• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

Equestria Girls stories 113 stories



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This story is a sequel to Sharing Beat Up Stories

Sunset Shimmer has had a busy month.

From an admittedly stupid cyberbullying attempt that somehow worked to her friends equestrian counterparts coming over to kick their own butts. Even finding someone from the human world stranded in Equestria to Twilight's counterpart ripping several holes in reality and probably leaking magic like no tomorrow into her homeworld.

All within the span of four weeks!

That being said, she's ready for a break. So, after a moment of nostalgia and reflection alongside her friends, she decides that their idea for her to take a vacation back home for a spell might be a good idea. She could even check to see how her dad was doing! After all, she did vanish quite a few years ago, so he probably would like to know she was at least okay.

So why did she have this foreboding feeling about it all?

And this is where we diverge from the canon story of SunShim's adventures. Does this mean Camp Everfree is a no go? No, it still will be a thing for Sunbutt Jr. to face later. There's just going to be this story between then and the last story's events before it swings back into the right lane. (probably the only reason there's no AU tag on this yet.) It may be a good idea to read the prior stories first, but I will try my best to make it not required to understand all of this.

That being said, please enjoy!


Chapters (24)

This story is a sequel to Beating Yourself Up Over It

When Twilight’s friends had gone through the portal to ‘talk’ with their counterparts, things ended up going in a direction that was not quite what they had intended. Okay, it went mostly the way some of them had expected, but there were exceptions in a few cases.

They thought that it was all planned out perfectly. Twilight gets distracted by, as Rainbow put it, the super nerd project of the century. Then, they sneak over, teach them a lesson, and sneak back before she’s ever done having the time of her life, and they sit there as she says words that would fly entirely over their heads in her excitement. They even timed it so that it was during a time Twilight would be preoccupied with princess work and would want to jump into the project even more.

As they came back through one by one, however, her friend's all soon learned that they weren’t as sneaky going into the portal as the five thought they were.

This little story was written as a Sequel/Side Story to "Beating Yourself Up Over It," and originally intended only to be a single chapter. However, I found that putting all of them into just one section would make a massive info dump. Not wanting to intimidate anyone who likes to read casually, or dwarf the other side chapters I planned on writing, I decided to move them to a separate story entirely. I still plan on releasing that collection at a later date, and it will probably have a similar title to the original.

So please, enjoy the side of the story taking place on the other side of the portal, and this one as well.

And remember, comments usually fuel my writing.

5/24/18 Edit: I thought I finally escaped you Feature Box... but no, you have claimed yet another story of mine.

Chapters (6)

Some societies worshipped masters of thunder, who wielded mighty hammers. Some societies worshipped those who had the head of a crocodile. And then, there were those deities that were a bit more, well, colourful. A bit more fun-loving. A bit unpredictable. But they were caring also, and for them, the world was big, beautiful and was to be handled with tremendous responsibility.

...Oh, and it was also a massive playground for them to do pretty much whatever they wanted. But hey, work hard and play hard, right?

Chapters (50)

This story is a sequel to In the Days That Followed

After dealing with everything from attempted murder, to personal tragedy, to survivor's guilt, Sunset Shimmer and her friends find themselves trying to stay out of the way of a government agent brought to the city because of recent events.

With the portal to Equestria closed, and something very angry lurking in the woods surrounding the city, the seven friends will find themselves dealing with foes old and new, a mystery that could threaten everyone in the city, and an impossible and unacceptable choice.

Part 3 of The Repercussions Trilogy.

Featured on 1/13/19

Chapters (86)

Sunset Shimmer has been attacked and lies comatose in the hospital. All evidence points to someone who has access to magic. Led by Rarity, the rest of Sunset's friends begin to search for who did it and why.

But the answers may not give them the comfort they seek. And unknown to them, Sunset is having struggles of her own.
Part 1 of The Repercussions Trilogy.

(Not an Anon-A-Miss story)

Edited by Eventhewaves and Charles Rocketboy.

Featured on Equestria Daily 2/24/18

Chapters (47)

This story is a sequel to Repercussions

Following the events of Repercussions, Sunset Shimmer and her friends try to get their lives back to normal. But they're finding "normal" a little hard to come by. And little do they realize that recent events have attracted some unwanted attention.

It is STRONGLY recommended that you read "Repercussions" before reading this story.

Part 2 of The Repercussions Trilogy.

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Long Road to Friendship

It is a new year for Sunset Shimmer; a fresh chance at real happiness with her five best friends and her girlfriend. But Sunset is constantly troubled by her uncertain future, and haunted by the consequences of her past.

For her battle against Princess Twilight has drawn forth ancient forces with eyes on the last bastion of magic: Canterlot City.

As darkness closes in, Sunset must find her light and guide her friends to defend their world against old rivals and legends best left forgotten, all while dealing with their ever-looming futures.

But when graduation comes, what will Sunset Shimmer do? For she is still a stranger in this world, with or without her friends, and the road before her guarantees nothing.

Of course, with the universe conspiring against her, it'll be a miracle if she even makes it that far...

Story plot edited by HenryAnthonyCourtler
Pre-read by DrakeyC
Wonderful cover art designed by HanasakiYunarin!
Text added by Amber Spark!
The page of Spectacular Tropes!
Presenting the French translation!

Chapters (80)

After putting on the Element of Magic, Sunset Shimmer was shown just how much of a monster she really is. But that wasn't all the Elements did to her.

Sunset has now been forced to serve penance by answering any question truthfully and by doing anything asked of her, whether she wants to or not.

And she really doesn't want to.

Until all of the hatred in her heart is gone, Sunset is at the whim of her peers, unbeknownst to them of course. Can her new "friends" help her down the road to redemption?

If not, there's always that other Twilight Sparkle she keeps running into.

Current editor: Nomad_Sigma
Guest editors: Cerulean Voice, Flint Sparks, Starlight Nova, and Sholan
Extra thanks to Icarus_Gizmo, JustAnotherTimeLord, and HenryAnthonyCourtler

Cover art customized by Amber Spark!

Now with it's own TV Tropes page!
Posted on EQD June 25, 2014
Wanna read it in French?
Or, read the E-Pub version here or the online version here
Now available in print format!

Chapters (43)

After the Fall Formal, Sunset remains as proud and stubborn as she's always been. But unfortunately for her, the students at CHS aren't going to keep letting her walk all over them. Highjinks ensue, and Sunset finds she'll have to give friendship a try; whether she wants to or not.

Slow burn. Story will be set in three major arcs, then maybe a fourth to tie things up.

This is a re-telling of Sunset's adventure towards redemption. Major canon divergence. SciSet is endgame, with background WallTrix.

This story is inspired by "Long Road To Friendship" by The Albinocorn so there will certainly be some similarities, but I think you'll find that I take it in a different direction :twilightsmile:

Cover art by me!
Featured on 10/7/2019!!!

Chapters (9)

With their band having been gaining more popularity each of the girls have been trying to branch out into social media more. Rainbow Dash has her sports and stunts videos, Rarity had her fashion channel and Sci-Twi had her tech channel and so Sunset Shimmer decided to start a gaming channel!

Embark on a series of one shots where Sunset plays various different games for various different reasons and has many different reactions. She will even bring in guest stars!

(Leave suggestions for who you want to see show up)

Chapters (3)