• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,534 Views, 421 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

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Chapter XXII


I paced back and forth impatiently as Lavender inhaled, glaring at me as I stopped and gave her a sheepish smile.

“Sorry, adhd,” I said simply as she nodded. I sat on the couch next to her and crossed my legs. “What is taking Cloudkicker so long?”

“Alula is taking forever to get a outfit together and then we are dropping Alula at Dinkys. Sunset and Blossomforth are gonna meet us at the park I think,” Lavender answered as I examined the walls of her house.

“Ah. Your little sister is surprisingly decent at her fashion choices. She’s a regular little Rarity.”

“Dear God I hope not,” Lavender grumbled as she fixed her blonde hair in a lazy impression of Raritys. “Hello darling, would you kindly stand still for about three hours while I decide if this string is red or cinnamon?”

I stared at her and burst out laughing as I wiped a tear away. Lavender let her hair fall back down and started snickering.

“That was a good Rarity impression,” I admitted with a smirk. Our eyes drifted up the stairs as Alula walked down in a yellow dress and Lavender waved.

“Took you long enough,” Lavender teased. “Swear you got a crush on Dinky or something.”

“I do not,” Alula scoffed and looked away. “I just want to look my best. Besides, she has a thing for what’s his face? Pipsquek I think.”

“Huh,” I mused as an exhausted looking Cloudkicker came down. “I can see it.”

“Next time, you’re doing her makeup,” Cloudkicker said as she pointed to Lavender. “You’re the one who’s all about looking good. I only use the bare minimum of makeup, not all this fancy stuff.”

“Okay, okay,” Lavender said as she held up her hands in surrender. “Wait, I thought Apple Bloom liked Pipsqueak?”

“Nope, that’s Tender Taps.”

“Huh weird. I swear he and Sweetie Belle were a thing.”

“No, that’s Sweetie Belle and Rumble.”

“Wasn’t Rumble with Scootaloo at some point?”

“No sis that’s Chipcutter,” Alula answered and raised an eyebrow. “Don’t you like know anything about who was with who in the middle school wing?”

“Key word, middle school wing. I’m in the high-school wing. I’m just glad anon a miss hasn’t gone after you,” Cloudkicker said as she stretched.

“Same. The only people the Rainbooms went after are Diamond Tiaras family, probably revenge for her bullying their sisters a few years back in fourth grade. That’s about it really. I don’t see them going after their own sisters.”

“And Rainbow wouldn’t want to go after you because she was my friend at the time,” Cloudkicker reasoned as she and Alula sat down. “Hey Trixie.”


“So you two are friends now?” Alula asked and looked between the two of us. “Never saw that happening. I always thought you two hated each other.”

“Hated is a strong word,” Cloudkicker corrected. “It was a mild dislike that we each shared but we are friends now, yes.”

“Uh huh. Why can’t I go hang out with your friends?” Alula demanded as she glared at them. “You see my friends all the time, why can’t I see Sunset?”

“Because she’s dealing with a lot and we don’t want to overwhelm her. I’m frankly surprised she even agreed to come meet Raindrops and Carrot after we drop you off,” Cloudkicker explained as we both nodded. “Maybe another time you can come with.”

I was surprised too in all honesty. The two had graduated last year if I remember correctly. Raindrops was a mutual acquaintance of mine and Cloudkickers. I can’t recall if she and Carrot Top have ever met before but I could be mistaken. I used to be somewhat friendly with Lyra but I cut that off recently.

Sucked but oh well. Karma is a fucking bitch as the phrase goes. And from what I heard, there’s a lot of karma going around right now.

“Did you hear Sunset said she’s coming back next week?” I asked and my two friends nodded. “So how exactly are we gonna all look out for her?”

“Well, we all have her in our classes so it should be easy. Just have her seated by us and we should be good. Cheerilee and Time Turner won’t let anything happen to her so there’s that as well. The only problematic teachers are going to be Cranky, Harshwhinny and a few others. We should be fine,” Lavender answered as she placed her hands behind her head. “Should be easy for us. Trixie can just throw her disappearing dust in people’s eyes if they try to start a fight.”

“Or hit them with a chair,” Cloudkicker commented casually as I blushed and the other girls laughed.

“Or that,” Lavender admitted as she patted my shoulder. “Chairs can be dangerous weapons in the right hands and well, Trixie has them evidently.”

I rolled my eyes as Alula gave us confused looks.

“Why would she hit someone with a chair? More to the point, why do you know she’s dangerous with one?” Alula asked as we all looked at each other and shrugged.

“I had the oh so amazing opportunity to demonstrate that ability. I’m not even that good at fighting, I just picked up and a chair and hit her. Easy for anyone to do.”

“You almost knocked her out with a chair,” Cloudkicker pointed out as I rolled my eyes. “You also threw a few good punches. I was impressed. Get a few actual lessons in and even I’d before hesitant to fight you.”

“I’ll be sure to remember that,” I said dryly as Alula hid a laugh behind her hand. “When exactly did we need to leave?”

“Uh Sunset said to just come to her apartment, her and Blossomforth are playing Call of Duty right now. Apparently she’s impressed by Blossomforths skills. Her words,” Cloudkicker answered as she set her phone down. “It’s gonna snow apparently in a few hours and they don’t wanna be caught out in it so we will just pick up Dropsy and Carrot.”

“Onward, to adventure!” I pointed to the door and stood up. “Adventure is found in unlikely places, my compatriots!”

Cloudkicker and the other two rolled their eyes before following me to the door.

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