• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,514 Views, 421 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

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Chapter VIII

Sweetie Belle

I paced back and forth in the dim classroom as I waited impatiently for my two friends to hurry the heck up.

“Finally you two are here!” I hissed as Scootaloo and Apple Bloom snuck into the room, closing the door quietly behind them. “Take all day why don’t you?”

“Gee, sorry,” Scootaloo scoffed and rolled her eyes. “I was busy with Rainbow. What’s up?”

“What do you mean, “What’s up?” You know exactly what’s up!” I snapped as Apple Bloom sat on top of a desk. “This whole thing has gone downhill. Our target was Sunset and it’s backfired! Our sisters and their friends are getting accused of this!”

“Well who was the one who posted the screenshot of the groupchat, Sweetie?” Scootaloo shot back. “Things were going well until that.”

“I accidentally clicked on it okay! And my phone died before I could delete it. Apple Bloom reacted quick enough and deleted it but it was too late. We have to end things.”

I locked eyes with Apple Bloom, who sat quietly munching on her apple.

“Or we keep blaming random classmates,” Scootaloo suggested. “We cause enough chaos, our sisters get forgotten about being blamed if everyone is fighting each other. They will be so busy fighting that they won’t even have time to fight our sisters or us. Fool proof plan.”

“And besides, Sunset wouldn’t have just deleted the account,” Apple Bloom pointed out. “That would go against everything she used to be like. That’s tuckin tail n runnin’!”

“The account was your idea, Sweetie Belle! Don’t go all scared on us now. This is a group effort,” Scootaloo grunted as she folded her arms across her chest. “Look, there’s no way this can come back to us.”

“And if it starts to, we just expose our classmates,” I admitted and looked up at the ceiling. “We wouldn’t have known half of what we did if it wasn’t for them.”

“And we didn’t even post the truly awful stuff,” Apple Bloom pointed out as she chucked her core into a nearby trash can. “Ah can’t believe half of stuff people know. Or half of what people have done or had happen to them?”

I gave a shudder with Scootaloo at the thought.

“So what happened at Rarity’s the other day? Heard something or another went down?” Scootaloo asked as I inhaled sharply.

“You know Octavia? Cello player, told Derpy that she suspected Vinyl revealed Lyra’s secret and Vinyl left her group with Derpy right after it?”

“I thought they were kicked out?” Apple Bloom asked with a confused expression.

“Vinyl was but Derpy shouted at Octavia over it and left the group willingly. And Vinyl lives with Octavia, so you already know things are tense there,” Scootaloo commented.

“Yeah. Anyway, Octavia canceled all her orders and went to do business with Suri! Suri Polomare! The evil girl from cpa!” I shouted angrily. “My sister worked so hard on that fashion line just for that stupid menace to society to steal it away from her. Literally steal!”

“Eugh Crystal Prep,” Scootaloo gagged and looked away. “Makes me wanna vomit.”

“That’s an understatement. And besides, we can’t just up and delete the account. Some people already doubt Sunset is behind it.”

“Well, we just post about them. Cloudkicker keeps her nose pretty clean but everyone has a secret. And Trixie is very easy to get dirt on.”

“When Cloudkicker ain’t banging around that is, whatever that means,” Apple Bloom shrugged. “Mah sis says she’s loose but ain’t nothing seem loose on her to me if she’s talking clothes.”

“I don’t know either,” I admitted as Scootaloo nodded. “All her clothes seems to fit pretty well on her to me.”

“So have you guys been hanging with your sisters more?” Scootaloo asked curiously with an excited grin. “Rainbow took me to a hockey game the other night, it was so awesome! Did you know vomit bounces on ice?”

I turned green as I gave her a disgusted look. Apple Bloom passed me a trash can and I nodded gratefully.

“Can we please stop talking about that?” I begged as Scootaloo sheepishly nodded. “And yes, I’ve been spending almost everyday with Rarity. She even told me she loves me the other day!”

“Uh didn’t ya already know that?” Apple Bloom asked in confusion.

“Well yes, but I like being told that. It makes me feel all warm and happy inside!”


Apple Bloom slapped Scootaloo upside the head as I giggled into my fist as Scootaloo rubbed the back of her head.

“Don’t be mean Scoots. Applejack finally cares about her family again instead of outsiders. It’s nice to finally be milkin the cow with her or walking Winona like we used to do before Sunset came along.”

“I can’t believe milking a cow is your definition of fun,” I said and shook my head, making sure my dress was still smoothed down in the front and had no dust on it.

“Ah do other things! Like play Mario Kart or watch movies, Ah ain’t just a farmhand like Caramel is.”

I gave a faint chuckle as I patted Apple Bloom on the head.

“I know. Just playing around. Have you any of you seen Sunset recently?”

“Maybe she finally got the message she isn’t wanted here?” Scootaloo suggested with a frown. “I was a bit worried she would get depressed or kill herself but after her whole anger thing, it convinced me she won’t. While I don’t like her, I don’t want her dead.”

“None of us do,” Apple Bloom agreed and I nodded my agreement. “We just want our family back and we got it. Ah ain’t see why it’s a big problem, she’s making new friends.”

“I agree,” I added and picked up my backpack. “Cloudkicker is still coming to school, she really isn’t afraid of anyone here.”

“Probably because Dash told me her parents are military. Bet ya Cloudkicker knows how to easily kill someone in self defense,” Scootaloo reasoned. “And besides, the other blonde girl is with her twenty four seven along with Trixie.”

The bell rang as we all gave each other startled looks. I didn’t think we had spent that much time discussing the whole account thing.

“Shoot we gotta go!” Apple Bloom exclaimed as she and Scootaloo grabbed their backpacks.

I nodded as the three of us bolted from the room and took off running down the hall.

In our haste to make it to class on time, none of us noticed the pink haired girl or the green haired girl watching from the shadows near the door of the room we were in with narrowed eyes.

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