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Set in and after the story of Disney’s Frozen, this story follows Elsa as she takes in and cares for the filly known as Snowdrop after she mysteriously wandered into her world. In the process, the two form a powerful bond that will be put to the test time and time again. But if Elsa has learned anything from her sister's bravery on the frozen fjord, love can overcome anything.

Cover art done by Engrishman, edited by my good friends Bad_Seed_72, PizzemaForte, HenkiPie, onlyanorthernsong, Forthwith MariusIoannesP Nomad_Sigma and Spike120812 for making this story readable. Go check out their own stories when you're done with this one.

I do not own Disney's Frozen of Hasbro's My Little Pony, but I do thank them for making both so I could write this story.
Also, big thanks to Silly Filly Studio's for all their great animation projects.

Chapters (15)

Captain Steve Rodgers was on his way to becoming America's greatest hero. Throughout the course of the second World War, he has been working his way across Europe, the Mediterranean, and Northern Africa, destroying every last Hydra base created by his dark counterpart: Johann Schmitt. More infamously known as The Red Skull.

Until one day, he discovers an adorable explosive package in one of Hydra's labs that will change the course of his life in the war and his life in the future forever.

For the first time in his life, he will have something more precious than his country to fight for...

(Inspired by Tatsurou's PWNY-verse fan fiction

(cover art by Khunis Genie Pony)

(This fan fic is dedicated to Josh Scorcher, AKA Commander Firebrand and The Fiery Joker on Youtube, who is the subject of this fic)

(Because of some confusion people have had, this story takes place during the events of the movie Captain America: The First Avenger and the game Captain America: Super Soldier)

I appreciate anyone who provides me with editing, proofreading, or grammar tips that might help my story.

Major edits:

UPDATE: I am revamping 12 chapters to clean up the flow of the story and removing a plot element.

Chapters (47)

Things Chrysalis dislikes: winter, sports, winter sports and, above all, being bested by Celestia at winter sports. But when your trusty advisor says it's high time you took a day off, you do what she says, even if her idea of a vacation spot turns out to be a ski resort at Equestria's absolute north.

Welcome to Clarity Peak. Enjoy your stay!

You may benefit from reading Cheersalis first.

Chapters (1)

Queen Chrysalis is a very busy monarch.

Not only is she going to expand her Hive's possibilities by signing a Cultural Exchange Treaty with Equestria, but she's also working on a duplicating spell that will allow her to create a perfect assistant for herself - which is, by the way, strictly forbidden and frowned upon by the Equestrians and in several other, supposedly civilized nations. So it's for the best that they wouldn't find out, right?

And just when you thought that Twilight Sparkle is the only magic user capable of casting a spell which 'accidentally' turns your world upside down... Chrysalis is there to prove that she is no worse.

Warning: please refrain yourself from reading the comments before the story, because spoilers!

Chapters (4)

My friends and I have been living in the apocalyptic aftermath of a zombie outbreak. We joined up with a larger group and helped build a machine to create a portal to a new world. We were then sent through to see if it was a good location to try and start over. What we find is both horrifying and (for some) beyond our wildest dreams.

2K views! Buck yah, y'all are awesome!
Story contains language, internet references, and general bad jokes. Read with caution.
-Story updates...sometimes-

Shawn Changeling
Flash Beats (Shawn Unicorn)
Atom Split (Camden)
Griffin (Matthew)
Nyjill Moon (Nyjill)
Paulo Fragmen Terra

It's a little rough in the beginning I know, writing is a learning experience.

Chapters (39)

Coco Pommel has the unintentional purpose of getting Rarity to roleplay with her during Heart's Warming Eve. While at first she's stress over her co-worker Rarity reaction, she soon welcomes the situation she got herself into.

(Warning: Padded Pony Story ^-^)

Cover Art Done By:

Chapters (4)

Octavia's lived the high life for years. Practice after practice paid off and she's risen through the ranks. Now, she works for the Royal Orchestra itself, toiling every day to produce perfection. Untouchable, practiced, impeccable...lonely.

Vinyl couldn't be any lower. Out of home, out of work, and nowhere to go but to a cold grave. Cast out and left to fend for herself, Vinyl has nothing, not even a friend to call her own.

The two cross paths.

A love story that many have known, and yet different. Both come in broken, beaten down people, their only hope each other.

Chapters (21)

We all know Twilight’s story, and we’re pretty well informed about her BBBFF Shining…
But, what if Twilight Sparkle didn’t have JUST an older brother? What if Shining Armor had MORE than just one younger sibling? What if Twilight Velvet and Night Light had THREE children?
Introducing Lavender Night, the older sister to Twilight Sparkle, but younger than Shining Armour.
The unicorn mare that’s as sweet-natured as she is strong, and not just in the magic department. Her trust and the traits that make her who she is will shape the lives of many ponies, including her own. She meets many different ponies, and faces a number of difficult tasks. But when she's faced with her own emotions, feelings she'd sidelined in putting others first for so long, adventures, revelations, and an unpredictable element all come into play.
So, Twilight has been the Alicorn Princess of Friendship for little over a year, and Shining is happily married to Cadence. The only story left to tell… is that of the middle pony.

Chapters (4)

Well, I could place here a normal story description. But if I had to guess, we’d say you already know what we mean if here simply stands ‘HIE as Nightmare Moon’.
What? Too meta? The only meta thing you can’t write here is about the real world.
Original (HTML & epub).

Tags: < MLP:FIM | Sex | Anthro | Human | OC | Nightmare Moon >
(Sex only implied, and NOT a main aspect in the story.)

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Responsibilities

The 'adventures' of Blank Page continue. Changelings, Griffons and Princesses. At least he have learned his lesson not to volunteer for things anymore.

Yeah. Right.

That would involve him learning from his mistakes and that would be horrible. Celestia in particular finds it rather hilarious.

That's how you end up with Duties.

Cover art by Sipioc

Chapters (47)