• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,415 Views, 416 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

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Chapter LXIX

Author's Note:

Chapter 69(funny number), had to make the chapter more different than usual.

Holy shit, 69 paragraphs too. That was a complete accident but that's funny actually 😂


I sat outside, idly kicking some snow with my boots as I watched Alula and Diamond Tiara continue building a snow man.

Mine, Raindrops and the others snowman sat nearby. Wallflower had built a damn near perfect one and had impressed the hell out of all of us.

I glanced over at Sunset’s lopsided snowponies as she called it, faintly resembling all of us.

“I still think mines the worst,” Sunset mused as she sat on the porch and wrapped her hand around a mug. “Damn shame really. Surprised we managed to drag Wallflower away from Fuchsia for a few hours again.”

“Me too. ‘Lula and Diamond seem to be getting along,” I commented as Diamond tossed a snowball at Alula.

“Yeah they are,” Sunset leaned against me and I wrapped an arm around her. “You’re warm. Where’s Trixie?”

“Inside with Lav cooking apparently. Mom and dad are stuck at the base so they said to just go ahead and have dinner without them,” I answered as I kissed her. “Wanna go inside?”

“What about those two?” Sunset asked and pointed out to the two kids.

“Alula! Time to come inside, there’s wolves out here still after nine!” I called out as she gave a thumbs up.

“You too Diamond! Come here please,” Sunset said as Diamond ran past.

“During the warmer weather, you two should come out and we will teach how to fire a heavier weapon than a glock,” I commented casually as we stood up. “We have shotguns, assault rifles, a few snipers and handguns. Take your pick.”

“Are you sure this isn’t an attempt to see me in tight clothing?” Sunset asked with a smirk as I tapped a finger on my chin.

“I mean, I already do consider we sleep together often and I slept with you and Trixie as a pony. Ponies don’t wear clothes soo,” I trailed with a smirk of my own. We followed the two kids and I ran a hand down Sunset’s side. “And my room is soundproofed so we have all night if you don’t mine letting Diamond stay over. I’m sure she’d like the time to get know Alula better.”

“Why do I get the feeling you mean you’re interested in getting to know other parts of me?” Sunset tilted her head as I shrugged.

“There’s always a chance,” I snickered as we stood around the kitchen table. I shrugged and started walking into the living room with Sunset behind me.

“You’re right,” Sunset agreed as she nudged me with her hip once I stopped walking. “You’re confident, I’ll give you that. I like that.”

“Confidence is key,” I grinned back and rested my hands behind my hand, sitting down on the couch. “Hey, Trixie!”

Trixie poked her head in and walked into the living room and sat between me and Sunset. I will admit, while I used to not care much for Trixie I did always notice how nice she looked. I may or may not have always thought of her as a ten. Pretty eyes and blue and white hair that matched her skin well.

Same with Sunset. My only real problem was how often she pushed me around and the others I used to be friends with. Used to being the key word. I dropped damn near my entire friend base during anon a miss when I started doubting everything.

“The Great and Kind Trixie is exhausted,” Trixie yawned as she stretched. “I’ve spent hours with Carrot Top cooking. Raindrops is asleep in the chair outside with Carrot. I’m gonna laugh hard when she wakes up. Can uh I stay here? I don’t really wanna go home.”

“Yeah sure,” I waved a hand dismissively. “What’s mine is yours. You can stay anytime. You can sleep with me tonight.”

I kissed Trixie, hugging her as Sunset rolled her eyes with a faint smile.

“I’m kinda surprised you two didn’t date before I came along. You guys go well together,” Sunset mused and propped her head up with a hand. Trixie kissed my forehead and I shrugged.

“Yeah well, we both kinda didn’t trust each other for a while there,” Trixie admitted and untied her ponytail. “I will admit, if we did this may have happened sooner. It’s nice to finally be cared about in someone’s house.”

I exchanged a worried look with Sunset. I knew from Lavender that Trixie’s home life was complicated but she never said more than that. Whether she was refusing in order to protect Trixie or genuinely didn’t know more, I didn’t know.

“I get the feeling you’re only inviting me to sleep with me,” Trixie huffed as I gave her a look.

“Nah, I’m not,” I said honestly. “Just figured you’d want to be held or something. You did enjoy my wings a lot in Equestria so I figured I’d offer here too. I may not have them here but I can always figure something else out for ya.”

“Hmm,” Trixie gave me a look before smiling slightly. “I was gonna sleep on the couch. But I suppose I could sleep in there. As long as it’s not on the floor.”

“Did I make you sleep on the floor in Equestria?” I shot back, Sunset looking between the two of us. “Hell no, you slept next to me and Sunset the entire time.”

“True,” Trixie admitted and hugged us both with one arm.

I shrugged her off and stood up, grabbing her and Sunset’s hands, moving for the stairs.

“Are we sure your room is soundproof?” Sunset asked as she flicked her eyes to Diamond Tiara reading a book with Alula.

“I’m sure. Before Lyra and Bon Bon started dating, mom caught me with Lyra and a bottle of chocolate syrup,” I admitted with a blush. Being caught sleeping with your friend by your mom is always embarrassing. “After that, I made sure to soundproof the whole room and get a lock for the door. And now, no one hears what goes inside the room, whenever I’m getting myself off or playing video games.”

“I see,” Sunset commented as I finished leading them up the stairs and shoving my door open.

My room was clean how I preferred, my bed neatly made how I was raised to make it with a tv in the corner along with an Xbox, various movies and video games lining the shelves of my book shelf and a few books.

My desk was neat as the rest of the room, a few schools book and homework sitting on top next to a lap top with my cutie mark emblazoned on the front. The walls were a light purple.

“I didn’t know you wore makeup,” Trixie mused as she examined my desk. “I rarely ever see you with makeup.”

“Makeup really isn’t a thing the military used to allow except eye shadow but I like to make myself look nice now and again. I have a few dresses too like the one at the fall formal but I prefer skirts or just jeans. Lot easier to move around in,” I explained as Sunset nodded.

“You always keep your room this clean?” Sunset asked and I realized this was the first time either of them have ever been in my room.

“Yeah. Mom and dad being in the army practically drilled cleanliness into us as kids. Especially me because they wanted me to follow in their foot steps but I decided to not. Then they had Alula shortly after my decision,” I answered. It was pretty obvious they were disappointed in my decision and only had Alula to continue the family legacy.

“How long has your family been in the military?” Trixie asked curiously as she sat done carefully on my bed.

“Long as I can remember. Revolutionary War, Civil War on the northern side, World War One and Two, D-Day, Pearl Harbor, Vietnam, Korea, Afghanistan and Iraq, all major wars pretty much,” I answered dismissively. “I have a huge family, cousins and aunts and stuff. Half I know as being related to me but I don’t have a big connection to. We’re all over the US family wise. Most of my dead family members are in Arlington.”

“What’s Arlington?”

“It’s a place where a shit ton of soldiers get buried, Sunset. It’s been a few years, but I believe JFK is buried there as well. I’ll have to Google it later to be one hundred percent sure,” I explained as she sat down next to Trixie. “Do you have something similar in Equestria?”

“Not really. Wars in Equestria are so rare, royal guards dying isn’t entirely a thing. Most of the time it’s from natural causes or accidents. I’ve attended a few funerals with Mom before I ran away.”

“Must be nice,” I scoffed and gestured for them to sit up, pulling my blanket up from under my pillow once they did so. “While I don’t know many of my family members, I’d rather they not get killed. Maybe we can go to Arlington one day and I’ll show you all around. There’s the tomb of the unknown soldier too there.”

“I uh didn’t bring pajamas,” Trixie said slowly as she shifted her weight. Trixie tossed her leggings into a neat pile in the corner of the room and we both blushed as we tried to not watch.

“That’s uh fine,” I muttered and took off my boots, setting them on the floor. “Sunset and I probably weren’t gonna get much sleep tonight anyway.”

“Lord help us all,” Trixie muttered as she locked the door. “So no one walks in, like Alula or Diamond.”

I gave a thumbs up and stretched under the blanket with Trixie and Sunset, Sunset kissing Trixie’s neck as I hugged her.

“You two get on whatever you’re doing. I’ll be here,” Trixie commented as Sunset continued kissing her neck.

“Watching is your kink?” I teased as she nudged me with a blush.


I held Trixie’s hand and sighed as Sunset pulled her head from between my legs and laid down next to me.

“You’re right, this room is soundproof,” Sunset teased as I rolled my eyes.

“Shush,” I shoved her and kissed Trixie again.

While Trixie didn’t join in during the lord knows how long we were here, she spent a majority of the time kissing the two of us whenever we had switched positions.

Trixie wrapped an arm around me and kissed me back as she closed her eyes and Sunset kissed our foreheads.

“Your mouth tastes weird,” Trixie commented after I separated.

“Yeah well, that happens after going down on someone,” I answered as she blushed. “I’m just glad I did soundproof this room. Sunset was louder than me.”

“No I was not,” Sunset scoffed as I ran a hand down Trixie’s leg.

“Go for it,” Trixie waved a hand and pulled me on top of her. “The Great and Powerful Trixie will prove she is the best in the room.”

I’d be lying if I didn’t say her third person speak was a turn on as I resumed kissing her and she stretched slightly.

“That’s actually kinda hot,” Sunset mused as she propped her head up and watched Trixie wrap a hand around my neck. “I’m exhausted so I might go sleep while you two do whatever you want. Have fun.”

“I have a feeling that’s going to be the case,” Trixie answered and smiled slightly, making a fist with my hair. “I love you.”

I paused and gave her a startled look before she tossed her remaining clothes into the pile of mine and Sunset’s on the floor. I can’t remember if Trixie had ever said that before. I know Sunset has said it a few times to the two of us. But if Trixie is obviously comfortable saying it, then I suppose I can be.

“I love you too.”

Trixie probably gave me the widest smile I’ve ever seen her give anyone in my life.

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