• Published 6th Jul 2023
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Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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TCE: Submission

I couldn't sleep. No matter how hard I tried to force myself to, each time I closed my eyes I was bombarded by disturbing visions that I couldn't quite identify. After turning over in bed for the millionth or so time, I heard a slight shuffling coming from Sunset's bed.

She -- Starlight -- was the first to leave the room. She'd casted some kind of spell, got herself cleaned up in the restroom, and then left. Shortly after, Sunset followed suit. I really wanted to talk to them... I needed to talk to them, but...

Why did they just leave? Why didn't they wake me up? Why are they avoiding me!?

Because they don't like you.

W-why would they-

You couldn't even trust Starlight... one of the only ponies in your life who chose to treat you like a friend...

But I... she-

And it's not like Sunset ever liked you. You've always treated her like dirt.


I curled up into myself further, pulling the blankets covering me closer. It was true. I'd betrayed Starlight and Sunset had always hated me. I didn't have any friends. I'd thrown them all away.

I only have-


I shot up in bed, a cold sweat covering my body. I held my head in my hooves, my breathing coming out in extended heaves. The pain was unbearable, almost causing me to vomit. I carefully caught my breath, forcing myself to swallow the sick that wanted nothing more than to come up. My body slumped over as I stared down at my trembling hooves.

"I'm... alone..."


A gentle knock at the door made me flinch.

"C-come in!" I called out, desperation clinging to every part of me.

It's Starlight and Sunset! It has to be! They do care! They...

The door creaked open at a dreadfully slow rate, rivaling that of even a snail. My brother poked his head into the room, a concerned smile on his face.

"Sh...Shiny!?" my heart skipped a beat at the unexpected appearance of my sibling.

I'm not alone. I have him.

I'd only ever lost him because I treated him like garbage. He'd never left me. He'd always been there.

Not like Starlight and Sunset.

"Hey, Twily," he looked sheepish all of a sudden. "Mind if I... mind if I come inside?"

"I don't," I rubbed the sleep from my eyes, yawning deeply as I stretched my limbs out. "but I'm not exactly presentable right now."

"Twily," he chuckled as he stepped into the room, closing the door behind himself. "We used to sleep in the same room," he took a seat next to my bed. "I've seen you in much worse states than this before. You'll always be my adorable little sister with the messy mane."

While it was indeed true, I still blushed in embarrassment at the memories.

"So..." I wanted nothing more than to change the subject as soon as possible. "How is Cadenza doing?"

"She's okay," he smiled at the mention of his soon-to-be wife. "She just... found out some surprising things about our family yesterday. She's resting now."

"That's good," I smiled back. I wouldn't press him for any more information than he'd given. While I was a little curious, I didn't feel like we were back to that level of familiarity just yet.


"Are you here so we can work with the guard again?" I asked, moving to get out of the bed. We hadn't gotten a chance to discuss what the plans were going to be for today after Cadenza had arrived at his room, so I took a guess. "I just need a few minutes to get ready. Starlight isn't here tho-"

"No, Twily, it's fine," he raised a hoof to stop me. "I gave the majority of the guard the day off. Big day tomorrow and all that, ya know?"

"Oh! Right," I stopped, slumping back down. "Then... why are you here, Shiny?"

"Well..." He rubbed the back of his neck with a hoof, clearly uncomfortable because of the inquiry. "It's... I wanted to talk about your friends."

I went rigid, my heart stopping for a moment in my chest.

"Can I... can I wash up first?" I looked away from him.

"Sure just... try to keep it short?" there was a bit of flint in his voice. "We've got a big day today and I want it to be perfect..."


"Okay," I took a deep breath. "Thanks for waiting for me to finish." My brother and I were sitting at the table in the room me and the others had been provided with. I was done with my morning routine, ready to face whatever he might have to tell me. At least, I thought I was.

"I grabbed you some coffee," he was stirring his own cup with his magic. He hovered a second cup to my side of the table along with a container of cream and another of sugar. "It'll probably help."

"Thanks," I took a swig of the bitter drink. I was long used to drinking it black.

Mostly because of-

A twinge of pain ran through my head causing me to wince. I rubbed my temple with a hoof, trying to soothe the sudden ache.

"You okay?" Shiny asked as he lowered his cup to the table.

"I'm... fine," I took another drink from my cup, hoping it would help with the headache. "What did you want to talk about, Shiny?"

"Honestly... I was thinking of an easy way to put it but, there really isn't one, Twily," he stared at me, his expression becoming deathly serous. "I think your friends have been compromised."


"I'm... not sure what you mean by that, Shiny," I was finally able to express my confusion after a few moments of silence. I'd stared back at him for almost a minute straight before replying, but he'd remained silent without even attempting to explain any further.

"So M- so Queen Cantata asked for you, Starlight, and Sunset to come to the Empire, right?" he asked.

"As far as I'm aware... yes, that's what happened," I laid my cup down on the table.

"Do you know why she wanted the three of you to come here?" He kind of sounded like he was growing impatient, like he thought I should've been more knowledgeable of the situation.

"To reconcile with you," I looked down at my hooves. "And to help make sure your wedding went off without a hitch."

"Right!" he exclaimed, seemingly getting a little excited by my answers. "But do you know why we're all so worried about something going wrong in the first place?"

"I... don't," I shook my head.

"There's been rumors of a rebellion," he frowned as he explained just how dire the situation was. "From within our own ranks. I'm... I'm pretty sure Sunburst is at the center of them, but..."

"That's... and so?" I was confused. Surprised that a pony like Sunburst might do something so devious, but... It sounded like a Crystal Empire problem to me, nothing more. "What does that have to do with Sunset and Starlight?"

"They're working with him, Twilight," he reverted into his elder brother state, a look of stern authority on his face. "I think it's all because their mentor ordered them to do it."

"W-WHAT!?" I stood up, the slamming of my hooves against the tabletop making both of our cups nearly topple over. "WHY WOULD PRINCESS CELESTIA EVER DO ANYTHING LIKE THAT!?"

"Calm down, Sis," he glared at me, sending my right back down onto my rump.

"S-sorry..." I relented with a sigh.

"It's... alright," his sigh was almost an exact copy of my own. "I need to show you something, Twilight," his horn ignited with magenta energy as a sphere of magic formed between us.

"What is..." As images of our guestroom began to flood the orb, I instantly came to understand what I was viewing. "You SPIED on us!?" I nearly hissed, looking at him in outrage.

"I spied on Sunset and Starlight. Not you," he lifted a hoof to correct me. "And it's a good thing I did," he lifted his head towards the sphere.

His spell showed a clear picture of Sunset sitting next to her bed. Starlight -- for some reason -- was fast asleep on it and there were others in the room as well.

Sunburst and... Those are mares from the train... What were their names? Trixie and... Pinkie, I think? They're Elements...

"What are they-"

"Shhhh," he cut me off, pointing at his spell. "Listen."

"I'm sorry, Sunset. I wasn't able to say anything until you were away from... her," Sunburst was the first to speak.

"Her?" Sunset looked confused by his statement.

"Princess Celestia made it very clear that there were only three creatures we were to trust in the Empire. You, Sunburst, and Starlight Glimmer," Trixie was the next to speak, clarifying Sunburst's statement.

But... why?

Because she doesn't trust you.

"I was ordered to only trust Sunset, Starlight, and you six girls. Her Highness is being extremely cautious with this situation." What Sunburst claimed nearly sent me off the deep end.

"CANTATA DOESN'T TRUST ME EITHER!?" I snarled. I was shaking, barely able to control the rage that had swelled up inside of me.

"Sunburst wasn't referring to the queen, Twilight," Shiny looked especially irritated. "It seems he's only truly loyal to one authority," he looked at me with hatred in his cerulean eyes. "I think you know who that is. She is the one who appointed him and sent you here, after all."

"P-Princess Celestia!?" my body went numb.

But she... We talked... I thought that...

She deceived you.

"I wasn't exaggerating, Twilight," my brother's spell shattered into tiny shards of light. "She's a monster. She's making a play for the Empire. She wants to dethrone my moth- Queen Cantata so she can take control of even more land."

N-no... that can't be true. Why would sh-

It IS!


"But, Starlight wouldn't know anything about that anyway!" I was grasping at straws, trying to find a glimmer of hope. Trying desperately to fight off the idea that the one I might actually love had betrayed me. "She was sleeping! She's innocent!"

Just like with your first love... you've been fooled again.

"She didn't do anything wrong! I-"

"Twilight," Shiny stood from his seat and walked over to me. He wrapped me in a tight hug. I merely trembled in response, the gravity of the situation making me feel sick. "Yesterday, after Starlight left the training grounds she was seen by a pair of my guards speaking with the pink earth pony that you saw."

"Wh-what!?" my body stiffened, my blood running cold.

"Her name is Pinkamena Diane Pie. She's one of Celestia's most trusted stooges. They left the palace together and met up with that blue unicorn and another white unicorn," he continued. "They're all working together. Those mares are-"

"The Elements of Harmony," I held myself with my hooves.

It can't be...

"Yes," he laid his head on mine. "Together, they're some of Celestia's most powerful... tools."

It was beginning to make sense. I didn't want to believe it, but it was all starting to make sense. Back on the train, that pegasus had said they were on a mission from Celestia. Sunset said Celestia sent the group on tasks she couldn't personally handle.

So she can keep her hooves clean while they do her dirty work.


There was still one thing that didn't make any sense to me.

"But... then why have the three of us come here?" I looked up at him. "Why risk my involvement at all? Why not just keep me home?"

Foolish girl.

He looked down at me, a vivid sadness in his eyes. "Don't you understand, Twilight?" No. Not sadness. Pity. "In her mind, sending you didn't matter at all. With Sunset and Starlight here, -- with her students where she needed them -- you wouldn't make a difference." I bristled, my head falling. "To Celestia... you don't matter. You've never mattered. You never will."

"Sh-Shiny..." I lost my composure. He squeezed me tightly. I cried like a foal while he held me close.

"Don't worry, Twily," he rubbed my withers with a hoof. I felt a gentle sensation touch the tip of my horn. "I'm here. I'll never leave you alone again."


"It's not gonna be easy, Twily," Shining Armor and I walked through the halls of the palace, though I wasn't sure where we were headed. "I can count on you... right?" he kept his face forward.

"I'll do whatever it takes, Shining," I answered without hesitation. "You can trust me."

He's all I have left.

I had to stay by his side... he was all I had left.

Except... that's not tr-

A tremor of pain shot through my skull nearly causing me to stumble forward onto my face. Thankfully, my brother was there to catch me and keep me from falling.

"Careful," he chuckled as he lifted me back onto my hooves. "Are you sure you're okay? I don't intend to get into any fights, but... if it does come to that..."

"If it comes to that, I'll be ready," I assured him as we continued on. "I don't care if it's the last thing I do,
Shining... I won't let Celestia have her way again. I won't let her use us like a bunch of pawns."

"Glad to hear that," his smile grew. "It's about time somepony stand up to that tyrant. I'm glad you're with me, Sis."

"So, what's the plan?" I asked as we turned a corner and entered the main hall. Strangely enough, it was completely empty.

"My... I don't think the queen is aware of Sunburst's betrayal," he answered.

"And what about Cadenza?" I raised a brow.

"She's almost definitely still in the dark," he shook his head. "She's got enough on her plate right now, I'd rather keep her out of this."

"She's not the only one," I nudged him in the side with a hoof. "You're getting married tomorrow, Shining!" I beamed.

"If all goes well," he shrugged, not looking too confident on that front.

"Aren't you happy?" I offered a sympathetic smile. "Cadenza seems like a really nice mare... and she's beautiful, too."

"I'm ecstatic, it's just..." He was struggling with something, that much was clear. "Twily, I need you here. With me. By my side."

I came to an abrupt stop, my eyes becoming saucers. My heart was pounding, a tense nervousness gripping me. He simply stared at me, an innocent grin on his face.

"What are you saying, Shining?" I managed to get out after gaping at him for way too long. "I'm right here."

He grabbed me, pulling me into a hug. "I want you to stay, Twily. Once me and Cady tie the knot, this'll be my empire. I want you to be here with me."

"Shining I-"

"I want you to be my Regent, Twily," he backed up looking into my eyes. "I want you to leave Canterlot. Move to the Empire so we can be together... forever."

I bristled, his words making me feel faint.

"Shining... I c-can't," my voice came out shaking as my head fell. "I can't leave..."


"Can't leave who, Twily?" he dipped his head to try and look me in the eye.

"My..." I grabbed my head with a hoof. "My..."

I couldn't recall.

Why can't I leave Canterlot?

You can.

There's no one there that cares about me. Not anymore.

But in the Empire...

I have-

"I love you, Twily," he pulled me from my thoughts, the breathtaking smile he gave me made my decision that much easier. "You have to stay with me."

"O-okay, Shiny," I smiled, beyond grateful I had someone like him in my life. "I'll come and live in the Empire."

"Thank you, Twily," he let out a relieved breath. "That makes things just... perfect."

We shared a hug.

"Twilight... please..." A grating, but familiar, voice called out from behind me, ending out embrace. "You don't really mean that... do you?"

I turned to face her. There were tears flowing down Sunset's stunned face, but I couldn't care less. Next to her stood Starlight looking as pissed off as ever. Behind them both was Queen Cantata, a look of worry on her face.

"She does," my brother said from behind me, a hint of venom in his voice. "Now tell me where Sunburst is," he demanded. "I know you've been conspiring with that traitor."

"Stand down, Shining Armor," the queen ordered, though there was very little authority in her voice. "You will show us where you've hidden my daughter and then turn yourself over to the Crystal guard."

"Crap... they already got to her..." he whispered under his breath.

"They're trying to trick you, Your Highness," I braced myself for the coming storm. "They are the traitors," I glared at my former "friends". "Not my brother!"

"T-Twilight... why!?" Sunset fell backwards onto her flank, my words piercing deep into her back stabbing heart.

If she even has one.

Starlight didn't flinch, her expression becoming even more malicious as she continued to stare daggers at my brother.

"I don't know what you did to her, monster," the lilac mare was beside herself, nearly snarling. Her horn was singing louder than I'd ever heard it before, the turquoise aura blazing brightly with energy. "But Sparkles isn't going anywhere!"

I had no time to react. In a flash of blinding light, she was on him.

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