• Published 22nd Dec 2023
  • 4,530 Views, 421 Comments

The Group Chat - TheKing2001

When Sunset is framed for posting peoples secrets, the ones who framed her accidentally posted the wrong image and Sunset is pissed.

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Chapter XXVII


I sat on my chair at the bar as Cheerilee, Luna and Celestia all stared at me.

“So Sunset is perfectly okay?” Celestia asked hopefully as I took a sip of my wine.

“I would say perfectly okay is stretching it but she is certainly getting there. Having Cloudkicker and her new friends certainly helps. They’ve been over to her place fairly often I’ve noticed. And heard,” I said as Berry Punch approached us.

“Hey sis,” Berry leaned against the bar across from Cheerilee. “Your girl and her friends just came in. Sunset dropped her guitar off earlier.”

“Thanks little sis,” Cheerilee slammed her shot down and turned around. We all looked behind us as Sunset, Cloudkicker, Trixie, Lavender, Raindrops and Carrot Top walked in with Carrot Top pushing Blossomforths wheelchair. “Sunset Shimmer!”

Sunset’s head jerked to the side to face us as she went pale and Cheerilee waved her over. She exchanged some quick words with her friends and hesitantly approached us.

“H-hey,” Sunset said as her eyes flicked over to the three faculty members.

“Hello Sunset. Sit,” Luna pointed at a nearby chair and Sunset hesitantly complied.

“We’ve been trying to talk to you for about three to four weeks now. We’ve all been worried about you,” Celestia said casually as Sunset looked away.

“I’m sorry. I kinda wanted to stay away from all the drama going on. Especially since you know,” Sunset waved a hand as Cheerilee grimaced slightly. “It won’t happen again. I’m coming back Monday with the other girls. Been taking care of personal issues.”

“Good. We’ve been busy trying to figure out who’s framing you but well, Mystable is refusing to work with us. They’ve been trying to work harder on keeping account information secret. We got a list of names we’ve been going down,” Luna admitted as she swirled her whiskey around in a glass as Berry Punch handed Sunset a glass of bourbon. “You do realize she’s a minor?”

“You gonna turn me in?” Berry raised an eyebrow.


“Just what I thought,” Berry smirked as Sunset drank the alcohol and handed it back.

“I needed that. Thanks.”

“Now let me see this list,” Trixie appeared behind Sunset as Carrot Top joined her.

“I can’t I’m sorry,” Cheerilee shook her head as Trixie narrowed her eyes.

“I was not asking, I was ordering.”

“Excuse me?” Cheerilee glared back as Sunset sighed in frustration.

“You could kiss her,” Luna suggested as everyone gave her stunned looks.

“I am not kissing my student,” Cheerilee snapped and blushed. “That is unprofessional.”

“She’s eighteen.”



“Not kiss her like that,” Luna groaned. “We have the list on us and we’re technically not at work. Berry, bring us a ziploc baggie please!”

“Got it!” Berry Punch called out as she quickly returned with a bag.

“Thanks. Now as I was saying, you put the list of names in the bag, close it, put bag in your mouth, kiss Sunset and push the bag from your mouth to hers,” Luna explained as she shoved a piece of paper into the bag and closed it. “And we pretend we don’t see you giving away a copy of it. We have multiples for this reason.”

“I’m so going to regret this,” Cheerilee muttered as she folded up the bag and put it in her mouth as Cloudkicker waved Trixie over.

I turned faintly as Cheerilee kissed Sunset and Luna promptly turned around with Celestia bored looks on their faces as they drank from their respective glasses. Cheerilee quickly pulled away and Sunset spit out the bag into her hand.

“That was so disgusting to watch,” I mused as the two blushed.

“Agreed,” Carrot Top shook her head as Luna turned back around.

“We will see you Monday. And do not bring that to school. And politely ask the named people, don’t threaten them. We will try to keep things peaceful for you when you return. Now your girlfriend Cloudkicker wants you,” Luna grinned mischievously as Sunset raised an eyebrow.

“I’ve seen how you look at her,” I scoffed and snickered. “Don’t tey to hide it. Lavender also excitedly showed me a video of you and Cloudkicker making out the other night.”

“Fine maybe I am interested but I don’t know.”

“What about Trixie?” Celestia asked as Cheerilee chuckled into her alcohol. “She’s obviously into you as well based on what I heard from reliable sources.”

“What?” Sunset turned even redder if that was possible.

“Oh dear god,” Cheerilee muttered and faced Sunset. “Look, it’s really simple Sunset. Trixie likes you, you like Cloudkicker, Cloudkicker likes you.”

“And I also willingly slept with Trixie a few times in my bed when she’s came over,” Sunset said slowly. “Oh Jesus Christ, I like two of my best friends. What the hell do I do?”

“Tell them the truth,” Carrot Top suggested as Celestia nodded.

“Realistically, relationships are just like friendships. Just two different types of caring. Tell them,” Celestia shrugged. “And I’ll see you Monday. Got one more week till Christmas break. What’s your plans?”

“Going to Equestria with my friends for Hearths Warming. Redheart can come too,” Sunset looked at me hopefully and I shrugged.

“I could use a week off from the hospital.”

“Excellent! Now I really have to get back to the stage. It’s almost time for my turn,” Sunset said as she turned to walk away.

“Sunset!” Cheerilee called out as Sunset looked backwards. “We will never discuss me kissing you ever again. I hope you get to who’s actually behind this.”

I watched Sunset give a thumbs up before she smiled at Trixie and Cloudkicker, picking up her guitar and standing on the stage as she started to play.

“I can’t believe you actually kissed her,” Celestia giggled as Cheerilee glared at her. “That was actually hilarious.”

“Very funny,” Cheerilee said dryly. “Why couldn’t I have just handed it to her?”

“Because this was more funny to watch,” Luna admitted and laughed.

“Why do I put up with you two?” Cheerilee asked and rubbed the bridge of her nose.

“Because we sign your checks.”

“Fair point.”

“Well, it’s been a long time, glad to see your face. I knew we’d meet again, another time, another place. Can’t believe it’s been so many years. You’d better grab a chair and a couple of beers. Looking good in your three-piece suit. You know, I always knew you’d take the business route. You were always the one to follow the light. And you look like you’re doing alright, yeah,” Sunset started singing as Berry Punch nodded approvingly. “Been singing for my rent and singing for my supper. I’m above the below and below the upper, I’m stuck in the middle where money gets tight but I guess I’m doing alright. I’m al-, I’m al-, I’m alright. It’s a beautiful day, not a cloud in sight. So I guess I’m doing alright. I’m alright, I got a good old friend here with me tonight. And I guess I’m doing alright.”

“That girl is going places,” Cheerilee mused as she smiled faintly.

“Damn right,” Celestia agreed.

“Especially with her guitar,” Luna added.

I nodded my agreement as we all turned to watch as Cloudkicker and Trixie whistled in approval.

“Looks like her girlfriends think so too,” Carrot Top snickered as she clapped.

I rolled my eyes and burst out laughing. I hope to God it works out for them.

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