• Published 6th Jul 2023
  • 3,684 Views, 1,040 Comments

Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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The shortest fuse

Darn it, Sunset! Where the heck did you go!?

I slammed the door to her room hard enough to draw the ire of the guards posted a little further down the hall.

"WHAT!?" I growled at the obnoxious stallions. I really wasn't in the mood to act like I liked them. The condescending glares they were giving me weren't helping the situation either. When one of them snorted my way, I seriously considered throwing them both out of one of the many windows in the hall. Thankfully, I thought better of it.

I have bigger fish to fry. Much bigger than wasting time on these nobodies.

Be smart, Starlight.

On second thought, maybe I could take advantage of the situation.

"Actually, fellas?" I sauntered over to them, swiveling my hips seductively as I moved with a pouty smile on my face. One of the guards was unfazed, his stoney demeanor not shifting at all, but the other... I noticed the slight widening of his eyes, even though he'd done his best to hide it.

Way too easy... I had to find Sunset as soon as possible and this was another avenue I could try. I couldn't be sure, but I had to talk to her.

I hadn't been trying to... I was just having some fun and... trying to help.

S-Starlight... p-please... h-help... me...


I walked right past the party pooper and up to his colleague, burying the intrusive memories I had no desire to recall back where they belonged. "You wouldn't happen to have seen Sunset Shimmer come through here in the last few minutes, woooould you?" I fluttered my eyes, brushing a hoof up and down the armor on his chest. He trembled at my attention, a dark maroon coating his cheeks.

"N-no ma'am. There hasn't been a-any activity in the h-hall since miss Shimmer left her r-room earlier today," he couldn't even look me in the eyes and was having way too much trouble speaking.

"UGH!" I roughly shoved him away with my hoof. It was so annoying. "So USELESS!" I huffed as I trotted away from the stunned guard.

I don't know what I'd expected. Since I'd been brought here, the guards had proven to be nothing more than a decorative part of the scenery. I angrily scratched my mane, not sure what to try next.

Screw it...

I was one of the princesses students, I didn't have to walk on eggshells around these nobodies. Something was wrong with Sunset and I...

I, what?

I stopped in my tracks. I had no idea where I was, having lost track of the last hall I'd turned down, but that wasn't really the biggest issue right now.

Do I... do I actually care? I fell to my rump.

How could I? Why would I?

If you need somepony, I'm here. I'll do my best... whenever you're ready.

Just what the heck is this stupidity!? Why do I keep remembering their words at the most annoying times!? Why can't I get their dumb voices out of my head!?

It has to be Celestia's doing. She must've put a spell on me, probably one that'd force me to recall memories when I triggered something specific. There's no other logical explanation.

Uhm yeah, Starlight. That sounds reeeeal likely.

"STUPID!" I smashed my hoof against the wall, looking this way and that to make sure no stupid guards were coming over because of my outburst. I really didn't care if anypony did, but If any were approaching, I wanted to cut them off before they had a chance to speak.

"Whatever," I huffed. Sunset was nice to me and she didn't have to be. She'd treated me far better than I deserved. That's all that mattered to me. I had to find her.

I began to channel my mana into my horn. I might get in trouble for casting such an invasive spell, but again, I didn't really care. The sisters obviously didn't want me dead, and I wasn't trying to undermine them or anything so...

In an instant, I could see them all so easily. Searching the entirety of Canterlot only took me a few seconds. The field of my inspection spell encompassed the whole capital, just in case she was trying to leave the city. It'd be an easy feat to find her, all I had to do was look for the mana I was familiar with.

There's Twilight, I could easily see the lavender unicorn's aura. She was standing in a hall, probably not sure where she should search for Sunset next. Then that has to mean... The second aura I could recognize was a bit distorted, like a spell was trying its hardest to conceal it, but was failing to do so.

That's... wierd... Without delay, I attempted to teleport right next to the energy, despite its strange location. Instead of being with Sunset, I found myself standing in the hall adjacent to her energy.

"That's... weirder..." I stared at the lone bookshelf resting against the wall. I looked to my left, then my right, making sure there was nopony else around.

An almost completely empty hall with no guards posted and a single shelf? I kicked the bookshelf gently.

"Definitely weird."

"Some might say, puzzling." The Princess of the Sun suddenly speaking behind me made me jump at least ten feet into the air.

"C-CELESTIA!?" I gasped once I'd come to a landing, my heart pounding hard enough to shake my chest.

"Good afternoon, Starlight. You're looking well," the princess looked mildly pleased with herself.

"How did you even-" I groaned. "You know what, nevermind."

She's one of the Immortal Sisters, there's no point questioning what they're capable of.

"I'm a little worried, to be honest." I remarked, looking back at the shelf. The only thing I wanted to focus on was finding Sunset.

"Oh? And why is that?" she walked up next to me.

"I think something's bothering Sunset," I laid a hoof on the shelf before turning to face the Sun Princess. "I don't really know what to do about it... but I really want to talk to her."

"I see," she tapped her chin with a hoof. "Is that why you were scanning the castle with your magic a second ago?" she raised an eyebrow as she looked down at me.

Oops. My face scrunched up in embarrassment.

So then she's immediately aware of whenever I decide to use magic!?


"Yeah, I did," my ears flattened atop my head. "Was I not supposed to?" Her intense gaze was actually making me feel a little... strange.

"Starlight, you've no restrictions on you," her warm smile caught me completely off guard. "Feel free to use your magic as you see fit."

"Th-thank you, Princess." I was not expecting that kind of reply.

"No need for gratitude, Starlight," she chuckled. "I've done nothing more than tell you the truth."

"Soooo... you're not here to scold me?" The timing of her arrival seemed way too convenient to just be chance. I was under the impression she'd come here specifically to punish me, but if that wasn't the case, then what was she here for?

"Not at all," she shook her head, her ethereal mane swishing back and forth.

That thing and her tail are way too freaky.

"Then... no offense, Princess... but why are you here?" She couldn't have popped up out of the blue just to greet me.

"None taken, Starlight," she shifted her weight before continuing. "I'm here for the same reason you are."

"For... Sunset?" I asked, a little confused by her. She simply bobbed her head in response. "Well, as you can see, she's not here," I sighed. "Not to sound dumb or anything," I pointed a hoof at the wall. "But my spell said she's right there."

"That is quite strange," she examined the wall more closely. "Perhaps your spell misfired or failed?"

Really? REALLY!?

"Princess," I couldn't help but laugh derisively.

Just who does she think she's talking to?

I was already educating her pupil. I was no amateur. "My spells don't 'misfire or fail', I made air quotes with my hooves. "I can't really explain it, but something weird is going on."

"Confidence in your own abilities is important, Starlight," she didn't look mad, but her change in tone hinted at mild annoyance. "But do not forget, there's a fine line between confidence and arrogance."

"Is that supposed to be some kind of lesson?" I was getting a little irritated myself and I couldn't hide it from her. I just wanted to talk to Sunset and this wasn't helping me in my search.

"I really wish you'd take it as one," her features hardened slightly as soon as she recognized the defiance in me.

"I KNOW what I can do with my magic, Your Highness," I stated with as much contempt as I could muster. I was seething and not even the Princess of the Sun would sway me now. "You might know your disciple like the back of your hoof. Heck, you might even know Twilight fairly well," I pressed a hoof against the regalia around her neck. "But you don't know ME! So I'd appreciate it if y-"

Without speaking a word her horn lit up a bright gold as she forced my hoof back onto the floor.

Oh crap.

Her expression remained stoic as she stared down at me. I grit my teeth and stood my ground despite my legs suddenly becoming made out of jelly.

I didn't mess up! I only have my magic! I don't have... I don't have anything else...

Her head fell, the expulsion of breath that came from her carrying a lot of stress. "Forgive me, Starlight."

I-Uh-Wha... My legs gave out as I fell to a sitting position.

"You're right, I shouldn't call your abilities into question." When she lifted her head, the calm serenity was back. "Not when you're clearly capable and I could simply be honest instead."

"P-Princess?" I tilted my head, her sincere apology having done worlds of good to cool my hot head.

"You are correct, Starlight. Sunset is here."

I knew it! I jumped to my hooves. Wait-

"However..." she laid a hoof on my shoulder. "I have a favor to ask of you."

"Whaaaat is it?" I brushed her hoof away as I took a cautious step back. I wasn't the generous type. It didn't matter if she was a literal goddess. Any time somepony asked me for anything, it made me vulnerable to consent to their request.

"I..." she looked a little sad by my reservation. "I believe Sunset wishes to be left alone right now."

"H-" I was incensed.

How would she even know something like that!?

'You don't know that!" I barked, turning away from her. She might have insight into what ponies are thinking, and she may even be able to keep an eye on everything around her, but she couldn't know what a pony was feeling.

She did run away from you and Twilight though.

I dropped to my haunches. She had left us alone. Maybe, she just needed space.

Maybe I'm wrong.

"But I do know my most faithful student, Starlight." Celestia plopped down next to me. "Like the back of my hoof," she raised her foreleg to me for emphasis.

Darn her. I chuckled in disbelief.

"Really gonna use my own words against me?" I looked up at her, but there was no malice in her. Her look of understanding was not what I'd expected.

"The truth is the truth, no matter who speaks it," she unfurled a wing to embrace me, but instead folded it back away after hesitating for a second. I had to smile at her lack of confidence. I leaned into her, snuggling against her warm chest. I could feel her heart begin to pound faster at my proximity.

Guess even a goddess can be played with.

"What should I do then, Your Highness?" I closed my eyes. She was like a furnace, the most pleasant source of heat I'd ever experienced.

I could probably fall asleep for days like this.

"Sunset is... independent," her gentle speech made her chest rumble, making me all the more comfortable. "I'm certain if you give her a little time, she'll be back to her normal self soon."

"But..." I sighed. "Okay." She was right. I knew she was, yet I still felt like I had to do something. I don't know why but-

If you need somepony, I'm here. I'll do my best... whenever you're ready.

I shook my head as I stood up and began to walk away from the Sun Princess.

"Can you do me a favor too, Princess?" I asked before I left her.

"What do you need?" she stood to her hooves.

"You're gonna talk to her, right?" Sunset might need space from me and Twilight, but even I was confident she'd want to speak to her... to our mentor.

"I plan to," she stated without missing a beat.

It doesn't even matter... but still...

"Can you tell her I was looking for her... and that I'm sorry?" The idea that she'd gotten hurt because of me, I couldn't handle that. She'd been so nice to me. She'd... done her best to be my friend.

"Of course I will, Starlight."

"Thanks, Your Majesty." As I trotted away from her, not certain where I was heading, I felt a strange pang in my chest... a feeling that seemed to be more common as I got used to my new home.


I didn't know where to go or what to do with myself, so I just wandered aimlessly. I could head back to the lab, but Twilight was probably still looking for Sunset, so she'd more than likely be somewhere else in the castle.

I didn't want to return to my room just yet, even though the prospect of relaxing and listening to some music sounded heavenly... a prospect that wouldn't even be possible if not for Twilight and Sunset.

Especially Sunset, I groaned.

I believe Sunset wishes to be left alone right now.

Since she'd said them, Celestia's words hadn't left my mind. I couldn't understand why I cared so much. If Sunset wanted to be alone, it wasn't any of my business.

For some reason that thought made it feel like a massive weight had been thrust on me. I could barely lift my head, much less continue on to... wherever it is I was going. The muffled sound of a gruff voice reaching my ears wasn't enough to distract me from my thoughts, so I continued forward undeterred.

"I SAID HALT!" The second, much louder shout on the other hoof, was more than enough to get through the haze I was moving through, as did the points of the swords aimed directly at my chest.

I didn't think, I simply reacted on instinct alone. As I lifted my head, my horn blazed teal with my energy. The two pegasus ponies didn't stand a chance. In an instant, both were pinned to opposite walls, their own swords pressed dangerously against their throats.

"Y'know, you shouldn't threaten somepony who can turn you to dust with a thought," I growled at the now squirming attackers, my anger at everything that'd happened taking over my body.


"Whoa! Guess they shouldn't have messed with you, huh?"

"I don't recall giving you permission to approach me." I trapped the new pony in a telekinetic cage of mana.

Two pegasus mares stood before me. One stood further away and looked much older, panic gripping her features. The one that was closer, currently trapped inside my spell, was around my age, an impressed smile on her face. They were both mostly unremarkable, though if I had to describe them in one word it would be lanky. As several of Celestia's guards galloped over from their posts to see what the commotion was, I finally realized where I was.

The main hall of the castle was teeming with creatures staring at me and the duo. Despite the pure volume of life in the hall, it was deathly quiet. I held tightly on the guards still pressed against the walls as well as the younger pegasus. The soldiers looked much different than Celestia's and were a lot more... colorful.

"Yes, Your Highn- oh..." The guard in charge locked eyes on me as soon as he realized what was going on. He looked miffed, but he didn't make a move to try and stop me.

Smart gu- wait, Your Highness?

I examined the two pegasi a bit more closely. The one in the back did carry herself like she had a stick up her butt. The closer one, not so much.

"Lieutenant, this... RUFFIAN attacked me and my daughter!" the old mare pointed an accusatory hoof at me.

Well, she's not exactly lying.

"Come on, Mom. You know that's not what happened," the trapped one was as calm as a cucumber. It was a bit unsettling.

"Apologies, Your Highness, but we won't be able to do much to her no matter what's going on," the lieutenant bowed his head for the elder pegasus. "This... one is Princess Celestia's personal student."

"Do you mind taking this down?" The younger pegasus was looking at my spell with great appreciation. "I'm sorry if I offended you. Aaaaand I'm pretty sure I can't break out of it even if I tried."

"Uhm, s-sure?" I awkwardly dropped my barrier, much to the delight of the pegasus who instantly trotted my way as soon as she was no longer imprisoned.

"CADENZA!?" As the younger mare stepped up to me, her mother called out to her like I was about to murder her offspring or something.

"I'm sorry about our... hotheaded guards too," Cadenza bowed her head slightly. "You have just as much a right to walk these halls as we do."

"Uh," I wasn't expecting her to be so polite. I nixed my other spell, letting both of her guards drop to the floor along with their weapons. "I-it's fine."

"My name is Mi Amore Cadenza," she performed a perfect curtsey.

"PRINCESS Mi Amore Cadenza!" her mother corrected as her guards joined her by her side.

"I'm uh, Starlight. Starlight Glimmer," I bowed my head slightly, but kept my eyes on the lot of them.

"Thank you, Starlight." Cadenza gave me a smile that could rival Celestia's. "I'm glad we could resolve this misunderstanding without any harm being done."

"S-sure," I muttered as the pink pegasus moved to join her mother. "Sorry about-"

"Think nothing of it. Perhaps next time I'm in Canterlot we can get some tea. Unfortunately, we're currently pressed for time, so I must bid you adieu for now."

"A-alright," I stared in disbelief. This was happening way too fast for me, and the combination of the stress of what'd happened with Sunset was making me feel faint.

"See, Mom. Sometimes a little kindness and understanding go a long way."

"I know, I know. You'll be an amazing queen one day, my love," as the pair made their way to the entrance of the castle, their personal guard in tow, Celestia's guards returned to their posts.

Glancing around myself sent a chill down my spine. Everything between me and Cadenza had resolved amicably, but the angry faces of the creatures staring at me made it very clear. Once their whispering began I knew... this mess was far from over.


Author's Note:

Well that's not good. Starlight miiiight be in a little bit of trouble.

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