• Published 6th Jul 2023
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Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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TCE: Curse

Must I truly take such a path?

Is there no other way?

She is naught but a foal, but what she will become... what she will accomplish...

A splintering of reality?

Never has there been, nor will there ever be another like her.


She is far too dangerous.

Please... forgive me, Sunset.

It is for your own good.

I swear.


For the first time in my life, my mana flowed out of me unhindered. I wasn't sure what had happened, -- not exactly --but I suddenly possessed the same level of strength I'd had back in Princess Luna's realm. For some unknown reason, even more magic than back then was flowing out of me. The tinge of my mana had shifted from the fierce red to a far brighter golden hue, much like the one that my mentor possessed.

The expulsion of energy coming from me wasn't very loud, interestingly enough. In fact, the singing of my horn was barely registering in my ears, sounding completely different from the traditional melody it sang. While it was a far cry from the song my horn typically produced, it was still beautiful in its own way. The force of the kinetic energy I was stirring up on the other hoof...

The Queen of the Changelings wasn't cowering in fear before me, but there was definitely more apparent reservation in her now. She looked at me with genuine curiosity, the flames of the sun that surged forth from me forcing her to squint her eyes.

In spite of her body being pushed back by the sheer strength of my new aura, the changeling managed to stand her ground, much to her credit.

"Well this is... not what I was expecting," the queen remarked dryly.

"Stand down, Chrysalis," I didn't have to prep any spells. My mana was so vast at the moment I was prepared to cast anything I could think of in an instant. "Yield! Then we can discuss the terms of your surrender."

Her eyes widened, a look of complete and utter shock overtaking her features.

"You can't be serious..." she deadpanned. "You get a small taste of power and all of a sudden you think you're my equal?"

"Not your equal." I didn't hesitate. The lance of white-hot sunlight I fired off bypassed her protective green flames with ease, my mana traveling at far too great a speed to be cut off by the defensive spell. She screamed in agony as she was sent reeling backwards several meters. She nearly collapsed to the ground from the impact of my attack, but as a testament to her tenacity, she barely managed to remain standing.

"You little... BRAT!" she growled, wobbling but staying upright. She raised a hoof up to her chest, feeling around. The chitin there was glowing an intense white from the degree of heat I'd utilized.

"I held back, Chrysalis," I took a step toward her, the contact of my hoof against the floor sending out rippling waves of fire in every direction. "Don't push me any further!"

"We're just getting started, SUNSET SHIMMER!" her horn shimmered with energy. She took a shot, a green jet of mana flying directly at my face. I could tell from the meager amount of energy that I wouldn't need to do anything in response. Her jaw dropped as we both watched the projectile disintegrate due to the high temperature of the sunlight I was emitting. "H-HOW!?" she gasped.

"Give up, Chrysalis," I took another step forward, forcing her onto her back hoof. I had complete control over my mana and it felt wonderful. With whatever had been restraining me now gone, manipulation I'd had trouble with before had become as easy as breathing. I could cast even more powerful solar spells than ever before, and apparently, it took very little effort. I quickly realized while doing so that I could control the temperature of my mana to the degree. Whatever I wished would be burned away in seconds and all else in contact with my mana would remain unscathed. "If you continue to resist, I'll be forced to put you down, changeling."

"Such... IMPUDENCE!" she was seething, but there was little else she could do. If she moved any closer to me the power of my sunlight would scorch her. The inability to move forward paired with a lack of defensive capabilities put her at a severe disadvantage. Her face showed that she was well aware of the unenviable position she was in. Judging by her expression, it was evident she was running through what little options she had in her mind. Full blown panic was seconds from taking her completely, even a foal could see that. "You honestly think an insignificant WHELP like YOU can challenge the Queen of the Changelings!?"

"Chrysalis..." I sighed, done with inconsequential banter. "This is your last chance." It was all just posturing coming from the changeling. It was sad.

Pathetic, really.

"Free Cantata and my friends and then you can show us where Cadenza and the others are. We'll-"

Her raucous laughter cut me off, her hoof pressing against her forehead as if what I was saying was the most hilarious joke she'd ever been told. As her fit died down she wiped a tear from her eye before sighing in contentment.

"The funniest part of all of this is that you actually believe you're in control." Her demeanor became extremely relaxed. "What are you going to do to me if I don't cooperate, Sunset Shimmer?" she tilted her head, her question apparently genuine. "Are you going to kill me?"

"No, Chrysalis," I conjured a sphere of sunlight above her, the heat of which forced her down to her belly in an attempt to get away from the searing temperature. "I don't have to use lethal force to put an end to your schemes," I manifested arcs of powerful sunlight on her torso, legs, and neck, anchoring her to the floor of the palace.

"Y-YOU...?" she glared at me, but didn't move an inch, the bindings doing their job effectively.

"Don't struggle," I ordered. I lowered the strength of my mana, walking up to the subdued changeling. My forehooves were inches from her face, the look of unabated fury she possessed was almost enough to get me to take a step back. "Give UP, Chrysalis!" I returned a similar expression to hers, baring my teeth. "Do you have so much pride that you won't even acknowledge your own defeat?"

"Defeat?" she stared up at me, looking as if she'd never heard the word before in her life. "I'll admit, you have me in a bind," she looked down at the floor, her expression becoming soft. "I suppose it really does mean he was right."

"He?" I raised an eyebrow.

"I need your help," she stated begrudgingly, almost lifelessly. "You were right." She was obviously not speaking to me, though I wasn't sure who she was addressing. "I... was wrong."

"Who are you talking t-"

Despite my best efforts to stay in my current position, I was pushed several feet away from the queen. A wave of... something blasted outward from Chrysalis, forcing me to turn my head away. As soon as I returned my gaze to the changeling my heart began to race.

The color of mana coming from her horn had changed. It was now a deep crimson, even darker than mine usually was. The color of her eyes had shifted as well, now the same dark shade of maroon as her magic.

"I told you, Chrys," the Queen of the Changelings' mouth was moving, but it wasn't her that was speaking. The new voice was much more masculine. The crimson aura from her horn covered the shackles of light I'd placed on her, consuming them in a split-second. "They're a lot more competent than you give them credit for."

She was back on her hooves, the smile on her face grating my nerves. The new aura around her horn blipped to nothing, her mana no longer charging.

Something's... something's different.

I couldn't quite put my hoof on it. Her smile... it was almost jovial now. I would even go so far as to say she appeared... playful. It was a far cry from her usual arrogance and condescension. The way she stared at me now, with pure joy on her face... It made me realize the truth.

"Who... or what, are you?" I managed to get out. It was no longer the Changeling Queen. Whoever, or whatever, was in control now was... different. Much different. "You're the 'he' Chrysalis was referring to, aren't you?"

"ME!?" he pointed a hoof at himself in surprise. "Maybe? I mean I'm nothing special, really," he chuckled before moving his hoof to scratch at the back of his head. "Nothing you'd know, at least, Sunny."

"Then TELL me what you are!" I growled. If this thing was working with Chrysalis it could only mean bad news. I considered frying him to a crisp without another thought, but for some reason that felt... wrong.

"I already told you, Sunny," he began walking towards me, though he was completely lackadaisical as he did so. He even went so far as to look around the hall as he moved, not even considering me enough of a threat to keep track of my movements. "It's always so crazy... seeing things through a mortal's eyes, I mean."

A... mortal's...?

I turned up the heat surrounding me several notches. Ironically, -- despite my improved defenses -- I was the one who took a step back.

He didn't stop.

He didn't even appear to notice the escalation in temperature. If it was still Chrysalis, she'd be unable to breathe. Whatever this thing was, it was stronger than her.

"Don't come any closer," I said calmly, pouring more mana into my horn.

"OH! Sorry!" He came to an abrupt stop a few feet in front of me, taking a seat on his rump. "Like I said, you don't know who or what I am. And even if I told you, your mind wouldn't be able to comprehend it anyway."


"If that's really the case..." I took another step back, realizing I was trembling as I did so. "At least tell me what it is that you want."

"What I want?" he tilted his head, curiosity crossing his features. "I guess it doesn't really matter what I want," he grinned. "All that matters is fulfilling my contract."

"Your contract?" I took another step back.

"Sorry, Sunny," he shrugged. "Rules are rules, y'know? Gotta follow them."

I was struck in the chest by a blast of red energy that had moved so fast I hadn't seen it travel. The sunlight encompassing me took the brunt of the blow, but I moved a few steps backwards from the force of the impact.

He's much stronger than Chrysalis...

I retaliated, summoning a sunspot directly beneath the changeling that caused a solar flare to erupt upwards. The flare nearly touched the ceiling, completely overtaking the bug's form.

"Not bad," his voice came from directly behind me. I teleported away, reappearing to face the monster with a scowl on my face. Apparently, the heated atmosphere I was creating around myself wasn't enough to bother him. On top of that disappointing fact, he was either able to teleport with no prep time at all, or he was just that fast. "You took a decent attack and your counter might've hurt me if it had connected," he clapped his forehooves together with a smile. "If you're this strong then Star must be a real beast, huh?"

"What do you know about Starlight!?" I snapped my jaws at the mention of her, my horn turning iridescent. "IF YOU TRY AND HURT A SINGLE HAIR IN HER MANE I SWEAR I'LL-"

"WHOA, WHOA, WHOA!" he waved his hooves in front of himself. "I only know what my sister said about her. Nothing else! I swear!"

"Your... sister?" I fumed, summoning four miniature suns a foot around him, each on a different side. "Who is your sister!?"

"Never heard of her? That's a little weird," he looked at the stars around himself with a grin. "These are pretty nifty. Anyway, she's been trying her darndest to take one of them," he pointed a hoof at Star and then Twilight, causing me to bristle. "She's usually referred to as 'The Nightmare'."

"N-Nightmare?" my suns fizzled a bit, losing some of their energy. I had to refocus, sending more mana into each of them to ensure they maintained their integrity. "I don't..." I lowered my head, doing my best to try and recall even a hint of some such creature.


I came up with nothing. I'd never heard of such a being before, not even from my mentor.

"You really don't know?" It wasn't a condescending question he'd asked. There didn't seem to be any malice in the changeling at all, his smile becoming more jubilant. "That's... a little weird, to be honest," he shrugged, lifting a hoof nonchalantly. "You're supposedly friends, right? You'd really think you'd know what THAT one," he pointed his hoof at Twilight, "in particular is going through if that was true."

"W-what!?" Irritation immediately took hold of me. "IT IS TRUE! WE ARE FRIENDS!" I barked. "I just..." I lost my indignation, my body slumping over as my suns faded away. "Twilight's never..."

She's never confided in me about anything like that.

"Y'know, Sunny..." he chuckled mirthfully. "I get it," I lifted my head, staring at him in disbelief. "I really do. Friendship can be pretty tough. Just be sure to rectify your mistakes... if you manage to survive all this, I mean."

Even that statement had no aggression in it. I was lost. If it was all a devious tactic to deceive me, it was working splendidly.

"Why would you say something like that?" I narrowed my eyes on the changeling. "What's your angle? Why would you even care?"

"Care?" he tapped a hoof to his chin, looking up to apparently contemplate my question. "I don't really think it matters if I care."

"Of course it does!" I scoffed. "You could be trying to trick me or-"

"Is it bad advice?" he smiled at me.


"N-no... it's not," I admitted bitterly.

"Then don't you think it'd probably be a good idea to take it?"

His question was infuriating for several reasons. First, because I could not fathom what he was playing at. Second, because he was clearly in control of the situation. Third, -- and by far most frustrating -- because he was right. Regardless, I had to try and take back some ground.

"Why is your sister after my friends?" I changed the subject, although I took his words to heart.

He trotted up to stand in front of me, not worried or on his guard in the least. I stood my ground. There was no point in moving. He'd made it abundantly clear I couldn't stop him from doing what he wished so resisting was pointless.

"Same reason I'm here right now," he sighed, for once looking a little distraught. I waited for more.


"Celestia and Luna," he stated flatly, his eyes betraying a slight feeling of remorse.

"So she's working with Chrysalis, too?" I scowled at the changeling.

"What!? No!" he laughed. "It wasn't Chrys' idea to go after the princesses, Sunny," he looked at me like I was crazy. "You think the little buggo is that foolish?"

"YOU MOCK ME, UN!?" The jade eyes came back, replacing the crimson. The feminine -- if you can call it that -- voice returned as well.

"Not at all, Chrys," the masculine voice echoed throughout the hall, not requiring the changeling as a vessel to speak. "Just saying you're not an idiot."


"BUT," he cut her off. "If you want to force me out and take back control, then I'll gladly leave you to it," there was a smidge of irritation in his voice. "Good luck with things!"

"NO! WAIT!" Chrysalis shouted desperately as she looked around into the air in a panic.

"Are you so scared to face me by yourself?" I scoffed, drawing the ire of the queen. "I thought you had pride." She narrowed her eyes on me, staring daggers. "But in reality... you're nothing more than a coward."

"Sunset Shimmer..."
With how hard she was grinding her teeth together I'd swear they would shatter at any moment.

"You just gonna let her talk to you like that, Chrys?" the masculine voice laughed, pushing the changeling into an even fouler mood.
Saliva flew from her clenched maw as she struggled to control the rage she was clearly experiencing. "So... do you still need my help then?"

"I..." The queen took a deep breath, rubbing her face roughly with a hoof. "I do," she groaned, admitting such a thing seeming to cause her physical pain.


"Please?" she continued as soon as she realized he was waiting for more. "Help me?"

Her eyes immediately transformed back to the crimson color, and with that change, I knew I was facing the other entity once again.

If he has Chrysalis under his control like this...

I didn't like my prospects.

"As I was saying," he went right back to our previous conversation. "The little buggo is ambitious, sure, but she could never orchestrate something of this magnitude."

This... magnitude?

"Then who-"

"Unfortunately, I'm gonna have to put an end to this little back and forth, though, Sunny," he scratched at the back of his mane again, his horn glowing a gentle maroon. "Sorry. I really am."

"What are y-" I choked on my words, his crimson aura tightly wrapped around my neck. Not only had my sunlight utterly failed to keep his mana at bay, the barrier I'd utilized was still up and scot free. The crushing sensation around my throat was staggering, almost causing me to immediately collapse.

In spite of the assault I tensed my muscles and focused on my attacker. He merely shook his head slowly. I had no time to react, no time to counter his initial blitz. The squeezing intensified tenfold, forcing me down to a crouch. The perimeter of my vision darkened, closing in and threatening to completely incapacitate me.

"I honestly thought you all would win, too," he sighed. "Guess my master was wrong."

Do something, Sunset!

I flooded my horn with mana. I had to try something. If I lost consciousness we'd all end up in the hive. No matter what, I couldn't let that happen. As a last ditch effort, I could expel all of my mana, just like back in Princess Luna's realm. I concentrated.


The vivid picture of the devastated land floated through my mind. If I did such a thing here, so close to my friends and Queen Cantata...

I... I can't...

My legs buckled, my body falling to the floor. Along with all of my other senses my mana was ebbing away. I couldn't think, couldn't move. I closed my eyes

I... I'm sorry everyone...







A loud crack echoed throughout the hall following the shout. Whatever had made the sound had also freed me from his magical grasp. I took the deepest breath I ever had, the oxygen rushing into my lungs and regenerating all of my senses in an instant.

"Everything's gonna be okay, Sunset. I've got you," I looked up to find the kindest pair of teal eyes looking down at me with care.

"Fl-Fluttershy?" I couldn't believe my eyes. I turned my head to see Rainbow Dash flying in the air in front of Chrysalis' body. The queen had her head turned to the side, apparently having been kicked so hard by the pegasus she still hadn't recovered. I was helped to my hooves by Applejack and Rarity who were both focused on the queen. Fluttershy's abilities had already worked, making me feel better than I had before.

"You're okay now, Sunset," she assured me before turning her attention to the Queen as well.

"We're here, Sunset!" Pinkie was bounding around the room, her usual cheerful demeanor replaced by a ferocity I didn't know the earth pony possessed.

"Girls..." I was filled with determination, looking back at the Changeling Queen who'd just finished adjusting her dislocated jaw with a hoof.

"You thought you could keep us from this fight, Chrysalis," Trixie was positioned behind our foe, her horn a raging tempest of ruby light. "You thought we would be defeated by your subordinate." The six Elements slowly moved to surround the changeling, forming a tight circle. "There's just one thing you didn't take into account, monster!" Trixie was ready to pounce.

The being possessing Chrysalis didn't move a muscle, staring at them with indifferent eyes.

"We'd never leave one of our friends hanging!" Rainbow Dash glanced over her shoulder at me, a grin on her face.


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