• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,523 Views, 421 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

  • ...

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Chapter XLV


I narrowly dodged a running Snails as I rolled my eyes. Him and his friend could use to be more careful, honestly.

“What do you girls think this assembly is about?” I asked as I walked down the hall with my sisters, Daisy and Lily. It had been a long day at school and like everyone else, I was eager to get home and start break. I had some beautiful winter flowers in my room to water.

“Who knows?” Daisy shrugged as we entered the gym. “Maybe they will tell us Sunset got expelled?”

“Or maybe that She Demon was actually behind the account and went back to Equestria?” Lily suggested. “They should have expelled her ages ago.”

“I don’t think we will get that lucky,” I grumbled to as we sat in the middle row. “She’s right there in the wings with Trixie and some other girls I don’t recognize. Maybe Sunset will apologize. I won’t forgive her this time around.”

“Well, one is Diamond Tiara,” Paisley said as she crossed her legs. “Don’t know why she is with Sunset. Sunset is most likely a bad influence on the girl.”

I scoffed and nodded as Principal Celestia stopped and talked to Sunset briefly. Why they did this after lunch, I’ll never know. They usually save them for the end of the day. And it’s kinda weird to have on before winter break too.

“Hello everyone,” Principal Celestia said and I folded my arms. “I’ll keep this short and sweet so you all can go home and start break. Thanks to one of our students, we have the true people behind anon a miss and it is not Sunset. Not only was it three girls, it was you all who supplied them with information.”

A few people gave the people around them disgusted looks as Lily leaned back in her chair.

Daisy and I exchanged a confused look as a clone of Principal Celestia in a white dress stepped forward and gazed at us coldly and I shuddered instinctively. She seemed mad and not the type Principal Celestia got.

“Can Sweetie Belle, Apple Bloom and Scootaloo from the middle school wing join us?” Principal Celestia asked and the Rainbooms stood up.

“Why them?” Rainbow asked and Sunset seemed to say something to the blonde girl in a red skirt next to her and they both laughed.

“Tell them the truth,” the second Principal Celestia said and I gulped. Even the normal Principal Celestia seemed afraid of her counterpart.

“It was us,” Sweetie Belle answered as Rarity gave her a confused look.

“Prove it then!” Watermelody called out and I faintly made out people agreeing.

“The password is ABSCSB,” Apple Bloom said as I sighed, rolling my eyes and pulled out my phone. “Account name is well, yall know it already.”

I started typing it and my eyes widened slightly as I signed into the account as Daisy made a gasping sound and I internally counted from five and presumably, people starting shouting at each other once I hit one.

“She’s telling the truth,” Daisy muttered with a stunned expression.

“Silence!” The other Celestia shouted and I recoiled in fear. “Why did you three do it?”

“Sunset was spending too much time with our sisters,” Scootaloo answered as Pinkies hair deflated and Rainbow gave Scootaloo a stunned look.

“And we wanted them back because we were jealous,” Sweetie Belle continued as Rarity and Sunset both narrowed their eyes.

“So we started the-”

“You were jealous?” Sunset shouted and stood up as I hid behind Daisy’s chair. “The fuck? You ruined people’s lives! You ruined my life!”

“I’m scared. Angry Sunset is never fun,” Strawberry Sunrise muttered as she went pale and Bon Bon nodded with Octavia as the two made themselves seem small. Lyra was hugging Bon Bon as Sunset took another step.

“You were so mean in the past so we thought-”

“You thought I was mean then?” Sunset gave a bitter laugh and the three nodded nervously as Sunset narrowed her eyes again and balled her fists up, stepping closer. “You’re about to see how mean I can get.”

All of our eyes widened in a mixture of fear and horror as Sunset bared her teeth angrily. She sounded exactly how she did prior to the Fall Formal. Derpy and Vinyl were hugging each other in fear. Out of of everyone, those two had been more outspoken about Sunset’s innocence. Sweet Leaves stared down at Fluttershy in shock.

A nervous looking Diamond Tiara and a green haired girl grabbed Sunset’s shoulders as the others stood in front of her.

“Sunset and my sisters counterpart have graciously decided your punishment. We will be naming the other students after break because there is too many to name,” Luna said as she folded her arms. “Changes will be happening after winter break. You all are lucky if we don’t cancel the trip to camp everfree.

I glared down at the three terrified middle schoolers angrily. I had been looking forward to that trip for months with my sisters.

“You can either serve your punishment in a detention center here where it’ll be on your record or as Sunset and my counter part decided, you can serve it in Equestria doing whatever Princess Celestia wants. For your sake, I’d pick Equestria. They are being way more lenient than I would be,” Principal Celestia said and the three looked at each other.

“You have till the end of the day,” Sunset said coldly and turned around. “And then if you haven’t decided, I will pick for you. And you better hope to Celestia it’s not you staying here. If I can, I will ruin your lives like you ruined mine. Almost at least. I have more reliable friends now and a few partners.”

“Come on, let’s go,” Princess Twilight grabbed Sunset’s arm. “We should be headed home.”

“Home?” Fluttershy asked nervously. “You’re going back to Equestria?”

“For now,” Sunset glared at her and the shy girl flinched. “I’m sure you girls will be okay all together. You don’t leave your own behind. Most of the time.”

Rainbow looked away as Carrot Top and Raindrops glared up at us. Those had been our closest friends when they were at school here.

“You’re all free to go home. Enjoy winter break!” Principal Celestia called out as I narrowly avoided a pair of shouting students behind us. “You all have a lot to think about during your time away from school and as my sister said, there’s gonna be a lot of changes. Go to your sisters.”

The three nodded as they walked up to their sisters and Applejack glared at the three.

“Ah don’t even know what to say right now.”

“Worry about that later. We gotta catch up to Sunset!” Pinkie grabbed Applejack and Fluttershys arms, pulling the two along. “We gotta apologize, like asap.”

“Oh fuck,” Lyra muttered as she, Octavia and Bon Bon gave each other worried looks. “Sunset.”

We watched the fiery haired girl leave the room with her friends as I gulped. We should figure out to apologize as well.

For some reason, I didn’t think I would have a decent Christmas break.

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