• Member Since 28th Aug, 2018


Just an Autistic Brony with nothing better to do but read MLP fan fics and make a bookshelf of good stories for everyone to read and is willing to help edit stories.

Equestria Girls stories 113 stories



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This story is a sequel to The Hunter and the Hunted

When a prison transport comes to a violent conclusion near Canterlot High, three dangerous convicts inadvertently escape through the school's portal and into Equestria. Taking on powerful new forms to compliment their already deadly nature, Twilight turns to Sunset for help in dealing with this foreign threat. Sunset quickly realizes the scope of what they are dealing with and calls upon Hunter to help her save her original world from these dangerous new enemies. Along the way, Sunset begins to realize just how human she has become and sees the fallout when the human world and Equestria collide.

Chapters (16)

After being abandoned by her friends during christmas, Sunset Shimmer wanders the cold streets of town, alone, and with nowhere to go. After walking for hours, she eventually gives into the elements around her, only to be saved at the last second by the last ones she ever thought would help her.

Meanwhile, the truth about Anon-A-Miss has come out, and her five friends are desperately trying to find her so they can apologize for what they have done.

Chapters (19)

You are Sunset Shimmer, former apprentice of the Unconquered Sun. Prodigy. Exile. Betrayer and betrayed.

You have been taken.

In midst of the Anon-A-Miss scandal, a heartbroken Sunset finds herself sitting by the edge of Lake Everfree, wondering if she should go on. In her despair, she calls out to the darkness of the night sky. And in the depths of that darkness, something has heard her cry. Something that can grant her wish… a wish to be free of her pain…

Destiny crossover with Equestria Girls using the concept of the Taken and the Sky/Deep war.

Cover art by me.

Featured: 2019-Jul-7!
(Shards, I wasn't expecting that. Thanks everyone.)

Chapters (12)

Warning! This story is dark! Very dark! And it does NOT have a happy ending! If you are not into that kind of fic, DO NOT READ!!!!!!

Yet another Anon-A-Miss fic. This one is an alternate route to Dainn's "Anon-A-Miss," where instead of escaping her captors, Sunset gave into despair......and to her demons.

"I was stupid.....so stupid....."

Chapters (19)

Anon-A-Miss occured before Winter Break, and tore down everything Sunset had built up to prove she had changed. She's the main victim of this deadly online secret teller, and everyone believes she's guilty. Including her so called friends.

It takes her to a point of no return, but at last minute before she jumps, she's saved by an unlikely ally... does she even a right to that word anymore?

Chapters (18)

Takes place right after Sunset gets the element of magic and places it on her head. The last thing that Sunset remembered is pain. Then a blissful numbness that settled over her. What happened to Sunset when she awakes in a crater with no feelings in her legs. How well she continue living when she can no longer get upstairs without assistance? Is she doomed to be as useless as she feels? Sunset, now crippled, will have a lot to learn from dressing herself to learning about friendship from Twilight friends and how to show her remorse and guilt for her actions. Luckily even if she believes herself to be alone, she'll find out just how many people actually care about her.
Inspired by A Wheeled Life by DisgracedHandPuppets. I got the idea after reading his/her idea but with my own understanding of human biology. So go give his/her story a read first before mine. I would like to point out though that his/her and my cause of the paralysis will be for different reasons. Also no attempted suicide or self-harm, but there will be thoughts of suicide.
And on a quick note, I don't own MLP or MLP EG or any of the characters as none will be made up by me. So don't sue.

Cover art by Scampy. Go give them a look and read their stories. They are all really good and filled to the brim with emotions. Thank you Scampy for the awesome cover art!:twilightsmile::rainbowkiss:

Chapters (12)

A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away....

Sunset Shimmer, the former pupil of Princess Celestia, entered the mirror hoping to find a place where she could plot her revenge and prepare to enact it.
Instead she finds herself face down in a swamp, cold and alone, lost to the machinations of the dark, that is until she comes face to face with a being almost as ancient as her old mentor, and maybe just as wise.

Spoilers in the comments
Original Art by Bakki
Featured 5/30/2019

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Sirens of the Night

Things were looking up. Sunset Shimmer had friends, her popularity with her fellow students was on the rebound. She even had three new cousins! Then Anon-A-Miss struck. Can the Dazzlings prove Sunset's innocence before tragedy strikes?

Chapters (31)

This story is a sequel to Twilight's Terrifying Traps

A week has passed since all of their counterparts came over from the other side of the portal, and Sunset's friends are starting to get back to a more relative state of normal. It's not perfect, but then again, neither is life. However, an off comment from one of Sunset's friends prompts her to ask Twilight to help her set up something special to help their friends with getting past the events and the consequences thereof.

Who knows what they'll do after though. If it goes over well enough, she might even have some others meet with themselves.

And here we are, adding another addition to the story I never thought would actually be turned into a series that you can find (HERE). I know it is stated in the previous story's description that I was going to release a collection of short stories, but I realized that it would be better to tie them all into a third installment instead and add a little more to the plot while I'm at it.

I know, hard to believe. This is me after all.

But worry not! This little story is designed (and hopefully won't fail) to answer a lot of the little questions that popped up in the comments of the prior two. That being said, I would recommend reading them first, as it would probably aid in understanding what the ever living Tartarus is going on.

Please enjoy the story and remember,
May comedy guide you.

Chapters (14)

Anon-A-Miss. They happened, people were hurt, the mess was cleaned up, people are begrudgingly forgiving the trio responsible, if only for Sunset, and everyone in the school is starting to become friends again. The problem was solved, right?

Not if you ask Rainbow Dash. She's still pretty mad at herself about it, after getting all the details shown to her. So are her friends, just slightly less so than her.

Yes, this is another Anon-A-Miss story, but at least it doesn't happen during the fiasco like nearly every other one I've read. I was considering a way I could write a story about the entire thing that wasn't done to death. Then I realized there weren't many stories that followed this particular line of thought, so I went with it to see what would happen when it was filtered through my brain.

Edit 2: Now has a Bookshelf to keep track of all the stories related to this one. TADAAAA!

Chapters (6)