"Uhm, what?" She had no idea what I wanted.

"Hind legs only," I explained, lifting my hoof again.

"Oh! Right." As soon as she stood up I knew she wasn't going to be able to go any further. If Twilight had been shaky when she first tried it, Sunset was about to produce an earthquake with how badly she was trembling. It wasn't an easy position to maintain, but it was one ponies took often. Couple it with concentrating on maintaining a spell and you got a feat most unicorns would find impossible.

She'll need to practice.

"It's a lot harder than it looks," Twilight remarked, obviously able to see what I could and trying to spare the golden mare's pride. Sunset grabbed a table with a hoof before letting it go and staring at me with determination.

"Okay I'm-" she almost instantly dropped onto her forehooves. "Ready," the look in her eyes was one beyond disappointment. "I... can't do it."

"It's really hard, Sunset," Twilight placed a hoof on her shoulder. "Being able to admit what you can and can't do is admirable," Twilight smiled sweetly at her. "Besides, It'll just take you some practice, yeah?" Sunset smiled a little at the unexpected kindness.

These two aren't friends!? What the heck is a friend then!?

"Thanks, Twilight," Sunset tried to hide the brimming tears, but they were easy to see. Since Twilight had cheered her up I decided I probably should try too..

"This was specially catered to push Twilight anyway," I put the items on a table. "I'll cook something up for you too, Sunny." I smiled kindly. "Don't worry about it."

"Thanks, Starlight," she offered me a half-smile, the disappointment still lingering on her face.

"Lot of good it did me," Twilight chuckled. "I'm not even sure I managed to accomplish anything," she said under her breath, her own look of disappointment changing her features.

Did she not get it? I laughed so hard I felt like I might fall over. For a smart mare, she could be really dense sometimes.

"What's so funny?" Sunset asked. Once my fit had died down I trotted to the sink and grabbed a cup, filling it with some water before returning to the duo.

"I'm surprised you didn't put two and two together, Sparkles," I held it up to the lavender mare. "Go ahead, Twilight."

They were dumbfounded by the cup. Did they have no concept of permanency whatsoever? Whatever the case, it was way too funny.

"Go ahead and what?" Twilight asked. I got a little bored so I started pushing the cup into Twilight's nose, trying to boop it, though she was making sure I couldn't with her hoof. "WOULD YOU QUIT IT!?" she yelled.

Way too easy.

"Don't you remember what you were doing yesterday?" You goof. I kept that last part in my head. "Try doing it now." Twilight merely turned to the golden mare, possibly to get her input.

"Why not? It couldn't hurt," Sunset shrugged.

"Fine." Twilight groaned as she moved some of the water from the cup and surrounded herself with it.

"Easier, huh?" I chuckled. The look of disbelief on the lavender mare's face said all I needed to hear.

"I can..." She trotted around the room with no problems. "Starlight... I can move!" she giggled.

"It'll get even more easy as you practice more diff-" she was on me before I could react, her forelegs wrapped around my neck, laughing like a madmare.

"Thank you, Starlight! I can't believe it!" she nuzzled into my neck. "It was so much harder yesterday!"

"Sure thing, Sparkles. It's-" I gave her a gentle embrace, but there was a problem. A humongous one.

Sunset stared at me with the most sorrowful eyes I'd ever witnessed, and I'd seen some pretty bad ones in the mirror. I wanted to reach out to her, to bring her into our hug, but it... that wasn't the problem.

"S-Sunset?" My voice faltered as I called out to her. Twilight lifted her head as well to look at the golden mare.


"I gotta use the restroom. I'll be right-" She was already out the door before finishing her sentence.

What in all of Equestria would make you think we're friends?

Sunset's words echoed through my head.

Maybe She didn't want to be friends with Twilight. I had been under the impression that it was just an innocent admiration but...

Sunset... do you...

Author's Note:

I wonder what that was. Sunset clearly has a problem, but running away isn't going to solve anything.

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