• Published 6th Jul 2023
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Blooming Days - Hoofprintz

Follow the trials, tribulations, and relationships of the three most gifted unicorns in Equestria.

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TCE: Her Elements Pt. 2

Sunburst, Trixie, Pinkie, and I were all sitting on our rumps around Starlight's bed. Our ragtag group had remained in the room after purging Star of the drugging she'd been forced to endure. We still needed the privacy -- Sunburst's barrier providing that protection -- and, according to the orange unicorn, Star would be out cold for the rest of the night due to the trial she'd gone through, so we were fine talking within the chambers.

"Changelings primarily have two main strategies when attempting to... replace a victim," Sunburst continued his explanation. "The first is... the most direct approach. Complete elimination of the target."


He didn't need to say anything beyond that. The three of us had swiftly comprehended the implications. I had to control the sudden nausea crawling through my stomach.

Did those monsters intend to... to Star?

The hairs of my coat stood on end, the extreme sense of terror quickly replaced by an acute rage, and along with it, a twinge of discomfort at the base of my horn.


"The second is much less aggressive and generally used to capture," Sunburst's voice snapped me out of my thoughts. "The less fatal method is accomplished by utilizing a sedative they create from the magical resin secreted from the glands in their hooves," he nearly retched, the knowledge of such a disgusting fact obviously troubling him. "They administer it in one of three ways. Direct injection, tricking their target into ingesting it, or through a spell. The primary purpose of the sedative is complete incapacitation. Shortly after administration... the changelings drag the victim to their hive."

That... doesn't sound as bad as being mur-

"Then... what?" Pinkie asked, devoid of the effervescence she just possessed. "Then what do they do with..." she swallowed roughly. "the victim?"

A shadow appeared to descend onto Sunburst, his brow furrowing as he stared down at the carpet.


"S-Sunburst?" Trixie spoke softly, worry painting her features.

"They administer a more potent form of their drug," he spoke through gritted teeth. "As long as it's repeated, It keeps a creature in a permanent coma, forcing them to experience endless hallucinations. Then... they're sealed in a pod where they're used as a source of sustenance from the emotions the dreams incite until..."

My horn sparked to life, the red aura filling the room.

"S-Sunset!?" Pinkie and Trixie both gasped, though I barely noticed them.

They'll pay. They have to pay!

I stood to my hooves, moving to leave the room, to find them. "I'm going."

"Sunset," Sunburst was calm, his voice a notch above a whisper. "We have to stick together," he glanced at Star. "I know you might've thought I was kidding around before, about Starlight I mean, but..." as he faced me I noted his eyes were filled with just as much anger as I felt. "I'm just as angry as you are, but we have to be careful." He flashed a smile that could inspire an army. "We'll get them back. Trust me."


My horn flickered out as I took a seat once again. "We have to, Sunburst," I declared, still more than a little mad "For Star."

"For Starlight," he nodded once. "Now then," he spoke to all three of us again. "What can we surmise from the condition she was in and the events that transpired?"


"From the looks of things," Trixie glanced at Star's slumbering form. "I'd assume somepony spiked her drink back at that teahouse we were at."

"I'd agree with your theory, Trixie," Sunburst nodded at the mare. "I'm fairly certain they were hoping to take her... but for some reason, those plans fell through."

We all grew quiet, contemplating possible reasons for their failure.


"Maybe it's our super special insides?" Pinkie suggested, a giggle coming from her as she rubbed her belly.


"Pinkie, I don't thin-"

"Actually, Trixie..." Sunburst interrupted the blue mare. "She might be on to something."

"Because they're the Elements?" I guessed, though it was an educated one. They were special. Apparently, very special.

"Precisely," Sunburst confirmed my suspicion. "You said Starlight had a drink at the teahouse, Trixie. What about you?"

"I got one," she confirmed. "Rarity did too. It tasted pretty normal, though."

"Good!" he stood up and trotted over to her and Pinkie's side of Star's bed. "You haven't had anything since then, correct?"

"No, I just had the tea and came straight here when..." she bristled, his close proximity clearly making her uncomfortable. "W-why do you ask?"

"Do you mind?" he lifted a brow, noticing her discomfort. It was evident he had no intention of pushing her any further than she was willing to go.

"Uhm, what did you have in mind?" she was still leaning away from him, her look of discomfort growing.

"Trix is really shy," Pinkie held a hoof up to her face to whisper my way. "In case you hadn't noticed."


"If you'd allow me to try, I should be able to analyze the ingredients of the drink you had from the residue it left in your mouth," he confidently explained, though it did nothing to dissuade Trixie's reservations.

"That's... INCREDIBLE, Sunburst!" I remarked in awe. "You wouldn't have to examine the contents of her stomach?"

"I don't think so," he grinned, my praise brightening his spirit. "It hasn't been that long, so a quick scan with a spell should let me know everything I need."

"Y-you want to look... in my m-mouth!?" Trixie was visibly trembling now, her coat turning a bright maroon.

"Uh-ooooh," Pinkie scooted away from the blue unicorn. "She's gonna bloooow."

"Tr-Trixie?" Sunburst moved away slightly as well. As the blue mare's shaking grew to incalculable levels, I felt compelled to try and do something to help her.

"I know it might be a little embarrassing, Trixie," I began, drawing the attention of the trio and slowing her vibrations a degree. "But it might help us prevent another pony from suffering the fate they wanted... for Star." As my eyes brimmed with moisture Trixie's distress appeared to completely dissipate.

"O-okay," she nodded, newfound resolve on her face, but hints of reservation still clinging to her. "Okay! You're right, Sunset!"

"Great!" Sunburst moved closer to her.

"Thank you, Trixie," I smiled warmly at the mare who returned my kindness.

"What do you need me to do, Sunburst?" she faced the orange unicorn with measured gusto.

"Wow, Sunset," Pinkie was now sitting next to me. She must have moved when I wasn't paying attention to her. "I've never seen anypony get Trix out of one of her panic attacks that fast." A sly smirk came to her lips. "You must be pretty special yourself," she nudged me with an elbow as one of her eyebrows bounced up and down.

"Wait..." my face twisted in confusion. "How did you kn-"

"I just need you to say 'ah'," Sunburst instructed Trixie.

"A-ah..." the blue unicorn's eyes were squeezed tight, the tremors coming back a fraction, but the mare doing a much better job of keeping them in check.

"Alright, good," Sunburst held her jaw with a hoof as his horn sparked to life. "It'll just take me a moment." A small speck of light floated from the tip of his horn, touching down on her tongue before spreading along it and coating it in his yellow mana.

"AH!" Trixie clenched her eyes tighter.


"Yes! Just as I suspected!" His horn powered down, the aura on Trixie's tongue fading away along with it. "Thank you, Trixie. You can close your mouth now. You did great!"

"O-okay..." Trixie massaged her jaw with a hoof. "Happy to help."

"So, Sunny..." Pinkie chimed in, shimmying back to their side of the bed once again. "What'd ya find out?"

Sunburst's smile evaporated, making way for an intensely serious expression.

"They definitely tried to drug her," his horn igniting yet again, a telekinetic spell bringing the solid, blood-red stone -- now encased in a mana generated glass orb -- to rest on Star's bed. "There are still... traces, very minor traces... but traces nonetheless, of changeling resin... in Trixie's mouth."

Pinkie and I both slowly shifted our horrified gazes to the blue mare. A sickly green tinge came to the azure mare's complexion.

"S-Sunset?" she was shaking again, but this time for a much different reason. The look of utter disgust on her face wasn't exactly reassuring either.

"Y-yeah, Trixie?" I asked cautiously.

"You wouldn't h-happen to have an extra toothbrush..." It was clear she was trying her best to remain calm, but the trembling hoof she lifted my way betrayed her true feelings. "W-would you?"


"Not to... uhm, rain on your parade even further or anything, Trixie," Sunburst looked away from us, scratching at his cheek with a hoof. It was evident he was trying to hide the embarrassed grin on his face.

"What is it, Sunny?" Pinkie asked, though she didn't take her concerned eyes off of Trixie for even a second.

"A... a toothbrush probably won't help much now," he chuckled nervously. "I mean Trixie did drink the concoction so..."

"Nevermind," Trixie covered her mouth with a hoof, her face now flushed a dark jade. "I think I'm gonna be-" The gurgle that came from her as she darted to the restroom was not a good sound. She slammed the door behind herself, the plethora of other noises coming from inside shortly thereafter even less pleasant than the first.

"Hoo boy," Pinkie reluctantly stood to her hooves. "I better get in there." She chuckled nervously before leaving to join our friend in the other room.

There they go...


"She'll be alright," Sunburst laughed a bit as he regained my attention, "It's just a little... gross, nothing more."


"Hey... Sunburst?" I was still a bit confused and more than a little suspicious.

"What is it, Sunset?"

"You're... very well informed on the changelings, and your words have made it more than obvious that you have close ties to my mentor..." It was a little weird. This... he could be a crucial part of her plan. "You're not just Queen Cantata's Regis... are you?"



"Yes," he shrugged. "Although, I was indeed appointed by Princess Celestia to be Queen Cantata's Regis."


"I won't lie to you, Sunburst. That's a little... suspicious," I frowned.

Why would a ruler let somepony else appoint somepony to a position so important to their kingdom?

"First, I'm going to assume you're aware of what happened between the Empire and the Changeling Hive years ago, then?" he asked.

"Queen Cantata and Princess Cadenza spoke with me about it, yes," I confirmed.

"After that... after the war, I mean... what makes you think the queen really had any sort of choice in what happened?"

"What?" His question rocked me.

Why wouldn't she have a choice?

"Sunset..." he sighed. "The Empire lost its king. Its military was in shambles. The queen... the queen was beside herself with grief." That last fact appeared to be particularly troubling to the stallion. "My predecessor was thrust upon the queen because Princess Celestia wanted to respect the King's final wish while ensuring the safety of the Empire. It wasn't a choice made by a single soul in the Empire, but rather, the ruler of Equestria."


"I... think I see," I had sort of worked out what he was saying. "I thought the Regis was a devout follower of the queen. I thought a pony dedicated to the Empire... but..."

"My loyalty lies with Princess Celestia," he affirmed my theory. "She chose me to fill this position... and I'll do whatever it takes to live up to the expectations she has for me."

I could sense intense resolve emanating from him, could nearly feel it. It was akin to my mentor's blinding sun.

He's... telling the truth.

"I hope that's a sufficient answer for you," he scratched his nose, a small grin on his face. He was the only one I still had slight reservations about. He was the only one from the Empire.

"It is," I looked away, slightly ashamed. "Thank you... for humoring me. And... sorry."

"Don't worry about it," he waved a hoof dismissively in front of himself. "Vigilance is exactly what we need right now." He gestured toward the stone on the bed. "Anyway, I really wanted to get your input on this, Sunset."

"My... input?" I laid my hooves on the bed, leaning closer to examine the strange object. "I'm not sure I'll be of any help, but I'll do my best."

"You shouldn't sell yourself short," he remarked, also drawing nearer to the stone. "Princess Celestia raves about you all the time, Sunset."

"Sh-she does!?" I gawked at the Regis. "A-about me!?"

"She most certainly does. All the time. Just the other day..." he cleared his throat, straightening up and beginning to imitate my mentor almost perfectly. "She's beyond intelligent, Sunburst. And so incredibly talented. I swear, she's the daughter I've always wan-" he clapped his hooves over his mouth.


His eyes were bulged out of his head.

I stared at the unicorn in shock.

Did she... did she really say that... about me?

He had no reason to lie about such a trivial topic. I had no reason to doubt him.

"Errrr, you should probably forget I said that," he looked exceptionally worried. "Please forget I just said that!" he was begging.

He didn't have to. Not for this. Not me.

"It's alright, Sunburst," I wiped a joyful tear away. "I can keep a secret."

"Oh thank goodness," he let out the breath he'd been holding in. "It's not like she swore me to secrecy or anything like that, she'd have used a spell if she wanted to do that," he whispered that last part to himself. "It's just... you really are very important to her and I think she wants to tell you herself."

"I... had an idea I was," I smiled. "She is to me too. You must be as well," I waved a hoof his way. "Important to her, I mean. If she said something like that to you... she must trust you a lot."

"She does," he smiled, but there was a slight sadness in it. "But it's a bit... different, y'know?"

"I'm not really sure what you mean, Sunburst." Celestia treated all of those serving her with the utmost dignity and respect. Those whom she favored, she did even more for. If he found himself lucky enough to be blessed by her grace, he was every bit as fortunate as I was.

"With ponies like me, creatures like me..." he scratched lightly at his mane with a hoof. "I know it might sound a little harsh but, we're more like... really important pawns to Her Highness."

"A little harsh?" I lifted an annoyed eyebrow.

"You disagree," he chuckled awkwardly.

"Of course I do!" I slammed a hoof on the floor. "Princess Celestia cares about all of us!" I pointed an accusatory hoof at the stallion. "THERE'S NO WAY SHE THINKS ANYPONY IS JUST A PAWN!" my chest heaved, my anger getting the best of me.


He chuckled once again, an action filled with irony as he rubbed his face with a hoof.

"If only life was that simple," he whispered into his hoof.

"Maybe it is..." I lowered my hoof onto the bed, my anger abating. "Maybe... you're mistaken, Sunburst."


He took a deep, exasperated breath.

"Can I ask you a question, Sunset?" He had his eyes closed.

"Of course you can," I replied, probably a little more aggressively than I intended to.

"You met with Chrysalis, didn't you?"

"I did."

"And you witnessed... the true nature of the princess, correct?"


"Tell me..." He opened his eyes, staring directly into mine. "What do you think Her Highness should do?"

I had to think for a moment. It was a difficult question to answer. The Princess of the Changeling's was clearly plotting something and it's not like Cantata could rely on brute strength.

Unless she turns to Celestia and Luna.

Her options, as it stood, were to negotiate with Chrysalis' mother or...

Judging by Chrysalis' actions... that's about it.

"I think the queen shoul-"

"You misunderstand," he cut me off with a raised hoof, drawing a frown to my face. "What do you think Princess Celestia should do?"

"Wh-" I stared at him, completely baffled because of his clarification. "How does my mentor have anything to do with Chrysalis?"

"She could put a stop to her plans," he smirked. "Don't you think?"

"With one hoof tied behind her back," I snapped back, his unwarranted confidence and wherever he was going with this line of thinking already irritating me.

"The real question is: Will she?" he asked, raising a brow.

"Sh-" I hesitated. She wasn't here, but she would be in an instant if she had to be.

Wouldn't she?


"If the queen asked for help, I'm certain Princess Cel-"

"Is such an approach acceptable to you?"


"If Queen Cantata doesn't ask for help, and Princess Celestia lets things... play out," his smarminess was growing by the second. "Do you think that's okay?"

"She wouldn't do that!" The pressure around the base of my horn drew a prodding hoof. "She's not that type of princess or pony!"

"Sunset..." he sighed. "She already has."

I nearly growled, ready to object to his claim, but the truth hit me like a ton of bricks.

She... she did.

That was how Cadenza had lost her father in the first place. The king and the Empire had opted to handle the war in their own way... and my mentor stood back and watched.

"She... I..." I had no reprisal, had no snarky comeback.

"Don't get me wrong, Sunset," his fierce demeanor was gone just as quickly as it came. "I don't think it was wrong. I don't believe it would be wrong if the same thing happens again and the Empire were to fall. But... there are those who would disagree with me." He trotted over to my side of the bed and sat next to me. "Would you give your life to save Canterlot and all the creatures within it?"

"I... I think so," I replied meekly.

"Let me make it a little easier," he laughed. "Would you give your life for Princess Celestia?"

"Yes." I didn't even have to think about that question. If need be, I'd do it this very moment.

"And that's all I meant," he wrapped a foreleg around me. "I'm confident your mentor would do the same for you, that's all."

"And she..."

She wouldn't do it for him.

"It's fine," he squeezed me gently. "She's far too important to Equestria... and so are you," he lifted his head towards my bed. "Her too. We all have a purpose, Sunset. I'm proud I get to fulfill mine."

We sat silently for a moment, the older stallion rubbing my shoulder with a hoof.


"I guess... life's really not that simple... huh?" I chuckled quietly.

"As long as you keep your priorities in order," he scooted away as the door to the bathroom opened. "I think it can be."

"Sorry," Trixie slowly stumbled back into the room, Pinkie supporting her on the way.

"It's fine, Trixie," Sunburst assured her. "You can head back if you're not feeling well."

"No, I'm okay," she shot that idea down instantly as the pair sat down across from us. "What did we miss?"

"Nothing really," I smiled. Her determination was inspiring. She didn't need to stay, but she wasn't about to take the easy way out.

Sunburst pointed at the red growth.
"Sunset was just about to give us her input on this..."

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