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There is only one real rule regarding changeling royalty: there must always be a queen. Twilight Sparkle is about to learn this through personal experience.

Originally written for an X Becomes a Changeling prompt almost three years ago.
Set after season three.

Chapters (16)

In their foalhood, Twilight and Blueblood were best friends. In their teenage years, they were in a relationship. After two years not seeing eye to eye, Blueblood came to Ponyville to visit his old friend and maybe also restart their relationship.

Chapters (1)

What if instead of a chest, The tree of harmony gave Twilight a book with strange writing and a heart shaped gem on the cover. After reading a mysterious rhyme: "When the time is right. Underneath the same light. A bond will ignite. At very first sight." The Mane Six, and Spike, are all magically sucked in and they travel to a world with no ponies or magic, but humans and...bending! People who can control the four elements of nature. With no way to get back home, they stumble upon a new friend: Avatar Korra, a fiery but big hearted young girl with an extraordinary destiny. Upon first glance, the Ponies all feel an instant connection with the young girl, who might also be the key to them returning to Equestria and uncovering the secrets of the book, while at the same time help Korra to defeat an evil masked man named Amon who vows to rid the world of bending with his mysterious and terrifying powers.

Now the ponies will need to adjust to their new environment: a whole new world where people seem to loose sight of friendship almost too easily, but Twilight sees that there is hope, as they show Korra the ways of Equestria and with that, the ponies and avatar start to change their world for the better, by helping everyone see that Friendship is exactly the kind of magic that this world truly needs.

Featuring new parody songs of all of your pony favorites. Experience a whole new side to the Legend and a whole new side to the Magic!

Read the one shot story “Cutie Troubles” staring Mako and the Cutie Mark Crusaders, and “Tales of Equestria”, a retelling of season 4 of MLP

Chapters (12)

Twilight is now gone, her friends and family are devastated. Twilight must now have to find a way back. She has to. Doesn't she?

Special Thanks:
Thanks to Stormy Venture for all the help!
Thanks to The Myth for the plot!

Chapters (14)

Anypony would have laughed if you'd told them that Discord was flirting with Twilight Sparkle a few weeks ago. She'd never give him a chance, right?
Well, once his spectacularly obvious advances on her commence, Equestria is shocked; she isn't out right rejecting him. In fact, she may even be interested.

WARNING: The dark tag is for a reason. Ye be warned. :pinkiecrazy:
[Other] tag is to accommodate additional characters.

EDIT: Featured 10/22/14! Thank you so much! I didn't expect this to happen at all.

The wonderful people who edit and proofread my story ^^

Chapters (9)

The main ponies all get in an accident and are launched into a coma. While asleep they all imagine being in a fairy tale.They are trapped in a fairy tale and the only way to wake up is to survive the stories. Survive the stories and you can tell your friends that you were a princess. Die and well that`s pretty self exclamatory (you die).

Chapters (10)

Twilight Sparkle has been a princess for a month now, and she has been having some problems with her duties. Celestia noticed this and sent her nephew Blueblood to teach Twilight how to rule, but in return, Twilight has to teach Blueblood how to act nicely. As time goes by the two start to fall for each other, but they will meet some obstacles, mainly in the form of a captian, a fashion designer, and a night princess.

(Props to Dirty Bit for coming up with the name)
(Cover belongs to ZakSaturday2468)

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle has always admired Princess Celestia. Her fortitude, her wisdom, her eternal grace and love for all her subjects. Twilight has often fantasized about what it would be like to be in Princess Celestia's horseshoes. She never imagined those fantasies would come true.

Events take place a short time after the Crystal Empire's return (early S3).
Proofreading from chapter three-onward provided by Daemon of Decay.
Cover image used with permission from TexasUberAlles, thanks!
Inspiration for Sunny Skies from PhantomFox.

Chapters (3)

Transformed into an alicorn against her will, Twilight’s peaceful world is shattered when she discovers that she’s considered a threat to the throne of the Two Sisters. With her friends nowhere to be found, Twilight must set off on a journey to find the truth behind her transformation, and why her own country considers her an enemy.

Old wounds will be opened, new friends will come forth from the shadows, and Twilight will discover a truth that will shatter her view of her mentor forever. Yet unbeknownst to her, this was her destiny all along.

This fanfic is heavily based on Equestria-Prevails artworks and fanon material. Any credit for the Characters, Locations, and Art that belongs to him must be directed at his page on Deviantart. Any other art will be credited to the respective owners on the author's note section of each chapter.~

I also have to give my thanks to a few guys who are helping me with this:
The awesome Bulder for Proof-Reading chapters seven through thirteen;
The amazing Vexy for revamping the long description;
The fantastic ymom2 for proof-reading from chapter two towards six;
The lovely Divine Path for helping me with rephrasing.

Cover art credits must go to ~Nalenthi

Chapters (16)

When Sunset Shimmer wakes up in a strange forest she doesn't recognize after seeing another her at her new school Canterlot High and finds she is now a pony, she doesn't know what's going on.

what's more, when she eats some glowing fruit because she's starving, it takes a strange turn she could have never expected.

And scootaloo, after running away from the orphanage, gets a second shot at life.

new cover art provided by Princess Glitzy, who you can find HERE and this plus her other wonderful works you can find HERE

Featured 27/10/2019. Fitting it get featured during it's final udapte. A kind swan song. thank you all

Chapters (25)