• Member Since 29th Jan, 2012

Grey the Mighty

US Brony, Air Force Brony.

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This story is a sequel to Fashion Crush

(Humanized) Vincenza Scratch, AkA Vinyl for her friends, AKA DJ-PON3 on stage, 22 years old. The DJ found herself in one of the low periods of her young career, probably the lowest and longest she ever experienced so far; writer's block, out of ideas for a new genre of music as her 'classic' electronica seems to go out of the crowd fashion, less and less attendance to her gigs, etc.

Starting to run low on money, She gets in touch with one of her mother's friend in the capital, Vito Philharmonica; Member of the board of one of the most prestigious private high school. Vito offers her a place to stay and a job to help her to get back on track : A music teacher job for a Highschool senior class, which includes Vito's own daughter, Octavia.

How's Vinyl going to teach to a bunch of teenagers when she's barely older than them? ( and probably not much more mature as well). And when other teachers and some of her students look down at her for being a 'simple' DJ? One answer, Becoming the GTVS: THE GREAT TEACHER VINYL SCRATCH! (Yes inspired by GTO, one of the coolest manga ever)

Fanart for the story on tumblr or on DA!

Don't forget to check the comic version as well

Chapters (23)

Sam Wilson was a normal guy. He had a normal life, with a normal family, normal job, normal everything.

Yes, he was a brony, yes he enjoyed reading fanfictions, including ones where humans got sent to Equestria, sometimes turning into ponies in the process.

Yet, his normal-great life would not last forever. It all started when— *record screeching sound*

"Yo, Pinkie! Quit being a third-person view narrator! This is my life story and I'll thank you to let me narrate it, thank you very much. Narrating's the only time I can talk like my oldself again, so don't take it away from me!"

Okie dokie lokie!


Anyway, as I was meant to be saying, It all started when I woke up as Apple Bloom.

As me and my family struggle to understand what's going on and move on with our new lives, I find myself somehow in Equestria and what's worse, there's already an Apple Bloom here! How am I possibly gonna get outta this?! Why ME?


Note: I made the cover image with an Aj, Ab and background image i found on google and used microsoft powerpoint and paint to put them together and edit a little.

The applebooms came from HERE and HERE

I take no credit for them, the applejack or the background (if you know the link for the latter two, please let me know so i can give credit where credit is due).

this is a fic i was inspired to write after reading Becoming Sweetie Belle by Sparknanator.

Now, your first thoughts are probably going to be, this is basically the same story, but with Apple Bloom instead of Sweetie Belle.

well, while that is slightly true, i am going to be doing my best to make this as different from Becoming Sweetie Belle as I can, for I do not want to be seen as a plagiarist, for that is not my intention.

Popular Stories 6-12/9/2014. Featured Box 6-9/9/2014 and again 30/8/2015! :twilightsmile:

In the featured box 6/5/2016:pinkiegasp::raritystarry:

Chapters (18)

A charity concert played by the violinist star Melodia Allgrezza, and the chance meeting with the matron of the Heartstrings family leads Octavia to reunite with an old university acquaintance, Lyra Heartstrings. The two of them chat it up and it is revealed that Lyra has a friendly date with Vinyl Scratch, her friend for many years. Octavia is invited along and accepts, joining the two for a night of fun. It quickly develops, however, to something much more than that. For of all the things that Octavia had expected to see when she met up with this Vinyl, it was definitely not a near copy of Melodia Allegrezza.
Curiosity is a virtue, they say, and Octavia's drives her to one question that she will see answered no matter what: What is the relationship between Melodia and Vinyl Scratch? Who are they?

And here we go! My first (chaptered) TaviScratch story! I hope you guys like what you see so far.
I have been sitting with this idea since later summer 2013, and I finally got the chance to write it! This story isn't going to be your usual TaviScratch, I hope, and I will do what I can to mercilessly slaughter and then crush and then burn every trope I come across. I want to bring you guys something unique, and this will be it.

Hop along for a story of love, mistrust, friends and, most importantly, secrets!

Rated Teen for future sexual references, and the likes.

Chapters (17)

Cosmic balance is a fickle thing. Sometimes, creatures like Luna and Celestia can work as independent agents of Harmony, at least one of them present assured the element's presence in the world.

But what of Discord and Chaos? What happens when the master of the matter is sucked dry of his power, no longer worthy to represent it?

Simple. A foal is born.

Vector by the awesome MLP Scribbles
Image edits by Piercing Sight
Editing by Piercing Sight
Everything by Piercing Sight, go give him so love, yo.

Featured on 09/08/2014 *flings some streamers and confetti* :pinkiesmile:

Chapters (2)

There are many reasons to go into the West. Abandonment of things best left behind is high on the list, right next to the seeking of something important. Something worth any amount of risk or sacrifice.

In June of 1867, along the southern border of the Idaho Territory, an abandoned, wounded traveler, his search and life at risk, is lucky enough to stumble across a decidedly singular horse. One who is also searching for something important, something where no amount of sacrifice or risk could ever be too much.

Man and mare will travel together for a time. And if they're lucky enough to survive the experience, they might just find what they're looking for.


Now with author Patreon and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (5)

Octavia has always been obsessed with the occult, specifically vampires. She dreams of being a creature of the night, soaring through the air, sucking the blood from her victims.That's all it ever was though, a dream.
Or at least it was until she met Vinyl Scratch. Now Octavia is the servant of the all powerful vampire. In return for services rendered, Vinyl will make Octavia's dream into a reality.

A reality Vinyl wants no part of, but she does have to admit, Octavia has her uses.
artist megarexatera

Chapters (12)

This story is a sequel to Cheated Dreams

Six months after the debacle with the Wonderbolts, Rainbow Dash comes home from another tour with her flight squad in time for her marefiend's birthday.

However, Twilight gets more than just presents for her birthday, and the return of a problem they thought solved long ago is heralded by a mysterious package left on Twilight's doorstep.

Reading of Cheated Dreams is required for you to understand anything in this story. Teen rating is for implied sex and some more mature themes, especially down the line.

New cover art generously provided by Angelic Flight over on DA. Go check her stuff out!

Chapters (7)

For as long as ponies can remember, it has always been winter. With limited resources and worsening weather, war is escalating, driving them closer to extinction with each passing day. Hidden away in the middle of all this is a single purple unicorn who braves the frozen wasteland, looking for a way to stop the weather and return the mythical sun to the sky. However, in a world without harmony, the task is far greater than she could ever know.

Edited by DoomManta

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to Winds of Change

Lyra and Bonbon are two normal happily married mares, except one isn't a mare but a shapeshifting hermaphroditic erovore whose mother just invaded Canterlot and the other is a highly unstable mare in heat with an absolutely brilliant plan.

...well, they're happily married, anyway.

Join Lyra and Bonbon as they navigate the wonders of interspecies pregnancy*. Or don't! It's not everyone's cup of tea, and there's a super hero movie in theatre five!

*Including random ponies touching their belly, well meaning bedroom advice from bakers, odd food cravings, morning sickness, cultural misunderstandings, morning sickness, big dramatic fights, random cravings for cardboard, gaining weight, lynch mobs, morning sickness, awkward godmothers who try too hard, patching up feelings, cravings that are downright disturbing, morning sickness in the afternoon, morning sickness, moodswings, pulled medication, bricks thrown through windows, lawsuits, surprisingly intense bedroom activities, dress up, shopping, royal visitations, morning sickness on princesses, kicking foals, more moodswings, mothers who move in to help out alongside their BDSM masters, random periods of glowing, even more moodswings, depression, hyperventilation, dramatic break-ups, internal bleeding, trying to outrun trains, robbing a convenience store, being thrown in prison, having odd cravings for prison food, false labor alarms, morning sickness at night, morning sickness in dreams, dramatic make-ups, numerous hospital visits, and a pair of guards named Lace and Arsenic.

(Cover Art provided by Conicer)

Chapters (13)

This story is dedicated to the amazing Bonejingle as a farewell to her, for she is leaving this site. Her beautifully crafted fic Watch and Learn inspired me to create this story.

In high school, the jocks have always been considered as the popular ones. Their word is law. They see anyone below their ranks as a nobody.
At least, that was what Octavia thought. So why is Vinyl trying to befriend her when she's a "music nerd"? It just doesn't make sense. Vinyl is the high school quarterback and captain of the football team. Octavia is the head cellist for the school orchestra. They're from two different worlds, it wouldn't work.


Rated teen for swearing. Sex tag for innuendos, nothing too explicit. Criticism is welcome. If there are any mistakes, please let me know
EDIT: Temporary cover art, made by me. Story is still humanized.
EDIT 2: Chapter 1 edited by NightmareAngel

Chapters (2)