• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,522 Views, 421 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

  • ...

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Chapter LIII


I looked around the town curiously at the other brightly colored ponies milling around us as I made sure to keep an eye on Diamond Tiara to ensure she was still next to me.

“Have you thought about what you want to get Sunset for Christmas?” I asked curiously as we walked around a mare and stallion arguing over a map as a horrified look crossed Diamonds face.

“Oh fuck I haven’t even thought about what to get her!” Diamond exclaimed and turned red as she gave me a panicked look. “Please don’t tell her I cursed.”

I gave a low chuckle as we continued trotting past stores as Diamond bumped into my saddlebags Princess Luna had given me for the day.

“Your secret is safe with me,” I winked as she visibly relaxed. “Im in the same boat in all honesty. With her and Cloudkicker.”

“I don’t even know what to get Cloudkicker or you either,” Diamond admitted as I shrugged.

“I’m easy. Anything magic really works for me. Something sport related for Kicker maybe. She’s huge into sports and a bunch of other things,” I said as Diamond nodded slowly.

I was more confused about what to get Wallflower and Redheart. Especially since I didn’t really remember anything Wallflower liked and I never really knew Redheart all that well.

At least Blossomforth was relatively easy. She was huge into engineering and stuff like that. She originally wanted to be an engineer if I remember correctly.

“I know what Sunset is getting you but I was sworn to secrecy. You’re a hard kid to shop for. I usually just give out stickers or random stuff and that normally did it.”

“And I know what she is getting you but I was sworn to secrecy,” Diamond commented smugly as she stopped to look at a few store windows. “Would you be surprised if I say I never had stuff like toys growing up? That ended when I was seven. Always was told to be mature and not to play with toys.”

“So you never got to be a kid is what you’re saying?” I asked as she nodded and I shuddered. “That’s shitty. I can’t imagine what that’s like.”

“It was. Silver Spoon used to let me play around with her dolls and stuff at her house.”

I paused as I rubbed my chin with a hoof. That did make getting her gifts a bit easier at least.

“Here, why don’t you go into that store and look around?” I suggested and pointed at a nearby store.

“Uh okay?” Diamond said as we walked in and she examined the items on the shelf. “Interesting.”

I watched as she trotted to the back of the store and shakily levitated the doll she had been examining in front of the stallion at the counter with some bits.

“Wrap it too please and pronto.”

After making sure Diamond Tiara had made it to her room and was in bed, I snuck quietly into the room I was sharing with the others and slipped the gifts under the bed. Diamond and I had stopped at a few other places and got stuff for the others as well. Thankfully, she didn’t see the ones for her in my bags.

“You’re back late,” Cloudkicker noted as I jumped and looked at her. She was laying on her as Sunset snored quietly.

“Yeah we were busy,” I answered as I awkwardly climbed into bed between her and Sunset as Cloudkicker let the blankets fall over me. “Did you two have any luck at Sunset’s former fuck buddies house?”

“It went well yeah. Explained a few things, anon a miss and stuff. They’re pretty angry about it. It was awkward at first but they don’t want any trouble with us,” Cloudkicker answered as I sighed in relief.

“That’s good,” I said and groaned slightly as I felt the tension leave my body. “Your wings are soft.”

“Mhm,” Cloudkicker commented as she kissed me and I froze as she wrapped her wings around me in a hug.

“Isn’t this cheating on Sunset?” I asked after she stopped.

“No? I’m dating Sunset, you’re dating Sunset, I’m dating you and vice versa remember? I think Sunset would be more worried if we didn’t do anything together,” Cloudkicker commented as she ran a hoof along my side.

“Fair enough. I won’t have sex with you though. Sex is gross. I wouldn’t even with Sunset. Hopefully she doesn’t like, hate me for it in the future.”

“I wasn’t about to suggest that. I know you’re unique about that,” Cloudkicker rolled a hoof in the air and I shrugged. “And Sunset definitely wouldn’t hate you for just being you.”

“Fair enough.”

“So what did you and Diamond do?” Cloudkicker asked as she pressed her face into my neck area.

“Went to some stores, watched some street comedy acts. Got her some gifts. Apparently she’s never had stuff like toys before so I got her a few. It feels weird to be sympathetic to anyone other than Lavender, Fuchsia and myself,” I admitted as I rested a hoof on Cloudkickers wing and she shivered. “What’s wrong?”

“That feels weird,” Cloudkicker answered and I hastily removed my hoof. “Like good kind of weird. Sunset did say wings were sensitive.”

I turned faintly red at the implication as I let her kiss me again and I sighed contently as I hugged her back. It felt slightly weird to be kissing anyone other than Sunset. She tasted faintly coconutish too.

“That was unique,” I admitted as we both turned brighter shades of red.

“Mh yeah I bet it was,” Cloudkicker gave a smug grin and I rolled my eyes. “I’m the best.”

“Okay Rainbow Dash,” I snarked and Cloudkicker snickered as Sunset rolled over next to me. “She looks peaceful in her sleep. You can’t even tell she went through stressful stuff.”

“I know right? It’s impressive really.”

We both watched Sunset drool slightly on her pillow and we laughed quietly.

“She dreams about food a lot I noticed,” Cloudkicker commented as she smirked slightly at me. “Wanna go again when she wakes up?”

“Yeah sure.”

I flopped back down and rolled over as Cloudkicker wrapped her hooves around me.

“Night Trix,” Cloudkicker muttered into my mane and I smiled faintly.

“Night Cloudy.”

Author's Note:


Be sure to check out my newest story.

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