• Published 6th Jul 2023
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Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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TCE: Arrival

"You're a mess, Sunny... What the heck is going on?" Starlight laid a hoof gently on my forehead. "I don't think you're running a temperature. How are you feeling?"

After Twilight rushed out of the car, -- presumably to go help whoever had been caught up in the blast -- Starlight helped me over to Celestia's bed. I was currently lying down, Starlight sitting on Celestia's chair next to me.

"I... I don't really know, Star," I lightly pressed the tip of my horn with a hoof. It felt mostly normal, but whenever I touched around the base something felt... off.

Maybe sensitive is the correct word.

When we started playing Starlight's game everything seemed to be functioning properly, but as soon as Twilight began to push herself, -- to push me -- my horn started to feel strange.

"Maybe we should go back to Canterlot," Starlight suggested, looking down at me. "I'm sure Celestia would want to know about this."

We? I tried to hide the smile that pulled at my lips. Her concern for me warmed my heart.

"She already knows," I slowly shook my head. "We talked about it yesterday. She didn't seem too worried. She said I'd be fine."

"You don't LOOK fine!" she huffed angrily.

"It's not so bad," I grinned mischievously. "It's nowhere near as traumatizing as having my cutie mark taken away."

"HEY I-" she glared at me before looking away shamefully.

"It was just a joke, Star," I giggled, softly rubbing her shoulder with a hoof. "Don't-" I heard her say something, but it was lower than a whisper so I hadn't really understood. "What was that? I couldn't hea-"

She brushed my hoof from her shoulder. "I'M SORRY, OKAY!?"

I definitely heard that.

"I was just joking, Star," my smile faltered. I wanted to put my hoof back on her shoulder, but her posture told me I shouldn't.

"But I wasn't." She continued to look away. I'm pretty sure I could guess why. "If Luna and Celestia hadn't stopped me, right now you and Twilight would be mindless slaves in my town... and I wouldn't even care."

"I..." I didn't know how to respond to that. With how badly she'd beaten us, she was probably right. Without our mentors to make the save, Twilight and I would've been lost. I forced myself to sit up, leaning against the pillows at my back for support. "Where is all this coming from, Star? That's not who you are anymore."

"Isn't it!?" she scooted away on the chair, still refusing to look at me. "Nothing has changed," she whispered. "I haven't changed."

"That's not true... not at all," I reached for her, but thought better of it.

No, not yet.

"Twilight is right," she sighed. "I'm only here because I have to be. She's nothing to me..." she looked at me, the sadness on her face reminiscent of when Twilight and I had showed her our favorite music. "And neither are you."

Again, I reached out with a hoof, stopping short when she visibly recoiled at my movement. "That's not really what you think... is it, Star?" I left my hoof hanging, turned upward, hoping she would take it into hers.

"I don't know what to think, Sunset," she stared at my hoof, indecision flowing from her every pore.

"I don't think it is," I smiled. "I think you're starting to care about me and Twilight... and that bothers you," I said bluntly. She closed her eyes, a look of utter despair coming to her face.

"It doesn't just bother me, Sunset. I HATE it!" she jumped off the chair, beginning to pace throughout the train-car. She was glaring at me as if I'd done something wrong, but it was easy to see she was more angry with herself. "I'm not supposed to be like this!"

"Be like what, Star?" I lowered my foreleg onto my lap when I realized just how far out of my reach she was.

"STUPID!" she stomped a hoof on the floor, closing her eyes out of pure frustration.

"Oh..." I chuckled, trying to hide the sadness her answer had stirred within me. She'd realized her faux pas as soon as she'd reopened her eyes, her demeanor instantly shifting to one of remorse.

"S-Sunny... I didn't mean..." she lifted a hoof my way, but dropped it just as fast as it had been raised.

"Starlight..." In spite of the intense feeling of ridicule that had gripped me, I also felt... content. Maybe even a little happy.

I should just be honest.

"I'll gladly be the biggest fool in all of Equestria," I grinned as big as I could, like the dummy I was. "If it means I get to have somepony like you as my friend."

She looked so much more angry at my statement, I was guessing in a vain attempt to hide the fierce blush that had developed on her face. "W-why, Sun?" she spun around, a little too late to hide her embarrassment from me. "Because I'm good at magic? Because I beat you and Twilight in a fight? Because... b-because I'm strong?"

I looked down at my hooves resting on my lap, my smile persisting. "Remember what I told you the other night? When we talked to each other alone for the first time? After you'd found out Celestia was making you stay in Canterlot?"

"Of course I do." She'd calmed down, but she was slumped over like a massive weight had been placed on her shoulders. "I don't understand that either. We met FOUR days ago, Sunset! How could we- how could YOU possibly consider me your friend? You don't even know me. Not really."

She sounded especially disappointed saying that last part out loud, her voice growing quiet. I couldn't really debate her claim... at least not the first one, but the rest was simply her insecurities taking control.

It's becoming so easy...

Her mental tactics worked much better on strangers and on those who didn't know how she liked to act. That's why she'd thrown me and Twilight off so well when we'd first met her in her town. Her manipulative actions became much less effective as she revealed more of herself. As she revealed more of her heart.

Spending time together the other day, I'd thought it was because she wanted to let somepony in. I was wrong.
When she spent too much time with others, her defenses simply withered, like roses in the fall.

That's why she'd secluded herself for so long.

Alone, in her town, with only mindless "toys"... she never had to risk growing close to anypony. She could live out her entire life without ever becoming "weaker". It was all so very sad.

"I gave you a shot too, Star," I looked up at her. "And I'd like to believe I know you a little bit now," I groaned as I lifted myself off the bed to stand.

"S-SUNNY!" she was by my side in a flash, lifting her forelegs to help me.

"I'm okay, I promise," I lifted a hoof in protest. "My head is feeling better too."

"But! BUT-"

"Come on, Star," I chuckled, prodding her lightly on the chest. "Getting this much unwarranted attention from such a beautiful mare is bound to get me to fall in love," I joked, but it was a test as well.

Never before had I seen somepony turn so red, her coat almost matching the maroon parts of my mane. I'd expected it, but not to such a drastic degree. She whirled around yet again, her voice coming out as a shrill squeak.

"FINE!" She cleared her throat before speaking again. "Fine, just... be careful, okay!?" No snide remarks. No protests. Not even an attempt to flirt back. Just exactly what I'd thought would come: concern.

"Like I was saying, Star," I continued my previous train of thought. "I know you better than you might think. I know you wish you could control everypony else, but I think that's because you don't want anypony to get too close to you." Her body slumped just like before.

"I know you think it's stupid to care about others, but I think that's because you cared about somepony before and..." Her body went rigid, like she'd just been caught trying to escape from the royal guard and a spotlight was suddenly being shined directly on her. "and I think something bad happened." It was just a guess, -- the reason -- but judging by the way she'd reacted, I'd say it was a fairly accurate gamble.

"I know you might think you don't want to care, but... honestly... I don't think that could be any further from the truth," I sidled up next to her, taking a seat on my rump. She turned her head away, but I wasn't going to force the issue. I just wanted her to know I was there if she needed me.

"Starlight... you're right. It is weird. Four days is nothing to develop real bonds. Maybe Celestia did something, maybe she knows something we don't... I don't know. I couldn't say for sure either way. What I do know is that I care about you." I gently bumped my shoulder into hers. "You're my friend, Star."

A silence ensued. It wasn't awkward or uncomfortable. If anything, it was... nice. Peaceful. Starlight's laughter was quiet at first until it bloomed into outright guffaws. It had come out of left field, but was so jubilant I nearly joined in her mirth.

With a contented sigh she let out all the pent up tension that had built up inside of her. "You're so corny, Shimmer... Why do I like you so much?" The bright smile on her face was... beautiful.

I knew the answer to that.

"Because we're friends, Glimmer," I poked back.

"Right... friends," she exhaled another breath. "Thanks," she wrapped her forelegs around my neck. "For being my friend, Sun."

"You too, Star," I returned the hug. "For being mine."

"Geez you two... get a room." Before we'd noticed, the door to the car had opened, Twilight walking in with an amused smile on her face.

"We're in a room, Sparkles," Starlight glanced over her shoulder at the purple mare, her smile becoming absolutely devilish. "Give us a couple more minutes... we were just about to get to the good part."

Twilight's face changed from entertained to deadpan in an instant as she stared at the two of us.


"T... Twi-" just as I finally spoke she moved, spinning on her hoof and walking right back to the door to leave. "Twilight! She was kidding!" The violet mare stopped.

"Oh really?" she replied evenly. "Were you joking, Starlight?" she asked without turning to face us.

"Tell her, Star... light?" I turned my gaze back to the lilac mare. She quickly let me go, continuing to face towards the door. I couldn't be certain, but I think I detected a blush on her.

"O-of course I was!" she declared but she was far from confident.

"Rigggght," Twilight turned back to us.

"A-anyway, what happened over there?" Starlight asked.

"Just a group of rowdy mares," Twilight trotted over to Luna's bed and leapt on top.

"Were they okay?" I asked. "Nopony got hurt, right?"

"Such a bleeding heart," Starlight chuckled as she sat on Raven's chair.

"They're all fine," Twilight replied, but a look of contemplation came to her features. "I'm much more interested in what one of them said."

I got back onto my... onto Celestia's bed. "What'd she say?"

"Supposedly, they're on a mission from your mentor," she pointed a hoof at me. "Know anything about it?"

I closed my eyes, thinking deeply.


Nothing came to mind.

"Not that I can rec-" I opened my eyes, a distinct memory finally cropping up. "How many of them were there, Twilight?"

"I saw four... but I'm pretty sure there were at least six," Twilight crossed her forelegs.

"Remember something, Sunny?" Starlight asked, though she didn't really look very interested. At least, not as interested as she was when we were talking one-on-one.

"I think..." I crossed my own forelegs, trying my best to remember exactly what she'd said. "I remember her saying something about a group of "special" mares that lived in Ponyville. She sends them to different parts of Equestria when a situation doesn't require her or Princess Luna's... personal attention."

"So they're like you two?" Starlight sniggered.

"I wouldn't be talking if I were you, Starlight," Twilight shrugged, a pleased smirk lifting her lips. "You're one of us now, too," she was more than a little too happy to point that fact out to the lilac mare.

"Yeah, maybe. But..." Starlight raised a hoof to argue, but then slowly lowered it as a look of realization came to her face. "C-crap..."

Twilight couldn't hold in her laughter, but my mind was already on overdrive.

Why would she be sending them to the Crystal Empire?

"SHUT IT, SPARKLES!" Starlight's bellow tugged me out of my thoughts. She'd tossed a pillow at the purple unicorn, but Twilight caught it easily with her telekinesis and leaned comfortably against it.

"Anything else we should know, Sunset?" Twilight wiped away a tear from her eye once her cackling had died down.

"If they were sent by Princess Celestia..." I voiced my thoughts. "then this trip might be more dangerous than I thought."

"Why is that, Sunny?" Starlight asked.

"They're not... normal. I think she called them... "The Elements of Harmony"".



Ignoring my little... incident, the ride had been a mostly pleasant one. We shared a nice little lunch together and ended up getting a deck of cards from one of the train's attendants.

Twilight and I had never played "poker" before, but it was another game Starlight was an expert at. It's a good thing we hadn't played for bits. According to Starlight, those were the traditional stakes for the game. If we had bet money, Twilight and I would've gone flat broke.

Much like the first game she'd shown us, Starlight was a savant with cards too... orrrr she had cheated.

Nah, she wouldn't do that.

We ended up playing for the rest of the trip. Since it wasn't a game that tested our magical skills, Twilight didn't mind losing as much. Nor did I, for that matter. It was really fun and before we knew it, we'd arrived in the Empire.

It was... crazy, to say the least. It was my first time in the Crystal City and as Twilight, Starlight, and I walked through the train station, my senses were quickly overwhelmed.

There was so much color, so many beautiful gems in every direction. The architecture itself was based around uncut crystal, those being the primary construction material. The unique method of architecture gave the building a very distinct look.

Magic had to have been heavily utilized to get everything done. The station itself, was massive. If it had been built out of crystals then
logic dictated the rest of the city must've been as well. If that really was the case, then it had to mean mana was also heavily utilized in the construction of the Empire.

The floor beneath our hooves was composed of crystal as well. I was convinced it had to be enchanted too. Each step anypony took was far more muffled than would have been the norm. Not only that, the crystal was abnormally soft to the touch, the ground almost soothing to walk on.

As we took in the sights around us upbeat jazz music filled the station, playing through hidden loud speakers. The genre was an acceptable midpoint between my preferred musical tastes and Twilight's. I'd listened to the particular style of music several times before back in Canterlot. It was pretty good. In particular, I enjoyed the flugelhorn that seemed to always be at the center of most songs from the Empire.

The scents hanging in the air were unlike anything I'd experienced in Canterlot. Sweet, spicy, unfamiliar... the cuisine had to be off the charts and as the three of us passed by another vendor, I nearly tripped over my own hooves staring hungrily at the kiosk.

"Geez, Sunny, we just ate..." Starlight remarked, noticing my tumble. "Wanna stop? We've got enough bits. It's okay, isn't it, Twilight?" The violet mare was ahead of us, leading the way. Having received specific instructions from my mentor on what we were to do when we arrived, we'd given her the duty of leadership.

"Uhm," she looked down at the scroll floating before her. "It should be alright. We're supposed to wait for somepony named S-"

"EXCUSE ME!" A random stallion called out in our direction from amongst the middle of the crowd. He was waving his foreleg this way and that in an attempt to get our attention. "Miss Sparkle!" Or, to get Twilight's attention.

What. The. HECK!?

Fully seeing the unicorn as he approached us was... uncanny. The color of his coat was almost identical to mine, though I'd say mine was much more vibrant and lively. His mane and tail were... a slightly off shade of my maroon... maybe more orange? Both were so immaculately styled they made mine look messy in comparison. Disturbingly enough, his eyes were even the same hue of
cyan as mine. The only really distinguishing features separating us were the white highlights along his hooves and on his face.

"Freaky..." Starlight leaned closer to me to whisper. "You sure you don't have a long-lost brother in the Empire too, Sunny?"

"Positive," I uncomfortably whispered back as the stallion trotted up to us, or rather, to Twilight.

"You're Twilight Sparkle, correct?" he smiled politely before wiping the sweat from his brow. "This station can get pretty hectic. I didn't think I'd be able to find you so easily."

Doesn't look like you had such an easy time to me.

"Are you Sunburst?" Twilight replied stiffly, Starlight and I standing at her flanks.

"That's me, Queen Cantata's Curia Regis, at your service!" he bowed slightly, obviously out of politeness and not because he was required to do so. "That must make you two lovely mares Sunset Shimmer and St-" His eyes completely bugged-out when he focused on Starlight. "St-Starlight Glimmer..."

"It's a pleasure to meet you. / Hey." I tried to be as cordial as possible while Starlight barely even responded. The look of utter disdain on her face as she looked down on the stallion sent shivers up my spine.

"For Celestia's sake, Princess Cadenza said you were beautiful, but I wasn't expecting you to be so- I-I MEAN- that is to say..." If his eyes were bulging before, they were almost clean out of their sockets by this point. I really couldn't blame him.

Star is something else.

Disdain had turned to disgust and I was confident if we were back in Canterlot the poor stallion would've already been subjected to several excruciatingly painful spells. Thank goodness for Twilight who laughed so exceptionally loud several passersby glanced in our direction.

"Good luck with that one, casanova," she sighed happily once her giggles had somewhat abated. "She'd sooner make a pony her slave than give them the time of day."

"HEY!" Starlight snapped. "I've given you the time of day, Sparkles!"

"You have," Twilight playfully smirked at the lilac mare. "But let's not forget that was after you tried to make me your slave."

"Fair point," Starlight lifted her hoof with a shrug. "What can I say? You and Sunny would make the best toys... I can't even fathom how much fun I'd have playing with the two of you." She had her eyes closed, clearly trying to imagine what it would be like.

"Uhm, excuse me? Is she... Is she serious?" Sunburst asked, completely bewildered by Starlight's shameless antics.

Good to see a change of scenery hasn't changed her behavior.

"It's probably better if you just ignore her," Twilight turned her attention back to the stallion. "You're here to see us to the castle, am I correct?"

"Palace, actually. And yes!" he said to Twilight though he still hadn't taken his eyes off of Starlight. She was still in her own little fantasy world and it was apparent the Queen's advisor was still enamored by her. "Shall we depart, Miss Starlight?"

Starlight opened her eyes reluctantly, that same disgusted look as before back in full force. "Where's the guard? Shouldn't they be the ones escorting us?" she glared at him.

"You might think so, but no, actually," Sunburst looked around at the other ponies within the station. "The Crystal Empire is a pretty... laid back place, at least compared to Canterlot," he smiled looking back at us... or mostly, at Starlight. "You'll be safe with me."

"Fine." Starlight bemoaned the situation before turning to me with a sweet smile. "Let's go, Sunny."

"Sure!" I agreed enthusiastically. I wanted to see the rest of the city, mostly to see if it really was like the station.

"We can get some grub at the castle," Starlight wrapped a foreleg around me.

"Palace," Sunburst corrected, drawing an irritated glower from Starlight.

"PALACE!" Starlight nearly snarled as the four of us began walking towards the exit of the station with Sunburst leading the way.

"Sweet Celestia... Please don't tell me I'm gonna have to deal with this the whole time we're here," Twilight sighed dejectedly.

"Not if mister "Cure Rages" can keep his trap shut, you won't," Starlight huffed.

"For a breathtaking mare like you, Starlight... I'd do anything," Sunburst praised our lilac friend.


I'm not sure who groaned louder, Starlight or Twilight...


Wow... It's... amazing.

"Very impressive..."

"Hooooly crap..."

The Crystal city had been every bit as extravagant as I'd thought it would be, employing all the same construction methods and using the same materials as the train station.

In comparison, the Crystal Palace... Queen Cantata's palace, was practically indescribable. As we walked through the lavish halls -- Sunburst still at the forefront -- the three of us couldn't hide just how captivated we were.

While the interior contained similar furnishings to those in Canterlot Castle, -- chic carpets, intricate paintings, and expertly crafted furniture -- the palace heavily relied on enchanted crystals as a building material just like the rest of the Empire.

"How did you get all this crystal?" I asked the most basic of questions as we passed under a chandelier that was so elaborately woven and stunning, I could swear it was purely made of mana.

"They're nice, huh?" Sunburst chuckled.

"I'd say they're a bit more than just "nice"," Twilight commented, though she seemed to be more concerned with one of the oversized paintings that was hanging on the wall. One of many, the particular portrait she was scrutinizing was a profile of Queen Cantata's late husband, the former King of the Crystal Empire.

"Sure, sure," Sunburst waved a hoof dismissively. "But you tend to get used to them," he shrugged. "Not like true beauty," he snuck a peek over his shoulder at Starlight, who thankfully, hadn't noticed his attention. She seemed to be more interested in the Crystal guards standing at their various posts. Every time we passed by any she stared at them as if they were going to attack her or something.

"You okay, Star?" I knew I had to say something after we'd passed the third or so post. The look on her face had gotten progressively more irritated and now, she was silently fuming.

"I'm doing great, Sunset," she said through clenched teeth.

"Hey," I whispered to her, shoving her playfully with my shoulder. The look of frustration remained on her face when she glared my way. "Are you sure?" I offered her a concerned smile.

Her face softened considerably when she realized just how pissed off she must've been looking. "I am, Sunny. Sorry," she returned the smile.

"Anyway," Sunburst continued. "I'm sure you noticed most of the ponies in our great city are unicorns."

They are?

"Of course," Twilight responded confidently.

I hadn't noticed. Probably because I'd been much more fascinated by the city itself. I hadn't really paid much attention to the ponies, though I was aware there were a lot of them.

"Well, ponies native to the Crystal Empire, or Crystal Ponies as we're referred to, have an innate ability to manipulate crystal." He stepped up to the massive double doors that lead to the next hall. On each side of the entrance stood a Crystal guard at attention.

"That's it?" Twilight asked, clearly not satisfied with such an answer. "I don't think life is quite that simple."

"Life? Probably not," he chuckled. "But maybe some things are," his horn activated, glowing a dull lemon color as the double doors were coated in his aura.

Strangely, the doors were instantly overtaken by a second different aura. The new one was a familiar tinge. It was the exact same color as...


"What took so long, Sunburst? You know Cadance has..." The white stallion that stood inside the doors as they opened was a unicorn. His mane and tail were two-toned, a dark blue and teal and his cutie mark was...

"Sorry, sir! I brought them as fast..." Sunburst trailed off when he noticed the stunned expression on the stallion's face.

As soon as I glanced at Twilight and saw the look on her face, I knew exactly who was standing before us. The tense silence that descended on us made me want to run away, but I'd never leave her alone when she needed me.


"Shining Armor..."

Author's Note:

The siblings reunite after years. This can only be good... right?

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