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Twilight helps Starlight regress, caring for her like a foal.

Commission for Anonymous

(Do not continue reading if you do not approve of diaper usage, mental regression, or diaper lover themes. If you do not like it or are under legal age, please do not keep reading.)

Chapters (3)

Fluttershy's father is captured by the villianous Discord, Phantom of the Opera! Can she save him while being pursued by the handsome and charming Prince Blueblood? What if she were to take her fathers place? Ponies meet Phantom of the Opera with a splash of Beauty and the Beast!

Plese check out a BRAND NEW 37 minute animated episode of The Phantom Opera Discord by SisterStories, it is AMAZING! - DEC 2020

Please check out this fully illustrated video of the first chapter! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mjDAbUQhqPc

Edited chapters have notes in the authors comment section with a date.
FOR ALL READERS: Celestia is now Fleur De Lis in early chapters but I haven't gotten to later chapters to change it.

Everything you need to know about this Universe:

Beautiful Fanart: http://ameliacostanza.deviantart.com/art/Opera-Phantom-Discord-494273039

More Amazing Fanart: http://scribblescrabblesdabble.tumblr.com/image/87770244131
Fanart!: http://pre03.deviantart.net/17f4/th/pre/f/2015/123/0/7/mlp_fluttercord_ofd_by_nightmarederpy-d8s2ysd.png

More Fanart!: http://pre01.deviantart.net/f184/th/pre/i/2015/146/8/2/opera_phantom_discord__lovers_quarrel_by_ameliacostanza-d8uuvre.jpg

Fanart! 4/11/2021

Follow its Tumblr at operaphantomdiscord.tumblr.com

Chapters (50)

Featured August 16, 2015 on Equestria Daily!

Twilight could not have been more ecstatic to have a magic student of her own. Not only was Entropy kind, but he completely understood and even shared her love of learning. An entire month working alongside him was a dream come true. But when admiration turns into something else, she may be unprepared for the consequences.

Discord despises the thought of an entire month as a pony. No chaos magic, and he has to keep his true identity a secret. Stuck with the insufferable know it all Twilight Sparkle was a fate worse than death. Or was it? As time passes, the once tiresome mare had become almost pleasant to be around. Could he actually be falling for her?

[AU for excessive headcanon that doesn't quite jive with canon]

Cover by the ever-talented CarniverousCaribou and colored by my friend Toonebs.

The entire story takes place in my own universe and continues the summer after What Changes May Come ends. Elements from that story as well as my parallel fic An Honest Life are included here. There is no need to read either to enjoy this one, though I encourage you to check them out. Essentially the events are canon until the middle of season 4.

This is one story I never thought I would be able to write. I had been wanting to compose a Twicord fic, but had no idea how to get a good setup. The idea for this fic came from SageBrony07 who's also been instrumental in the idea for many of the chapters.

I can't say thank you enough to Nomad_Sigma as well. He's been such a big help with the last leg of the story, editing my ramblings along with being the best idea man a girl could ask for!

Prereading for certain chapters provided by Nomad_Sigma and SageBrony07. Proofreading by
Smaug the golden, TemplarBrony, The Forgotten Comrade, and viewers like you.

It takes an army, that's all I've got to say. :rainbowlaugh:

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to Opportunity

Flim and Flam are twins who've always had big dreams. Their latest was the Super Speedy Cider Squeesy 6000. But now, it is nothing more than a collection of mechanical junk. The gig was Flim's idea, and he feels an overwhelming sense of guilt for its failure. Now, the brothers find themselves stranded in the middle of a country road, with their whole world literally crumbling before their eyes. Choices must be made, and lines must be drawn. It won't be easy.

This story takes place shortly after the Super Speedy Cider Squeezy episode. Just a one shot, slice of life look into the brothers. I've written it to be a prequel to my upcoming Applejack/Flim romance An Honest Life. It'll be a while before it's written down, but I wanted to share this prequel with you none the less. I hope you enjoy it!

Chapters (1)

Twins, best friends, and partners in crime Flim and Flam are colts with active imaginations and a thirst for adventure. Hopeless pranksters, they end up angering one too many ponies, and resign themselves to a day of hard labor on an apple farm. Is there more for them to learn than just picking apples?

A little fluffy one shot featuring two of my favorite characters Flim and Flam. Sort of a prequel to The Mess We're In, and subsequently to my story An Honest Life. I do hope you enjoy it as much as I did writing it. Comments are ever appreciated.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Mess We're In

Flim was never one to argue with Flam. In fact, if the situation had been any different, they might have been able to work it out. But, fate being the fickle thing that it is had other plans. After a heated fight, they split up. There was no going back, the bridge was burned and the damage done.

It soon becomes apparent that things are never as easy as they seem. Several failed attempts later, Flim is out of energy and ideas. Just when he's about to give up, a chance encounter with Applejack changes everything. Working beside the Element of Honesty was the opportunity he needed. If he could prove his sincerity to her, then nopony would question his desire for an honest life. But, as the days drag on, he realizes a truth that may just jeopardize everything. How can he prove his sincerity when he must constantly hide the truth?

Cover is fanart from Kell95 on deviantart. Thanks so much! It's wonderful. :pinkiehappy:

This one has been a long time coming. An Honest Life takes place in the same universe as my long running story, What Changes May Come and runs parallel to This Cruel and Random World. There are some aspects from those stories in this one, but there's no need to read either to enjoy this one. Essentially the events are cannon until the middle of season 4.

Prereading by Asher-N-Hunt-Editin, SageBrony07, and Nomad_Sigma. Cover art by me. This story would not have been possible without wonderful advice from SageBrony07. I can't thank them enough for their time and effort on this story.

Chapters (14)

Flim and Applejack are a young, happily married couple with a beautiful daughter named Apple Cider. Applejack, now with another child on the way, was living a great and peaceful life with her husband and her little girl.

However, with the 25th anniversary of her parents' death drawing near, she begins to start feeling very uneasy. When her husband, Flim, gets a letter from his little sister telling him that she's ill, AJ begins to fear for the worse the moment she's told that he's going on the week the anniversary falls on.

She begs him not to go but he tells her that nothing will happen to him and if anything happens while he's away, he'll come back at once.

What started as a beautiful thing.... can end in tragedy....

Cover art made by Marking

Chapters (1)

In the dark forests of Tramplevania dwells a coven of vampires, led by a deadly draconequus named Discord. For many years, his only interests have been in his own survival, until he stumbles upon a beautiful mare with a heart pure enough to care for a monster like him.

Music to listen to.

Cover Art by IduChan

Alternate Cover Art

More fanart by Whiteheart7

AJ Pony's review

Chapters (40)

Twilight and Big Macintosh have been sneaking out of home and are usually gone all day.

Just what the hay are they up to anyhow?

Well Applejack and Spike are on the case, but is it really what they expect?

Written on a whim, pre-read by the amazing Cerulean Voice.

Chapters (1)

»»————- ♡ ————-««

Twilight and Discord form this strong tension, it was new, the two have bonded closely lately over different things and interests but they stopped talking one day. Twilight is unsure of her feelings, she doesn't know what is going on with her. Though she can't help but recall Discord's feelings for Celestia, through this how will the mare overcome her undying dreams, feelings, and discover what this honestly is?

WARNING: Sexual themes are at play here, while it is not a direct clop, it hints at sex and there are some scenes that imply it. You have been warned. Most of it is fuzzy, if you have a problem with this sort of things, just skip ahead. I do not like very heavy sexual themes anyway, so I promise not to shove it in anyone's face.

Any feedback is greatly appreciated! As long as your comment is insightful and you're giving strong advice as to why you didn't enjoy what you read, then please be my guest. I take all comments and try to improve!

Cover art: https://www.deviantart.com/unlocked-shenanigans/art/Twilight-X-Discord-583867934

Chapters (2)