• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,523 Views, 421 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

  • ...

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Chapter V


I stretched slightly in the chair as I focused partially on the movie and partially on Sunset smiling faintly.

“So why exactly do you own a gun?” I asked curiously as Sunset shrugged. Not that anything was wrong with guns, mom and dad had a lot. “My parents got a few.”

“After the Fall Formal, I didn’t know if anyone would try to follow me home and hurt me so I got one.”

“You really think someone would do?” I gave her a startled look as she raised an eyebrow slightly.

“You do realize that I was pushed around physically and had a basketball throw at my head once. Humans are a evil, violent race. There’s people in human history like Hitler or Stalin that killed over a billion living beings because they were idiots. I always hear about people getting killed or mugged or raped. We don’t have that problem in Equestria, ponies don’t do that type of thing. I can only think of two creatures who even came close to that and Sombra is presumably dead while Tirek is in Tartarus.”

I sat silently as Sunset finished her mini rant thing. I had never really thought about that before, but she did have a point. She had even almost pulled the gun on me she admitted to earlier.

“You raise a fair point,” I admitted after a moment of silence.

“My mom took me to Tartarus once to show me what happened to all of the evil creatures who threatened Equestria. Tirek scared me the most as a filly. Centaur that could just steal magic like that was my nightmare for weeks.”

“Hell of a mom,” I commented as Sunset snorted.

“Yeah she is.”

We both fell silent as we looked back at the tv as I absent-mindedly pulled out my phone, sighing as I opened Mystable to read. I raised an eyebrow slightly at a new Anon a Miss post as I slowly looked at Sunset, eyes widening.

“Can I use your bathroom?” I asked slowly.

“Yeah. Upstairs, second door on the left,” Sunset pointed lazily as I nodded gratefully and hastily took off up the stairs with my phone in hand.

I pushed the bathroom door open and quickly shut it behind me, locking it as I called Lavender.

”What’s up?” Lavender asked as I inhaled. ”Still at Sunset’s?”

“Yeah, listen. So there’s a new Anon a Miss post, right?”

”Of course there is. Who did she go after this time?”

“It was Scribble Dee but here’s the thing. I’ve been here for about seven hours and Sunset hasn’t once touched her phone. I don’t even see it near her nor on her person.”

I listened as Lavender inhaled and exhaled slowly.

”Which means....”

“It’s not her,” we finished in unison as we fell silent for a second.


“Fuck is right,” I agreed as I imagined Lavenders thoughtful expression that I guarantee she had on. “Like I said, she hasn’t once touched her phone and I just now left her alone for the first time tonight.”

”And we are the only two people who know this. So what now?”

“I don’t know. It’s not like the school is gonna take my word for it. We all know how little words matter at our school I suppose,” I rolled my eyes in frustration.

”Especially since they all know how cozy you’re getting with Sunset,” Lavender noted dryly.


”You heard me. Apparently someone who wasn’t at school saw you get into Sunset’s car after that whole mob thing a few days ago. The widely accepted theory is you know more than what you’re willing to let on or are dating Sunset secretly.”

“I’m definitely not dating Sunset. Pretty sure that would be taking advantage of her.”

Lavender snorted loudly as I glared at the phone, forgetting she couldn’t see it.

”She’s from the same place as Princess Twilight. She would probably do some hand waving magical stuff and send you straight to the nether or something. I highly doubt she would let you take advantage of her. And I found your list of people at our school who are bangable and Sunset is at the top of the list.”

I bit my lip and rolled my eyes, mentally making a note to quit keeping paper copies of that type of stuff.

“And to get off that line of thought, can you tell your blowhard friend that she was right about Sunset?”

”Which one?”

“You know which one.”

”Trixie? And you mean tell her that she was right in believing Sunset wasn’t to blame?”

“Yes Lavender, that one,” I rolled my eyes as Lavender gave a snicker. “And you can let her rub it in my face all she wants.”

Lavender made a grunting sound in response followed by a yawn.

”When you coming home Kicker? It’s getting late and you know how I worry about you being out late, especially since people might be out for you.”

“I know. I’ll be fine,” I smirked slightly. “I know how to break arms if necessary, you know that just as well as I do.”

”Yeah, yeah, yeah,” Lavender snarked as she laughed softly.

“Will Fuchsia be coming too?” I asked as I heard Lavender groan slightly.

”Most likely not. She and Trixie are still not talking about their shouting match they had after school at Trixie’s house. Apparently they both blame each other for their respective secrets getting out. And I’m caught in the fucking middle, trying to smooth shit over but I’m friends with the most stubborn girls ever.”

A pang of sympathy went through as I winced. While I didn’t really have much love for Trixie, I didn’t judge who my sister befriended and I did hope it got resolved. I could relate to Lavender, I’ve been busy trying to get Raindrops and Thunderlane to be friends again.

At the same time, I didn’t really have much good things to say or think about Sunset post Fall Formal. Things evidently change of course but still, if Sunset can change then so could Trixie.

“I gotta go, I’ve been in the bathroom too long. You can come get me in an hour or so, please,” I said as Lavender grumbled.

”I’ll be there in an hour and half, don’t worry. Do you want me to see Sunset or something?”

“I think it’s best if you didn’t. Sunset isn’t really in the best mindset to be seeing people. It’s a miracle she’s even willing to see me.”

”Especially after you had insulted her in the hallway to the point of tears.”

“Thank you Lavender for the reminder,” I gritted my teeth slightly. “I was there, I remember me calling her a backstabbing bully and an evil individual very well.”

”Sorry. I’ll be awaiting your call.”

“Bye,” I grumbled as I hung up and shut my phone off, flushing the toilet to keep the illusion I was using the bathroom and unlocked the door opening it.

“Thought you fell in,” Sunset snickered as I started walking down her stairs. “Or somehow found a way to leave. I don’t think I’d blame you, I’m a uh difficult individual to get along with.”

“No you’re not,” I said and shook my head, tucking my skirt under me as I sat back down. “You’re actually pretty easy going to get along with.”

“Am I?” Sunset asked in a near whisper. “I don’t have many friends, even before this.”

“Yeah you are. And people were starting to warm up to you, most just didn’t really know how to approach you. I wasn’t really that kind to you during the Battle of the Bands either,” I frowned and looked away with a guilty expression.

“You were under the sirens spell,” Sunset pointed out. “You didn’t really have any choice in what you did.”

“Meh, still doesn’t make it right.”

“Well, I forgive you,” Sunset smiled at me. “Does that make it better?”

“A tad yeah,” I admitted as Sunset started flicking through channels again. “Let’s Be Cops is really good and funny too.”

“Okay,” Sunset shrugged as she clicked on it. “I’ve only really watched history movies and play games.”

“I only really watch movies,” I said casually. “I only play video games here and there or when Dash was over visiting.”

Sunset nodded as her mouth formed a hard line. I should probably have avoided saying Rainbow’s name.

“Hey Cloud?”


“Thanks,” Sunset said and I gave her a confused look.

“Uh for what?”

“For being my friend.”

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