• Published 6th Jul 2023
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Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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TCE: Search

There has to be... SOMETHING!

I angrily stomped through the castle, searching for a shred of ANYTHING that I could use that might be able to help bolster my case.

It had been hours since I'd left Twilight alone in that stupid little shack. Hours since she tossed me aside like I was a piece of rubbish she'd found on the street. Her buffoon of a brother had tried to stop me from leaving, but I had no desire nor inclination to listen to a word he had to say. Honestly, he was beyond lucky I hadn't decided to end him then and there.

After speaking with each and every Crystal guard I could find, I still hadn't gathered any information that might prove his guilt. The guard was completely loyal to its captain, that much was clear, but with enough investigating I'd noticed they were acting strange too.

Relatively speaking.

I received nothing but short, blunt answers, no matter what question I had asked.

"What do you think of the new captain?"

"He's an inspiration to us all."

"Notice anything weird about the new captain?"


"Have you ever seen the new captain do anything you might say was... questionable?


Even when I'd been pleasant and asked simple, less intrusive questions like 'how has your day been going?' I received only 'fine's and 'okay's. It became apparent rather quickly that I wasn't going to get anywhere with his troops.

I still had to try. I just had to take a different approach.
It all lead to nothing, other than me trotting around the palace with my head bowed down in irritation. Even more frustrating than the lack of cooperation was having to avoid all the ponies scurrying about within the castle. I assumed the majority of them -- if not all -- were getting things prepared for the wedding.

It's even more annoying than being in Canterlot.

As a pair of pink hooves stepped into my vision the way too sweet voice they belonged to spoke up.

"Oh no! Is something the matter!? You look awful!"

... Really?

I already wanted to buck her into the atmosphere, but I was beginning to realize, overreacting like that every time I was a little annoyed would get me nowhere fast.

Other than maybe a dungeon...

"What gave you that idea?" I looked up at the mare, trying not to sound sarcastic. Pretty sure I failed. It didn't seem to bother the pink ball of fluff, though. She was suddenly grinning like an idiot.

"Well, first of all that frowny-frown," she pointed at my face. "Not to mention your slumpy-shoulders and angy-attitude."

I stifled my groan and forced myself not to roll my eyes.


"What's your name, fluff-ball?" I raised an annoyed eyebrow.

"Pinkie Pie!" her smile somehow grew larger as she proudly pointed a hoof at herself. "But I'm not a fluff-ball, I'm a pony."


"What do you want, fluff-ball?" I couldn't help but nearly chuckle, in spite of my irritation.

"I don't want anything," she shrugged her shoulders, her toothy smile not waning a bit. "Well, other than for you to smile," she waved a hoof at my mouth.

"Done," I gave her the weakest most hollow smile I could muster. "Happy?"

"Nnnnope!" She didn't pull any punches. "So what's wrong... yyyyouuuu?" she cocked a curious eyebrow.


"Starlight," I replied before continuing swiftly, beyond ready to move on from this conversation. "And not something you can help me with," I turned away from her to leave.


"Unless you know anything about Captain Shining Armor," I glanced over my shoulder at the pink earth pony.


"Who?" she tilted her head, clearly confused.

"See ya later, fluff-ball," I moved to continue on my way.

"WAIT!" she shouted, standing in front of me in the blink of an eye. She was a normal earth pony, not a unicorn. Whatever method she'd used to move so fast, it was an impressive display of speed without the use of mana.

"What is it, fluff-ball?" I sighed rubbing my head with a hoof. I had much better things to do and spending more time around this mare would be a waste.

"I was joking!" she got closer nudging me with an elbow. "Don't you get jokes?"

"Then you do know him?" I tilted my head, a slight bit of hope touching me.

"I..." she looked sheepish all of a sudden. "know of him..."

I walked right around her, not saying another word.

"Starlight, wait!"

Is she serious?

"You've got five seconds, fluff-ball," I growled, shutting my eyes. I could definitely feel a migraine coming on.

"I don't know much about him," her repetition caused me to take a step forward. "BUT, but..." I stopped. "But, I do know somepony who does."

I whirled around, a doubt-filled expression on my face.

"I can take you to her," she didn't look desperate at all. In fact, she looked excited. It was the truth. A genuine smile came to my lips. In response, she began to positively glow. Figuratively, of course.

"Lead the way... fluff-ball."


The quiet teahouse the two of us entered was a welcome change of pace from what had preceded it. The pink ball of fluff hadn't shut up the entire trek through the city. Thankfully, we'd reached our destination seconds from me throttling the mare. The low rumble of music inside the venue was consistent with the music I'd heard around the rest of the city, if a little more bass-y.

The tables sprinkled around the single expansive room were peppered with customers quietly conversing at small tables. There wasn't much else within the interior, -- a kiosk in one corner next to where you paid -- a minimalistic approach the apparent choice of decor by the proprietor.

As we approached the table with a singular pony sitting at it, -- a pony that was so attractive it was astonishing she was by herself -- fluff-ball spoke up.

"Rare I-"

"Pinkie, darling," the unicorn cut the earth pony off, a beleaguered expression coming to her face. "You are aware you're supposed to be decorating for Her Highness' big day, are you n-"

The white unicorn stopped as soon as she noticed me behind the pink mass, a polite smile coming to her beautiful face.

"Hello there," the pony regarded me with a level of grace and refinement I'd never encountered before. Somehow, she carried herself with even more pride than either of my mentors, if that was possible. "I'm afraid I haven't had the pleasure of making your acquaintance, darling."

She'd make a wonderful toy...

I smirked, perishing the thought as best I could.

Or lover.

My smile grew.

"That's what I was trying to tell you, Rare," fluff-ball took a seat at the table before continuing. "I had to bring Starlight to see you. She has some questions she wants to ask you."

"Pinkie, darling, y-" her irritated demeanor instantly shifted to bulged eyes and a fierce blush. "I'm sorry, but did you just say... Starlight!?"

"Yyyyep!" Fluff-ball nodded enthusiastically.

"Starlight... Glimmer?" The white mare managed to squeak out the latter with some effort.

"Yyyy-" fluff-ball stopped short, looking at me with confused eyes. I shrugged, nodding my head once to confirm. "ep!" Fluff-ball nodded even more energetically than before.


"Wh-I-I- Forgive me, Miss Glimmer!" her blush darkened several shades as she openly panicked. Her horn sparked to life as she pushed one of the other chairs at the table out with her telekinesis. "Please, have a seat! I didn't mean to show such blatant disregard for somepony of your status! I had a feeling you might be... y-yourself, but I couldn't be certain-"

"It's fine," I stated bluntly, taking the seat across from her that she had so kindly offered. It almost felt like I was back in the dining hall with all those pompous horses, but something about this mare seemed... different.

She seems so... genuine.

A rich pony that didn't act holier-than-thou was a rarity. She had my interest. Even moreso than before.

"You don't have to worry yourself about my 'status'," I grinned. "Just be respectful, and I'll be the same... u-uhm?"

"Rarity," she reached out a hoof toward me, her blush fading away as that impressive smile returned.

Well... that's interesting.

"It's my pleasure to meet such a... talented pony." It was plain to see she wasn't exactly sure how to play this situation, but she was being smart about it.

"The pleasure's all mine," I shook her hoof gently. "It's not often I get to meet such a stunningly beautiful mare."

Wow... honesty? I'm surprised.

For the first time in a while, I'd given a truthful compliment to a complete stranger. Generally, I'd want nothing more than to play with her, but...

I can't put my hoof on it...

"And such a charmer as well," a slight tinge returned to her cheeks. "Had I known you would be joining us I would have ordered more drinks."

"Us?" I raised a brow as our hoofshake came to an end.

"Pinkie? What are you doing h-? OH! H-hi..." The azure pony that walked up to the table was decked out in one of the tackiest... robes?

Capes? Sure, I'll go with that.

One of the tackiest capes I'd ever seen. She looked even more caught off guard than Rarity had a moment ago.

"And you are?" I looked the mare up and down.

Nothing remarkable.

She wasn't ugly by any stretch of the imagination, but her attire wasn't doing the rest of her any favors either.

Her mane is alright, I guess.

She was carrying two drinks in her telekinesis, which she promptly laid down on the table, one in front of Rarity, and the other before herself.

"Trixie is Trix-" she shook her head, as if she'd flubbed her lines. "My name is Trixie. And you are?" she offered me a bright smile as she took a seat.

"This is Starlight Glimmer," Rarity answered for me, which was honestly, quite refreshing. "She's the newest student of both Princess Celestia and Princess Luna."

Trixie's mouth fell open, a stunned look coming to her face before it quickly changed to a look of discomfort.
I cocked an eyebrow at the white unicorn. "I hope that's not the reason you're being so humble around me."

"On the contrary, darling," Rarity shook her head. "Every creature is deserving of respect," she said, flashing another brilliant smile. "Unless one makes it apparent that they are not," her smile dissolved into a look of disgust.

"Rare has always been a super humble pony," fluff-ball chimed in. "At least, she has been in all the years I've known her." Her praise had quickly replaced the sneer on Rarity's face with another endearing smile.

"That's an interesting perspective," I grinned. "Not my personal cup of tea, and certainly not one I'd envision a mare of... your standing to employ."

"A mare of my standing?" she tilted her head, confused.

"One of Canterlot's elite," I answered.

"Oh, darling," she blushed a deep crimson, her eyes shimmering with moisture. "You're far too kind."

She's... not?

"Then... where are you from? I was the one who was thoroughly confused now.

"We're all from Ponyville," fluff-ball answered.


Wherever it was, it sounded like some backwater village that only noponies came from.

"All?" I asked.

"Me, Trixie, Rare," fluff-ball elaborated as she stared longingly at Trixie's drink. "Fluttershy, Applejack, and Dashie."

... Six?

I was suddenly irritated, Sun coming to the forefront of my mind.

"Did you all... arrive in the Empire yesterday on the Canterlot Express?" I lowered my gaze, hiding my face from them.


"Are you the friend Twilight was worried about?" Trixie interrupted the fluff-ball. It was a good thing she sounded remorseful, if even just a little.

"Wait, Twilight?" fluff-ball appeared to deflate, her mane and tail losing all vibrancy and fluffiness in a millisecond.

"No..." I glared at the azure mare causing her to recoil away from me.

Rarity nearly choked on the tea she was nursing. "Twi... Oh... Oh dear," she gave me the most sympathetic pair of eyes I was certain any pony alive could produce. "We're all so very sorry about that... incident. It was completely our fault."

"Starlight, who was it?" fluff-ball was right next to me, grabbing onto my shoulder with her hooves. Her eyes were wet with tears, a far cry from her previous bubbliness. it was jarring, seeing such a shift from joyful foolishness to outright sorrow. "What's their name?"


I wasn't sure I wanted to tell her. In fact, I wanted to walk out and leave them to wallow in their own regret. I wanted them to suffer for what they'd done to my Sun.

They hurt her.

But... for some uncanny reason... one I couldn't explain if I tried... fluff-ball's pleading face got through to me.

"Her name is Sunset," I smiled slightly at the pink mare.

"Princess Celestia's student," Rarity sighed, disappointment coming off her in spades as she rubbed her temples. "Are the three of you staying in the palace?"

"We're all guests of the queen and her daughter," I nodded. "Yeah."

"I have to go apologize!" fluff-ball declared, determination filling her eyes as she wiped away the tears, though her mane and tail remained flat.

"It's okay, fluff-ball. She's fine n-" my mouth fell agape when I realized I was talking to a cloud of pink smoke that'd taken the shape of the pony I was just talking to. As it dissipated, I looked at Trixie and Rarity in disbelief who both looked unperturbed by the impossible event. "H-how does she do stuff like that!?"

"It's Pinkie," Trixie shrugged.

"We've long grown accustomed to her... antics," Rarity giggled.

Not sure I'd categorize that as antics.

"More importantly," Rarity continued. "You wanted to ask me something? I'd be glad to help in any way I can, to make reparations for our egregious offense."

"Oh really..." I raised a curious brow yet again. "Is that the only reason you wanna help me?"

"No," she answered faster than I thought she would. "No, it is not." Another slight blush came to her cheeks. I looked at Trixie, a little confused.

"Rarity is pretty generous," she explained. "More than likely, she'd try to help you even if we hadn't screwed up so badly."

"Let's not dwell on that," Rarity grabbed my attention, clearly not wanting even more praise tossed her way. "What did you need of me, Starlight?"

Any other time, I'd doubt such a claim of nobility, but this mare... there was something different about her.

More important things, Starlight.

"I have some questions about Shining Armor," I zoned in, a slight sneer coming to my lips at the mention of his name.

"The Captain of the Crystal Guard..." she looked bewildered. "Wouldn't it serve you better to ask Twilight Sparkle? She is his-"

"Sister," I interjected. "Yeah, I already know."

"Very well," she took a sip of her tea. "Ask away."

"Has he always been so-"

"Chipper?" Trixie laughed derisively. "No."

"Tell me more," I grinned, intrigued by our apparent shared disgust.

"A few years ago, when Shining Armor was still a part of Princess Celestia's Solar Guard, we... encountered him often," Rarity expounded. "Back then he was a much more..." she tapped her chin, searching for the correct word. "stern stallion."

"It's not bad he's grown so laid back," Trixie chimed in. "It's just... he was always so quiet before, so serious. It's a little weird to see him so carefree all the time."

"Any reason you could think of as to why he might have changed?" I inquired further.

"Well, yes darling," Rarity covered her mouth with a hoof. "A rather large one."

I looked between both unicorns, waiting patiently for them to answer, though they both suddenly had disbelieving expressions on their faces.


"Seriously?" Trixie's face screwed up even more.

"What?" I darted my gaze even faster.

"Love, darling," Rarity placed a hoof over her own chest. "He fell in love."

Oh... that.

My eyes rolled of their own accord. I'd seen what love could do to a creature... real love.

I love you... my little Star.


What he was doing was not that. His actions were calculated. He was scheming and manipulating. He was working towards something, but what, I didn't know.

"I... can see that," I lied. Whatever the case, I'd gotten what I was searching for. Ponies who knew him before had noticed a change. It was all I needed. "Thanks."

"That's... that's all?" Rarity was confused. "Surely I can help you with something more."

"You've helped me a lot more than you might think," I shook my head. "Really, thanks."

She looked doubtful for a second longer, but that quickly changed to an expression of contentment.

"If you say so, darling. You're quite welcome." She took a long drink from her cup, finishing her beverage. "That being the case, I must unfortunately, return to the palace," she stood to her hooves.

"So soon?" Trixie was clearly surprised by her friends sudden remark.

"You know Pinkie, Trixie," Rarity smiled warmly. "She'll be all over the palace looking for Sunset Shimmer, and with the wedding in two days, one of us has to ensure the decorations are completed in a timely manner."

"Is that why you all are here?" I asked, a smidge curious.

"Yes... amongst other things," Rarity nodded.

"Other things?"

"Rarity and Pinkie are in charge of decorations. Our other friends are helping with catering and entertainment," Trixie elaborated.

"Correct," Rarity said, bubbling with energy, I was guessing from the sugar in her drink. "Now then, I must bid you adieu, ladies."

"I'll come with you," Trixie moved to stand as well, but Rarity quickly put a stop to that.

"Nonsense, you keep our new friend company," she scooted the azure unicorn's chair back in with some telekinesis. "I shall handle the tab. Go ahead and order a drink, Starlight. It's on m-"

"That won't be necessary," an unfamiliar voice interrupted, drawing our attention. The barista that walked up to the table was a unicorn mare and appeared utterly bored with her occupation. She was carrying a small cup, as well as various other things on a tray. "We fully comp guests of Her Highness, as well as their friends."

"Oh," Rarity looked troubled. "We're not exactly-"

"That's great news!" I cut her off, feigning excitement. "My
friends and I really appreciate the sentiment." Trixie smirked, knowingly. Rarity looked like she might cry at any moment. "We'll see you back at the hotel later then, Rarity?" I smiled at the white mare.

"Yeah, we'll see you later, Rare?" Trixie played along with us.

"Of course, girls. Tata for now," Rarity waved a hoof before making for the exit. "And thank you again, Starlight," she called back before leaving.

As Trixie and I turned back to face one another again the barista placed the drink before me. "On the house, Miss Glimmer," she made an attempt at a cordial smile.

"Thank you..." I stared down at the liquid. It was an amber hue and steaming hot. "Is there any sugar in it?"

"No, ma'am," she placed packets in front of me -- which I figured were sugar, some kind of creamer, and... cinnamon? -- as well as napkins next to my cup. "You can add whatever you like. We also have other condiments such as honey at our self-serve station," she flourished a hoof toward the display. "If you're so inclined."

"Okay," I smiled halfheartedly. "Thank you."

With a bow of her head the barista left us to our business. I lifted the cup, taking a cautious sniff of the tea.

Green. Not bad.

I took a drink, savoring the bitter flavor before returning my attention to Trixie. She looked completely uncomfortable. We sat in silence for several minutes, the music playing around us seeming much louder all of a sudden.


"I'm not gonna bite your head off or anything," I stared down at my drink, speaking after enough time had passed that I realized she wasn't going to try to start a conversation. "You don't have to be so tense."

"Trix- I know that," she sighed. "It's just Twilight... she... she wasn't as understanding as you, so Trixie is a bit... hesitant to-"

"She wasn't?" I wanted to hear more. I was under the assumption that she'd just given them an angry talking to. I stared at the azure mare in anticipation.

"Let's just say, because of what she did to us... I wasn't able to convince some of my friends to forgive her," she was clearly disappointed admitting that.

Not bad, Twilight.

I may have been seriously pissed at her, but I had to admire her dedication.

To Sun, at least.

"To be perfectly honest," I smirked. It was time to have some fun with the azure mare. "Twilight let you all off the hook easy."

"E-easy?" she coughed, covering her mouth with a hoof so she wouldn't spit out her drink.

"If it had been me that dealt with you," I chuckled. "Some of you might've ended up in the hospital." Whatever I was expecting from her, the reaction she gave me wasn't it.

"You..." A small, innocent smile crept onto her face, making her look a little cute for the first time since I'd seen her. "The three of you really care about each other a lot... don't you?"

"We..." I rubbed my face with a hoof. "I guess we do." I suddenly felt sick to my stomach, the guilt apparently getting to me.

Darn it, Sparkles... Why couldn't you just... just...

"S-Starlight?" Trixie's voice was distorted and slow, the sudden spinning of the room around me gradually picking up momentum.

"Wh... what's going..."

Crap... did I screw up? I... Sun...

Everything went black.

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